Index of netcdf support queries, sorted by date

August 12, 2024
16:18 [netCDF #MSU-945705]: netCDF 4.7.3 nc:test Unidata netCDF Support
16:15 [netCDF #IIN-321311]: problems of compatibility of netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
16:15 [netCDF #IIN-321311]: problems of compatibility of netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2024
17:01 [netCDF #SFW-836283]: Netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran compiled with AOCC? Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2024
16:25 [netCDF #CWR-473277]: NCSTAT software to be added to the list of free softwares using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #HGO-285844]: fortran library fails to compile with "cannot compute sizeof (off_t)" Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2024
16:55 [netCDF #BZR-716286]: NetCDF Unix Install sizeof off_t Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2024
16:41 [netCDF #CDZ-957605]: Floating point exception, netcdf-fortran 4.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
16:39 [netCDF #TBB-961137]: A C# Wrapper for netCDF 4.9 Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2024
16:55 [netCDF #CWR-473277]: NCSTAT software to be added to the list of free softwares using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2024
16:18 [netCDF #UFS-497104]: Error building NETCDF [IMP] Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2024
15:29 [netCDF #LWG-946618]: Issues Installing NetCDF on Linux : "make install" failed Unidata netCDF Support
15:29 [netCDF #LWG-946618]: Issues Installing NetCDF on Linux : "make install" failed Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2024
17:01 [netCDF #NEA-236132]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
16:59 [netCDF #OCA-992217]: Issue with NetCDF-Fortran 4.6.1: zstandard Compression Test Failures Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2024
15:49 [netCDF #CYQ-616331]: Question about netcdf global variables Unidata netCDF Support
15:49 [netCDF #CYQ-616331]: Question about netcdf global variables Unidata netCDF Support
12:26 [netCDF #RJZ-836571]: problem converting netcdf4 files to netCDF4-classic Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2024
18:17 [netCDF #GJP-840746]: Netcdf.h cannot be found error when compiling netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
18:11 [netCDF #EYQ-991906]: NetCDF-4.2 building issues Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2024
13:09 [netCDF #JWD-694230]: Problem during installation of NetCDF Fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #JWD-694230]: Problem during installation of NetCDF Fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2024
16:55 [netCDF #XMB-518408]: Definition of a scalar variable in netCDF-Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
16:55 [netCDF #XMB-518408]: Definition of a scalar variable in netCDF-Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2024
15:34 [netCDF #QOL-402260]: help request with netcdf4.9.2 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
March 07, 2024
16:49 [netCDF #ITI-140863]: Error in make check Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2024
16:27 [netCDF #JFN-500782]: netcdf-c make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
February 29, 2024
16:57 [netCDF #ZNW-579588]: make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2024
12:11 [netCDF #JRL-687884]: Netcdf-fortran error while compiling. "configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (off_t)" Unidata netCDF Support
12:04 [netCDF #EIJ-607669]: Fwd: netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran API documentation Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2024
15:45 [netCDF #TJN-278511]: Check Fail -- Building NetCDF Fortran Libs in Minimal Ubuntu Container Unidata netCDF Support
15:41 [netCDF #NZQ-738241]: ncBrowse Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #YKA-965314]: reading group attributes Unidata netCDF Support
15:20 [netCDF #SHR-833140]: Compile Error Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2024
14:56 [netCDF #DQV-580932]: NetCDF-c-4.9.2 make check error. Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2024
12:12 [netCDF #SGL-251839]: config Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2024
17:50 [netCDF #HBR-304627]: Installing NetCDF with 32-bit libraries on Ubuntu 20.04 Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2024
16:54 [netCDF #WND-758962]: NetCDF 3.6.1 prebuilt for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2023
16:17 [netCDF #BWD-401242]: problems with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
16:08 [netCDF #YLT-173676]: Opening of large files Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2023
11:28 [netCDF #OBI-871082]: Question on nc_get_att_text Unidata netCDF Support
October 30, 2023
15:29 [netCDF #HAM-780236]: ncdump with fortran-order output flags not working? Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #OPM-980172]: Dear organization, may I ask if there are any plans to use Golang to parse and process NetCDF data Unidata netCDF Support
October 27, 2023
17:10 [netCDF #HJY-608186]: Not being able to figure out thsi error. Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2023
16:42 [netCDF #DIB-811877]: NetCDF Fortran Build Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #FST-477441]: Help building netcdf-fortran-4.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2023
13:24 [netCDF #EPM-179737]: Looking for COARDS NetCDF conventions Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2023
16:08 [netCDF #JJR-321152]: List of netcdf visualization software: Met.3D Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #NPZ-174585]: Problems with netcdf fortran Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2023
15:40 [netCDF #HHB-930547]: configure netcdf-fortran-4.5.2 error: C compiler cannot create executables Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2023
17:31 [netCDF #WGQ-504085]: NetCDF-Fortran installation Unidata netCDF Support
17:29 [netCDF #NKM-158888]: compression with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
17:26 [netCDF #NJK-505013]: netCDF size blowup for variable-length variables Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2023
16:35 [netCDF #ELN-164439]: Compiling WRF Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2023
11:26 [netCDF #JCO-211657]: Issue about netcdf-c-4.9.2 and netcdf-fortran-4.6.1 installation on mack Unidata netCDF Support
August 14, 2023
11:53 [netCDF #NBM-865121]: fail to build netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:43 [netCDF #AEX-457343]: nc_open_par() hangs Unidata netCDF Support
August 11, 2023
11:18 [netCDF #JAN-357939]: Problems about configure the netcdf-c Unidata netCDF Support
July 20, 2023
10:40 [netCDF #UWC-650183]: netCDF-Fortran 4.5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2023
16:55 [netCDF #KJS-495547]: not able to build netcdf fortran library Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #RGO-291619]: netcdf fortran 4.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2023
16:02 [netCDF #WGX-775145]: netcdf test error Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2023
15:13 [netCDF #GJB-904115]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2023
17:40 [netCDF #RZM-326054]: NetCDF-Fortran hangs when outputting large arrays in parallel mode Unidata netCDF Support
17:36 [netCDF #YYN-203822]: error Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2023
15:48 [netCDF #IPK-827602]: support for FISMA in netcdf-c Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2023
09:35 [netCDF #MZI-227932]: Error in building netcdf using Pnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2023
16:30 [netCDF #CMZ-711365]: Info about fortran bootstrap procedure Unidata netCDF Support
May 22, 2023
14:55 [netCDF #TRA-562319]: configure can't find hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
April 14, 2023
15:48 [THREDDS #CUW-775110]: How to Parse Upper air Soundings in c++ Unidata netCDF Support
April 03, 2023
11:04 [netCDF #WRU-342191]: NetCDF VIsualization in c++ Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2023
12:26 [netCDF #RGQ-345456]: netcdf 4.74 Test Failure Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2023
11:26 [netCDF #BNF-715402]: Vulnerability report: Segmentation fault in ncdump in netcdf-c v4.9.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 21, 2023
12:02 [netCDF #IPK-827602]: support for FISMA in netcdf-c Unidata netCDF Support
January 30, 2023
15:21 [netCDF #JDH-711335]: problem installing netcdf-C-4.9.0 Unidata netCDF Support
January 19, 2023
16:08 [netCDF #UNR-376979]: make check failing Unidata netCDF Support
15:25 [netCDF #SPM-769661]: netCDF Build Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #YIV-451737]: Windows prebuilt binaries for netCDF-C v4.8.1 Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2022
10:11 [netCDF #XDE-701521]: Error in test-suite Unidata netCDF Support
November 08, 2022
16:39 [netCDF #NWH-913724]: open_mfdataset doubt Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2022
10:15 [netCDF #YHM-650364]: It seems that the --disable-netcdf-4 option isn't work in netcdf-C-4.8.1 and higher version Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2022
16:29 [netCDF #XHM-540750]: For netCDF3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #HXJ-757713]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #HXJ-757713]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 15, 2022
15:34 [netCDF #FCO-860712]: Bug in hdf5open.c::get_quantize_info() Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2022
10:57 [netCDF #YFX-636506]: Netcdf 4.1.3 Install Error Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2022
11:13 [netCDF #LZO-971045]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2022
14:52 [netCDF #EVD-116970]: Make-check failed, with the Makefile item set giving the log files, as attached Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2022
16:42 [netCDF #RIJ-233366]: Help with compiling/installing netcdf-fortran-4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2022
11:30 [netCDF #ZUE-161248]: Configure error : C compiler can not create executables Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2022
09:36 [netCDF #IQJ-196528]: Netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2022
16:18 [netCDF #ZIW-778464]: make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2022
11:26 [netCDF #OHX-898625]: Variable length strings example Unidata netCDF Support
August 08, 2022
11:42 [netCDF #AZO-523030]: netCDF text attribute question Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #AZO-523030]: netCDF text attribute question Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #AZO-523030]: netCDF text attribute question Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #AZO-523030]: netCDF text attribute question Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2022
15:50 [netCDF #PUV-621115]: problem with nf90_open in netcdf/ Unidata netCDF Support
15:50 [netCDF #PUV-621115]: problem with nf90_open in netcdf/ Unidata netCDF Support
July 26, 2022
15:22 [netCDF #BKO-296172]: Netcdf-fortran build Unidata netCDF Support
July 25, 2022
14:24 [netCDF #MWR-635322]: netCDF-C 4.9.0 fails check on Mac Studio M1 Max Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #VSY-506943]: 1 error in make check Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #TJO-668809]: nc-config --cflags Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #TJO-668809]: nc-config --cflags Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2022
10:28 [netCDF #AMX-724559]: error: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library. Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2022
11:04 [netCDF #ZVG-331608]: Request for support to install NetCDF Fortran libraries on window platform Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2022
15:02 [netCDF #BWA-545198]: correction to links Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #BWA-545198]: correction to links Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #UZK-379987]: Help with NetCDF Visual Studio and INTEL fortran Unidata netCDF Support
May 11, 2022
16:03 [netCDF #JZT-783064]: NetCDF to GEOTIFF with MATLAB Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2022
17:25 [netCDF #XXP-976737]: Building NetCDF 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:48 [netCDF #CWF-872050]: fortran build needed for active flight project - 2nd email Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2022
17:10 [netCDF #FHS-663267]: mpiifort make check NETCDF-fortran-4.5.2 but FAIL f03test tst03_f77_v2 nf03_test Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2022
14:54 [netCDF #FNP-796035]: question about netcdf c++ example Unidata netCDF Support
14:12 [netCDF #CEW-893552]: help Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #UCV-396130]: Mixing F90 and F77 Function Calls Unidata netCDF Support
April 07, 2022
16:51 [netCDF #CCM-541289]: Problem with C++ support Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2022
10:16 [netCDF #ZKQ-805588]: Compile failure at nf03_test.F Unidata netCDF Support
March 29, 2022
12:37 [netCDF #EOB-623455]: nf90 number of Global Attributes Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #VMG-761730]: Issues with installing netcdf-c-4.8.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #HGN-794050]: Help with NetCDF file with Lat/Lon as variables, not as cordinates! Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2022
10:59 [netCDF #PQL-785714]: make check Unidata netCDF Support
February 16, 2022
15:27 [netCDF #MFJ-652572]: netcdf-fortran configuration error Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2022
11:26 [netCDF #ADU-366092]: how to solve "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details" during netcdf-c library installation Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #XXY-293846]: netcdf-c version 4.7.4 or greater is required Unidata netCDF Support
January 26, 2022
11:55 [netCDF #UGV-181225]: Netcdf and fortran Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2022
12:02 [netCDFJava #HVZ-432598]: NEXRAD Data Decoder using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 11, 2022
15:47 [netCDF #EOQ-833825]: Error (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e')) Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #ZFW-135843]: netCDF sources not available over FTP Unidata netCDF Support
January 03, 2022
16:39 [netCDF #YPR-597324]: config Unidata netCDF Support
December 22, 2021
11:06 [netCDF #WPL-956159]: Can't configure NETCDF4.8.1 with HDF51.12.1 Unidata netCDF Support
December 21, 2021
15:22 [netCDF #GUF-535525]: compiler cannot find fortran 77 netcdf codes Unidata netCDF Support
14:46 [netCDF #BHW-384465]: configuration error on NERSC perlmutter Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #BDU-355579]: netCDF 4.8.1 Unidata netCDF Support
December 20, 2021
11:27 [netCDF #EJY-773900]: Request for help in understanding and solving an error Unidata netCDF Support
December 06, 2021
15:59 [netCDF #VAD-680871]: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS : Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #LSQ-145073]: error netcdf-fortran configure cannot compute sizeof (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #FYY-108606]: NetCDF-Fortran: nf and nf03_test FAIL Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2021
10:04 [netCDFJava #HVZ-432598]: NEXRAD Data Decoder using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 29, 2021
09:37 [netCDF #MYF-139765]: netcdf-4.5.0 Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2021
15:09 [netCDF #JVD-837130]: hdf5 documentation Unidata netCDF Support
November 17, 2021
17:23 [netCDF #IEP-545219]: Configure error cannot compute sizeof (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
November 12, 2021
11:01 [netCDFJava #OCK-908173]: missing javadoc Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 01, 2021
16:59 [netCDF #MAE-540360]: bugs in netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2021
10:27 [netCDF #DYA-761454]: Precompiled WIN32 netcdf-fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2021
16:11 [netCDF #CWC-499413]: FW: Need assistance - USCG-SAR netCDF particle files Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2021
15:39 [netCDF #IWS-605351]: When installing netcdf-fortran-4.5.3 nf_netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [netCDF #IWS-605351]: When installing netcdf-fortran-4.5.3 nf_netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2021
15:44 [netCDF #PCM-734975]: NetCDF CF Conventions Issue Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #CKR-952840]: Building NetCDF Fortran on Big Sur Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #PCM-734975]: NetCDF CF Conventions Issue Unidata netCDF Support
October 13, 2021
10:10 [netCDF #OYO-636113]: Precompiled netCDF binaries Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #OYO-636113]: Precompiled netCDF binaries Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2021
14:12 [netCDF #REE-556775]: NC_64BIT_DATA undeclared error Unidata netCDF Support
14:12 [netCDF #REE-556775]: NC_64BIT_DATA undeclared error Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2021
16:11 [netCDF #BHZ-636157]: having problem generating static .a file Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [netCDF #PCM-734975]: NetCDF CF Conventions Issue Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2021
15:03 [netCDF #IMP-976919]: NETCDF-Fortran Version 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #JWP-216930]: FW: Errore_netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2021
15:46 [netCDF #JRA-997847]: netCDF and CMIP6 data Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2021
15:31 [netCDF #UQM-135489]: Problem with netcdf using fortran Unidata netCDF Support
August 13, 2021
17:47 [netCDF #NFZ-507170]: Writing data to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2021
14:47 [netCDF #DRS-865582]: NetCDF: HDF error Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #DRS-865582]: NetCDF: HDF error Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2021
16:22 [netCDF #NFZ-507170]: Writing data to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 29, 2021
16:50 [netCDF #BUM-177161]: Streaming netCDF4 files Unidata netCDF Support
16:45 [netCDF #BJR-880663]: Linking to cpp NetCDF4 on MacOS fails with ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
16:39 [netCDF #STP-112616]: netcdf-fortran installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2021
15:16 [netCDF #NFZ-507170]: Writing data to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2021
11:40 [netCDF #BQK-361570]: NCSTAT software to be added to the list of softwares using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:40 [netCDF #BQK-361570]: NCSTAT software to be added to the list of softwares using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2021
16:24 [netCDF #CFG-498469]: Errors occur when building the NetCDF with Intel Foxtran OneAPI Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2021
11:25 [netCDF #SPT-595750]: question regarding WRF-Hydro Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2021
14:17 [netCDF #LGJ-997921]: Large Classic File Questions Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2021
13:13 [netCDF #FBI-651000]: Error when trying to run program with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2021
16:26 [netCDF #VVV-274528]: Building NetCDF 4.8.0 ncdap_test errors Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #NKX-593630]: Problems when installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 26, 2021
16:28 [netCDF #UEJ-530615]: NetCDF library use issues Unidata netCDF Support
16:28 [netCDF #UEJ-530615]: NetCDF library use issues Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2021
15:08 [netCDF #VUK-998253]: Failed make check on tst_large2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 26, 2021
10:10 [netCDF #UWY-552980]: netCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2021
16:11 [netCDF #XEK-102789]: NetCDF-c configuration error Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2021
16:09 [netCDF #DGD-369897]: Dear sir, I have question. Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2021
16:14 [netCDF #WAO-291292]: logo use Unidata netCDF Support
16:09 [netCDF #EVU-958005]: netCDF - issue with data I/O on cluster Unidata netCDF Support
15:58 [netCDF #JUY-384669]: Netcdf-f 2.5.3 configuration error Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #MIH-885505]: Failure to install netcdf-3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
February 26, 2021
16:31 [netCDF #PDC-255177]: Reporting a bug/missing functionality of the nccopy application Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2021
16:19 [netCDF #RCK-685468]: WRF configure, Not found Unidata netCDF Support
11:50 [netCDFJava #OEI-545596]: citation to Unidata product Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 19, 2021
15:21 [netCDF #SXD-845113]: MD5 Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDF #YLO-940697]: netcdf installer download blocked by MIcrosoft defender smart screen Unidata netCDF Support
February 10, 2021
16:56 [netCDF #PZA-597868]: Configure: error: Could not link to netcdf C library. Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #TOQ-581552]: libtool error Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #NUU-636081]: More netcdf-fortran probs, sorry Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2021
17:22 [netCDF #KCW-718526]: Handling netcdf Data Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #ULU-699966]: Issue with building NetCDF Fortran libary Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #MHL-409307]: Build Netcdf with the PGI 19.10 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2021
10:20 [netCDF #DSC-249837]: missing library Unidata netCDF Support
December 22, 2020
11:28 [netCDF #ZWE-443135]: Install NetCDF 4.7.4 on Windows 10 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
11:22 [netCDF #AOO-737455]: question about netcdf fortran v4.5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2020
13:54 [netCDF #YET-188090]: Ask about necdf-c-4.6.2 install Unidata netCDF Support
11:57 [netCDF #XWL-249277]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.5 installation issue Unidata netCDF Support
November 20, 2020
15:57 [LDM #DWI-911549]: NetCDF to Grib or grib2 Unidata netCDF Support
November 17, 2020
12:42 [netCDF #HSE-487299]: ncdump for Windows 10? Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2020
14:54 [netCDF #OJK-166732]: read in large 3 dim matrix Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #ZQS-803149]: Building Problem of NetCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 21, 2020
15:16 [netCDF #FGU-358090]: installing fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2020
12:52 [netCDFPerl #IIB-733360]: Missing directory Unidata netCDF Perl Support
September 26, 2020
07:41 [netCDFJava #PJR-849641]: Question about NetCDF Java Tool Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 21, 2020
14:19 [netCDF #WKB-497893]: NETCDF-c installation error Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #SKP-830821]: NetCDF-c make check fails h5_test Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2020
16:12 [netCDF #HJS-834688]: NCVGTC issue with RHEL8 using netcdf-fortran 4.5.2-3 Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDF #GFQ-732977]: trouble to install NetCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [netCDF #CCG-157720]: Netcdf4-fortran-4.5.3 Error Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2020
16:48 [netCDF #SJT-231522]: NETCDF Fortran installation error Unidata netCDF Support
September 03, 2020
14:55 [netCDF #KCM-236398]: Error while running configure for installing netcdf-c-4.7.4 Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2020
12:49 [netCDF #GHZ-643065]: Install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2020
15:19 [netCDF #JYT-594400]: Error: Make install Unidata netCDF Support
August 25, 2020
11:19 [netCDFJava #HRX-754388]: zarr netcdf-java Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:53 [netCDFJava #HRX-754388]: zarr netcdf-java Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 10, 2020
07:09 [netCDFJava #EKK-823564]: Support on converting multiple grib files at once Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 06, 2020
16:28 [netCDF #HCR-740601]: [report] netcdf-c 4.7.4 make check FAIL: nc_test Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2020
11:19 [netCDF #AQT-880974]: shared library build fails, missing symbols Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2020
15:22 [netCDF #FIV-736386]: Help with Building netcdf Fortan shared libraries Unidata netCDF Support
12:07 [netCDF #NXI-317344]: Question about nc_create Unidata netCDF Support
July 13, 2020
11:53 [netCDF #AUL-358920]: Problem running "make check" netcdf-fortran-4.4.4.tar Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2020
16:59 [netCDF #DRR-733550]: Does the NetCDF-C library work with Visual Studio 2019 and Windows 10? Unidata netCDF Support
16:55 [netCDF #JXU-495280]: make install permission denied Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2020
11:36 [netCDF #PCL-802987]: NetCDF C Installation and Porting Guide / NetCDF C++ Installation and Porting Guide Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #UML-602431]: NetCDF support for factor fields Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2020
10:19 [netCDF #VDO-977800]: NetCDF configure not seeing zlib in hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #VDO-977800]: NetCDF configure not seeing zlib in hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2020
14:56 [netCDF #MBK-948045]: Strided reading from variables Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2020
11:19 Re: Zarr on Amazon cloud Dennis Heimbigner
June 17, 2020
15:51 [netCDF #BUB-952502]: netcdf-4.7.0 make fails Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2020
16:27 [netCDF #JVR-483042]: Netcdf-Fortran Configure Error Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2020
16:13 [netCDF #NJS-835892]: error in install netcdf-c-4.7.4 Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2020
11:22 [netCDF #DQX-534552]: netcdf-fortran installation Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2020
16:09 [netCDF #TDA-721004]: NetCDF-C: failed regression tests inside a SLURM/Docker container Unidata netCDF Support
May 11, 2020
14:51 [netCDF #JZG-184834]: netCDF linking probelm: undefined reference to `check_' Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2020
16:04 [netCDF #LYS-656454]: undefined reference to nc functions Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2020
13:52 [netCDF #RES-369241]: Broken "Release Notes" link [SEC=OFFICIAL] Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2020
15:47 [netCDF #EMJ-284454]: ncdump scalar annotation bug Unidata netCDF Support
April 27, 2020
15:30 [netCDF #JFV-537900]: ncdump hangs on a netcdf served by NFS Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #EIE-261011]: Read JPEG-LS data Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2020
17:56 [netCDF #SOG-600983]: CDO finding min variable value over multiple files Unidata netCDF Support
April 13, 2020
16:33 [netCDF #END-100126]: Test Failed Unidata netCDF Support
April 03, 2020
16:28 [netCDF #ZOO-596444]: Introduction Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2020
16:09 [netCDF #PFK-310669]: Question regard on installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
March 26, 2020
17:12 [netCDF #VEW-251430]: netCDF 4.5.2 Fortran Issues Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2020
14:28 [netCDF #QSB-813152]: Regarding Installing WRF and WPS Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2020
17:14 [netCDF #RWU-267828]: Netcdf Fortran configure error Unidata netCDF Support
16:30 [netCDF #ROI-135123]: looking for netcdf-3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2020
16:41 [netCDF #WVK-684113]: help me Unidata netCDF Support
15:58 [netCDF #RKA-988086]: NetCDF fortran Installation Error Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2020
17:07 [netCDF #NQX-166491]: NetCDF Build Failure: Segmentation Fault Unidata netCDF Support
17:02 [netCDF #IYW-747837]: Convert NETCDF Files to Ascii Unidata netCDF Support
February 26, 2020
16:20 [netCDF #XEI-893423]: Problems while linking Unidata netCDF Support
February 21, 2020
17:00 [netCDF #DNR-108136]: Having problems when building NetCDF-Fortran with static libraries Unidata netCDF Support
February 17, 2020
13:59 [netCDF #YMY-503506]: [NetcdfLibs]/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lU77 Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #NRF-585053]: Assistance Required for download of netcdf-3.6.1or netcdf-3.6.2 or netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2020
17:05 [netCDF #LNC-105854]: "make check" failed when installing netcdf-c-4.7.3 Unidata netCDF Support
17:02 [netCDF #TDS-554471]: Problem with nc reference when compiling Trilinos Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2020
17:50 [netCDF #AVF-792955]: Installing netcdf-fortran requires netcdf-c version 4.7.4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2020
13:07 [netCDF #TIG-672393]: botched install log Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [netCDF #ZLM-951556]: netcdf codes Unidata netCDF Support
February 04, 2020
17:17 [netCDF #TVE-757123]: make check failure for with Intel compilers 18.0.5 and 19.1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:56 [netCDF #MLC-256305]: NetCDF 4.7.3 installer via command line has issues Unidata netCDF Support
January 29, 2020
14:45 [netCDF #IYA-535944]: build troubles Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #JCT-769512]: Problems with netcdf-fortran-4.5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 21, 2020
17:14 [netCDF #KSL-298582]: netCDF4 Format support for ESA Sentinel-3 data Unidata netCDF Support
January 08, 2020
16:15 [netCDF #BXK-889741]: Question about NetCDF definition Unidata netCDF Support
14:49 [netCDF #HOW-637361]: netcdf build does not recognize file Unidata netCDF Support
January 02, 2020
11:08 [netCDF #SGB-677139]: Help Unidata netCDF Support
December 16, 2019
15:31 [netCDF #ILA-943980]: convert the variable data in a group from Netcdf4 to netcdf3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #RWN-323228]: netcdf fortran installation issue Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #LZR-490776]: Regarding Error when compiling the model Unidata netCDF Support
December 04, 2019
17:51 [netCDF #ULR-999382]: assistance with radar level 2 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 22, 2019
17:12 [netCDF #NOE-357504]: ask about netcdf 4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
17:00 [netCDF #QHB-286994]: Adding To Software list Unidata netCDF Support
November 21, 2019
14:01 [netCDF #VTH-507955]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data Unidata netCDF Support
November 20, 2019
18:05 [netCDF #SNT-187124]: Questions regarding NETCDF (no valid ID) Unidata netCDF Support
17:54 [netCDF #AIQ-845519]: Ask about parallel hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2019
14:25 [netCDF #IVD-297551]: Error - NetCDF.4.6 make check Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2019
16:31 [netCDF #DLS-822274]: conftest.c Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2019
09:57 [netCDFJava #GRG-518703]: python3 binding java netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 11, 2019
13:16 [netCDF #TAV-161604]: Error in make check Unidata netCDF Support
November 04, 2019
14:48 [netCDF #YWX-715485]: documentation Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #GXJ-763301]: Netcdf 4.7.2 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2019
14:50 [netCDF #CRY-230927]: Check fail Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #KNE-343882]: Error of building the netcdf at make step Unidata netCDF Support
14:46 [netCDF #EMG-731344]: hi. i'm trying to build netCDF fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2019
15:48 [netCDF #MBN-876556]: errors when writing a netcdf file with fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2019
14:31 [netCDF #CUL-335078]: Regression error with in netCDF-Fortran 4.5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #RRB-260223]: Partial file copy Unidata netCDF Support
October 18, 2019
16:53 [netCDF #EMY-166360]: NetCDF-Fortran install problem Unidata netCDF Support
October 17, 2019
12:57 [netCDF #RNS-621859]: errorabout netcdf-c-4.7.1 make check install Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #XJA-395693]: NetCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 15, 2019
15:18 [netCDF #ZPD-821367]: Fail to install netcdf-c-4.7.1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #LYJ-214954]: test-suite Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2019
16:04 [netCDF #KRI-332596]: Failure in test_filter_reg test in NetCDF-C 4.7.1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #VTD-374517]: Take ownership of Rust's NetCDF crate? Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2019
13:19 [netCDF #OXH-919908]: Possible ncdump problem on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2019
14:49 [netCDF #KDK-935507]: C version installation issues on Ubuntu Linux Unidata netCDF Support
13:53 [netCDF #SWO-686860]: Error in Make Check Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2019
11:17 [netCDF #WZP-605301]: NetCDF installation error Unidata netCDF Support
September 24, 2019
11:16 [netCDF #UQL-598465]: nf_test and the nf03_test fails when compiling netcdf-fortran-4.5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
September 19, 2019
10:39 [netCDF #JXC-816423]: x-netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2019
12:46 [netCDF #HTH-392994]: about make check error Unidata netCDF Support
September 16, 2019
15:41 [netCDF #BUI-278362]: Netcdf-C-4.7.1 installs perfect but NOT netcdf-fortran, please help Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2019
15:28 [netCDF #JGH-265792]: Error building NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:26 [netCDF #KMY-601675]: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
15:22 [netCDF #BSE-943629]: Troubleshooting Installing NetCDF-C Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2019
12:40 [netCDF #QTJ-996626]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 06, 2019
16:09 [netCDF #RPE-367168]: Supported Files Unidata netCDF Support
September 03, 2019
17:28 [netCDF #BUI-278362]: Netcdf-C-4.7.1 installs perfect but NOT netcdf-fortran, please help Unidata netCDF Support
17:17 [netCDF #JTG-138613]: netcdf-fortran-4.5.0 make error with Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2019
16:53 [netCDF #ZBT-613950]: Failure with ftst_rengrps regression-test in NetCDF-F 4.4.5 Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2019
11:13 [netCDF #BEN-576997]: Error in netcdf-fortran nf03_test and f03tst_open_mem Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #QUL-567657]: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library netcdf 4.4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2019
17:01 [netCDF #RQC-556809]: general NetCDF questions Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2019
14:26 [netCDF #LGB-565434]: NetCDF OGC compliance question Unidata netCDF Support
August 13, 2019
13:41 [netCDF #CKQ-330077]: Segmentation fault in netcdf-fortran-4.2 configure step Unidata netCDF Support
July 31, 2019
15:58 [netCDF #GSF-424219]: Netcdf Golang Bindings Unidata netCDF Support
July 30, 2019
14:43 [netCDF #PBR-906597]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
14:38 [netCDF #RIZ-121895]: Library and include paths Unidata netCDF Support
11:37 [netCDF #SPI-897445]: Problem Installing netCDF-Fortran 4.4.5 Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2019
13:33 [netCDF #SHB-551287]: netCDF-C 4.7.0 compilation Unidata netCDF Support
12:21 [netCDF #SHB-551287]: netCDF-C 4.7.0 compilation Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2019
14:03 [netCDF #ZAF-631118]: Netcdf-install quick instructions link is dead Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2019
12:32 [netCDF #TMC-532805]: Netcdf 4.1.3 error installing Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2019
07:48 [netCDF #MGH-755722]: software to view NC files Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2019
11:43 [netCDF #JRA-286857]: Netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
July 08, 2019
14:15 [netCDF #SEN-247226]: open end with NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #SEN-247226]: open end with NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2019
12:34 [netCDF #XLE-976716]: Indices or Labels as Coordinate Variables Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #ZYU-932294]: Single netCDF file with multiple groups Unidata netCDF Support
July 03, 2019
13:38 [netCDFJava #XBL-860979]: netcdfAll can not be used in Modules Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:07 [netCDFJava #XBL-860979]: netcdfAll can not be used in Modules Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 01, 2019
14:23 [netCDF #MGH-755722]: software to view NC files Unidata netCDF Support
June 27, 2019
14:04 [netCDFJava #MOX-967044]: CPC GridDataset grids empty Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 24, 2019
12:43 [netCDF #BZS-465651]: Subsetting netcdf and outputting in R Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2019
13:28 [netCDF #SFI-452964]: Failure to build with cmake 3.14.5 and GCC 9.1.0 on macOS Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2019
12:28 [netCDF #WSC-538180]: ncdump time problem in netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
June 17, 2019
14:34 [netCDF #IAY-969865]: NetCDF Windows Binaries Question Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #RFD-455704]: Regarding netCDF-Fortran 4.4 installation Unidata netCDF Support
June 13, 2019
10:42 [netCDF #WSC-538180]: ncdump time problem in netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2019
16:18 [netCDF #WSC-538180]: ncdump time problem in netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #WSC-538180]: ncdump time problem in netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
June 11, 2019
15:07 [netCDF #SNE-995575]: NetCDF Compression Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #SNE-995575]: NetCDF Compression Unidata netCDF Support
14:00 [netCDF #SNE-995575]: NetCDF Compression Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #SNE-995575]: NetCDF Compression Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2019
17:22 [netCDF #PWV-630822]: Problem building netCDF fortran with Intel compiler. Unidata netCDF Support
17:17 [netCDF #AIX-544362]: Problems in Make Install when installing netcdff Unidata netCDF Support
June 07, 2019
10:23 [netCDF #WGT-729167]: nf_test failed when I install netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2019
13:38 [netCDF #RXT-867561]: Netcdf building problem Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2019
11:39 [netCDF #UJT-863199]: Support for NetCDF-4 C++ Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #BKW-333665]: Urgent: Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2019
12:36 [netCDF #BKW-333665]: Urgent: Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2019
19:30 [netCDF #MTW-408320]: netCDF fortran library with ifort - error in make check Unidata netCDF Support
19:27 [netCDF #WYI-583965]: my problems when install netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
19:24 [netCDF #PLO-158383]: NetCDF 4 Fortran compilation issues Unidata netCDF Support
19:13 [netCDF #BKW-333665]: Urgent: Unidata netCDF Support
19:13 [netCDF #BKW-333665]: Urgent: Unidata netCDF Support
19:09 [netCDF #UJT-863199]: Support for NetCDF-4 C++ Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #HJF-658837]: gcc is not working while installation of netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2019
13:47 [netCDF #HJF-658837]: gcc is not working while installation of netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #HJF-658837]: gcc is not working while installation of netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 24, 2019
10:11 [netCDF #JRM-891236]: [Download NetCDF 4.1.1] make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
08:14 [netCDFJava #FLA-810413]: Variable starting pos=2151329472 may not exceed 2147483647 Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 22, 2019
09:55 [netCDF #NDY-294972]: very slow nccopy with netcdf 4.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 20, 2019
20:50 [netCDF #OMS-834762]: URL encoding in the netCDF C library Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #NDY-294972]: very slow nccopy with netcdf 4.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2019
16:36 [netCDF #VHO-500166]: problem in Building the NetCDF-4.2 and later Fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2019
13:09 [netCDF #IIY-227508]: Re: Reading Copernicus NetCDFs using pre-built NetCDF binaries for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #IIY-227508]: Re: Reading Copernicus NetCDFs using pre-built NetCDF binaries for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #WRL-383001]: warning when linking statically Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2019
12:54 [netCDF #IXE-546675]: netCDF problem, HELP! Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2019
19:40 [netCDF #RZG-350418]: curl and configure options Unidata netCDF Support
16:23 [netCDF #UNZ-282706]: NetCDF / HDF chunks with all fill values Unidata netCDF Support
15:52 [netCDF #UNZ-282706]: NetCDF / HDF chunks with all fill values Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #RZG-350418]: curl and configure options Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #RZG-350418]: curl and configure options Unidata netCDF Support
13:51 [netCDF #RZG-350418]: curl and configure options Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2019
14:13 [netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue Unidata netCDF Support
12:04 [netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2019
16:35 [netCDF #OAL-569939]: link issue Unidata netCDF Support
16:13 [netCDF #OZD-922099]: failed make check Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2019
11:42 [netCDF #PJO-313024]: _FillValue when data already exists Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2019
15:27 [netCDF #XNG-578851]: nf_strerror reference when compiling WRF Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #XNG-578851]: nf_strerror reference when compiling WRF Unidata netCDF Support
11:58 [netCDF #XNG-578851]: nf_strerror reference when compiling WRF Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2019
12:44 [netCDF #XNG-578851]: nf_strerror reference when compiling WRF Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #EKV-496024]: Is there an email list for netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2019
14:27 [netCDF #WWK-443852]: trouble to run NetCDF on MacOS Mojave Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDFJava #SHV-118274]: NetCDF java problems Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:57 [netCDF #WSK-318415]: netCDF in Windows fortran Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2019
12:22 [netCDF #OKF-351804]: configure netcdf-fortran-4.4.5 with parallel Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2019
09:41 [netCDF #NMV-326132]: URGENT HELP Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2019
16:05 [netCDF #OIX-638986]: building netcdg-4.6.3 with CMAKE and MS Visual Studio 2017 Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [netCDF #NJR-756179]: hdf5 tests fail Unidata netCDF Support
12:14 [netCDF #BCP-575554]: Error found Unidata netCDF Support
April 14, 2019
13:40 [netCDF #IIY-227508]: Re: Reading Copernicus NetCDFs using pre-built NetCDF binaries for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #ROT-446941]: Citing Unidata technologies. Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #KOR-421707]: how to determine the correct values for the scale_factor and scale_factor Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2019
14:51 [netCDF #UIK-136600]: Error: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDF #UIK-136600]: Error: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2019
15:15 [netCDFJava #LYK-546339]: Problem with netCDF-Java when also using libjhdf5 Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:50 [netCDFJava #LYK-546339]: Problem with netCDF-Java when also using libjhdf5 Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:38 [netCDFJava #LYK-546339]: Problem with netCDF-Java when also using libjhdf5 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:55 [netCDFJava #LYK-546339]: Problem with netCDF-Java when also using libjhdf5 Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 05, 2019
14:37 [netCDF #FNJ-424791]: Is lossy compression with zlib and least_significant_digit coming to C/F90 APIs? Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #FNJ-424791]: Is lossy compression with zlib and least_significant_digit coming to C/F90 APIs? Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2019
15:08 [netCDF #UIH-133101]: Re: Unable to make check and install Netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 29, 2019
17:48 [netCDF #BYL-802691]: Compilation problem - netcdf-fortran 4.4.5 - Please I really need help Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2019
15:43 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
11:41 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
March 27, 2019
14:55 [netCDF #XSW-730717]: Problems installing Fortran-Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #UAT-763636]: gdal: netCDF driver Unidata netCDF Support
12:48 [netCDF #RSQ-296432]: install netcdf-3.6.3 in centos6 Unidata netCDF Support
March 26, 2019
11:38 [netCDF #WZI-174080]: unrecognized options: unable-netcdf-4 and more (netcdf-fortran) Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [Support #RRP-498133]: Re: : netCDF #IYL-401919: HDF5/NetCDF4 error with lustre NO_FLOCK Unidata netCDF Support
March 25, 2019
17:43 [netCDF #WZI-174080]: unrecognized options: unable-netcdf-4 and more (netcdf-fortran) Unidata netCDF Support
16:43 [netCDF #WZI-174080]: unrecognized options: unable-netcdf-4 and more (netcdf-fortran) Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 [netCDF #ROE-306236]: Attempting to use netCDF 4.6.3 with C++ Visual Studio 2017 Unidata netCDF Support
12:17 [netCDF #WGI-727621]: seek help Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2019
14:05 [netCDF #EKU-986736]: Failure in make check when installing netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2019
14:04 [netCDF #IYL-401919]: HDF5/NetCDF4 error with lustre NO_FLOCK Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #TCR-672664]: problem installing netcdf fortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
March 21, 2019
12:51 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2019
15:39 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #EDR-974201]: Need Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2019
19:28 [netCDF #XTD-723603]: problems with ncgen3 passing checks on AIX system Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDF #IST-525664]: Half-precision floating point format Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2019
13:06 [netCDF #NCE-670062]: How to produce NcML from a netCDF-4 file Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #IYL-401919]: HDF5/NetCDF4 error with lustre NO_FLOCK Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2019
12:16 [netCDF #NCE-670062]: How to produce NcML from a netCDF-4 file Unidata netCDF Support
11:53 [netCDF #NCE-670062]: How to produce NcML from a netCDF-4 file Unidata netCDF Support
11:46 [netCDF #GAJ-689004]: Corrupted netCDF when adding dimension Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #GAJ-689004]: Corrupted netCDF when adding dimension Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2019
18:00 [netCDF #AGV-603011]: Compatible Fortran compilers Unidata netCDF Support
17:43 [netCDF #NBS-225784]: Testsuite summary for netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2019
13:57 [netCDF #NCE-670062]: How to produce NcML from a netCDF-4 file Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2019
14:01 [netCDF #GAJ-689004]: Corrupted netCDF when adding dimension Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #GAJ-689004]: Corrupted netCDF when adding dimension Unidata netCDF Support
14:00 [netCDF #GAJ-689004]: Corrupted netCDF when adding dimension Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2019
13:58 [netCDF #FEJ-668677]: I have a problem in "make check" for netCDF fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
March 06, 2019
12:33 [netCDF #MVA-221747]: Recovering NetCDF files after data loss Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2019
15:54 [netCDF #BXR-962926]: Installing NetCDF library with HDF4 support Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [netCDF #BXR-962926]: Installing NetCDF library with HDF4 support Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [netCDF #BXR-962926]: Installing NetCDF library with HDF4 support Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #EDR-974201]: Need Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #ERZ-665387]: information Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #NOD-305573]: Installation of netcdf fail Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #BXR-962926]: Installing NetCDF library with HDF4 support Unidata netCDF Support
February 26, 2019
15:43 [netCDF #TYE-888104]: NF90_FILL_FLOAT from bash Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 [netCDF #TYE-888104]: NF90_FILL_FLOAT from bash Unidata netCDF Support
11:34 [netCDF #BYR-819235]: configure on netcdf-fortran-4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 25, 2019
09:59 [netCDF #ISA-702889]: NetCDF Consolidation Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2019
13:59 [netCDFJava #TIG-448079]: reading netcdf files with lzv compression Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 22, 2019
10:35 [netCDFJava #LEC-363579]: Get data through lat lon coordinates Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 21, 2019
16:01 [netCDFJava #LEC-363579]: Get data through lat lon coordinates Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:22 [netCDFJava #TIG-448079]: reading netcdf files with lzv compression Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:06 [netCDFJava #LEC-363579]: Get data through lat lon coordinates Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:52 [netCDFJava #TIG-448079]: reading netcdf files with lzv compression Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 13, 2019
13:29 [netCDF #VLR-468103]: a seemingly "wrong" dimid results for nf90_inquire_variable Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #ERZ-665387]: information Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2019
12:17 [netCDF #BSD-343561]: Failure in test-suite: tst_h_vars Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2019
16:58 [netCDF #OAR-365335]: netcdf version 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2019
15:10 [netCDF #DVK-211460]: opendap access with username and password included in URL Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #DVK-211460]: opendap access with username and password included in URL Unidata netCDF Support
11:46 [netCDF #DVK-211460]: opendap access with username and password included in URL Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2019
16:14 [netCDF #OAR-365335]: netcdf version 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2019
14:36 [netCDF #PLE-759462]: Fail nf03_test: make check Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #SLO-940616]: nc_inq_libvers not found Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #WRD-672053]: netcdf "make check" error v4.1.3 - on Ubuntu 18.04 Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #DVK-211460]: opendap access with username and password included in URL Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2019
14:03 [netCDF #TQX-377690]: integer attributes with LL Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #TQX-377690]: integer attributes with LL Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #SLO-940616]: nc_inq_libvers not found Unidata netCDF Support
13:36 [netCDF #TQX-377690]: integer attributes with LL Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2019
16:23 [netCDF #NIR-934236]: Problem in installation Unidata netCDF Support
January 22, 2019
14:44 [netCDF #BNK-554715]: nf90_open_par question Unidata netCDF Support
14:41 [netCDF #YBS-587954]: netCDF Support Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #RNB-333394]: netcdf-fortran nf_test error Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2019
11:34 [netCDF #THQ-189820]: NETCDF ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
January 10, 2019
12:32 [netCDF #UWI-470629]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDF #QJV-154443]: installation problem fir netcCdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 03, 2019
14:59 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:31 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
January 02, 2019
16:21 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
12:26 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
December 31, 2018
00:30 [netCDF #OSI-637834]: run_par_tests fails Unidata netCDF Support
December 28, 2018
18:58 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #DWJ-218174]: netcdf-c-4.6.2 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
December 20, 2018
15:06 [netCDF #DZG-963805]: Complie wrf build library has a configure error Unidata netCDF Support
December 17, 2018
14:20 [netCDF #UZL-505473]: create netcdf file using ground station observing datasets Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #UZL-505473]: create netcdf file using ground station observing datasets Unidata netCDF Support
December 16, 2018
18:09 [netCDF #VNP-607256]: HDF library not found Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #CRP-739904]: netCDF load error on iris Unidata netCDF Support
14:59 [netCDF #CRP-739904]: netCDF load error on iris Unidata netCDF Support
11:51 [netCDF #CRP-739904]: netCDF load error on iris Unidata netCDF Support
December 15, 2018
13:15 [netCDF #RYL-581729]: the functions in 'netcdf.h' Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #KCV-409947]: netcdf config problems Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #JUF-873258]: Just a single example, please, would surely be quite helpful Unidata netCDF Support
12:41 [netCDF #UZL-505473]: create netcdf file using ground station observing datasets Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #CJI-312428]: Tst_chunks fail Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #YYU-156317]: list index / stride reads very slow Unidata netCDF Support
12:26 [netCDF #CRP-739904]: netCDF load error on iris Unidata netCDF Support
December 13, 2018
13:44 [netCDF #RAX-218979]: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
13:40 [netCDF #HUG-846386]: report error Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #CZA-818826]: regarding netcdf- build failure Unidata netCDF Support
December 10, 2018
12:52 [netCDF #UGN-989544]: ncdump -k fails to add newline to result in later versions Unidata netCDF Support
12:08 [netCDF #DYO-865983]: extract only data, no variable information Unidata netCDF Support
December 07, 2018
12:17 [netCDF #MAR-210629]: NETCDF INSTALLATION Unidata netCDF Support
December 06, 2018
19:38 [netCDF #UGN-989544]: ncdump -k fails to add newline to result in later versions Unidata netCDF Support
18:53 [netCDF #UGN-989544]: ncdump -k fails to add newline to result in later versions Unidata netCDF Support
16:36 [netCDFJava #JHY-783257]: Term Definitions Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 03, 2018
16:50 [netCDF #LJH-587209]: link to GrADS software Unidata netCDF Support
November 29, 2018
15:46 [netCDF #HJG-170047]: COARDS Conventions link on web site Unidata netCDF Support
November 28, 2018
11:31 [netCDF #NGP-204424]: Install problems Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2018
18:34 [netCDF #NGP-204424]: Install problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #NGP-204424]: Install problems Unidata netCDF Support
November 24, 2018
21:35 [netCDF #EII-286363]: make check fail with netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #EII-286363]: make check fail with netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #QOB-646267]: Error regarding netCDF installation using Spack Unidata netCDF Support
November 23, 2018
16:15 [netCDF #AAT-303974]: Can I build netcdf with both hdf4 and hdf5 support and szip not being recognized Unidata netCDF Support
16:09 [netCDF #AAT-303974]: Can I build netcdf with both hdf4 and hdf5 support and szip not being recognized Unidata netCDF Support
November 20, 2018
17:07 [netCDF #MMW-668392]: error with fPIC in numerical model Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2018
15:13 [netCDF #KZW-910212]: Reading 'text' variable through the Fortran90 netCDF interface Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #KZW-910212]: Reading 'text' variable through the Fortran90 netCDF interface Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2018
11:48 [netCDF #ZMO-758751]: Netcdf installation error Unidata netCDF Support
11:48 [netCDF #ZMO-758751]: Netcdf installation error Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2018
12:29 [netCDF #AAT-303974]: Can I build netcdf with both hdf4 and hdf5 support and szip not being recognized Unidata netCDF Support
November 08, 2018
17:01 [netCDF #SAC-187452]: Question about netCDF library behavior across current and older versions. Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2018
14:26 [netCDF #OXZ-260465]: Question about programming nf90 Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2018
11:51 [netCDF #MUE-362705]: attribute Unidata netCDF Support
October 30, 2018
16:19 [netCDF #VZN-649865]: mac mojave and ifort nf_tests failure Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2018
14:53 [netCDF #VQQ-554423]: NetCDF install problems Unidata netCDF Support
October 27, 2018
12:18 [netCDF #CGC-244409]: bad web page Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2018
15:52 [netCDF #WVW-312002]: serial netcdf unexplained behaviour Unidata netCDF Support
October 25, 2018
14:33 [netCDF #YBK-688175]: netCDF4.3.3 configure can't find hdf5 lib Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2018
15:17 [netCDF #ULD-680356]: parallel netcdf: writing with increasing number of cores seems to be slower than fewer cores. Unidata netCDF Support
October 21, 2018
21:59 [netCDF #CHS-763364]: Problems for compiling netcdf-4.6.0 intel: make check -> FAIL: tst_filterparser Unidata netCDF Support
October 19, 2018
11:36 [netCDF #ULD-680356]: parallel netcdf: writing with increasing number of cores seems to be slower than fewer cores. Unidata netCDF Support
October 17, 2018
14:54 [netCDFJava #WWW-347958]: Problem with attributes of type CHAR Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 16, 2018
13:27 [netCDFJava #CRA-892492]: Using Java NetCDF With a Large HDF5 Database - Performance Questions Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:23 [netCDFJava #WWW-347958]: Problem with attributes of type CHAR Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:05 [netCDF #OEM-105874]: Flag -pthread in NetCDF/C linkage Unidata netCDF Support
11:39 [netCDF #KZZ-335340]: Question regarding downloading opendap data through netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2018
13:14 [netCDFJava #WWW-347958]: Problem with attributes of type CHAR Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:59 [netCDF #CPE-190205]: failed netcdf-4 tests Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2018
10:40 [netCDFJava #WWW-347958]: Problem with attributes of type CHAR Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:30 [netCDFJava #WWW-347958]: Problem with attributes of type CHAR Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:21 [netCDF #CHS-763364]: Problems for compiling netcdf-4.6.0 intel: make check -> FAIL: tst_filterparser Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2018
10:57 [netCDF #CHS-763364]: Problems for compiling netcdf-4.6.0 intel: make check -> FAIL: tst_filterparser Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #CHS-763364]: Problems for compiling netcdf-4.6.0 intel: make check -> FAIL: tst_filterparser Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2018
13:36 [netCDF #YMN-275592]: Compiling NetCDF with CMake, Error in finding HDF5 configuration files Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #YMN-275592]: Compiling NetCDF with CMake, Error in finding HDF5 configuration files Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #CHS-763364]: Problems for compiling netcdf-4.6.0 intel: make check -> FAIL: tst_filterparser Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #CHS-763364]: Problems for compiling netcdf-4.6.0 intel: make check -> FAIL: tst_filterparser Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2018
12:13 [netCDF #GRR-883430]: Reading multiple datasets Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #GRR-883430]: Reading multiple datasets Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2018
15:05 [netCDF #KJJ-291289]: netCDF4 HDF4 Linking Issue Unidata netCDF Support
14:54 [netCDF #BLF-447342]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDF #BKE-453282]: Problem in install of netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:11 [netCDF #AGC-529285]: netCDF parallel tests: adding options to "mpiexec" Unidata netCDF Support
October 03, 2018
15:03 [netCDF #VIW-479272]: missing netcdf.mod after installing netcdf4.6.1 on centos 7 Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2018
10:27 [netCDF #NVL-629103]: netcdf test Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2018
15:19 [netCDF #LWQ-650096]: Request help with NetCDf file read and export Unidata netCDF Support
September 24, 2018
17:45 [netCDF #LWQ-650096]: Request help with NetCDf file read and export Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 [netCDF #HAS-700158]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2018
15:52 [netCDF #LWQ-650096]: Request help with NetCDf file read and export Unidata netCDF Support
12:18 [netCDF #LWQ-650096]: Request help with NetCDf file read and export Unidata netCDF Support
11:59 [netCDF #LWQ-650096]: Request help with NetCDf file read and export Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #BOM-850305]: FAIL: nf03_test Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #YVN-627825]: undefined symbol: ncopts Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #MTH-829107]: Geotiff to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2018
12:58 [netCDF #ULD-680356]: parallel netcdf: writing with increasing number of cores seems to be slower than fewer cores. Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2018
15:41 [netCDF #CRF-113718]: Garbage values in parallel netcdf write Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2018
20:51 [netCDF #CRF-113718]: Garbage values in parallel netcdf write Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #CRF-113718]: Garbage values in parallel netcdf write Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2018
18:40 [netCDF #YEI-230852]: adding attributes after data with nc_redef Unidata netCDF Support
17:02 [netCDF #YEI-230852]: adding attributes after data with nc_redef Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #YEI-230852]: adding attributes after data with nc_redef Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #MTH-829107]: Geotiff to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #MTH-829107]: Geotiff to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #MTH-829107]: Geotiff to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2018
09:23 [netCDF #XMC-359091]: Missing netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2018
21:35 [netCDF #YEI-230852]: adding attributes after data with nc_redef Unidata netCDF Support
September 06, 2018
17:18 [netCDF #GSK-508295]: Install NetCDF library for use by Intel fortran Unidata netCDF Support
17:15 [netCDF #WIB-998222]: Problem during netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
17:09 [netCDF #STM-642199]: problem with netcdf fortran library Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #QHZ-683547]: NetCDF-C installation Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2018
13:09 [netCDF #AES-723647]: Can't open HDF5 attribute Unidata netCDF Support
September 02, 2018
12:58 [netCDF #LUY-161454]: FAIL: -- test.03 of remote3 fails Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2018
13:29 [netCDF #LUY-161454]: FAIL: -- test.03 of remote3 fails Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2018
14:40 [netCDF #KJJ-291289]: netCDF4 HDF4 Linking Issue Unidata netCDF Support
August 28, 2018
19:03 [netCDF #UKJ-700587]: How to read 1-D string array from a netcdf in Fortran? Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2018
13:33 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #OYV-370320]: error netcdf 4.6.1 no make Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2018
22:17 [netCDF #GXY-620794]: nf_open_par() Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2018
11:36 [netCDF #BQG-446925]: Netcdf error in macOS High Serria Unidata netCDF Support
August 21, 2018
13:49 [netCDF #CQH-199839]: regarding netcdf installing steps Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #ENL-176414]: Testsuite summary for netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2018
11:01 [netCDF #XVJ-902408]: Failed in 'make install' with [install-includeHEADERS] Error 126 Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #XYY-601507]: Question about debugging "Message truncated; xxxx bytes received but buffer size is xx" Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [netCDF #GEL-528490]: Conversion of multiple .cdl files to multiple .nc files using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
August 17, 2018
16:14 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
15:15 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2018
15:08 [netCDF #SWJ-921804]: Failure in ncdap_test Unidata netCDF Support
14:23 [netCDF #WPL-663670]: Errors while compling C++ code with NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2018
16:10 [netCDF #CQB-699964]: netcdf compile errors with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #LTC-671596]: Multithreaded IO with libnetcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
August 09, 2018
12:34 [netCDF #LTC-671596]: Multithreaded IO with libnetcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
August 08, 2018
12:15 [netCDF #SWJ-921804]: Failure in ncdap_test Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #SWJ-921804]: Failure in ncdap_test Unidata netCDF Support
12:10 [netCDF #SWJ-921804]: Failure in ncdap_test Unidata netCDF Support
12:09 [netCDF #SWJ-921804]: Failure in ncdap_test Unidata netCDF Support
11:59 [netCDF #LTC-671596]: Multithreaded IO with libnetcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
August 07, 2018
12:45 [netCDF #YMV-880282]: Compiling WRF with NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #YMV-880282]: Compiling WRF with NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #KOZ-821332]: Change OpenDAP request size Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2018
15:10 [netCDF #KHU-888015]: help me Unidata netCDF Support
August 03, 2018
13:47 [netCDF #KHG-660093]: Compiling nc2text and FAN utilities Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2018
09:48 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #BSJ-787826]: NetCDF4 Python Error: attribute has unsupported datatype Unidata netCDF Support
July 31, 2018
21:28 [netCDF #LNA-187062]: netcdf fortran issues while installing the WRF suite Unidata netCDF Support
21:19 [netCDF #LNA-187062]: netcdf fortran issues while installing the WRF suite Unidata netCDF Support
21:09 [netCDF #LNA-187062]: netcdf fortran issues while installing the WRF suite Unidata netCDF Support
July 30, 2018
15:40 [netCDF #QQO-164734]: errors during make check netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2018
15:47 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
July 26, 2018
21:00 [netCDF #AUL-765023]: Assembler Message Errors during "make" process Unidata netCDF Support
20:54 [netCDF #TMT-541211]: NetCDF Errors Unidata netCDF Support
20:51 [netCDF #ZKY-503360]: Netcdf-4.6.1 make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
20:46 [netCDF #WDH-862904]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data: User-contributed Software Unidata netCDF Support
20:43 [netCDF #CMF-996026]: Creating NetCDF-4 F77 codes by using "ncgen" from *.cdl file. Unidata netCDF Support
20:37 [netCDF #IHP-347164]: netCDF information Unidata netCDF Support
20:35 [netCDF #YTS-929586]: Netcdf-4 build with 32 bit application for soalris Unidata netCDF Support
20:29 [netCDF #UPO-861727]: getVar crashed with compressed file Unidata netCDF Support
20:25 [netCDF #VNJ-630705]: Are int64 supported in OPeNDAP Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #GYB-190937]: NetCDF 4.6.1 build issue on Windows with HDF5 1.10.2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 25, 2018
14:15 [THREDDS #YPS-840722]: OPeNDAP on THREDDS 4.6.11 Unidata THREDDS Support
14:00 [THREDDS #YPS-840722]: OPeNDAP on THREDDS 4.6.11 Unidata THREDDS Support
13:36 [netCDF #EGO-288225]: Cannot link to hdf5. Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2018
17:08 [netCDF #EGO-288225]: Cannot link to hdf5. Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #EGO-288225]: Cannot link to hdf5. Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2018
10:40 [netCDF #ADU-511334]: configure error Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2018
15:52 [netCDF #SMN-573220]: Configure error: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
July 16, 2018
11:28 [netCDF #MSH-339899]: NCVGT: : NetCDF: Start 'pilus'count exceeds dimension bound Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2018
12:32 [netCDF #MLB-610524]: [FTP access] access problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:07 [netCDF #HYV-329576]: error with netcdf.h Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2018
12:26 [netCDF #YMH-767011]: Help with compiling and linking in Windows Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #HUH-505770]: Problem installing netCDF-c library Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2018
16:12 [netCDF #YMH-767011]: Help with compiling and linking in Windows Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 [netCDF #YTS-929586]: Netcdf-4 build with 32 bit application for soalris Unidata netCDF Support
14:38 [netCDF #YTS-929586]: Netcdf-4 build with 32 bit application for soalris Unidata netCDF Support
14:02 [netCDF #YMH-767011]: Help with compiling and linking in Windows Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #HUH-505770]: Problem installing netCDF-c library Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #HUH-505770]: Problem installing netCDF-c library Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2018
12:10 [netCDF #HUH-505770]: Problem installing netCDF-c library Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2018
11:30 [netCDF #VKT-810381]: compiling netcdf with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
July 02, 2018
14:38 [netCDF #WVT-997700]: dap access to huge files fails Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #WVT-997700]: dap access to huge files fails Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDF #WVT-997700]: dap access to huge files fails Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2018
13:08 [netCDF #DZA-722147]: Fortran Intel compiling error: undefined reference to `nc_open_mem' Unidata netCDF Support
12:11 [netCDF #DZA-722147]: Fortran Intel compiling error: undefined reference to `nc_open_mem' Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #DZA-722147]: Fortran Intel compiling error: undefined reference to `nc_open_mem' Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #DZA-722147]: Fortran Intel compiling error: undefined reference to `nc_open_mem' Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2018
13:43 [netCDF #CTR-138835]: nc_test4 error during netcdf-4.6.1 "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2018
13:07 [netCDF #HIO-246938]: netcdf make error Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2018
14:21 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 21, 2018
11:39 [netCDFJava #YBE-781445]: Redefine mode working for netcdf-java? Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:28 [netCDFJava #GSU-352271]: OutOfMemory Error Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 20, 2018
12:43 [netCDF #QKX-766212]: Failure in make-check Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2018
14:07 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 13, 2018
17:02 [Workshop #KNL-296852]: Question about NetCDF course Unidata Workshop Support
13:19 [netCDF #VZL-904142]: NETCDF nc_open erroring out for an OPenDAP url in netCDF-C version and 4.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2018
07:26 [Workshop #KNL-296852]: Question about NetCDF course Unidata Workshop Support
June 11, 2018
17:09 [netCDF #XJH-813329]: Error in building netCDF 4.6.1 (parallel) with hdf5 (parallel) and pnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2018
13:33 [Workshop #KNL-296852]: Question about NetCDF course Unidata Workshop Support
June 07, 2018
12:29 [netCDF #RZV-171985]: Problems with x64 NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #FJH-339520]: FAN installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2018
11:01 [netCDF #RZV-171985]: Problems with x64 NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #DYJ-590052]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
07:08 [netCDFJava #ZMD-614767]: BUFR data does not work with a recent ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 05, 2018
13:17 [netCDF #IXE-857786]: C++ NetCDF Library Troubles Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDFJava #ZMD-614767]: BUFR data does not work with a recent ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 04, 2018
21:59 [netCDF #XGW-587375]: install error of netcdf4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
21:33 [netCDF #XGW-587375]: install error of netcdf4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
20:39 [netCDF #IXE-857786]: C++ NetCDF Library Troubles Unidata netCDF Support
20:13 [netCDF #XGW-587375]: install error of netcdf4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:32 [netCDF #IXE-857786]: C++ NetCDF Library Troubles Unidata netCDF Support
14:32 [netCDF #IXE-857786]: C++ NetCDF Library Troubles Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #HNV-614195]: Compilation error using netcdf-fortran-4.x.tar.gz Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #HNV-614195]: Compilation error using netcdf-fortran-4.x.tar.gz Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2018
15:23 [netCDF #OXJ-675795]: large size integer netcdf reading Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2018
12:38 [netCDF #PQC-402031]: nc_inq_varid() can return NC_ENOTVAR Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #IYX-299953]: ncdap_test fail in netcdf-4-6-1 Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2018
16:16 [netCDF #YVB-602804]: netCDF install failed Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2018
22:42 Re: [netCDF #RIY-530090]: [SPAM] Help to read netcdf data file Rokkam Rao
15:15 [netCDF #KDK-532566]: How to merge two different types of netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #RIY-530090]: [SPAM] Help to read netcdf data file Unidata netCDF Support
May 25, 2018
13:01 [netCDFJava #UBR-404814]: Create netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 18, 2018
11:23 [netCDF #RZV-171985]: Problems with x64 NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2018
19:39 [netCDF #CMF-996026]: Creating NetCDF-4 F77 codes by using "ncgen" from *.cdl file. Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #CMF-996026]: Creating NetCDF-4 F77 codes by using "ncgen" from *.cdl file. Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDF #CMF-996026]: Creating NetCDF-4 F77 codes by using "ncgen" from *.cdl file. Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2018
16:31 [netCDF #BVD-978479]: Replace elem/lines Dimensions with Lat/Lon variables Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #BPN-672951]: vapor Software Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2018
14:49 [netCDF #IEA-354945]: netCDF-fortran-4.4.4 configure failed Unidata netCDF Support
14:46 [netCDF #KQC-216775]: netcdf c library make check library Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2018
11:13 [netCDF #WVC-374427]: no file found en lib Unidata netCDF Support
May 08, 2018
11:15 [netCDF #RRF-721708]: 4.1.3 make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2018
12:31 [netCDF #SOY-717179]: Netcdf 4.1.3 ncdump errors Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2018
16:34 [netCDF #ANU-722554]: Segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
15:43 [netCDFJava #UBI-230101]: ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:17 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 03, 2018
21:03 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:24 [netCDFJava #NYG-416669]: Javadoc Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:41 [netCDFJava #UBI-230101]: ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 30, 2018
16:35 [netCDF #NXL-777870]: NetCDF Fortran - "Abort trap signal" error on nf03_test Unidata netCDF Support
April 27, 2018
11:01 [netCDF #AFZ-136343]: NetCDF error Unidata netCDF Support
April 26, 2018
13:54 [netCDF #YVO-179076]: NetCDF / nc_open / c++ Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #AFZ-136343]: NetCDF error Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2018
15:33 [netCDF #YVO-179076]: NetCDF / nc_open / c++ Unidata netCDF Support
15:25 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:43 [netCDF #QQH-711349]: Issue reading a 4D data from a URL Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2018
12:37 [netCDF #TPT-541327]: error during make check Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2018
13:09 [netCDF #ORC-296912]: Issue Opening HDF5 database Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:28 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:03 [netCDF #YVO-179076]: NetCDF / nc_open / c++ Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2018
10:03 [netCDF #SUV-367485]: netCDF source code HTTP access Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2018
13:12 [netCDF #QHB-286994]: Adding To Software list Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [THREDDS #QYJ-871636]: Re: DAP2Exception questions Unidata THREDDS Support
11:05 [IDV #LKR-160339]: Why no love? Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 16, 2018
15:05 [netCDF #YCR-993982]: some problem about Add compile options "-mcmodel=medium",netcdf read data error Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #RUT-288421]: trying to read a global attribute in netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
April 15, 2018
13:51 [netCDF #FSG-396059]: error building netCDF C version 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #FSG-396059]: error building netCDF C version 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #FSG-396059]: error building netCDF C version 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
12:02 [netCDF #FSG-396059]: error building netCDF C version 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
11:57 [netCDF #TFW-318611]: regarding netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:52 [netCDF #FSG-396059]: error building netCDF C version 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
April 13, 2018
13:36 [netCDF #JVY-917863]: An odd issue... Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2018
22:59 [netCDFJava #VLP-531716]: extract lon lat from geotiff Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:08 [netCDFJava #QHW-398999]: How to read hdf5 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:34 [netCDFJava #PYS-194904]: HDF5 Structure analysis Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:32 [netCDFJava #QHW-398999]: How to read hdf5 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 08, 2018
21:57 [netCDF #WTM-973692]: one error in installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 07, 2018
19:09 [netCDFJava #PEH-614230]: Problem reading BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 06, 2018
16:02 [netCDF #HCQ-327445]: Saving time of big arrays with different loops on dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #OCR-368719]: Errors opening thredds aggregation url Unidata netCDF Support
15:03 [netCDF #HCQ-327445]: Saving time of big arrays with different loops on dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #HCQ-327445]: Saving time of big arrays with different loops on dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
13:22 [netCDF #HCQ-327445]: Saving time of big arrays with different loops on dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
April 05, 2018
12:30 [netCDF #KZE-673216]: Images agriculture NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2018
14:27 [netCDFJava #PEH-614230]: Problem reading BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 01, 2018
15:45 [netCDF #VGO-121371]: Compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2018
19:59 [netCDF #QHB-286994]: Adding To Software list Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #VGO-121371]: Compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #OKV-678812]: Problems reading a netcdf-4 lib file Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #QHB-286994]: Adding To Software list Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2018
14:02 [Support #DHF-285983]: Cheyenne and Geyser NCCOPY (netcdf) and OPeNDAP access. Unidata THREDDS Support
March 29, 2018
12:59 [netCDFJava #FGA-230460]: 20180309: issue reading NEXRAD Level III national composite images Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:21 [netCDFJava #ESI-333031]: Grib2 from German Weather Service : “No records found in dataset” Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:49 [netCDFJava #QHW-398999]: How to read hdf5 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 27, 2018
19:01 [netCDF #VGO-121371]: Compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #XCG-358792]: install of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #XCG-358792]: install of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDF #VBM-297666]: how to convert netcdf4 to netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
March 26, 2018
22:19 [netCDF #AMK-356058]: NetCDF with all leap years -- how's that done? Unidata netCDF Support
22:15 [netCDF #VGO-121371]: Compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
22:01 [netCDF #YUG-992413]: netcdf error when compiling Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #QAK-764753]: Variables with different dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
11:55 [netCDF #QAK-764753]: Variables with different dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
March 25, 2018
11:48 [netCDF #QAK-764753]: Variables with different dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
March 23, 2018
12:40 [netCDF #QAK-764753]: Variables with different dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2018
19:39 [netCDFJava #KDP-813899]: Need some Help Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 20, 2018
10:51 [netCDF #VGO-121371]: Compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2018
13:57 [netCDF #UOY-859712]: netcdf 4.6.0. FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #XXQ-277688]: bugs after compiling netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2018
15:14 [netCDF #RBT-496098]: Installing Netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:55 [netCDF #DJO-251143]: A very urgent question Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2018
11:32 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 13, 2018
19:59 [netCDF #JZZ-916731]: problems in building netcdf 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #JZZ-916731]: problems in building netcdf 4.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2018
13:40 [netCDF #GMU-633352]: CMake Error with NetCDF-Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2018
21:31 [netCDF #XXQ-277688]: bugs after compiling netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 10, 2018
12:23 [netCDF #HAP-102737]: some bug reports when compiling the netcdf4.6 Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2018
15:32 [netCDFJava #FGA-230460]: 20180309: issue reading NEXRAD Level III national composite images Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:04 [netCDF #UOY-859712]: netcdf 4.6.0. FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2018
19:52 [netCDFJava #TAB-488483]: Forecast aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:12 [netCDFJava #TAB-488483]: Forecast aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:11 [netCDFJava #TAB-488483]: Forecast aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:35 [netCDFJava #TAB-488483]: Forecast aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 07, 2018
13:47 [netCDF #NWG-210799]: Need help to install netcdf 3.5.1 with g95 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 Re: New Client Reply - [netCDF !JZZ-916731]: problems in building netcdf 4.6.0 Ward Fisher
March 06, 2018
14:23 [netCDF #UFS-326614]: NetCDF for Intel Fortran (Windows, 64 bit) Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2018
08:22 [netCDF #TXE-322873]: errors occur when installing netcdf 4.6 on RedHat5.5 x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2018
10:33 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:47 [netCDFJava #TKH-769773]: Problems with trajectory file Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 27, 2018
12:27 [netCDF #QED-834970]: I need Help installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
February 26, 2018
12:45 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:10 [netCDF #UKO-846425]: netCDF installing problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDF #RGA-191101]: failed attempt to cimpile netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
February 25, 2018
13:30 [netCDF #DQV-341880]: Compressing large sets of NetCDF data Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #RFA-313589]: Software for inclusion into your list Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2018
01:00 [netCDFJava #LUX-868625]: From ncML to netCDF file using netCDF-Java: FillValue is not handled properly Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 21, 2018
15:11 [netCDF #OBA-984657]: NETCDF nc_put_att_double crashing in netCDF-C version Unidata netCDF Support
11:56 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:51 [netCDF #COH-631372]: Problem compiling NetCDF-C 4.6.0 with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2018
11:55 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 15, 2018
11:49 [netCDF #ZGC-441699]: NETCDF Help Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #FZC-110694]: ncgen 3 error when building V4.4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #NVZ-566012]: Linking to netcdf: static linking fails despite including all nc-config indicated libs Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2018
08:04 [netCDFJava #QEX-289573]: point file Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 05, 2018
18:21 [netCDF #CYJ-220332]: Working with Netcdf files in R Unidata netCDF Support
February 03, 2018
13:13 [netCDFJava #YWV-936636]: Publishing Maven Artifacts Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 02, 2018
11:53 [netCDFJava #QEX-289573]: point file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:08 [netCDFJava #PKK-729415]: Infos about projection to (lon, lat) coordinates transfomation Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 01, 2018
13:05 [netCDF #TBP-270734]: conferences / user group meetings Unidata netCDF Support
January 31, 2018
12:45 [netCDF #KQB-994701]: Old libnetcdf.a Library File Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDFJava #JOH-194711]: Info about soil type variable in grib1 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 29, 2018
10:18 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 26, 2018
13:19 [netCDF #UQF-369953]: question on netcdf-4.5.0: how to enable netcdf-2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2018
11:34 [netCDF #BGF-782150]: Need help Unidata netCDF Support
January 16, 2018
16:41 [netCDF #LOB-365754]: One file container of NC files in order to extract time series in a fix point Unidata netCDF Support
January 13, 2018
11:53 [netCDF #NXP-701376]: make check report Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2018
22:24 [netCDFJava #FQF-323932]: Help on AlbersEqualArea Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 09, 2018
13:58 [netCDFJava #FQF-323932]: Help on AlbersEqualArea Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 04, 2018
12:09 [netCDF #PHL-665255]: Can I install both NetCDF versions 4.1.1 and 4..4.0 and How Unidata netCDF Support
January 02, 2018
15:11 [netCDF #OPV-482394]: Does it exist a de facto standard for NetCDF CF compliant, for Ocean Data ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 22, 2017
14:16 [netCDF #TRL-955893]: ask for help Unidata netCDF Support
December 21, 2017
09:18 [netCDFJava #SBH-372787]: HDF4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:11 [netCDFJava #KSI-756893]: read data from grib2 according to latitude and longitude range Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 20, 2017
13:31 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:15 [netCDF #TLW-910405]: Additional group questions F90 Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2017
14:51 [netCDF #TLW-910405]: Additional group questions F90 Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #TLW-910405]: Additional group questions F90 Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #UBN-375372]: Sample programs Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #TLW-910405]: Additional group questions F90 Unidata netCDF Support
December 18, 2017
15:12 [netCDFJava #FQF-323932]: Help on AlbersEqualArea Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:19 [netCDF #MIL-423930]: NetCDF in LabView Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #BLV-274968]: NetCDF - Make Install Issue Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #PXO-118189]: Segmentation fault C++ Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #WGJ-629636]: bug with creating variable with an unlimited dimension. Unidata netCDF Support
December 16, 2017
15:48 [netCDF #PXO-118189]: Segmentation fault C++ Unidata netCDF Support
December 13, 2017
20:32 [netCDF #LNU-411698]: Grid Mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
20:18 [netCDF #LNU-411698]: Grid Mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
20:00 [netCDF #LNU-411698]: Grid Mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #QSA-208676]: netcdf (c) compilation with hdf5 on ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #MIL-423930]: NetCDF in LabView Unidata netCDF Support
14:56 [netCDF #LNU-411698]: Grid Mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #PXO-118189]: Segmentation fault C++ Unidata netCDF Support
14:46 [netCDF #WDR-562907]: scalar string variable Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2017
11:57 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:49 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 11, 2017
14:19 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 08, 2017
10:56 [netCDF #BIJ-640778]: Error when a NetCDF file becomes bigger than 2.1 GB [DELFT3D-35792] Unidata netCDF Support
December 06, 2017
15:25 [netCDF #WPE-165732]: Strings in nf90 Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #JWG-630753]: Decoding NC_INT data Unidata netCDF Support
December 05, 2017
14:26 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:40 [netCDF #MIL-423930]: NetCDF in LabView Unidata netCDF Support
December 04, 2017
12:17 [netCDFJava #OSY-357654]: delays in opening remote NCML file Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:08 [netCDFJava #OSY-357654]: delays in opening remote NCML file Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:52 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:23 [netCDFJava #OSY-357654]: delays in opening remote NCML file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:51 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:29 [netCDF #WPE-165732]: Strings in nf90 Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2017
14:39 [netCDFJava #OSY-357654]: delays in opening remote NCML file Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:07 [netCDFJava #OSY-357654]: delays in opening remote NCML file Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:03 [netCDF #JCY-709704]: Names of variables in netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDFJava #OSY-357654]: delays in opening remote NCML file Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 02, 2017
20:36 [netCDFJava #MQO-415619]: Efficiently serializing NetCDF in memory objects Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 01, 2017
11:30 [netCDF #EZQ-884585]: NetCDF: Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #EZQ-884585]: NetCDF: Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
November 30, 2017
16:33 [netCDF #EZQ-884585]: NetCDF: Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #DXE-930963]: example code for using scalar string variables Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #UCB-925022]: Error make check, please report to support Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #UCB-925022]: Error make check, please report to support Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2017
10:48 [netCDF #EZQ-884585]: NetCDF: Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
10:31 [netCDF #EZQ-884585]: NetCDF: Unknown file format Unidata netCDF Support
November 21, 2017
09:46 [netCDFJava #SKW-824386]: netcdf-java - create grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 20, 2017
13:38 [netCDF #WUL-951200]: Incorrect URL to Pre-Built netCDF3 Library Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2017
19:55 [netCDF #XBI-323704]: Open nc.dods file in R Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2017
14:31 [netCDFJava #HTH-223312]: NetCDF artifacts: Ant build issues Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:22 [netCDF #ESJ-804142]: multi-dimensional arrays in netcdf-5 Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2017
14:38 [netCDFJava #HMS-598008]: Artifacts URL leads to 404 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:30 [netCDFJava #CRA-892492]: Using Java NetCDF With a Large HDF5 Database - Performance Questions Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 08, 2017
14:03 [THREDDS #AVS-567793]: String truncation when accessing file through THREDDS server Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #ISA-863293]: Behaviour of nc_def_var_deflate Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #ISA-863293]: Behaviour of nc_def_var_deflate Unidata netCDF Support
November 04, 2017
14:11 [netCDF #FUM-547235]: NetCDF general questions Unidata netCDF Support
November 02, 2017
10:29 [netCDF #QSA-208676]: netcdf (c) compilation with hdf5 on ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2017
23:31 [netCDF #BWN-427619]: SUPPORT Unidata netCDF Support
23:31 [netCDF #BWN-427619]: SUPPORT Unidata netCDF Support
October 28, 2017
12:00 [netCDF #CSV-748021]: /usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2017
14:26 [netCDF #CJI-884424]: diff command not found during libmesh installation Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #MYT-666251]: ncdump question Unidata netCDF Support
October 25, 2017
10:51 [netCDF #HHV-610093]: NetCDF 4.5.0: Bug in detection of PNETCDF_ERANGE_FILL Unidata netCDF Support
October 24, 2017
13:09 [netCDFJava #UUT-550794]: setGlobalProxy yields ssl error Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 20, 2017
12:47 [netCDF #OCK-672813]: Question about release of netcdf-c 4.5.0 Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #CRS-327160]: netcdf-fortran config error Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #FVX-268880]: Help requested with building NetCDF on Windows, specifically producing .c files from .m4 in Windows Unidata netCDF Support
October 16, 2017
13:52 [netCDF #LBD-834966]: help reading .nc files Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #WYR-243214]: netcdf.h not found Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #GYP-822402]: Error in use Netcdf library in c# Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2017
14:06 [netCDF #NQT-973003]: netcdf compilation - H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #JMF-170391]: Unable Compile Netcdf-Fortran 4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
October 06, 2017
17:40 [netCDF #FKM-407392]: error message of netcdf-fortran 4.4.4 check Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2017
11:15 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 03, 2017
18:58 [netCDFJava #PCM-232977]: netCDF-Java ignores "_FlllValue" attribute in ncML Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:45 [netCDF #DOI-211614]: Installation problems. Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2017
16:41 [netCDFJava #AIG-265192]: Netcdf UGRID data Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:08 [netCDF #YPF-485187]: NETCDF make check install fail: ../ncgen/test-suite.log, FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:40 [netCDF #HFK-167927]: ncgen tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
September 29, 2017
13:03 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:17 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2017
19:57 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:36 [netCDFJava #GWL-973352]: Replicating data conversion operation from UI version to repeatable script Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:56 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 27, 2017
19:34 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
19:02 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
18:55 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
18:35 [netCDF #EUL-543137]: building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 25, 2017
16:58 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:33 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:38 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:06 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:28 [netCDF #QEA-871876]: dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libnetcdff.6.dylib Unidata netCDF Support
September 21, 2017
15:31 [netCDF #JWW-712647]: NetCDF-Fortran installation problem: "checking whether the C compiler works... no" Unidata netCDF Support
11:27 [netCDFJava #LAJ-287331]: fixed size overhead of a NetCDFv4 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:05 [netCDFJava #LAJ-287331]: fixed size overhead of a NetCDFv4 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:02 [netCDFJava #RAN-171087]: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection" for proxy connections Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 20, 2017
19:16 [netCDFJava #ZTT-398352]: Ncml related Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:14 [netCDFJava #ZTT-398352]: Ncml related Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 19, 2017
14:35 [netCDFJava #PCM-232977]: netCDF-Java ignores "_FlllValue" attribute in ncML Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:04 [netCDFJava #PCM-232977]: netCDF-Java ignores "_FlllValue" attribute in ncML Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 18, 2017
18:20 [netCDF #NNZ-516447]: can netcdf fortran libraries write to an existing hdf5 file Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 [netCDF #NNZ-516447]: can netcdf fortran libraries write to an existing hdf5 file Unidata netCDF Support
15:38 [netCDFJava #HTH-916962]: Updating attribute values Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:56 [netCDFJava #HTH-916962]: Updating attribute values Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:08 [netCDF #KRO-979981]: erro with installing Netcdf-4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2017
12:23 [netCDF #ZZE-721849]: Problem installing NetCDF 4.4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
12:03 [netCDF #YNM-364663]: error during compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDFJava #PCM-232977]: netCDF-Java ignores "_FlllValue" attribute in ncML Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:18 [netCDFJava #LAJ-287331]: fixed size overhead of a NetCDFv4 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 13, 2017
14:34 [netCDF #AZD-499370]: Regarding installation of netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2017
11:20 [netCDFJava #XQL-423495]: java VLEN variable attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 11, 2017
13:56 [netCDFJava #XQL-423495]: java VLEN variable attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 08, 2017
13:52 [netCDF #LMM-782306]: issues bulding NetCDF-c Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #RCG-928743]: Find version of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #RCG-928743]: Find version of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #LAJ-192025]: Question about Netcdf4excel Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2017
14:08 [netCDF #RCG-928743]: Find version of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #RCG-928743]: Find version of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #RCG-928743]: Find version of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
11:43 [netCDF #RCG-928743]: Find version of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2017
13:41 [netCDF #PIB-804079]: Support Configure netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2017
16:10 [netCDFJava #YWD-757002]: Getting an error while trying to access data [Java application] Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 29, 2017
20:45 [netCDFJava #YWD-757002]: Getting an error while trying to access data [Java application] Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 25, 2017
22:57 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2017
10:51 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2017
21:41 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #WTR-882135]: error during NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2017
21:39 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
20:07 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDF #HUD-260573]: Error installing netcdf-fortran: make check Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
August 21, 2017
16:35 [netCDF #UNV-242825]: compile netcdf with zlib Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2017
21:20 [netCDF #CCI-504267]: nccopy and opendap/thredds does not attach units value to variables Unidata netCDF Support
21:07 [netCDF #CCI-504267]: nccopy and opendap/thredds does not attach units value to variables Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #CCI-504267]: nccopy and opendap/thredds does not attach units value to variables Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2017
21:46 [netCDF #CCI-504267]: nccopy and opendap/thredds does not attach units value to variables Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [Support #BAA-931010]: Netcdf-Extractor Unidata netCDF Support
15:22 [netCDF #CCI-504267]: nccopy and opendap/thredds does not attach units value to variables Unidata netCDF Support
August 17, 2017
20:01 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #HEV-388573]: NetCDF C library question Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #HAW-868287]: syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD , expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2017
16:20 [netCDF #FLB-437472]: Unable to open any netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #BSC-631634]: Multi threading support in NetCDF4 C lib Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2017
09:20 [netCDF #FLB-437472]: Unable to open any netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
August 11, 2017
18:08 [netCDF #NZO-670313]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.4: No error installation, but libnetcdff.a and don't exist Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2017
17:52 [netCDF #WLG-250208]: Which NetCDF library to use for Model Evaluation Toolkit Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:57 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 09, 2017
13:16 [netCDF #RTT-356385]: nccopy failure with remote file and opendap Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #GRG-428915]: netcdf NF90 interface - reading attributes of type NF_STRING Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 08, 2017
16:42 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:24 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:03 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:16 [netCDF #LYH-549747]: questions about run netcdf examples on C++ Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #BYK-405524]: netcdf4 test-suite.log Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:21 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:11 [netCDFJava #LOO-265831]: Datatype conflict Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 07, 2017
13:58 [netCDF #WDR-562907]: scalar string variable Unidata netCDF Support
10:40 [netCDF #HZO-280115]: How to retrieve the liste of Name variable Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2017
15:43 [netCDF #VXR-799587]: NCL to pull data from netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #UYD-861125]: Error while installing netCDF 4.5.0 Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2017
14:50 [netCDFJava #ETP-997396]: Help Writing Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:15 [netCDF #PCZ-964422]: netcdf fortran - libtool unrecognized option -I Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2017
15:32 [netCDF #BSC-631634]: Multi threading support in NetCDF4 C lib Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #ZEO-928138]: NetCDF library is not recognizing HDF5 datasets Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #BSC-631634]: Multi threading support in NetCDF4 C lib Unidata netCDF Support
July 31, 2017
11:11 [netCDF #ZEO-928138]: NetCDF library is not recognizing HDF5 datasets Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #LRM-826188]: Netcdf grid dataset Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #MJD-363753]: netcdf-y4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
July 28, 2017
12:42 [netCDF #AJR-407423]: Saving variable length array into netcdf file in MATLAB. Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #AOQ-819240]: Fortran compiler mismatch Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #KPZ-969024]: guidance for netcdf libraries Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2017
13:16 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 26, 2017
16:11 [netCDFJava #HLE-843248]: Opening a NetCDF file in-memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:05 [netCDF #GKE-356296]: HDF_TO_NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #SVO-768609]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2017
15:34 [netCDF #OYW-455599]: Broken 366_day calendar in ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
12:19 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2017
16:08 [netCDF #IHW-370124]: Any link to help me port netCDF3 to netCDF4 ? Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 [netCDF #IHW-370124]: Any link to help me port netCDF3 to netCDF4 ? Unidata netCDF Support
15:48 [netCDFJava #IWH-239645]: Converting bytes to netCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 18, 2017
14:53 [netCDF #NFG-783720]: Question regarding using the CMake utility to make the Visual Studio project file for NetCDF3 Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #EUP-890946]: fail to run make check when install netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #NDV-306742]: Our website Unidata netCDF Support
July 16, 2017
13:45 [netCDF #IHW-370124]: Any link to help me port netCDF3 to netCDF4 ? Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2017
13:18 [netCDF #IHW-370124]: Any link to help me port netCDF3 to netCDF4 ? Unidata netCDF Support
July 13, 2017
15:18 [netCDFJava #RDP-163061]: Java and NetCDF Question Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:10 [netCDFJava #RDP-163061]: Java and NetCDF Question Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:34 [netCDF #ISZ-928758]: issue with netcdf building Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDF #ISZ-928758]: issue with netcdf building Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2017
17:26 [netCDFJava #LQO-782179]: Dimension size in java Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:17 [netCDF #CLQ-466081]: make check issue with ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [netCDF #KVU-841091]: radar level 3 files Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #WTN-937007]: Netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [netCDF #GCQ-189816]: address@hidden Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2017
12:12 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2017
11:36 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #DWO-105295]: NetCDF and complex numbers Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2017
22:02 [netCDFJava #RGZ-511388]: JJ2000 5.3 in Maven Central Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 03, 2017
12:57 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #NTU-398056]: NetCDF4Excel question/issue Unidata netCDF Support
July 02, 2017
14:02 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2017
16:48 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 29, 2017
17:31 [netCDF #NJI-923427]: query Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDFJava #RDP-163061]: Java and NetCDF Question Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:46 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2017
18:54 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 27, 2017
13:55 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2017
14:01 [netCDF #ONU-217060]: Specifying timeout for DAP request in MATLAB Unidata netCDF Support
13:57 [netCDF #ONU-217060]: Specifying timeout for DAP request in MATLAB Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDF #YZD-296984]: Read a vlen array in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #CHW-923441]: Netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2017
10:38 [netCDF #DHL-551530]: NetCDF for C++ Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2017
11:47 [netCDF #LZK-518099]: HDF5 compiling issue Unidata netCDF Support
11:41 [netCDF #NYG-547290]: problems building ncdf4 with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2017
11:56 [netCDF #DHL-551530]: NetCDF for C++ Unidata netCDF Support
11:50 [netCDF #TVR-839210]: error when "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2017
12:44 [netCDF #KVZ-364542]: Question about netcdf DLL file for visual studios 2017 Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDFJava #RGZ-511388]: JJ2000 5.3 in Maven Central Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 19, 2017
22:53 [netCDFJava #HCW-753528]: GridCoordSystem. findXYindexFromLatLon() Unidata netCDF Java Support
19:06 [netCDF #BGF-782150]: Need help Unidata netCDF Support
17:29 [netCDFJava #HCW-753528]: GridCoordSystem. findXYindexFromLatLon() Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:27 [netCDF #BGF-782150]: Need help Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #SUD-995609]: netcdf fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #UFA-402118]: Make check error with netcdf-fortran4-4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #TOD-536245]: FAIL: nf_test Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 15, 2017
10:28 [netCDF #OVV-995453]: netcdf c library run in dotnet multi-thread Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #BGF-782150]: Need help Unidata netCDF Support
June 14, 2017
11:05 [netCDF #OFN-106528]: Problem building the NetCDF-4.2 and later Fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2017
17:07 [netCDFJava #HMD-769692]: GridDataset has zero size for ensemble data Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:35 [netCDF #XFZ-751322]: Longitude Problems in NetCDF Files? Unidata netCDF Support
June 09, 2017
11:17 [netCDF #QSN-450285]: netCDF 4.3.2 h5_test failed Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #LCF-182699]: Error when trying to configure netcdf-fortran 4.4.4 in MacOS Sierra Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2017
13:44 [netCDF #OYM-954504]: netcdf/lustre bug Unidata netCDF Support
June 07, 2017
15:24 [netCDF #OYM-954504]: netcdf/lustre bug Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #OYM-954504]: netcdf/lustre bug Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #OYM-954504]: netcdf/lustre bug Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2017
20:49 [netCDF #ZPD-675315]: Pseudonyms / symbolic links in netCDF-4 files Unidata netCDF Support
20:38 [netCDF #OYM-954504]: netcdf/lustre bug Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #GUU-420054]: Getting Corrupt or Old Module file ./netcdf.mod error code Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #DHL-551530]: NetCDF for C++ Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2017
11:57 [netCDFJava #YRQ-568397]: NetCDF4 versus NetCDF version 4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 01, 2017
14:17 [netCDF #QKE-142574]: Problem Building Netcdf to support HDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2017
20:23 [netCDF #RBK-667595]: Error with HDF5, NETCDF and CYGWIN Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #RBK-667595]: Error with HDF5, NETCDF and CYGWIN Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #RBK-667595]: Error with HDF5, NETCDF and CYGWIN Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #BGF-782150]: Need help Unidata netCDF Support
May 26, 2017
10:53 [netCDFJava #CRA-892492]: Using Java NetCDF With a Large HDF5 Database - Performance Questions Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 25, 2017
10:56 [netCDFJava #CRA-892492]: Using Java NetCDF With a Large HDF5 Database - Performance Questions Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 24, 2017
15:51 [netCDF #SZU-353193]: Problem building netcdf- C version: lib, bin not being built Unidata netCDF Support
May 22, 2017
13:03 [netCDF #OVV-995453]: netcdf c library run in dotnet multi-thread Unidata netCDF Support
11:42 [netCDF #ROO-864724]: installing netCDF for matlab-cdi Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #KLN-179504]: Latest NetCDF Fortran users guide Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2017
11:26 [netCDF #HEV-388573]: NetCDF C library question Unidata netCDF Support
11:22 [netCDF #HEV-388573]: NetCDF C library question Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2017
15:57 [netCDF #HEV-388573]: NetCDF C library question Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #UBS-599337]: Abort on reading damaged HDF5 file Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2017
14:37 [netCDF #LXR-325898]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #WMS-569611]: Parallel NetCDF and MPI Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #JGB-755171]: Netcdf fails to create include and Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2017
12:56 [netCDF #UBS-599337]: Abort on reading damaged HDF5 file Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #UBS-599337]: Abort on reading damaged HDF5 file Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #UBS-599337]: Abort on reading damaged HDF5 file Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #YPU-218594]: Make check nctest error when building netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2017
13:20 [netCDF #AJM-685447]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2017
13:29 [netCDF #UIX-679588]: Installation of netcdf 4.4.0 with fortran libraries error Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2017
09:10 [netCDF #XCD-481846]: NETCDF error with grads Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2017
10:55 [netCDF #ZBJ-976074]: 20170417: complete Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2017
11:00 [netCDF #XFT-464995]: Fwd: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #MMW-534522]: error building parallel netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 15, 2017
11:31 [netCDFJava #CZN-403791]: error in opendap.servlet Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 13, 2017
15:17 [netCDF #UHZ-892361]: Getting the NetCDF-Fortran library to build in Visual Studio 2013 Unidata netCDF Support
12:10 [netCDF #XFU-348887]: AWIPS netcdf to ArcGIS Unidata netCDF Support
April 07, 2017
16:39 [netCDF #YID-571993]: nc_open_mem() completely broken Unidata netCDF Support
11:27 [netCDF #HHS-891616]: NetCDF4 Internal Compression Performance Unidata netCDF Support
April 05, 2017
10:12 [netCDF #CWL-342900]: Error when compiling netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2017
17:21 [netCDFJava #LHS-725131]: NetcdfFileWriter needs to rename original file? Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:54 [netCDFJava #DBP-690959]: Bug relating to Groups in NetCDF-Java 4.6.8? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:06 [netCDF #PZR-164565]: NetCDF installation: "1 of 59 tests failed" Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #PCI-385522]: Help Error make check Unidata netCDF Support
March 29, 2017
12:32 [netCDF #QFD-448133]: NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded error Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2017
15:51 [netCDFJava #DBP-690959]: Bug relating to Groups in NetCDF-Java 4.6.8? Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 25, 2017
12:17 [netCDF #JSB-714750]: Use netcdf in IDE Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2017
15:07 [netCDF #JSB-714750]: Use netcdf in IDE Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #JSB-714750]: Use netcdf in IDE Unidata netCDF Support
11:53 [netCDF #OCA-379499]: Help Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2017
16:30 [netCDF #SKS-534087]: ncgen parses "u" suffix as uint64 not uint32 Unidata netCDF Support
15:04 [netCDF #SKS-534087]: ncgen parses "u" suffix as uint64 not uint32 Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #TVM-130890]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2017
15:18 [netCDF #QFL-946930]: Problem of Installing Netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2017
15:45 [netCDFJava #MPS-625937]: Please help with netcdfUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:06 [netCDF #WGQ-990828]: netcdf fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #HRY-617107]: error on make check in ncgen3 Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2017
16:25 [netCDF #RYF-820381]: Inquiry for NetCDF nccopy command Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2017
12:27 [netCDF #PXT-854181]: broken links Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2017
13:45 [netCDF #MEI-162758]: NetCDF static library for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
March 10, 2017
21:24 [netCDFJava #TOB-380274]: netcdfAll-4.6.8.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:21 [netCDFJava #TOB-380274]: netcdfAll-4.6.8.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:13 [netCDFJava #WBD-232814]: Changing the shape of variables with NcML Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 09, 2017
12:00 [netCDF #OFL-471540]: Pnetcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #VEA-664369]: problem in building netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
March 07, 2017
10:54 [netCDF #XSO-413126]: Help Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2017
15:07 [netCDF #DOQ-804763]: Installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #FSQ-307920]: can't get netcdf- installed Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #FSQ-307920]: can't get netcdf- installed Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #ONX-810836]: managing different features Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2017
12:13 [netCDF #UWJ-917865]: NetCDF File Naming Convention Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #BZB-868137]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #UWJ-917865]: NetCDF File Naming Convention Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2017
13:25 [netCDF #NES-844128]: NetCDF reference Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2017
15:19 [netCDFJava #GCR-931481]: Help regarding slow reading from and writing to netCDF3 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:32 [netCDF #SFE-159711]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #VUW-332099]: howto install netCDF on Windows 7 Professional? Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2017
16:51 [netCDFJava #GCR-931481]: Help regarding slow reading from and writing to netCDF3 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:16 [netCDFJava #RGZ-511388]: JJ2000 5.3 in Maven Central Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:01 [THREDDS #VDR-375778]: Re: [support] Help with Using OC Implementation Unidata THREDDS Support
14:01 [THREDDS #VDR-375778]: Re: [support] Help with Using OC Implementation Unidata THREDDS Support
13:50 [THREDDS #VCG-135567]: Proxy Server Configuration with NetCDF4/PyDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
10:19 [netCDF #SYH-326288]: Java Connection Problem NKA-280167 Unidata netCDF Support
February 21, 2017
09:39 [Staging #BZZ-884134]: netcdf-Perl configure error(s) Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:28 [netCDF #OXF-630724]: issue when compiling Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2017
15:34 [netCDF #WEC-384607]: Questions about parallel-netcdf-c: COLLECTIVE mode V.S. INDEPENDENT mode Unidata netCDF Support
February 17, 2017
13:58 [netCDF #UPT-409071]: NetCDF-Fortran installation configure help Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #XGS-540654]: Need sample NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #WQF-989775]: memory leak in NC4_put_propattr Unidata netCDF Support
February 15, 2017
15:35 [netCDFJava #ADT-625226]: GEMPAK to NetCDF4 Script Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:10 [netCDFJava #ADT-625226]: GEMPAK to NetCDF4 Script Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:03 [netCDFJava #ADT-625226]: GEMPAK to NetCDF4 Script Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:24 [netCDF #QBI-894711]: Inability to write a variable to a NETCDF-4 file if its dimension has been defined as unlimited in a parent group Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #NKA-280167]: Java Connection Problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:07 [netCDF #JSJ-696885]: Issue with ncdump for netcdf4 files Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDFJava #GCR-931481]: Help regarding slow reading from and writing to netCDF3 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 09, 2017
10:05 [netCDF #DUY-548170]: Netcdf library installation for GEOS-Chem Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #STU-696374]: Error during make check for netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2017
10:26 [netCDF #BQS-946330]: Installing netcdf-cxx4-4.3.0 on windows operating system Unidata netCDF Support
February 02, 2017
11:21 [netCDF #ARP-669646]: NetCDF4 parallel I/O documentation for Fortran. Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #ARP-669646]: NetCDF4 parallel I/O documentation for Fortran. Unidata netCDF Support
January 31, 2017
14:16 [netCDF #XYX-140598]: Question about "_Unsigned" variable attribute Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDFJava #CZN-403791]: error in opendap.servlet Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 30, 2017
10:40 [netCDF #OYW-455599]: Broken 366_day calendar in ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #NMW-868540]: cmake configuration failure Unidata netCDF Support
January 26, 2017
16:59 [netCDF #VLI-717581]: Reporting build error for Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #RRH-685489]: nc error Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2017
15:47 [netCDF #NRR-876231]: broken links Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #ICM-394957]: can't find or link hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #XTR-216182]: Reg installation of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2017
15:27 [netCDF #XKJ-645277]: Type punning in swap4b() Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [netCDF #XKJ-645277]: Type punning in swap4b() Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #YOY-255588]: gmake error Unidata netCDF Support
12:14 [netCDF #SAS-589946]: NetCDF GNU compile problems Unidata netCDF Support
January 20, 2017
10:13 [netCDF #UVF-842705]: Install errors on macOS 10.12.2 (Sierra) Unidata netCDF Support
January 19, 2017
11:45 [netCDF #RWZ-109537]: test suit fails Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #GWM-519484]: netcdf ar build default problem Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2017
10:51 [netCDF #JAZ-406499]: Configure error cannot compute size of (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2017
14:04 [netCDF #EPW-963095]: Compilation of NETCDF Fortran 4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
January 09, 2017
11:20 [netCDF #NNQ-861030]: about WRF compile issue Unidata netCDF Support
January 05, 2017
15:53 [netCDF #SVU-469069]: Problems with netcdf compilation Unidata netCDF Support
11:58 [netCDF #NJQ-986686]: Details to Improve in netCDF Website Unidata netCDF Support
11:40 [netCDF #UMN-312408]: Error while making netcdf-C-Libraries Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [Staging #BPK-856024]: One of your pages has a broken link Unidata netCDF Support
January 03, 2017
11:26 [netCDF #XZG-173145]: error when installing netcdf with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
December 28, 2016
10:59 [netCDF #XKJ-645277]: Type punning in swap4b() Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #RHQ-929943]: netcdf file write Unidata netCDF Support
December 27, 2016
11:04 [netCDF #MXL-975300]: Error while doing make check install in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
December 21, 2016
14:45 [netCDF #FTI-935060]: Questions regarding string fields for NetCDF-4 format Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #AER-807569]: NetCDF make check fails h5_test Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #FQI-260886]: Fail to make check when installing netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #AMS-956047]: netcdf dimensions NF90_UNLIMITED Unidata netCDF Support
December 20, 2016
15:50 [netCDF #FTI-935060]: Questions regarding string fields for NetCDF-4 format Unidata netCDF Support
15:44 [netCDF #CVL-364427]: fails in netcdf-c 4.4.1 compilation Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #ILN-571146]: CDL validator Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #FTI-935060]: Questions regarding string fields for NetCDF-4 format Unidata netCDF Support
12:21 [netCDF #HXK-253660]: difficulty building libnetcdff (fortran) Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2016
15:09 [netCDF #ILN-571146]: CDL validator Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #FTI-935060]: Questions regarding string fields for NetCDF-4 format Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #ILN-571146]: CDL validator Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #NTN-737861]: Install gfortran netcdf in Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
December 15, 2016
14:07 [netCDF #HVD-521050]: NetCDF installation on CentOS 6 Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #HVD-521050]: NetCDF installation on CentOS 6 Unidata netCDF Support
December 14, 2016
15:01 [netCDF #LUG-687527]: Reading data from NetCDF files on HTTPS OPeNDAP servers Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDF #FHI-783210]: netcdf building and linking to gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #THR-683655]: Need Help Building NETCDF on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #AFX-418795]: Writing data into netcdf file from multiple processors at a time Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2016
12:50 [netCDF #ACY-339573]: Segmentation Fault when trying to read variable from netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
December 08, 2016
11:03 [netCDF #LLH-843979]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #ACY-339573]: Segmentation Fault when trying to read variable from netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
December 07, 2016
11:41 [netCDF #IBD-475265]: netcdf issue Unidata netCDF Support
December 06, 2016
16:35 [netCDF #VNX-965855]: Errors from netcdf creation, thanks. Unidata netCDF Support
16:25 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #NWQ-392085]: netcdf-fortran test error Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #NWQ-392085]: netcdf-fortran test error Unidata netCDF Support
December 05, 2016
14:15 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2016
15:51 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [netCDF #BNO-481908]: NetCDF Fortran 4.4.2 make check failure on nf_test Unidata netCDF Support
November 30, 2016
13:12 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
November 29, 2016
13:35 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #GLR-677846]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
November 28, 2016
14:31 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #YFO-861586]: nc_inq crashes Unidata netCDF Support
11:27 [netCDF #HSI-143186]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #HLI-331719]: parallel netcdf 1.8.0 Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #CTL-201284]: Error while installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
November 25, 2016
12:16 [netCDF #CCY-847837]: Compiling fan on Ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2016
22:14 [netCDF #ROK-531899]: errors building netcdf-4.4.1 on freebsd-10.3 Unidata netCDF Support
20:51 [netCDF #ROK-531899]: errors building netcdf-4.4.1 on freebsd-10.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #ROK-531899]: errors building netcdf-4.4.1 on freebsd-10.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #ROK-531899]: errors building netcdf-4.4.1 on freebsd-10.3 Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2016
09:53 [netCDF #DDX-610026]: undefined symbol: ncerr Unidata netCDF Support
November 14, 2016
15:38 [netCDF #GGW-326248]: netCDF and Vb.Net Unidata netCDF Support
November 11, 2016
15:46 [netCDF #HRB-457979]: Error accessing netcdf file via Matlab, in particular a CF-1.6 convention file. Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #XET-647811]: About return value of nf_open in fortran Unidata netCDF Support
November 10, 2016
09:33 [netCDF #SUD-749499]: NetCDF4 vs. HDF EOS2 Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2016
16:50 [netCDF #GRH-752121]: problems installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
16:48 [netCDF #KSC-192695]: NetCDF 4.4.1 Solaris 10 SPARC: ncgen test fails Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #MHZ-123450]: NC0264 error Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #TUH-335186]: Error NC0034 Unidata netCDF Support
November 07, 2016
17:21 [netCDF #YNV-233539]: ncdump help Unidata netCDF Support
17:01 [netCDF #QNI-408934]: Can't find or link to the z library Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2016
01:24 [netCDFJava #EJT-345152]: Display content of .grib and .nc file Unidata netCDF Java Support
01:09 [netCDFJava #ENR-893973]: Modifying netcdf variables in an existing file Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 28, 2016
13:12 [netCDF #LWS-744983]: Unexpected nc-config output? Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2016
15:18 [netCDF #OIY-321184]: problems installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 25, 2016
11:15 [netCDF #YYB-743440]: Question about netcdf version and libnetcdf* Unidata netCDF Support
October 19, 2016
10:40 [netCDF #UGV-736137]: Error while installing netcdf4-python in Ubuntu 15.04 Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2016
11:02 [netCDF #RCQ-405227]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #ADX-721122]: nc4 over parallel hdf5 - Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #ADX-721122]: nc4 over parallel hdf5 - Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2016
10:25 [netCDF #DDI-914172]: Netcdf fortran and PGI compiler Unidata netCDF Support
October 06, 2016
13:29 [netCDF #EQF-173486]: Read 3D netcdf data with c++ Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #RCQ-405227]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 [netCDF #UCP-346528]: Easy issue I can't figure out Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2016
11:20 [netCDF #RTA-885842]: Writing several netcdf files simultaneously by multiple threads Unidata netCDF Support
10:27 [netCDF #RTA-885842]: Writing several netcdf files simultaneously by multiple threads Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2016
10:59 [netCDF #RTA-885842]: Writing several netcdf files simultaneously by multiple threads Unidata netCDF Support
October 03, 2016
10:22 [netCDF #RTD-555738]: 64-bit dimensions in the Fortran 90 interface Unidata netCDF Support
September 30, 2016
15:09 [netCDF #OIP-721642]: nco_def_var_chunking() documentation Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #VEG-361627]: possible nccopy bug, causes files size to explode Unidata netCDF Support
September 29, 2016
14:29 [netCDF #TLE-360648]: netcdf-fortran 4.4.4 compile error Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2016
16:30 [netCDF #DMO-236308]: NETCDF Segmentation fault issue with large data sizes Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [Support #NYP-994554]: Re: [#63481]: Cannot seem to access GES DISC's OPeNDAP (though I have in the past) Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #DMO-236308]: NETCDF Segmentation fault issue with large data sizes Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #RTA-885842]: Writing several netcdf files simultaneously by multiple threads Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #FYW-295438]: Consult some issues about netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 23, 2016
11:03 [netCDF #GUJ-477737]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #WQW-758201]: NetCDF install failure Unidata netCDF Support
September 22, 2016
10:32 [netCDF #CQX-737246]: why can't netcdf4-python read grib2 format directly just like netcdf-java Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2016
15:46 [netCDF #WIY-273568]: trouble building in dap support for netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 [netCDF #WIY-273568]: trouble building in dap support for netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #WWW-682568]: The question about NETCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #KBE-868074]: netCDF build error Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2016
12:10 [netCDF #SFV-348763]: simple question Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #RZA-636871]: Netcdf request for help Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2016
15:26 [netCDF #DXQ-217091]: Regrid Netcdf file to lower resolution Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #GDU-185487]: netCDF support for HDF5's SWMR mode Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #BNN-143450]: Bug in netCDF library. Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #YQP-429378]: dead link Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #PPM-505357]: Question about support of netCDF for intel FORTRAN compiler Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2016
17:23 [netCDF #LZQ-123544]: Curvlinear Coordinates dimension sizes Unidata netCDF Support
15:20 [netCDF #JBW-543999]: Tile of netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2016
11:14 [netCDF #IPX-282124]: missing test file tst_fill_attr_vanish.c? Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #EUY-919925]: Help - h5 test failures (netcdf4-4.4.1 + netcdf-fortran-4.4.1 + netcdf-cxx4-4.3.0) Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2016
16:10 [netCDF #QLG-265587]: Fwd: Netcdf request for help Unidata netCDF Support
September 06, 2016
11:21 [netCDF #KHZ-516126]: Installation of two versions of netcdf with different compilers Unidata netCDF Support
September 02, 2016
18:14 [netCDF #DZC-590249]: Authorize github access Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #DZC-590249]: Authorize github access Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #DZC-590249]: Authorize github access Unidata netCDF Support
08:30 [netCDF #DZC-590249]: Authorize github access Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2016
21:42 [netCDF #DZC-590249]: Authorize github access Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2016
14:50 [netCDF #EDB-648764]: Test failure caused by --disable-utilities Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #GYH-991840]: Unable to read data from ncar ncep reanalysis 2 data files Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2016
15:47 [netCDF #EXY-306229]: Transforming netCDF 1 D array into 2D array Unidata netCDF Support
14:12 [netCDF #SHR-172079]: Possible bug in Fortran NetCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDF #VGX-202851]: Error: Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2016
10:02 [netCDF #HLM-915223]: Wrong detection of HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2016
19:25 [netCDF #DHW-277522]: ncdump doesn't display enough digits Unidata netCDF Support
13:53 [netCDF #DHW-277522]: ncdump doesn't display enough digits Unidata netCDF Support
13:31 [netCDF #DHW-277522]: ncdump doesn't display enough digits Unidata netCDF Support
13:22 [netCDF #DHW-277522]: ncdump doesn't display enough digits Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2016
10:34 [netCDFJava #MRA-346602]: NetCDF file that used to work now failing Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 22, 2016
15:59 [netCDF #MUE-314708]: Issue with NetCDF with PGI beta compilers on POWER Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2016
15:34 [netCDFJava #MRA-346602]: NetCDF file that used to work now failing Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:31 [netCDFJava #MRA-346602]: NetCDF file that used to work now failing Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 18, 2016
17:34 [netCDF #VRW-533436]: About translating netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 [netCDFJava #MRA-346602]: NetCDF file that used to work now failing Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:50 [netCDF #RKW-379391]: Make Ckeck error Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2016
14:39 [netCDF #KLN-307159]: Only one test fail, unable to understand logs. Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #RXI-782940]: trouble installing netcdf using cmake Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2016
14:55 [netCDF #BEU-153909]: Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #PFO-333387]: netcdf fortran compiling issue Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #UYK-674261]: nf_open run time error Unidata netCDF Support
August 11, 2016
14:52 [netCDFJava #YHZ-994892]: NetCDF-Java variable attribute path Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:49 [netCDFJava #YHZ-994892]: NetCDF-Java variable attribute path Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 10, 2016
19:58 [netCDFJava #YHZ-994892]: NetCDF-Java variable attribute path Unidata netCDF Java Support
19:52 [netCDF #GUP-581805]: Problems with netcdf file processing Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2016
10:51 [netCDF #RBA-990925]: Clarification about NetCDF lib performance Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #TIQ-512523]: netCDF file related query Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #WJC-205904]: Two failures when running make check install netcdf-c-4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
August 03, 2016
14:12 [netCDF #PZU-972988]: INSTALLATION OF NETCDF-FORTRAN Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2016
15:25 [netCDFJava #NBT-844482]: problems with add_offset, scale Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:17 [netCDFJava #NBT-844482]: problems with add_offset, scale Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:04 [netCDFJava #NBT-844482]: problems with add_offset, scale Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:17 [netCDFJava #NBT-844482]: problems with add_offset, scale Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 01, 2016
13:01 [netCDF #FTI-667140]: CDL inconsistency Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #IWG-181444]: Unable to install netcdf-fortran (4.4.4) Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2016
15:44 [netCDF #TVW-449115]: Disabling Fillings Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #TVW-449115]: Disabling Fillings Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #YDN-565596]: Seeking help regarding the installation of netcdf 3.5.0 Unidata netCDF Support
July 28, 2016
12:57 [netCDF #MUI-804021]: Question concerning Concatenation of NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2016
16:40 [netCDFJava #MDA-777673]: netcdf-4 library loading Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:09 [netCDF #MNE-528365]: Segmentation Fault Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #EIY-908195]: Install NetCDF v2 API Unidata netCDF Support
July 25, 2016
17:37 [netCDFJava #MRA-346602]: NetCDF file that used to work now failing Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:08 [netCDF #XEV-867503]: Unable to install netcdf-fortran-4.4.4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:02 [netCDF #RAV-932679]: Missing netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
11:39 [netCDF #LUE-926550]: netCDF Tutorials Unidata netCDF Support
July 20, 2016
18:28 [netCDF #HSS-201489]: NetCDF (C) 4.4.0 failures in "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #ZYF-261630]: nccopy (hdf?) error when a dimension name and a variable name are the same Unidata netCDF Support
July 19, 2016
13:32 [netCDF #QLD-815319]: http response reporting Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #RIC-575940]: netCDF-Fortran-4.4.4 make check has no implicit type error Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2016
10:00 [netCDF #ZOF-488827]: installing netcdf via cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
July 15, 2016
14:28 [netCDF #CIJ-321696]: NetCDF C++ version mismatch on download sites? Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #LAQ-495298]: Update on Windows fortran netcdf port? Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2016
15:24 [netCDF #ZBL-528971]: report failure for NetCDF4.1.3 test Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #MVP-736358]: --with-hdf5 flag when building netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
July 13, 2016
13:49 [netCDF #MEF-125320]: netCDF-4.4.1 make check errors with test_get.c and test_put.c Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #LMR-904358]: Testsuite summary for netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2016
15:57 [netCDF #QWR-165524]: building netcdf-c failed with error "ld: unknown option: --no-undefined" Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2016
09:48 [netCDF #SXE-762095]: Corrections to netcdf 4.4.1 news page Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2016
16:23 [netCDF #VBJ-219273]: OC 2.0 binaries for win32 Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2016
13:19 [netCDF #EPZ-402342]: Clarification about Multi dimension variable Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #VBJ-219273]: OC 2.0 binaries for win32 Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2016
10:27 [netCDF #BGZ-769123]: install netcdf fortran library on a MAC with openmpi Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #SNX-478014]: Eroor compiling netcdf-c Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2016
11:18 [netCDF #JJD-454907]: nctest segfault Unidata netCDF Support
June 29, 2016
15:26 [netCDF #GUA-922187]: Problems about using parallel io to manage NF90_UNLIMITED dimensions variables in different groups Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2016
11:10 [netCDF #OHL-714122]: NetCDF external links Unidata netCDF Support
June 27, 2016
15:27 [netCDF #EHQ-878784]: HDF4/NetCDF4-interoperability Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2016
09:48 [netCDF #TDC-517908]: Loading netcdf into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2016
10:49 [netCDF #WSP-438183]: netcdf-fortran configure issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #VPI-824813]: linking failing for netcdf-cxx4.lib for c++ lib Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #WSY-349621]: Default netcdf chunk size Unidata netCDF Support
June 16, 2016
11:22 [netCDF #UET-786827]: netCDF 3.6 source? Unidata netCDF Support
June 14, 2016
18:12 [netCDFJava #DYV-254597]: ToolsUI JNLP file references missing file Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:11 [netCDFJava #DYV-254597]: ToolsUI JNLP file references missing file Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 13, 2016
10:18 [netCDF #NCO-663646]: netcdf 4.4.0 error report Unidata netCDF Support
June 09, 2016
13:51 [netCDFJava #DYV-254597]: ToolsUI JNLP file references missing file Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 08, 2016
17:13 [netCDF #NEJ-631633]: Error while building with CMake Unidata netCDF Support
17:10 [netCDF #XAT-642782]: How can I activate the Fortran 90 API while building? Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [netCDFJava #PJP-745011]: Help with NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 07, 2016
15:04 [netCDF #YBM-254849]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #QVX-141521]: Seemed to install but isn't linking well Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2016
10:58 [netCDF #IJH-938017]: Information about netcdf cpp interface Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2016
14:15 [netCDF #HHB-377746]: CDF 1.6 Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2016
16:46 [netCDF #HHB-377746]: CDF 1.6 Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2016
16:35 [netCDFJava #WRC-922054]: Help,About NetCDF-Java for NetCdf-4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:23 [netCDF #CHF-994141]: cannot compute sizeof (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2016
13:56 [netCDF #JLU-698427]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #OJN-766944]: renaming dimension erases its attributes Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2016
13:07 [netCDF #QDP-456445]: NetCDF make check failed:Numeric conversion not representable Unidata netCDF Support
May 26, 2016
15:07 [netCDF #XWB-340875]: nf_test fails while trying to compile netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #IOY-229547]: Build netcdf-fortran if enable parallel HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #PMM-566115]: Chunking and performance Unidata netCDF Support
May 20, 2016
15:12 [netCDF #EOO-961163]: fortran make check error Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2016
09:42 [netCDF #EOO-961163]: fortran make check error Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2016
10:29 [netCDF #MPQ-382475]: netcdf-fortran can't find 'nc_*' Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2016
15:01 [netCDF #KCA-227521]: Netcdf C Library Error - Parallel I/O support Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2016
12:27 [netCDF #YWY-686886]: fortran api documentation hard to find Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #RPS-257145]: Dead link Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2016
12:29 [netCDF #KEO-214252]: Using netCDF in windows with visual studio 2013 Unidata netCDF Support
12:00 [netCDF #DMQ-180719]: netcdf fortran make check issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:58 [netCDF #RGM-462352]: Error in netcdf-fortran-4.4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
11:56 [netCDF #VUG-882895]: some problem with my necdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDFJava #PVR-955271]: Regarding on NetCDF java API for radar UF format Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 11, 2016
10:52 [netCDF #JJA-419231]: regarding NetCDF library for IDL Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2016
16:04 [netCDFJava #RTS-672326]: Bufr tables. Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:14 [netCDF #HCN-324612]: Installing netcdf-4-4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #IYP-931429]: Bug issue NCFORTRAN-29 Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #RND-641397]: netdcf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2016
12:41 [netCDF #SJY-200306]: Support understanding COARDS data Unidata netCDF Support
10:44 [netCDF #PDO-635368]: WRF installation Unidata netCDF Support
May 06, 2016
12:34 [netCDF #MSZ-578874]: forum message Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #EEQ-473331]: diskless and database Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2016
17:44 [netCDFJava #RTS-672326]: Bufr tables. Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:29 [Support #BMY-312147]: how to use netcdfall.jar in linux Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:39 [netCDF #WSF-768420]: compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #RPG-559909]: Parallel Netcdf Error Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #BRS-900510]: Fwd: data type of netCDF file in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 03, 2016
10:29 [netCDF #BYN-345552]: problem when installing netcdf-Fortran-4.4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 02, 2016
16:40 [netCDFJava #WRC-922054]: Help,About NetCDF-Java for NetCdf-4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:57 [netCDF #ANY-749300]: using netCDF within a FORTRAN program Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [Miscellaneous #NMJ-880189]: 2016 Unidata Training Workshop Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2016
14:47 [netCDFJava #DSD-584620]: NetCDF for Android Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 29, 2016
13:11 [netCDF #EYX-110538]: thread-safe use of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDFJava #WRC-922054]: Help,About NetCDF-Java for NetCdf-4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 25, 2016
20:55 [netCDFJava #BKC-584663]: scalefactors from grib-files in NetCDF for Java 4.6.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:02 [netCDF #TET-842292]: Poor NetCDF-4 parallel performance Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #GWL-689713]: Windows NetCDF binary 4.3.3 ? Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 [netCDF #HSS-201489]: NetCDF (C) 4.4.0 failures in "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #OFX-325794]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #RUB-858326]: configure errror Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2016
11:31 [netCDF #IDV-870642]: Windows DLLs for NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2016
14:08 [netCDF #QYC-628947]: NF90_GET_VAR not working with user defined type variable Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #XRL-790680]: DHAVE_CONFIG_H errors with "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #VOZ-441159]: Error installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2016
17:42 [netCDF #TCE-332783]: converting hdf5 file to netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2016
15:29 [netCDF #IXN-602301]: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library. Unidata netCDF Support
15:20 [netCDF #YPY-865290]: NetCDF build reproducibility Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #ZVJ-630637]: Using netcdf in R Unidata netCDF Support
14:55 [netCDF #EVI-889112]: Question regarding where function definitions are in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #VHI-280278]: Two simple questions on NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 15, 2016
11:01 [netCDF #THH-168123]: NetCDF support Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #UZB-984131]: Using NetCDF on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDFJava #WRC-922054]: Help,About NetCDF-Java for NetCdf-4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 14, 2016
10:20 [netCDF #QYC-628947]: NF90_GET_VAR not working with user defined type variable Unidata netCDF Support
April 12, 2016
15:50 [netCDF #HCK-462706]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #TDM-389432]: Cf hdf5 in netcdf C library Unidata netCDF Support
15:41 [netCDF #WVZ-999561]: netcdf v. 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #NLB-753236]: trying to install netcdf on ubuntu 15.10 Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2016
16:02 [netCDF #FRM-971199]: Quick question about NetCDF or CDL data format Unidata netCDF Support
15:57 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
15:29 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #DCC-509647]: NetCDF-4.4.0 Configuration Error Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2016
09:50 [netCDFJava #UXM-196070]: Regarding NCML Aggregating ( montly axis at fixed date ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 09, 2016
09:36 [netCDFJava #UXM-196070]: Regarding NCML Aggregating ( montly axis at fixed date ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:08 [netCDFJava #UXM-196070]: Regarding NCML Aggregating ( montly axis at fixed date ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:07 [netCDFJava #UXM-196070]: Regarding NCML Aggregating ( montly axis at fixed date ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 08, 2016
12:38 [netCDF #NHN-213049]: Which netcdf4 release to build with hdf5, please. Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDFJava #UXM-196070]: Regarding NCML Aggregating ( montly axis at fixed date ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 06, 2016
13:48 [netCDFJava #UXM-196070]: Regarding NCML Aggregating ( montly axis at fixed date ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 05, 2016
11:24 [netCDF #JFV-237221]: 32 bit build of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #NBG-687264]: Error compiling NetCDF with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDF #FMU-553887]: nc-config fortran options Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2016
12:09 [netCDF #YYH-497732]: reading netcdf-4 ushort variables in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:42 [netCDF #YYH-497732]: reading netcdf-4 ushort variables in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #LYI-617946]: netCDF file not working on ArcMap 10.3 Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #VMC-329281]: RNetCDF and ncdf4 packages?? Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2016
10:17 [netCDF #MSG-356440]: can't find ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2016
10:35 [netCDF #RQS-982871]: Inquiry for an older netCDF-C release Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2016
10:48 [netCDF #JYP-884397]: Cmake error installing NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
March 29, 2016
11:07 [netCDF #FYG-872401]: I_have_meet_2_problems_when_installing_NetCDF4 THANK_YOU Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2016
15:21 [netCDF #PAF-865716]: use of netCDF-4 data Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #PAF-865716]: use of netCDF-4 data Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #GVK-490541]: netcdf for help Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #ZEC-555623]: Issues on netcdf-fortran-4.4.3 configure operation Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2016
13:32 [netCDFJava #KIS-882423]: Fill values not working netcdf4.6.4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:39 [netCDF #MFI-120877]: several problems when installing the NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
March 23, 2016
14:09 [netCDF #MSO-876287]: Netcdf error Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2016
11:10 [netCDF #HYU-805654]: Installation Instructions - Broken Link Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #WYE-962374]: netcdf-4.4.0 make check errors Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #GLW-819576]: Further NetCDF linkage problems with Portland Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2016
21:58 [Support #OHB-893333]: 2 Fail Tests in make checf of netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2016
18:01 [netCDF #ITX-365676]: Configure error : C compiler can not create executables Unidata netCDF Support
17:46 [netCDF #KML-376288]: PGI compilation failures in NetCDF-C "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2016
21:38 [netCDF #TSE-683024]: Treatment of non-breaking space Unidata netCDF Support
20:37 [netCDF #TSE-683024]: Treatment of non-breaking space Unidata netCDF Support
16:22 [netCDFJava #OFB-759560]: ToolsUI Question Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:20 [netCDFJava #KIS-882423]: Fill values not working netcdf4.6.4 Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:10 [netCDFJava #OFB-759560]: ToolsUI Question Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:59 [netCDFJava #IAZ-886449]: [netCDF-Java #RQL-102327] Java heap space: out of memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:42 [netCDFJava #IAZ-886449]: [netCDF-Java #RQL-102327] Java heap space: out of memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:24 [netCDF #QEB-649105]: transformations Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2016
14:48 [netCDFJava #OFB-759560]: ToolsUI Question Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 13, 2016
15:36 [netCDFJava #IAZ-886449]: [netCDF-Java #RQL-102327] Java heap space: out of memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 11, 2016
09:02 [netCDFJava #IAZ-886449]: [netCDF-Java #RQL-102327] Java heap space: out of memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 10, 2016
11:16 [netCDF #UCR-300811]: make check fail on ncdump with NetCDF 4.4.0 (with attachments) Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #ICN-893685]: NetCDF 4.3.0 Error Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #SAS-209673]: NetCDF with a rotated cartesian grid Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2016
15:41 [netCDF #JDC-680641]: Test problem with NetCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #UAD-972803]: netcdf4 HDF chunksize/cache ... vs. 'classic' format. Unidata netCDF Support
01:16 [netCDF #IAO-533024]: Compressed files return error in java netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 08, 2016
10:12 [netCDF #TOM-306249]: Byte stream dump of netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #QVP-434975]: NetCDF Make Check Failed: Segmentation Fault: 11 Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2016
10:52 [netCDF #TSE-683024]: Treatment of non-breaking space Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2016
14:58 [netCDFJava #VGQ-678069]: Tools UI doesn't show the attributes from a DAP access Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 01, 2016
15:57 [netCDF #IAO-533024]: Compressed files return error in java netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:53 [netCDF #WSD-913647]: Use of protected ESGF data sets fails using ncdump (and other clients) Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #WSD-913647]: Use of protected ESGF data sets fails using ncdump (and other clients) Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #WSD-913647]: Use of protected ESGF data sets fails using ncdump (and other clients) Unidata netCDF Support
12:01 [netCDF #IAO-533024]: Compressed files return error in java netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 29, 2016
15:18 [netCDF #NTM-669611]: NetCDF Fortran documentation? Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #HPO-776120]: nc_put_var() converts to external types? Unidata netCDF Support
February 24, 2016
12:47 [netCDF #YNV-368298]: netCDF z/OS port problems resolving zlib Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #FLI-445795]: Fortran interface: docs and the future Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2016
10:37 [netCDF #WSN-271468]: problem in installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
February 19, 2016
11:17 [netCDF #OVN-333261]: License terms Unidata netCDF Support
February 17, 2016
10:15 [netCDF #IAO-533024]: Compressed files return error in java netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:11 [netCDF #EXP-161336]: netcdf file problem Unidata netCDF Support
February 16, 2016
15:52 [netCDFJava #DLU-835415]: how to extract a layer vertical item's top and bottom values Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:34 [netCDF #OOL-978844]: 1 test fail Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #CYY-632936]: Potential bugs in cmake files for msvc builds with explicit paths to hdf5 .lib files Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2016
13:57 [netCDF #PGA-706638]: libtool error on make check for FORTRAN build Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDF #SFC-476918]: Additional items for NetCDF conventions list Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2016
09:36 [netCDF #CET-311784]: make check: FAIL: nctest Unidata netCDF Support
February 10, 2016
10:59 [netCDF #AFE-283250]: Hlep needed for installing NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #YWM-423085]: NetCDF: linking libraries Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2016
15:26 [netCDF #IAO-533024]: Compressed files return error in java netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:46 [netCDFJava #VGQ-678069]: Tools UI doesn't show the attributes from a DAP access Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:33 [netCDF #IAO-533024]: Compressed files return error in java netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:40 [netCDF #JKM-455512]: How to combine all the NETCDF files together Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #EAQ-640481]: netcdf data conversion Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #JMP-514642]: How to convert netCDF file in Text File Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2016
11:17 [netCDF #JMP-514642]: How to convert netCDF file in Text File Unidata netCDF Support
February 05, 2016
10:24 [netCDF #MWW-317670]: netCDF Test Failure Unidata netCDF Support
February 04, 2016
12:07 [netCDF #VSN-561175]: Update the NetCDF-F download? Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #TFO-412535]: "make check" failures with NetCDF (C) 4.4.0? Unidata netCDF Support
February 03, 2016
14:39 [netCDFJava #VGQ-678069]: Tools UI doesn't show the attributes from a DAP access Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 02, 2016
11:52 [netCDF #NAR-529766]: error ./configure: There is no file or directory Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDFJava #BLY-842594]: HDF5 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
01:25 [netCDFJava #BLY-842594]: HDF5 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 01, 2016
15:23 [netCDF #KWS-195468]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #MEI-162758]: NetCDF static library for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #BRZ-403226]: Error while installing netcdf-fortran 4.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2016
22:28 [netCDFJava #VGQ-678069]: Tools UI doesn't show the attributes from a DAP access Unidata netCDF Java Support
22:22 [netCDFJava #VGQ-678069]: Tools UI doesn't show the attributes from a DAP access Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:15 [netCDF #TSQ-113269]: Question about NetCDF-4 and HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #NGT-664990]: Undefined symbol for architecture x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
12:10 [netCDF #YFI-874195]: netcdf-c unable to detect -fortran Unidata netCDF Support
12:01 [netCDF #RCR-112297]: netcdf make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
January 27, 2016
13:33 [netCDF #SNQ-496728]: tst03_f77_v2.F:(.data+0x84): undefined reference to `tests_' Unidata netCDF Support
11:59 [netCDFJava #VGQ-678069]: Tools UI doesn't show the attributes from a DAP access Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:02 [netCDF #ZZR-129309]: ./ncdump/ctest.c 0 bytes Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #EXP-161336]: netcdf file problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [netCDF #MIH-413835]: Problem with data reading Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #ZZR-129309]: ./ncdump/ctest.c 0 bytes Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #JFJ-263445]: NETCDF - PHP Unidata netCDF Support
January 25, 2016
19:03 [netCDF #MIH-413835]: Problem with data reading Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #TPV-907918]: source codes and Russ's presentation Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #UVQ-190508]: Doxygen on NetCDF C++ 4.0 unaccessible Unidata netCDF Support
January 22, 2016
13:45 [netCDF #DNR-679369]: netCDF seg faults Unidata netCDF Support
January 21, 2016
11:28 [netCDF #CDN-649463]: ncdap_test failed Unidata netCDF Support
January 20, 2016
10:46 [netCDF #YWV-209348]: 2 eerors Unidata netCDF Support
10:44 [netCDF #JIW-290150]: How to read NetCDF File using Apache spark Unidata netCDF Support
January 19, 2016
15:38 [netCDF #GXS-665433]: netcdf-fortran make check error Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #OBE-822161]: Missing bounds check in NetCDF4-C++: NcVar::getDim() Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #GKB-625169]: problem installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #GKB-625169]: problem installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
January 15, 2016
15:02 [netCDF #GNP-308356]: netcdf f90 api documentation Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2016
15:10 [netCDF #PJC-712062]: nccopy cannot copy a nc3 file to a nc4 file Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #PJC-712062]: nccopy cannot copy a nc3 file to a nc4 file Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #WOU-310389]: netcdf install error Unidata netCDF Support
January 13, 2016
14:10 [netCDF #PJC-712062]: nccopy cannot copy a nc3 file to a nc4 file Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #PJC-712062]: nccopy cannot copy a nc3 file to a nc4 file Unidata netCDF Support
14:02 [netCDF #PJC-712062]: nccopy cannot copy a nc3 file to a nc4 file Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 [netCDF #RLQ-527519]: Netcdf not loading properly when running a climate model Unidata netCDF Support
12:19 [netCDF #BLM-996217]: Compatibility of NetCDF/4.2 compiled w/Cray compilers and HDF5/1.8.9 compiled w/gnu compilers Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2016
11:38 [netCDF #WEY-236998]: Sharing NetCDF files between APIs? Unidata netCDF Support
January 08, 2016
15:54 [netCDF #LUI-935111]: make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #GNI-143367]: Typo fixes in the netcdf tutorial Unidata netCDF Support
January 07, 2016
11:10 [netCDF #TSB-411735]: NcGroup::adVar() hangs on garbage input Unidata netCDF Support
January 06, 2016
10:42 [netCDF #TSJ-231955]: netcdf- is installed sucessfully,but when "make check" error appears Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #PXG-145113]: wgrib2 install errors Unidata netCDF Support
10:20 [netCDF #QSQ-920786]: Time for a new release of NetCDF-C++4? Unidata netCDF Support
January 05, 2016
10:08 [netCDF #UEA-649834]: Bug report - Building on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #KHJ-604410]: problems building netcdf 4.4 with Visual Studio 2015 and windows 10 Unidata netCDF Support
January 04, 2016
16:22 [netCDFJava #YSI-357983]: NetCDF and MongoDB Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:45 [netCDF #GHJ-989919]: problems with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #NHN-334557]: Support for HDF >=1.8.13 Unidata netCDF Support
December 30, 2015
15:13 [netCDF #IEC-876213]: Segmentation fault in fortran program compiled with OpenMP Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #GDF-838214]: netcdf formatted dump index reporting ... wrong Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDFJava #DCA-797800]: Projection system X and Y axis units Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 29, 2015
12:27 [netCDF #NBD-744549]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.2 install Unidata netCDF Support
10:27 [netCDF #OBW-613992]: Possible memory leak in nf90_get_var (netcdf/4.3.0) Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #VLT-558992]: Building the NetCDF-4.2 and Fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
December 28, 2015
12:09 [netCDF #NHM-436259]: THREDDS server question Unidata THREDDS Support
December 27, 2015
13:32 [netCDF #BNL-694121]: ncgen bug? Unidata netCDF Support
December 26, 2015
16:45 [netCDF #BNL-694121]: ncgen bug? Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #BNL-694121]: ncgen bug? Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #BNL-694121]: ncgen bug? Unidata netCDF Support
December 22, 2015
10:48 [netCDF #ETU-469275]: How to enable --has-f90 for netcdf-fortran 4.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #KVC-649300]: Help install wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
December 21, 2015
15:16 [netCDF #NHM-436259]: THREDDS server question Unidata THREDDS Support
10:41 [netCDF #LQZ-375894]: Problem(s) using netcdf fortran library 4.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
December 18, 2015
17:20 [netCDF #XJX-664489]: NCVPTG illegal stride with version, works for version 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
17:10 [netCDF #WZH-305969]: Building netcdf-fortran with intel compilers fails Unidata netCDF Support
11:35 [netCDF #ASR-689767]: netCDF-fortran-4.4.2 install Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #HTN-724952]: netCDF in Visual Studio 2013 Unidata netCDF Support
December 16, 2015
12:19 [netCDF #GBR-239790]: netcdf 1/9 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
December 14, 2015
11:34 [netCDF #NFS-358072]: netCDF INSTALL PROBLEM Unidata netCDF Support
December 11, 2015
14:25 [netCDF #WMQ-321770]: pb installing netcdf-fortran 4.4.2 in parallel Unidata netCDF Support
December 09, 2015
17:27 [netCDFJava #YDE-831191]: Correctly recognizing CF projection systems Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 08, 2015
16:14 [netCDF #BUX-356656]: NetCDF3 versus NetCDF4 types Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #DOY-885966]: [PATCH] Vulnerability & fix in nc_inq_attname(), nc_inq_dimname() and nc_inq_varname(), and in nccopy.c/dumplib.c Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #UGE-205390]: nc-config with static libraries Unidata netCDF Support
December 07, 2015
16:23 [netCDF #JSU-807968]: Install problems Unidata netCDF Support
December 06, 2015
21:01 [netCDFJava #QZT-830117]: xmrg to grib1 or grib2? Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 04, 2015
14:46 [netCDF #DOY-885966]: [PATCH] Vulnerability & fix in nc_inq_attname(), nc_inq_dimname() and nc_inq_varname(), and in nccopy.c/dumplib.c Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2015
12:27 [netCDF #WVT-704100]: trouble instaling netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2015
10:40 [netCDF #PWW-320949]: question about nc_def_var_chunking Unidata netCDF Support
November 30, 2015
17:16 [netCDF #JPF-333817]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
11:42 [netCDF #LFJ-350286]: Trouble installing libraries Unidata netCDF Support
11:34 [netCDF #TQG-648396]: /tmp/netcdf-fortran-4.4.2/fortran/./nf_control.F90:307: undefined reference to `nc_inq_path' Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2015
10:35 [netCDF #QUZ-629772]: Problems installing NetCDF with gcc 5.2.0 Unidata netCDF Support
November 24, 2015
14:12 [netCDF #ZZG-280021]: Pets can not be installed yosemite 10. 10.5 (14F1021) Unidata netCDF Support
November 23, 2015
14:40 [netCDF #KKZ-572987]: Bug report - nc_put_vars_double() Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #TPF-643279]: NetCDF prebuilt binaries for windows (64 bit) Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #XOY-590725]: NetCD4 Scilab interface Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2015
13:12 [netCDF #XSR-678607]: Problem installing netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #EAV-809652]: To download the library pnetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 17, 2015
10:56 [netCDF #YFC-341618]: Memory leak in NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2015
13:24 [netCDF #PNU-748333]: ncgen 4.4.0 fails to parse in.cdl... Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #FOX-745150]: read netcdf data with intel visual fortran Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2015
09:47 [netCDF #PNU-748333]: ncgen 4.4.0 fails to parse in.cdl... Unidata netCDF Support
November 11, 2015
10:02 [netCDF #XOQ-789352]: make check fails when installing netcdf-4.3.3 Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2015
12:34 [netCDF #ELH-908884]: Configure netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #FZX-680847]: "undefined reference to" problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #MTP-445637]: error report Unidata netCDF Support
November 05, 2015
10:41 [netCDF #EQM-947696]: netcdf ./configure error Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #NSS-704726]: using netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #VQM-765390]: error when install the netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #KZJ-320086]: Short read are not managed? Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2015
14:23 [netCDF #LJH-172688]: NF90_ENDDEF error Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #PSK-699954]: fail:nc-test error msg to install netcdf4.3.0 with hdf 5-1.8.6 Unidata netCDF Support
November 02, 2015
12:17 [netCDF #XFM-769213]: netcdf-fortran installation error Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #GNQ-204771]: NetCDF help Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #SJD-391075]: compression and parallel Netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #UQF-577483]: Windows NetCDF via Continuum "Conda" Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [netCDF #VOW-827097]: netcdf-devel compilation problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [netCDF #AAJ-995965]: netcdf explorer Unidata netCDF Support
November 01, 2015
12:04 [netCDF #ISQ-236686]: configure script for netcdf-fortran package does not support netcdf4 nicely Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2015
10:51 [netCDF #ARR-765095]: Netcdf Make Check Errors Unidata netCDF Support
October 28, 2015
10:17 [netCDF #YRZ-543552]: netcdf bug when dealing with files written with pnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #YRZ-543552]: netcdf bug when dealing with files written with pnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2015
15:42 [netCDFJava #XBV-923348]: Installing NetCDF Plugin For GeoServer - NetCDF-4 C Library is not present Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:40 [netCDFJava #XBV-923348]: Installing NetCDF Plugin For GeoServer - NetCDF-4 C Library is not present Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:35 [netCDF #YNZ-664197]: Re: Failed netcdf check Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #UYN-234315]: Installing netcdf on Linux Fails Unidata netCDF Support
October 23, 2015
15:27 [netCDF #VCN-128514]: Pull Request: Configurable Exit Handlers for NetCDF C++ legacy API Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2015
16:25 [netCDF #LSJ-357371]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #WCH-443540]: NetCDF under LabView: global variables Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [netCDF #RRZ-677956]: nccopy terminates with "NetCDF: HDF error" Unidata netCDF Support
October 21, 2015
10:23 [netCDF #HJQ-654927]: Failing check for Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2015
09:40 [netCDF #IRI-201072]: missing netcdf.h file Unidata netCDF Support
October 19, 2015
10:59 [netCDF #ZJH-268936]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #ENK-348618]: make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
October 16, 2015
10:32 [netCDF #QGA-640676]: Fwd: 64-bit offset flag ignored by netcdf for pnetcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
October 15, 2015
10:10 [netCDF #ERY-934907]: netcdf 4.1.2 make check error report Unidata netCDF Support
October 14, 2015
14:23 [netCDF #GVA-381074]: m4 error while running configure Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #QMK-787479]: [netCDF #TWB-422268 ] one question on the use of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 13, 2015
10:49 [netCDF #AIA-724598]: Completeness of NC files Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2015
09:48 [netCDF #RJV-358050]: Expect NF_ERANGE but got a coredump when using NAG Fortran compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #RJV-358050]: Expect NF_ERANGE but got a coredump when using NAG Fortran compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #KSX-913046]: netcdf4 in Win7 IVF Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2015
09:56 [netCDF #HQH-532017]: NetCDF make check Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2015
10:54 [netCDF #NJB-310977]: binary larger than text file Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2015
09:27 [netCDF #QTB-782234]: problem about make check install netCDF for I/O parallel support Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #EQW-629145]: NetCDF is awesome!!!!!!!!! Unidata netCDF Support
October 06, 2015
13:38 [netCDF #JCT-681222]: Fwd: netcdf fortran configure fail on sizeof Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #TQI-687797]: Building 4.3+, need c++ bindings Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #DPA-735121]: Build NETCDF for the Phi Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #DNS-970730]: Error with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #UKD-252282]: Help with NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #UKD-252282]: Help with NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2015
14:18 [netCDF #TRS-284248]: About installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #XBB-605615]: Error with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2015
09:31 [netCDF #IXC-822262]: PGFTN-S-0034-Syntax error at or near / (test_write.F: 167) Unidata netCDF Support
October 03, 2015
09:08 [netCDF #LHC-295018]: ncgen: formatting small floats Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2015
10:46 [netCDF #LHC-295018]: ncgen: formatting small floats Unidata netCDF Support
October 01, 2015
13:51 [netCDF #IGU-289396]: Error building netcdf fortran library Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2015
10:56 [netCDF #FZM-456558]: Help on WRF 3.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
September 27, 2015
11:08 [netCDF #FZM-456558]: Help on WRF 3.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2015
09:16 [netCDF #RSB-626499]: Failed to create file Unidata netCDF Support
September 24, 2015
13:31 [netCDF #ELI-872519]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [netCDF #ELI-872519]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #IDL-671230]: NetCDF C++ Library Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDF #ELI-872519]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
September 23, 2015
12:30 [netCDF #ELI-872519]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #ELI-872519]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #UXG-905865]: netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
September 22, 2015
10:07 [netCDF #KLE-984236]: netcdf 4.1.3 with --enable-cxx-4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #KLE-984236]: netcdf 4.1.3 with --enable-cxx-4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 21, 2015
13:01 [netCDF #RSB-626499]: Failed to create file Unidata netCDF Support
11:35 [netCDF #EQK-707978]: Problem configuring the netCDF FORTRAN 4.4.2 library with the Lahey FORTRAN L8.10b compiler Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #UJN-741234]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2015
15:48 [netCDF #RSB-626499]: Failed to create file Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #DMO-203112]: suggestion / patch (?) for building on minGW32-w64 Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #DMO-203112]: suggestion / patch (?) for building on minGW32-w64 Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #YNV-368298]: netCDF z/OS port problems resolving zlib Unidata netCDF Support
September 16, 2015
20:37 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
06:10 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
September 15, 2015
13:15 [netCDF #WAH-567826]: NC_UINT functions fail with error (-45) Unidata netCDF Support
13:10 [netCDF #WAH-567826]: NC_UINT functions fail with error (-45) Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #MJT-105642]: Is this file netCDF4 API compliant? Unidata netCDF Support
08:54 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
00:54 [netCDFJava #KPZ-208087]: Writing the header for a variable with type of ENUM4 fails Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 14, 2015
14:43 [netCDFJava #QJL-517256]: Help about NetCDF-4 With NetCDF-JAVA! Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:17 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2015
13:12 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2015
15:55 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2015
11:35 [Staging #IIC-770637]: NetCDF - Fortran Error. Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2015
10:31 [netCDF #IIL-400949]: Problem in opening large NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:31 [netCDF #IIL-400949]: Problem in opening large NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2015
09:58 [netCDF #DMW-679093]: Unable to run make check Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2015
15:05 [netCDF #KXT-124115]: Compiling netcdf-fortran-4.4.2 fails under CYGwin Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDFJava #HRY-102614]: problem in using NetCDF-Java Library to create netcdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:10 [netCDF #XJC-315392]: Compiling with netcdf-4.3.x - can't find nc.h Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #BXF-130577]: netcdf-4.1.3 2 of 7 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
September 04, 2015
09:06 [netCDF #GYA-584752]: Regarding installation of netcdf-perl Unidata netCDF Support
September 02, 2015
19:40 [netCDF #NPJ-248193]: NetCDF build Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2015
15:49 [netCDF #XPE-388375]: netcdf check report Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #OEJ-560742]: configure error Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2015
10:14 [netCDF #VIC-618422]: Erro Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #VIC-618422]: Erro Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2015
16:06 [netCDF #AZL-185988]: Error when building/configure NetCDF-FORTRAN Interface Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #VIC-618422]: Erro Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2015
15:32 [netCDF #BQQ-348652]: inquire default file format Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #NOM-755338]: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #NOM-755338]: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #SLL-981968]: regarding the error for make check in nf_test Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2015
16:21 [netCDF #WAZ-695298]: Specify Compression Level in CDL? Unidata netCDF Support
August 21, 2015
13:31 [netCDF #XSL-851263]: NetCDF Help Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2015
14:43 [netCDF #IMN-483230]: netCDF compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #IPS-168243]: Error Message: "netcdf: 65536 is not a valid cdfid" Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #JXM-635268]: valid range for ncid Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2015
17:03 [netCDF #UXZ-992696]: Looking for some code Unidata netCDF Support
August 11, 2015
17:07 [netCDF #IPS-168243]: Error Message: "netcdf: 65536 is not a valid cdfid" Unidata netCDF Support
09:50 [netCDF #LUG-158105]: nc_get_att_string behaviour Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #AZU-769947]: prefered method of extracting metadata from netcdf to metadata catalogue Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2015
09:30 [netCDF #UZE-985140]: netcdf4 1.1.1 Illegal Characters Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2015
13:32 [netCDF #AFY-830195]: Possible bug in ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
August 03, 2015
09:56 [netCDF #TLS-976936]: OceanSITES convention on unidata's netcdf conventions page Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2015
17:06 [netCDF #AIR-230810]: ECCN Request Unidata netCDF Support
July 31, 2015
12:23 [netCDF #MLU-327172]: Error in make check for netCDF-c- Unidata netCDF Support
11:37 [netCDF #MBJ-306593]: error installing wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 30, 2015
13:29 [netCDF #AFY-830195]: Possible bug in ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #FDV-623287]: Problem on installing netcdf-fortan on macbook air machine Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2015
10:37 [netCDF #VZJ-698263]: install test report Unidata netCDF Support
July 28, 2015
10:26 [netCDF #RWO-462242]: query: netcdf- installation with parallel support Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2015
13:48 [netCDF #MAN-367636]: netCDF-4 file grows enormous when dimension set to unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #FRW-605076]: netcdf - ncx.c Unidata netCDF Support
06:43 [netCDF #MAN-367636]: netCDF-4 file grows enormous when dimension set to unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2015
13:52 [netCDF #ZSQ-904579]: make install Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #MAN-367636]: netCDF-4 file grows enormous when dimension set to unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2015
14:37 [netCDF #KZJ-320086]: Short read are not managed? Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #ZSQ-904579]: make install Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #PSA-339289]: netCDF 4.3.3 build problem.... Unidata netCDF Support
12:06 [netCDF #UQN-594171]: error : FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2015
17:01 [netCDF #UQN-594171]: error : FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
July 19, 2015
18:54 [netCDF #OHQ-697891]: Some errors occurred when installed the netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2015
08:57 [netCDF #VIG-938479]: Difficulties when installing NetCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
July 16, 2015
11:59 [netCDF #KZJ-320086]: Short read are not managed? Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #QIC-858208]: Need help in netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #QIC-858208]: Need help in netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
July 15, 2015
11:21 [netCDF #KNB-625543]: nc-config does not report HDF5 libraries (netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2015
14:06 [netCDF #BOZ-873400]: parallel netcdf make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
July 13, 2015
11:04 [netCDF #IKU-943646]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #BGT-246477]: How to install NetCDF C++ Edition? Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #SZC-193027]: View NetCDF in web Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2015
11:17 [netCDF #KKZ-413713]: NETCDF-FORTRAN nf_test FAILS Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #HHW-536199]: NetCDF information files Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2015
10:16 [UDUNITS #RRV-575038]: Unable to install netcdf-fortran-4.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #HPQ-121364]: Installation of NETCDF on Fedora22 Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #BEA-774146]: Fwd: netcdf error while compiling um_nemo_cice Unidata netCDF Support
July 08, 2015
10:54 [netCDF #MYV-350714]: Help Regarding Netcdf-4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2015
14:20 [UDUNITS #ZFQ-601064]: Installing netcdf-fortran-4.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2015
15:30 [netCDF #DVT-637027]: Next NetCDF release (C/Fortran/C++) Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #DMD-262410]: -- Cannot read int variable into longlong data type. Unidata netCDF Support
12:36 [netCDF #DMD-262410]: -- Cannot read int variable into longlong data type. Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #BYF-525939]: NetCDF problem. Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2015
June 30, 2015
15:35 [netCDFJava #QQO-385265]: Unable to read grib data using OPENDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:13 [netCDF #GMP-676686]: Potential bug in ncdump v4.3.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
June 29, 2015
14:37 [netCDFJava #QQO-385265]: Unable to read grib data using OPENDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:02 [netCDF #ZBH-501382]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #EFR-165897]: ncgen problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #EFR-165897]: ncgen problem Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2015
14:04 [netCDF #ZBH-501382]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #RMW-756210]: c program compilation problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #PSA-339289]: netCDF 4.3.3 build problem.... Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #USB-966559]: Ticket ID: UGE-691035_Netcdf installation problem in WRF installation Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #UGE-691035]: Netcdf installation problem in WRF installation Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDF #DEI-785062]: NETCDF-Fortran installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2015
19:54 [netCDF #ZBH-501382]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
07:21 [netCDF #UGE-691035]: Netcdf installation problem in WRF installation Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2015
18:29 [netCDFJava #QQO-385265]: Unable to read grib data using OPENDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:25 [netCDFJava #QQO-385265]: Unable to read grib data using OPENDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:56 [netCDF #ZBH-501382]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2015
21:11 [netCDF #ZBH-501382]: netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #XGO-377487]: problem building netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #SPN-205342]: Netcdf with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #XGO-377487]: problem building netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #EGM-614629]: ncgen/ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2015
20:06 [netCDF #EGM-614629]: ncgen/ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
20:06 [netCDF #EGM-614629]: ncgen/ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #XGO-377487]: problem building netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
06:39 [netCDF #SPN-205342]: Netcdf with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2015
22:22 [netCDF #YGV-661365]: FAIL: tst_h_vars Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #DLC-124113]: Convet data Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #EGM-614629]: ncgen/ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2015
10:30 [netCDF #NRO-363374]: netcdf-fortran parallel instalation fails make check Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #DFC-335882]: installation problem with NetCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Support
June 18, 2015
13:09 [netCDF #QRC-139807]: netcdf install error Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2015
10:04 [netCDF #MEN-658054]: How to Convert binary Mask to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
June 11, 2015
13:06 [netCDF #BXZ-703136]: Issue running 'make check' while installing netcdf-fortran-4.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 [netCDF #GPF-550597]: Regarding Netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2015
09:30 [netCDF #KKP-948519]: NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
June 09, 2015
20:45 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
11:27 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #RER-542556]: Real posix I/O in netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #KKP-948519]: NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2015
13:31 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:24 [netCDF #WHC-184184]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2015
12:23 [netCDF #TLH-412965]: Compiling netcdf on windows Unidata netCDF Support
June 04, 2015
15:05 [netCDFJava #EPO-648843]: Writing netcdf4 files with chunking enabled in netcdf jav Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:38 [netCDF #WHC-184184]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2015
18:01 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #HQD-133753]: Conversion xy files to cdf files Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #VFX-630532]: Writing multiple variables at once using NetCDF4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #QZX-374600]: netcdf cxx and arrays Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #HQD-133753]: Conversion xy files to cdf files Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2015
21:01 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #ONV-330866]: I Need to Open This File Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #HHM-288509]: netCDF data user software programs Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #HHM-288509]: netCDF data user software programs Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2015
13:03 [netCDF #HQD-133753]: Conversion xy files to cdf files Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #HQD-133753]: Conversion xy files to cdf files Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #AJO-570770]: netCDF Fortran Installation Questions Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2015
17:34 [netCDF #DIV-976346]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.2 issue Unidata netCDF Support
17:25 [netCDF #LHO-275109]: Can't find or link to the z library Unidata netCDF Support
17:20 [netCDF #KBH-514997]: Request to help Unidata netCDF Support
17:08 [netCDF #KBH-514997]: Request to help Unidata netCDF Support
16:42 [netCDF #EAS-901087]: Problems of make check before installation on linux Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2015
14:45 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2015
11:54 [netCDF #KBH-514997]: Request to help Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2015
14:16 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
07:05 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
May 26, 2015
14:28 [netCDF #NCP-653180]: Request to help Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
08:52 [netCDF #NCP-653180]: Request to help Unidata netCDF Support
May 24, 2015
18:18 [netCDF #VTI-484586]: configure for netcdf can't find hdf5dll and exits Unidata netCDF Support
13:53 [netCDF #ONV-330866]: I Need to Open This File Unidata netCDF Support
May 23, 2015
15:54 [netCDF #ONV-330866]: I Need to Open This File Unidata netCDF Support
May 22, 2015
18:47 [netCDFJava #YYY-811129]: GridDataset Issues Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:04 [netCDF #NBS-703757]: A Reader for This File Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #NBS-703757]: A Reader for This File Unidata netCDF Support
May 21, 2015
22:26 [netCDF #LRX-899920]: Netcdf with MPICH compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #LRX-899920]: Netcdf with MPICH compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 Re: [netcdfgroup] Questions about NetCDF file - How can I interpret the nc file Chris Barker
09:01 Re: [netcdfgroup] Questions about NetCDF file - How can I interpret the nc file Ted Mansell
May 20, 2015
15:28 [netCDF #ORW-223042]: NetCDF Install Errors Unidata netCDF Support
15:24 [netCDF #LRX-899920]: Netcdf with MPICH compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #NQH-437723]: nc_test failure on aix7 power7 cluster Unidata netCDF Support
06:03 [netCDF #NJU-530353]: Error configuring netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2015
13:38 [netCDF #VHG-516000]: netCDF failing on install, hdf5 error? Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #ARR-765095]: Netcdf Make Check Errors Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #SWP-621801]: I need a Scientific help Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #SWP-621801]: I need a Scientific help Unidata netCDF Support
May 18, 2015
09:30 [netCDF #SZI-220177]: netcdf-fortran - libtool problems Unidata netCDF Support
08:42 [netCDF #SZI-220177]: netcdf-fortran - libtool problems Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2015
15:27 [netCDF #ARR-765095]: Netcdf Make Check Errors Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2015
15:18 [netCDF #UFL-447527]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2015
08:57 [netCDF #KGL-484123]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2015
09:48 [netCDFJava #BDR-563250]: Issue reading/writing with OPENDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 11, 2015
15:37 [netCDF #ATZ-453217]: Link not available - Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:34 [netCDFJava #BDR-563250]: Issue reading/writing with OPENDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:12 [netCDF #GWP-637632]: testing cross-compiled netCDF-Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2015
14:47 [netCDF #GLU-269095]: Error while running make check for netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #SZI-220177]: netcdf-fortran - libtool problems Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2015
10:21 [netCDF #HYF-949395]: Error during "make" Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #FST-675489]: Geotiff to NetCDF conversion lg files Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #TQM-470039]: Static build of netcdf-c Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #DDL-550706]: errors when running make check after netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2015
12:38 [netCDF #PZW-835457]: requestion authorisation to reuse workshop material Unidata Plaza Support
May 01, 2015
10:28 [netCDF #GGV-234602]: Install netCDF on Centos Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #MRV-404062]: File can be read by ToolsUI but crashes ncdump (?) Unidata netCDF Support
09:50 [netCDF #GWZ-530194]: wgrib2 help Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2015
13:22 [netCDF #LZA-635510]: Additional netCDF example files Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #SRG-700835]: Possible regression from NETCDF3-->NETCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2015
10:42 [netCDF #LZA-635510]: Additional netCDF example files Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #BCB-240321]: errore Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #BCB-240321]: errore Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2015
12:50 [netCDF #CWJ-552241]: hdf download for hdf5-1.8.14.tar.bz2 ... not source Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #LZA-635510]: Additional netCDF example files Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2015
13:20 [netCDF #USB-983787]: Issues installing netcdf-fortran after netcdf-C Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2015
11:20 [netCDFJava #APE-712909]: How To Get Grib2Pds.TimeInterval of Grib2 File Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:18 [netCDF #VQG-715433]: NetCDF C Library V. 4.3.3. Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #JSM-727830]: NetCDF- building problem , 4 fails. Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2015
09:23 [netCDF #COG-907178]: broken link to netcdf-fortran-4.2tar.gz Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2015
13:20 [netCDFJava #APE-712909]: How To Get Grib2Pds.TimeInterval of Grib2 File Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 14, 2015
18:57 [netCDF #VBL-754206]: netcdf check failled Unidata netCDF Support
18:47 [netCDF #IIK-866384]: netCDF and netCDF C: "--prefix=<dir>" Unidata netCDF Support
April 13, 2015
17:17 [netCDFJava #OLE-532670]: Re: ToolsUI fields entry for TimeSeriesProfile data Unidata netCDF Java Support
00:56 [netCDF #DPW-865293]: Support needed for configuring NetCDF with Visual Studio. Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2015
09:32 [netCDFJava #VXS-383196]: questions about toolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 10, 2015
13:46 [netCDF #VBL-754206]: netcdf check failled Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #FKK-628661]: install question Unidata netCDF Support
06:25 [netCDF #IZL-451152]: Configuring NetCDF to Visual Studio 2013 Unidata netCDF Support
April 09, 2015
09:58 [netCDF #BLG-631870]: The intallation of Netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #VJY-820869]: Fw: Yang LU Unidata netCDF Support
April 08, 2015
08:58 [netCDF #KZJ-320086]: Short read are not managed? Unidata netCDF Support
08:30 [netCDF #JWP-394298]: error netcdf-fortran-4 Unidata netCDF Support
06:01 [netCDF #XNR-314899]: [SPAM] Unidata netCDF Support
April 06, 2015
11:24 [netCDF #BCD-901508]: Installation Failure in NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 03, 2015
11:01 [netCDF #UBD-124546]: question on dBz Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #XHX-916907]: Error while using " make check" Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #BHB-353659]: Problems with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2015
16:19 [netCDFJava #YKI-311528]: Question about Extracting ForecastTime of Grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:13 [netCDF #XHX-916907]: Error while using " make check" Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #XHX-916907]: Error while using " make check" Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2015
14:39 [netCDF #JLR-979347]: fortran code to read a 3d netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2015
17:01 [netCDF #BCT-221199]: Error while configuring netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #RQX-361968]: help Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #HHF-901186]: Make check has PASS:2 and FAIL: 24 :( Unidata netCDF Support
March 29, 2015
14:34 [netCDF #DKH-971554]: netcdf linking problems with gotm (and fvcom) Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #JLR-979347]: fortran code to read a 3d netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #FUE-968928]: Need some help for fail test, FAIL: tst_files6 Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #BCT-221199]: Error while configuring netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 27, 2015
08:58 [netCDF #BCT-221199]: Error while configuring netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 23, 2015
14:56 [netCDF #FFP-769165]: zlib--> Checking for vsnprintf() in stdio.h... No. Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #PDZ-683250]: Short read are not managed? Unidata netCDF Support
March 20, 2015
09:36 [netCDF #VMW-178853]: NetCDF test errors in ncdump on Mac OS X 10.9? Unidata netCDF Support
06:29 [netCDF #JTG-257860]: problem of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2015
10:26 [netCDF #ZFY-843585]: undefined reference to NetCDF functions Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDFJava #JJM-436507]: toolsUI-4.5.jar hang and logging error on Mac Yosemite OS X 10.10.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:27 [netCDF #QVM-188363]: make check with netcdf fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2015
13:31 [netCDFJava #JJM-436507]: toolsUI-4.5.jar hang and logging error on Mac Yosemite OS X 10.10.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:56 [netCDF #MFV-445875]: netcdf-Fortran 4.4.2, make check gives error in FAIL: ftst_rengrps FAIL: f90tst_rengrps FAIL: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2015
13:55 [netCDF #BXA-758661]: NetCDF Windows cmake -- most tests fail Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2015
09:14 [netCDF #ZDK-877982]: Error when make check Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #YMH-285647]: make check fail in netcdf-fortran.4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2015
11:06 [netCDF #FUE-968928]: Need some help for fail test, FAIL: tst_files6 Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2015
13:25 [netCDF #NMW-119005]: different ordering of dim ids -- is this expected? Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #UPA-771360]: netCDF: Representing floating point with Compressed Integer? Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #RKI-518277]: NetCDF-Fortran 4.4.2 make check libtool error Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #XKL-450124]: Setting the deflation level via the Fortran interface Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #LIB-582324]: Instructions for loading NetCDF with gfortran/gcc compatibility Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2015
09:30 [netCDF #RKI-518277]: NetCDF-Fortran 4.4.2 make check libtool error Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2015
15:07 [netCDF #LPL-651724]: compilation problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #PZW-835457]: requestion authorisation to reuse workshop material Unidata netCDF Support
08:11 [netCDFJava #YGA-376707]: General question regarding UNIDATA support Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 10, 2015
15:51 [netCDFJava #YGA-376707]: General question regarding UNIDATA support Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:32 [netCDF #QCX-463169]: possible bug in with unlimited dimensions in NetCDF-4 format? Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDFJava #AYO-259890]: Malformed URL and .dds appended to URL Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:58 [netCDF #XSZ-548173]: Parallel netCDF installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
06:34 [netCDF #QCX-463169]: possible bug in with unlimited dimensions in NetCDF-4 format? Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2015
17:22 [netCDFJava #VCW-324829]: why do variable values change when I convert from grib2 to netcdf? Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:21 [netCDFJava #CPC-398807]: FW: question about large file support Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:18 [netCDFJava #AYO-259890]: Malformed URL and .dds appended to URL Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:27 [netCDF #BWM-262177]: Installation error with parallel netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2015
11:26 [netCDF #QCX-463169]: possible bug in with unlimited dimensions in NetCDF-4 format? Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDF #NIL-560913]: netcdf in Fortran and Visual Studio. Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2015
12:30 [IDV #WON-355400]: Problematic point netcdf file Unidata IDV Support
March 02, 2015
12:49 [netCDF #SHS-215378]: precompiled binaries Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #XRL-614540]: Using the --enable-pnetcdf option when building NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:26 [netCDF #QKC-988002]: wgrib2 install failing on ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2015
15:55 [netCDF #OWD-309272]: netcdf: file named and a library file named libnetcdf.a Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #BZW-839962]: Always "configure: error: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library. Use --disable-netcdf-4, or see config.log for errors.". Almost crazy...Help! Unidata netCDF Support
February 25, 2015
08:35 [netCDF #PEG-669046]: Unable to test Fortran wrapper compiled with Portland Fortran 15.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 24, 2015
16:42 [netCDFJava #SAG-382656]: Long global attributes skipped by toolsUI-4.3.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 23, 2015
14:07 [netCDF #QCT-533073]: => not found Unidata netCDF Support
11:35 [netCDF #AMY-342452]: Unable to install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #BHZ-830564]: Report netcdf problem Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2015
15:03 [netCDF #ABO-975316]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data: add the R package "raster" Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2015
00:32 [IDV #WON-355400]: Problematic point netcdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 19, 2015
23:00 [IDV #WON-355400]: Problematic point netcdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:48 [netCDF #CRO-556165]: NetCDF Installation Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 18, 2015
20:28 [IDV #WON-355400]: Problematic point netcdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:00 [netCDF #XZZ-356273]: C compiler error in NetCDF 4 installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:18 [netCDF #OBF-167021]: Compiling Fortran example code Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #RDQ-788205]: make check tests failed -- said to report to support-netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
February 16, 2015
10:03 [netCDF #AZT-635130]: netcdf fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #QCT-533073]: => not found Unidata netCDF Support
06:59 [netCDF #ZIU-420624]: NetCDF packages not there? Unidata netCDF Support
February 14, 2015
19:46 [netCDF #AXF-955758]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #ZVM-937329]: Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2015
13:52 [netCDF #JNZ-725110]: netcdf install error linux intel Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2015
13:23 [netCDF #ZVM-937329]: Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #ZQY-307420]: H5Pset_fapl_mpiposix Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2015
10:52 [netCDFJava #CPC-398807]: FW: question about large file support Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:29 [netCDF #DFM-220948]: NetCDF 4.3.2 Installation. Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #BBK-543101]: netcdf installation with parallel netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDFJava #YYG-713097]: NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 10, 2015
16:48 [netCDFJava #VKX-907984]: Need help Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:34 [netCDFJava #CPC-398807]: FW: question about large file support Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:41 [netCDFJava #CPC-398807]: FW: question about large file support Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:03 [netCDFJava #CPC-398807]: FW: question about large file support Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 09, 2015
12:14 [netCDFJava #YYG-713097]: NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:47 [netCDFJava #YCN-767203]: Using native NetCDF 4 library with assertions enabled Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:55 [netCDFJava #VCW-324829]: why do variable values change when I convert from grib2 to netcdf? Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:35 [netCDF #YJQ-627045]: Problem with return code NC_EBADTYPE (NetCDF3) in Fortran program Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2015
09:53 [netCDF #YJQ-627045]: Problem with return code NC_EBADTYPE (NetCDF3) in Fortran program Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2015
08:59 [netCDFJava #YCN-767203]: Using native NetCDF 4 library with assertions enabled Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 06, 2015
15:59 [netCDFJava #YYG-713097]: NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:10 [netCDF #FUE-968928]: Need some help for fail test, FAIL: tst_files6 Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDFJava #YYG-713097]: NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 05, 2015
14:03 [netCDFJava #YCN-767203]: Using native NetCDF 4 library with assertions enabled Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:32 [netCDFJava #YYG-713097]: NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 04, 2015
21:56 [netCDF #HWN-721444]: installing netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #YJQ-627045]: Problem with return code NC_EBADTYPE (NetCDF3) in Fortran program Unidata netCDF Support
February 03, 2015
10:34 [netCDFJava #YYG-713097]: NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 30, 2015
10:21 [netCDF #BZC-587829]: Bug report netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2015
18:45 [netCDFJava #SVV-295336]: Hot Deployment Issue Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:43 [netCDFJava #YCN-767203]: Using native NetCDF 4 library with assertions enabled Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:34 [netCDF #QFD-237189]: netcdf-c-4.3.3 (TWO CHECKS FAILED) Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #WFW-324794]: Fortran libraries for NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #JQZ-512952]: Linux NetCDF install make check errors... Unidata netCDF Support
January 26, 2015
10:47 [netCDF #WFW-324794]: Fortran libraries for NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #IUJ-300108]: Installation of netcdf-fortran-4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #MLN-183221]: configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (size_t) Unidata netCDF Support
January 25, 2015
15:48 [netCDF #HLL-705129]: netcdf-4.3.2 build fail Unidata netCDF Support
06:54 [netCDF #IDI-622224]: Fail on make test Unidata netCDF Support
06:52 [netCDF #IDI-622224]: Fail on make test Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2015
14:43 [netCDFJava #YCN-767203]: Using native NetCDF 4 library with assertions enabled Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 22, 2015
13:44 [netCDF #QFD-237189]: netcdf-c-4.3.3 (TWO CHECKS FAILED) Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDFJava #YCN-767203]: Using native NetCDF 4 library with assertions enabled Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 21, 2015
17:10 [netCDFJava #ETS-773531]: ToolsUI JNLP Changes Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:24 [netCDFJava #ETS-773531]: ToolsUI JNLP Changes Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:28 [netCDF #VBM-375306]: Error Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #PYD-972024]: netcdf-4.1.2 installation issue on Maverick:10.9.5 Unidata netCDF Support
January 20, 2015
16:26 [netCDF #KQS-112427]: error compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDFJava #TCJ-212740]: How to Decode 0.125 degree resolution ECMWF complex Grib compressed File with NetCDF Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:21 [netCDF #LWK-784637]: assistance Unidata netCDF Support
06:33 [netCDF #QFD-237189]: netcdf-c-4.3.3 (TWO CHECKS FAILED) Unidata netCDF Support
January 16, 2015
15:26 [netCDF #WLQ-440583]: NetCDF for Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
January 15, 2015
10:37 [netCDF #QFD-237189]: netcdf-c-4.3.3 (TWO CHECKS FAILED) Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2015
16:33 [netCDFJava #QVA-393299]: Problem reading HDF4 and HDF5 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:17 [netCDFJava #SAG-382656]: Long global attributes skipped by toolsUI-4.3.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:24 [netCDF #UBB-843479]: Wgrib2 runtime error -help Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #AUR-797681]: Installing netcdf-fortran-4.4.1 as non-root user Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #ZQT-710878]: NetCDF Fortran install error: "error: Could not link conftestf.o and conftest.o" Unidata netCDF Support
January 09, 2015
15:15 [netCDF #KVM-652284]: configuration error Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
12:37 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
12:31 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
11:34 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
11:15 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
10:34 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
09:57 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
January 08, 2015
16:45 [UDUNITS #JWF-946673]: Issues installing UDUNITS-1-12.11 Unidata UDUNITS Support
08:19 [netCDF #YCS-670193]: Using netCDF with Multiple Fortran Compilers Unidata netCDF Support
January 06, 2015
09:46 [netCDF #NQH-437723]: nc_test failure on aix7 power7 cluster Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [UDUNITS #PAH-520808]: UDUNITS1 (?) Unidata UDUNITS Support
January 05, 2015
20:59 [netCDF #DPC-225137]: ncdf error found during installation of Geos-chem model Unidata netCDF Support
20:59 [netCDF #DPC-225137]: ncdf error found during installation of Geos-chem model Unidata netCDF Support
20:25 [netCDF #IWC-920640]: posixio.c error in Unidata netCDF Support
December 31, 2014
18:11 [netCDF #KEE-746352]: Installing NetCDF-Fortran with Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
18:07 [netCDF #IWC-920640]: posixio.c error in Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDF #IWC-920640]: posixio.c error in Unidata netCDF Support
16:35 [netCDF #IWC-920640]: posixio.c error in Unidata netCDF Support
December 26, 2014
19:18 [netCDF #PHC-148715]: Suggested change to netcdf-cxx-4.2 code Unidata netCDF Support
17:22 [netCDF #DPC-225137]: ncdf error found during installation of Geos-chem model Unidata netCDF Support
December 23, 2014
14:00 [netCDF #CWH-106634]: Error in Test Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #OSX-600877]: Error building netcdf C 4.3.2 with parallel IO Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #TEO-316179]: reg Netcdf-linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #TTN-133499]: netcdf4 fortran 77 Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #OVZ-984194]: Format Conversion Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #CWH-106634]: Error in Test Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2014
10:36 [netCDF #OVZ-984194]: Format Conversion Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #OVZ-984194]: Format Conversion Unidata netCDF Support
December 18, 2014
10:15 [netCDF #CKO-672527]: Netcdf problem with IBM compiler Unidata netCDF Support
December 17, 2014
15:19 [netCDF #EHB-236121]: netcdf and Godiva2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:34 [netCDF #DQY-396981]: Installing NetCDF for Fortran in Visual Studio Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #ZAK-403577]: NetCDF make check Errors Unidata netCDF Support
December 16, 2014
13:49 [netCDF #NRE-269426]: ncdump -x with netCDF4 files Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [netCDF #NRE-269426]: ncdump -x with netCDF4 files Unidata netCDF Support
December 15, 2014
11:32 [netCDF #CGL-874130]: Why are NC_GLOBAL and nf90_global different? Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [THREDDS #BGI-378317]: flatten data in NcML Unidata THREDDS Support
December 13, 2014
16:54 [netCDF #TSQ-895751]: problems compiling netCDF with wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
16:46 [netCDF #NRE-269426]: ncdump -x with netCDF4 files Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2014
13:46 [netCDF #YHF-397609]: broken link to CF Discrete Sampling Geometries Conventions Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #NRE-269426]: ncdump -x with netCDF4 files Unidata netCDF Support
December 11, 2014
13:56 [netCDF #UGC-492931]: IO Overhead when reading small subsets from large Tilled Files Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDF #NRU-931134]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.1: recipe for target 'test-suite.log' failed Unidata netCDF Support
December 10, 2014
15:04 [netCDF #UBD-124546]: question on dBz Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #UZA-829935]: Problem Configuring netcdf-fortran-4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
02:16 [netCDF #EHB-236121]: netcdf and Godiva2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 09, 2014
13:18 [netCDF #QKR-443988]: Help to netcdf-c compilation Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #UBD-124546]: question on dBz Unidata netCDF Support
December 08, 2014
14:18 [Support #MBS-525138]: Re: NetCDF Users Guide Unidata netCDF Support
December 05, 2014
12:44 [netCDF #XFN-885179]: recipes for target 'test-suite.log', 'check-TESTS', 'check-am', and 'check-recursive' failed Unidata netCDF Support
December 04, 2014
10:04 [netCDF #QAU-656485]: Problem when F77 compiler takes precedence over FC Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2014
10:28 [netCDF #QBC-221279]: Variable name = user-defined type? Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2014
20:25 [netCDF #WBE-329560]: Trouble compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [netCDF #IHT-352541]: netcdf-4.3.2: Make Errors Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #LKI-353917]: netcdf4 ivf win7 Unidata netCDF Support
06:16 [netCDF #YXX-769727]: Fwd: program called NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2014
14:36 [netCDFJava #QGN-849818]: Installation of netCDF4 Format. Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:48 [netCDF #FNY-378971]: some confusion in my program Unidata netCDF Support
November 26, 2014
17:11 [Support #AEO-830070]: Can't use netcdf with a new system and compiler combination Unidata netCDF Support
16:28 [netCDF #GLM-296638]: netCDF write failure after a certain number of writes Unidata netCDF Support
15:08 [netCDF #RWH-394641]: NetCDF Java: Writing Structures to files Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:08 [netCDFJava #FFY-456274]: Panoply, netcdf-java tools UI and IDV fail Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 25, 2014
20:29 [netCDF #RWH-394641]: NetCDF Java: Writing Structures to files Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:40 [netCDF #WBE-329560]: Trouble compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #DOW-293583]: Getting a netCDF-4 File to XML Unidata netCDF Support
November 24, 2014
13:45 [netCDF #YVC-214544]: HDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [THREDDS #GUS-597573]: NcML documentation missing Unidata THREDDS Support
12:47 [Support #HCH-686263]: read netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:17 [netCDFJava #TIC-922637]: Can't get past 'Server does not support byte ranges' Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:28 [netCDF #RWH-394641]: NetCDF Java: Writing Structures to files Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:40 [netCDF #RWH-394641]: NetCDF Java: Writing Structures to files Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 22, 2014
11:32 [THREDDS #GUS-597573]: NcML documentation missing Unidata THREDDS Support
November 21, 2014
15:24 [netCDFJava #TIC-922637]: Can't get past 'Server does not support byte ranges' Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:37 [netCDF #JCT-779716]: Error during fortran make check Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #XEI-820003]: conversion from netCDF4 to netCDF3 Unidata netCDF Support
November 20, 2014
14:49 [netCDF #UVF-292234]: NetCDF-4 files greater in size than 2 GB Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #RWH-394641]: NetCDF Java: Writing Structures to files Unidata netCDF Support
12:40 [netCDF #TIN-924555]: netCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2014
17:12 [netCDF #FCN-467433]: Question about NetCDF Packages Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDFJava #TIC-922637]: Can't get past 'Server does not support byte ranges' Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 18, 2014
13:26 [netCDFJava #TIC-922637]: Can't get past 'Server does not support byte ranges' Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:31 [netCDF #AVQ-149353]: Building Netcdf-4.1.3 against GNU compilers (OSX 10.10) Unidata netCDF Support
November 17, 2014
15:08 [netCDF #JPY-711969]: Next NetCDF C version ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDFJava #DJA-477948]: Enquiry About Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 14, 2014
22:09 [netCDF #CIN-680448]: NetCDF-C Build Issue. Unidata netCDF Support
17:32 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 13, 2014
08:56 [netCDF #QJR-396855]: NC files Unidata netCDF Support
November 12, 2014
19:18 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
19:14 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 11, 2014
09:57 [netCDF #XXN-580796]: make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
November 10, 2014
16:32 [netCDFJava #OBN-997859]: Netcdf Examples for JAVA Version 2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:30 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:28 [netCDF #QBI-985003]: LFS in netcdf for windows Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2014
12:02 [netCDF #RJB-156641]: and nc2text Unidata netCDF Support
11:49 [netCDF #RJB-156641]: and nc2text Unidata netCDF Support
November 07, 2014
11:06 [netCDF #RJB-156641]: and nc2text Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #MKR-854500]: Errors - Testsuite summary for netCDF-Fortran 4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2014
13:05 [netCDF #RJB-156641]: and nc2text Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:15 [netCDF #BLC-491506]: 4.3.3rc2 error in tests Unidata netCDF Support
November 05, 2014
19:53 [netCDF #MKR-854500]: Errors - Testsuite summary for netCDF-Fortran 4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #KXO-829308]: Error: Symbol 'nf_endian_big' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #USP-401162]: about install netcdf-4.1.3 by intel-2015 Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #MKR-854500]: Errors - Testsuite summary for netCDF-Fortran 4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:38 [netCDF #FJB-731534]: ncks produces (possibly) invalid HDF-5 file. Unidata netCDF Support
08:19 [netCDF #MXN-290511]: Dataformat Unidata netCDF Support
08:12 [netCDF #YRD-168110]: Multiple Section reads appear to be skipping data? (java) Unidata netCDF Support
November 04, 2014
16:11 [netCDF #MKR-854500]: Errors - Testsuite summary for netCDF-Fortran 4.4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2014
19:58 [netCDF #ZBK-915966]: configure error Unidata netCDF Support
18:28 [netCDFJava #KIP-300925]: Error with netCDF-Java Library - Method Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:44 [netCDFJava #BPZ-394069]: data conversion Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:08 [netCDFJava #BPZ-394069]: data conversion Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 02, 2014
16:12 [netCDFJava #VJI-966880]: Use of NetcdfFile and NCdumpW Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 30, 2014
13:10 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #FBS-378023]: test-suite.log Unidata netCDF Support
12:21 [netCDF #EHB-236121]: netcdf and Godiva2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #EHB-236121]: netcdf and Godiva2 Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2014
12:13 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
11:47 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
11:40 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
11:27 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #ZAR-134963]: [netcdf 4.3.2] incorrect install of .def files Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [netCDF #EXY-936604]: patch netCDF for CDF-5 format Unidata netCDF Support
October 28, 2014
10:49 [netCDF #LJB-196695]: corrupted netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #UJR-213446]: configure error Unidata netCDF Support
October 27, 2014
18:30 [netCDFJava #ZVT-747191]: Latest NcML schema with netCDF-4 support Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:22 [netCDFJava #COL-392720]: infinite loop in hdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:10 [netCDF #LJB-196695]: corrupted netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #LJB-196695]: corrupted netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #LJB-196695]: corrupted netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #LJB-196695]: corrupted netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
October 23, 2014
10:32 [netCDF #PLB-249628]: SOS: Error concerning the netcdf configuration with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2014
10:48 [netCDFJava #COL-392720]: infinite loop in hdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 19, 2014
13:22 [netCDF #ACS-838895]: NCO operators Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [netCDF #PLB-249628]: SOS: Error concerning the netcdf configuration with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
October 17, 2014
10:31 [netCDFJava #ZVT-747191]: Latest NcML schema with netCDF-4 support Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:20 [netCDFJava #ZVT-747191]: Latest NcML schema with netCDF-4 support Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:49 [netCDF #QOT-757275]: netcdf4.3.0 - make check- fail Unidata netCDF Support
October 16, 2014
18:19 [netCDFJava #ZVT-747191]: Latest NcML schema with netCDF-4 support Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:53 [netCDF #UFR-913429]: Error with nf90_create Unidata netCDF Support
October 15, 2014
12:05 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:01 [netCDFJava #CSV-442004]: Projection false easting and false northing conversion Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:55 [netCDFJava #TOX-206476]: Problems converting GEMPAK point (METAR) data to a usable NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 14, 2014
12:27 [netCDF #FVE-747137]: question about test_nc_get_varm Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #QNW-959324]: netCDF download support Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #QNW-959324]: netCDF download support Unidata netCDF Support
October 13, 2014
14:34 [netCDF #RBG-405878]: nc_open_par with NC_PNETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #PGT-746617]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #PGT-746617]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #DXG-178075]: Building fails on Blue Gene /Q with NetCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2014
19:24 [netCDF #RBG-405878]: nc_open_par with NC_PNETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2014
16:14 [netCDF #QNW-959324]: netCDF download support Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #DKW-240688]: nc_rename_var(), nc_rename_dim() bugs in netCDF4? Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #WAM-997986]: ncgen fails to create netCDF4-classic output of in.cdl Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #WAM-997986]: ncgen fails to create netCDF4-classic output of in.cdl Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #DKW-240688]: nc_rename_var(), nc_rename_dim() bugs in netCDF4? Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #WAM-997986]: ncgen fails to create netCDF4-classic output of in.cdl Unidata netCDF Support
06:44 [netCDF #DKW-240688]: nc_rename_var(), nc_rename_dim() bugs in netCDF4? Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2014
21:23 [netCDF #DKW-240688]: nc_rename_var(), nc_rename_dim() bugs in netCDF4? Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDFJava #OPT-543434]: BUFR Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:03 [netCDF #KYR-516688]: configure NetCDF: errors thrown by gcc Unidata netCDF Support
09:07 [netCDF #DKW-240688]: nc_rename_var(), nc_rename_dim() bugs in netCDF4? Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #KYR-516688]: configure NetCDF: errors thrown by gcc Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2014
13:52 [netCDF #PTR-602710]: CMake issue for discovering HDF5 capabilities. Unidata netCDF Support
12:40 [netCDF #UDG-681606]: A request Unidata netCDF Support
October 06, 2014
14:55 [netCDF #FMK-929748]: checking NC_ERANGE for type conversion from schar to uchar Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #OYN-551561]: FILL_DOUBLE in classic format spec Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #QAA-889221]: nc_inq_format vs. nc_inq_format_extended Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #UDG-681606]: A request Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #FMK-929748]: checking NC_ERANGE for type conversion from schar to uchar Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #FMK-929748]: checking NC_ERANGE for type conversion from schar to uchar Unidata netCDF Support
October 03, 2014
16:43 [netCDF #UDG-681606]: A request Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #XIX-708449]: Memory leaks using netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDF #YYX-933412]: overwirte nc4 variable issues. Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #YYX-933412]: overwirte nc4 variable issues. Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #VNQ-103058]: make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #YYX-933412]: overwirte nc4 variable issues. Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2014
14:22 [netCDF #DDL-847505]: error in make check Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #MNQ-134913]: problem compiling netcdf-4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
September 30, 2014
09:43 [netCDF #MRA-585540]: Write a netcdf4classic file Unidata netCDF Support
September 29, 2014
20:07 [netCDF #IKO-937087]: Help Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #QBX-695002]: netcdf-fortran 4.4.1 check fails in Mac OS X 10.9.5 with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #VFM-345423]: Bug report Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2014
13:51 [netCDF #QBX-695002]: netcdf-fortran 4.4.1 check fails in Mac OS X 10.9.5 with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #TWB-226522]: Your crazy and unuseable netcdf-software Unidata netCDF Support
September 26, 2014
21:07 [netCDF #MRA-585540]: Write a netcdf4classic file Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #XKQ-165601]: netcdf-fortran | failed make check Unidata netCDF Support
14:12 [netCDF #MRA-585540]: Write a netcdf4classic file Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #ETM-613344]: Report NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2014
16:44 [netCDFJava #BWM-649265]: setup question Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:14 [netCDF #MRA-585540]: Write a netcdf4classic file Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #IUZ-188301]: Regarding Installation of netcdf libraries Unidata netCDF Support
September 24, 2014
14:53 [netCDF #SEL-204074]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #COZ-480925]: error netcdf installing Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #MEH-430715]: COZ-480925 Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #COZ-480925]: error netcdf installing Unidata netCDF Support
September 23, 2014
13:13 [netCDF #SEL-204074]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
06:39 [netCDF #SEL-204074]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 22, 2014
20:43 [netCDF #SEL-204074]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #FTZ-975139]: Help NetCDF compilation or installation Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2014
07:09 [netCDF #FTZ-975139]: Help NetCDF compilation or installation Unidata netCDF Support
06:59 [netCDF #SEL-204074]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 19, 2014
10:09 [netCDF #VVS-381242]: Using wrong HDF5 library Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2014
10:45 [netCDF #SEL-204074]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2014
17:06 [netCDF #FTZ-975139]: Help NetCDF compilation or installation Unidata netCDF Support
11:37 [netCDF #ZVW-103338]: fails Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2014
15:36 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDF #WJK-294679]: Regarding projections of a netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2014
20:03 [THREDDS #KCM-168963]: Grib2 Table updates Unidata THREDDS Support
September 12, 2014
11:36 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #ZHC-241392]: error Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2014
21:41 [netCDF #FXB-102112]: will netcdf library support for CDF-5 Unidata netCDF Support
21:28 [netCDF #FRO-492157]: 'make check install' errors (doesn't even get to install) Unidata netCDF Support
21:12 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
20:55 [netCDF #BQN-318925]: tst_h_files fails Unidata netCDF Support
16:31 [netCDFJava #ZVT-747191]: Latest NcML schema with netCDF-4 support Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:55 [netCDF #FRO-492157]: 'make check install' errors (doesn't even get to install) Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2014
15:10 [netCDF #BFT-227872]: Mac OS 10.9 netcdf-4.1.3 failed tests Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #BFT-227872]: Mac OS 10.9 netcdf-4.1.3 failed tests Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #AWT-354487]: NetCDF C++ Library: Write netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
11:53 [netCDFJava #ZVT-747191]: Latest NcML schema with netCDF-4 support Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:51 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2014
17:54 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #PHA-131789]: Regarding Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2014
15:09 [netCDF #KVZ-698911]: Netcdf-cxx4 install with parallel I/O Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #IUR-903346]: Possible bug on netcdf-fortran-4.4.0? Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #IUR-903346]: Possible bug on netcdf-fortran-4.4.0? Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #XDL-677114]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2014
11:01 [netCDF #JHA-515459]: netCDF-4.3.2 test failure on Scientific Linux 6.5 Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2014
13:56 [netCDF #HSI-795290]: Test Results Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #HSI-795290]: Test Results Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #HSI-795290]: Test Results Unidata netCDF Support
13:36 [netCDF #HSI-795290]: Test Results Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #FLE-841916]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #ZCD-209044]: support for the new "geostationary" projection Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:35 [netCDF #JHA-515459]: netCDF-4.3.2 test failure on Scientific Linux 6.5 Unidata netCDF Support
08:03 [netCDF #ZGN-514209]: Error while installing WRF v 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
September 04, 2014
17:17 [netCDF #IJX-817619]: HDF4 chunking (and compression?) support hints Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #ZGN-514209]: Error while installing WRF v 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #WPG-530622]: Problem building netCDF Fortran 4.4.0 with netCDF C 4.3.2 and ifort 14.0.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #WPG-530622]: Problem building netCDF Fortran 4.4.0 with netCDF C 4.3.2 and ifort 14.0.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #IUR-903346]: Possible bug on netcdf-fortran-4.4.0? Unidata netCDF Support
08:36 [netCDF #MBG-731605]: Problem installing netcdf v3.3.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
September 03, 2014
22:12 [netCDF #OJW-260946]: hdf5 error Unidata netCDF Support
12:36 [netCDF #OJW-260946]: hdf5 error Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:06 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 02, 2014
12:35 [netCDFJava #KIP-300925]: Error with netCDF-Java Library - Method Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:15 [netCDF #BKO-671323]: ncgen3 error Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #HSI-795290]: Test Results Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [netCDF #MBG-731605]: Problem installing netcdf v3.3.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #IJX-817619]: HDF4 chunking (and compression?) support hints Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2014
15:36 [netCDF #HSI-795290]: Test Results Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #IJX-817619]: HDF4 chunking (and compression?) support hints Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #IJX-817619]: HDF4 chunking (and compression?) support hints Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [netCDF #GXD-469960]: Fortran 4.4.0 Installation Issues Unidata netCDF Support
09:50 [netCDF #IJX-817619]: HDF4 chunking (and compression?) support hints Unidata netCDF Support
August 28, 2014
14:38 [netCDF #PPV-371725]: Inquire dimension length of variable Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #MBG-731605]: Problem installing netcdf v3.3.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #CDI-919203]: compression question Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #YQL-546826]: ncslen? Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2014
10:30 [netCDF #FCY-113861]: POSIX IO error Unidata netCDF Support
August 25, 2014
15:33 [netCDF #MBG-731605]: Problem installing netcdf v3.3.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2014
16:57 [netCDF #YNX-888474]: ncgen and standard in Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2014
16:36 [netCDF #QUX-458465]: Problem with libtool Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #QUX-458465]: Problem with libtool Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #MBG-731605]: Problem installing netcdf v3.3.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2014
18:25 [netCDFJava #RGN-330338]: Different grib2 decodings between NCL and netCDF Java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:48 [netCDFJava #GOT-461367]: reading satellite data in h5 format using netcdf java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:32 [netCDF #TRL-392354]: netcdf-4 build fails Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDFJava #ZNF-637213]: issue in MSGnavigation Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:23 [netCDFJava #RGN-330338]: Different grib2 decodings between NCL and netCDF Java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:58 [netCDF #ZCD-209044]: support for the new "geostationary" projection Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:51 [netCDFJava #RGN-330338]: Different grib2 decodings between NCL and netCDF Java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:47 [netCDFJava #ZNF-637213]: issue in MSGnavigation Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 21, 2014
15:05 [netCDF #ZIP-720361]: latest fortran interface documentation? Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDFJava #ITA-837813]: HDF5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:53 [netCDFJava #CIB-907867]: issue with mercator projection Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:43 [netCDF #TRL-392354]: netcdf-4 build fails Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2014
18:48 [netCDFJava #RGN-330338]: Different grib2 decodings between NCL and netCDF Java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:58 [netCDFJava #SAG-382656]: Long global attributes skipped by toolsUI-4.3.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:56 [netCDFJava #RGN-330338]: Different grib2 decodings between NCL and netCDF Java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:47 [netCDFJava #ITA-837813]: HDF5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:46 [netCDFJava #ITA-837813]: HDF5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:42 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:38 [netCDF #NHW-215043]: New Release for netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #HRQ-547855]: Re: geogrid.exe does not seem to update dy of namelist.wps Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #SRV-157442]: netcdf- Installation Problem Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2014
16:47 [netCDF #UUD-598757]: NetCDF 4.3.2 checks fail on tst_h_scalar Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #DKA-667997]: Unable to download netcdf-4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
August 18, 2014
16:10 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:57 [netCDF #PKV-308641]: error with growing unlimited dimensions with parallel access Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #OFK-504199]: Error report in installing netcdf-fortran-4.4.1rc Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #OFK-504199]: Error report in installing netcdf-fortran-4.4.1rc Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2014
18:32 [netCDFJava #KIP-300925]: Error with netCDF-Java Library - Method Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:28 [netCDF #JWZ-988986]: installing netcdf 4.1.3 failed Unidata netCDF Support
August 14, 2014
10:07 [netCDF #DPZ-971717]: nc__opendap Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2014
13:15 [netCDF #PJH-113045]: Error compilation netcdf-4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:57 [netCDF #DKA-669037]: Error in Install netCDF-C-4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
August 11, 2014
10:00 [netCDF #XMI-577440]: Regarding Net cdf Data Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #TYI-809150]: See ncgen3/test-suite.log Please report to address@hidden Unidata netCDF Support
August 08, 2014
14:28 [netCDF #RIK-778485]: Invalid argument , Attribute=_FillValue " Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #FVY-342712]: Error in installation of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 07, 2014
16:46 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central John Caron
15:06 [netCDF #UZA-352437]: Commercial Package of NetCDF visualizing Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #FJV-105162]: Fwd: ncgen problem with multiple record dimensions? Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:00 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Annie Burgess
August 06, 2014
05:44 [netCDF #ENG-687406]: can't install netcdf on os x mavericks Unidata netCDF Support
August 05, 2014
22:39 [netCDF #ENG-687406]: can't install netcdf on os x mavericks Unidata netCDF Support
22:15 [netCDF #ENG-687406]: can't install netcdf on os x mavericks Unidata netCDF Support
15:50 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Chris Mattmann
13:43 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central John Caron
13:40 Re: NcML data type for uint64 John Caron
13:08 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Annie Burgess
13:02 RE: NcML data type for uint64 Carlomusto, Michael
12:52 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central John Caron
12:49 Re: NcML data type for uint64 John Caron
10:01 [netCDF #ONK-303038]: netCDF 4.3.2 install failure message Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2014
14:55 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Annie Burgess
13:37 [netCDF #SVV-303876]: netcdf averaging Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #TRL-392354]: netcdf-4 build fails Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2014
16:13 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
00:57 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
00:46 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 31, 2014
14:26 [netCDFJava #KIP-300925]: Error with netCDF-Java Library - Method Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 30, 2014
11:00 Re: UNLIMITED long long Russ Rew
10:10 [netCDF #WUC-414251]: help Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2014
21:24 Re: UNLIMITED long long Russ Rew
15:44 Fwd: UNLIMITED long long Russ Rew
July 28, 2014
20:12 [netCDF #YYO-369400]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.0 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2014
07:09 [netCDF #KDV-286604]: Failure building netcdf fortran-4.4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2014
22:59 [netCDF #KDV-286604]: Failure building netcdf fortran-4.4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #FJV-105162]: Fwd: ncgen problem with multiple record dimensions? Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #VJG-252059]: Reporting a bug Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #WKO-188390]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2014
12:54 [netCDF #YMT-660802]: error Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #FUG-648656]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #FUG-648656]: Testsuite summary for netCDF 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
06:37 [netCDF #IZY-489192]: Reg : Reading netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2014
13:28 [netCDF #IZY-489192]: Reg : Reading netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2014
14:37 [netCDF #HPW-940234]: help:opendap downloads file could not be larger than 100MB in Ubuntu 14.0 Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #IZY-489192]: Reg : Reading netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
11:46 [netCDF #GAC-224020]: Make check fails netcdf-fortran-4.4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
08:41 [netCDF #YYO-369400]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.0 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
06:30 [netCDF #YYO-369400]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.0 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
06:17 [netCDF #PNY-378050]: netCDF4/HDF5 - Classic vs Enhanced models Unidata netCDF Support
July 16, 2014
14:09 [netCDF #YYO-369400]: netcdf-fortran-4.4.0 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2014
13:49 [netCDF #JDF-901260]: Fwd: installation error netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2014
17:29 [netCDF #WJR-240510]: Reg: Unknown file format while opening netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
17:26 [netCDF #WTO-824360]: I need a help Unidata netCDF Support
17:15 [netCDF #OBL-948763]: netCDF4/H5 tool Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 [netCDF #SIY-529931]: Merging Netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2014
14:47 [netCDFJava #SBH-316543]: trouble running toolsUI-4.0.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:07 [netCDF #VJF-538875]: Safe Location for Parallel I/O HDF and NetCDF libraries/software Unidata netCDF Support
July 08, 2014
10:34 [netCDF #NUD-579800]: Read netcdf wrf output file in MATLAB Unidata netCDF Support
09:29 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2014
09:53 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 03, 2014
15:30 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
12:12 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #JYW-648258]: netCDF compile error Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2014
09:43 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2014
13:09 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
June 27, 2014
17:22 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #TMR-458993]: Failure to handle GDS server-side analysis URL with netcdf 4.3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2014
13:20 [netCDF #DTM-721292]: netcdf file size discrepancy across machines Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #TLO-836022]: group names that begin with numeric characters Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2014
09:53 RE: FW: Last Issue with NetCDF VLENs/Attributes Kim Kokkonen
June 24, 2014
17:03 Re: FW: Last Issue with NetCDF VLENs/Attributes John Caron
16:54 RE: FW: Last Issue with NetCDF VLENs/Attributes Kim Kokkonen
16:22 Re: FW: Last Issue with NetCDF VLENs/Attributes John Caron
10:13 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2014
16:21 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2014
08:44 [netCDF #VHU-310703]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2014
10:43 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2014
23:01 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
20:52 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDFJava #UYD-670064]: Read with range problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:32 [netCDF #MRB-844393]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
June 13, 2014
15:12 [netCDF #OBL-948763]: netCDF4/H5 tool Unidata netCDF Support
15:10 [netCDF #BQS-661496]: Error with the make test of netcdf-4.1.1 on Linux-x86_64 machine Unidata netCDF Support
June 11, 2014
16:33 [netCDFJava #VMK-714407]: Re: data formats Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:26 [netCDFJava #RIZ-451320]: why can't this be read as a grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:59 [netCDF #DUJ-653621]: netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #XMJ-369691]: Re: excessive warnings when accessing HDF4 from netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #SZV-506829]: excessive warnings when accessing HDF4 from netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #JFK-776789]: ncdump 4.3.2 cannot dump data of the user-defined datatype(created from HDF5) correctly Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2014
11:40 [netCDFJava #VCT-362793]: NetCDF-Java Parsing Nested User-Defined Types Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:49 [netCDF #GOM-132438]: NC Utilities version numbering Unidata netCDF Support
June 09, 2014
13:50 [netCDFJava #VCT-362793]: NetCDF-Java Parsing Nested User-Defined Types Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 05, 2014
21:20 [netCDF #QEH-836904]: Error initializing for parallel access Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDF #SZV-506829]: excessive warnings when accessing HDF4 from netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #QKQ-233907]: creating a Netcdf file with projection info. Unidata netCDF Support
June 04, 2014
15:29 [netCDF #TUY-356358]: NetCDF compilation Error Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #TEQ-670685]: error during LibMesh compile Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2014
11:21 Re: TDS questions John Caron
10:37 Re: TDS questions John Caron
09:36 [netCDF #ZTF-912128]: Netcdf fortran 4.2 Compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #VOA-853085]: NetCDF data access and manipulation Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #VOA-853085]: NetCDF data access and manipulation Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2014
13:54 [netCDF #JGB-314401]: NetCDF installation problem in iMac, OS X 10.9.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:01 [netCDF #UHO-898473]: question: linking with netCDF C++ 4.1.3. Unidata netCDF Support
12:54 [netCDF #NTC-629679]: about installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #UHO-898473]: question: linking with netCDF C++ 4.1.3. Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:04 [netCDF #TEQ-670685]: error during LibMesh compile Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2014
16:04 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:47 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #TEQ-670685]: error during LibMesh compile Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDF #EFQ-588378]: how to compile netcdf 4.3.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:22 [netCDF #BJD-156613]: .lib and .dll Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:02 [netCDFJava #LOE-612985]: Nexrad decoding errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:44 [netCDF #CBC-592345]: issues with compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2014
20:53 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
20:49 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
06:26 [netCDF #MZG-331133]: Missing netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
06:13 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2014
14:05 [netCDF #CLW-542808]: problem with netcdf fortran library Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [IDV #NDX-797833]: Parse Variables Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:16 [netCDFJava #REQ-189814]: Avoid writing index file when reading GRIB file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:38 [netCDF #TEQ-670685]: error during LibMesh compile Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #JGB-314401]: NetCDF installation problem in iMac, OS X 10.9.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #JGB-314401]: NetCDF installation problem in iMac, OS X 10.9.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2014
19:42 [netCDF #SAG-660023]: Error compiling NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDFJava #RIZ-451320]: why can't this be read as a grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:43 [netCDF #CPW-270700]: compile error Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #KXX-360609]: nc_get_vars() Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #KXX-360609]: nc_get_vars() Unidata netCDF Support
12:31 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central John Caron
11:04 [netCDF #RAQ-461561]: NC_FILL_STRING definition suggestion Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #EFQ-588378]: how to compile netcdf 4.3.0 Unidata netCDF Support
May 26, 2014
21:53 [netCDF #RAQ-461561]: NC_FILL_STRING definition suggestion Unidata netCDF Support
May 23, 2014
13:12 [netCDF #ONQ-750372]: NetCDF NC_CHAR file double the size of ASCII file Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #HLT-410330]: HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
13:08 [netCDF #TEQ-670685]: error during LibMesh compile Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #MZG-331133]: Missing netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
May 22, 2014
10:26 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
May 21, 2014
14:26 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central John Caron
14:24 [netCDFJava #ITA-837813]: HDF5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:45 [netCDFJava #ZMD-614767]: BUFR data does not work with a recent ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:44 [netCDFJava #RIZ-451320]: why can't this be read as a grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 19, 2014
17:19 [netCDF #QRZ-612301]: netcdf 4.1.1 bug? Unidata netCDF Support
17:07 [netCDF #MNS-296460]: "Dimensions" documentation Unidata netCDF Support
17:00 [netCDF #KTF-727377]: NetCDF build fail Unidata netCDF Support
16:53 [netCDF #BOU-407285]: .wctproj file extension Unidata netCDF Support
16:43 [netCDF #DVT-865355]: configure Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #LQS-951674]: inttypes.h Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #DXS-586143]: netCDF UserGuide Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2014
13:03 [netCDFJava #RIZ-451320]: why can't this be read as a grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 16, 2014
16:43 [netCDFJava #RIZ-451320]: why can't this be read as a grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:39 [netCDFJava #RIZ-451320]: why can't this be read as a grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:04 [netCDF #LTQ-437569]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2014
09:10 [netCDF #FYL-827092]: HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2014
14:11 [netCDF #YWU-136197]: 2 errors Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2014
19:21 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
17:14 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central Annie Burgess
10:05 [netCDF #MFY-950093]: libCF download? Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2014
12:23 [netCDF #TFE-190602]: NetCDF Install Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 [netCDF #TFE-190602]: NetCDF Install Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 Re: Grib Table Hell (part 1) John Caron
07:55 Re: Grib Table Hell John Caron
May 08, 2014
12:49 [netCDF #BPR-855218]: Clarification on gennet.for Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Support
06:22 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2014
18:31 Re: NetCDF to Maven Central John Caron
15:05 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Support
14:06 [netCDF #TXX-867549]: netcdf ( :error while compiling with xlc Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Support
06:22 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Support
May 06, 2014
14:55 [netCDF #BPR-855218]: Clarification on gennet.for Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #TXX-867549]: netcdf ( :error while compiling with xlc Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2014
13:06 [netCDF #ACI-624328]: Experiences from rechunking with nccopy Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #ECA-828008]: Reading netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
May 02, 2014
13:28 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:58 [netCDFJava #BNA-191717]: chunking in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 01, 2014
11:04 [netCDF #MAR-958926]: netCDF c++ library licensing Unidata netCDF Support
April 27, 2014
05:33 [netCDF #OWT-186843]: NetCDF make problem on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
04:57 [netCDF #PPE-116333]: Can't find or link to the z library Unidata netCDF Support
04:24 [netCDF #GHF-580645]: Error Report Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2014
10:32 [netCDF #AKU-355464]: Coordinate axis values for an UNLIMITED dimension Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2014
16:45 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #TAY-911525]: Building netCDF on OS X 10.9.2 Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2014
14:29 [netCDF #ZGJ-563249]: How to Run ncdump in windows environment Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2014
14:03 [netCDF #TJB-572859]: Trouble with building parallel netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #TJB-572859]: Trouble with building parallel netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #TJB-572859]: Trouble with building parallel netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #IHQ-551892]: NetCDF build Test failures Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDF #FZY-695467]: Urgent Query Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2014
11:31 [netCDF #GIT-708087]: CF conventions link broken Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #VUC-284716]: NC_computeshapes Assertion Unidata netCDF Support
08:33 [netCDF #VUC-284716]: NC_computeshapes Assertion Unidata netCDF Support
April 15, 2014
14:50 [netCDF #TJB-572859]: Trouble with building parallel netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:41 [netCDF #TJB-572859]: Trouble with building parallel netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 14, 2014
22:22 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
15:08 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2014
10:40 Re: [thredds] Plus sign and global attributes. John Caron
09:54 Re: [thredds] Plus sign and global attributes. Phil Cogbill (NOAA Affiliate)
09:44 Re: [thredds] Plus sign and global attributes. John Caron
April 10, 2014
22:23 [netCDF #RMF-313749]: related to projection library in netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #ZEY-478934]: Problems with building NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 09, 2014
22:19 [netCDF #MVP-527542]: Fwd: query of netCDF file format Unidata netCDF Support
April 08, 2014
07:51 [netCDF #ACI-624328]: Experiences from rechunking with nccopy Unidata netCDF Support
April 03, 2014
20:02 [netCDFJava #ZMD-614767]: BUFR data does not work with a recent ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:25 [netCDF #ACI-624328]: Experiences from rechunking with nccopy Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2014
21:30 [netCDF #DZY-226262]: Bundled NetCDF-4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2014
09:42 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
March 27, 2014
21:38 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
12:17 [netCDF #LBV-326209]: bug with creating variable with an unlimited dimension. Unidata netCDF Support
March 26, 2014
22:21 [netCDF #SMP-755388]: Error building netcdf_4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #HBB-707489]: Error When Building NetCDF4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDFJava #ITA-837813]: HDF5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:29 [netCDF #HBB-707489]: Error When Building NetCDF4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:23 [netCDF #YPB-680509]: installa error Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #CXP-805197]: make check - FAIL: t_auth Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #HBB-707489]: Error When Building NetCDF4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #YPB-680509]: installa error Unidata netCDF Support
06:16 [netCDF #HBB-707489]: Error When Building NetCDF4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 25, 2014
15:39 [netCDF #SAK-133961]: wgrib2 falied Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #IJQ-160428]: NetCDF no-fill option Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #SAK-133961]: wgrib2 falied Unidata netCDF Support
10:31 [netCDF #LBV-326209]: bug with creating variable with an unlimited dimension. Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #LBV-326209]: bug with creating variable with an unlimited dimension. Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2014
19:33 [netCDFJava #IEX-641190]: NoClassDefFoundError using GridDataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:15 [netCDFJava #IEX-641190]: NoClassDefFoundError using GridDataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:46 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDFJava #YXO-404422]: how to write bufr convention Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:36 [netCDFJava #YXO-404422]: how to write bufr convention Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:36 [netCDFJava #YXO-404422]: how to write bufr convention Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:36 [netCDF #MFE-150126]: ncdap test failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDFJava #IEX-641190]: NoClassDefFoundError using GridDataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 21, 2014
14:01 [netCDF #QCW-921886]: error while installing netcdf-4.1.1 with HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
March 20, 2014
12:33 [netCDF #CMT-917228]: Building with PGI 12.10 Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDFJava #ITA-837813]: HDF5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:37 [netCDF #PKG-241010]: Fortran code exaple for netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2014
13:11 [netCDF #PKG-241010]: Fortran code exaple for netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:14 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2014
15:17 [netCDF #CSO-595483]: Attribute _FillValue question Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #CTG-267695]: problem in netcdf output Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #ZUW-612102]: Reg: How to modify netCDF data on windows Unidata netCDF Support
14:54 [netCDF #MWV-632973]: Testsuite summary for netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:45 [netCDF #IJS-970888]: checking for nc_open in -lnetcdf... no Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #SAK-133961]: wgrib2 falied Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #ZVE-924213]: cannot configure Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #PKG-241010]: Fortran code exaple for netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #EJA-190555]: netcdf42-fortran: netcdf.h for fortran not found by configure (= a script glitch?) (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
March 10, 2014
12:26 [netCDF #NKN-156326]: Regarding Netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
March 06, 2014
13:13 [netCDF #TAI-783869]: Reg: Opening a .nc file using Visual Studio Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #NKN-156326]: Regarding Netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #VNX-427431]: asking help Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #AJO-385628]: Regarding Netcdf C Example Running Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #URK-625344]: Connecting through a proxy with the C libraries Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #TTS-561802]: Binary and CDF files - Matlab Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #RYD-210585]: FW: jam NETCDF-4_Daily_Tests_0306Thu_FAILED!!! Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2014
15:20 [netCDF #KOP-112281]: NetCDF build fail [SEC=UNOFFICIAL] Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2014
08:57 [netCDF #UAT-411621]: getting undefined reference when compiling netCDF4.2 Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
08:07 [netCDF #JAF-118152]: error in the path of netcdf in compiling Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2014
14:24 [netCDF #MME-788623]: Ending access to a NetCDF4 variable Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #JAF-118152]: error in the path of netcdf in compiling Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #NPF-829673]: netCDF for GIS products (e.g. TIN format data) Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #NPF-829673]: netCDF for GIS products (e.g. TIN format data) Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2014
16:38 [netCDF #UAT-411621]: getting undefined reference when compiling netCDF4.2 Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDF #EMQ-859120]: TWO CHECKS FAILED Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2014
14:52 [netCDFJava #WMM-558883]: can't get netcdf java to work? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:19 [netCDFJava #NWR-841654]: EOFException: Reading file.grb2.ncx at 0 file length = 0 Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 27, 2014
15:51 [netCDF #UAT-411621]: getting undefined reference when compiling netCDF4.2 Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
February 25, 2014
17:16 [netCDFJava #GWK-622435]: Can't read resource: /resources/grib2/ncep/* Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:54 [netCDFJava #NWR-841654]: EOFException: Reading file.grb2.ncx at 0 file length = 0 Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 24, 2014
16:31 [netCDFJava #NWR-841654]: EOFException: Reading file.grb2.ncx at 0 file length = 0 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:27 [netCDF #XIS-909415]: Problem Installing netcdf-4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2014
11:13 [netCDF #DTH-408124]: stale link Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #WZP-766679]: Question about NetCDF package Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2014
08:54 [netCDF #XIS-909415]: Problem Installing netcdf-4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2014
15:09 [netCDF #XIS-909415]: Problem Installing netcdf-4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:32 [netCDF #XIS-909415]: Problem Installing netcdf-4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:08 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 19, 2014
14:28 [netCDF #GAM-838445]: point of contact for Xeon Phi support Unidata netCDF Support
14:00 [netCDF #XIS-909415]: Problem Installing netcdf-4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 18, 2014
14:09 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 16, 2014
17:03 [netCDF #VUQ-958690]: Alignment of data section in NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #XIS-909415]: Problem Installing netcdf-4.3.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 14, 2014
09:56 [netCDF #IJQ-160428]: NetCDF no-fill option Unidata netCDF Support
06:25 [netCDF #IJQ-160428]: NetCDF no-fill option Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2014
13:59 [netCDF #PWO-616631]: Issue while make checking netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #VZH-911645]: my 4-D netcdf data is not read by unidata fortran codes Unidata netCDF Support
13:01 [netCDF #VZH-911645]: my 4-D netcdf data is not read by unidata fortran codes Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:25 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:21 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata IDV Support
10:14 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:49 [netCDF #DSM-235963]: nc__open() bufrsizehintp question Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2014
14:52 [netCDF #ZCM-804446]: ncdump -c Segmentation fault: 11 Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #ROZ-206338]: Use of NcGroup::addVar() in C++ API Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #VZH-911645]: my 4-D netcdf data is not read by unidata fortran codes Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #JHS-410168]: Question about conversions Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDFJava #CZW-502913]: combining satellite bands via ncml Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:12 [netCDF #UAU-670796]: Rechunking of a huge NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #FXS-621687]: FW: Problem make check NetCDF Fortran "undefined reference to" Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #QMW-534881]: OPeNDAP URL crashing netcdf 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2014
22:49 [netCDF #QMW-534881]: OPeNDAP URL crashing netcdf 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #UAU-670796]: Rechunking of a huge NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
February 10, 2014
10:56 [netCDF #VUQ-958690]: Alignment of data section in NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #DWV-498307]: Error while installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #UAU-670796]: Rechunking of a huge NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
February 05, 2014
17:07 [netCDF #MCI-552767]: netcdf 4.3.1 failed on opendap Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:46 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:27 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:19 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 04, 2014
16:53 [netCDF #JVN-123940]: netCDF-4.3.0 on Cygwin (64-bit) segfaults on OpenDAP URLs Unidata netCDF Support
16:46 [netCDF #JVN-123940]: netCDF-4.3.0 on Cygwin (64-bit) segfaults on OpenDAP URLs Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 Re: UTM projected data John Caron
February 03, 2014
19:41 [netCDF #KES-987451]: nccopy fails to generate a netCDF-4 classic file Unidata netCDF Support
January 29, 2014
22:23 [netCDF #QYP-982325]: NetCDF fortran enddef crashing program Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #QYP-982325]: NetCDF fortran enddef crashing program Unidata netCDF Support
13:40 [netCDF #UAU-670796]: Rechunking of a huge NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #VZH-911645]: my 4-D netcdf data is not read by unidata fortran codes Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [THREDDS #NPU-258487]: 9 of 12 featureCollections failing after upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3 Unidata THREDDS Support
07:01 [netCDF #EHQ-439340]: Re: yet another, hopefully super-simple, netcdf question Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2014
17:11 [netCDF #QYP-982325]: NetCDF fortran enddef crashing program Unidata netCDF Support
16:05 [netCDF #TFV-722158]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 Installation Error Message. Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #UAU-670796]: Rechunking of a huge NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #QYP-982325]: NetCDF fortran enddef crashing program Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #KNN-483520]: Reporting Problems: netcdf-fortran-4.2 with gfortran-4.8.1 compiler (gcc version 4.8.1) Unidata netCDF Support
07:01 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 27, 2014
15:36 [netCDF #JUL-394294]: Support for RandomAccessFile in C++ Unidata netCDF Support
15:22 [netCDF #FUW-295578]: netcdf Make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #TTO-271796]: netcdf-cxx-4.2 Installation Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #ZSI-120535]: Make Check failure for netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #JUL-394294]: Support for RandomAccessFile in C++ Unidata netCDF Support
09:07 [netCDF #ZSI-120535]: Make Check failure for netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #TTO-271796]: netcdf-cxx-4.2 Installation Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2014
14:15 [netCDF #ZQX-155900]: segfault with latest netcdf (4.3.1) Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #LKM-299184]: undefined reference to error in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:50 [netCDF #VFP-415990]: reallocation error in nc_get_atttype & nc_get_att_int Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 [netCDF #FUW-295578]: netcdf Make check error Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #ZQX-155900]: segfault with latest netcdf (4.3.1) Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #ZQX-155900]: segfault with latest netcdf (4.3.1) Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #FLZ-106787]: NetCDF 3 install guide Unidata netCDF Support
January 22, 2014
18:52 [netCDF #XZA-200107]: Issue with netcdf-4.3.1 and pnetcdf using NC_64BIT_OFFSET Unidata netCDF Support
15:57 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:54 [netCDF #HCM-901240]: Possible memory leak when using pnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 20, 2014
17:23 [netCDF #AMK-226245]: 'make check' error installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
17:07 [netCDF #YRI-429791]: netcdf 4.3.0 and netcdf 4.1.3 Installation Library Difference. Unidata netCDF Support
16:59 [netCDF #IYS-276599]: 'netcdf.h' error even though I set CPPFLAGS Unidata netCDF Support
16:55 [netCDF #AMK-226245]: 'make check' error installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
16:14 [netCDF #HAD-595112]: bad url : url w/o finish "/" Unidata netCDF Support
11:35 [netCDF #PQU-107704]: Building NetCDF-cxx4 4.2.1 with PGI and mvapich2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2014
13:43 [netCDF #ZIT-791387]: errors reading data from the server at Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #ZIT-791387]: errors reading data from the server at Unidata netCDF Support
08:32 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:31 [netCDFJava #SDZ-744710]: addParametersUser() and units with hrrr Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 16, 2014
10:40 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:55 [netCDFJava #YJC-144248]: Problem with GeotiffWriter class Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:52 [netCDFJava #QAX-163810]: Data Value Discrepancies Between Netcdf 4.2 and 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 15, 2014
09:36 [netCDF #EXV-201416]: Error In building WRF Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2014
15:22 [netCDF #PWT-334145]: Error while compiling wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 13, 2014
16:05 [netCDF #LKF-153632]: Problem adding vector to variable with unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #XFB-271301]: netCDF question, char/string attributes, global or variable atts. Unidata netCDF Support
07:27 [netCDF #XFB-271301]: netCDF question, char/string attributes, global or variable atts. Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2014
14:58 [netCDF #XFB-271301]: netCDF question, char/string attributes, global or variable atts. Unidata netCDF Support
January 10, 2014
14:02 [netCDF #ZKD-949849]: use of CF metadata conventions in an ad-hoc manner. Unidata netCDF Support
January 08, 2014
15:38 [netCDF #OEU-375582]: netcdf C++4 API - destructor error message Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #NHS-426055]: ncgen not working Unidata netCDF Support
January 06, 2014
10:01 [netCDFJava #YJC-144248]: Problem with GeotiffWriter class Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 05, 2014
19:46 [netCDFJava #YJC-144248]: Problem with GeotiffWriter class Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 03, 2014
14:55 [netCDF #EAV-717873]: netcdf-4.1.3 -- 2 of 7 tests failed. Unidata netCDF Support
December 31, 2013
13:34 [netCDF #HOO-519849]: 1 of 12 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
December 23, 2013
13:38 [netCDF #PZS-542462]: libnetcdf_c++ wrong ELF class Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #FVM-642365]: netcdf C++4 API - classic mode Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #HUQ-493499]: HDF4 hncgen fails on netCDF3-valid NC_CHAR arrays Unidata netCDF Support
December 22, 2013
12:57 [netCDF #HZY-708311]: ncdump/netCDF4 segfaults probing HDF4 file Unidata netCDF Support
December 20, 2013
13:51 [netCDF #VQO-244906]: NetCDF Java library and NetCDF 4, and other documentation notes Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDFJava #QBC-740297]: Potential bug in aggregation with timeUnitsChange="true" Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:58 [netCDF #BCV-723604]: ncdump'ed dimension names incorrect Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2013
10:18 [netCDFJava #VKJ-807633]: NcML _Netcdf4Dimid, scalar shape compliance, and string separators Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:12 [netCDFJava #VKJ-807633]: NcML _Netcdf4Dimid, scalar shape compliance, and string separators Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 18, 2013
16:06 [netCDFJava #QBC-740297]: Potential bug in aggregation with timeUnitsChange="true" Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:17 [netCDFJava #QBC-740297]: Potential bug in aggregation with timeUnitsChange="true" Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 17, 2013
11:28 [netCDFJava #QBC-740297]: Potential bug in aggregation with timeUnitsChange="true" Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 16, 2013
16:34 [netCDF #FRY-525370]: while compiling (make check), netcdf is not able to find hdf5 path for shared libraries even after setting it in ./configuration and LD_LIBRARY_PATH Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #WHV-523215]: add variable Unidata netCDF Support
December 15, 2013
19:52 Re: netcdf to geotiff John Caron
12:33 [netCDF #CCV-695346]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
December 14, 2013
18:38 [netCDF #ZAP-332278]: address@hidden Unidata netCDF Support
December 13, 2013
06:42 [netCDF #ZAP-332278]: address@hidden Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2013
15:01 [LibCF #DZT-132458]: Work on libcf has stalled, right? Support LibCF
14:41 [netCDF #ZAP-332278]: address@hidden Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #TUX-625077]: How to specify missing values in *.nc files ... Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #TUK-599944]: Convertion to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
December 11, 2013
12:13 Re: CDM Governanance Greg Monahan
11:33 Re: CDM Governanance John Caron
December 10, 2013
14:09 [netCDF #OTO-887874]: Error when Building netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:06 [netCDF #DTR-594082]: Missing interface netcdf.hh Unidata netCDF Support
December 09, 2013
13:37 [netCDF #MPK-261479]: configure: exit 77. gcc problem? Unidata netCDF Support
December 05, 2013
15:52 [netCDF #ZCD-209044]: support for the new "geostationary" projection Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:59 [netCDF #UYZ-467196]: install netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #WNT-807985]: deflation question/clarification Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #RKE-155992]: separate Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2013
11:15 [netCDFJava #JCU-683472]: error GRIB : missing template 31 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:02 [netCDF #DHC-719435]: netCDF operators Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2013
20:43 [netCDF #UYZ-467196]: install netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
November 28, 2013
01:49 RE: query about java netcdf libraries and THREDDS Luong, Quyen T.
November 27, 2013
13:15 RE: query about java netcdf libraries and THREDDS Lowry, Roy K.
12:43 Re: query about java netcdf libraries and THREDDS John Caron
November 26, 2013
15:50 Re: Fwd: netcdf 4.1.2+ issue Russ Rew
15:43 Re: Fwd: netcdf 4.1.2+ issue Benno Blumenthal
15:30 Re: Fwd: netcdf 4.1.2+ issue Russ Rew
13:58 [netCDF #RJX-395590]: Installing Netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #EVK-421055]: Make check failure at tst_converts2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #ZOK-830083]: test log Unidata netCDF Support
November 25, 2013
14:13 Re: netcdf4, java and standards Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
14:00 Re: netcdf4, java and standards John Caron
13:53 Re: netcdf4, java and standards Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
13:24 Re: netcdf4, java and standards John Caron
10:47 [netCDF #QLR-516011]: NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #TYA-988003]: Compilation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 22, 2013
09:56 [netCDFJava #VKJ-807633]: NcML _Netcdf4Dimid, scalar shape compliance, and string separators Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 20, 2013
13:10 [netCDFJava #JCU-683472]: error GRIB : missing template 31 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:59 [netCDF #XLL-532240]: netCDF-4 C++ Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2013
16:23 [netCDFJava #JCU-683472]: error GRIB : missing template 31 Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:58 [netCDFJava #VKJ-807633]: NcML _Netcdf4Dimid, scalar shape compliance, and string separators Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:58 [THREDDS #QKT-245986]: http://user:password@server:8080/thredds Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2013
14:18 [netCDF #HZY-708311]: ncdump/netCDF4 segfaults probing HDF4 file Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #IIW-512338]: using nccopy tool Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #IIW-512338]: using nccopy tool Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #XGZ-326766]: typo in netCDF LOGGING code Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #TLO-836022]: group names that begin with numeric characters Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDFJava #JCU-683472]: error GRIB : missing template 31 Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 17, 2013
14:34 [netCDF #XXI-796914]: Netcdf C library DAP error with version 4.3.* Unidata netCDF Support
14:32 [netCDF #HEX-795132]: fix ncgen support for int64 attributes Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2013
09:21 [netCDF #IIW-512338]: using nccopy tool Unidata netCDF Support
November 14, 2013
14:31 [netCDFJava #HHM-895800]: trajectory netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:57 [netCDF #OYO-361040]: netCDF has no grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:27 Re: Urgent Question about NetCDF dick
11:12 Re: Urgent Question about NetCDF Ben Domenico
09:42 [netCDFJava #KZK-264938]: GRIB2 to NetCDF conversion Java error with 4.3.19 Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 13, 2013
14:51 [netCDF #MNK-625140]: --enable-logging with fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #XXI-796914]: Netcdf C library DAP error with version 4.3.* Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #XXI-796914]: Netcdf C library DAP error with version 4.3.* Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #UFW-802554]: Stand Alone Fortran Version Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #OYO-361040]: netCDF has no grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:06 [netCDFJava #HHM-895800]: trajectory netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 12, 2013
13:37 [netCDF #KAE-542730]: netCDF question - realtime replication of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #IQL-295684]: mpif90 compiling Error during "make check," NetCDF 4.2 Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
November 11, 2013
10:47 [netCDF #ZCM-293246]: fortran equivalent to nc_diskless Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2013
15:29 [netCDF #ABG-853837]: Performance issues with unbalanced load Unidata netCDF Support
November 08, 2013
14:13 [netCDF #ABG-853837]: Performance issues with unbalanced load Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #GSF-826536]: build of 4.3 with dap support fails Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #DQK-543210]: question about netcdf-fortran 90 install Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #IKT-405664]: px_pgin, Write to unallocated Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDFJava #TYF-271558]: Nexrad level 3 reading error Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:06 [netCDFJava #HVC-591098]: using netcdf java to convert grib2 to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 07, 2013
10:23 [netCDFJava #HVC-591098]: using netcdf java to convert grib2 to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 05, 2013
17:01 [netCDFJava #HVC-591098]: using netcdf java to convert grib2 to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:46 [netCDFJava #HVC-591098]: using netcdf java to convert grib2 to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:18 [netCDFJava #HVC-591098]: using netcdf java to convert grib2 to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:13 [netCDFJava #TYF-271558]: Nexrad level 3 reading error Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:55 [netCDFJava #WKX-752694]: Level III radar product not handled: Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:46 [netCDF #IKT-405664]: px_pgin, Write to unallocated Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 [netCDFJava #HVC-591098]: using netcdf java to convert grib2 to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:30 [netCDF #XOS-979526]: Problems building with --enable-hdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:28 [netCDF #LEF-525393]: NetCDF 4.3.0 and ncdump -bf option Unidata netCDF Support
November 04, 2013
14:57 [netCDF #VZU-100487]: a question Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #ACB-881122]: Building NetCDF-4.2 Fortran libraries on Windows with MinGW Unidata netCDF Support
08:52 Re: TDS GRIB Index Files John Caron
November 02, 2013
20:04 [netCDFJava #AFR-758833]: NcML and NetCDF-4 expanded data model Unidata netCDF Java Support
19:34 [netCDFJava #JYB-204699]: writing point netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 01, 2013
15:24 [netCDF #YHW-805750]: error installing wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #YHW-805750]: error installing wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:57 [netCDFJava #KJD-261977]: NcML Aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:42 [netCDFJava #WKX-752694]: Level III radar product not handled: Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 31, 2013
16:34 [netCDFJava #WKX-752694]: Level III radar product not handled: Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:41 [netCDF #LFV-605873]: netcdf "64-bit offset" with compression Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDFJava #MYI-709551]: netCDF Reader Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 30, 2013
19:17 [netCDF #HVY-215335]: Re: [petsc-maint] Error building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
17:51 Re: New Ticket - [IDV !HAU-717700]: IDV v4.1 and RAMADDA: Loading new data with same file name as old data plots the old data John Caron
14:57 [netCDF #ACB-881122]: Building NetCDF-4.2 Fortran libraries on Windows with MinGW Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #OWN-704612]: Inconsistency in the F90 manual Unidata netCDF Support
October 28, 2013
16:36 [netCDF #FLD-773095]: netcdf fortran on windows Unidata netCDF Support
16:32 [netCDF #TYR-385053]: NETCDF installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #ZVF-115031]: NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
October 25, 2013
09:58 [netCDF #OWN-704612]: Inconsistency in the F90 manual Unidata netCDF Support
06:56 [netCDF #HXP-254473]: Bug in genlib.h Unidata netCDF Support
October 21, 2013
19:59 Re: Deprecated warnings John Caron
October 18, 2013
21:25 [netCDF #RKA-339982]: latest status of wavelength and wavenumber coordinates Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 Re: Problem opening GRIB dataset using netCDF-Java Lansing Madry
October 17, 2013
06:39 [netCDF #ARY-631059]: Fatal Error: Wrong module version '6' (expected '0') for file 'netcdf.mod' opened at (1) Unidata netCDF Support
06:29 [netCDF #NUC-119714]: struggling with writing data to nc file Unidata netCDF Support
October 16, 2013
15:55 [netCDF #QCI-275305]: reading netcdf data of type BYTE Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #NUC-119714]: struggling with writing data to nc file Unidata netCDF Support
October 15, 2013
15:20 [netCDF #TDK-633863]: nc_test error when building netCDF 4.3.0 on linux, Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 Re: NC_open Dennis Heimbigner
13:10 NC_open Pedro Vicente
10:45 [netCDF #NUC-119714]: struggling with writing data to nc file Unidata netCDF Support
October 14, 2013
13:43 [netCDF #CQS-570257]: Suggestions for NetCDF documentation Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #NUC-119714]: struggling with writing data to nc file Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2013
10:14 [netCDFJava #LAN-151911]: NetCdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 09, 2013
16:38 [netCDF #QGR-519109]: Installing netcdf for Fortran in Linux Unidata netCDF Support
16:32 [netCDF #ISB-918823]: Building netCDF from trunk with parallel I/O support fails Unidata netCDF Support
12:59 [netCDF #XWK-875755]: cygwin 64 fail on make test Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #XWK-875755]: cygwin 64 fail on make test Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #XWK-875755]: cygwin 64 fail on make test Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #NUC-119714]: struggling with writing data to nc file Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDF #NUC-119714]: struggling with writing data to nc file Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #XWK-875755]: cygwin 64 fail on make test Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2013
09:25 [netCDF #HZY-708311]: ncdump/netCDF4 segfaults probing HDF4 file Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2013
22:09 [netCDF #DTX-520909]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2013
09:51 [netCDFJava #KJD-261977]: NcML Aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 01, 2013
15:04 [netCDF #UEC-670182]: Need to find information on the NetCDF data type constants Unidata netCDF Support
September 30, 2013
10:57 [netCDF #AUC-292543]: Issue while installing Netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #OBT-976583]: Data from NOAA Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2013
11:03 [netCDF #IJW-164453]: support .nc file Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #DLW-993301]: NetCDF4 Format Validation and Data Integrity Check Unidata netCDF Support
03:53 Re: National Weather Service's "Buffer" File Format john caron
September 24, 2013
09:57 [netCDF #KAS-529028]: configure of netcdf-fortran incorrectly detects capitalized module names Unidata netCDF Support
08:18 [netCDF #IKM-527849]: netcdf parallel compilation: nc_test fail Unidata netCDF Support
September 23, 2013
19:29 [netCDF #SAI-630695]: ncgen mishandles character variables with NULs Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #IHG-640654]: publicly accessible test files for NCO? Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 Re: Problem opening GRIB dataset using netCDF-Java Lansing Madry
11:29 [netCDF #KAS-529028]: configure of netcdf-fortran incorrectly detects capitalized module names Unidata netCDF Support
06:39 Re: Problem opening GRIB dataset using netCDF-Java john caron
September 19, 2013
09:24 [netCDF #IKM-527849]: netcdf parallel compilation: nc_test fail Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2013
14:28 [netCDF #AOZ-222455]: Precompiled OR compile version NETCDF package version 4.3.0 for powerpc - Unidata netCDF Support
14:06 [netCDF #IKM-527849]: netcdf parallel compilation: nc_test fail Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2013
14:06 [netCDF #KES-987451]: nccopy fails to generate a netCDF-4 classic file Unidata netCDF Support
September 15, 2013
12:52 [netCDFJava #CJU-478813]: gribtonc replacement Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 14, 2013
12:01 [netCDFJava #CJU-478813]: gribtonc replacement Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 13, 2013
06:08 [netCDF #RQB-854711]: MPI/IO with unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2013
13:32 Re: UDUNITS in maven John Caron
09:48 [netCDF #FYB-209020]: ARWpost Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2013
15:55 [netCDF #RQB-854711]: MPI/IO with unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDFJava #OWD-641139]: Writing NetCDF 2.3.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 10, 2013
15:17 [netCDF #FIL-651276]: netcdf-c-4.3.1-rc2 ncdump test failures Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #LGB-524149]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #VUY-537245]: Segmentation fault in getvar for large files Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2013
17:01 [netCDF #SAI-630695]: ncgen mishandles character variables with NULs Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #FIL-651276]: netcdf-c-4.3.1-rc2 ncdump test failures Unidata netCDF Support
September 06, 2013
12:42 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:25 [netCDF #NQY-778989]: NEtcdf 4.3.0 failed in 2 tests while installed. Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDF #IYN-849218]: FAIL: nc_test Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #GYO-221404]: Problems building netcdf-4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:23 [netCDF #PJI-807534]: Regarding netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2013
11:01 [netCDF #WNI-999895]: Fortran90 interface insuficcient overloading Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #VUY-537245]: Segmentation fault in getvar for large files Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #OWZ-634214]: MeteoInfo - a software to view and analysis meteorological and spatial data Unidata netCDF Support
September 04, 2013
15:03 [netCDF #FIL-651276]: netcdf-c-4.3.1-rc2 ncdump test failures Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #FIL-651276]: netcdf-c-4.3.1-rc2 ncdump test failures Unidata netCDF Support
September 03, 2013
15:37 [netCDFPerl #GTU-862479]: Problems with NetCDF::varget Unidata netCDF Perl Support
13:38 [netCDF #NQY-778989]: NEtcdf 4.3.0 failed in 2 tests while installed. Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #IYN-849218]: FAIL: nc_test Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #IYN-849218]: FAIL: nc_test Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2013
09:05 [netCDF #PLN-405191]: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2013
11:58 Re: Streamable NetCDF volumes John Caron
August 30, 2013
13:02 [netCDF #RFH-499721]: NetCDF C Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #RFH-499721]: NetCDF C Unidata netCDF Support
12:18 [netCDF #GYC-914895]: Reading of file produces corrupted data Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2013
10:23 [netCDF #OWZ-634214]: MeteoInfo - a software to view and analysis meteorological and spatial data Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #GYC-914895]: Reading of file produces corrupted data Unidata netCDF Support
August 28, 2013
16:44 [netCDF #MBT-898164]: NetCDF queries... Unidata netCDF Support
16:34 [netCDF #RIC-761093]: Make Check Error Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2013
10:38 [netCDF #LSR-639549]: netcdf-4.2 compilation errors with gcc Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #PRR-729955]: netcdf fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2013
13:18 [netCDF #PRR-729955]: netcdf fortran libraries Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #LVV-369486]: NetCDF queries... Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #AZF-978815]: netcdf binaries Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2013
15:06 [netCDF #NKE-128213]: Problem with Fortran90 API using Intel Compilers for NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 [netCDF #NKE-128213]: Problem with Fortran90 API using Intel Compilers for NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [Support #KOX-719621]: How to détermine compiler version for existing libnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #NKE-128213]: Problem with Fortran90 API using Intel Compilers for NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #ZMF-465105]: can not append data to an exist NETCDF file on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
08:05 [Support #KOX-719621]: How to détermine compiler version for existing libnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2013
13:17 [netCDF #ZMF-465105]: can not append data to an exist NETCDF file on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
12:41 [netCDF #ZMF-465105]: can not append data to an exist NETCDF file on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #ZMF-465105]: can not append data to an exist NETCDF file on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #ZMF-465105]: can not append data to an exist NETCDF file on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #RQB-854711]: MPI/IO with unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #NCX-378716]: Acknowledgement Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #HCI-914365]: Building NetCDF4 on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2013
14:06 [netCDF #QUX-500313]: netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #NYG-547290]: problems building ncdf4 with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2013
15:38 [netCDF #WJY-999042]: request for data link Unidata netCDF Support
August 14, 2013
10:41 [netCDFJava #YHY-505756]: variable aggregation within a single dataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 13, 2013
15:18 [netCDFJava #KWA-143788]: query related to point datasets and GEOS Projection Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:51 [netCDFJava #YHY-505756]: variable aggregation within a single dataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:44 [netCDFJava #KWA-143788]: query related to point datasets and GEOS Projection Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:58 [netCDFJava #YHR-625578]: Example CF files for Discrete Geometries Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:08 [netCDFJava #YHY-505756]: variable aggregation within a single dataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:08 [netCDF #YHW-985779]: regarding Unidata netCDF Support
08:22 [netCDF #EFL-527269]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
August 09, 2013
14:56 [netCDF #ZFB-587742]: Reading variable with strides very slow Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #ZFB-587742]: Reading variable with strides very slow Unidata netCDF Support
11:49 [netCDF #ZFB-587742]: Reading variable with strides very slow Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #ZFB-587742]: Reading variable with strides very slow Unidata netCDF Support
August 07, 2013
21:29 [netCDF #SDC-125933]: Make Check Test Fail -- Told to report to you. Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #SDC-125933]: Make Check Test Fail -- Told to report to you. Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #SDC-125933]: Make Check Test Fail -- Told to report to you. Unidata netCDF Support
12:48 [netCDF #SDC-125933]: Make Check Test Fail -- Told to report to you. Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #OFK-443206]: iso_c_binding Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #MAP-823711]: how to modify the length of the record dimension in an existing netcdf file? Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #SVG-148912]: Fortran could not compile .f90 files Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #DPX-244442]: netcdf-fortran library Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2013
13:20 [netCDF #HQM-966726]: NCDUMP utility request Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #HQM-966726]: NCDUMP utility request Unidata netCDF Support
August 05, 2013
16:09 [netCDF #RQB-854711]: MPI/IO with unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #DHN-737651]: Problem running netcdf 4.3.0 tests on IBM Power6, AIX 6.1, GPFS Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #ILQ-730613]: Can't find 'netcdf MOD nf90 put att real' Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #JJL-124364]: Importing data without endianness conversion Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #ILQ-730613]: Can't find 'netcdf MOD nf90 put att real' Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2013
14:17 [netCDF #RLH-209977]: --disable-fortran not available Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2013
10:21 [netCDF #AOD-247919]: Problem Facing During Installation of netCDF 4.0 in GFortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #NED-852320]: on netcdf4 parallel Unidata netCDF Support
July 31, 2013
16:35 [netCDF #RWC-342235]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
14:19 [netCDF #ILQ-730613]: Can't find 'netcdf MOD nf90 put att real' Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCDF #ZYQ-786138]: netcdf4 - hdf5-zip Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
July 30, 2013
16:43 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDF #JWS-105290]: Error in Ocnfiguration Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #JJL-124364]: Importing data without endianness conversion Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #IBV-513656]: Error in Fortran netcdf check Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #ZYQ-786138]: netcdf4 - hdf5-zip Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDFJava #PME-115746]: Variable length data sets in NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:28 [netCDF #MLF-697840]: Parallel NetCDF 4.1.3 compile error finding HDFflush Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2013
14:40 [THREDDS #OWH-501524]: Bug between Matlab and Thredds for ncfiles with many variables Unidata THREDDS Support
July 26, 2013
09:17 [netCDF #NRA-789780]: DAP failure on ncdump, but netcdf-java works fine Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 23, 2013
15:33 [netCDF #FAM-310840]: Problem in installing hdf5-1.8.9 Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2013
10:03 [netCDF #AVK-193520]: error building netCDF 4.2.1 Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2013
13:45 [netCDF #NHP-213140]: downloading netCDF-C Library Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #GNJ-233071]: convert NetCDF to ascii or excel format? Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #GNJ-233071]: convert NetCDF to ascii or excel format? Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [netCDFJava #ZWR-336305]: trying to geolocate an HDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:42 [netCDFJava #ZWR-336305]: trying to geolocate an HDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:33 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 16, 2013
14:44 "Robert Prentice - NOAA Affiliate (CIRES)": Re: sample files for nccopy Russ Rew
13:46 [netCDF #GNJ-233071]: convert NetCDF to ascii or excel format? Unidata netCDF Support
July 15, 2013
16:08 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:52 [netCDF #UHL-694460]: netCDF help Unidata IDV Support
10:29 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:51 [netCDF #PUN-322109]: nc-config issue when installing both shared and static libraries Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2013
14:03 [netCDF #PUN-322109]: nc-config issue when installing both shared and static libraries Unidata netCDF Support
10:40 [netCDFJava #YHR-625578]: Example CF files for Discrete Geometries Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:45 [netCDFJava #YHR-625578]: Example CF files for Discrete Geometries Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:42 [netCDFJava #DTA-624689]: About Data Load Error Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 11, 2013
14:15 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:32 Re: Fwd: Re: [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values John Caron
10:56 [netCDF #JWR-466368]: Request for help Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2013
09:28 [netCDF #NRW-974703]: invalid HDF5 variable size prevents reading range in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 09, 2013
21:11 [netCDF #NRW-974703]: invalid HDF5 variable size prevents reading range in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:47 [netCDF #NRW-974703]: invalid HDF5 variable size prevents reading range in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:10 [netCDFJava #KUD-999886]: Inconsistent results from Array.getDouble()/Array.getFloat() Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:09 [netCDFJava #KUD-999886]: Inconsistent results from Array.getDouble()/Array.getFloat() Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:08 [netCDF #NRW-974703]: invalid HDF5 variable size prevents reading range in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:01 [netCDFJava #UMK-286303]: Incorrect handling of string array? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:26 [netCDF #KGE-979363]: compile wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 08, 2013
15:13 [netCDFJava #BVQ-495645]: Coordinate system information missing from output netCDF files Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:41 [netCDF #WUA-256764]: query (urgent) Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2013
18:14 [netCDF #VSI-534627]: netcdf build, test for hdf4 fails Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2013
11:41 [netCDF #DEE-999161]: An question on NetCDF large file support Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #WUA-256764]: query (urgent) Unidata netCDF Support
07:48 [netCDFJava #SBB-665470]: xml to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 04, 2013
14:31 Re: [netcdf-java] Writing unsigned data to attributes John Caron
July 03, 2013
14:30 Re: Fwd: Re: [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values John Caron
09:28 [netCDF #ZYQ-786138]: netcdf4 - hdf5-zip Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #ZMJ-285878]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
July 02, 2013
15:58 Re: Fwd: Re: [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values John Caron
15:11 [netCDF #NRW-974703]: invalid HDF5 variable size prevents reading range in Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:41 [netCDF #ZMJ-285878]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #EGH-664485]: NetCDF-Python Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #EGH-664485]: NetCDF-Python Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2013
16:46 [netCDF #OFO-584294]: CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS don't seem to work with --disable-shared Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 Re: Fwd: Re: [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values John Caron
12:50 [netCDF #EGH-664485]: NetCDF-Python Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDFJava #SBB-665470]: xml to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:45 [netCDFJava #SBB-665470]: xml to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:42 [netCDFJava #SBB-665470]: xml to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 27, 2013
11:35 [netCDF #PSS-815442]: error building netcdf 4.3.0 with gfortran 4.7.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDF #PSS-815442]: error building netcdf 4.3.0 with gfortran 4.7.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #PSS-815442]: error building netcdf 4.3.0 with gfortran 4.7.2 Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2013
13:46 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #BQS-573507]: HDF to NetCDF conversion assistance Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #UBP-182634]: NETCDF - Make Check Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #PSS-815442]: error building netcdf 4.3.0 with gfortran 4.7.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:32 [netCDF #BNN-485622]: 2d netcdf to 3d (adding depth) Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2013
16:09 [netCDF #ZVD-828686]: compile error cannot compute sizeof (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #PSS-815442]: error building netcdf 4.3.0 with gfortran 4.7.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [netCDF #ZVD-828686]: compile error cannot compute sizeof (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #ZVD-828686]: compile error cannot compute sizeof (off_t) Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2013
13:22 [netCDF #PYK-427149]: parallel netcdf build error. Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2013
15:46 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
12:36 [netCDF #DQH-638930]: C compiler cannot create executables Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2013
18:08 [netCDFJava #UMK-286303]: Incorrect handling of string array? Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:13 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #FXL-473157]: ncdump -t invalid time strings Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDFJava #UMK-286303]: Incorrect handling of string array? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:00 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDFJava #KUD-999886]: Inconsistent results from Array.getDouble()/Array.getFloat() Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 20, 2013
18:31 [netCDFJava #KUD-999886]: Inconsistent results from Array.getDouble()/Array.getFloat() Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:50 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2013
20:19 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
20:01 [netCDF #UHE-463998]: unable to access netCDF distribution Unidata netCDF Support
19:56 [netCDF #JZT-105309]: neCDF 4.3.0 installation issue - Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
16:01 [netCDFJava #BVQ-495645]: Coordinate system information missing from output netCDF files Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:24 [netCDF #MEV-199288]: netcdf installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #IXU-921318]: help for reducing the number of fill value Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDFPerl #XOS-274016]: Install netCDF Perl in Cygwin Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 18, 2013
16:11 [netCDFPerl #XOS-274016]: Install netCDF Perl in Cygwin Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:40 [netCDFPerl #XOS-274016]: Install netCDF Perl in Cygwin Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:28 [netCDF #RPK-814664]: netcdf4.1.3 compilation Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #IXU-921318]: help for reducing the number of fill value Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #YWJ-176640]: NetCDF installation issue in Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #YWJ-176640]: NetCDF installation issue in Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
June 17, 2013
16:31 [netCDF #CNK-256992]: netcdf4.1.3 compilation problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:49 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
June 14, 2013
16:20 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:16 [netCDFJava #NNB-487385]: NcML aggregation code fails after recent Java NetCDF library upgrade Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:22 [netCDF #IBK-149994]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
15:15 [netCDFJava #NNB-487385]: NcML aggregation code fails after recent Java NetCDF library upgrade Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:10 [netCDF #INK-865870]: Quick question about NetCDF library v4.1.1 and RH 6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDFJava #NNB-487385]: NcML aggregation code fails after recent Java NetCDF library upgrade Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:05 [netCDFJava #NNB-487385]: NcML aggregation code fails after recent Java NetCDF library upgrade Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:49 [netCDFJava #NNB-487385]: NcML aggregation code fails after recent Java NetCDF library upgrade Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:39 [netCDFJava #NNB-487385]: NcML aggregation code fails after recent Java NetCDF library upgrade Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 13, 2013
14:46 [netCDF #FQG-785243]: problems on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #LJJ-126826]: How to restructure a variable so that time becomes the slowest changing dimension? Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #ILV-896191]: Installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #FQG-785243]: problems on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #SNP-665192]: make check fails for netcdf-cxx4-4.2 on SUSE 10.4 PPC system. Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2013
16:23 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
16:19 [netCDF #FQG-785243]: problems on cygwin platform Unidata netCDF Support
16:03 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
15:56 [netCDF #SNP-665192]: make check fails for netcdf-cxx4-4.2 on SUSE 10.4 PPC system. Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
15:03 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
June 11, 2013
09:49 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:45 [netCDFJava #XIR-445342]: Problem with netCDF-Java CoordinateAxis returning wrong values Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 10, 2013
22:02 [netCDF #INK-865870]: Quick question about NetCDF library v4.1.1 and RH 6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
21:50 [netCDF #GSF-826536]: build of 4.3 with dap support fails Unidata netCDF Support
20:10 [netCDF #CUE-552730]: GIS data Unidata netCDF Support
June 09, 2013
21:46 [netCDF #AJP-260426]: problem with netcode 4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
21:36 [netCDF #CUE-552730]: GIS data Unidata netCDF Support
14:59 [netCDF #INK-865870]: Quick question about NetCDF library v4.1.1 and RH 6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #INK-865870]: Quick question about NetCDF library v4.1.1 and RH 6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:08 [netCDF #GSF-826536]: build of 4.3 with dap support fails Unidata netCDF Support
June 07, 2013
09:23 [netCDF #AJV-500600]: Missing -ldl library when using hdf5-1.8.11 with netcdf-4.3.0 and configure Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2013
13:06 [netCDFJava #KNX-671807]: replacement for Sfc_pres_temp_wr with non deprecated functions Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 05, 2013
14:37 [netCDF #AJV-500600]: Missing -ldl library when using hdf5-1.8.11 with netcdf-4.3.0 and configure Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #YEN-169424]: Received Error: One or more variable sizes violate format constraints Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #RNR-222360]: Potential optimization for netcdf-4.3.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:17 [netCDF #YCP-913685]: How to instal netcdf library in LINUX SUSE Unidata netCDF Support
June 04, 2013
10:40 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #NTL-246975]: 'lib' directory not found in netCDF-4.3.0 'C' install Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2013
21:39 [netCDF #NTL-246975]: 'lib' directory not found in netCDF-4.3.0 'C' install Unidata netCDF Support
15:25 [netCDF #FOO-864636]: configure:4028: error: cannot run C compiled programs. Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #WRU-143814]: Building errors related to parallel-netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #RMQ-116404]: NETCDF install issues Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2013
14:23 [netCDF #UBZ-355729]: NetCDF 64-bit offset bug with large records Unidata netCDF Support
12:31 [netCDF #BZX-567876]: Missing netcdf.mod file Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 [netCDF #RBH-568742]: Which parallel Fortran API to use? Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2013
22:02 [netCDF #MCR-425248]: Question on netCDF versions available for download Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #BZX-567876]: Missing netcdf.mod file Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #RBH-568742]: Which parallel Fortran API to use? Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #OCN-379575]: Error in compiling netcdf example code simple_xy-wr.cpp Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2013
16:35 [netCDF #CPE-163785]: file size does not change Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [netCDF #BZX-567876]: Missing netcdf.mod file Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #CPE-163785]: file size does not change Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2013
12:57 [IDV #MHJ-258620]: Pydap file server fails Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:56 [IDV #MHJ-258620]: Pydap file server fails Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 26, 2013
18:37 [netCDF #VJG-933974]: Issue related to Netcdf: cant read hdf5 attribute Unidata netCDF Support
May 20, 2013
14:24 [netCDF #JIT-775339]: Read SST from Reynold's NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2013
19:16 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:41 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #LQM-166820]: Facing Problem With NetCDF-4.3.0 Installtation Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #LQM-166820]: Facing Problem With NetCDF-4.3.0 Installtation Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #LQX-861717]: Netcdf installation error Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #FNQ-357688]: NetCDF Question Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2013
15:53 [THREDDS #BDI-109135]: Wrong time steps for aggregated datasets Unidata THREDDS Support
15:46 [netCDFJava #FRX-885326]: error messages in opendap.servlet.ReqState Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:27 [netCDFJava #RET-980265]: point ob class changes from 4.2 to 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:26 [netCDFJava #RET-980265]: point ob class changes from 4.2 to 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:20 [netCDFJava #IPF-403954]: NetcdfFile.sync() Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:40 [netCDFJava #FRX-885326]: error messages in opendap.servlet.ReqState Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:56 [netCDF #AWC-509858]: H5Fflush not found Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #JBL-578433]: Test failure with netCDF 4.3.0 / GCC 4.8 on 64-bit Linux Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #DXR-698035]: CHECK FAIL Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2013
15:44 [netCDFJava #VYQ-671945]: changes to opendap from TDS 4.2 to 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:42 [netCDFJava #CHH-847833]: NullPointerException in AbstractServlet Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:42 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDFJava #JZB-862454]: good c library for grib Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:42 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2013
11:17 [netCDF #ICU-822733]: Reporting Problems: netcdf with intel fortran compiler v.11 Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2013
11:36 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: CMake problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #UPK-483521]: NetCDF NC_MAX_VARS Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2013
22:04 [netCDF #SFK-981831]: FME Description for Support of netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #DCY-701218]: netcdf-4.3.0.tar.gz shouldn't have ".svn" directories Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #SNV-228271]: netCDF "make check" fails Unidata netCDF Support
05:45 [netCDF #FHY-796804]: FME Supports netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2013
15:04 [netCDFJava #WYZ-497386]: MADIS NETcdf data Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 05, 2013
10:00 [netCDF #KRG-880881]: Writing NetCDF 90 file with chunking Unidata netCDF Support
May 02, 2013
09:09 [netCDFPerl #GSM-909531]: NetCDF-Perl documentation Unidata netCDF Perl Support
May 01, 2013
21:52 [netCDF #XFU-202199]: netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2013
09:08 [netCDF #XFU-202199]: netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2013
13:56 [netCDF #NTO-571747]: netcdf on CentOS Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #NTO-571747]: netcdf on CentOS Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2013
18:11 [netCDF #TIR-820282]: NetCDF-4 Parallel independent access with unlimited dimension (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
April 26, 2013
15:51 [netCDFJava #QFE-730791]: netCDF java conversion netCDF/SERAFIN Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:34 [netCDF #TIR-820282]: NetCDF-4 Parallel independent access with unlimited dimension (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #UUD-717336]: netcdf fortran compile problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #TPC-207549]: help - Solaris 10 Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDF #NTO-571747]: netcdf on CentOS Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [netCDF #MGZ-739143]: question about netcdf 3.6.1 install in Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDF #HBF-504746]: install netcdf4 and hdf libraries on mac osx 10.6.8 Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2013
16:10 [netCDF #VOG-153523]: netCDF 4 fails to build with HDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #XFU-202199]: netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #FCH-479977]: Building netcdf c++ legacy library netcdf-cxx-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2013
16:36 [netCDF #VOG-153523]: netCDF 4 fails to build with HDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #VOG-153523]: netCDF 4 fails to build with HDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2013
11:45 [netCDF #VLJ-435861]: Memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2013
21:42 [THREDDS #SNN-720511]: (No Subject) Unidata THREDDS Support
13:08 [netCDF #ZBY-408193]: NetCDF building on Blue Gene/Q with IBM XL compiler? Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2013
05:44 [netCDF #ZBY-408193]: NetCDF building on Blue Gene/Q with IBM XL compiler? Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2013
10:59 [netCDFJava #SCX-738847]: Can NOAA CO-OPS Water Level DAP requests be read in netCDF-Java? Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 18, 2013
05:58 [Support #JZT-833075]: Regarding Netcdf 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 or 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2013
17:06 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: CMake problems Unidata netCDF Support
15:52 [netCDF #HNL-766412]: Requesting License Agreement negotiation and modification for UniData - NetCDF SLA Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #LAG-998412]: Bug in netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [Support #JZT-833075]: Regarding Netcdf 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 or 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2013
11:33 [netCDF #OZD-515425]: question about netcdf install Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #AFN-131282]: netCDF fortran install Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #TLH-274520]: Probable bug in netCDF compression Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #CWH-526599]: problem with netcdf-fortran-4.2 (nc_open not found) Unidata netCDF Support
06:32 [netCDF #WEP-155858]: NetCDF 4.2 Fortran on Ubuntu 12.10 (Intended to be used with ROMS ocean model) Unidata netCDF Support
April 15, 2013
20:19 [netCDF #TLH-274520]: Probable bug in netCDF compression Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: CMake problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #HCN-982827]: Question concerning the netCDF data format Unidata netCDF Support
09:50 [netCDF #WEP-155858]: NetCDF 4.2 Fortran on Ubuntu 12.10 (Intended to be used with ROMS ocean model) Unidata netCDF Support
April 12, 2013
11:32 [netCDF #TIR-820282]: NetCDF-4 Parallel independent access with unlimited dimension (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: CMake problems Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #WEP-155858]: NetCDF 4.2 Fortran on Ubuntu 12.10 (Intended to be used with ROMS ocean model) Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #TIR-820282]: NetCDF-4 Parallel independent access with unlimited dimension (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #NTO-571747]: netcdf on CentOS Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2013
11:20 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: RE: Fwd: RE: unidata summer workshops Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #WEP-155858]: NetCDF 4.2 Fortran on Ubuntu 12.10 (Intended to be used with ROMS ocean model) Unidata netCDF Support
April 09, 2013
20:06 [netCDF #TIR-820282]: NetCDF-4 Parallel independent access with unlimited dimension (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #TIR-820282]: NetCDF-4 Parallel independent access with unlimited dimension (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
April 08, 2013
09:56 [netCDF #TWS-325985]: nf-config / netcdf-fortran.pc issues Unidata netCDF Support
April 07, 2013
18:00 [netCDF #FQU-594042]: netcdf fortran library not found Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #TWS-325985]: nf-config / netcdf-fortran.pc issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:56 [netCDF #FQU-594042]: netcdf fortran library not found Unidata netCDF Support
08:39 [netCDF #PJC-763398]: Help with ncdump ftp server Unidata netCDF Support
April 05, 2013
15:53 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:55 [netCDF #OWN-203547]: Problem with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #OWN-203547]: Problem with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #WXY-967380]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #PJC-763398]: Help with ncdump ftp server Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2013
16:24 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:17 [netCDFJava #MGU-902193]: Problem with NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:15 [netCDFJava #MGU-902193]: Problem with NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:58 [netCDFJava #MGU-902193]: Problem with NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:30 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #KMS-124565]: dodsrc and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 03, 2013
14:55 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:44 [netCDF #NMF-491237]: Unidata netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:38 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:20 [netCDFJava #UIV-204072]: "unable to access jarfile toolsUI-4.3.jar" Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:29 [netCDF #KRG-880881]: Writing NetCDF 90 file with chunking Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2013
14:44 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:15 [netCDF #TNU-802254]: new release of Netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:16 Re: NetCDF/Java at NSIDC John Caron
08:45 Re: NetCDF/Java at NSIDC John Caron
March 30, 2013
12:47 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 29, 2013
14:37 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:53 [netCDF #ELT-595336]: Possible NC_MAX_DIMS vs NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS mixup in nc4internal.h Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #GZZ-630823]: Making NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:40 [netCDFJava #HIP-291542]: Question on NcML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:27 [netCDF #LCV-846326]: reg: make problem during installation of intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2013
13:57 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:39 [netCDFJava #JFM-249744]: library nasa-ames Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:35 [netCDF #UHL-694460]: netCDF help Unidata IDV Support
13:12 [netCDF #UHL-694460]: netCDF help Unidata IDV Support
10:58 [netCDF #UHL-694460]: netCDF help Unidata IDV Support
09:55 [netCDFJava #JFM-249744]: library nasa-ames Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:43 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
March 27, 2013
17:01 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
16:17 [netCDF #MAX-132149]: Net CDF Libraries for Windows.. Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 [netCDF #BWS-886101]: Fwd: [Bug 926219] New: netcdf: Does not support aarch64 in f19 and rawhide Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #BWS-886101]: Fwd: [Bug 926219] New: netcdf: Does not support aarch64 in f19 and rawhide Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:23 [netCDF #XKQ-793167]: netcdf V4.1.3 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
March 26, 2013
15:26 [netCDF #UHL-694460]: netCDF help Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:05 [netCDF #XKQ-793167]: netcdf V4.1.3 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
14:56 [netCDF #PJC-763398]: Help with ncdump ftp server Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 Re: MODIS HDF-EOS Data in the NetCDF-Java CDM and THREDDS John Caron
13:36 Re: MODIS HDF-EOS Data in the NetCDF-Java CDM and THREDDS John Caron
12:59 Re: MODIS HDF-EOS Data in the NetCDF-Java CDM and THREDDS John Caron
10:51 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:05 [netCDFJava #UIV-204072]: "unable to access jarfile toolsUI-4.3.jar" Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:22 [netCDFJava #SXO-208102]: Reading grib1 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 25, 2013
21:50 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
16:57 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2013
16:22 [netCDF #FVK-122895]: Problem with installing netCDF. Unidata netCDF Support
16:13 [netCDF #WHT-303520]: Help!My netcdf~ Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2013
17:03 [netCDFJava #MGU-902193]: Problem with NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 21, 2013
19:49 [netCDF #SVC-505747]: netCDF-4 performance using HDF5 on top of MPIIO Unidata netCDF Support
19:27 [netCDF #BVS-485205]: Ticket ID: GLX-497823 Unidata netCDF Support
17:27 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:07 [netCDF #BVS-485205]: Ticket ID: GLX-497823 Unidata netCDF Support
12:59 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #GCG-755149]: Fwd: Update to your issue -- Install netCDF-4.3.0-rc3 on yellowstone {86653} Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #KSJ-559079]: Netcdf 4 file format's general Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 20, 2013
22:35 [netCDF #OCU-276804]: nf_test in netcdf-4.1.3 fails with undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
21:49 [netCDF #SVC-505747]: netCDF-4 performance using HDF5 on top of MPIIO Unidata netCDF Support
21:26 [netCDF #SUJ-146457]: Re: ref: error during netcdf installation in fedora 16 Unidata netCDF Support
21:19 [netCDF #BVS-485205]: Ticket ID: GLX-497823 Unidata netCDF Support
20:46 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: RE: Fwd: RE: unidata summer workshops Unidata netCDF Support
20:32 [netCDF #KSJ-559079]: Netcdf 4 file format's general Unidata netCDF Support
19:54 [netCDF #KSJ-559079]: Netcdf 4 file format's general Unidata netCDF Support
07:46 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 19, 2013
13:57 [netCDFJava #SXF-400193]: NetcdfFileWriter's global Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:24 [netCDF #CBJ-549790]: NEtcdf - end user license agreement Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #LCN-240709]: RE: Fwd: RE: unidata summer workshops Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2013
10:32 Re: NcML aggregation and NCA John Caron
07:38 [netCDFJava #WHR-919836]: Problem reading grib2 files in memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 17, 2013
17:58 [netCDF #CBQ-986702]: Why is nc_put_varm unbearable slow? Unidata netCDF Support
15:18 [netCDF #CBQ-986702]: Why is nc_put_varm unbearable slow? Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2013
15:48 [netCDFJava #WHR-919836]: Problem reading grib2 files in memory Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:08 [netCDF #CIV-552078]: bug mixing dap reads and netcdf4 writes Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2013
14:03 [netCDFJava #YSM-240143]: Problem using as grib parser in tomcat webapp Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:49 Re: [netcdfgroup] bug mixing dap reads and netcdf4 writes Jeff Whitaker - NOAA Federal
11:41 [netCDF #JMP-664385]: next NetCDF release Unidata netCDF Support
11:41 [netCDF #JMP-664385]: next NetCDF release Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:17 [netCDFJava #IQO-583790]: Copy NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 13, 2013
15:34 Re: Path Forward on Compression/Redundancy John Caron
09:38 [netCDF #ONT-426275]: Parallel-netcdf integration and nc_var_par_access Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #YPM-575307]: Issues using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
06:13 [netCDF #SAR-432650]: Fwd: reg:wrf installation Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2013
09:20 [netCDF #SAR-432650]: Fwd: reg:wrf installation Unidata netCDF Support
06:27 [netCDF #FGA-612463]: netcdf for fortran installation Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2013
11:16 [netCDF #LVC-614373]: how to arrive at integer4 on a 64 bit system Unidata netCDF Support
08:02 [netCDFJava #VXK-169107]: Global attribute _CoordinateModelRunDate from Grib2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:59 [netCDFJava #EMC-170805]: how to get model run time Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 08, 2013
15:25 [netCDF #PSD-701995]: Problem building netcdf- Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2013
15:27 [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 Re: [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Russ Rew
09:42 [netCDF #KWP-751170]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #KWP-751170]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2013
21:02 [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:23 [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 01, 2013
13:32 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:27 [netCDF #MQD-873542]: Netcdf variable size Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #YPM-575307]: Issues using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #ITY-251537]: netcdf4, cdf-5, and ticket MEK-494808 Unidata netCDF Support
12:31 Re: [netcdf-java] Reading NCEP BUFR Kevin Manross
12:25 Re: [netcdf-java] Reading NCEP BUFR John Caron
February 28, 2013
23:28 [netCDF #KLB-596506]: apparent bug in netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:52 [netCDF #JVW-173840]: strange behavior on this DAP data url in netcdf 4.3.0-rc2. Unidata netCDF Support
11:50 [netCDF #JVW-173840]: strange behavior on this DAP data url in netcdf 4.3.0-rc2. Unidata netCDF Support
11:43 [netCDF #JVW-173840]: strange behavior on this DAP data url in netcdf 4.3.0-rc2. Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #QLK-512106]: Potential issues in 4.3.0-rc2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #JLS-123539]: Configuration error Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #ERY-773358]: (regular real*4 or real*8) binary file to netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #MLU-486882]: NetCDF must be built with netCDF-4 enabled Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #QLK-512106]: Potential issues in 4.3.0-rc2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #BYY-730203]: Minor Build problems for netcdf-4.1.1 on Linux Mint. Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2013
16:48 [netCDF #KAS-641616]: Binary file downloads Unidata netCDF Support
16:37 [netCDF #JRY-428040]: NetCDF-4.0 C/C++/Fortran Binary Distributions are unavailable Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDFJava #ENQ-213183]: Updating java/netcdf libraries in McIDAS-V and the IDV are causing a file to error Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 26, 2013
17:06 [netCDFJava #CXI-495818]: toolsUI.jar support for backslashes in global attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 25, 2013
14:51 Re: M3IOConvention John Caron
12:14 [netCDF #JVW-173840]: strange behavior on this DAP data url in netcdf 4.3.0-rc2. Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #JVW-173840]: strange behavior on this DAP data url in netcdf 4.3.0-rc2. Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2013
13:47 Re: [LDM #ZGC-437176]: Dealing with unreadable GRIB files John Caron
February 22, 2013
14:44 [netCDF #PMD-881681]: Segementation fault in netcdf-fortran parallel test Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #PMD-881681]: Segementation fault in netcdf-fortran parallel test Unidata netCDF Support
February 21, 2013
16:40 [netCDF #NWL-557256]: fortran and netcdf.4.1.3.b1 compilation issues with netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
15:58 [netCDF #IBL-547564]: NetCDF build error Unidata netCDF Support
15:41 [netCDF #BPE-761936]: Error compiling netcdf-fortran 4.2 with PGI on OSX Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2013
16:48 [netCDF #YRC-237402]: netcdf4 dimensions output comment out Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #YRC-237402]: netcdf4 dimensions output comment out Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #MLU-486882]: NetCDF must be built with netCDF-4 enabled Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #YTJ-181465]: nf_test in netcdf-fortran-4.2 fails with undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #MCV-764151]: NetCDF C++: ncChar Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #HFH-711245]: Linking from Windows Fortran to NetCDF 4.2 shared library Unidata netCDF Support
February 19, 2013
21:17 [netCDF #RQG-223910]: MMAP and 64bit offset netcdf format Unidata netCDF Support
17:01 [netCDF #HFH-711245]: Linking from Windows Fortran to NetCDF 4.2 shared library Unidata netCDF Support
16:27 [netCDF #BPE-761936]: Error compiling netcdf-fortran 4.2 with PGI on OSX Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #MLU-486882]: NetCDF must be built with netCDF-4 enabled Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #YTJ-181465]: nf_test in netcdf-fortran-4.2 fails with undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #NAH-825145]: NETCDF4 installation problem in AIX 7.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #MLU-486882]: NetCDF must be built with netCDF-4 enabled Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #MLU-486882]: NetCDF must be built with netCDF-4 enabled Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #PPW-675782]: some problems about installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #YRC-237402]: netcdf4 dimensions output comment out Unidata netCDF Support
February 15, 2013
14:15 [netCDF #UMK-718798]: Problem compiling nf90_put_var with double float data Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2013
13:44 [netCDF #LLV-851787]: netcdf 4.1.2 issue: undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90_open_', etc Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #LLV-851787]: netcdf 4.1.2 issue: undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90_open_', etc Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #XNT-421372]: NetCDF fortran libraries compilation with MPICH2 Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #XNT-421372]: NetCDF fortran libraries compilation with MPICH2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #OOT-688821]: 1) Netcdf on Redhat Linux 6 has glitches 2) Polite questions Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2013
14:19 [netCDF #OOT-688821]: 1) Netcdf on Redhat Linux 6 has glitches 2) Polite questions Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #PDK-779646]: netcdf 4.1.3 with ifort 11.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #PDK-779646]: netcdf 4.1.3 with ifort 11.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #LPX-911763]: problem compiling, undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
06:52 [netCDF #NAH-825145]: NETCDF4 installation problem in AIX 7.1 Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2013
15:39 [netCDF #CAM-704494]: problem compiling netcdf f90 example Unidata netCDF Support
14:59 [netCDF #ISA-255084]: FW: jam NETCDF-4_Daily_Tests_0211Mon_FAILED!!! Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #NAH-825145]: NETCDF4 installation problem in AIX 7.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:40 [netCDF #HUM-676358]: Trouble with Pre-Built Libraries Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #LPX-911763]: problem compiling, undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDFJava #KRC-466779]: query for CF point netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 10, 2013
15:15 [netCDF #RQG-223910]: MMAP and 64bit offset netcdf format Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2013
09:24 [netCDFJava #KRC-466779]: query for CF point netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 06, 2013
14:37 [netCDFJava #DAC-685688]: local BUFR tables Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 05, 2013
11:09 [netCDF #BPK-422270]: Name contains illegal characters Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #LEX-922145]: confusion Unidata netCDF Support
February 04, 2013
19:41 [netCDF #BPK-422270]: Name contains illegal characters Unidata netCDF Support
16:19 [netCDF #LEX-922145]: confusion Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #BAR-930850]: netCDF-4 to support NcML Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #BPK-422270]: Name contains illegal characters Unidata netCDF Support
February 02, 2013
15:02 [netCDF #VCD-725374]: Trouble inheriting variable ID into group Unidata netCDF Support
08:29 [netCDF #LEX-922145]: confusion Unidata netCDF Support
08:11 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
February 01, 2013
16:26 [netCDF #BAR-930850]: netCDF-4 to support NcML Unidata netCDF Support
14:32 [netCDF #BAR-930850]: netCDF-4 to support NcML Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #EWV-925922]: Is There Any Summer Internship Opportunity in the NetCDF Development/Research Group? Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #JPM-459802]: enquiry about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
January 31, 2013
19:57 [netCDF #YMY-466555]: "syntax error, unexpected WORD_STRING" Unidata netCDF Support
16:05 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #EWV-925922]: Is There Any Summer Internship Opportunity in the NetCDF Development/Research Group? Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #CBA-908124]: NetCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #GNO-148344]: Building parallel NetCDF with Intel Unidata netCDF Support
08:21 [netCDF #EWV-925922]: Is There Any Summer Internship Opportunity in the NetCDF Development/Research Group? Unidata netCDF Support
January 30, 2013
16:00 [netCDF #YMY-466555]: "syntax error, unexpected WORD_STRING" Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #CBA-908124]: NetCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #CSU-834148]: Building methodologies of netCDF4 libraries for multiple compilers and versions Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #RUH-555763]: Query about the NetCDF Classic Format Specification Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 [netCDF #CBA-908124]: NetCDF Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
January 29, 2013
14:13 [netCDFJava #FSL-422087]: Java INFO Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:38 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2013
14:49 [netCDFJava #SIA-494597]: Java netCDF Security Issues Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:57 [LibCF #WGL-196445]: Plz help for install libcf Support LibCF
09:28 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
January 25, 2013
09:07 [netCDF #EWK-526393]: Is it possible to develop a free software/open source based on the NetCDF programs? Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2013
15:54 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDFJava #YHR-625578]: Example CF files for Discrete Geometries Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:46 [netCDF #PFU-753378]: Error in closing netCDF file (due to presence of user-defined type) Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2013
15:46 [netCDF #FBR-789563]: netCDF examples problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:19 [netCDF #DKW-489486]: New 3D/4D vis software for NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
January 22, 2013
20:15 [netCDF #KRB-879907]: Error in the support page Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #CSI-776998]: netCDF Fortran90 libs for Windows 7 Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #QRL-229735]: ndump crashes Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #DSJ-694365]: [Bug 702565] Re: The libnetcdf6 package should depend on HDF5 1.8.5-patch1 or later, not HDF5 1.8.4, as it currently does. HDF5-1.8.4 and earlier have Unidata netCDF Support
January 18, 2013
12:35 [netCDF #QRL-229735]: ndump crashes Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #QRL-229735]: ndump crashes Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #ESN-802630]: Problems installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2013
15:46 [netCDF #ESN-802630]: Problems installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #OLR-692110]: Regarding Netcdf -4.1.3 installation Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #UUS-259413]: pnetcdf and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 16, 2013
21:13 [netCDF #UUS-259413]: pnetcdf and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #UUS-259413]: pnetcdf and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #SJG-419899]: problem building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #QUG-322321]: Examples referenced on website Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #UUS-259413]: pnetcdf and netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 15, 2013
14:24 [netCDF #FMU-973850]: installing or netcdf.a Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2013
21:09 [netCDF #UXF-258603]: NetCDF 4.2 for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #GZK-961458]: reading the netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #UXF-258603]: NetCDF 4.2 for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #BNJ-261290]: Error in configuring NETCDF 4 in AIX 7.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #ACB-881122]: Building NetCDF-4.2 Fortran libraries on Windows with MinGW Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #FXK-501477]: netcdf- -- if using parallel-netcdf, set_fill_mode does not work Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDF #IGN-927322]: One question Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #KWT-441277]: netcdf-4.1.3 and inter fortran compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #ACB-881122]: Building NetCDF-4.2 Fortran libraries on Windows with MinGW Unidata netCDF Support
09:26 [netCDF #FMU-973850]: installing or netcdf.a Unidata netCDF Support
January 03, 2013
10:57 [netCDF #MRZ-466810]: ncgen makes duplicate _Storage attribute Unidata netCDF Support
January 02, 2013
15:23 [netCDF #UXF-258603]: NetCDF 4.2 for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #IDJ-549001]: Problem installing netcdf-4.1.3 with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
December 28, 2012
14:00 [netCDF #IDJ-549001]: Problem installing netcdf-4.1.3 with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 [netCDFJava #VXO-686729]: NcML documentation error Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 20, 2012
09:01 [netCDF #FUI-502452]: Problems adding CXX to NetCDF build Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2012
16:08 [netCDF #ANI-357083]: Errors writing large files Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #HJV-751630]: permissions Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #CKV-968557]: Getting netcdf to work on Windows 7 Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #TIF-560806]: Could you please compile the release versions of windows developer snapshots Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #BPQ-530744]: NETCDF64 Unidata netCDF Support
December 18, 2012
13:54 [netCDF #AHI-825111]: Compilation problem (invalid preprocessor directive) with netcdf-4.2.1 & on Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
December 17, 2012
11:27 Re: FW: [netCDFJava #RUG-895669]: NetCDF Java API John Caron
December 16, 2012
16:12 [netCDFJava #OFL-304083]: clarification regarding Projections Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:06 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:14 [netCDFJava #OFL-304083]: clarification regarding Projections Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:07 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 13, 2012
16:05 [netCDF #CVR-968452]: make check failed installing netCDF-4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:48 [netCDF #ZIV-541197]: netcdf compiling error Unidata netCDF Support
15:09 [netCDF #TEE-421125]: netcdf- & netcdf-fortran-4.2 installation Unidata netCDF Support
06:41 [netCDF #UWL-778089]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2012
09:18 [netCDF #WSP-473289]: Fwd: Re: Assertion in pinning block Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #URQ-247314]: make check failed when installing netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #KLG-862966]: configure fails on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
06:10 [netCDF #UWL-778089]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
06:01 [netCDF #MFG-811670]: Fwd: configure: error: Can't find or link to the hdf5 high-level. Use --disable-netcdf-4, or see config.log for errors. Unidata netCDF Support
December 11, 2012
14:32 [netCDF #BKA-178769]: Parallel hang in nc_put_vara_double Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 10, 2012
11:32 Re: ucar.util.prefs package John Caron
December 06, 2012
09:14 [netCDF #AVU-430739]: NetCDF- not creating "" Unidata netCDF Support
December 05, 2012
13:52 [netCDF #OZU-387092]: [Question] Data. Unidata netCDF Support
December 04, 2012
14:28 [netCDF #ZPG-755636]: Reading and extracting WRF time characters using C++ interface Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 [netCDF #FXJ-706125]: disagreement of missing values readed by fortran and matlab,respectively Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #DQP-681597]: trouble install netcdf-4.2-fortran library with intel-12.1 Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2012
19:07 [netCDF #GZH-759902]: netcdf4 client not reusing connections in opendap calls via curl Unidata netCDF Support
19:02 [netCDF #GZH-759902]: netcdf4 client not reusing connections in opendap calls via curl Unidata netCDF Support
16:56 [netCDF #YLO-819489]: Failures with netcdf-fortran-4.4-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
16:34 [netCDF #YLO-819489]: Failures with netcdf-fortran-4.4-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:54 [netCDF #GZH-759902]: netcdf4 client not reusing connections in opendap calls via curl Unidata netCDF Support
15:43 [netCDF #GZH-759902]: netcdf4 client not reusing connections in opendap calls via curl Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDFJava #APL-100209]: nc4.3/IDV: bundle no longer displays in the correct location Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 02, 2012
12:58 [netCDF #YLO-819489]: Failures with netcdf-fortran-4.4-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2012
13:15 [Miscellaneous #XAD-164809]: data for specifikke gridceller Unidata Miscellaneous Support
10:34 [netCDF #HAL-122225]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #QGF-122654]: netcdf: problem enabling netcdf4 with largefile support Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #JWG-385268]: tutorial request... Unidata netCDF Support
November 30, 2012
13:08 [netCDF #TUV-587457]: tutorial request... Unidata netCDF Support
07:18 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 29, 2012
14:21 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 25, 2012
15:08 [netCDFJava #IHC-743264]: Problems reading GRIB2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 24, 2012
11:19 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 23, 2012
14:36 [netCDFJava #IQQ-460810]: issue opening a file as dods vs. local file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 21, 2012
16:45 [netCDFJava #IHC-743264]: Problems reading GRIB2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:43 [netCDF #VEW-543105]: Problems accessing OPeNDAP URL on this 4.3 TDS with NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #VEW-543105]: Problems accessing OPeNDAP URL on this 4.3 TDS with NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #LWW-371639]: in 4.4 release Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #VEW-543105]: Problems accessing OPeNDAP URL on this 4.3 TDS with NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #HDU-140030]: Trouble with compiling NetCDF 4.1.3, Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #RGO-191947]: Ask for help Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #CVX-510046]: convert netcdf to dat Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDFJava #IHC-743264]: Problems reading GRIB2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 20, 2012
16:42 [netCDFJava #IHC-743264]: Problems reading GRIB2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:32 [netCDFJava #IHC-743264]: Problems reading GRIB2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:32 [netCDFJava #IHC-743264]: Problems reading GRIB2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:50 [netCDF #CVX-510046]: convert netcdf to dat Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #EGK-683001]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2012
09:30 [netCDF #XIK-240934]: netcdf4 on Mac OSX Lion Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2012
11:00 [netCDF #EGK-683001]: ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2012
13:59 Re: [netcdf-java] GRIB file handling bug? John Caron
08:59 [netCDF #XIK-240934]: netcdf4 on Mac OSX Lion Unidata netCDF Support
November 14, 2012
13:48 [netCDF #QXF-267477]: netcdf - grib - gempak format Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2012
09:02 [netCDF #JJC-982930]: error building Fortran netCDF on Mac OS X 10.8.2 Unidata netCDF Support
November 12, 2012
09:21 [netCDF #OQJ-741904]: NAG Fortran shared library? Unidata netCDF Support
01:30 Re: Information on NetCDF library Enrico Boldrini
November 09, 2012
16:51 Re: Information on NetCDF library John Caron
15:24 [netCDF #WOD-775615]: troubles compiling netcd4 with hdf4 support Unidata netCDF Support
15:04 [netCDF #OQJ-741904]: NAG Fortran shared library? Unidata netCDF Support
14:56 [netCDF #FRX-290710]: Novice help with cxx4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:45 [netCDF #CXR-134834]: linking netCDF library with program written in Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #JCF-409057]: Regarding CSV to NETCDF conversion Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #AZX-585461]: fortran configure problems Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #ZPF-558392]: Follow up questions of Netcdf CPP Unidata netCDF Support
13:17 [netCDF #VZA-166198]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
November 08, 2012
12:12 Re: [netCDF #IJI-139782]: windows binaries for NetCDF Ward Fisher
November 07, 2012
16:12 [netCDF #ZBZ-885882]: Unidata netCDF Support
16:06 [netCDF #ZBZ-885882]: Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #SBN-286919]: Question about NetCDF- install Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDF #AZX-585461]: fortran configure problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #CKA-767329]: Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #ZBZ-885882]: Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2012
14:50 [netCDF #GLL-748696]: NetCDF to Ascii Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #GLL-748696]: NetCDF to Ascii Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:42 [netCDFJava #WAB-465361]: new error in ToolsUI 4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 05, 2012
11:25 [netCDF #IJI-139782]: windows binaries for NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 02, 2012
14:56 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 01, 2012
20:05 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 30, 2012
11:03 [netCDF #DZU-954292]: Cannot install. Urgent:: Please respond Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #FWP-281042]: installation trouble Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #DZU-954292]: Cannot install. Urgent:: Please respond Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #HMG-489739]: _Fillvalue value declaration nf90 Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2012
16:53 [netCDF #QKU-771358]: Regarding netcdf conversion from ascii using C program Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDF #GYW-782956]: error when testing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:43 [netCDF #UIX-707316]: problem in running fortran with netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
16:37 [netCDF #YQP-889967]: Netcdf precompiled library Unidata netCDF Support
16:19 [netCDF #DZU-954292]: Cannot install. Urgent:: Please respond Unidata netCDF Support
16:15 [netCDF #CHC-440155]: netcdf4 problem Unidata netCDF Support
16:08 [netCDF #HMG-489739]: _Fillvalue value declaration nf90 Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 [netCDF #CDH-894104]: NETCDF Build Failure Unidata netCDF Support
15:59 [netCDF #DXT-353886]: Attempted 64 bit netcdf classic install on Mas OSX Ver 10.8 with Absoft compiler Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #XKU-673050]: Producing corrupt netcdf/hdf5 files with netcdf-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #QCG-518842]: make check failures Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 28, 2012
15:39 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:30 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:04 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 27, 2012
15:02 [netCDFJava #OBX-662219]: Projection issue Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:28 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:26 [netCDFJava #TVQ-727289]: CalendarDate methods and ncIdv.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 26, 2012
17:57 Re: Happy Friday! John Caron
17:38 [netCDFJava #NCH-520268]: Grib2 categories missing in nc4.3 Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 24, 2012
09:10 [netCDF #TBZ-749956]: error building netCDF on Mac OS X 10.6.8... Unidata netCDF Support
October 23, 2012
14:36 [netCDF #TIU-359130]: Additional information regarding ticket MAV-429067 Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #ORR-618715]: Question about formatting data with NETCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2012
09:13 [netCDF #DZU-954292]: Cannot install. Urgent:: Please respond Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [netCDF #YJR-897652]: any plans for nc_rename_grp()? Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDF #DZU-954292]: Cannot install. Urgent:: Please respond Unidata netCDF Support
October 17, 2012
14:50 [netCDF #BZQ-656591]: Question NetCDF and CMake Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 Re: NcML to create netCDF-4 John Caron
October 15, 2012
16:36 [netCDFJava #ZNN-988290]: reading an hdf 5 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 13, 2012
10:45 Arun Ramanathan: Re: [netcdf-porting] ERROR in linking netcdf libraries (ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .nf_open) Russ Rew
October 12, 2012
15:05 [netCDF #TBJ-718809]: problems to install netCDF 4.2 in Ubuntu 10.04 Unidata netCDF Support
08:45 [netCDF #GLC-479610]: Can't find f90 error during configuration Unidata netCDF Support
06:47 [netCDF #TBJ-718809]: problems to install netCDF 4.2 in Ubuntu 10.04 Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2012
13:45 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDFPerl #URC-325321]: Net PDF under perl 5.14.2 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
October 10, 2012
16:37 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata THREDDS Support
16:35 [netCDFJava #SWV-988022]: nc4.3: Missing methods in Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:04 [netCDF #LTO-228407]: difference between "-lnetcdf" and "-lnetcdff" ? Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2012
20:03 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
16:06 [netCDFJava #ZNN-988290]: reading an hdf 5 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:43 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
10:44 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDFPerl #URC-325321]: Net PDF under perl 5.14.2 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:04 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
05:31 [Support #MMD-743780]: help Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2012
14:02 [netCDFJava #JDB-235822]: Fwd: non-standard calendars in the IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:51 [netCDF #XXQ-390427]: How to join multiple NetCDF files of adjacent regions Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2012
20:29 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2012
17:36 [netCDFJava #JDB-235822]: Fwd: non-standard calendars in the IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:47 [netCDF #IPQ-870742]: Change order of dimensions from (lon, lat, time) to (time, lon,lat) Unidata netCDF Support
15:30 [netCDF #TSI-527912]: nccopy advice - rechunking very large files Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2012
11:05 [netCDF #EPZ-611714]: Installation trouble Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #IQT-216516]: how to extract data from netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
08:57 [netCDF #ZMY-167914]: Problem in posixio_open in netcdf- if file does not exist Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #EPZ-611714]: Installation trouble Unidata netCDF Support
08:45 [netCDF #KZA-222916]: decoding grib2 files in C/C++ Unidata netCDF Support
08:41 [netCDF #ZMY-167914]: Problem in posixio_open in netcdf- if file does not exist Unidata netCDF Support
08:36 [netCDF #SQU-958328]: failed check for netcdf-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 01, 2012
12:21 [Staging #YVB-555311]: Permission to translate your article at Unidata netCDF Perl Support
September 28, 2012
13:49 [netCDF #ZCZ-420791]: Installing netcdf fortran on linux Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #ZIF-820572]: please explain netCDF C++ support in the netcdf release notes Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 Re: Happy Friday! John Caron
13:03 [netCDF #SFP-169619]: netcdf fortran 4.1.3 make error Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #GFI-182980]: NetCDF-4 and multiple links to a data object Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #SFP-169619]: netcdf fortran 4.1.3 make error Unidata netCDF Support
September 27, 2012
21:34 [netCDF #SFP-169619]: netcdf fortran 4.1.3 make error Unidata netCDF Support
15:25 [netCDF #JQJ-706508]: configuring netcdf-cxx4-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDF #QOX-991334]: Netcdf to tiff Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #QOX-991334]: Netcdf to tiff Unidata netCDF Support
04:18 [netCDFJava #DCH-123831]: problems using ncML to represent as timeSeriesProfile Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 26, 2012
16:30 [netCDF #JQJ-706508]: configuring netcdf-cxx4-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
15:37 [netCDF #DPO-719222]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2012
13:08 [Staging #YVB-555311]: Permission to translate your article at Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:10 [netCDFJava #DCH-123831]: problems using ncML to represent as timeSeriesProfile Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:17 [netCDF #UYL-334118]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
September 24, 2012
14:08 [netCDF #JSU-487825]: unable to locate netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #UYL-334118]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
12:41 [netCDF #UYL-334118]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #FCB-421026]: Biulding netcdf librairies.....problems...advices needed... Unidata netCDF Support
09:26 [netCDF #JSU-487825]: unable to locate netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
September 21, 2012
11:04 [netCDFJava #SWV-988022]: nc4.3: Missing methods in Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 20, 2012
10:25 Re: nc4.3 John Caron
September 17, 2012
15:51 [netCDFJava #GCF-381402]: NetCDF Java, NetcdfFileWriteable.openExisting Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:32 [netCDFJava #GCF-381402]: NetCDF Java, NetcdfFileWriteable.openExisting Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 15, 2012
15:28 [netCDF #WIC-444453]: sofware for Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2012
10:22 [netCDF #MVM-110226]: HDF5 and configure Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #XZT-324632]: installing threadsafe NetCDF 4.2 on IBM/AIX Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #MVM-110226]: HDF5 and configure Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2012
10:49 [netCDF #XZT-324632]: installing threadsafe NetCDF 4.2 on IBM/AIX Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #XZT-324632]: installing threadsafe NetCDF 4.2 on IBM/AIX Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #XZT-324632]: installing threadsafe NetCDF 4.2 on IBM/AIX Unidata netCDF Support
08:33 [netCDF #ZSV-849060]: netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2012
15:12 [netCDF #API-346739]: NetCDF Fortran Libraries Unidata netCDF Support
14:35 [netCDF #IOW-928901]: Windows 64-bit prebuilt NetCDF dll Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #API-346739]: NetCDF Fortran Libraries Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #HHO-361026]: Netcdf 4.2 installation problem on Mac 10.7.4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2012
15:48 [netCDF #JHU-572616]: "SD" Errors Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 [netCDF #SCH-450091]: GWASTools & Affymetrix Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #JHU-572616]: "SD" Errors Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #JHU-572616]: "SD" Errors Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [netCDF #PFR-895418]: NetCDF METADATA question Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #LOS-408248]: netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #GLL-748696]: NetCDF to Ascii Unidata netCDF Support
September 06, 2012
15:12 [netCDF #NZJ-424171]: Trouble Compiling on Mac OS X 10.7 Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDFJava #IQQ-460810]: issue opening a file as dods vs. local file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:16 Jan Aschmann: Re: [netCDF #MCW-760344]: Strange behaviour of nc_put_var Russ Rew
09:15 Jan Aschmann: Re: [netCDF #MCW-760344]: Strange behaviour of nc_put_var Russ Rew
September 05, 2012
15:56 [netCDF #MCW-760344]: Strange behaviour of nc_put_var Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #HDT-424966]: Fwd: Is it possible to have opendap reusing connections via libcurl despite netcdf api making many small requests? Unidata netCDF Support
15:10 [netCDFJava #IQQ-460810]: issue opening a file as dods vs. local file Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 04, 2012
14:11 [netCDF #THZ-511849]: netcdf 4.1.3 compiling Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDFJava #IQQ-460810]: issue opening a file as dods vs. local file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:38 [netCDF #MYR-530321]: netcdf-fortran-4.4-beta1 Compile Error Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [THREDDS #YMM-994550]: openDap failure Unidata THREDDS Support
September 02, 2012
09:54 [THREDDS #YMM-994550]: openDap failure Unidata THREDDS Support
August 31, 2012
12:23 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDFJava #IQQ-460810]: issue opening a file as dods vs. local file Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 30, 2012
11:46 [netCDF #AMN-318885]: Possible memory leak in ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2012
14:45 [netCDF #XXN-300614]: nf_open_ undefined in 32 bit version (OK in 64 bit version) Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #TDM-592829]: Error installing netCDF 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #PDL-125161]: Writing parallel files with zero-size chunks Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #PXF-543549]: On nf90_put_var Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #PDL-125161]: Writing parallel files with zero-size chunks Unidata netCDF Support
August 28, 2012
16:26 [netCDF #LOS-408248]: netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
16:18 [netCDF #PDL-125161]: Writing parallel files with zero-size chunks Unidata netCDF Support
16:09 [netCDF #PXF-543549]: On nf90_put_var Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [netCDF #PXF-543549]: On nf90_put_var Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #CQB-428218]: nf90_inq_type: too many arguments Unidata netCDF Support
August 27, 2012
10:14 [netCDF #TJI-307672]: Support with uncompressing radar data in netCDF/CfRadial Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #MXW-575671]: netCDF bug report: misleading error message Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2012
08:56 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
05:21 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2012
16:20 [netCDF #SCH-450091]: GWASTools & Affymetrix Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #FXT-735195]: NetCDF4.2 incorrect data returned from a netcdf-4 file with deflation on thredds server Unidata netCDF Support
12:02 [netCDF #FXT-735195]: NetCDF4.2 incorrect data returned from a netcdf-4 file with deflation on thredds server Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #FXT-735195]: NetCDF4.2 incorrect data returned from a netcdf-4 file with deflation on thredds server Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #UJQ-996963]: bugs in netcdf- testing Unidata netCDF Support
August 21, 2012
16:13 [netCDF #UJQ-996963]: bugs in netcdf- testing Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2012
17:10 [netCDF #OTC-268927]: compile errors netcdf 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:42 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
06:40 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
06:20 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
06:12 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
05:51 [netCDF #XDT-119670]: NetCDf on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2012
17:20 [netCDF #ACS-482645]: Build Netcdf-4.2-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
August 18, 2012
11:22 [netCDF #OGM-535232]: quastion Unidata netCDF Support
August 17, 2012
09:40 [netCDF #ACS-482645]: Build Netcdf-4.2-fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [netCDF #UCO-606914]: Error in install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2012
14:41 [netCDF #UCO-606914]: Error in install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #DKO-663345]: libnetcdf.mod not built with NetCDF 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:08 [netCDF #UCO-606914]: Error in install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #FXT-735195]: NetCDF4.2 incorrect data returned from a netcdf-4 file with deflation on thredds server Unidata netCDF Support
12:31 [netCDF #DKO-663345]: libnetcdf.mod not built with NetCDF 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #VFZ-479321]: int8 int16 and int32 used in tests are defined on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2012
13:15 [netCDFPerl #DYO-422987]: BYTE data type and perl/netCDF Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:26 [netCDF #NOX-902701]: netcdf-fortran-4.2/netcdf-cxx-4.2 build problem Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #VEX-198196]: MAC OS X Unidata netCDF Support
August 14, 2012
16:51 [netCDFPerl #DYO-422987]: BYTE data type and perl/netCDF Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:41 [netCDF #QTC-832048]: NetCDF4.2 trouble reading data with strides from aggregated data. Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #QTC-832048]: NetCDF4.2 trouble reading data with strides from aggregated data. Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #SDO-787670]: error in GMT installation Unidata netCDF Support
11:45 [netCDF #WKB-975760]: netCDF upgrade question Unidata netCDF Support
August 13, 2012
14:46 [netCDF #QTC-832048]: NetCDF4.2 trouble reading data with strides from aggregated data. Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #EWR-677749]: Merging netcdf files! Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2012
10:20 [netCDF #DIG-256328]: type 2 (char) data writing Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #WBE-822526]: NetCDF-4 and C++ Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #DIG-256328]: type 2 (char) data writing Unidata netCDF Support
August 09, 2012
12:54 [netCDF #YGN-366139]: quesiton on interpolation of asynchronous temporal sensor data Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #BNX-671086]: NetCDF installation error with gcc and gfortan Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #BNX-671086]: NetCDF installation error with gcc and gfortan Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #WBE-822526]: NetCDF-4 and C++ Unidata netCDF Support
August 08, 2012
09:52 [netCDF #OKU-828902]: big endian, little endian question Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #JQP-180260]: help: netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #ETZ-572888]: about zlib 1.2.5 and zlib 1.2.7 Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #YGN-366139]: quesiton on interpolation of asynchronous temporal sensor data Unidata netCDF Support
August 07, 2012
13:15 [netCDF #KLM-754067]: netCDF 4.2.1 segfaults when adding/changing attribute _FillValue Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #RSG-712199]: Problems linking to NetCDF f90 interface Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2012
15:14 [netCDF #RSG-712199]: Problems linking to NetCDF f90 interface Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2012
22:16 [netCDFJava #XLG-843254]: Issue with NetCDF-Java and OPeNDAP HTTP client sockets Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:19 [THREDDS #PQT-331819]: NetCDF Subset Service (NCSS) and UDUNITS: wrong datetimes for climatologies Unidata THREDDS Support
13:12 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:06 [netCDFJava #QPY-277649]: Times are okay in this NcML only if we rename the time variable. Why? Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:35 [netCDFJava #HNF-891045]: NetCDF 4.3 no longer accepts http: prefix for NcML datasets via DAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 01, 2012
12:19 [netCDF #TSQ-723277]: on Unidata DAP server Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2012
13:37 [netCDF #CII-459989]: netCDF 4.1.2+ zlib requirements Unidata netCDF Support
July 26, 2012
18:24 [netCDFJava #HNF-891045]: NetCDF 4.3 no longer accepts http: prefix for NcML datasets via DAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:23 [netCDF #UOQ-618039]: 'Diskless' feature in 4.2.1 Unidata netCDF Support
July 25, 2012
17:37 [netCDF #UOQ-618039]: 'Diskless' feature in 4.2.1 Unidata netCDF Support
17:27 [netCDFJava #QPY-277649]: Times are okay in this NcML only if we rename the time variable. Why? Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:26 [netCDFJava #HNF-891045]: NetCDF 4.3 no longer accepts http: prefix for NcML datasets via DAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 24, 2012
13:44 [netCDF #CWZ-644870]: Netcdf version consistency? Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #MHQ-407984]: Two tests failed on Altix ia64 for Netcdf 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #CWZ-644870]: Netcdf version consistency? Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2012
15:37 [netCDF #DFM-361423]: H5F_LIBVER_18 Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2012
15:26 [netCDF #HDH-152161]: ncdump help Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #GTX-683279]: mailing list address change Unidata netCDF Support
14:59 [netCDF #FTF-410107]: Statistical Software Resource Suggestion Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2012
16:42 [netCDF #YRU-816329]: Two questions Unidata netCDF Support
16:23 [netCDF #YRU-816329]: Two questions Unidata netCDF Support
16:03 [netCDF #LVL-634301]: failed tests Unidata netCDF Support
July 16, 2012
11:18 [netCDF #AGV-789182]: Total NetCDF usage Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2012
05:45 [netCDF #BZL-508934]: Exemple Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2012
09:52 [netCDF #HXN-801941]: Failure to configure NetCDF-4.2 CXX libraries Unidata netCDF Support
09:03 [netCDF #BOZ-597307]: netcdf PGI build problem Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2012
14:02 [netCDF #INO-281873]: Trouble installing Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2012
20:09 [netCDF #KHB-927688]: Compiling error Unidata netCDF Support
17:26 Re: Grib problem John Caron
16:56 Re: Grib problem John Caron
13:22 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:53 [netCDF #KHB-927688]: Compiling error Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #NVN-733440]: help for saving .nc file by using Matlab Unidata netCDF Support
July 04, 2012
17:59 [netCDF #REI-388162]: extract of a data file Unidata netCDF Support
12:06 [netCDF #YWH-955421]: Error during "make check," NetCDF 4.2 Fortran libs, Janus supercomputer Unidata netCDF Support
July 03, 2012
13:35 [THREDDS #ROT-751184]: TDS creates extra variables when this NC4 file is served via DAP? Unidata THREDDS Support
July 02, 2012
15:28 [netCDF #JON-360369]: Python crashes when opening an OPeNDAP dataset on Windows from a directory without write access Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #LFC-698377]: Impact of change to netCDF products Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #VVU-760570]: Re: [netcdf-hdf] build errors in svn Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #CIK-876600]: Yet another NC_DISKLESS question Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2012
12:28 [netCDF #TFK-571541]: Problems when installing NetCDF-4.1.1 for parallel I/O Unidata netCDF Support
11:55 [netCDF #DER-778783]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 illegal option passed to ifort during compile Unidata netCDF Support
June 29, 2012
14:10 [netCDF #GKD-688075]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 icc build error Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #YWH-955421]: Error during "make check," NetCDF 4.2 Fortran libs, Janus supercomputer Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #YWH-955421]: Error during "make check," NetCDF 4.2 Fortran libs, Janus supercomputer Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #GKD-688075]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 icc build error Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2012
13:03 [netCDF #MEJ-623272]: NC_DISKLESS file permissions question Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #VPH-551067]: Running parallel check for systems without mpiexec Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #PYH-377335]: Installing netCDF4 for python on Ubuntu 10.04 Unidata netCDF Support
June 27, 2012
14:32 [netCDF #YWH-955421]: Error during "make check," NetCDF 4.2 Fortran libs, Janus supercomputer Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #MEJ-623272]: NC_DISKLESS file permissions question Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #YWH-955421]: Error during "make check," NetCDF 4.2 Fortran libs, Janus supercomputer Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #QJI-525551]: Regarding NETCDF+GNU or Intel compiler version Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #MEJ-623272]: NC_DISKLESS file permissions question Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #MEJ-623272]: NC_DISKLESS file permissions question Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2012
11:07 [netCDF #VSO-743387]: NetCDF installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #VSO-743387]: NetCDF installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #RTU-667260]: undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90_inq_varid_' Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2012
16:24 [netCDF #YBC-350032]: two different version of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #JON-360369]: Python crashes when opening an OPeNDAP dataset on Windows from a directory without write access Unidata netCDF Support
15:30 Re: Python crashes when opening an OPeNDAP dataset on Windows from a directory without write access Curtis V Price
13:44 [netCDF #MBM-356064]: nc-config output and CPP changes Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #YBC-350032]: two different version of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [Support #ICK-993103]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #EKI-820882]: netcdf4.2 fortran fails in make check Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2012
12:36 [netCDF #FMC-393036]: typo and question on NC_DISKLESS Unidata netCDF Support
11:52 [netCDF #FMC-393036]: typo and question on NC_DISKLESS Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2012
16:51 [netCDF #WTO-478645]: NetCDF Windows c++ Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #KOQ-958764]: netCDF python support Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #FYC-635019]: netCDF make check fail at t_nc Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2012
12:58 [netCDF #FYC-635019]: netCDF make check fail at t_nc Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #SOA-856908]: NECDF file size Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2012
14:05 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:17 [netCDF #WTO-478645]: NetCDF Windows c++ Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2012
15:25 [netCDF #FYC-635019]: netCDF make check fail at t_nc Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #IDN-696942]: confusion about how to install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [Staging #YGC-434670]: error in installation of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #EYK-498207]: Re: Netcdf4 on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
June 18, 2012
09:32 [netCDFJava #PYP-475421]: Bug in NetCDF-Java 4.3 exposed by this GRIB2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:04 [netCDFJava #PYP-475421]: Bug in NetCDF-Java 4.3 exposed by this GRIB2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:54 [netCDF #IDN-696942]: confusion about how to install netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 16, 2012
16:36 [netCDF #PKX-997551]: Build NetCDF using Intel ifort in Linux Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #FAU-694703]: Attribute available characters Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #YLU-405033]: dealing with missing values while writing netCDF in FORTRAN V 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
June 15, 2012
10:26 [netCDFJava #PYP-475421]: Bug in NetCDF-Java 4.3 exposed by this GRIB2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 14, 2012
19:26 [netCDFJava #PYP-475421]: Bug in NetCDF-Java 4.3 exposed by this GRIB2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:45 [netCDF #GDO-757215]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 make check install fail Unidata netCDF Support
10:27 [netCDF #TFK-571541]: Problems when installing NetCDF-4.1.1 for parallel I/O Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #GDO-757215]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 make check install fail Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #RVI-390499]: problems installing netcdf-fortran-4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
June 13, 2012
10:00 [netCDF #OEG-858148]: Earliest version of Netcdf with nc-config? Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2012
16:37 [netCDF #APV-976877]: ncopen error message Unidata netCDF Support
16:37 [netCDF #APV-976877]: ncopen error message Unidata netCDF Support
June 11, 2012
10:28 [netCDF #MLE-377600]: netCDF to xyz Unidata netCDF Support
09:29 [netCDF #AFP-505159]: Works with Intel 11.1 compilers Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #VNC-938365]: c++ netcdf documantation Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2012
10:29 [netCDF #VUP-836503]: Netcdf slow performance with large block size. Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 07, 2012
12:20 [netCDF #DAG-557381]: ncdump -t interprets attributes of inappropriate variables (needs to check for origin in units) Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2012
15:12 [netCDF #APV-976877]: ncopen error message Unidata netCDF Support
14:00 [netCDFJava #BGY-922898]: NetCDF Javadoc v4.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 05, 2012
15:24 [netCDF #FVS-139091]: More understanding about netcdf! Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #YFP-186470]: PGI Compiler support for netcdf 3.6.3 (SOLVED) Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #DAG-557381]: ncdump -t interprets attributes of inappropriate variables (needs to check for origin in units) Unidata netCDF Support
09:26 [netCDF #YLU-405033]: dealing with missing values while writing netCDF in FORTRAN V 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #JJM-789513]: [PATCH] netcdf-4.2: Fix missing include of config.h Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #NEL-892254]: METAFOR, CIM Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2012
08:52 [netCDF #BHJ-661325]: NetCDF 4.2 on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
05:52 [netCDF #EFZ-614335]: Issue installation netcdf on mac Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2012
12:50 [netCDF #EFZ-614335]: Issue installation netcdf on mac Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #APV-976877]: ncopen error message Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #APV-976877]: ncopen error message Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2012
13:06 [netCDF #DIS-791476]: error compiling with intel Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDFJava #IJF-768642]: Error Openning grib1 file using NetCDF Java API Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:45 [netCDF #NKM-505768]: help needed netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 25, 2012
15:54 [netCDF #YDL-921808]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #YDL-921808]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #NKM-505768]: help needed netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 24, 2012
20:27 [netCDF #WLE-423514]: [netcdf-porting] bug when trying to open a non-existing file on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
20:17 [netCDF #WLE-423514]: [netcdf-porting] bug when trying to open a non-existing file on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
18:06 [netCDF #WLE-423514]: [netcdf-porting] bug when trying to open a non-existing file on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
16:34 [netCDF #WLE-423514]: [netcdf-porting] bug when trying to open a non-existing file on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
16:32 [netCDF #MRG-369495]: built netcdf 4.2 on MACOS 10.7 using fort icc Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #MRG-369495]: built netcdf 4.2 on MACOS 10.7 using fort icc Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #YDL-921808]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
14:31 [netCDF #YSK-548213]: netcdf-4.2 CPP installation Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #SQA-525987]: Build netCDF with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #APV-976877]: ncopen error message Unidata netCDF Support
May 23, 2012
09:10 [netCDF #YSK-548213]: netcdf-4.2 CPP installation Unidata netCDF Support
06:52 [netCDF #MNR-665520]: Please add MeteoExplorer to the software list for manipulate and displaying netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
May 22, 2012
19:48 [netCDF #KSI-802804]: Fwd: [Kst] Kst 2.0.5 released! Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #MNR-665520]: Please add MeteoExplorer to the software list for manipulate and displaying netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #WCE-536664]: Building netcdf-4 on mac os x 10.7.4 Unidata netCDF Support
May 21, 2012
12:32 [netCDF #XUG-723381]: Missing netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
May 20, 2012
13:54 [netCDF #URL-886351]: netcdf installation _ proble with doxyfile Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2012
10:04 [netCDF #XUG-723381]: Missing netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
May 18, 2012
14:43 [netCDF #DXI-367638]: make check error during install netcdf-4.2 whit parallel support Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #HDO-215554]: Build Netcdf 4.2 with pgf90 and gcc/gfortran build hdf5/zlib/curl Unidata netCDF Support
12:33 [netCDF #JMX-999814]: problems of installation of netcdf4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #PPI-215162]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #ZAI-517078]: obtuse direction Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #ASX-279014]: Building netcdf-fortran-4.2 on 64-bit CentOS 5.6 Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #CVA-598913]: netcdf-4.1.3 configure with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2012
10:36 [netCDF #ASX-279014]: Building netcdf-fortran-4.2 on 64-bit CentOS 5.6 Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #MKO-964114]: some questions Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #CVA-598913]: netcdf-4.1.3 configure with hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2012
09:37 [netCDF #ASX-279014]: Building netcdf-fortran-4.2 on 64-bit CentOS 5.6 Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2012
08:00 [netCDF #ISU-143412]: help compiling netCDF4 in mac os x Lion Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2012
09:56 [netCDF #ISU-143412]: help compiling netCDF4 in mac os x Lion Unidata netCDF Support
May 11, 2012
13:24 [netCDF #YZR-242908]: NetCDF Fortran Source Code Beta Release Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #TCU-710461]: netcdf on lustre Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #TCU-710461]: netcdf on lustre Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2012
16:25 [netCDF #JMX-999814]: problems of installation of netcdf4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
16:05 [netCDF #NBI-237922]: probleme on nf90 interface Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2012
16:57 [netCDF #LPS-130131]: netcdf-fortran-4.2 make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
16:34 [netCDF #URL-886351]: netcdf installation _ proble with doxyfile Unidata netCDF Support
May 08, 2012
10:09 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 07, 2012
11:32 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:53 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:22 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:19 [netCDF #WJF-305473]: ncgen fails to handle output of ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2012
16:14 [netCDF #XDX-509004]: Building NetCDF on Mac OS X 10.7.3 Unidata netCDF Support
04:40 [netCDF #XDX-509004]: Building NetCDF on Mac OS X 10.7.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2012
18:08 [netCDF #DSW-347892]: netcdf4.2 test fails Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 Re: more grib issues John Caron
13:29 [netCDF #WJF-305473]: ncgen fails to handle output of ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:08 [Staging #VMF-551087]: most efficient ordering of array dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #WJF-305473]: ncgen fails to handle output of ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [netCDF #MKO-964114]: some questions Unidata netCDF Support
08:21 [netCDF #XDX-509004]: Building NetCDF on Mac OS X 10.7.3 Unidata netCDF Support
08:21 [netCDF #XDX-509004]: Building NetCDF on Mac OS X 10.7.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2012
17:00 [netCDF #MKO-964114]: some questions Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDF #OUJ-228033]: Netcdf library state? Unidata netCDF Support
14:54 [netCDF #MDJ-135120]: Checksum problems with Macports Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #EHK-131137]: netcdf-fortran pkg-config info Unidata netCDF Support
May 01, 2012
21:08 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
18:56 [netCDF #NMB-699909]: problems of installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
18:52 [netCDF #DBL-115183]: ncdump and fortran 90 code giving different results Unidata netCDF Support
17:54 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
15:46 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:54 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:51 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
12:18 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #NRK-175381]: netcdf-4.2.0 compilation failure Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2012
16:48 [netCDF #IGV-352566]: At what version of the library was netcdff introduced? Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf.h declares non-existing functions Doug Hunt
12:45 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:24 [netCDF #FQQ-870725]: NetCDF use Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2012
08:21 [netCDF #HYK-993357]: Request Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2012
14:33 [netCDF #HYK-993357]: Request Unidata netCDF Support
April 27, 2012
14:29 [netCDF #DPJ-856801]: netcdf objects are undefined Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #UFR-312275]: `make check' error in v4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #BIX-967682]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
April 26, 2012
15:19 [netCDF #XHL-435207]: [netcdfgroup] netcdf.h declares non-existing functions Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #QMD-861951]: netcdf 4.2 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #QMD-861951]: netcdf 4.2 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDFJava #QDJ-886001]: standard name vs full name Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:01 [netCDF #XHL-435207]: [netcdfgroup] netcdf.h declares non-existing functions Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2012
15:42 [netCDF #VCH-490340]: some objects are undefined Unidata netCDF Support
15:35 [netCDF #SIQ-785064]: installing netCDF 4.2 to Linux, encountering trouble with doxygen? Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #SIQ-785064]: installing netCDF 4.2 to Linux, encountering trouble with doxygen? Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #EKX-854412]: netcdf contrib FTP site Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #YVE-771795]: Problems building netcdf-fortran-4.2 with parallel support Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #DAH-542964]: Conversion of NETCDF Files to Ascii--Iteration Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #QGH-450146]: building netcdf4.2 on suse linux enterprise server 11 with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2012
14:35 [netCDF #ERT-660455]: Unable to retrieve an attribute from a variable using the netcdf C library Unidata netCDF Support
12:40 Re: interpretation of missing_value by ncWMS John Caron
April 23, 2012
10:00 [netCDF #UBO-194263]: netcdf fortran 4.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2012
18:30 [netCDF #UBO-194263]: netcdf fortran 4.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #EDL-799761]: Which netcdf for ubuntu 11.04 Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #ITK-193191]: Netcdf -fortran-4.2 problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #UBO-194263]: netcdf fortran 4.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2012
10:23 [netCDF #MJR-379092]: more information about segmentation fault in ncdump when dumping HDF5 string Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDF #ETC-878093]: segmentation fault of ncdump in netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2012
16:35 [netCDF #MRM-845291]: netcdf3 classic format clarification Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2012
17:51 [netCDFJava #KDU-752210]: NetcdfDataset converts whole-world grib record to all longitude 180 Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:48 [netCDFJava #YHB-840190]: How to initialize a value for a variable in NcML Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:22 [netCDF #TBR-569861]: how to merge asynch data using time as index Unidata netCDF Support
09:03 [netCDF #PTL-390571]: problem building netcdf w/ pgf90 Unidata netCDF Support
08:45 [netCDF #ITK-193191]: Netcdf -fortran-4.2 problem Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2012
09:20 [netCDF #DAH-542964]: Conversion of NETCDF Files to Ascii--Iteration Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2012
13:15 [netCDFPerl #FUY-836234]: more netcdf perl build issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
12:38 [netCDFPerl #FUY-836234]: more netcdf perl build issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:48 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 15, 2012
18:48 [netCDF #KJK-861023]: nc__open() and nc_open() clarification Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #KJK-861023]: nc__open() and nc_open() clarification Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #KJK-861023]: nc__open() and nc_open() clarification Unidata netCDF Support
April 13, 2012
11:31 [netCDFPerl #FUY-836234]: more netcdf perl build issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:56 [netCDF #HXB-320851]: Licensing framework for netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDFJava #BUF-901516]: Error in NEXRAD Level 2 decoder in netcdf-java library versions up to and including 4.3.8 Beta Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:35 [netCDFPerl #FUY-836234]: more netcdf perl build issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
April 12, 2012
16:58 [netCDFPerl #FUY-836234]: more netcdf perl build issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:57 [netCDFPerl #FUY-836234]: more netcdf perl build issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:47 Re: [netcdf-porting] NetCDF Port using MinGW: Native Windows 64 bit (and 32 bit) DLL Russ Rew
08:42 [netCDFJava #BUF-901516]: Error in NEXRAD Level 2 decoder in netcdf-java library versions up to and including 4.3.8 Beta Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 11, 2012
17:05 [netCDF #HNO-581261]: Sample netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
15:46 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:17 [netCDF #BQB-459754]: netcdf installation failed Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2012
10:45 [netCDF #BCN-163009]: Best practice for encoding time Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #EHY-348053]: Retrieving dimension values from netCDF file using fortran library Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #KVU-173241]: error report Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #TTQ-845240]: nc-config problems with daily snapshot Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #VVG-927656]: want decode the netcdf files to grib2 format Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2012
19:34 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
13:43 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
13:16 [netCDF #MJR-379092]: more information about segmentation fault in ncdump when dumping HDF5 string Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:58 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
April 03, 2012
22:47 [netCDF #KJK-861023]: nc__open() and nc_open() clarification Unidata netCDF Support
21:32 [netCDF #PRD-617628]: Large sized netcdf-4 file Unidata netCDF Support
21:27 [netCDF #QQS-702432]: Regarding installing NetCDF-make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
21:12 [netCDF #BHB-499824]: Installing netcdf on Mac Unidata netCDF Support
15:24 [netCDF #XBT-452987]: installing netcdf with mpif90 Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2012
18:26 [netCDF #UBZ-355729]: NetCDF 64-bit offset bug with large records Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2012
12:58 [netCDF #KJU-757809]: Installation netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #KHU-640604]: Fwd: need help with netcdf-C++ interface Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2012
17:41 [netCDFJava #DWR-680982]: hdf5 in McIDAS-V Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:26 [netCDF #XEN-661854]: netCDF binaries for windows 64bit Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #TDD-499950]: about netcdf for matlab Unidata netCDF Support
March 29, 2012
10:19 Re: [netcdfgroup] nc-config and @NC_FLIBS@ Russ Rew
March 28, 2012
16:24 Re: [netcdfgroup] nc-config and @NC_FLIBS@ Russ Rew
15:20 Re: [netcdfgroup] nc-config and @NC_FLIBS@ Jim Edwards
14:50 Re: [netcdfgroup] nc-config and @NC_FLIBS@ Russ Rew
13:00 [netCDFJava #AJI-706286]: Help me!NetCDF-Java! Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 26, 2012
14:27 [Miscellaneous #FVN-918003]: Downloading data Unidata Miscellaneous Support
March 23, 2012
15:40 [netCDF #UBZ-355729]: NetCDF 64-bit offset bug with large records Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #PCQ-229104]: Asking for win32 make files to build netCDF-4.0.x and above with VC++ 7.0 on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #GNP-293876]: module file problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:01 [netCDF #GNP-293876]: module file problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #MJR-379092]: more information about segmentation fault in ncdump when dumping HDF5 string Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #GNP-293876]: module file problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [Support #MJA-592376]: FW: Unable to locat netcdf specification (UNCLASSIFIED) Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #OPQ-607149]: Error: "'H5F_LIBVER_18' undeclared" Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2012
16:10 [netCDF #BIL-394318]: installing netcdf4 on windows Unidata netCDF Support
16:01 [netCDF #MEK-494808]: teaching netcdf4 about CDF-5 formatted files (the easy way) Unidata netCDF Support
15:38 [netCDF #GNP-293876]: module file problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #GNP-293876]: module file problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 Re: netcdf version 4.3 John Caron
March 20, 2012
13:18 [netCDF #FIU-947657]: Re: NetCDF-4 patches Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #GNU-359210]: NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #CNJ-161454]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #VGV-232369]: problem about netcdf3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2012
15:23 [netCDF #FIU-947657]: Re: NetCDF-4 patches Unidata netCDF Support
15:20 [netCDF #FIU-947657]: Re: NetCDF-4 patches Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 [netCDF #LHN-448360]: curl library linked to executables even if not needed (disable-dap and disable-cdmremote) Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #LHN-448360]: curl library linked to executables even if not needed (disable-dap and disable-cdmremote) Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2012
18:36 [netCDF #HHT-517713]: netcdf documentation web page is not accessible Unidata netCDF Support
18:35 [netCDF #QRR-143260]: Inaccessible documentation links Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2012
10:32 [netCDF #FZB-239406]: Netcdf version 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2012
15:21 [netCDF #FUL-645927]: netcdf make check tests fail to locate and Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2012
17:42 [netCDF #XHX-254015]: 4.2rc2 and opendap aggregation datasets Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDF #GOK-784955]: Problem encountered: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "stdarg.h" Unidata netCDF Support
16:25 [netCDF #JUD-333065]: configure error Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #FGC-866162]: Install documentation Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2012
21:32 [netCDF #YSR-704059]: netcdf-4.2-rc2 requires recent doxygen Unidata netCDF Support
21:23 [netCDF #IBB-706211]: netcdf-4.1.3 build question for V2 fortran support Unidata netCDF Support
16:49 Re: NJ and HDF John Caron
14:42 [netCDF #XHX-254015]: 4.2rc2 and opendap aggregation datasets Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #XYH-561731]: Reading netCDF files. Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #XHX-254015]: 4.2rc2 and opendap aggregation datasets Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #XYH-561731]: Reading netCDF files. Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2012
21:14 [netCDF #XYH-561731]: Reading netCDF files. Unidata netCDF Support
18:22 Re: NJ and HDF John Caron
16:52 [netCDF #GOK-784955]: Problem encountered: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "stdarg.h" Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #FUL-645927]: netcdf make check tests fail to locate and Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 [netCDF #VZD-784217]: Compile Issues Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [netCDF #BAX-548035]: Trying to build netcdf-4.1.3 on Ubuntu and having troubles opening the shared library file: Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #ETC-878093]: segmentation fault of ncdump in netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #XQE-706031]: data conversion Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #ETC-878093]: segmentation fault of ncdump in netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #USY-332800]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
08:32 [netCDF #ETC-878093]: segmentation fault of ncdump in netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 10, 2012
13:49 [netCDF #TEO-128216]: Ncgen determines wrong output format Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #JLK-449490]: Ncgen backward compatibility for -o option Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #HSK-896839]: netCDF static lib Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #VIG-404579]: caching Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2012
16:00 [netCDF #ETC-878093]: segmentation fault of ncdump in netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #HSK-896839]: netCDF static lib Unidata netCDF Support
14:54 [netCDF #JXD-401979]: order of data declarations in NCML / CDL Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDF #VIG-404579]: caching Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #RBP-941862]: Fwd: [support] opendap Unidata netCDF Support
14:35 [netCDF #CCY-455484]: Wring time varying particle data to NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #XDC-800698]: hello, i got netcdf 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #XKH-644219]: Problem reading an HDF file with netcdf4. Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #GRY-132998]: Scaleoffset packing Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #VIG-404579]: caching Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #ZLZ-604771]: Re: New Fortran library release supporting Fortran 2003 standard Fortran to C bindings Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #JEU-785117]: netcdf make check install test fail Unidata netCDF Support
12:59 [Support #ZBD-918687]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #IVQ-640612]: Request for binaries Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #KYR-687090]: How to code polar stereographic projection to NetCDF? Unidata netCDF Support
12:37 [netCDF #VKP-631083]: error modifying existing attribute Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #XHX-254015]: 4.2rc2 and opendap aggregation datasets Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #VKP-631083]: error modifying existing attribute Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2012
16:16 [netCDFJava #UMY-837124]: reading data into Array from Variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:25 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
March 07, 2012
16:27 [netCDFJava #UMY-837124]: reading data into Array from Variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:47 [netCDF #JZW-805384]: Poor I/O performance on large blocksize filesystems Unidata netCDF Support
March 06, 2012
11:22 [netCDF #RSO-179198]: Ncgen version 4.2-rc2 makes bad output Unidata netCDF Support
10:20 [netCDF #ZRX-231843]: [netcdfgroup] Segmentation fault using Compound-type in NetCDF4 files Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #JZW-805384]: Poor I/O performance on large blocksize filesystems Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2012
14:13 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #RSO-179198]: Ncgen version 4.2-rc2 makes bad output Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2012
16:05 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #USY-332800]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #ULC-218647]: Fwd: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc2 release candidate available Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #BYE-972022]: Problem in Installing netCDF on CMAQv5.0 Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDFPerl #DPK-277567]: netcdf-perl and netCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
06:52 [netCDF #ZKY-391700]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc2 release candidate available Unidata netCDF Support
March 01, 2012
15:42 [netCDF #IUE-665044]: netcdf with Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #QFS-865769]: Using netcdf library on a windows platform Unidata netCDF Support
14:23 [netCDF #MEV-177991]: netcdf for VS2010 Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #KTL-453395]: Re: Ferret and netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 29, 2012
13:25 [netCDF #KKS-961190]: make check test FAILs in ncgen/ncdump section Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #PDH-548544]: netcdf install error Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2012
16:21 [netCDF #XZZ-151006]: static/shared mode of compiling netcdf with intel and pgi compiler Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #GNF-884914]: Error: netcdf-4.2-snapshot2012021222 Unidata netCDF Support
12:59 [netCDF #AFB-326666]: hello, i got netcdf 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #GNF-884914]: Error: netcdf-4.2-snapshot2012021222 Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #GNF-884914]: Error: netcdf-4.2-snapshot2012021222 Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2012
09:59 Re: Data from Lat Lon in 4.3 (John Caron) John Caron
February 26, 2012
22:57 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:04 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:30 [netCDF #PBW-682100]: nccopy deflation vs API deflation Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #PBW-682100]: nccopy deflation vs API deflation Unidata netCDF Support
February 24, 2012
17:35 [netCDFJava #UMY-837124]: reading data into Array from Variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:28 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
15:10 [netCDF #QGB-866955]: make check: two tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #TWY-871356]: License question Unidata netCDF Support
11:49 [netCDFJava #NXD-157061]: Proxy server requiring authentication Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:19 [netCDF #MLU-109061]: off the shelf OTS s/w that can access/display CF compliant NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #KKS-961190]: make check test FAILs in ncgen/ncdump section Unidata netCDF Support
08:57 [netCDF #RZM-153225]: netcdf4 and C++ Unidata netCDF Support
06:36 [netCDF #KPE-603099]: a question about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
06:20 [netCDF #KKS-961190]: make check test FAILs in ncgen/ncdump section Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2012
11:27 [netCDF #KKS-961190]: make check test FAILs in ncgen/ncdump section Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2012
20:54 [netCDF #HLX-917795]: a question about variables with one or more unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
20:46 [netCDF #KOI-246276]: Measurement Models and Instrument Physics Unidata netCDF Support
16:11 [netCDF #QGB-866955]: make check: two tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #KPE-603099]: a question about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #QGB-866955]: make check: two tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
12:54 [netCDF #KPE-603099]: a question about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #QGB-866955]: make check: two tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #KPE-603099]: a question about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #KKS-961190]: make check test FAILs in ncgen/ncdump section Unidata netCDF Support
February 21, 2012
22:51 [netCDF #PBW-682100]: nccopy deflation vs API deflation Unidata netCDF Support
22:42 [netCDF #TWY-871356]: License question Unidata netCDF Support
22:42 [netCDF #TWY-871356]: License question Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #KPE-603099]: a question about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
12:15 [netCDF #KPE-603099]: a question about ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #CVN-408333]: problem to install netcdf 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2012
15:44 [netCDF #TWY-871356]: License question Unidata netCDF Support
February 19, 2012
12:12 [netCDFJava #ZTH-269982]: Re: Questions about rfc dataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 18, 2012
18:45 [netCDF #FNE-136603]: error in using the netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 Re: Questions about rfc dataset John Caron
15:34 Re: Standard for observational data John Caron
February 17, 2012
18:45 Re: Questions about rfc dataset John Caron
10:21 [netCDF #OEW-145873]: failed tests for netcdf on MinGW Unidata netCDF Support
06:20 [netCDF #LRL-818096]: Building netcdf 4 applications on CentOS 6 Unidata netCDF Support
06:11 [netCDF #HHK-313132]: hdf5-1.8.X problem before netcdf-4.1.X Unidata netCDF Support
February 16, 2012
21:18 [netCDF #SPF-148694]: Question about pointing libraries of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
20:36 [netCDF #DFZ-281749]: Need Netcdf Support Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 Re: I think we have done it. John Caron
13:38 [netCDF #SSL-586386]: Parallel OI in netCDF4 library Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 Re: [netcdf-java] GRIB collection processing in 4.3 John Caron
12:23 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:11 [netCDF #END-631764]: NetCDF 4.1.3 Question ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:01 [netCDFJava #ADF-411478]: problems launching ToolsUI on Mac OS-X (Lion) Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:19 [netCDF #HLX-917795]: a question about variables with one or more unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
February 15, 2012
22:11 [netCDF #DEU-329325]: Problem with netcdf.h when installing Unidata netCDF Support
18:46 Re: [netcdf-java] GRIB collection processing in 4.3 John Caron
17:25 Re: [netcdf-java] Announcing Netcdf-Java / CDM version 4.3.8 BETA and emergency shutdown procedures John Caron
16:37 Re: [netcdf-java] GRIB collection processing in 4.3 John Caron
16:07 [netCDF #LIF-523916]: Trouble compiling netcdf-4.1.1 (and 4.1.3) using gcc44 Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #PRD-617628]: Large sized netcdf-4 file Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #WCR-337446]: problems with NETCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 Re: [netcdf-java] GRIB collection processing in 4.3 John Caron
11:14 Re: [netcdf-java] Announcing Netcdf-Java / CDM version 4.3.8 BETA and emergency shutdown procedures John Caron
February 14, 2012
14:22 [netCDF #RAR-874792]: NetCDF Compile Options Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #WCR-337446]: problems with NETCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2012
21:49 [netCDF #ULU-727897]: Question about netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
21:34 [netCDF #IKW-616748]: Ncgen version 4.1.1 makes bad output Unidata netCDF Support
20:49 [netCDF #RUG-209061]: compiling netcdf 4.1.3 on bluegene/P Unidata netCDF Support
17:33 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
16:35 [netCDFJava #HVW-546457]: NetCDF-Java 4.3.8 failing on this Valid OPeNDAP URL Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:48 [netCDFJava #HVW-546457]: NetCDF-Java 4.3.8 failing on this Valid OPeNDAP URL Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:35 [netCDF #HPI-640345]: Variable vs attribute Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [netCDFJava #HVW-546457]: NetCDF-Java 4.3.8 failing on this Valid OPeNDAP URL Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:19 [netCDF #GNF-884914]: Error: netcdf-4.2-snapshot2012021222 Unidata netCDF Support
08:30 [netCDFPerl #IBL-150783]: using netCDF-Perl package in window system Unidata netCDF Perl Support
February 12, 2012
17:19 [netCDF #VLK-650378]: ncdump-json software Unidata netCDF Support
16:52 [netCDF #ORW-515290]: install error Unidata netCDF Support
February 10, 2012
13:07 [netCDFJava #KDU-752210]: NetcdfDataset converts whole-world grib record to all longitude 180 Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:02 Re: [netcdf-java] Announcing Netcdf-Java / CDM version 4.3.8 BETA and emergency shutdown procedures John Caron
10:50 [netCDF #NEJ-615929]: failed make check Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2012
16:17 [netCDF #LHY-999002]: Maximum number of user defined types? Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #TWD-935825]: Format of history attribute Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #RPO-951644]: netcdf 4.1.3 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2012
14:56 [netCDF #RPO-951644]: netcdf 4.1.3 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #NEJ-615929]: failed make check Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #FAV-479488]: Re: Netcdf and SAS Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #PXV-184955]: error Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #OEW-145873]: failed tests for netcdf on MinGW Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #HLX-917795]: a question about variables with one or more unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDFJava #SGF-660986]: NetCdf Java & grib1 decoder read perturbation number from wrong octet for center 98 ECMWF Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:51 [netCDF #RPO-951644]: netcdf 4.1.3 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2012
12:17 [netCDF #HLX-917795]: a question about variables with one or more unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #BAB-768589]: validating netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #HLX-917795]: a question about variables with one or more unlimited dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #RPO-951644]: netcdf 4.1.3 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2012
19:40 Re: EUMETSAT's NetCDF Query John Caron
13:17 [netCDF #BAX-548035]: Trying to build netcdf-4.1.3 on Ubuntu and having troubles opening the shared library file: Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [netCDFJava #OFV-486345]: Bug in ncIdv Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 03, 2012
20:37 [netCDF #BAX-548035]: Trying to build netcdf-4.1.3 on Ubuntu and having troubles opening the shared library file: Unidata netCDF Support
20:31 [netCDF #LOT-522095]: netcdf-4.1.3 compiles/test fail Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #BAX-548035]: Trying to build netcdf-4.1.3 on Ubuntu and having troubles opening the shared library file: Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:15 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:07 [netCDF #JNH-860762]: Problems with CDL/vlen example Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDF #BAX-548035]: Trying to build netcdf-4.1.3 on Ubuntu and having troubles opening the shared library file: Unidata netCDF Support
15:03 [netCDF #QMB-725319]: [netcdf-hdf] nc_open() problem Unidata netCDF Support
14:46 [netCDF #BAB-768589]: validating netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #MHR-419418]: netcdf test failed Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #PBU-164225]: Error when making make check (FAIL: test_vara) Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDFPerl #BIW-960721]: netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
07:36 [netCDFJava #OFV-486345]: Bug in ncIdv Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:47 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:29 [netCDFJava #JSN-352871]: lookup tables in NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:50 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:50 [netCDFJava #MIY-264031]: gfs 384 data Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 02, 2012
18:49 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:41 [netCDF #XZZ-151006]: static/shared mode of compiling netcdf with intel and pgi compiler Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #KJK-649625]: Please Update Your Links to Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #VEC-960075]: 64-bit NetCDF 4 on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #FZU-731621]: Problem with variables in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #EAX-879650]: Re: [ESIP-CF] CF Cluster telecon today Unidata netCDF Support
February 01, 2012
16:31 [netCDF #QWF-759850]: NETCDF problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #KRE-382151]: NF_PUT_ATT_type Unidata netCDF Support
January 31, 2012
12:45 [netCDF #PWR-674353]: NETCDF library question Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #PWR-674353]: NETCDF library question Unidata netCDF Support
January 30, 2012
14:35 [netCDF #YTW-845739]: NetCDF 3.6.3 Failed to make Unidata netCDF Support
12:00 [netCDFJava #ZUM-852394]: NJ problems with DAP global attribute Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:23 [netCDFJava #ZUM-852394]: NJ problems with DAP global attribute Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:19 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:57 [netCDF #YHF-407954]: Fwd: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc1 release candidate available Unidata netCDF Support
January 29, 2012
22:07 [Support #CBX-420369]: Ticket ID: FFI-171830: Slow performance problem Unidata netCDF Support
16:22 [netCDF #YHF-407954]: Fwd: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc1 release candidate available Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #VYY-644727]: patch to support writing v3 netCDF files via the netcdf_c++4 API Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2012
13:40 [THREDDS #SLC-510430]: Error with an OPENDAP server Unidata THREDDS Support
January 27, 2012
15:31 [netCDF #RDL-638701]: accessing netCDF/DAP files whose server requires authentication? Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #BLZ-140951]: updates to FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #GOJ-472807]: Error: "'H5F_LIBVER_18' undeclared" Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #BLZ-140951]: updates to FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #BLZ-140951]: updates to FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #BLZ-140951]: updates to FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2012
11:20 [netCDF #FSQ-730891]: Problems with CDL/vlen example (2) Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2012
13:38 [netCDF #FSQ-730891]: Problems with CDL/vlen example (2) Unidata netCDF Support
January 22, 2012
15:59 [netCDFJava #VKG-526884]: Issue in opening IASI BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 20, 2012
18:41 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:33 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:35 [netCDF #GOJ-472807]: Error: "'H5F_LIBVER_18' undeclared" Unidata netCDF Support
12:04 [netCDF #YHF-407954]: Fwd: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc1 release candidate available Unidata netCDF Support
January 19, 2012
11:29 [netCDF #AWT-862217]: nccopy chunking argument Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #AWT-862217]: nccopy chunking argument Unidata netCDF Support
January 18, 2012
11:10 [netCDFJava #HGJ-280085]: netcdf java 4.3 : ragged single station (H.5.3) Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:42 [netCDF #AHZ-822837]: [netcdfgroup] performance issues Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #AHZ-822837]: [netcdfgroup] performance issues Unidata netCDF Support
06:43 [netCDF #AHZ-822837]: [netcdfgroup] performance issues Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2012
22:07 [netCDF #AWT-862217]: nccopy chunking argument Unidata netCDF Support
21:53 [netCDF #ZVZ-871686]: [netcdfgroup] Using NetCDF-4 C API for parallel I/O in a C++ program Unidata netCDF Support
08:16 [netCDFJava #HGJ-280085]: netcdf java 4.3 : ragged single station (H.5.3) Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 15, 2012
12:03 [netCDF #WQO-446012]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
05:03 [netCDF #WQO-446012]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2012
10:53 Re: [thredds] On the suitability of BUFR and GRIB for archiving data John Caron
January 13, 2012
13:41 [netCDF #IWZ-281549]: netcdf 4.2 soname bump Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #JBF-619008]: linking netcdf with gfortran on windows xp Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #PLY-813879]: netcedf-4.0 installation issue Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #BAX-548035]: Trying to build netcdf-4.1.3 on Ubuntu and having troubles opening the shared library file: Unidata netCDF Support
06:12 [netCDF #HAD-852299]: Error with installation of netcdf-4.1.3 in ubuntu 11.0-64bit machine Unidata netCDF Support
06:06 [netCDF #AUY-714188]: netcdf 4.1.3 fails to build with TAU Unidata netCDF Support
04:57 [SupportPlaza #JBO-909166]: Fwd: Installation on Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
04:47 [netCDF #VVC-841225]: NetCDF Compile with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
04:44 [netCDF #HAD-852299]: Error with installation of netcdf-4.1.3 in ubuntu 11.0-64bit machine Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2012
20:58 [netCDF #IWZ-281549]: netcdf 4.2 soname bump Unidata netCDF Support
20:53 [netCDF #IWZ-281549]: netcdf 4.2 soname bump Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #HAD-852299]: Error with installation of netcdf-4.1.3 in ubuntu 11.0-64bit machine Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #HAD-852299]: Error with installation of netcdf-4.1.3 in ubuntu 11.0-64bit machine Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #VVC-841225]: NetCDF Compile with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
09:03 [netCDF #ODR-209369]: tst_h_vars fails in netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2012
10:42 [netCDF #QCT-395728]: coordinate variables for satellite data projected to the polar stereographic projection Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #WZW-146942]: Error in netcdf make Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #VVC-841225]: NetCDF Compile with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #FMF-409132]: NetCDF Configure Error Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #ODR-209369]: tst_h_vars fails in netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
January 09, 2012
16:09 [netCDF #ODR-209369]: tst_h_vars fails in netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
12:33 [netCDF #ZZJ-770978]: 4.2rc1 test compile Unidata netCDF Support
11:54 [netCDF #FSQ-730891]: Problems with CDL/vlen example (2) Unidata netCDF Support
January 07, 2012
22:03 [netCDF #NEP-198828]: opendap subsetting Unidata netCDF Support
21:57 [netCDF #FSQ-730891]: Problems with CDL/vlen example (2) Unidata netCDF Support
21:54 [netCDF #FQQ-870725]: NetCDF use Unidata netCDF Support
21:42 [netCDF #ZZJ-770978]: 4.2rc1 test compile Unidata netCDF Support
21:38 [netCDF #XXN-600572]: wrong vardef Unidata netCDF Support
21:34 [netCDF #ODR-209369]: tst_h_vars fails in netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #QMB-725319]: [netcdf-hdf] nc_open() problem Unidata netCDF Support
January 06, 2012
15:59 [netCDF #QMB-725319]: [netcdf-hdf] nc_open() problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:35 [netCDF #KEX-174079]: add netCDF to Lib of Congress Dataset formats list Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 05, 2012
15:10 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 04, 2012
16:27 [netCDF #ESK-579185]: Re: access to /glade file that demos large block size performance problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #ESK-579185]: Re: access to /glade file that demos large block size performance problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 Re: Fwd: [netcdf-java] Is NetCDF-Java 4.3 consistent with CF 1.6 Discrete Sampling Geometries? John Caron
12:46 [netCDF #WZW-146942]: Error in netcdf make Unidata netCDF Support
January 03, 2012
20:04 [netCDF #WZW-146942]: Error in netcdf make Unidata netCDF Support
December 30, 2011
10:59 [netCDFJava #UER-815481]: ToolsUI 4.3 fail to launch on my windows 7 pc Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 28, 2011
16:17 [netCDF #FPN-289469]: [netcdfgroup] C++4 and Sync Unidata netCDF Support
06:52 [netCDF #TPI-957404]: bug report Unidata netCDF Support
December 27, 2011
21:06 [netCDF #ZYO-239963]: Characters allowed in netcdf variable and attribute names Unidata netCDF Support
16:53 [IDV #IDT-353419]: Strange plot from NARR (NOMADS) Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:44 [netCDF #GPR-287619]: netcdf_c++ bug in 4.1.3? Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #GPR-287619]: netcdf_c++ bug in 4.1.3? Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #OAL-156812]: nasParse.y:30: Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #XIT-482014]: questions about netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:28 [netCDFJava #HCM-782949]: Query related to CF conventions and DODSDatasource Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 23, 2011
13:55 [IDV #IRZ-510849]: load an EOS-HDF (ASTER Swath data) using java-netcdf in the IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 22, 2011
14:54 [Support #SBY-158097]: conversion of classic netcdf format to netcdf-CF1.0 and/or netcdf-CF1.1 convention Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #XSX-382543]: NetCDF-4.1.3 Test Failure on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #RGF-193009]: "ncdump -c" bug identifying coordinate variables in groups still present in 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
December 21, 2011
15:54 [Support #MJA-592376]: FW: Unable to locat netcdf specification (UNCLASSIFIED) Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #DPR-263504]: NetCDF for Windows x86/62bit. Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDFJava #HHJ-412175]: NcML from string global attribute vectors Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #RKG-690285]: nf90_get_var hangs without return Unidata netCDF Support
13:08 [Staging #CDV-488986]: request to add link to netCDF software page Unidata netCDF Support
12:33 [netCDF #RGF-193009]: "ncdump -c" bug identifying coordinate variables in groups still present in 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDF #RGF-193009]: "ncdump -c" bug identifying coordinate variables in groups still present in 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDFJava #AXC-826436]: Regarding Netcdf Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:45 [Support #MJA-592376]: FW: Unable to locat netcdf specification (UNCLASSIFIED) Unidata User Support
December 20, 2011
14:57 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 [netCDF #SYI-729713]: Problem modifying readgeneral.F to read a data set Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #HOT-430316]: nco4.1.1 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #HJL-431391]: Problems installing NetCDF-3.6.2 on Linux Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:29 Re: Netcdf CDM and ragged arrays john caron
December 19, 2011
17:34 Re: Netcdf CDM and ragged arrays John Caron
09:02 [netCDF #IBY-859243]: Extract ascii from netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
05:23 [netCDF #VAZ-231246]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
December 17, 2011
09:39 [netCDFJava #HUC-838359]: using netcdfAll-4.2.jar with webstart Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 16, 2011
14:24 Re: Java netcdf meta question & suggestion John Caron
08:51 [netCDF #XMU-896151]: updating CF metadata conventions Unidata netCDF Support
December 15, 2011
21:01 [THREDDS #WSO-347281]: Re: THREDDS FeatureCollection Error on 3D Forecast Unidata THREDDS Support
14:54 [netCDF #GMP-138655]: installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #YBS-812664]: NetCDF4 C manual Unidata netCDF Support
December 14, 2011
10:36 [netCDF #YVQ-214480]: Patch for Intel fortran on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 Re: [netcdf-java] Grib2Netcdf John Caron
09:16 [netCDF #YVQ-214480]: Patch for Intel fortran on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
December 13, 2011
15:55 [netCDF #YVQ-214480]: Patch for Intel fortran on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #YVQ-214480]: Patch for Intel fortran on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #YVQ-214480]: Patch for Intel fortran on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 Re: THREDDS - Aggregation without dimension variables John Caron
08:59 [netCDF #YVQ-214480]: Patch for Intel fortran on Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2011
07:01 [netCDF #UDI-899057]: Error while configuring netcdf: Unidata netCDF Support
06:49 [netCDF #ACV-125667]: nc-config gives incorrect paths for flags etc. Unidata netCDF Support
December 11, 2011
21:26 [netCDF #ACV-125667]: nc-config gives incorrect paths for flags etc. Unidata netCDF Support
December 07, 2011
18:09 [netCDFJava #BSU-519345]: Use of the NetCDF format in GPL3 softwares Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 05, 2011
15:40 [netCDFJava #MJV-516900]: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when converting Grib2 to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:57 [netCDF #EFC-320116]: Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2011
19:01 Re: question about "new" EASE-Grids John Caron
December 02, 2011
13:39 [netCDF #NUM-345602]: netcdf 4.1.3 fails on nf_test with cray compiler (on Lynx) Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2011
16:11 [netCDF #NUM-345602]: netcdf 4.1.3 fails on nf_test with cray compiler (on Lynx) Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 [netCDF #PIJ-469039]: FAIL: tst_vars with pathscale compiler (on Lynx) Unidata netCDF Support
15:40 [netCDF #UDI-899057]: Error while configuring netcdf: Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #KLC-386191]: Quick question about parallel netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 29, 2011
13:03 [netCDF #NUB-980093]: Libtool update needed for Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
November 28, 2011
16:14 [netCDF #SGX-345422]: Compiling with gfortran and refernece to netcdf libraries Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #NUB-980093]: Libtool update needed for Mac OS Unidata netCDF Support
November 23, 2011
10:01 [netCDF #YST-473063]: Not really a bug, but ... Unidata netCDF Support
November 22, 2011
09:20 [netCDF #AVF-523042]: Problems in configuring NetCDF4.1.3 on Linux Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2011
16:26 [netCDF #IWW-904637]: problem with netcdf and gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2011
16:06 [netCDF #VCD-725374]: Trouble inheriting variable ID into group Unidata netCDF Support
13:08 [netCDF #HSK-896839]: netCDF static lib Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #HSK-896839]: netCDF static lib Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #CLG-683234]: Question about checking nc_open from other package. Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #SVG-977415]: Getting netCDF binaries Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [Support #TKN-783839]: Availability of Win64bits library Unidata User Support
November 17, 2011
13:47 [netCDF #KJV-661707]: Netcdf Convertor Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2011
22:45 [netCDF #IJR-228088]: Fortran issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:42 [netCDF #OOJ-683540]: Building NetCDF with szlib Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2011
22:25 [netCDF #OYI-144949]: Problem when use netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:28 [netCDF #KMW-354832]: "make check" error report for NETCDF-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #OOJ-683540]: Building NetCDF with szlib Unidata netCDF Support
06:14 [netCDF #ZBT-271812]: problem reading file Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2011
22:26 [netCDF #VCD-725374]: Trouble inheriting variable ID into group Unidata netCDF Support
21:40 [netCDF #UPZ-187627]: netcdf-4.1.3: BUG: Invalid usage of MPI_Comm_f2c in nc_create_par Unidata netCDF Support
21:35 [netCDF #STU-291822]: use netcdf.dll in a windows programm Unidata netCDF Support
21:26 [netCDF #OYI-144949]: Problem when use netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
18:53 [netCDF #VCD-725374]: Trouble inheriting variable ID into group Unidata netCDF Support
16:52 [netCDF #GQG-203630]: Problem in saving netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
16:46 [netCDF #IXF-589871]: help installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDF #GQG-203630]: Problem in saving netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
November 12, 2011
16:43 [netCDF #ESW-478054]: netcdf c++ on windows Unidata netCDF Support
November 11, 2011
14:04 [netCDF #HSK-896839]: netCDF static lib Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #ESW-478054]: netcdf c++ on windows Unidata netCDF Support
November 10, 2011
14:30 [netCDF #VSO-499265]: failure in tests: varm3 C:91 and vara Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #PVI-713413]: install difficulties on netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2011
16:33 [netCDF #OUH-534551]: Test ftst_vars4 failing on Solaris 10, GCC 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDFJava #TLG-682846]: Regarding Java netcdf surfer grid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:55 [netCDF #LTA-465932]: CF/Radial Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDFJava #TLG-682846]: Regarding Java netcdf surfer grid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:22 [netCDF #CEZ-194696]: segmentation fault while allocating 4darray in cpp Unidata netCDF Support
November 08, 2011
21:30 [netCDF #OUH-534551]: Test ftst_vars4 failing on Solaris 10, GCC 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #CEZ-194696]: segmentation fault while allocating 4darray in cpp Unidata netCDF Support
November 07, 2011
13:54 [netCDF #FKU-129886]: a question on fletcher 32 checksum (the need to read back on writes) Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #MJW-484586]: a few more questions on fletcher 32 checksum Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #DTO-685623]: error at the time of installing netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2011
21:33 [netCDF #DTO-685623]: error at the time of installing netcdf4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
21:24 Re: Another question for you Russ Rew
16:25 [netCDF #LDX-532453]: Test grib files Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:22 [netCDFJava #BRU-363674]: TDS/NetCDF-Java 4.3 and grib files. Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:17 [netCDF #OWZ-634214]: MeteoInfo - a software to view and analysis meteorological and spatial data Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2011
10:29 [netCDF #RLJ-781337]: urgent!!! Error when building the NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 02, 2011
13:01 [netCDF #RLJ-781337]: urgent!!! Error when building the NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #EVL-272024]: Standard Coordinate Transforms to Geo-locating gridded data Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:08 [netCDF #RLJ-781337]: urgent!!! Error when building the NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDF #EVL-272024]: Standard Coordinate Transforms to Geo-locating gridded data Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:31 [netCDF #EVL-272024]: Standard Coordinate Transforms to Geo-locating gridded data Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 01, 2011
17:43 [netCDFJava #USZ-689663]: Where is ToolsUI? Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:23 [netCDF #FWY-763930]: ld: cannot find -lnetcdf_c++ Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #FWY-763930]: ld: cannot find -lnetcdf_c++ Unidata netCDF Support
06:10 [netCDF #FWY-763930]: ld: cannot find -lnetcdf_c++ Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2011
12:56 [netCDFJava #HNY-858397]: Grib2NetCDF converts pressure level 925hPa to 9.25e-128 Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 28, 2011
15:41 [netCDF #QII-446206]: uninstalling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [netCDFJava #KNP-588613]: Regarding use of netcdf-4.2.jar to read ".nc" file Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 25, 2011
09:08 [netCDF #SPU-502397]: Issues With NetCDF Compiling in FORTRAN Unidata netCDF Support
08:14 [netCDF #CIY-236956]: netcdf install Unidata netCDF Support
08:11 [netCDF #RBV-851112]: Test failure installing NetCDF 4.1.3 on RedHat Linux Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2011
20:13 Re: netCDF Java writing netCDF 4 files? John Caron
October 19, 2011
22:51 Re: [cfradial-users] "S B Thampi": New Ticket - [netCDF !YYV-457201]: CF/Radial data model need for sub-convention on scan_parameters S B Thampi
22:15 Re: [cfradial-users] "S B Thampi": New Ticket - [netCDF !YYV-457201]: CF/Radial data model need for sub-convention on scan_parameters Mike Dixon
13:14 [netCDFJava #MQR-821693]: NetCDF Training Need Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:50 [netCDFJava #KNP-588613]: Regarding use of netcdf-4.2.jar to read ".nc" file Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:30 [netCDF #BGE-977899]: NetCDF 4.1.3: 1 of 26 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #IBH-443553]: Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #BGE-977899]: NetCDF 4.1.3: 1 of 26 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #YKW-388244]: Configuring netcdf_4.1.3 with static libraries Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #RLG-195516]: Problems installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [Support #KPL-288630]: Doubt in netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:07 [netCDF #IDT-559068]: Efficiency of reading HDF with netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:03 [netCDF #IDT-559068]: Efficiency of reading HDF with netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
October 18, 2011
10:43 [netCDF #WKW-744101]: Are there any Enhanced Data Model NetCDF Tools current available ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #WKW-744101]: Are there any Enhanced Data Model NetCDF Tools current available ? Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [netCDF #AJS-216052]: Problems building netcdf-4.13 with pathscale compiler 4.0.9 Unidata netCDF Support
October 17, 2011
16:39 [netCDF #NUH-759960]: ncdump, ncgen stop working Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #IDT-559068]: Efficiency of reading HDF with netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #ZJY-303084]: Re: Fwd: strace of CAM I/O : performance issue Unidata netCDF Support
October 14, 2011
11:41 [netCDF #WSS-464306]: char array _FillValue specification with ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2011
12:40 [netCDF #SLW-388108]: Configure error: Can't find or link to the hdf5 library Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2011
21:21 [netCDF #PUP-128540]: Problems with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:21 [netCDF #WJJ-630102]: make checks fails for the f90 interface in netcdf 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2011
17:04 [netCDF #PNI-283474]: netcdf test failed Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2011
15:57 [netCDF #MMX-467051]: help with netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
15:09 [netCDF #MMX-467051]: help with netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #MMX-467051]: help with netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #MMX-467051]: help with netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
October 06, 2011
08:50 [netCDF #HJW-132569]: Changed netCDF link Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2011
19:53 [netCDF #PPH-319693]: Problem building NetCDF 64-bit versions on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #PPH-319693]: Problem building NetCDF 64-bit versions on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #BWM-148079]: NetCDF4 FORTRAN90 interfaces Unidata netCDF Support
14:23 [netCDF #BPG-160315]: why netcdf4.1.x don't work in my program Unidata netCDF Support
14:06 [netCDF #MMX-467051]: help with netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #KDF-410412]: failure message Unidata netCDF Support
11:53 [netCDF #XAT-780426]: Problem reading OPeNDAP data with netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2011
09:10 [netCDF #KJV-661707]: Netcdf Convertor Unidata netCDF Support
October 03, 2011
12:57 [netCDF #KJV-661707]: Netcdf Convertor Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #XAT-780426]: Problem reading OPeNDAP data with netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:49 [netCDF #OEM-776984]: ncdump v4+ Unidata netCDF Support
October 01, 2011
13:49 [netCDF #AQK-466372]: NETCDF-4.1.3 build error Unidata netCDF Support
September 30, 2011
17:44 [netCDF #AQK-466372]: NETCDF-4.1.3 build error Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #AQK-466372]: NETCDF-4.1.3 build error Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #AQK-466372]: NETCDF-4.1.3 build error Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #AQK-466372]: NETCDF-4.1.3 build error Unidata netCDF Support
September 29, 2011
13:25 [netCDF #QST-593790]: Fortran NETCDF LIBRARY Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2011
20:14 [netCDF #ULN-920732]: issues with netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
September 27, 2011
22:03 [Support #OHN-435338]: Availability of NetCDF 4.1.3 for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
21:59 [netCDF #ULN-920732]: issues with netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
21:48 [netCDF #QYJ-726116]: undefined reference for test_prog.f90 Unidata netCDF Support
17:09 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
16:24 [netCDF #QYJ-726116]: undefined reference for test_prog.f90 Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
08:00 Re: [support] Re: Could not read vdata records Gallagher James
September 26, 2011
08:03 [netCDF #RXD-942688]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
07:56 [netCDF #BVL-677462]: Binaries define rpath on x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:36 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
06:15 [netCDF #KLD-692686]: configure: error: Can't find or link to the szlib library Unidata netCDF Support
05:47 [netCDF #OBV-637997]: incorrect output with netcdf-4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
05:46 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
05:40 [netCDF #SGX-325950]: Compound attributes - nested? Unidata netCDF Support
05:20 [netCDF #CRQ-405827]: Undefined symbols c_mzero8 Unidata netCDF Support
05:18 [netCDF #DYY-429687]: installing WPS3.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
05:15 [netCDF #LBV-482826]: for: netCDF Lagefile issue Unidata netCDF Support
05:12 [netCDF #LCI-943416]: help-me! Unidata netCDF Support
05:07 [netCDF #ZZS-673054]: Binary Netcdf download Unidata netCDF Support
05:06 [netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ?? Unidata netCDF Support
05:03 [netCDF #RNX-892775]: Fwd: [Kst] Kst 2.0.4 release announcement Unidata netCDF Support
04:58 [netCDF #BPI-356787]: HDF error when running ncdump on an HDF4 file Unidata netCDF Support
04:56 [netCDF #LTU-689834]: Building netcdf-3.6.3 with mingw Unidata netCDF Support
04:55 [netCDF #EBF-573120]: nc-config fix needed Unidata netCDF Support
04:50 [netCDF #NAA-319563]: Error building netcdf 4.2 snapshot without doxygen Unidata netCDF Support
04:45 [netCDF #EIP-466022]: Superfluous print statement in f90/netcdf_expanded.f90 (4.1.3) Unidata netCDF Support
04:41 [netCDF #UUU-464946]: Using netCDF data for hydrology Unidata netCDF Support
04:38 [netCDF #WXG-102525]: Creating netcdf library for PG HPF compiler Unidata netCDF Support
04:37 [netCDF #ZGF-930258]: 4 of 5 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
04:36 [netCDF #IUE-665044]: netcdf with Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
04:35 [netCDF #CGP-780566]: Ticket ID: UQB-955316 Unidata netCDF Support
04:32 [netCDF #EDM-388542]: Make error with AIX 5.3 on power6 Unidata netCDF Support
03:35 [netCDF #HNN-677684]: Netcdf web page: matlab suggestion Unidata netCDF Support
03:31 [Support #OBO-383864]: nc-config and c++ library Unidata netCDF Support
September 23, 2011
06:30 [netCDF #GTO-800195]: Problem compiling netcdf-4.1.3 on SunOS Unidata netCDF Support
06:27 [netCDF #WOK-766024]: variables violate format constraints error Unidata netCDF Support
06:15 [netCDF #GMK-976713]: netcdf-4.1.3: configure libsz issue Unidata netCDF Support
06:14 [netCDF #LRR-144728]: NetCDF - a stupid idea, badly implemented Unidata netCDF Support
06:10 [netCDF #ROQ-388981]: configure is slow Unidata netCDF Support
06:07 [netCDF #BVL-677462]: Binaries define rpath on x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:04 [netCDF #LIS-736240]: 4.2.0 separate libraries Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2011
15:40 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:09 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 19, 2011
07:59 [netCDF #IUF-923302]: NetCDF 4.1.3 and OpenMPI Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2011
12:54 [netCDF #JQU-181347]: enum byte size Unidata netCDF Support
September 16, 2011
15:50 [netCDF #SGX-325950]: Compound attributes - nested? Unidata netCDF Support
September 15, 2011
11:00 [netCDF #WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2011
10:44 [netCDF #PJC-789165]: Another question about netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #PJC-789165]: Another question about netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2011
14:08 [netCDF #DVS-605789]: Getting values of compound attributes Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 Re: [idvusers] 2 cell shift of UAM data file in LatLon coordinates John Caron
09:26 [netCDF #DVS-605789]: Getting values of compound attributes Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2011
12:33 [netCDF #SKU-527397]: Strange define of "FALSE 1" Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #WBQ-922854]: building netcdf 4.1.3 on OS X 10.7 using nagfor Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #KVP-947524]: netcdf-4.1.3 - nagfor - osx lion Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #JKS-717625]: problem to install NETCDF-4.1.1 with PGI compiler Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2011
13:27 [netCDF #WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Unidata netCDF Support
12:18 [netCDF #WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2011
11:48 [netCDF #BMK-872973]: [netcdf-hdf] Can't find or link to the hdf5 library. Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #JKS-717625]: problem to install NETCDF-4.1.1 with PGI compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #DVS-605789]: Getting values of compound attributes Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2011
16:29 [netCDF #FMD-545045]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:18 [netCDF #GVV-491226]: Netcdf 4 classic file not readable with netcdf 3 ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
14:19 [netCDFJava #ISE-243086]: NetCDF-Java failing to read OPeNDAP Sequences Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:15 [netCDF #WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #LOK-342881]: make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
September 07, 2011
16:15 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 06, 2011
17:36 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:20 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:13 [netCDFJava #ISE-243086]: NetCDF-Java failing to read OPeNDAP Sequences Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 02, 2011
14:46 [netCDF #WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 Re: New Client Reply - [netCDF !WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Dennis Heimbigner
12:12 [netCDF #QIA-230629]: netcdf point/station data Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:38 [netCDF #HVJ-644061]: netCDF for Fortran project Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2011
14:28 [netCDF #HQN-423106]: netcdf4 with NC_NETCDF4 and NC_64BIT_OFFSET Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #HQN-423106]: netcdf4 with NC_NETCDF4 and NC_64BIT_OFFSET Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #WPU-258955]: broken opendap sub-setting Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #MBZ-999089]: a better windows build Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #HVJ-644061]: netCDF for Fortran project Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2011
16:33 [netCDF #WJF-487790]: ncdump -t Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #LOK-342881]: make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #KLD-692686]: configure: error: Can't find or link to the szlib library Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #KLD-692686]: configure: error: Can't find or link to the szlib library Unidata netCDF Support
08:36 [netCDF #KLD-692686]: configure: error: Can't find or link to the szlib library Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2011
10:21 [netCDF #KLD-692686]: configure: error: Can't find or link to the szlib library Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2011
20:03 [netCDF #VNB-852782]: netcdf support for a non-profit organization Unidata netCDF Support
19:57 [netCDF #QRO-332150]: Suggestion: Nccopy Error messages Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2011
16:15 [netCDF #OFP-755631]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDF #JHS-804544]: Netcdf4 multi-dimension attributes Unidata netCDF Support
15:50 [netCDF #OFP-755631]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #QEA-331457]: 'Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data' international Unidata netCDF Support
14:13 [netCDF #OFP-755631]: Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #JHS-804544]: Netcdf4 multi-dimension attributes Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #JHS-804544]: Netcdf4 multi-dimension attributes Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDFJava #SBZ-133456]: [netcdf-java] Bug report: Variable name must be unique within Group Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:47 [netCDFJava #ISE-243086]: NetCDF-Java failing to read OPeNDAP Sequences Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:30 [netCDF #OZZ-222928]: Re: use of "nctime.c" code in NCL Unidata netCDF Support
August 25, 2011
13:54 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [netCDF #IJW-622612]: netcdf 4.1.3 on os x Unidata netCDF Support
12:04 [netCDFJava #KSI-560385]: Generics in ucar.ma2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:02 [netCDFJava #KSI-560385]: Generics in ucar.ma2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:22 [netCDF #IJW-622612]: netcdf 4.1.3 on os x Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #IJW-622612]: netcdf 4.1.3 on os x Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #IJW-622612]: netcdf 4.1.3 on os x Unidata netCDF Support
10:31 [netCDF #EPQ-640599]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2011
12:49 [netCDF #EPQ-640599]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #EPQ-640599]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2011
15:37 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:30 [netCDF #VII-540809]: ncdump programming bug Unidata netCDF Support
14:11 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #EPQ-640599]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:57 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:40 [netCDF #EPQ-640599]: make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #XXN-487077]: Installing NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #JEL-590431]: problem during installion of netcdf-4.13. in fedora14 Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #NKB-600570]: netcdf compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2011
10:10 [netCDF #FSQ-241936]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #IEK-393813]: Building NetCDF 4.1.1 under Cygwin using Intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #JHA-604767]: Have an environment variable to change the block size returned by blksize() Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2011
13:19 [netCDF #CYS-719544]: Examples of parallel netCDF-4 in Fortran? Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:12 [netCDFJava #KSI-560385]: Generics in ucar.ma2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:51 [netCDF #CYS-719544]: Examples of parallel netCDF-4 in Fortran? Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [netCDF #EFC-320116]: Unidata netCDF Support
August 18, 2011
12:23 [netCDF #FSQ-241936]: make check error Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #EFC-320116]: Unidata netCDF Support
August 17, 2011
09:43 [netCDF #IEK-393813]: Building NetCDF 4.1.1 under Cygwin using Intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #VNB-852782]: netcdf support for a non-profit organization Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2011
10:47 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2011
14:12 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #IGX-663824]: compression data Unidata netCDF Support
12:33 [netCDF #EFC-320116]: Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #IGX-663824]: compression data Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #EFC-320116]: Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2011
16:27 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
15:22 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
15:02 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2011
15:21 [netCDF #KXA-755395]: ncgen behavior Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDFJava #RUP-211659]: toolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:20 [netCDFJava #RUP-211659]: toolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 09, 2011
16:47 [netCDFJava #RUP-211659]: toolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:38 [netCDF #LFV-328894]: Need your help for installing NetCDF!!! Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDFJava #GFQ-763475]: java bufr example? Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:14 [netCDF #LFV-328894]: Need your help for installing NetCDF!!! Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #YAK-227068]: Problems building netcdf-4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #PEE-953132]: authenticated opendap Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #GAM-944251]: Colon in the file name not allowed... Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #GAM-944251]: Colon in the file name not allowed... Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #LFV-328894]: Need your help for installing NetCDF!!! Unidata netCDF Support
06:14 [netCDF #LFV-328894]: Need your help for installing NetCDF!!! Unidata netCDF Support
August 08, 2011
15:19 [netCDF #LFV-328894]: Need your help for installing NetCDF!!! Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDFPerl #DWG-287603]: NetCDF Perl and Mac Unidata netCDF Perl Support
August 07, 2011
18:47 [netCDF #IUX-351028]: Setting Lustre file system parameters within NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
17:20 [netCDF #UQB-955316]: netcdf build error Unidata netCDF Support
16:23 [netCDF #UAK-176631]: ncdump with -x option fails Unidata netCDF Support
16:09 [netCDF #UAK-176631]: ncdump with -x option fails Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 [netCDF #UAK-176631]: ncdump with -x option fails Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2011
15:57 [netCDFJava #GFQ-763475]: java bufr example? Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 05, 2011
14:26 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
08:35 [netCDF #KPI-546451]: help getting started Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2011
10:18 [netCDF #XDR-467283]: Problem related to reading HDF5 file Unidata netCDF Support
07:53 [netCDFJava #GFQ-763475]: java bufr example? Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 03, 2011
16:26 [netCDF #EXA-981548]: a question with udunits.h Unidata netCDF Support
15:04 [netCDFJava #GFQ-763475]: java bufr example? Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:04 [netCDFJava #GFQ-763475]: java bufr example? Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:29 [netCDF #NUQ-528407]: Use of _Format attribute Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2011
08:49 [netCDF #WBT-622532]: Make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2011
21:38 Re: [netCDFJava #KJR-472449]: missing/fill values and EnhanceScaleMissingImpl Russ Rew
09:34 [netCDF #PVE-576912]: Unable to compile netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:02 [netCDF #KRY-638822]: error in configuring netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2011
20:28 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #XCV-291469]: NetCDF 4.1.3 build on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Unidata netCDF Support
12:07 Re: [cf-satellite] Query related to CF conventions John Caron
10:44 [netCDF #PVE-576912]: Unable to compile netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:55 [netCDFJava #KJR-472449]: missing/fill values and EnhanceScaleMissingImpl Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:46 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 28, 2011
15:08 [netCDF #XPO-276613]: compiling f90 and including netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #XPO-276613]: compiling f90 and including netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #XPO-276613]: compiling f90 and including netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #XPO-276613]: compiling f90 and including netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:01 [netCDF #XPO-276613]: compiling f90 and including netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:19 [netCDF #XPO-276613]: compiling f90 and including netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #XBB-260825]: nc_uri.c: nc_uriparse - Segfault when parsing (bad) url's with only hostname Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #IOI-566347]: support_netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2011
15:48 [netCDF #XBB-260825]: nc_uri.c: nc_uriparse - Segfault when parsing (bad) url's with only hostname Unidata netCDF Support
15:09 Re: John Caron
11:15 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:13 [netCDF #PVE-576912]: Unable to compile netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #LIH-141353]: help Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [netCDF #LIH-141353]: help Unidata netCDF Support
July 26, 2011
14:07 [netCDFJava #WIK-413864]: Reading forecast dates from grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:23 [netCDF #LIH-141353]: help Unidata netCDF Support
July 25, 2011
12:19 [netCDFJava #ALR-856518]: java/html to display some statistics Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 20, 2011
11:10 [netCDF #XBB-260825]: nc_uri.c: nc_uriparse - Segfault when parsing (bad) url's with only hostname Unidata netCDF Support
July 19, 2011
18:38 [netCDF #PFW-890922]: questions Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:35 [netCDFJava #ETO-762007]: Load data into Rasdaman database through netCDF interface Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 18, 2011
09:39 [netCDF #AGL-958284]: possible bugs with dim sizes exceeding 2^31 Unidata netCDF Support
July 15, 2011
08:16 [netCDF #JKH-889485]: Problem compiling netcdf-4.1.3 with ifort in Ubuntu 11.04 Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2011
19:40 [netCDF #SUU-128916]: [netcdfgroup] Please question compiling nctools Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 Re: Seamap, groups and THREDDS John Caron
09:06 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
July 13, 2011
22:05 [netCDF #QFU-713303]: ImportError: No module named NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
21:53 [netCDF #AGL-958284]: possible bugs with dim sizes exceeding 2^31 Unidata netCDF Support
13:10 [netCDF #YWP-403246]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDF #YWP-403246]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
06:59 [netCDF #SVH-828273]: nc_test failure in test_ncsync for netcdf4/HDF5 component only. Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2011
13:06 [netCDF #SVH-828273]: nc_test failure in test_ncsync for netcdf4/HDF5 component only. Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2011
17:10 [netCDF #XYS-151389]: shared libraries and PGI Unidata netCDF Support
17:08 [netCDF #KOA-895991]: error while running make check for netcdf (configured using gfortran) Unidata netCDF Support
05:58 [netCDF #MAW-926067]: make check fails for 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2011
07:19 [THREDDS #PQT-331819]: NetCDF Subset Service (NCSS) and UDUNITS: wrong datetimes for climatologies Unidata THREDDS Support
July 08, 2011
17:51 [netCDF #MAW-926067]: make check fails for 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:00 [netCDF #MAW-926067]: make check fails for 4.1.3 Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2011
18:33 [netCDFJava #JNI-586917]: IllegalArgumentException (variable name must be unique) reading grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 06, 2011
14:44 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #RJB-398714]: [netcdfgroup] Obtaining the group name from a dimension ID Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2011
16:25 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #OBD-887406]: ERROR Name contains illegal characters Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #PDX-714093]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #NMZ-130314]: Question about netCDF4 investment Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2011
12:55 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
June 27, 2011
15:35 [netCDF #QON-718723]: Compiling NETCDF issues with MacOSX Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #QVV-651237]: NetCDF 3.6.3: build warning for f90 library Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2011
19:01 [netCDF #YNF-528322]: Segmentation fault with nc_get_var_float (OPeNDAP source) Unidata netCDF Support
16:11 [netCDF #YNF-528322]: Segmentation fault with nc_get_var_float (OPeNDAP source) Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2011
17:00 [netCDF #YNF-528322]: Segmentation fault with nc_get_var_float (OPeNDAP source) Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #YNF-528322]: Segmentation fault with nc_get_var_float (OPeNDAP source) Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 Re: Feature Collections for RTOFS data? John Caron
09:58 [netCDF #AUL-395202]: NetCDF binaries? Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2011
20:09 [netCDF #IYG-852497]: Error writting valid_max USHORT attribute with value 65535 Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDFJava #JNI-586917]: IllegalArgumentException (variable name must be unique) reading grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:52 [netCDF #KXB-112643]: netcdf libraries for R on OS x operating system? Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #AUL-395202]: NetCDF binaries? Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #BFE-796031]: FAIL:t_nc-GMT Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #AUL-395202]: NetCDF binaries? Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2011
10:10 [Staging #WVC-625464]: NetCDF is 100% trusted ! Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #NCE-881982]: 4.1.3 and the --width-hdf5 flag? Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2011
14:39 [netCDF #NCE-881982]: 4.1.3 and the --width-hdf5 flag? Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDFJava #IUX-310433]: Aggregating with Groups in NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:27 [netCDFPerl #UIB-497429]: varget problems Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 20, 2011
15:52 [netCDF #NJD-981847]: Opening HDF5 file and version check Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDFJava #IUX-310433]: Aggregating with Groups in NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:43 [netCDFJava #IUX-310433]: Aggregating with Groups in NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:34 [netCDF #QVV-651237]: NetCDF 3.6.3: build warning for f90 library Unidata netCDF Support
June 17, 2011
15:26 [netCDF #XLX-177770]: Future support for unstructured grids in NetCDF ... Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [Support #CUV-251255]: Nccopy extremly slow / hangs Unidata netCDF Support
June 16, 2011
18:59 [netCDFJava #JNI-586917]: IllegalArgumentException (variable name must be unique) reading grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:24 [netCDF #XWL-678268]: Update for the Sun/Solaris Studio compiler support Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #UBI-923656]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #LMK-959462]: Data base cdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:41 [netCDF #QZC-115463]: Re: netCDF Operator Unidata netCDF Support
June 14, 2011
06:19 [netCDF #JND-142022]: thanks Unidata netCDF Support
June 13, 2011
12:28 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #KVV-602932]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #KVV-602932]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDFDecoders #WVP-802872]: Quesetions about using Java GRIB2 Decoder Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
10:26 [netCDF #KVV-602932]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #KVV-602932]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2011
15:26 Re: best time series John Caron
15:11 [netCDFJava #IUX-310433]: Aggregating with Groups in NCML Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:09 Re: best time series John Caron
14:36 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #PQD-251634]: Compiling Netcdf 4.1.2 C++ with Visual Studio 2010 Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
12:28 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #JKX-419612]: netcdf-4.1.2 patch for cxx4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #FTQ-916604]: can't build libraries on Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDFDecoders #WVP-802872]: Quesetions about using Java GRIB2 Decoder Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
07:54 [netCDF #PQD-251634]: Compiling Netcdf 4.1.2 C++ with Visual Studio 2010 Unidata netCDF Support
07:51 [netCDF #EQV-488119]: NC_MAX_DIMS use in netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
07:46 [netCDF #YSA-381038]: Experience building netcdf-4.1.3.-rc1 on Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
07:38 [netCDF #LAW-256659]: nc-config problem with netcdf-4.1.3-rc1 and static linking Unidata netCDF Support
07:04 [netCDF #WNF-359557]: netCDF4.1.2 configure can't find hdf5 lib Unidata netCDF Support
June 09, 2011
14:30 [netCDF #CGL-973049]: error Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #CGL-973049]: error Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #QVS-340608]: problems installing NetCDF on Ubuntu Linux 10.10 Unidata netCDF Support
June 07, 2011
17:29 [netCDFDecoders #NLR-737871]: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with cosmo_de_eps_m001_2009051100.7z Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:31 [netCDF #NZK-292950]: problem in compiling FAN languagem and utilities Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #AIX-484936]: netcdf-4.1.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #RPI-910358]: Installation problem on Mac Pro Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2011
18:28 [THREDDS #IPE-230389]: HDF5 Support in THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
16:32 [THREDDS #IPE-230389]: HDF5 Support in THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
16:06 [netCDF #UGH-617347]: Trouble reading a 4D NetCDF variable with c++ interface Unidata netCDF Support
15:59 [netCDF #UGH-617347]: Trouble reading a 4D NetCDF variable with c++ interface Unidata netCDF Support
15:15 [THREDDS #IPE-230389]: HDF5 Support in THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
14:43 [netCDF #RAE-945667]: Long double variables in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #AIX-484936]: netcdf-4.1.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDF #AIX-484936]: netcdf-4.1.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
11:48 [netCDF #QUV-870371]: NetCDF Attribute Convention for Dataset Discovery (DRAFT) Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #RPI-910358]: Installation problem on Mac Pro Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [THREDDS #KCF-378294]: OPeNDAP Data access output option (netcdf) Unidata THREDDS Support
10:05 [netCDFJava #DMP-540589]: netCDFJava - GRIB index file Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:03 [netCDF #XUI-152530]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
06:57 [netCDF #EVV-321508]: netCDF on Bluegene Unidata netCDF Support
06:55 [netCDF #IJP-817059]: NETCDF Install and build Unidata netCDF Support
06:13 [netCDF #XUI-152530]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2011
13:24 [netCDF #AIX-484936]: netcdf-4.1.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #AIX-484936]: netcdf-4.1.2 build error Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #JLN-510178]: a few general questions on the current use ot NetCDF4 from the GOES-R GS program Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #JLN-510178]: a few general questions on the current use ot NetCDF4 from the GOES-R GS program Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #RPI-910358]: Installation problem on Mac Pro Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #YWP-403246]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
07:32 [netCDF #LEF-356666]: compiling parallel NetCDF problems Unidata netCDF Support
03:59 [netCDF #IJP-817059]: NETCDF Install and build Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2011
16:03 Re: netcdf internal compression for CF Discrete Sampling Geometries 9.3.2 john caron
15:47 [netCDF #YWP-403246]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:04 [netCDF #VIK-719869]: question! Unidata netCDF Support
15:03 [netCDF #KBI-801297]: Problem with parallel-enabled NectCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #DRU-987133]: Installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #EVV-321508]: netCDF on Bluegene Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #OBV-637997]: incorrect output with netcdf-4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #DRU-987133]: Installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
06:47 [netCDF #FFQ-819680]: Slowdown in nc_sync() Unidata netCDF Support
June 01, 2011
16:03 [netCDF #YWP-403246]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #LEF-356666]: compiling parallel NetCDF problems Unidata netCDF Support
12:11 [netCDF #JVC-491961]: Building 4.1.2 on Win* + MSVC with OPeNDAP support Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2011
14:00 [netCDF #YWP-403246]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2011
13:39 [netCDF #EQK-759367]: netcdf check error Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2011
09:16 [netCDF #DZV-771355]: Problem compiling with Portland PGI 10.9 (works with netcdf 4.1.1) Unidata netCDF Support
08:57 [netCDF #IPF-540532]: undefined symbol: __netcdf_MOD_nf90_open Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2011
13:16 [THREDDS #KCF-378294]: OPeNDAP Data access output option (netcdf) Unidata THREDDS Support
13:02 [THREDDS #KCF-378294]: OPeNDAP Data access output option (netcdf) Unidata THREDDS Support
12:36 [THREDDS #KCF-378294]: OPeNDAP Data access output option (netcdf) Unidata THREDDS Support
11:31 [netCDF #EQK-759367]: netcdf check error Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #VSB-136961]: RE: New .nc user Unidata netCDF Support
May 26, 2011
15:31 [netCDF #LYS-508051]: netcdf support request Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 [netCDF #LYS-508051]: netcdf support request Unidata netCDF Support
14:06 [netCDF #LYS-508051]: netcdf support request Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #LYS-508051]: netcdf support request Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #LYS-508051]: netcdf support request Unidata netCDF Support
May 25, 2011
07:39 [netCDF #RXD-942688]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
05:03 [netCDF #VEM-652223]: nf_open Unidata netCDF Support
05:02 [netCDF #ROX-123466]: NETCDF configuration failure Unidata netCDF Support
05:00 [netCDF #RXD-942688]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
04:58 [netCDF #DPR-263504]: NetCDF for Windows x86/62bit. Unidata netCDF Support
May 24, 2011
15:52 [netCDF #RVK-949505]: on Unidata DAP server? Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDF #DML-490284]: make check fail with the following in netcdf 4.1.3b1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #ROX-123466]: NETCDF configuration failure Unidata netCDF Support
07:22 [netCDF #LEF-356666]: compiling parallel NetCDF problems Unidata netCDF Support
May 23, 2011
15:47 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #LEF-356666]: compiling parallel NetCDF problems Unidata netCDF Support
15:23 [netCDF #ROX-123466]: NETCDF configuration failure Unidata netCDF Support
May 20, 2011
13:22 Re: [thredds] CF Discrete Sampling Geometries conventions - final(ly) John Caron
May 19, 2011
17:04 [netCDF #QEL-795104]: NetCDF 4.1.2-beta2 ncgen breaks Perl METAR decoders Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #YQN-334036]: problem renaming dimension and coordinate in netCDF4 file Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #VEM-652223]: nf_open Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:01 [netCDF #VYV-875296]: bug in netcdf-4.1.2 with DAP and http authentication Unidata netCDF Support
11:42 [netCDF #VEM-652223]: nf_open Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #JFY-284068]: netcdf-4 format version Unidata netCDF Support
May 18, 2011
15:46 Re: Possible grib-8.0.jar bug John Caron
11:42 [netCDFPerl #NGH-715937]: Error with NetCDF::attget Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:04 [netCDFPerl #TEF-403629]: installing netCDF Perl -1.2.4 version Unidata netCDF Perl Support
08:53 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:52 [netCDF #NBR-155156]: Installation of parallel HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #MTX-375198]: Make build on Windows? Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2011
09:42 [netCDFPerl #TEF-403629]: installing netCDF Perl -1.2.4 version Unidata netCDF Perl Support
May 16, 2011
19:46 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
17:11 [netCDF #QHU-355618]: nc_open(const char *path... char count limitation Unidata netCDF Support
17:09 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [netCDF #LEF-356666]: compiling parallel NetCDF problems Unidata netCDF Support
12:37 [netCDF #CLB-814953]: Experience with netcdf-4.1.2-beta2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #OJS-137735]: web documentation change request Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #UGK-599461]: creation ordering issue with coordinate variables in 4.1.2, 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #WJF-487790]: ncdump -t Unidata netCDF Support
10:20 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #VPO-520905]: 'Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data' translation Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #YAR-472810]: NetCDF row- vs column-major I/O convention? Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #BUL-932095]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #BUN-523569]: netcdf 4.1.? compiling problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #NBR-155156]: Installation of parallel HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2011
13:20 [netCDF #VWI-224442]: Extending cxx or cxx4 to work from memory Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 [netCDF #GSV-822191]: ncdump, scalar attributes, HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #KFH-844070]: apparent problem building netcdf-4.1.2 on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #LLJ-764676]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
08:02 [netCDF #LEF-356666]: compiling parallel NetCDF problems Unidata netCDF Support
07:58 [netCDF #NVK-167084]: Problem while compiling netcdf 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
07:56 [netCDF #KFH-844070]: apparent problem building netcdf-4.1.2 on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:54 [netCDF #ZUP-196568]: Failed netCDF-4.1.2 build - NOAA NESDIS Unidata netCDF Support
07:51 [netCDF #LHQ-297925]: 4.1.3-beta1 configure issue Unidata netCDF Support
07:50 [netCDF #XOI-242329]: netcdf-4.1.2 install Unidata netCDF Support
07:47 [netCDF #NMN-242593]: netCDF on ubuntu 11.04 Unidata netCDF Support
07:45 [netCDF #PWT-224191]: Shared libraries issue Unidata netCDF Support
07:40 [netCDF #SVC-194320]: ifort link issue Unidata netCDF Support
07:36 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
07:34 [netCDF #GSV-822191]: ncdump, scalar attributes, HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
07:29 [netCDF #NRN-957511]: make check fails for netcdf4.1.2 on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
07:28 [netCDF #DUI-354149]: Work with NetCDF (FORTRAN) Unidata netCDF Support
07:24 [netCDF #YXN-259806]: Error in Make netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:16 [netCDF #MTV-409221]: make check errors Unidata netCDF Support
07:14 [netCDF #YTE-228265]: problem compiling netcdf-4.1.2 with Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
07:13 [netCDF #UXR-827531]: Problems with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:11 [netCDF #XYP-901039]: RAW data to .nc format conversion Unidata netCDF Support
07:10 [netCDF #MXF-256225]: make check: undefined references to nf_* Unidata netCDF Support
07:04 [netCDF #LLJ-764676]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
07:02 [netCDF #RFA-656444]: On the netCDF installation. Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2011
17:07 [netCDF #KZX-489887]: Status of NETCDF4 for Windows (non-Cygwin) Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDFJava #EEV-923331]: Reduced Gaussian grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 11, 2011
10:48 [netCDF #KCJ-338996]: problem adding FillValue attribute to the data in cdl (ncgen) Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #KCJ-338996]: problem adding FillValue attribute to the data in cdl (ncgen) Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDFJava #EEV-923331]: Reduced Gaussian grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 10, 2011
16:03 [netCDFJava #EEV-923331]: Reduced Gaussian grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:45 [netCDF #DML-490284]: make check fail with the following in netcdf 4.1.3b1 Unidata netCDF Support
May 06, 2011
12:27 [netCDF #HQL-848389]: linux compile failure (NETCDF 4.1.2, 32 & 64 bit) Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #BIP-940263]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2-rc1, a release candidate for the 4.1.2 release... Unidata netCDF Support
09:29 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #FSF-162192]: Runtime problem with NETCDF, Open MPI 1.5 Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #JWI-679999]: Error: Not a netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [netCDF #XRB-287315]: Netcdf fortran interface Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #BIP-940263]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2-rc1, a release candidate for the 4.1.2 release... Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #NMN-242593]: netCDF on ubuntu 11.04 Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #KFH-844070]: apparent problem building netcdf-4.1.2 on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
08:28 [netCDF #LOR-225885]: netcdf (all) in Windows with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
08:23 [netCDF #KYJ-275573]: [netCDF #QQN-692511 ] RE: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:38 [netCDF #RJF-900314]: conversion of cloud observations data to netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
06:35 [netCDF #NKK-654436]: Using netcdf.lib to access netcdf from fortran codes ... under visual studio 2010 and intel fortran compiler ... Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2011
17:21 [netCDF #KZX-489887]: Status of NETCDF4 for Windows (non-Cygwin) Unidata netCDF Support
17:18 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
16:51 [netCDF #DUQ-398304]: How to install the netCDF in linux operating system Unidata netCDF Support
16:48 [netCDF #PSA-701162]: netcdf won't link Unidata netCDF Support
16:46 [netCDF #SVC-194320]: ifort link issue Unidata netCDF Support
16:43 [netCDF #EVL-800290]: NETCDF make error Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 [netCDF #HQL-848389]: linux compile failure (NETCDF 4.1.2, 32 & 64 bit) Unidata netCDF Support
16:39 [netCDF #PWT-224191]: Shared libraries issue Unidata netCDF Support
16:36 [netCDF #DML-490284]: make check fail with the following in netcdf 4.1.3b1 Unidata netCDF Support
16:35 [netCDF #LHQ-297925]: 4.1.3-beta1 configure issue Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [THREDDS #WSO-347281]: Re: THREDDS FeatureCollection Error on 3D Forecast Unidata THREDDS Support
15:37 [netCDF #BPR-650721]: Strange ncgen corruption issue (4.1.1 and 4.1.3-beta1) Unidata netCDF Support
15:30 [netCDF #DPH-659472]: Use of _Format attribute Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #LHQ-297925]: 4.1.3-beta1 configure issue Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2011
17:28 [netCDF #DPH-659472]: Use of _Format attribute Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #BPR-650721]: Strange ncgen corruption issue (4.1.1 and 4.1.3-beta1) Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 Re: hdf5 and ncml John Caron
May 03, 2011
13:42 [netCDF #VRU-236841]: Re: Known problem URL for large block size, silent file corruption Unidata netCDF Support
May 02, 2011
14:25 [netCDF #UZT-541062]: config error Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2011
08:26 [netCDF #VRU-236841]: Re: Known problem URL for large block size, silent file corruption Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2011
14:46 [netCDF #DPH-659472]: Use of _Format attribute Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2011
14:34 [netCDF #RPZ-106941]: Bug in netcdf (including 4.1.2-beta2) Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #VRU-236841]: Re: Known problem URL for large block size, silent file corruption Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #RVK-949505]: on Unidata DAP server? Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #VRU-236841]: Re: Known problem URL for large block size, silent file corruption Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDFJava #ONM-468599]: student need Java API details to read/write geographical grids Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:42 [netCDFJava #ALJ-330520]: Error conversion nexrad data to netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 27, 2011
14:36 [netCDF #RVK-949505]: on Unidata DAP server? Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #GWH-449344]: possible netcdf error when running Noah LSM Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #DHD-203630]: Failed configure Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #BET-165569]: Problem to redef global attribute Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #JCA-425092]: compiling netcdf4.1.2 with IBM parallel compilers fails Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #UEF-905105]: Using NetCDF 4.1.2 with WRF Unidata netCDF Support
12:26 [netCDF #PSA-701162]: netcdf won't link Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
12:17 [netCDF #KZX-489887]: Status of NETCDF4 for Windows (non-Cygwin) Unidata netCDF Support
April 26, 2011
16:24 [netCDF #RVK-949505]: on Unidata DAP server? Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #RVK-949505]: on Unidata DAP server? Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDFJava #EEV-923331]: Reduced Gaussian grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:40 [netCDFJava #EEV-923331]: Reduced Gaussian grid Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 22, 2011
18:21 [netCDF #GCR-865328]: netcdf4 with opendap: authentication fails? Unidata netCDF Support
13:08 [netCDF #TQJ-415567]: problem configuring netCDF 4.1.2 on bluefire Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #RXT-364648]: failed 1 of 5 tests when running "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2011
09:43 [netCDF #BOQ-220297]: problem with NetCDF perl module installation Unidata netCDF Perl Support
05:46 [netCDF #CLB-814953]: Experience with netcdf-4.1.2-beta2 Unidata netCDF Support
05:45 [netCDF #ETH-293930]: check failed on IBM Power6 with linux SLES11SP1 Unidata netCDF Support
05:22 [netCDF #GWH-449344]: possible netcdf error when running Noah LSM Unidata netCDF Support
05:15 [netCDF #UXR-827531]: Problems with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
05:13 [netCDF #EAU-842771]: make check failed for netdf-4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
05:10 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
05:06 [netCDF #KRB-849418]: netCDF versions Unidata netCDF Support
04:55 [netCDF #ETH-293930]: check failed on IBM Power6 with linux SLES11SP1 Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2011
17:05 [netCDF #ZDO-461948]: Data Integrity of NetCDF files transmitted across a network Unidata netCDF Support
16:59 [netCDF #BVL-677462]: Binaries define rpath on x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
16:50 [netCDF #IRL-397525]: trying to compile netcdf but it keeps failing Unidata netCDF Support
14:41 [netCDF #HIM-783795]: Unable to compile in windows/cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #SBF-902569]: about the c program execution Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [netCDF #BDY-553312]: "make check" failed in Mac Unidata netCDF Support
14:23 [netCDF #FQF-896806]: request for help in building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDFPerl #ZSI-672459]: netcdf-perl build failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #BKL-976066]: NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #QWD-902753]: netcdf 4.1.2 check failure with pgi 10.9 Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #BUK-137211]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #BOQ-220297]: problem with NetCDF perl module installation Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:12 [netCDF #RLE-853795]: trying to access netcdf downloads Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #EAU-842771]: make check failed for netdf-4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #TFP-164053]: information about program execution Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #BKL-976066]: NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2011
16:16 [netCDF #XEG-354991]: OS X binary Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDF #VEI-599128]: NetCDF Fatal Error Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #MXF-256225]: make check: undefined references to nf_* Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [netCDF #ZFH-402738]: problem when install the Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #GYF-267851]: broken link & looking for netcdf-2 api Unidata netCDF Support
13:51 [netCDF #VPO-520905]: 'Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data' translation Unidata netCDF Support
April 14, 2011
18:56 Re: hdf5 and ncml John Caron
17:47 Re: "time" as a variable and not a dimension John Caron
April 12, 2011
20:27 [netCDF #CPI-418355]: Problems writing variables in netcdf 4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDFJava #ANB-661794]: Error to open a Netcdf File Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 08, 2011
10:45 [netCDF #DYH-655110]: [netcdfgroup] FW: Netcdf-4.1.1 fault Unidata netCDF Support
April 07, 2011
14:03 [IDV #JLE-985841]: Getting NPE for NetCDF file ... Unidata IDV Support
April 06, 2011
12:50 [netCDF #QHU-355618]: nc_open(const char *path... char count limitation Unidata netCDF Support
12:48 [netCDF #IHU-459932]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [IDV #JLE-985841]: Getting NPE for NetCDF file ... Unidata IDV Support
April 05, 2011
13:28 [netCDF #GGI-666903]: question about standard grids in CF convention Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #GGI-666903]: question about standard grids in CF convention Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #UXV-327920]: Netcdf help Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2011
15:47 [netCDF #LLJ-764676]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #RFA-656444]: On the netCDF installation. Unidata netCDF Support
11:51 [netCDF #KRB-849418]: netCDF versions Unidata netCDF Support
05:46 [netCDF #ITF-941422]: configure error with netcdf-4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2011
16:07 [netCDFJava #ANB-661794]: Error to open a Netcdf File Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:48 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #MUR-833037]: Configure problems with the --with-hdf option Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #HJY-618292]: libnetcdf4 needs -lm Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #XKG-906183]: Error building libdispatch/parallel.c with PGI 10 Unidata netCDF Support
13:31 [netCDF #IZQ-213986]: error in make of netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #QUN-641037]: dimension ID ordering assumptions Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #FYY-183264]: netcdf4.1.1 with hdf5-1.8.4-patch1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #WXP-996743]: HDF error with netcdf-4.1.2-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #RFA-656444]: On the netCDF installation. Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #BIP-940263]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2-rc1, a release candidate for the 4.1.2 release... Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #BZA-862712]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
12:48 [netCDF #ENO-939249]: make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #ITF-941422]: configure error with netcdf-4.1.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2011
15:22 [netCDF #JUC-231629]: NcML and netCDF4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [IDV #JLE-985841]: Getting NPE for NetCDF file ... Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 29, 2011
08:32 [netCDF #JWI-679999]: Error: Not a netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
04:35 [netCDF #VUQ-446360]: netcdf 4.1.1 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
04:28 [netCDF #JAT-378412]: netCDF library port to new HP-UX system Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2011
14:26 [netCDF #KZX-489887]: Status of NETCDF4 for Windows (non-Cygwin) Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 [Support #VHD-611929]: [netCDF +VID-710316] icc command line remark Unidata netCDF Support
14:13 [netCDF #JAT-378412]: netCDF library port to new HP-UX system Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #AKJ-370049]: ncdump question Unidata netCDF Support
13:49 [netCDF #VUQ-446360]: netcdf 4.1.1 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #VUQ-446360]: netcdf 4.1.1 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
March 25, 2011
12:42 [netCDF #IES-338116]: NetCDF 4.1.2-beta2 error Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2011
20:14 [netCDF #YMI-140136]: Results of MAKE CHECK for NetCDF 4.1.1 on Mac running OSX 10.6 Unidata netCDF Support
20:07 [netCDF #VUQ-446360]: netcdf 4.1.1 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
20:05 [netCDF #QXJ-370180]: Compiling netcdf on CentOS 5.4 with gfortran44 Unidata netCDF Support
19:52 [netCDF #VUQ-446360]: netcdf 4.1.1 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #VUQ-446360]: netcdf 4.1.1 installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [Support #KPP-873190]: Problem in using the NETCDF function NF90_GET_VAR Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [Support #KPP-873190]: Problem in using the NETCDF function NF90_GET_VAR Unidata netCDF Support
March 23, 2011
20:22 [netCDF #HDD-756438]: error compiling netcdf4 and hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
20:18 [netCDF #FTM-837716]: error compiling - z library Unidata netCDF Support
19:18 [netCDF #AKJ-370049]: ncdump question Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [netCDFJava #GGL-730752]: OpenDAP URL works okay in ncks, ncdump, but not in NetCDF-Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:59 [netCDFJava #GGL-730752]: OpenDAP URL works okay in ncks, ncdump, but not in NetCDF-Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:27 [netCDFJava #GGL-730752]: OpenDAP URL works okay in ncks, ncdump, but not in NetCDF-Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:12 [netCDFJava #GGL-730752]: OpenDAP URL works okay in ncks, ncdump, but not in NetCDF-Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 22, 2011
15:28 [netCDFJava #GGL-730752]: OpenDAP URL works okay in ncks, ncdump, but not in NetCDF-Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:00 [netCDF #XIX-708449]: Memory leaks using netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #NER-679496]: netcdf_fe_modul[29240]: segfault at 0000000000001000 rip 0000003967e79a30 rsp 00007fffbb02f198 error 4 Unidata netCDF Support
07:05 Re: NCML dataset aggregation caching issues John Caron
March 21, 2011
11:18 [netCDF #XIX-708449]: Memory leaks using netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #OZZ-222928]: Re: use of "nctime.c" code in NCL Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2011
10:24 [netCDF #XIX-708449]: Memory leaks using netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2011
15:45 [netCDF #KPC-572697]: segmentation fault when writing Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #XIX-708449]: Memory leaks using netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
06:59 Re: Bug in LambertAzimuthalEqualArea? John Caron
March 16, 2011
21:36 [netCDF #QGV-335526]: Problem with netcdf and fortran 90 Unidata netCDF Support
14:19 [netCDF #KPC-572697]: segmentation fault when writing Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #FYY-183264]: netcdf4.1.1 with hdf5-1.8.4-patch1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:59 [netCDF #AEB-315486]: nf90_float too accurate... Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #QGV-335526]: Problem with netcdf and fortran 90 Unidata netCDF Support
06:30 [netCDF #FYY-183264]: netcdf4.1.1 with hdf5-1.8.4-patch1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2011
15:56 [netCDF #AEB-315486]: nf90_float too accurate... Unidata netCDF Support
15:44 [netCDF #VMR-409919]: HELP: netCDF data access and export in Python Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #QXJ-370180]: Compiling netcdf on CentOS 5.4 with gfortran44 Unidata netCDF Support
15:19 [netCDF #QGV-335526]: Problem with netcdf and fortran 90 Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #FYY-183264]: netcdf4.1.1 with hdf5-1.8.4-patch1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #YFQ-701665]: netcdf file size error Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #YFQ-701665]: netcdf file size error Unidata netCDF Support
March 14, 2011
09:37 [netCDF #RUY-124668]: problem in writing nc4 variable using nc_put_var Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2011
06:52 Re: Using HttpClient/HttpClientManager in NJ 4.2 John Caron
March 10, 2011
21:08 [netCDF #OYD-297799]: Removing zero arrays from NetCDF file. Unidata netCDF Support
20:49 [netCDF #EAD-374279]: HDF5 "make check" error Unidata netCDF Support
20:45 [netCDF #LEM-163973]: commands ncgen, ncdump, not found in Cygwin after succesfull installation Unidata netCDF Support
20:35 [netCDF #LOR-225885]: netcdf (all) in Windows with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
18:09 [Support #AFX-135363]: Re: [support] Opendap_wind & wave data Unidata THREDDS Support
17:47 [IDV #JLE-985841]: Getting NPE for NetCDF file ... Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:32 [netCDFPerl #DKT-333115]: netcdfperl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:00 [netCDFJava #QVG-480070]: Dimension length =0 must be > 0? Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:58 [netCDF #QEL-795104]: NetCDF 4.1.2-beta2 ncgen breaks Perl METAR decoders Unidata netCDF Support
07:39 [netCDF #RPZ-106941]: Bug in netcdf (including 4.1.2-beta2) Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2011
14:46 [netCDF #TOS-768937]: netcdf-4.1.1 error Unidata netCDF Support
14:38 [netCDF #PTE-396337]: Services for Weather Forecast Operational System. HDF or NetCDF when considering the data access efficiency? Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #TZR-904820]: Using OpenMP and Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #DVN-872354]: Error in compiling netcdf with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #RUY-124668]: problem in writing nc4 variable using nc_put_var Unidata netCDF Support
13:10 [netCDF #LNM-552163]: NetCDF Error when using Makefile Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #LOR-225885]: netcdf (all) in Windows with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #JHA-403399]: netCDF-4.0.1 couldn't be installed Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDFPerl #DKT-333115]: netcdfperl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:35 [netCDF #ZES-283112]: [netcdfgroup] netcdf c++ interface does not propagate errors in NcFile constructor Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2011
23:05 [netCDF #RPZ-106941]: Bug in netcdf (including 4.1.2-beta2) Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #RPZ-106941]: Bug in netcdf (including 4.1.2-beta2) Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDFPerl #DKT-333115]: netcdfperl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
March 07, 2011
17:48 Re: [thredds] remove dimension with ncml? John Caron
10:07 [netCDFPerl #DKT-333115]: netcdfperl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
March 06, 2011
12:18 [netCDF #QEL-795104]: NetCDF 4.1.2-beta2 ncgen breaks Perl METAR decoders Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2011
17:11 [netCDF #QEL-795104]: NetCDF 4.1.2-beta2 ncgen breaks Perl METAR decoders Unidata netCDF Support
14:03 [netCDF #TOS-768937]: netcdf-4.1.1 error Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #NVG-153188]: netcdf install error Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #TOS-768937]: netcdf-4.1.1 error Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #QFC-902526]: Please report to address@hidden Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #TOS-768937]: netcdf-4.1.1 error Unidata netCDF Support
08:42 [netCDF #PUQ-138555]: netcdf nf_get_var_type suspicious behaviour Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2011
14:54 [netCDF #OAF-412686]: netcdf, curl, and ssl Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #UGB-348639]: netcdf installation error Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2011
14:43 [netCDFJava #TXD-147542]: Need a help! Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:42 [netCDFJava #RXP-917865]: aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:40 [netCDFJava #FCJ-539810]: ensemble dimension Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 01, 2011
20:00 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
18:28 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
18:05 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #PWQ-373080]: "higher level tools" Unidata netCDF Support
February 25, 2011
15:18 [netCDF #NRP-801939]: failure message Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #NRP-801939]: failure message Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDFJava #QVG-480070]: Dimension length =0 must be > 0? Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:26 [netCDFJava #QVG-480070]: Dimension length =0 must be > 0? Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:21 [netCDFJava #WFT-565467]: Grid API Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 24, 2011
17:06 Re: Fwd: bug in joinExisting problem with these grib files John Caron
14:31 [netCDFJava #FHN-347066]: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException reading grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:02 [netCDF #XHT-915046]: Dynamic rank ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDFJava #FHN-347066]: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException reading grib2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:33 [netCDF #HAP-388080]: NetCDF4 group/compound sample data and code Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [UDUNITS #XFO-674743]: udunits and netcdf Unidata UDUNITS Support
February 23, 2011
18:47 [netCDF #CKA-677320]: NF_CREATE crash Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 [netCDF #QLH-492572]: lnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:27 [netCDF #EFI-536067]: How to store unstructured data? Unidata netCDF Support
16:24 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
16:21 [netCDF #ZZH-107623]: What's the netcdf version for windows 7 64-Bit? Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #DON-496465]: netcdf help Unidata netCDF Support
16:20 [netCDF #TNK-364921]: some problems about the WRF generated NetCDF data Unidata netCDF Support
16:16 [netCDF #NVG-153188]: netcdf install error Unidata netCDF Support
16:14 [netCDF #NSV-280733]: Problem building netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
16:13 [netCDF #KEO-307790]: Linking GIS(GEOMEDIA) with CMAQ using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:44 [netCDF #CKA-677320]: NF_CREATE crash Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #HAP-388080]: NetCDF4 group/compound sample data and code Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2011
07:29 Re: Revised: StationProfileFeatureCollection does not implement getPointFeatureCollec,tionIterator() John Caron
07:03 Re: GrADS IOSP John Caron
February 17, 2011
16:46 [netCDF #CFH-512758]: Rough Order of Mangitude Numbers Unidata netCDF Support
16:14 Re: Fwd: NDBC NetCDF-4 Files John Caron
15:54 [netCDF #CFH-512758]: Rough Order of Mangitude Numbers Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #UVA-971071]: NetCDF-4 tarball needs updating? [uncl] Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #PCB-933705]: Compound type example Unidata netCDF Support
February 16, 2011
13:42 [netCDF #UPV-942022]: Problem in installing netcdf 4.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [LibCF #VDH-445800]: Help about NetCDF , Ticket ID: FKZ-597292 Support LibCF
09:36 [netCDF #QLH-492572]: lnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
February 15, 2011
17:06 [UDUNITS #XFO-674743]: udunits and netcdf Unidata UDUNITS Support
16:42 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDFJava #MKU-963564]: thredds collection manager Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:38 [netCDF #KIE-923312]: Netcdf-matlab problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:22 [netCDF #QLH-492572]: lnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:41 [netCDF #DBY-733925]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
February 14, 2011
16:44 [netCDF #UDB-426902]: Segmentation fault using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
16:35 [netCDF #UDB-426902]: Segmentation fault using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
15:56 [netCDF #UDB-426902]: Segmentation fault using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDFJava #QVG-480070]: Dimension length =0 must be > 0? Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:33 [netCDF #RPZ-106941]: Bug in netcdf (including 4.1.2-beta2) Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #CFH-512758]: Rough Order of Mangitude Numbers Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #KGO-576662]: problem with netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #RPZ-106941]: Bug in netcdf (including 4.1.2-beta2) Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDF #UDB-426902]: Segmentation fault using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #DBY-733925]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #CHF-462202]: netcdf F77 binaries Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #XYV-692875]: netcdf.dll and Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #UDB-426902]: Segmentation fault using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2011
12:28 [netCDFJava #BZC-977069]: netcdf>ndf5>compression Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 07, 2011
16:52 [IDV #AXQ-827283]: IDV proxy settings Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:38 [IDV #AXQ-827283]: IDV proxy settings Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:00 [netCDF #SRC-727581]: Dead Link at NetCDF/Software Page Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2011
12:16 [netCDF #IGM-643394]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
February 05, 2011
18:36 [netCDF #IGM-643394]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
February 04, 2011
15:36 [netCDF #EEZ-626081]: HDF5 openDAP release/test suites Unidata netCDF Support
February 02, 2011
16:36 Re: help with gaussian latitudes John Caron
February 01, 2011
16:57 [netCDFJava #NMT-724530]: vlen_t big_endian problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:47 [netCDFJava #UQI-113813]: Grib2 projections assume offsets 0, 0 Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:40 Re: Possible bug in writing using Java NetCDF 4.1 library. John Caron
14:10 Re: Revised: StationProfileFeatureCollection does not implement getPointFeatureCollec,tionIterator() John Caron
January 31, 2011
16:30 Re: [netcdf-java] Using GridDataset to read GSD HRRR file John Caron
January 28, 2011
16:53 [netCDFJava #GCD-103142]: Re: [netcdf-java] Decoding NDFD Severe Weather product Problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:40 [netCDF #DQJ-759869]: Harris Corporation use of your products Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #PNB-474781]: conftest.F error with netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:36 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #KGO-576662]: problem with netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #RKJ-114360]: netcdf will not link properly Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #YJF-540528]: netcdf with parallel I/O compiling problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #ZRE-532176]: NetCDF definitions break compilation in MPI environment Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [netCDF #VFZ-435475]: reading NPP h5 files Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #MBQ-177890]: RE: MinGW check failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #OEO-931771]: Support needed on NETCDF compilation Unidata netCDF Support
13:08 [netCDF #RZJ-261454]: Sanctioned way of storing complex data Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #RZH-144666]: NETCDF 4.1.1, ifort 12.0, Mac 10.6.6 Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #SIG-623263]: Segmentation fault when fortran code reads netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #PDU-209279]: segmentation fault on nf_inq_var Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #PKW-191738]: Problem reading hdf4 data with netCDF 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDFJava #GCD-103142]: Re: [netcdf-java] Decoding NDFD Severe Weather product Problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 27, 2011
12:46 [netCDF #GTY-840307]: valgrind test fails on Fedora Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2011
12:29 [netCDF #QQN-692511]: FW: Unidata netCDF Support
January 21, 2011
12:38 [netCDF #IEP-993725]: netCDF4 update Unidata netCDF Support
January 18, 2011
13:42 [netCDF #QHD-994079]: Strange Output From nc_inq_dim---Part 2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #GWY-314981]: dap bug in 4.1.2-beta2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2011
18:29 [netCDF #QHD-994079]: Strange Output From nc_inq_dim---Part 2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2011
13:06 [netCDF #KLE-374514]: help: install netcdf 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #KLE-374514]: help: install netcdf 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:27 [netCDF #KRV-421076]: Netcdf with intel compilers hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #OSE-887102]: Problem reading HDFEOS5 file using NetCDF 4.1.1 OPeNDAP interface. Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #HJN-289811]: missing nc_def_var_deflate function Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #GEK-910421]: Netcdf dependency on lib curl Unidata netCDF Support
09:00 [netCDF #CLB-814953]: Experience with netcdf-4.1.2-beta2 Unidata netCDF Support
January 13, 2011
12:39 [netCDF #WMT-842988]: very Urgent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2011
18:56 [netCDF #HJN-289811]: missing nc_def_var_deflate function Unidata netCDF Support
16:39 [netCDF #EPI-287834]: Official release of netcdf-4.1.2? Unidata netCDF Support
16:31 [netCDF #FSP-229232]: netcdf-4.1.1 segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:54 [netCDF #QVK-623215]: Problem compiling Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:53 [netCDF #OSE-887102]: Problem reading HDFEOS5 file using NetCDF 4.1.1 OPeNDAP interface. Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #QVK-623215]: Problem compiling Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:44 [netCDF #WUL-837152]: Tests fail on Sparc Solaris 9, GCC 3 build Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [Support #ZGL-400485]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2-beta1 release available... Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #TOY-756962]: About Windows Compad Visual Fortran6.5 link netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #RTK-145327]: NetCDF compilation error, mpi.h Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #ARO-502165]: Test failures in NetCDF 4.1.1, 32-bit compilation, Solaris 9, GCC 4 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #SBB-184327]: netCDF with MSYS/mingw-w64 Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2011
15:14 [netCDF #QPK-184863]: Can't build netcdf4 on AIX Power6 machine (Was: [JIRA] Commented: (BP-32) netcdf + ncview) Unidata netCDF Support
15:03 [netCDF #KRV-421076]: Netcdf with intel compilers hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #KFZ-725312]: Typo on release notes page Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 [netCDF #QVK-623215]: Problem compiling Unidata netCDF Perl Support
14:07 [netCDF #RMU-812085]: netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #FAC-106953]: netcdf 4.1.1 configure problem on 64 bit linux Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #RDK-324912]: netcdf install error(help) Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #JII-610250]: install errors Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:52 [netCDF #SBY-332951]: Netcdf and Matlab: need ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
05:49 [netCDF #FZF-778018]: Help with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
05:45 [netCDF #OYF-247664]: Linking failed when building netcdf4.1.1 in cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
05:42 [netCDF #XKG-906183]: Error building libdispatch/parallel.c with PGI 10 Unidata netCDF Support
05:39 [netCDF #WYA-340873]: how to compile fortran90 Unidata netCDF Support
05:35 [netCDF #SIG-623263]: Segmentation fault when fortran code reads netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
05:33 [netCDF #SSR-921922]: --with-temp-large not used with tst_flarge test Unidata netCDF Support
05:31 [netCDF #JMU-224694]: NetCDF4 make check problem Unidata netCDF Support
05:27 [netCDF #QNE-438470]: Compiling issuse with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
05:24 [netCDF #SBY-332951]: Netcdf and Matlab: need ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
January 10, 2011
16:38 [netCDF #STE-431007]: Assertion `offset >= 0' failed. Unidata netCDF Support
15:37 [netCDF #VTN-423489]: segfault when accessing opendap url with constraint Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:03 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
January 07, 2011
13:00 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:19 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:19 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
January 06, 2011
15:14 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
14:48 Re: [netcdf-java] Decoding NDFD Severe Weather product Problem John Caron
10:20 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
January 05, 2011
17:34 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
12:34 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:42 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
January 04, 2011
13:55 [netCDFJava #NMT-724530]: vlen_t big_endian problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:16 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #TMW-190074]: Compiling simple_xy_wr.f90 program Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #UGD-926588]: Support for netCDF4 in Perl Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #IRQ-325570]: nc_test/large_file.c problem and patch Unidata netCDF Support
06:39 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
January 03, 2011
19:18 Re: NetCDF Java 4.2 and Time John Caron
18:41 Re: NetCDF Java 4.2 and Time John Caron
18:40 Re: [netcdf-java] announce: 4.2.18 release with maven build John Caron
13:55 [netCDFJava #NMT-724530]: vlen_t big_endian problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 29, 2010
12:22 [netCDFDecoders #KMK-502238]: Batch subset and convert from .grb to .nc Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
December 27, 2010
12:05 [netCDFJava #UMK-573705]: CFPointObWriter Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:28 [UDUNITS #JYQ-941555]: XML override warnings from UDUNITS Unidata UDUNITS Support
December 24, 2010
10:21 [UDUNITS #JYQ-941555]: XML override warnings from UDUNITS Unidata UDUNITS Support
December 23, 2010
16:55 [netCDFJava #UMK-573705]: CFPointObWriter Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:25 [netCDFJava #NMT-724530]: vlen_t big_endian problem Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:25 [UDUNITS #JYQ-941555]: XML override warnings from UDUNITS Unidata UDUNITS Support
December 22, 2010
13:41 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
December 21, 2010
15:58 [netCDF #EYS-770628]: NetCDF Processing Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 Re: [thredds] aggregation caching: cache cleared when Tomcat restarted? John Caron
10:35 [netCDF #AIQ-275071]: [netcdf-hdf] Unexpected overall file size jump Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #EYS-770628]: NetCDF Processing Unidata netCDF Support
07:26 Re: [netcdf-java] Reading HDF5 files with OPERA radar data by SMHI John Caron
December 20, 2010
12:17 Re: [netcdf-java] Reading HDF5 files with OPERA radar data by SMHI John Caron
11:24 [netCDF #ETC-590390]: CF Conventions web site not accessible Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2010
20:37 [netCDF #OWZ-634214]: MeteoInfo - a software to view and analysis meteorological and spatial data Unidata netCDF Support
December 18, 2010
12:05 [netCDFJava #FDX-533694]: Problems importing nc files with Mathematica ... Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 17, 2010
13:55 [netCDF #IZQ-213986]: error in make of netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDFJava #WVP-362186]: bug in DateUnit Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:06 [netCDF #IZQ-213986]: error in make of netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:22 [netCDF #CCW-349155]: Convert McIDAS MD to netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #EFI-536067]: How to store unstructured data? Unidata netCDF Support
December 16, 2010
11:17 [netCDF #EFI-536067]: How to store unstructured data? Unidata netCDF Support
December 10, 2010
07:25 Re: NetCDF4 in Matlab? John Caron
December 09, 2010
15:17 [THREDDS #ROM-663231]: LDM pqact's for serving IDD via THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
December 07, 2010
20:16 [netCDF #IZQ-213986]: error in make of netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
16:18 [THREDDS #ROM-663231]: LDM pqact's for serving IDD via THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
December 06, 2010
13:52 [netCDF #KLN-901251]: netcdf-4 with C++ interface in the future? Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2010
16:06 [netCDF #PHN-675115]: Installing Netcdf on MacOS 10.6.5 Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
16:01 [netCDF #PHN-675115]: Installing Netcdf on MacOS 10.6.5 Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #PHN-675115]: Installing Netcdf on MacOS 10.6.5 Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
14:12 [netCDF #UAA-157619]: install netcdf on MacBook Pro OS 10.5.8 Intel Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #ISC-630350]: Installing on Mac OS X 10.6 Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2010
12:55 [netCDF #UGJ-419818]: [Fwd: Re NetCDF Build Problem: Fwd: Configure Patch] Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #AXE-832194]: libnetcdf4 not linked with -lm Unidata netCDF Support
09:50 [netCDF #NWR-417884]: UZN-311969 Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #GTY-840307]: valgrind test fails on Fedora Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #QGV-381678]: Site Comment Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2010
16:24 Re: NetCDF Subset Service error John Caron
12:54 [THREDDS #ROM-663231]: LDM pqact's for serving IDD via THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
10:53 Re: NetCDF Subset Service error John Caron
November 30, 2010
13:31 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #EPI-287834]: Official release of netcdf-4.1.2? Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #SFJ-754753]: Trouble building netcdf-4.1.2-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:40 [netCDF #SFJ-754753]: Trouble building netcdf-4.1.2-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #PZJ-517673]: Error from 'make' on ncgen3: ncgen3/ncgen.h:35: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before "nc_type" Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 Re: NetCDF Subset Service error John Caron
10:15 [netCDF #LOY-646076]: How to compile simple_xy_wr.f90 using gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #MCP-225119]: Need NetCdf.dll of 64-bit version Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #QPK-184863]: Can't build netcdf4 on AIX Power6 machine (Was: [JIRA] Commented: (BP-32) netcdf + ncview) Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDF #RQC-418775]: make check gives multiple errors Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 Re: NetCDF Subset Service error John Caron
10:04 [Support #DNA-891217]: linking netcdf on mirage0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #KWO-578061]: Error reading large netCDF files through WRF 3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #TIR-244328]: can't make check for netcdf 4.1.2-beta2-snapshot2010102020 Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #FSP-229232]: netcdf-4.1.1 segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #CHZ-138505]: Problem while Installing Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #ESO-530060]: dimension bug Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #VEL-999254]: Porting NetCDF3.6.1-p1 to Windows 32 & 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #NXM-270564]: Adding a time variable/dimension to Netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #LIC-627461]: netcdf.dll version 3.6.3 for Windows 32 and 64 bit Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 [netCDF #EBC-371111]: 'make install' doesn't quite work Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #OJY-545370]: ncdump error when compiling Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #QRV-112021]: NetCDF's configure "fails to bail out" when no correspondence between fortran and C type sizes are found Unidata netCDF Support
November 29, 2010
14:43 [netCDF #PZJ-517673]: Error from 'make' on ncgen3: ncgen3/ncgen.h:35: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before "nc_type" Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 Re: NetCDF CF "Profile" Conventions for NetCDF John Caron
12:37 [netCDF #OPV-437501]: Reading 2D array in C, into array of pointers Unidata netCDF Support
November 26, 2010
14:01 Re: Patches... John Caron
November 25, 2010
10:28 Re: [netCDFJava #FUE-836943]: read ushort(*) vlen_t variable John Caron
November 23, 2010
10:39 [netCDF #COO-830498]: Netcdf question Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #COO-830498]: Netcdf question Unidata netCDF Support
08:54 [netCDF #UAZ-383203]: number of variables possible Unidata netCDF Support
November 22, 2010
16:17 Re: HDF metadata John Caron
15:53 Re: HDF metadata John Caron
15:24 [netCDF #OMH-854718]: ask question about: "struct sstw" in netcdf source code Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [UDUNITS #ALQ-202022]: compiling udunits2 with XML Unidata UDUNITS Support
November 19, 2010
20:05 Re: subsetting model file John Caron
16:21 [UDUNITS #ALQ-202022]: compiling udunits2 with XML Unidata UDUNITS Support
10:38 [netCDFJava #IPI-729759]: subset across the grid boundary Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 18, 2010
12:58 [netCDF #YWF-573703]: Fortan or Fortran? Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2010
09:40 [UDUNITS #GOK-141555]: UDUNITS 2 and future of RNetCDF Unidata UDUNITS Support
09:03 [netCDF #FPM-331111]: nc-config issue Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2010
15:05 [netCDF #NFO-217382]: Variables not displayed with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
13:17 [netCDF #GXO-330022]: [NetCDF question] Do you know the calling convention for pre-built Windows DLL? Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #NFO-217382]: Variables not displayed with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
08:02 [netCDF #NFO-217382]: Variables not displayed with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
November 12, 2010
10:06 [netCDF #KLN-901251]: netcdf-4 with C++ interface in the future? Unidata netCDF Support
09:29 [netCDF #BIE-294861]: [netcdfgroup] as_double weaknesses Unidata netCDF Support
November 11, 2010
16:17 [netCDF #RTE-131011]: Build failure netCDF 4.1.1 on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
09:52 [netCDF #BIE-294861]: [netcdfgroup] as_double weaknesses Unidata netCDF Support
November 10, 2010
22:31 [netCDF #RTE-131011]: Build failure netCDF 4.1.1 on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
17:21 Re: Possible issue in ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.getRaf John Caron
16:41 [netCDF #BIE-294861]: [netcdfgroup] as_double weaknesses Unidata netCDF Support
16:37 [netCDF #WRC-365648]: installing netCDF on C++ Unidata netCDF Support
16:32 [netCDF #NFO-217382]: Variables not displayed with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
16:26 [netCDF #RTE-131011]: Build failure netCDF 4.1.1 on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
16:10 [netCDF #WRC-365648]: installing netCDF on C++ Unidata netCDF Support
15:52 [netCDF #QQU-296951]: NcVar put method Unidata netCDF Support
15:44 [netCDF #AKD-591165]: Crash when functions are invoked in different order Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #OKP-889771]: make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #PSF-432990]: Error installing netcdf-4.1.1 as non-root Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #RSG-568287]: values of count for NF90_Get_Var/NF90_Put_Var Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2010
15:48 [netCDF #VDF-484626]: netcdf4 build problem on pwr6 AIX xlc Unidata netCDF Support
November 05, 2010
07:05 Re: Unstructured support in NetCDF-Java John Caron
06:57 Re: Possible issue in ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.getRaf John Caron
November 04, 2010
16:20 [netCDF #OKP-889771]: make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDF #CWA-470459]: Merging pressure levels netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [SupportPlaza #FWB-777682]: correction to web page Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #UMG-544863]: netcdf error Unidata netCDF Support
15:10 [netCDF #OWZ-634214]: MeteoInfo - a software to view and analysis meteorological and spatial data Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #MDD-957280]: question about NetCDF 4 Classic Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2010
14:58 [netCDF #VTK-319454]: Contribution to software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 Re: Issue with point feature type John Caron
November 02, 2010
16:04 [netCDF #TIR-244328]: can't make check for netcdf 4.1.2-beta2-snapshot2010102020 Unidata netCDF Support
15:53 [netCDF #VJA-102727]: Downloading netcdf for PC Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #JKR-322749]: Question: How Do I Convert Excel Spreadheet Data to netCDF? Unidata netCDF Support
15:31 [netCDF #BRM-630778]: Problem in netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #PVH-773453]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 Re: Mark is onboard.. Ed Hartnett
November 01, 2010
14:17 [netCDF #KRZ-807484]: NetCDF 4.1.1 win32 binary Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDF #SXL-733494]: Incorrect software listings on your homepage Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2010
13:59 [netCDF #YEM-450155]: netcdf instalation problem Unidata netCDF Support
October 25, 2010
15:42 [netCDF #QPK-184863]: Can't build netcdf4 on AIX Power6 machine (Was: [JIRA] Commented: (BP-32) netcdf + ncview) Unidata netCDF Support
October 21, 2010
14:26 [netCDFJava #FPK-801076]: null ptr exc in NCdumpW, GridServiceProvider Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:57 [netCDFJava #FPK-801076]: null ptr exc in NCdumpW, GridServiceProvider Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:20 [netCDF #XNM-232682]: NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2010
16:43 [netCDF #RUO-406622]: COARDS IDL Unidata netCDF Support
16:36 [netCDF #LOY-646076]: How to compile simple_xy_wr.f90 using gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 19, 2010
11:49 [netCDF #WWE-913739]: Problem in configuration of netCDF-4.1.1 in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Linux system Unidata netCDF Support
October 18, 2010
17:02 [netCDF #OKY-144340]: ftst_vars4: SIGBUS on Solaris10/SPARC/gcc-4.5.1 when compiled with -m64 Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [netCDF #RMB-115380]: Test fail when building netcdf-3.6.0-p1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #DYM-330271]: Does A netCDF4 "File Information" Program Exist? Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #WWE-913739]: Problem in configuration of netCDF-4.1.1 in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Linux system Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #VGE-187371]: deflating scalar Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #RMB-115380]: Test fail when building netcdf-3.6.0-p1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #RQC-418775]: make check gives multiple errors Unidata netCDF Support
October 15, 2010
11:35 [netCDF #HGQ-329307]: Does A netCDF4 "File Information" Program Exist? Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #BHW-570052]: Problem with NF90_CREATE Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #AVF-863193]: Re: netCDF-4 compatibility with netCDF-3 Unidata netCDF Support
October 14, 2010
14:57 [netCDF #VUY-950551]: Problems installing NETCDF libraries Unidata netCDF Support
13:40 [netCDF #UVG-486857]: Using NetCDF in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #BHW-570052]: Problem with NF90_CREATE Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #BHW-570052]: Problem with NF90_CREATE Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #BBA-614330]: Need Help Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2010
17:25 [netCDF #XCL-692194]: /lib/ file not recognized: File format not recognized Unidata netCDF Support
17:20 [netCDF #NGV-120646]: Installing NetCDF C++ API on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
16:48 [netCDF #QUN-641037]: dimension ID ordering assumptions Unidata netCDF Support
16:24 Re: NCDC W&CT John Caron
16:17 [netCDF #QOP-799183]: output netCDF variables Unidata netCDF Support
15:24 [Support #HAA-836654]: Installing NetCDF 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #KFQ-906859]: NetCDF Errors. Unidata netCDF Support
14:35 [netCDF #BBA-614330]: Need Help Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2010
21:28 Re: NCDC W&CT John Caron
12:47 [netCDF #QUN-641037]: dimension ID ordering assumptions Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2010
18:01 [netCDF #QUN-641037]: dimension ID ordering assumptions Unidata netCDF Support
15:30 [netCDF #IGW-204788]: NetCDF doc errata Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2010
16:20 Re: AURAMS and GEM files in IDV and VERDI. John Caron
10:42 [netCDF #ZDY-666039]: NETCDF build with open64 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2010
16:21 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
13:10 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
12:03 [netCDF #JZN-949284]: NC_CHAR coordinates via DAP Unidata netCDF Support
11:43 Re: NCDC W&CT john caron
10:48 [netCDF #MYT-239963]: info netcdf files Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #QVU-411184]: Probable bug in netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #QOP-799183]: output netCDF variables Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #AWJ-248197]: Writing data into a netCDF file through Matlab Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #BOI-751941]: netcdf-3.6.3 for ibm xl compiler on linux, powerpc-64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:15 [netCDF #HMH-320500]: upload two files to DAP server? Unidata netCDF Support
October 06, 2010
11:06 [netCDF #DIL-859142]: install netcdf make check errors Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #ZDY-666039]: NETCDF build with open64 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #VGE-516696]: problem in configuring Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #IIN-151372]: NC_USHORT = 65535 problem Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2010
11:11 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #IIN-151372]: NC_USHORT = 65535 problem Unidata netCDF Support
October 01, 2010
15:35 [SupportPlaza #VPI-553276]: Registration Unidata netCDF Support
15:18 [netCDF #OUH-534551]: Test ftst_vars4 failing on Solaris 10, GCC 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
14:23 [netCDF #CMQ-644633]: g77 compile netcdf4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDF #SDJ-131296]: ncdump: H5Eint.c:709: H5E_printf_stack: Assertion `cls_id > 0' failed. Unidata netCDF Support
September 30, 2010
10:42 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 29, 2010
16:46 [netCDF #SFJ-416763]: ncdump for variable in a Unidata netCDF Support
15:26 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 Re: [netCDFJava #CFJ-361121]: unable to read SST data as a grid Yuan Ho
September 28, 2010
12:17 Re: linking netcdf on mirage0 Joseph Mendoza
11:32 [netCDF #VAL-345692]: how to work with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [Support #DNA-891217]: linking netcdf on mirage0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 Re: Best time series John Caron
10:04 Re: Best time series John Caron
September 27, 2010
10:00 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 26, 2010
16:26 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
14:51 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
12:00 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2010
20:13 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 24, 2010
09:24 Enhance.ScaleMissingDefer John Caron
September 23, 2010
09:08 Re: [Ncwms-users] transparent pixels John Caron
September 22, 2010
09:25 [netCDF #DOE-704686]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
September 21, 2010
16:12 [netCDF #FQF-896806]: request for help in building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #OPB-517489]: netcdf problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #FQR-828359]: [netcdfgroup] installing problems Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2010
16:24 [netCDF #UJV-294134]: Problem in configuring netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
16:11 [netCDF #WPY-755710]: Reg. error while installing netCDF - Pls help Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2010
14:30 Re: netcdf-java bufr question John Caron
September 16, 2010
11:17 [netCDF #HKV-160576]: Microsoft solution and projects Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #GMB-895383]: NetCDF C API for Windows 7? Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #TPP-606554]: Getting the NetCDF files to compile Scientific Python for Python 2.6 an esri installation of python Unidata netCDF Support
07:24 Re: [Ncwms-users] transparent pixels John Caron
September 14, 2010
15:58 [Support #LRP-531622]: netCDF4 and variable length arrays in height or range Unidata netCDF Support
15:43 [netCDF #VDL-808876]: NetCDF and IPv6 Unidata netCDF Support
14:55 [netCDF #JNE-101118]: limit digits after decimal point in file Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #VDL-808876]: NetCDF and IPv6 Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #KRZ-873410]: netcdf-4.1.2-beta1- FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #TPP-606554]: Getting the NetCDF files to compile Scientific Python for Python 2.6 an esri installation of python Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #YTC-894489]: Using NetCDF and HDF5 in the same program Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2010
21:02 Re: Updated M3IO* John Caron
14:15 Re: [Fwd: RE: [Ncwms-users] Selection of individual images from anaggregation?] John Caron
08:54 [netCDF #OUH-534551]: Test ftst_vars4 failing on Solaris 10, GCC 4.2 Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2010
17:58 Re: Fwd: Updated M3IO* John Caron
16:16 [netCDF #NDC-864257]: netcdf installation problem on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
16:09 [Support #LRP-531622]: netCDF4 and variable length arrays in height or range Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #JSG-595652]: RE: NetCDF streaming Unidata netCDF Support
September 03, 2010
14:22 [netCDF #ZDR-128646]: Ncfile for cpp Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #PSZ-497222]: Combination of nested NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
September 02, 2010
12:52 [netCDF #ZDR-128646]: Ncfile for cpp Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #ZDR-128646]: Ncfile for cpp Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #GGA-606598]: make check failures Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #CMQ-644633]: g77 compile netcdf4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2010
20:33 [netCDF #ZDR-128646]: Ncfile for cpp Unidata netCDF Support
16:18 [netCDF #ZDR-128646]: Ncfile for cpp Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDF #ESV-218399]: problems linking fortran with Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
13:51 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2010
12:51 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #ESV-218399]: problems linking fortran with Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2010
14:16 [netCDF #OMZ-409359]: Re: Request for help Unidata netCDF Support
13:04 [netCDF #GCM-589860]: example Labview code to read netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #IWX-828742]: 4.1.1 link issues Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #OWN-798282]: Problems installing netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #FQL-347183]: Netcdf on a Mac Unidata netCDF Support
12:41 [netCDF #OSU-306103]: can't create NETCDF4 files with 4.1.2-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #OMZ-409359]: Re: Request for help Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #XRT-704709]: Compilation errors Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #NGV-120646]: Installing NetCDF C++ API on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #RKO-842197]: MinGW and NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #KST-627463]: New problem using NetCDF with Windows MS Visual Studio 2010 Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDF #OSE-887102]: Problem reading HDFEOS5 file using NetCDF 4.1.1 OPeNDAP interface. Unidata netCDF Support
10:40 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #CKG-467716]: linking dynamic against static libnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 25, 2010
19:32 Fwd: Re: Rotated Lat/Lon Grib2 grids John Caron
16:25 [netCDF #FSI-652508]: netcdf-4 with hdf5 and zlib not compiling Unidata netCDF Support
16:24 [netCDF #IEU-279311]: netCDF installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 Re: webstart issues with netcdf-4.1.jar John Caron
August 24, 2010
15:09 [netCDF #HPH-893418]: NetCDF4 Question Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #WQU-559901]: ncgen limitation Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2010
13:43 [netCDF #QWK-836758]: user/group name change during installation by root Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #DND-672007]: make install permissions failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #PRS-970596]: Help Unidata netCDF Support
12:51 [netCDF #GUQ-513140]: netcdf-4.1.1 on AIX 5.3 - qextname Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2010
13:41 [netCDF #DLK-535165]: -rpath unrecognized during "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #KGB-596011]: hole in dataset Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [SupportPlaza #EZK-869220]: acronym addition request Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #YMC-304801]: An Array inside of and array Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #DLK-535165]: -rpath unrecognized during "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2010
12:47 [netCDF #BCN-437762]: [netcdfgroup] Please remove the RUC-example Unidata netCDF Support
August 18, 2010
14:02 [netCDF #FUV-860638]: NetCDF 4.1.2 beta failing on RHEL4 "ctest" Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #FUV-860638]: NetCDF 4.1.2 beta failing on RHEL4 "ctest" Unidata netCDF Support
August 17, 2010
11:00 [THREDDS #NVO-718407]: Saving data as a NetCDF file Unidata THREDDS Support
August 16, 2010
13:15 [netCDF #FIB-693038]: Adding a Altitude Dimension Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 Re: [netcdf-java] ncWMS and ellipsoid-support in CF-1.2 john caron
August 13, 2010
15:31 [netCDF #PRS-970596]: Help Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #XRT-704709]: Compilation errors Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #IHH-601955]: [netcdfgroup] Allowed characters in variable names? Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2010
13:56 [netCDF #GDV-269599]: remove strlen calls in inner loops of NC_finddim and NC_findvar -- hash version Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #YZY-706323]: problem with nf90_open (fortran90) Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #QWQ-242371]: BUG(?): data type SHORT not a 2-byte integer type ? Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDFJava #KYX-566702]: negative seek offset error while reading variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:43 Re: Some goofy time stamps on HFRNET John Caron
August 11, 2010
17:25 [netCDFJava #KYX-566702]: negative seek offset error while reading variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:05 Re: adcp profile testing John Caron
August 10, 2010
12:26 [netCDF #WYN-125572]: ncgen behavior Unidata netCDF Support
12:02 [netCDF #CZY-526815]: Multiple unlimited dimentions trouble Unidata netCDF Support
11:52 [netCDF #XRT-704709]: Compilation errors Unidata netCDF Support
August 09, 2010
08:11 [netCDFJava #KYX-566702]: negative seek offset error while reading variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 06, 2010
12:13 Re: Fwd: [netcdf-java] Problems with GRIB "time interval" variables John Caron
11:41 [netCDF #DBM-664066]: problem building netcdf-4.1.2-beta1-snapshot2010080420 Unidata netCDF Support
August 05, 2010
18:47 [netCDF #EAY-251393]: Bugs in netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #LWY-630591]: building netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #NJD-981571]: gennet.f Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDFPerl #STE-874787]: Help installing netCDFPerl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
August 04, 2010
16:31 [netCDF #JFJ-494364]: easiest way to change attribute Unidata netCDF Support
16:17 [netCDF #XFB-201563]: no libnetcdff.a file Unidata netCDF Support
August 03, 2010
16:13 [netCDF #AWI-886701]: gennet.f Unidata netCDF Support
August 02, 2010
18:17 Re: Trajectory file John Caron
16:33 [netCDFJava #YTS-175923]: what's wrong with this code? Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:01 [netCDFPerl #NXE-375892]: help building perl netcdf module Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:47 [netCDF #MUW-947627]: Building of netcdf 4.1.1 with Mac OSX 10.5.6 Unidata netCDF Support
July 30, 2010
20:07 [netCDF #EAY-251393]: Bugs in netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
16:16 [netCDF #QHY-392919]: install netCDF libraries on MacOX Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 [netCDF #EAY-251393]: Bugs in netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #EAY-251393]: Bugs in netcdf-4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 [netCDFJava #KYX-566702]: negative seek offset error while reading variable Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:12 [netCDF #ATN-193018]: Other programs not detecting latest version of netcdf / fortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #NZP-417153]: compiling netcdf on windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #COJ-280614]: Compile problem on bluefire (IBM SP) Unidata netCDF Support
July 28, 2010
16:25 [THREDDS #CMN-998109]: Problems with the 7/28/2010 12Z 2.5 degree GFS Unidata THREDDS Support
14:22 [THREDDS #CMN-998109]: Problems with the 7/28/2010 12Z 2.5 degree GFS Unidata THREDDS Support
10:34 [netCDF #ZCE-849683]: clarification on large file support Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2010
13:55 [netCDF #TXX-423667]: RE: ERROR while make install Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDFJava #ELE-133387]: Trouble opening a netCDF file in ToolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:09 [netCDF #UND-570893]: Error message Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #EFH-651694]: netcdf-4.1.1 shared library error Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #POU-832159]: Fwd: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2010
13:28 [netCDF #HAG-816423]: gfortran compiler errors Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #EFH-651694]: netcdf-4.1.1 shared library error Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #UND-570893]: Error message Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #ZCE-849683]: clarification on large file support Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2010
15:04 [netCDF #ULX-295967]: netcdf 4.1 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
14:30 [netCDF #OSU-306103]: can't create NETCDF4 files with 4.1.2-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:17 [netCDF #PVO-840684]: Question About Make Check In netcdf4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #MVZ-721649]: netCDF4 Learning Materials Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #RDM-952557]: for-v2compat.c error Unidata netCDF Support
08:54 [netCDF #HAG-816423]: gfortran compiler errors Unidata netCDF Support
July 20, 2010
08:29 Re: THREDDS and iRODS - TUES JULY 20 1PM MDT John Caron
July 19, 2010
10:14 [netCDF #ZCE-849683]: clarification on large file support Unidata netCDF Support
July 15, 2010
13:49 [netCDF #GDV-269599]: remove strlen calls in inner loops of NC_finddim and NC_findvar -- hash version Unidata netCDF Support
11:37 [netCDF #VZU-531672]: NetCDF error during model runtime Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2010
16:51 [netCDF #VZU-531672]: NetCDF error during model runtime Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #HQJ-659259]: Error running ./configure when trying to install netCDF 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #GCM-589860]: example Labview code to read netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
July 13, 2010
16:11 [netCDF #HQJ-659259]: Error running ./configure when trying to install netCDF 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #HQJ-659259]: Error running ./configure when trying to install netCDF 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
14:38 [netCDF #BEG-121909]: Filling Missing Values Unidata netCDF Support
14:19 [netCDF #ZCE-849683]: clarification on large file support Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #QKT-594390]: call nf90_open - error "type not consistent" Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2010
16:52 [netCDF #JCE-206102]: 4.1.2-beta1 compile error on macos x Unidata netCDF Support
16:17 [netCDF #RZN-157444]: NetCDF technology roadmap Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #JCE-206102]: 4.1.2-beta1 compile error on macos x Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #HQJ-659259]: Error running ./configure when trying to install netCDF 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
12:19 [netCDF #PKW-191738]: Problem reading hdf4 data with netCDF 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [Support #MKG-475919]: Re: NetCDF 4.1.1 with PGI 10.4 breaks Unidata netCDF Support
12:14 [netCDF #YQG-383700]: Fortran name mangling does not agree with F90 mangling Unidata netCDF Support
12:10 [netCDF #QDS-549592]: Configure Patch Unidata netCDF Support
12:06 [netCDF #IXO-940473]: Problem with fortran libaries with 4.1.1 & Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
12:05 [netCDF #CHP-946266]: Building 4.1.1 on IA64 Unidata netCDF Support
11:57 [netCDF #NJA-407086]: Problem with NETCDF&#8207; and GFORTRAN Unidata netCDF Support
11:55 [netCDF #TLV-493188]: Netcdf make test problems Unidata netCDF Support
11:51 [netCDF #XEI-631234]: Failure to compile netcdf 4.1.1 w/ PGI 10.5 (64-bit linux) (corrected with logs attached) Unidata netCDF Support
11:49 [netCDF #KWO-578061]: Error reading large netCDF files through WRF 3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:48 [netCDF #HYK-373191]: Problems with building NETCDF using the NAG nagfor (release 5.2) compiler under cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #RPW-842184]: NetCDF 3.6.3 Large File Test Fails on Win32/Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
11:34 [netCDF #ZZT-324369]: POM problem that may be due to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #XIK-857309]: NetCDF and Visual Studio 2008 Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #ZCE-849683]: clarification on large file support Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDF #WNF-922004]: Coordinate variable can cause problems when used with redef Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #IEU-279311]: netCDF installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #BPE-910142]: issue while compiling example Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #ZLK-651938]: netcdf-4.1.1 with parallel IO Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #IWX-828742]: 4.1.1 link issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #BUY-248879]: how to configure 4.1.1 without dap, curl, idn Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #ADN-435656]: vbnet source data Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #CRT-339469]: vc++ Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #OWN-798282]: Problems installing netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #EEX-839125]: Unable to use mpicc for compilation Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #XAJ-609464]: linking g95 on windows with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #QVS-404931]: Reporting a bug Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDF #VFC-191517]: Problem Creating NetCDF file in Matlab Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #ZCE-849683]: clarification on large file support Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2010
09:59 Re: problem. John Caron
05:52 Re: FMRC Best: possible problem with "coordinates" attributes John Caron
July 07, 2010
10:21 Re: Flavor of netCDF, how does it taste? John Caron
08:46 [netCDF #KBW-739228]: Windows 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #UCM-204970]: Request for help Unidata netCDF Support
July 06, 2010
10:38 [netCDF #AOB-147341]: Sample C++ program to write variables in to an existing (empty) NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #UCM-204970]: Request for help Unidata netCDF Support
05:42 [netCDF #NZJ-707594]: netcdf-4.1.1 Error Unidata netCDF Support
July 02, 2010
12:47 [netCDF #WNF-922004]: Coordinate variable can cause problems when used with redef Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #WXL-472853]: Compile netCDF with LF95 Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #VZU-531672]: NetCDF error during model runtime Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #TLV-493188]: Netcdf make test problems Unidata netCDF Support
11:27 [netCDF #NZJ-707594]: netcdf-4.1.1 Error Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #UDV-137150]: NetCDF 4.1.1: "ncdump -c" gives error, whereas "ncdump" doesn't Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #STU-162362]: Netcdf with intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2010
16:15 [netCDF #FEE-497418]: NCIO_MAXBLOCKSIZE bug Unidata netCDF Support
16:12 [netCDF #IIH-365436]: Windows 7 Unidata netCDF Support
15:53 [netCDF #KBW-739228]: Windows 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
15:26 [netCDF #STU-162362]: Netcdf with intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
04:20 Re: CF-1.4 conventions for lat/lon datum. john caron
June 30, 2010
14:22 [netCDFJava #TLT-732595]: link rot Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:05 [netCDF #WVO-144063]: nco utility to multply array by scale_factor Unidata netCDF Support
01:04 Re: CF-1.4 conventions for lat/lon datum. john caron
June 29, 2010
15:42 [netCDF #LIK-158812]: Error report Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #XBA-668885]: GeoTiff to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:22 [netCDF #QCH-421697]: Undefined netCDF Symbols Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDFJava #ELE-133387]: Trouble opening a netCDF file in ToolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 28, 2010
14:35 [netCDF #TLV-493188]: Netcdf make test problems Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #TLV-493188]: Netcdf make test problems Unidata netCDF Support
04:42 Re: problem. john caron
01:42 Re: CF-1.4 conventions for lat/lon datum. john caron
June 24, 2010
22:51 Re: CF-1.4 conventions for lat/lon datum. Ethan Davis
June 23, 2010
14:35 [netCDF #OVU-674493]: namespace conflict in built-in liboc with libxml2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #OVU-674493]: namespace conflict in built-in liboc with libxml2 Unidata netCDF Support
June 21, 2010
23:36 [netCDF #LUK-451433]: pgi build of netcdf 4.1.1 using 64-bit with snow leopard Unidata netCDF Support
16:21 [netCDFJava #BYC-698785]: synthetic attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:03 [netCDFJava #BYC-698785]: synthetic attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:04 [netCDF #LWO-337450]: nc_put_att_schar vs uchar vs ubyte Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [IDV #VKN-211003]: scale and offset not being applied when spatially subsetting Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 20, 2010
18:35 [netCDF #IUI-742485]: netcdf problem report: ./configure failed Unidata netCDF Support
June 17, 2010
09:45 [netCDFJava #TKT-143293]: Java API on String[] Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:17 [netCDFJava #TKT-143293]: Java API on String[] Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 16, 2010
19:03 [netCDFJava #TKT-143293]: Java API on String[] Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
19:00 [netCDFJava #CBY-304423]: Re: NcML aggregation question Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:59 [netCDFJava #TKT-143293]: Java API on String[] Attributes Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 15, 2010
17:36 Re: CF-1.4 conventions for lat/lon datum. John Caron
17:14 Re: NcML aggregation question John Caron
15:58 Re: GBX files and cache Robb Kambic
14:03 Re: Fwd: GBX files and cache Robb Kambic
June 14, 2010
16:34 Re: quickie John Caron
June 11, 2010
11:31 [UDUNITS #BWH-238619]: date-time format Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [Support #KXN-708789]: How to intall and compile program with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #JZS-162412]: NETCDF make test problems Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2010
06:56 [IDV #RAU-251142]: Error in displaying UKMO data (Grib file) - Still no problem with other data from UKMO Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 09, 2010
16:05 Re: [netcdf-java] NetcdfFileWriteable setName() is deprecated, but i don't know what else to use John Caron
15:47 Re: [netcdf-java] ncWMS and ellipsoid-support in CF-1.2 John Caron
10:56 [netCDF #LIC-415919]: netCDF 4.1.1 build problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #PXE-716414]: netcdf fortran90 windows implementation Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 Re: Fwd: NCEP model GRIB records may have errors John Caron
June 08, 2010
07:31 Re: NetCDF-Java GeoTiff IOSP John Caron
07:06 [netCDF #NTI-228479]: nc-config Unidata netCDF Support
07:03 [netCDF #QDS-549592]: Configure Patch Unidata netCDF Support
June 07, 2010
15:58 [netCDF #SHE-717035]: netcdf 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #SHE-717035]: netcdf 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:14 [netCDF #SHE-717035]: netcdf 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:01 [netCDF #SHE-717035]: netcdf 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2010
10:16 [Support #KXN-708789]: How to intall and compile program with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 04, 2010
18:19 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:28 [Support #KXN-708789]: How to intall and compile program with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #OIZ-744996]: issue installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #DFJ-140653]: Cannot compile project Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #PXE-716414]: netcdf fortran90 windows implementation Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #XEI-631234]: Failure to compile netcdf 4.1.1 w/ PGI 10.5 (64-bit linux) (corrected with logs attached) Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #XEI-631234]: Failure to compile netcdf 4.1.1 w/ PGI 10.5 (64-bit linux) (corrected with logs attached) Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #DAM-293811]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #JZS-162412]: NETCDF make test problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #OXB-459057]: Asking for help on netcdf compilation Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #VRM-923538]: [netcdfgroup] creating libnetcdff.a Unidata netCDF Support
06:49 [netCDF #CZY-911379]: link to CDO homepage Unidata netCDF Support
June 03, 2010
16:40 Re: bug in diskcache? John Caron
08:30 Re: NEXRAD Level II to NETCDF John Caron
June 02, 2010
17:01 [netCDF #PXE-716414]: netcdf fortran90 windows implementation Unidata netCDF Support
16:47 [netCDF #YGV-657220]: Read Multiple netCDFfile Unidata netCDF Support
16:19 [netCDF #DFJ-140653]: Cannot compile project Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 Re: Fwd: netCDF and IDV for the Deepwater Horizon Jeff Weber
June 01, 2010
13:40 [netCDF #IOD-794288]: Proposed increase of NC_MAX_DIMS and NC_MAX_VARS Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2010
08:49 [netCDFJava #OAW-479304]: Bizarre problem of the day: try loading this NcML aggregation 5 times! Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 27, 2010
16:56 [netCDFJava #OAW-479304]: Bizarre problem of the day: try loading this NcML aggregation 5 times! Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:11 [netCDF #ZUW-761841]: Re: [netcdfgroup] problem during ./configuration Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 Re: [netcdfgroup] problem during ./configuration Russ Rew
07:31 Re: [njtbx-users] Problem accessing NcML file via OpenDAP John Caron
May 26, 2010
18:28 Re: [njtbx-users] Problem accessing NcML file via OpenDAP John Caron
17:53 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:31 [netCDF #FQF-733069]: what is wrong with this small program? Unidata netCDF Support
15:48 [netCDF #IOD-794288]: Proposed increase of NC_MAX_DIMS and NC_MAX_VARS Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #CAF-785846]: cygwin/gfortran 4.6/netcdf-4.1.1 link problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #CAF-785846]: cygwin/gfortran 4.6/netcdf-4.1.1 link problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDF #MLU-855565]: [netcdfgroup] Is this likely due to netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #CAF-785846]: cygwin/gfortran 4.6/netcdf-4.1.1 link problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #WAX-107872]: netcdf: Bluegene Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #DPQ-653201]: netcdf 4.1.1 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 Re: Fwd: netCDF and IDV for the Deepwater Horizon John Caron
09:13 [netCDF #FQF-733069]: what is wrong with this small program? Unidata netCDF Support
May 25, 2010
17:40 Re: [Fwd: Re: Fwd: netCDF and IDV for the Deepwater Horizon] John Caron
17:19 Re: [Fwd: Re: Fwd: netCDF and IDV for the Deepwater Horizon] John Caron
14:10 Re: Fwd: netCDF and IDV for the Deepwater Horizon John Caron
11:10 [netCDFJava #QOJ-218275]: Problem handing nan in global attribute Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:56 [netCDFJava #QOJ-218275]: Problem handing nan in global attribute Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:15 [netCDFJava #DTS-154055]: NCML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:50 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 24, 2010
20:29 Re: GDP/NetCDF Spatial relationship trouble. John Caron
May 21, 2010
14:30 [netCDF #REX-918831]: error code Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #EFH-651694]: netcdf-4.1.1 shared library error Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #GYY-449532]: Error in installing netCDF 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:14 Re: Pure Java reader/writer John Caron
07:53 Re: [netcdf-java] Rotated-pole data John Caron
07:49 Re: rotated grid John Caron
07:44 Re: GDP/NetCDF Spatial relationship trouble. John Caron
May 20, 2010
16:22 Re: [netcdf-java] Rotated-pole data John Caron
14:43 [netCDF #FOV-989930]: Fortran compiling error Unidata netCDF Support
11:39 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:48 Re: [netcdf-java] Rotated-pole data John Caron
10:44 [netCDF #NCZ-995525]: netcdf on MAC intel ifort Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2010
22:40 [netCDF #DAH-931198]: Problem with basic make /check on mac with gnu compilers Unidata netCDF Support
20:57 [netCDF #NCZ-995525]: netcdf on MAC intel ifort Unidata netCDF Support
20:33 [netCDF #FOV-989930]: Fortran compiling error Unidata netCDF Support
08:22 [netCDF #QZH-740563]: Does the HDF5 "make check" need to be entirely successful? Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2010
15:44 [netCDFJava #NLS-992754]: gbx[8] index files don't speed up subsetting Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 14, 2010
14:04 [netCDF #PEN-204681]: Problem reading NetCDF 4 classic files b/w NetCDF 4.0.1 and 4.1.1? Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #NJA-407086]: Problem with NETCDF&#8207; and GFORTRAN Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #PEN-204681]: Problem reading NetCDF 4 classic files b/w NetCDF 4.0.1 and 4.1.1? Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2010
15:09 [netCDF #SQZ-618269]: ncdump and C_format attribute Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #NJA-407086]: Problem with NETCDF&#8207; and GFORTRAN Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #QAA-118175]: Netcdf 4.0.1 on Centos 5.1 x64 fails some tests Unidata netCDF Support
14:11 [netCDF #MMH-563741]: Make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #GNF-292202]: Building 3.6.3 with ifort 9.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:44 [netCDF #KIZ-423825]: I need some help Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #YQG-383700]: Fortran name mangling does not agree with F90 mangling Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #XPY-283671]: Build documentation outdated Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #PEN-204681]: Problem reading NetCDF 4 classic files b/w NetCDF 4.0.1 and 4.1.1? Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:37 [netCDF #UTY-793114]: Problems with netcdf and ECHAM5 on AIX5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:17 [Support #QSJ-228724]: large variable issue Unidata netCDF Support
09:03 [netCDF #BVD-982935]: Problems with the fuction nc_open Unidata netCDF Support
08:41 [netCDF #RZV-501204]: NetCDF 4.0 gfortran/Linux & WRF3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2010
09:52 [netCDF #DFM-455316]: Looks like a bug in the netCDF NC_64BIT_OFFSET variables Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #EEP-446216]: Reading of HDF5 files with NetCDF 4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
May 11, 2010
15:07 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:51 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:27 [netCDF #QFR-706211]: reporting problems: configure Unidata netCDF Support
08:05 [netCDF #QXN-890248]: netcdf 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2010
12:44 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:38 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 09, 2010
14:24 [netCDF #YUT-304905]: [netCDF #GXP-330690 ] netcdf error query Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2010
09:04 [netCDF #KJJ-195154]: NODC netCDF conventions Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2010
13:57 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 03, 2010
12:55 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 30, 2010
15:34 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:29 [netCDF #BUY-248879]: how to configure 4.1.1 without dap, curl, idn Unidata netCDF Support
14:52 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:50 [netCDF #BUY-248879]: how to configure 4.1.1 without dap, curl, idn Unidata netCDF Support
10:31 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:31 [netCDF #BUY-248879]: how to configure 4.1.1 without dap, curl, idn Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2010
16:58 [netCDF #BUY-248879]: how to configure 4.1.1 without dap, curl, idn Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #CGQ-607993]: Questions about netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #CGQ-607993]: Questions about netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #CTZ-666138]: 4.1.1 ncgen manual page has error about _Shuffle attribute Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2010
12:05 [netCDF #UNP-839629]: deflating in NetCDF-4 Classic mode via ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
08:08 Re: ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.Tiling error John Caron
April 27, 2010
14:58 Re: NaN, _FillValue and the FMRC John Caron
13:35 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:21 Re: NaN, _FillValue and the FMRC John Caron
12:51 [netCDF #UNP-839629]: deflating in NetCDF-4 Classic mode via ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
12:18 [Support #YOU-609917]: NetCDF 4.1.1 with PGI 10.4 breaks Unidata User Support
April 26, 2010
19:50 [netCDF #UNP-839629]: deflating in NetCDF-4 Classic mode via ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:36 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:38 [netCDF #DQF-666714]: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1.1 did not compile dumplib.c because of the format missing in a snprintf Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDFJava #UWT-369970]: some questions on opendap url support on netcdf java api Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 23, 2010
09:31 [netCDF #KWO-578061]: Error reading large netCDF files through WRF 3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2010
21:56 [netCDF #KWO-578061]: Error reading large netCDF files through WRF 3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #KWO-578061]: Error reading large netCDF files through WRF 3.2 Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2010
13:16 Re: 4.1.1-rc3 Ed Hartnett
05:06 [netCDF #ZHE-231758]: /msg00189.html Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2010
18:47 [netCDF #FPE-398758]: Problem building gdal with netcdf seems to be problem with netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
12:58 Re: [netCDFJava #QOJ-218275]: Problem handing nan in global attribute Dennis Heimbigner
12:12 Re: [netCDFJava #QOJ-218275]: Problem handing nan in global attribute Dennis Heimbigner
11:15 [netCDF #IYS-686412]: problem installing 4.1.1 on linux Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDF #IEU-279311]: netCDF installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
06:59 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
April 19, 2010
08:44 Re: [Fwd: Re: problems reading GFS data from NOMADS-HD; DConnect] john caron
April 16, 2010
11:01 Re: problems reading GFS data from NOMADS-HD; DConnect John Caron
April 15, 2010
08:19 [netCDF #CAM-999479]: conflict between netcdf 4.1.1 and hdf5 1.8.4? Unidata netCDF Support
08:17 [Support #STV-915256]: Problems building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:05 [netCDF #TMP-784755]: reading netcdf data Unidata netCDF Support
08:02 [netCDF #LHM-940222]: bug Unidata netCDF Support
April 14, 2010
15:17 [netCDF #DFM-455316]: Looks like a bug in the netCDF NC_64BIT_OFFSET variables Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #IXO-940473]: Problem with fortran libaries with 4.1.1 & Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
April 13, 2010
15:25 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
11:39 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [Support #STV-915256]: Problems building netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 12, 2010
19:39 [netCDF #IDQ-812680]: Netcdf Unknown file format with CCSM4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 Re: FMRC and NaN John Caron
April 10, 2010
14:56 [netCDF #CAM-999479]: conflict between netcdf 4.1.1 and hdf5 1.8.4? Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 Re: [netCDFJava #WHS-849334]: point observation question John Caron
April 09, 2010
13:55 Re: Does TDS really synthesize CF curvilinear coordinates for GRIB data? John Caron
11:44 Re: Does TDS really synthesize CF curvilinear coordinates for GRIB data? John Caron
11:19 Re: Does TDS really synthesize CF curvilinear coordinates for GRIB data? John Caron
09:28 [netCDF #CGQ-607993]: Questions about netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 08, 2010
19:54 Re: Fwd: New Ticket - [netCDFJava !AEU-822700]: Disabling netCDF warning messages John Caron
18:43 Re: FMRC and NaN John Caron
18:40 Re: [netCDFJava #WHS-849334]: point observation question John Caron
April 07, 2010
08:45 [netCDF #PAM-528913]: nc_open handle values Unidata netCDF Support
April 06, 2010
13:55 [netCDF #VKZ-957133]: Hello,I have a problem when building netcdf.dll with VC++.NET Unidata netCDF Support
13:53 [netCDF #HOU-449074]: Again the question of linking pre-compiled winXP libraries... Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #NNK-996117]: problem installing on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #VWA-170047]: Problems with "make check"/netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 on a 32-bit MacOS 10.5/PPC system Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #NVX-737073]: Reporting a solution: FORTRAN static/dynamic variables Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #LAE-841372]: installing Net_CDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #PAM-528913]: nc_open handle values Unidata netCDF Support
08:14 Re: netcdf-java 4.x and OPeNDAP sequences John Caron
07:51 Re: NetCDF-Java NcML bug: Can't read time variable in doubly-aggregated dataset John Caron
April 05, 2010
13:17 [netCDF #WCI-191143]: Still some gfortran improvement required. release Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2010
12:26 [netCDF #XMR-419625]: NetCDF - GOES programme Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2010
15:11 [netCDF #ELI-264436]: crash in nc_get_varm_float Unidata netCDF Support
14:49 [netCDF #ELI-264436]: crash in nc_get_varm_float Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #ELI-264436]: crash in nc_get_varm_float Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #ELI-264436]: crash in nc_get_varm_float Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #RPW-842184]: NetCDF 3.6.3 Large File Test Fails on Win32/Cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #RPB-604331]: rc2 check 3 failures Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #LDB-240645]: WRF build failing ... is the issue my NetCDF build? Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [netCDF #VFL-163337]: [netcdfgroup] Where is netcdf-4.1? Unidata netCDF Support
08:18 [netCDF #RPB-604331]: rc2 check 3 failures Unidata netCDF Support
08:17 [netCDF #VWA-170047]: Problems with "make check"/netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 on a 32-bit MacOS 10.5/PPC system Unidata netCDF Support
08:12 [netCDF #NNK-996117]: problem installing on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2010
16:33 Re: CF/Radial - netCDF CF files for radar and lidar data John Caron
15:29 [netCDF #RPB-604331]: rc2 check 3 failures Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #HYK-373191]: Problems with building NETCDF using the NAG nagfor (release 5.2) compiler under cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #VOY-945311]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try the netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 release... Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 Russ Rew: H5Fflush not found in libhdf5.a resulting in configure error Russ Rew
11:28 [netCDF #HYK-373191]: Problems with building NETCDF using the NAG nagfor (release 5.2) compiler under cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #IVN-676408]: Problems with netCDF files in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDF #RPP-420427]: memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #NIM-980391]: netcdf4.1 installation problem on AIX power6 system Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDF #LBY-984752]: Trouble with installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
07:48 [netCDF #XFD-900992]: netCDF source ? Unidata netCDF Support
07:44 [netCDF #QOI-309912]: netcdf4 MPI_Comm Problem with Open MPI Unidata netCDF Support
07:30 [netCDF #BHO-596671]: FAIL: tst_interops Unidata netCDF Support
06:21 [netCDF #NNK-996117]: problem installing on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
06:13 [netCDF #QOI-309912]: netcdf4 MPI_Comm Problem with Open MPI Unidata netCDF Support
05:52 [netCDF #IVN-676408]: Problems with netCDF files in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
05:48 [netCDF #QUS-980460]: netcdf-4.1.1-rc1make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
05:40 [netCDF #HYK-373191]: Problems with building NETCDF using the NAG nagfor (release 5.2) compiler under cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2010
16:38 [netCDFDecoders #DOQ-511942]: Fwd: Rutgers glider data => NDBC Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
14:47 [netCDF #HYK-373191]: Problems with building NETCDF using the NAG nagfor (release 5.2) compiler under cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #JIQ-153468]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try the netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 release... Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDF #TIZ-524161]: NetCDF-4.0.1 compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #VWA-170047]: Problems with "make check"/netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 on a 32-bit MacOS 10.5/PPC system Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #DCL-506195]: Bugs Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDFDecoders #ESX-118663]: Grib2Section4 Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
March 29, 2010
16:34 [netCDF #LWT-937071]: Problems with "make check"/netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 on a 64-bit linux system Unidata netCDF Support
16:28 [netCDF #BFM-570963]: errors with HDF5 library check when running "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
16:22 [netCDF #LWT-937071]: Problems with "make check"/netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 on a 64-bit linux system Unidata netCDF Support
16:12 [netCDF #BFM-570963]: errors with HDF5 library check when running "make check" Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 Re: Deployed: Bug fixes to NetCDF Java API 4.1.20100227.0121 John Caron
11:18 Re: Deployed: Bug fixes to NetCDF Java API 4.1.20100227.0121 John Caron
March 26, 2010
13:00 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
12:46 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
10:38 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
March 25, 2010
17:23 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
15:14 [netCDF #OHP-962143]: Problems installing netcdf-4.1 libraries Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2010
15:20 [IDV #LEH-376488]: 4D import Unidata IDV Support
13:50 [netCDF #AMR-714212]: netcdf file size for limited vs unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #AMR-714212]: netcdf file size for limited vs unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #AMR-714212]: netcdf file size for limited vs unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #AMR-714212]: netcdf file size for limited vs unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #AMR-714212]: netcdf file size for limited vs unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDF #AMR-714212]: netcdf file size for limited vs unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #YMA-200288]: nc-config minor error Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #JIQ-153468]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try the netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 release... Unidata netCDF Support
March 23, 2010
17:30 Re: scale and offset John Caron
11:19 [netCDF #JCH-175635]: 4.0.1: (FORTRAN + netcdf-4 + no HDF5DIR) = bug Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDFJava #BUZ-409451]: Question about _FillValue for packed data Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:09 [Support #LTQ-105205]: ncBrowse on HDF5 file? Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2010
14:46 [LibCF #SEH-751076]: Fortran versions for libcf Support LibCF
14:36 [netCDF #BFN-873438]: NetCDF 4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #IIA-403412]: NetCDF-4.0.1 shared library compiler options Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #YNQ-200129]: NetCDF-4.0.1 shared library compiler options Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDF #AJO-721072]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netCDF software for analysing NCAR reanalysis atlas Unidata netCDF Support
13:19 [netCDF #KWX-611624]: Issue with 'make' regarding .deps/attr.tpo Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #AVS-844020]: FAIL: nf_test Error Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDF #HEA-479486]: building netCDF with PGI 10.x - one more link Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:29 [netCDF #ULD-548860]: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF installation issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #QUS-980460]: netcdf-4.1.1-rc1make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #QUS-980460]: netcdf-4.1.1-rc1make check failed Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [Support #DEQ-976256]: Building NetCDF with MPI and RAMS60 with GNU compilers Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #NMS-618483]: problems with NETCDF on macosx10.6 Unidata netCDF Support
March 21, 2010
12:46 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
March 20, 2010
08:33 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 19, 2010
18:08 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:22 [netCDF #MWE-246012]: question about opening netCDF files in ArcGIS Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 18, 2010
13:29 [netCDFPerl #JCR-555432]: netcdf-perl-1.2.4-fails in make test--stack overflow alloca Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:42 [netCDFPerl #JCR-555432]: netcdf-perl-1.2.4-fails in make test--stack overflow alloca Unidata netCDF Perl Support
March 17, 2010
08:52 [Support #MVB-699425]: NetCDF 4.1 C++ release Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2010
15:09 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:53 [netCDFDecoders #LUW-608715]: Re: [idvusers] Time in GRIB2 files from CFSR Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
March 15, 2010
22:32 [netCDF #BFN-873438]: NetCDF 4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
22:30 [netCDF #COH-743209]: problems reading NetCDF files using Matlab 2010a Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:37 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:23 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:18 [netCDFJava #HMB-497600]: Reading NDFD Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 14, 2010
18:39 [netCDF #ALZ-950756]: error during installation od netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
18:17 [netCDF #ERR-907485]: Query about suitability of netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2010
07:39 [IDV #LEH-376488]: 4D import Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 12, 2010
19:34 [netCDF #QZA-368409]: netcdf 4 file names Unidata netCDF Support
16:35 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:59 [netCDFJava #KMJ-954554]: What determines GridCoordSystem.XAxis and .YAxis? Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:33 [netCDF #XGA-542471]: compile the netcdf4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDF #IVI-141506]: make check nf_test Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [Support #PQG-365496]: netcdf and CCSM Unidata netCDF Support
12:15 [IDV #LEH-376488]: 4D import Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:42 [Support #PQG-365496]: netcdf and CCSM Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2010
17:20 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:42 Re: NPP files Tom Rink
11:25 Re: NPP files John Caron
08:31 [netCDF #TLB-354751]: NetCDF IDL Unidata netCDF Support
08:28 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:27 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:04 Re: NPP files Tom Rink
07:53 Re: NPP files Tommy Jasmin
March 10, 2010
16:11 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:24 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:56 Re: Compiling NC 4.0 john caron
14:30 Re: NPP files john caron
13:22 NPP files john caron
March 09, 2010
16:27 [THREDDS #ZTB-960075]: Thredds + Apache + SSL Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:17 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #NNK-996117]: problem installing on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:55 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2010
15:17 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
12:21 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 06, 2010
11:35 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2010
16:34 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:26 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
15:35 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:23 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:01 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2010
16:48 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2010
12:56 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
11:25 [netCDF #TLB-354751]: NetCDF IDL Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [netCDF #VRC-944934]: linking with DAP-enabled libnetcdf.a v4.1 and libdap.a v3.7.8 Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #HNO-635604]: 64bit BE problem in netcdf-4.1.1-rc1 Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2010
20:57 [netCDF #VRC-944934]: linking with DAP-enabled libnetcdf.a v4.1 and libdap.a v3.7.8 Unidata netCDF Support
16:55 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:47 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
16:38 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
16:36 [netCDF #QCY-964177]: netcdf - 4.0.1 problems Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #API-226991]: NetCDF file size reduction when using missing values Unidata netCDF Support
08:16 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
March 01, 2010
16:51 [netCDF #QCY-964177]: netcdf - 4.0.1 problems Unidata netCDF Support
16:29 [netCDF #QCY-964177]: netcdf - 4.0.1 problems Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
15:31 [netCDF #QCY-964177]: netcdf - 4.0.1 problems Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2010
14:07 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 Re: netcdf-4.1.jar and missing files John Caron
February 26, 2010
16:21 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
16:17 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
13:50 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
13:29 [netCDF #PVX-943060]: Cross compiling/building netcdf for Windows CE Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [netCDF #SRY-526862]: hdf / netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
February 25, 2010
19:50 [netCDF #SRY-526862]: hdf / netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
19:43 [netCDF #SRY-526862]: hdf / netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
19:08 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
19:02 [THREDDS #GCF-142943]: Problem in aggregated dataset Unidata THREDDS Support
16:46 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:05 [netCDF #PVX-943060]: Cross compiling/building netcdf for Windows CE Unidata netCDF Support
February 24, 2010
17:49 [netCDF #PVX-943060]: Cross compiling/building netcdf for Windows CE Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 [netCDF #WLR-457355]: putting in strings in netcdf 4.01 Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #WLR-457355]: putting in strings in netcdf 4.01 Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDF #WLR-457355]: putting in strings in netcdf 4.01 Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
11:43 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:22 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:17 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #OKR-830406]: how to install netcdf4.0.1 in cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #BHO-596671]: FAIL: tst_interops Unidata netCDF Support
08:18 [netCDF #ZPV-208122]: NetCDF 4.0.... Unidata netCDF Support
08:09 [netCDF #FRT-713000]: broken link to netcdf4.1.tar.gz Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2010
20:08 [netCDF #JAV-443754]: enquiry about reading netcdf data format Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #RUE-876772]: Netcdf/opendap build Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 Re: WDSSII Files John Caron
February 22, 2010
19:20 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:36 Re: [Fwd: Re: WDSSII Files] Russ Rew
16:12 Re: Fwd: RTOFS, Grib2 and THREDDS John Caron
15:56 Re: Fw: [netcdf-java] [Support] Opendap java John Caron
11:12 McIDAS-V displays missing values in GRIB2 files as the minimum value; they should not be displayed Robb Kambic
10:18 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:36 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 20, 2010
15:53 [netCDFJava #QDJ-903556]: error when reading grib2 files Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:57 [netCDF #VYN-321157]: netcdf downloads Unidata netCDF Support
February 19, 2010
16:15 [netCDF #YVX-222856]: building GOTM with netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
16:06 Re: WDSSII Files John Caron
14:55 [netCDF #KFP-585924]: netcdf-3 file Unidata netCDF Support
February 18, 2010
21:13 [netCDF #CLE-157193]: broken url for netcdf 4.1 source code Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 Re: Java NetCDF API aggregation issue John Caron
06:57 Re: Fwd: Re: Using netCDF-Java to change an attribute value without rewriting the file John Caron
06:20 [netCDFJava #XAS-459834]: Re: bufr reading Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:59 [netCDFJava #HOJ-653870]: stationTimeSeries with ragged_parent_index Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 17, 2010
17:31 [Fwd: grb2 index file problem (?)] (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 15, 2010
16:58 [netCDFJava #XAS-459834]: Re: bufr reading Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:05 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
13:23 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
11:51 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
08:34 Re: EOL created netcdf files John Caron
February 13, 2010
19:06 [netCDF #PVS-842308]: Possible bug in netCDF-4.1? Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2010
13:28 [netCDF #LIS-995615]: How to convert netcdf date into a human readable format Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #PVS-842308]: Possible bug in netCDF-4.1? Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2010
13:58 [THREDDS #PSU-730086]: Error code 500: message= "NcSDArray InvalidRangeException=Number of ranges in section (2) must be = 3" Unidata THREDDS Support
12:25 [netCDF #KQI-692260]: problems using nc_dump with url, backend? Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2010
15:23 [netCDF #NIM-980391]: netcdf4.1 installation problem on AIX power6 system Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 WG: Grib2-Decoder - already found problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:15 [netCDF #AOR-205242]: 4.1 support for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2010
16:01 [netCDF #XGR-575082]: netcdf 4.1 build error Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #KQI-692260]: problems using nc_dump with url, backend? Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #XGR-575082]: netcdf 4.1 build error Unidata netCDF Support
13:22 [netCDF #PRG-103154]: pgCC error, libtool, instantiation_dir Unidata netCDF Support
February 05, 2010
15:07 [netCDF #PRG-103154]: pgCC error, libtool, instantiation_dir Unidata netCDF Support
14:55 [netCDFJava #HOJ-653870]: stationTimeSeries with ragged_parent_index Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:06 [netCDF #NYF-625169]: Software Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [Support #MYJ-214697]: [ANN] NetCDF tools 0.1-rc1 released Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #NYF-625169]: Software Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #CBL-968606]: NetCDF 4.0.1/4.1: shared libs fail with ifort on x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #IVN-676408]: Problems with netCDF files in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #XYW-598296]: make check fails for netcdf-4.1-snapshot2010020200 Unidata netCDF Support
February 04, 2010
12:51 [netCDF #HLY-318623]: Combining conventions Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #XYW-598296]: make check fails for netcdf-4.1-snapshot2010020200 Unidata netCDF Support
08:29 [netCDF #XYW-598296]: make check fails for netcdf-4.1-snapshot2010020200 Unidata netCDF Support
06:18 [netCDF #KHS-464374]: conversion tool/script to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:11 [netCDF #XYW-598296]: make check fails for netcdf-4.1-snapshot2010020200 Unidata netCDF Support
05:57 [netCDF #VKZ-957133]: Hello,I have a problem when building netcdf.dll with VC++.NET Unidata netCDF Support
February 03, 2010
19:29 [netCDF #ANQ-143949]: Problem compilation netcdf in hp-ux Unidata netCDF Support
07:59 [netCDF #XYW-598296]: make check fails for netcdf-4.1-snapshot2010020200 Unidata netCDF Support
February 02, 2010
20:03 [netCDF #ZCH-634698]: HDF5 error Unidata netCDF Support
16:54 [netCDF #RPP-420427]: memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
15:49 [netCDF #RPP-420427]: memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
07:38 Re: [netCDF #WGD-329902]: Support for aug_hdfeos5 tool Ed Hartnett
February 01, 2010
16:46 [netCDF #ZCH-634698]: HDF5 error Unidata netCDF Support
15:19 [netCDFJava #VKX-901266]: McIDAS Grids to netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 28, 2010
16:22 [netCDF #ZCH-634698]: HDF5 error Unidata netCDF Support
12:08 error loading NAM_ANALYSIS model (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:08 [Support #UPB-190795]: Compiling netcdf-4-daily & netcdf-4.1 on Altix 64-bit ia64 machines Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #PKT-462504]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 [netCDFJava #ODV-300209]: problem with netcdf-java 4.1 grib to netcdf conversion Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:48 [IDV #HUA-238168]: error loading NAM model Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 27, 2010
15:52 [netCDF #YQG-383700]: Fortran name mangling does not agree with F90 mangling Unidata netCDF Support
15:49 [netCDF #AGP-198866]: netcdf versio 4 for visual fortran Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #CBO-601796]: Unresolved externals Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [Support #RAU-596814]: Problems Building NetCDF From Source Unidata netCDF Support
15:37 [netCDF #BBB-798375]: netcdf-4.1-rc1 make check error at DAP Unidata netCDF Support
15:35 [netCDF #SCS-409748]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #GNM-404229]: Building netcdf 4.1-beta2 on Linux with Sun Studio 12 Update 1 compiler suite Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #PKT-462504]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #IVN-676408]: Problems with netCDF files in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
13:03 [netCDF #GQI-488547]: configure error and undefined references Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [Support #UPB-190795]: Compiling netcdf-4-daily & netcdf-4.1 on Altix 64-bit ia64 machines Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #NAZ-877935]: nf90_create_par Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #XMR-161699]: NetCDF snapshot error: incorrect switch for --flibs in Unidata netCDF Support
12:28 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
12:26 [netCDF #TKA-777083]: First Snow Leopard Casualty for Netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 [netCDF #ZLT-395267]: problem installing netCDF-4.0.1 on HP-UX Unidata netCDF Support
12:19 [netCDF #ZXI-494839]: netcdf-4.0.1 OpenMPI-1.3.2 FORTRAN Parallel IO bug fix [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #PKT-462504]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
January 26, 2010
20:06 [netCDF #PKT-462504]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
19:17 [netCDF #OTY-454194]: netCDF Installation support Unidata netCDF Support
16:56 [IDV #HUA-238168]: error loading NAM model Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:48 [netCDF #STA-212689]: netCDF C/C++ library Unidata netCDF Support
January 25, 2010
17:14 [netCDF #PKT-462504]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
14:38 [netCDF #RWH-886850]: C++ API question Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #OTY-454194]: netCDF Installation support Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #FXE-858183]: Possible Bug Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #OTY-454194]: netCDF Installation support Unidata netCDF Support
January 21, 2010
16:20 Re: bufr reading John Caron
09:33 [netCDFJava #ODV-300209]: problem with netcdf-java 4.1 grib to netcdf conversion Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 20, 2010
17:27 [netCDF #PKV-163775]: NetCDF patch for Cray XT system with Cray compiler environment Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #PBC-856537]: netcdf-3 (only) build fails with recent snapshots Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #ZMO-376492]: NetCDF 3.6.3 - large file support Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [Support #OLZ-189405]: nomenclature used for binary netcdf distributions... Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #BCK-607109]: netcdf 4.0.1 problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #ZKL-685262]: Bug in fortran90 interface in 4.1 beta Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [Support #RAU-596814]: Problems Building NetCDF From Source Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #JPX-285366]: netcdf not installing Unidata netCDF Support
January 19, 2010
11:31 Re: bufr reading John Caron
08:21 [netCDF #QOI-309912]: netcdf4 MPI_Comm Problem with Open MPI Unidata netCDF Support
07:46 [netCDF #WFS-589263]: netCDF 4.0.1 with PGI 10.1.0 Unidata netCDF Support
07:41 [Support #RAU-596814]: Problems Building NetCDF From Source Unidata netCDF Support
07:35 [netCDF #FIT-225933]: netcdf-3.6.3 compile question... assoc. with WRF problem Unidata netCDF Support
January 16, 2010
12:51 [netCDF #TRF-865515]: NetCDF enhancement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2010
14:49 [netCDF #QOI-309912]: netcdf4 MPI_Comm Problem with Open MPI Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #MJN-682715]: bug in netcdf.pc Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #BBB-798375]: netcdf-4.1-rc1 make check error at DAP Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #BBB-798375]: netcdf-4.1-rc1 make check error at DAP Unidata netCDF Support
January 13, 2010
21:35 [netCDF #OYJ-601121]: configure:4102: error: C compiler cannot create executables Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2010
16:15 Re: setting proxy host and port in matlab/java John Caron
14:57 [netCDF #XUL-308811]: please help! error "checking C++ compiler "gcc"... configure: warning: gcc failed to compile test program" Unidata netCDF Support
12:36 [netCDF #ISP-755234]: NetCDF4 - concrete storage method Unidata netCDF Support
January 09, 2010
13:29 [netCDF #WTM-237180]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try out the netcdf daily snapshot for opendap, hdf4-reading, hdf5-reading, szip compression, etc. Unidata netCDF Support
07:09 [netCDF #WTM-237180]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try out the netcdf daily snapshot for opendap, hdf4-reading, hdf5-reading, szip compression, etc. Unidata netCDF Support
January 07, 2010
08:10 [IDV #SPQ-931732]: HIRLAM hybrid level data fails Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 06, 2010
16:33 [netCDF #YDV-418475]: Bug in netcdf.h in 4.0.1 with respect to MPI usage together with C/C++ Unidata netCDF Support
January 04, 2010
09:38 [IDV #SPQ-931732]: HIRLAM hybrid level data fails Unidata IDV Support
07:10 [netCDFJava #LEL-407634]: NJ4.1 problem reading Grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 29, 2009
08:35 [netCDFPerl #RAH-648927]: Installing netCDFPerl 1.2.4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
December 28, 2009
10:38 [netCDF #JHG-179442]: Problem with redirecting ncdump standard output Unidata netCDF Support
05:36 Re: More performance data for netCDF4.0.1/hdf-1.8.2 Ed Hartnett
December 27, 2009
21:05 Re: Setting up my build environment for NetCDF java 4.1 John Caron
10:02 [netCDFPerl #RAH-648927]: Installing netCDFPerl 1.2.4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
December 26, 2009
11:05 [netCDFPerl #RAH-648927]: Installing netCDFPerl 1.2.4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
December 21, 2009
10:42 [netCDFPerl #EHX-776098]: netCDF Perl Build Issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:21 [netCDFPerl #RAH-648927]: Installing netCDFPerl 1.2.4 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:02 [netCDFPerl #EHX-776098]: netCDF Perl Build Issues Unidata netCDF Perl Support
07:00 shared library problem... (was: Re: libcf/gridspec status 12/07/2009) Ed Hartnett
December 17, 2009
10:37 [netCDF #QVX-725612]: Basic Install obstacle Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #HET-773465]: netcdf binary distribution for 32 bit linux Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #OZZ-831187]: Issues with parallel netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #XXW-396304]: Vectorization patch for NEC SX Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 Re: New Ticket - [netCDF !OZZ-831187]: Issues with parallel netCDF-4 RussRew
December 16, 2009
11:24 [netCDFJava #KJC-913379]: Does netCDF support range query? Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 14, 2009
17:12 [netCDF #PKT-462504]: Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Unidata netCDF Support
12:09 [netCDFJava #LEL-407634]: NJ4.1 problem reading Grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 11, 2009
14:57 [netCDFJava #MTW-525020]: NetCdf-4 & IOSP RunTime Load Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:38 [netCDFJava #LEL-407634]: NJ4.1 problem reading Grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 10, 2009
16:21 [netCDFJava #MTW-525020]: NetCdf-4 & IOSP RunTime Load Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:47 [netCDFJava #JXB-585734]: 1st try on forecastModelRunSingleCollection Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:31 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDFJava #LEL-407634]: NJ4.1 problem reading Grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:34 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
08:35 [netCDF #XGA-834110]: NETCDF version 4 or > Unidata netCDF Support
December 09, 2009
15:48 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDFJava #LEL-407634]: NJ4.1 problem reading Grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:00 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #ITH-188331]: netcdf data append in f90 Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #IFD-703495]: problem with parallel I/O when time coordinate is unlimited Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #XZU-441380]: Compiling and runing sample netCDF programs using fortran compiler in cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
08:22 [netCDF #NVW-822231]: Invalid argument error for large data set Unidata netCDF Support
08:15 [netCDF #WPI-301745]: Error constructing NcFile object in NetCDF 4.0.1 C++ interface Unidata netCDF Support
06:16 [netCDF #XXW-396304]: Vectorization patch for NEC SX Unidata netCDF Support
06:02 [netCDF #PEB-847323]: Re: [netcdf-hdf] NF90_GET_VAR memory leak? Unidata netCDF Support
05:44 [netCDF #MCO-157606]: nc_inq_format Error on a 32 bit architecture machine Unidata netCDF Support
05:43 [netCDF #EAM-622298]: Missing: "unsigned long" Unidata netCDF Support
05:39 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
December 08, 2009
14:12 [netCDF #NBS-392373]: should be linked with -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 when --enable-netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
11:40 Re: Some interesting performance data for netCDF4.0.1 (fwd) Ed Hartnett
09:26 [netCDF #HDM-263372]: netcdf-4.0.1 intalling issue Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #MUY-129915]: Missing netcdf.h ... Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #TFD-790939]: netCDF4 support - multiple fill values Unidata netCDF Support
08:29 [netCDF #GDV-269599]: remove strlen calls in inner loops of NC_finddim and NC_findvar -- hash version Unidata netCDF Support
08:26 [netCDF #QAX-162479]: Netcdf for windows. Unidata netCDF Support
08:18 [netCDF #OIW-672397]: NF90_INQ_VARID obsoleted? Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2009
14:00 [IDV #RLU-656423]: HDF-EOS5 or HDF-EOS orbit/swath support Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 01, 2009
15:51 [IDV #SPQ-931732]: HIRLAM hybrid level data fails Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:19 [netCDF #TJW-910944]: Reduce a NetCDF file extracting only a part of it Unidata netCDF Support
November 30, 2009
13:48 [netCDF #XWI-819189]: cannot build netcdf on apple snow-leopard Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #XWT-721471]: Compile error with today's netcdf4.1.0 snaphot Unidata netCDF Support
November 28, 2009
15:13 [netCDF #XMA-389196]: NCDUMP file extraction Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #CRX-621739]: netcdf 4.0.1 build with PGI 2010 (64 bit on a Mac) Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDF #EAM-622298]: Missing: "unsigned long" Unidata netCDF Support
08:34 [netCDF #EAM-622298]: Missing: "unsigned long" Unidata netCDF Support
08:27 [netCDF #EAM-622298]: Missing: "unsigned long" Unidata netCDF Support
07:53 [netCDF #PED-677017]: is needed by netcdf-4.0.1-6.1.i586 Unidata netCDF Support
07:52 [netCDF #RUF-772159]: group name as const char* in nc_def_grp Unidata netCDF Support
07:48 [netCDF #RUF-772159]: group name as const char* in nc_def_grp Unidata netCDF Support
07:42 [netCDF #EAM-622298]: Missing: "unsigned long" Unidata netCDF Support
07:18 [netCDF #XMA-389196]: NCDUMP file extraction Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2009
10:47 [netCDF #KKJ-168057]: Intel macbook pro with Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
10:44 [netCDF #PED-677017]: is needed by netcdf-4.0.1-6.1.i586 Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #KKJ-168057]: Intel macbook pro with Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #GCB-165173]: Ticket ID: VIX-344006 Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #LZS-431537]: NetCDF4 compile error Unidata netCDF Support
07:29 [netCDF #JEV-605457]: Netcdf2 documentation fix Unidata netCDF Support
07:10 [netCDF #WHZ-253288]: error installing netcdf-4.0.1 in Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
07:09 [netCDF #ODF-501785]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:05 [netCDF #VUQ-694173]: Resource temporarily unavailable Unidata netCDF Support
06:48 [netCDF #UBI-364498]: netcdf issue Unidata netCDF Support
06:25 [netCDF #SWH-176490]: stack overflow bug + fix Unidata netCDF Support
05:58 [netCDF #QVB-764360]: netcdf 4.1beta2 on Ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
November 25, 2009
17:18 [netCDF #AOC-699065]: some troubles with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:54 [netCDF #ZYT-731170]: Time saving problem Unidata netCDF Support
16:52 [netCDF #BNI-564997]: fixing unlimited dimensions in netcdf4 files Unidata netCDF Support
16:44 [netCDF #RUF-772159]: group name as const char* in nc_def_grp Unidata netCDF Support
16:41 [netCDF #NFI-982086]: netcdf4 and NCO Unidata netCDF Support
16:29 [netCDF #RUF-772159]: group name as const char* in nc_def_grp Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #RUF-772159]: group name as const char* in nc_def_grp Unidata netCDF Support
13:53 [netCDF #MHH-762022]: argo netcdf to ascii Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #RUF-772159]: group name as const char* in nc_def_grp Unidata netCDF Support
12:41 [netCDF #NFI-982086]: netcdf4 and NCO Unidata netCDF Support
12:31 [netCDF #VBW-472144]: Writing compressed data in C++ Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [netCDF #EAM-622298]: Missing: "unsigned long" Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDF #MCO-157606]: nc_inq_format Error on a 32 bit architecture machine Unidata netCDF Support
07:55 Re: netCDF4.1 & EASE grid Ed Hartnett
November 24, 2009
16:36 [netCDFDecoders #CIV-180025]: Bug in syn2nc - located & fixed Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
November 23, 2009
17:47 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
11:28 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
11:22 [netCDFJava #ZKB-901964]: NetCDF Java build problems Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:21 [netCDF #FCF-498312]: ncdiff problem Unidata netCDF Support
November 20, 2009
18:06 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
10:19 [netCDFDecoders #KFM-528926]: Re: MPE data Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
06:15 [netCDF #KVK-604612]: Fail in check in latest snapshot Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2009
14:31 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
09:35 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
05:19 [netCDF #RSV-429054]: Operating limits about netcd Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2009
16:43 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
14:02 [THREDDS #ZUR-765141]: another one that works as NcML, but not as THREDDS Catalog via OpenDAP Unidata THREDDS Support
November 17, 2009
18:31 [Support #MFC-291879]: Error report when installing netCDF4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
18:27 [netCDF #NFI-982086]: netcdf4 and NCO Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [netCDF #PNM-266664]: netCDF to GRIB Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #GSH-862796]: netCDF and very large datasets Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2009
15:38 [netCDF #RSV-429054]: Operating limits about netcd Unidata netCDF Support
15:37 [netCDF #RSV-429054]: Operating limits about netcd Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #RSV-429054]: Operating limits about netcd Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #GEE-249764]: problem installing with netcdf4 enabled Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [THREDDS #ITI-689020]: info Unidata THREDDS Support
08:56 [netCDF #EDW-645153]: Addition to your NetCDF software list Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2009
14:39 [netCDF #NVI-857322]: Re: [netcdfgroup] Wondering about when NetCDF data hits the disk... Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #CTP-858274]: Bug in nc_open (freeing HDF5 variable) Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #ELQ-908972]: Netcdf issue Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #XXW-396304]: Vectorization patch for NEC SX Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 [netCDF #AOO-337010]: libnetcdf/hdf5/curl linkage Unidata netCDF Support
12:03 [netCDF #MYN-702465]: extracting netCDF data Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #AOO-337010]: libnetcdf/hdf5/curl linkage Unidata netCDF Support
07:20 [netCDF #XXW-396304]: Vectorization patch for NEC SX Unidata netCDF Support
05:51 [netCDF #IMK-675971]: mac os x and netcdf 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
05:45 [netCDF #UUL-626069]: portland group 9.0 compilers ... pgcpp specifically Unidata netCDF Support
November 12, 2009
14:59 [netCDF #IMK-675971]: mac os x and netcdf 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #XXW-396304]: Vectorization patch for NEC SX Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #IMK-675971]: mac os x and netcdf 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
12:28 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:51 [netCDF #VTA-338921]: Error building NetCDF-4 on CentOS 5, x86_64 Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #PEB-847323]: Re: [netcdf-hdf] NF90_GET_VAR memory leak? Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [Support #MBM-180931]: ncdump.exe not working Unidata netCDF Support
08:29 [netCDF #UUL-626069]: portland group 9.0 compilers ... pgcpp specifically Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #ZQX-779445]: netcdf-4 won't build under Mac OS 10.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDF #DTZ-254911]: enable-hdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
07:52 [netCDF #XLB-294114]: error in opening netcdf.mod when compiling f90 file Unidata netCDF Support
November 11, 2009
12:45 [netCDF #EDW-645153]: Addition to your NetCDF software list Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #IOW-891263]: Compile problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #BFG-229844]: make check 1 test fails Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #NGW-449875]: nc_def_var_chunking() backwards compatibility Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #DCW-713719]: installation of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #BZE-695706]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try out the netcdf daily snapshot for opendap, hdf4-reading, hdf5-reading, szip compression, etc. Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #WTM-237180]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try out the netcdf daily snapshot for opendap, hdf4-reading, hdf5-reading, szip compression, etc. Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #MYN-702465]: extracting netCDF data Unidata netCDF Support
09:41 [netCDF #PPR-499757]: How to compile and run sample netCDF programs Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #TZQ-243589]: Linking problems Unidata netCDF Support
08:21 [netCDF #SDN-711055]: Request about netCDF function and parameters descriptions. Unidata netCDF Support
November 10, 2009
09:58 [netCDF #AIP-356829]: issues on netcdf-4 daily snapshots Unidata netCDF Support
08:52 [netCDF #ZAI-518983]: question on the install instructions for netcdf-4 daily build Unidata netCDF Support
November 09, 2009
19:50 [netCDF #AIP-356829]: issues on netcdf-4 daily snapshots Unidata netCDF Support
12:54 [netCDFJava #LEA-289229]: compiling an example java file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:35 [netCDF #WEX-445318]: Looking for a tool to combine nc files Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2009
15:59 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:44 Re: Geotiff to NetCDF John Caron
15:05 Re: Geotiff to NetCDF John Caron
14:45 [netCDF #XYO-599400]: A possble netCDF-4 bug? Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [IDV #RZL-349234]: this used to work with the 2.7 series. I was able to open the file with toolsUI-4.1.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:23 [netCDF #OMZ-943617]: broken file download link Unidata netCDF Support
November 05, 2009
21:30 [netCDF #XYO-599400]: A possble netCDF-4 bug? Unidata netCDF Support
17:41 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:11 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:27 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:05 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #HOT-122007]: converting grib2 files to netcdf using wgrib2 -netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #XYO-599400]: A possble netCDF-4 bug? Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #XYO-599400]: A possble netCDF-4 bug? Unidata netCDF Support
November 04, 2009
16:07 [netCDF #YMF-679015]: error in documentation for nc_inq_var_chunking Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #UPJ-631996]: can't compile netcdf 4.1beta2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:19 [netCDF #NVZ-285663]: netCDF V4 VB.NET wrapper for windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #JPQ-241982]: ASCII to AIA ANDI Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 Re: request for ECCN for netCDF Russ Rew
09:53 [netCDF #TFT-400775]: [netcdfgroup] Writing files > 4GB with 16-bit variales Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #ZQY-437992]: netCDF on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
08:17 Re: dap in latest netcdf, still not success... Charles سمير Doutriaux
November 03, 2009
15:40 [IDV #RZL-349234]: this used to work with the 2.7 series. I was able to open the file with toolsUI-4.1.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:21 Re: dap in latest netcdf, still not success... Dennis Heimbigner
12:09 dap in latest netcdf, still not success... Charles سمير Doutriaux
05:31 [netCDF #NVI-857322]: Re: [netcdfgroup] Wondering about when NetCDF data hits the disk... Unidata netCDF Support
November 02, 2009
17:17 Re: [thredds] Thredds opendap and HDF5 groups John Caron
15:26 [netCDF #NVI-857322]: Re: [netcdfgroup] Wondering about when NetCDF data hits the disk... Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #UBI-364498]: netcdf issue Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2009
16:45 [IDV #WZI-324925]: Outdated SREF Precip data Unidata THREDDS Support
October 30, 2009
10:08 [netCDF #WTM-237180]: Re: [netcdfgroup] please try out the netcdf daily snapshot for opendap, hdf4-reading, hdf5-reading, szip compression, etc. Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #YBG-623807]: Bug report vs. Netcdf 3.6.3: Compiler warning. Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #CHO-303782]: Question : INVALID ARGUMENT and erratic behaviour while reading ... Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2009
19:23 [netCDF #KKJ-168057]: Intel macbook pro with Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
19:23 [netCDF #KKJ-168057]: Intel macbook pro with Snow Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
06:51 [netCDF #NDT-203834]: building netcdf.dll 3.6.3 with mingw Unidata netCDF Support
06:43 [netCDF #KGK-664447]: Compiling Fortran90 code with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:33 [netCDF #GPS-461433]: netcdf-4: libsrc/v2i.c needs nc.h Unidata netCDF Support
October 27, 2009
10:14 broken link (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 26, 2009
18:43 [netCDFJava #ERN-943149]: Issue with glider (autonomous underwater vehicle) data and NetCDF-Java library. Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:01 [netCDFDecoders #PHE-942209]: GRIB1 table for French Weather Service seems incomplete. Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
12:21 [IDV #DXK-228962]: using GrADS Data System to publish netcdf files failed Unidata netCDF Support
October 23, 2009
14:30 [IDV #DXK-228962]: using GrADS Data System to publish netcdf files failed Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2009
14:10 [netCDF #KEU-235419]: GeoTiff to netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2009
15:41 Re: netCDF question John Caron
15:38 [netCDFDecoders #RSH-294708]: Grib to Netcdf Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
13:33 Re: FW: netCDF question John Caron
October 19, 2009
14:22 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
October 18, 2009
09:25 Re: [netcdf-java] Linear algebra on data read from a netCDF file (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 16, 2009
11:01 [netCDFJava #CQJ-124352]: Writing netCDF file using netCDF Java 4.1 Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 15, 2009
15:17 [netCDFJava #CQJ-124352]: Writing netCDF file using netCDF Java 4.1 Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:09 Re: [Ncwms-users] ncWMS doesn't bring in variables John Caron
11:20 [THREDDS #ALW-365913]: Binary Indexer Leaving Files Open Unidata THREDDS Support
October 13, 2009
16:36 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
15:32 lead4 Robb Kambic
14:10 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2009
14:51 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
October 11, 2009
08:39 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2009
14:59 RE: Configuring GRIB tables in NetCDF Robb Kambic
October 08, 2009
16:45 Re: Problem with Albers and Spherical Earth John Caron
08:11 Re: netcdf file cache John Caron
October 07, 2009
17:44 [netCDFJava #QVG-480070]: Dimension length =0 must be > 0? Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:07 [netCDFJava #ERN-943149]: Issue with glider (autonomous underwater vehicle) data and NetCDF-Java library. Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:32 [IDV #WZI-324925]: Outdated SREF Precip data Unidata THREDDS Support
10:11 Re: New Client Reply - [netCDF !CWC-229497]: help with netcdf 3.4 Dennis Heimbigner
October 06, 2009
15:44 Re: [netcdf-java] Grib File Dump not correct?/Grib Code to read Grib Parameter Names & Values Robb Kambic
13:31 [netCDFDecoders #UFH-306410]: netcdf java to read gribs Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
October 05, 2009
10:33 Re: [netcdf-java] Help reading grib2 file. Robb Kambic
October 02, 2009
14:25 [IDV #WZI-324925]: Outdated SREF Precip data Unidata THREDDS Support
14:15 [netCDFJava #TJD-270946]: HDF5 reader Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:06 [netCDFJava #TJD-270946]: HDF5 reader Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:58 [netCDFJava #TJD-270946]: HDF5 reader Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:26 Re: handling sub-second time-series data in netCDF in a CF compliant way John Caron
13:16 Re: [netcdf-java] Help reading grib2 file. (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:11 [netCDFJava #TJD-270946]: HDF5 reader Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:09 [netCDFJava #TJD-270946]: HDF5 reader Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 01, 2009
16:45 [netCDF #FRF-546153]: mac OS 10.6.1 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 [netCDF #FRF-546153]: mac OS 10.6.1 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:00 [LibCF #QMO-280170]: libcf can't yet deliver geospatial coordinates from an ocean_s model, can it? Support LibCF
13:48 [netCDF #FRF-546153]: mac OS 10.6.1 build failure Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [IDV #JRS-727215]: Rotated regular Lat Lon grids Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 30, 2009
16:54 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
13:01 [THREDDS #YDW-329913]: FMRC time problem again Unidata THREDDS Support
12:47 [netCDFDecoders #JNJ-582161]: FW: How to use Grib1GetData Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
10:36 [netCDF #GCB-165173]: Ticket ID: VIX-344006 Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #AIX-376820]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #ITH-188331]: netcdf data append in f90 Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #JTW-416119]: NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
08:27 [netCDF #XMZ-796061]: Missing example in the NetCDF tutorial for C++ Unidata netCDF Support
05:56 [THREDDS #YDW-329913]: FMRC time problem again Unidata THREDDS Support
September 29, 2009
12:29 [IDV #WZI-324925]: Outdated SREF Precip data Unidata THREDDS Support
September 28, 2009
09:29 [netCDF #TUG-342836]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 Re: BUFR dataset Robb Kambic
09:18 [netCDFDecoders #JNJ-582161]: FW: How to use Grib1GetData Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
September 24, 2009
23:08 [netCDF #AIX-376820]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
22:41 [netCDF #MBH-979924]: unable to get access to a software Unidata netCDF Support
22:09 [netCDF #AIX-376820]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:50 [netCDF #ITH-188331]: netcdf data append in f90 Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #ZNH-695875]: ncopen function Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #ITH-188331]: netcdf data append in f90 Unidata netCDF Support
September 22, 2009
15:52 [netCDF #ITH-188331]: netcdf data append in f90 Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDFJava #NKI-168600]: FMRC aggregation of sub-hourly data gives odd results Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:54 [netCDF #CNJ-934792]: Possible bug in netCDF C-API Unidata netCDF Support
06:26 [netCDFJava #TOR-626480]: Two parallel time axes, instead of [runtime x forecast time]? Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:23 [netCDFJava #FNB-692154]: Array Ranges and backing store Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 17, 2009
13:20 [netCDF #XQR-671194]: How to detect incorrect number of data Unidata netCDF Support
September 16, 2009
16:16 [netCDF #LTW-914869]: netCDF Download help Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDFJava #APN-311841]: opening dods url with java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 15, 2009
13:42 Re: openig dods url with java library John Caron
September 14, 2009
11:03 [IDV #IUP-798224]: Error loading grib (java.lang.NullPointerException) Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 12, 2009
17:51 [netCDFJava #RYR-340344]: one problem of ucar.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 11, 2009
09:10 [netCDF #QVX-725612]: Basic Install obstacle Unidata netCDF Support
08:12 [netCDF #NPG-935647]: Netcdf 3.6.3 with Powerpc64: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2009
08:42 [netCDF #BSH-232411]: Linker Error while compiling Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2009
11:36 [netCDF #NPG-935647]: Netcdf 3.6.3 with Powerpc64: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #YES-175204]: Reading NETCDF output from Navy website Unidata netCDF Support
11:22 [netCDF #XMR-161699]: NetCDF snapshot error: incorrect switch for --flibs in Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #GMO-635165]: netcdf-4.0.1 with MPI enabled Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2009
12:23 [IDV #IUP-798224]: Error loading grib (java.lang.NullPointerException) Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 03, 2009
15:47 [netCDF #TKA-777083]: First Snow Leopard Casualty for Netcdf? Unidata netCDF Support
September 02, 2009
16:21 [Support #JPR-616713]: Large NetCDF files and IDL 7.1 ???? Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #VVO-973992]: ncrob, nc2text Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #NHT-503832]: RNetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:48 [netCDF #ZLT-395267]: problem installing netCDF-4.0.1 on HP-UX Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #IWN-781820]: issue similar to Ticket ID: YXM-629438 Unidata netCDF Support
12:40 [netCDF #DEX-877628]: Install GMT Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #YOX-103851]: Netcdf Compiling Problem Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2009
13:40 [netCDFJava #WSL-224541]: grads/lats4d grib : GDS scan mode 2 not supported Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:36 [IDV #KDK-897162]: IDV 2.7 and HIRLAM hybrid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 28, 2009
15:22 [netCDFJava #RYR-340344]: one problem of ucar.jar Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 26, 2009
11:10 [netCDFJava #UNO-532400]: RTMA grib 2 products not being distinguished Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:33 [netCDFDecoders #NTS-432886]: Grib2 multilayer parameter Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
08:09 [netCDFJava #GGQ-174057]: readdataslice throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 25, 2009
17:04 [netCDFDecoders #NTS-432886]: Grib2 multilayer parameter Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
08:15 Re: [netcdf-java] GridCoordSys introduces rounding error when converting from km to m and integer axis-type John Caron
August 24, 2009
12:35 [netCDFDecoders #NTS-432886]: Grib2 multilayer parameter Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
August 19, 2009
16:24 [netCDFJava #MYG-785641]: Extracting data from a grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 17, 2009
10:23 [netCDFJava #MYG-785641]: Extracting data from a grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 14, 2009
10:53 [netCDF #AEZ-159622]: undefined reference to" Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #MYW-667432]: problem installing Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #HVM-115621]: Netcdf api with Fortran and C Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #VIG-698363]: cannot find -lnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #UGI-412728]: Unexpected chunking behavior test-case Unidata netCDF Support
09:29 [netCDF #QWK-263616]: a quesiton when using netcdf in fortran90 Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #XYB-168481]: fortran and C API with Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 [netCDF #IQM-311560]: Documentation missing for nf90_inq_varid Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #SUS-128123]: Fortran compiler f90 Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #MQO-612902]: Reporting a problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #XMR-161699]: NetCDF snapshot error: incorrect switch for --flibs in Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #PPF-156580]: bug in nc-config hdf5 library path Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #OTJ-979136]: make check for netcdf-4.0.1 fails "tst_simple.cpp" Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #HVM-115621]: Netcdf api with Fortran and C Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #BSC-562225]: How to recognize NF90 Library on Linux Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2009
12:33 [netCDFJava #MYG-785641]: Extracting data from a grib file Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 11, 2009
16:38 [netCDFDecoders #WYZ-726010]: decoder question. Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
August 09, 2009
11:02 Re: [netcdfgroup] Fortran Compiler f90 Ed Hartnett
August 07, 2009
10:42 Re: Question about NcML "char" vs "byte" types John Caron
10:24 [netCDF #ESV-695577]: Problem closing a netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:20 [Support #MIS-596713]: netcdf on Dec Alpha for running WRF Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 Re: Slides for today's presentation John Caron
10:12 [netCDF #UGI-412728]: Unexpected chunking behavior test-case Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2009
15:54 [netCDF #UGI-412728]: Unexpected chunking behavior test-case Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2009
15:21 Re: gribtonc decoder Robb Kambic
10:38 [netCDFJava #GGQ-174057]: readdataslice throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:08 [netCDFJava #GGQ-174057]: readdataslice throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 03, 2009
16:12 [netCDFJava #WSL-224541]: grads/lats4d grib : GDS scan mode 2 not supported Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:28 [netCDFJava #WSL-224541]: grads/lats4d grib : GDS scan mode 2 not supported Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 30, 2009
13:29 [netCDF #JZI-995484]: Netcdf-4.0 error Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2009
10:09 [netCDF #YAH-861606]: documentation for building netCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
July 28, 2009
10:00 [netCDF #MXG-922814]: HDF Explorer Unidata netCDF Support
05:23 [netCDF #MXG-922814]: HDF Explorer Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2009
15:59 RE: GRIB files with non-standard GRIBTAB files? Robb Kambic
July 25, 2009
13:21 [netCDFJava #UIZ-177956]: I cant download NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 23, 2009
06:27 [netCDF #IOW-891263]: Compile problem Unidata netCDF Support
06:23 [netCDF #AEZ-159622]: undefined reference to" Unidata netCDF Support
06:23 [netCDF #AEZ-159622]: undefined reference to" Unidata netCDF Support
06:20 [netCDF #HPS-623090]: Re: [netcdfgroup] files with compound types not portable? Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2009
14:24 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 [netCDF #AEZ-159622]: undefined reference to" Unidata netCDF Support
14:14 [netCDF #IOW-891263]: Compile problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDFJava #QIZ-930488]: NCML aggregation including ONLY requested variables Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:25 [netCDF #ASW-719077]: installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDFPerl #BVM-455008]: Validating with Perl NetCDF Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:11 [netCDFJava #EHW-451325]: Error with a BUFR file Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:00 [netCDF #ASW-719077]: installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
06:00 [netCDF #ASW-719077]: installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2009
13:45 [netCDF #ASW-719077]: installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #HPS-623090]: Re: [netcdfgroup] files with compound types not portable? Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #EMN-555885]: Netcdf snapshot build failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #ASW-719077]: installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #BGB-457762]: champ netCDF data Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #ASW-719077]: installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 20, 2009
15:19 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
15:03 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #IOW-891263]: Compile problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #NKH-242500]: Open Large File Error Unidata netCDF Support
12:50 [netCDF #OMZ-758902]: NETCDF 4 make check fails with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #WXF-497885]: About nf90_inq_nvars Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2009
10:17 [netCDF #YYM-734195]: 64 bit SunStudio cc/f90 netcfd 4.0 fails Unidata netCDF Support
July 15, 2009
16:06 [netCDF #RQG-714685]: No manual entry for netcdf. Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #RQG-714685]: No manual entry for netcdf. Unidata netCDF Support
14:02 [netCDF #GUU-205899]: NetCdf files Combination Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #IOZ-697451]: configure error in mac leopard for netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDFPerl #LYO-473639]: netCDF perl in Fedora Unidata netCDF Perl Support
13:31 [netCDF #GMX-529879]: Using C++ dynamic memory allocation Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2009
17:12 [netCDF #OLW-364027]: [netcdfgroup] nf90_put_var treatment of scalar strings Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [IDV #KDK-897162]: IDV 2.7 and HIRLAM hybrid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 13, 2009
15:26 [IDV #KDK-897162]: IDV 2.7 and HIRLAM hybrid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:54 [netCDF #OLW-364027]: [netcdfgroup] nf90_put_var treatment of scalar strings Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [IDV #KDK-897162]: IDV 2.7 and HIRLAM hybrid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 09, 2009
09:55 [IDV #KDK-897162]: IDV 2.7 and HIRLAM hybrid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:48 [netCDF #ZXI-494839]: netcdf-4.0.1 OpenMPI-1.3.2 FORTRAN Parallel IO bug fix [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Unidata netCDF Support
07:46 [netCDF #ODF-501785]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:39 [netCDF #WHZ-253288]: error installing netcdf-4.0.1 in Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
July 08, 2009
13:55 [IDV #KDK-897162]: IDV 2.7 and HIRLAM hybrid files Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:41 [netCDF #WHZ-253288]: error installing netcdf-4.0.1 in Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2009
10:21 [netCDFJava #YJA-569104]: Question about accessing a section 2 lookup table in a GRIB2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:16 [IDV #JRS-727215]: Rotated regular Lat Lon grids Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 05, 2009
20:51 [netCDF #JKE-737310]: wrong link in netcdf FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
15:35 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #NGM-934886]: Installation of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
July 03, 2009
11:54 [netCDF #XTE-111826]: HDF5 to netCDF conversion utility Unidata netCDF Support
10:27 [netCDF #XTE-111826]: HDF5 to netCDF conversion utility Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2009
10:01 [netCDF #AZT-127023]: Can't ncdump a file... Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [netCDF #KZD-970215]: [netcdfgroup] f77 interface oddity Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #AZT-127023]: Can't ncdump a file... Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2009
15:13 [netCDF #RNO-270084]: convert 64-bit offset to classic netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #RNO-270084]: convert 64-bit offset to classic netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:57 [netCDF #XRV-955693]: core dump preparing a moderate size netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
14:35 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
12:36 [netCDF #ZXI-494839]: netcdf-4.0.1 OpenMPI-1.3.2 FORTRAN Parallel IO bug fix [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Unidata netCDF Support
12:33 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDFPerl #LWG-867648]: make test error Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 27, 2009
09:45 [netCDF #ZHC-323580]: creating x,y,z 3d volumes Unidata netCDF Support
06:47 Re: [IDV #SNE-677532]: My NcML has stopped working in the 2.7 released today Don Murray
June 26, 2009
20:18 Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4 open/close memory leak Ed Hartnett
15:38 [IDV #JRS-727215]: Rotated regular Lat Lon grids Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 25, 2009
16:40 [netCDFJava #JWP-203215]: ParameterTable: UnknownDiscipline 255 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:43 [netCDFJava #JWP-203215]: ParameterTable: UnknownDiscipline 255 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:05 [netCDFJava #JWP-203215]: ParameterTable: UnknownDiscipline 255 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:47 [netCDFJava #JWP-203215]: ParameterTable: UnknownDiscipline 255 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:38 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2009
16:43 [Support #SQB-937618]: Website link request Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2009
10:23 [netCDFJava #JWP-203215]: ParameterTable: UnknownDiscipline 255 Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:37 [netCDF #LDE-989755]: request for assistance: strange runtime messages Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2009
15:54 [netCDF #VIR-258209]: Problems with NETCDF libraries in UBUNTU Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [netCDF #NMP-629417]: undefined reference to nc_def_var_fill Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #SHR-240384]: txt to cdl Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [netCDF #DGU-225935]: Conversion from NETCDF to ASCII Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #YYS-526547]: netCDF file limitation? Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [Support #VPK-574617]: Typo on URL Unidata netCDF Support
June 18, 2009
12:32 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #PEB-847323]: Re: [netcdf-hdf] NF90_GET_VAR memory leak? Unidata netCDF Support
10:20 [netCDF #VWX-699877]: Problem with NetCDF 3.6.3 and PyNIO Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #FBX-960308]: Building F90 under CYGWIN with Intel Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #QGO-808761]: netCDF make check error with gfortran and Ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #YEN-120070]: netCDF-4.0.1 error for 'make check' Unidata netCDF Support
07:44 [netCDF #RYQ-949285]: NF90_PUT_VAR parallel I/O statement does not compile Unidata netCDF Support
06:41 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
June 17, 2009
14:02 [netCDFJava #HSK-843499]: netcdf java library Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:19 [netCDF #VKC-963616]: [netcdf-hdf] unexpected chunking behavior Unidata netCDF Support
07:41 [netCDF #PRY-757237]: Broken links for NetCDF documentation Unidata netCDF Support
07:40 [netCDF #VKC-963616]: [netcdf-hdf] unexpected chunking behavior Unidata netCDF Support
06:00 [netCDF #JJS-442947]: Error installing netcdf.3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
05:55 [netCDF #PRY-757237]: Broken links for NetCDF documentation Unidata netCDF Support
05:46 [netCDF #LDE-989755]: request for assistance: strange runtime messages Unidata netCDF Support
June 16, 2009
15:57 [netCDFJava #JWP-203215]: ParameterTable: UnknownDiscipline 255 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:54 [netCDFPerl #NEN-947021]: man pages Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:01 [netCDFPerl #NEN-947021]: man pages Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 15, 2009
11:44 [netCDFJava #YJA-569104]: Question about accessing a section 2 lookup table in a GRIB2 file Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 14, 2009
15:03 [netCDF #ZVG-557168]: information Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDF #YTM-526362]: netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
June 13, 2009
16:58 [netCDF #YTM-526362]: netCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2009
15:51 [Support #HLE-863716]: Tom Whittaker: [netcdf-java] Longitude unit degrees_west not recognized Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:08 [netCDF #VKC-963616]: [netcdf-hdf] unexpected chunking behavior Unidata netCDF Support
11:22 [netCDFDecoders #ZQR-340537]: BUFR Decoder Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 11, 2009
14:37 Re: [netcdf-java] Differing results reading an unlimited dimension between Java and C (?) binary distribution John Caron
June 10, 2009
14:07 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2009
20:11 [netCDF #WXE-224025]: Bug with nc_put_vara_ type on 64-bit Windows Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2009
14:51 [netCDFPerl #CZI-200112]: make error(netCDF Perl) Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:48 [netCDF #MOV-452605]: [netcdfgroup] netcdf file size limit Unidata netCDF Support
June 04, 2009
14:41 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [netCDF #FFY-177157]: NetCDF-4 and 64 bit dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #LRS-412716]: alignment problem with compound types Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #LRS-412716]: alignment problem with compound types Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #KWS-658773]: netCDF with C# support? Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #WXE-224025]: Bug with nc_put_vara_ type on 64-bit Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDFPerl #CZI-200112]: make error(netCDF Perl) Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 03, 2009
16:51 [netCDF #FFY-177157]: NetCDF-4 and 64 bit dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #FFY-177157]: NetCDF-4 and 64 bit dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #LRS-412716]: alignment problem with compound types Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #LRS-412716]: alignment problem with compound types Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #LRS-412716]: alignment problem with compound types Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2009
16:14 [netCDF #FFY-177157]: NetCDF-4 and 64 bit dimensions Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #LRS-412716]: alignment problem with compound types Unidata netCDF Support
08:33 [netCDF #FDS-787321]: Empty Makefiles Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2009
17:52 [netCDF #FDS-787321]: Empty Makefiles Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2009
10:08 [netCDF #WJZ-734490]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2009
15:56 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
14:31 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #ORV-791255]: linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2009
20:13 [netCDF #BMP-971517]: Downloads for PC's Unidata netCDF Support
20:09 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
20:07 [netCDF #ORV-791255]: linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:48 [netCDF #BMP-971517]: Downloads for PC's Unidata netCDF Support
13:43 [netCDF #QOY-981281]: Chunking coordinate dimensions? Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
06:24 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
05:48 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 26, 2009
20:37 [netCDF #ZPJ-875297]: [netcdfgroup] problems writing to file Unidata netCDF Support
19:54 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:20 [netCDF #ZPJ-875297]: [netcdfgroup] problems writing to file Unidata netCDF Support
10:23 [netCDF #ZPJ-875297]: [netcdfgroup] problems writing to file Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCDF #ZXR-914718]: netcdf 4.0.1 with pgi on Linux - 4 errors in tests Unidata netCDF Support
May 21, 2009
16:46 [netCDF #VYO-667641]: Varian sms to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
16:43 [netCDF #HKX-214469]: [netcdfgroup] Bug in ncdump -v Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [netCDF #EQZ-362025]: bug in nc_rename_var for NETCDF3 formatted files Unidata netCDF Support
May 20, 2009
14:49 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:21 [netCDF #EDQ-194344]: Use NetCDF Problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #EDQ-194344]: Use NetCDF Problems Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #AOX-617597]: 2D character string array (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
05:52 [netCDF #NNT-822493]: Problem with Inquiring dimensions ids with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2009
13:44 create netCDF file in FORTRAN Jennifer Oxelson
10:29 [netCDF #EDQ-194344]: Use NetCDF Problems Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #AOX-617597]: 2D character string array (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
08:34 [netCDF #EDQ-194344]: Use NetCDF Problems Unidata netCDF Support
May 18, 2009
13:44 [netCDF #NNT-822493]: Problem with Inquiring dimensions ids with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2009
14:21 [netCDF #CYF-313110]: Help on building netCDF 4.0 for windows Unidata netCDF Support
14:13 [netCDF #NNT-822493]: Problem with Inquiring dimensions ids with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:57 [netCDF #ZXR-914718]: netcdf 4.0.1 with pgi on Linux - 4 errors in tests Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2009
16:06 [Support #KOM-880811]: chunksize, NC_STRING questions Unidata netCDF Support
16:04 [netCDF #MDR-335277]: NetCDF and HDF5 problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #GGJ-180191]: c interface ncredef destroys netcdf character of file Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #QUC-732401]: question on netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #IWZ-787287]: Compiling NetCDF-4 with PGI 32bit mode Unidata netCDF Support
13:49 [netCDF #FOQ-257884]: GMT install settings Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #IWZ-787287]: Compiling NetCDF-4 with PGI 32bit mode Unidata netCDF Support
12:39 [netCDF #SCL-829369]: incompatible pointer Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2009
16:47 [Support #SZN-475812]: help with building netcdf-perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
13:13 [IDV #DHU-816794]: Using IDV to look at grib files from remote URL Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:02 [Support #SZN-475812]: help with building netcdf-perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:48 [Support #KOM-880811]: chunksize, NC_STRING questions Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 Re: New Client Reply - [netCDFJava !ZQR-918160]: Help! At GLOS and can't CF-ize their data. John Caron
08:11 [netCDF #BFT-838875]: netcdf file conversion query Unidata netCDF Support
07:53 [netCDF #BNE-471963]: open NC files Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2009
13:11 [netCDFPerl #EAI-177889]: netcdf-perl 1.2.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:37 [Support #KOM-880811]: chunksize, NC_STRING questions Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDFPerl #EAI-177889]: netcdf-perl 1.2.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:18 [netCDFPerl #EAI-177889]: netcdf-perl 1.2.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
07:34 Re: NetCDF-Java will soon require Java 1.6? John Caron
07:33 Re: choking a TDS request John Caron
04:56 Re: New Client Reply - [Support !KOM-880811]: chunksize, NC_STRING questions Russ Rew
May 11, 2009
13:32 [netCDFPerl #EAI-177889]: netcdf-perl 1.2.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:18 [netCDFDecoders #WYZ-726010]: decoder question. Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
07:53 [Support #KOM-880811]: chunksize, NC_STRING questions Unidata netCDF Support
May 08, 2009
15:51 [netCDF #QUC-732401]: question on netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:40 [netCDF #GGJ-180191]: c interface ncredef destroys netcdf character of file Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDFPerl #EAI-177889]: netcdf-perl 1.2.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
14:13 [netCDF #AOX-617597]: 2D character string array (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [netCDFDecoders #WYZ-726010]: decoder question. Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
May 07, 2009
13:18 [netCDFPerl #EAI-177889]: netcdf-perl 1.2.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
12:40 [THREDDS #FIZ-452444]: Can NcML tackle this? Unidata THREDDS Support
11:30 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:12 [THREDDS #FIZ-452444]: Can NcML tackle this? Unidata THREDDS Support
09:44 [netCDF #MDR-335277]: NetCDF and HDF5 problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:29 [netCDF #TKJ-808949]: integer types in NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #AOX-617597]: 2D character string array (Fortran 90) Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDF #PLS-559947]: Netcdf 4 and really large files Unidata netCDF Support
08:23 [netCDF #NPP-336771]: Netcdf 4 question, parallel IO Unidata netCDF Support
May 06, 2009
10:00 [IDV #QSR-327578]: GRIB capability broken? Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 05, 2009
13:06 [netCDF #PEB-847323]: Re: [netcdf-hdf] NF90_GET_VAR memory leak? Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDFJava #OCZ-538837]: Problems with: new GridDataset( aggregatedNetcdfDataset ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:51 [netCDFJava #OCZ-538837]: Problems with: new GridDataset( aggregatedNetcdfDataset ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:41 [Support #YBJ-484248]: Build of netCDF-4.0.1 under Linux x86_64 suncc/sunf95/sunCC Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [IDV #QSR-327578]: GRIB capability broken? Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:35 [netCDF #CWN-662716]: [netcdf-hdf] return code of -60 Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDFDecoders #WYZ-726010]: decoder question. Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
07:57 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:04 [netCDFJava #OCZ-538837]: Problems with: new GridDataset( aggregatedNetcdfDataset ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:58 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:32 [netCDF #EEV-727668]: NETCDF problem = help requested! Unidata netCDF Support
06:14 [netCDF #IZF-303960]: about opening nc data Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2009
18:40 [netCDFJava #IIX-257657]: FeatureDataset parsing of stationTimeSeries Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:58 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:12 [netCDF #NPP-336771]: Netcdf 4 question, parallel IO Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [netCDF #NPP-336771]: Netcdf 4 question, parallel IO Unidata netCDF Support
09:45 [SupportPlaza #ZUY-416194]: WRF help Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2009
15:28 [netCDFJava #TXK-884300]: NetCDF Java running correctly on one machine but not on another Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 30, 2009
14:17 [IDV #HUZ-827147]: Using NcML to read files in IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:01 [IDV #HUZ-827147]: Using NcML to read files in IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:47 [THREDDS #FIZ-452444]: Can NcML tackle this? Unidata THREDDS Support
12:47 [IDV #HUZ-827147]: Using NcML to read files in IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:45 [IDV #KQC-444299]: I probably don't have my NetCDF file setup correctly... Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:20 [THREDDS #FIZ-452444]: Can NcML tackle this? Unidata THREDDS Support
09:53 [netCDF #ONL-521527]: INSTALLATION HELP Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [netCDF #MEK-862026]: netcdf 3.6.3 instalation Unidata netCDF Support
08:30 [netCDF #BGG-137311]: Do you have sample code to test netcdf 4 (parallel IO)? Unidata netCDF Support
08:26 [netCDF #SYW-539274]: NetCDF 4.0.1 installation: .mod file Unidata netCDF Support
08:19 [netCDF #QNX-824652]: F90 netCDF documentation: dimids Unidata netCDF Support
07:47 [netCDF #MEK-862026]: netcdf 3.6.3 instalation Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2009
13:54 re: perl package (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 28, 2009
10:07 [Support #SGO-338989]: GMT Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #BAW-622715]: INSTALLATION HELP Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [IDV #KQC-444299]: I probably don't have my NetCDF file setup correctly... Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:06 [netCDFJava #RUT-379172]: Bad values while reading BUFR files Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:57 [netCDF #BIE-294861]: [netcdfgroup] as_double weaknesses Unidata netCDF Support
April 27, 2009
20:54 [netCDFJava #RUT-379172]: Bad values while reading BUFR files Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:31 [netCDF #UNH-363541]: F90 netcdf 3.6.3 performance question Unidata netCDF Support
15:00 [netCDF #UKH-748350]: 64bit build on Visual Studio 2008 Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #UNH-363541]: F90 netcdf 3.6.3 performance question Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #UNH-363541]: F90 netcdf 3.6.3 performance question Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #BAW-622715]: INSTALLATION HELP Unidata netCDF Support
08:32 [netCDF #YXM-629438]: netCDF v4.0 build with Lahey Fortran on Fedora core 10 ( 32 bit ) Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDF #SNY-468585]: NetCDF 64-bit Linux and Mac Intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
07:35 [UDUNITS #TZY-200069]: problem in netcdf installation with intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
07:30 [netCDF #NPG-935647]: Netcdf 3.6.3 with Powerpc64: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
07:27 [netCDF #NPG-935647]: Netcdf 3.6.3 with Powerpc64: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
07:19 [netCDF #VQF-302876]: Unsuccessful make check on OSX undefined functions Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2009
09:38 [netCDF #VQF-302876]: Unsuccessful make check on OSX undefined functions Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2009
10:56 Re: [Fwd: [idvusers] Local Grib Tables] Robb Kambic
April 22, 2009
20:26 [netCDF #AJI-287433]: support for Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
16:37 [netCDF #AJI-287433]: support for Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 [netCDF #BAW-622715]: INSTALLATION HELP Unidata netCDF Support
14:58 [netCDF #HPS-623090]: Re: [netcdfgroup] files with compound types not portable? Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #HPS-623090]: Re: [netcdfgroup] files with compound types not portable? Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2009
17:05 Re: Sample HIRDLS level 2 files -- candidates for aggregation John Caron
16:50 [netCDFJava #OCZ-538837]: Problems with: new GridDataset( aggregatedNetcdfDataset ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:19 [netCDF #HPS-623090]: Re: [netcdfgroup] files with compound types not portable? Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDFJava #OCZ-538837]: Problems with: new GridDataset( aggregatedNetcdfDataset ) Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:26 [netCDFJava #OCZ-538837]: Problems with: new GridDataset( Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:12 [netCDF #HPS-623090]: Re: [netcdfgroup] files with compound types not Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2009
18:03 [netCDFJava #REC-257012]: PointFeatureCollection iterator throwing NullPointerException Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:01 Re: Future of Scientific Feature Types John Caron
17:52 [netCDFJava #REC-257012]: PointFeatureCollection iterator throwing NullPointerException Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:05 [netCDF #ZCM-546214]: nc-config Unidata netCDF Support
07:33 [IDV #KQC-444299]: I probably don't have my NetCDF file setup Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 19, 2009
21:24 [IDV #KQC-444299]: I probably don't have my NetCDF file setup Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 17, 2009
12:34 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:33 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #BOE-466631]: bug ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:34 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #BOE-466631]: bug ? Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #BGG-137311]: Do you have sample code to test netcdf 4 (parallel IO)? Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #BOE-466631]: bug ? Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2009
12:13 Re: [netcdfgroup] Java-NetCDF map projections... John Caron
April 15, 2009
16:01 [netCDFJava #VRE-280309]: Problem converting NcML to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:12 [netCDF #FUV-117847]: help Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #HLB-302516]: NETCDF and FCS Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #VFX-321326]: nc-config in 4.0.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #IZT-434198]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
April 14, 2009
16:48 [netCDFJava #DTS-154055]: NCML aggregation Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:45 [netCDFJava #VRE-280309]: Problem converting NcML to NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:55 [netCDF #TLB-677315]: FW: Net CDF-4 Issues Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #VWX-699877]: Problem with NetCDF 3.6.3 and PyNIO Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 [netCDF #EZF-789450]: netCDF-4 for Windows XP pro64/VS2005/Intel Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
08:42 [netCDF #QPT-362589]: Problem in compiling NetCDF 3.6.3 with Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2009
17:26 [netCDFJava #OZO-122681]: changing variable shape with NcML Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:35 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:07 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:55 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:34 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:13 [netCDFJava #MAO-189374]: Reading HDF5 files containing 'hdf5 external links' Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:01 [netCDFJava #OZO-122681]: changing variable shape with NcML Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:49 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 08, 2009
12:42 [IDV #DIF-532578]: problem with grib2 data and THREDDS server Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 07, 2009
17:31 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:34 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:57 [netCDFJava #OZO-122681]: changing variable shape with NcML Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:51 [netCDFJava #VSP-832015]: ncdf4: filling empty object with data? Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:42 [netCDF #LWL-894598]: Netcdf4 documentation for Fortran 90 (parallel IO) Unidata netCDF Support
11:48 [netCDF #EZF-789450]: netCDF-4 for Windows XP pro64/VS2005/Intel Unidata netCDF Support
11:45 [netCDF #SWB-752299]: netcdf4 sample data Unidata netCDF Support
11:43 [netCDF #IHR-187890]: Format changed for nc_inq_libvers() Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [netCDF #LWL-894598]: Netcdf4 documentation for Fortran 90 (parallel Unidata netCDF Support
April 05, 2009
13:02 [netCDF #ZDY-362971]: Data problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #MZI-587321]: compiled netCDF-4 dlls for Windows XP/Visual Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2009
10:49 [netCDF #YQI-531762]: Problem compiling with Lahey/Fujitsu compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #UZM-707371]: Possible problem with zlib on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #YQI-531762]: Problem compiling with Lahey/Fujitsu compiler Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #FBX-666550]: Netcdf installation help Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2009
17:53 [netCDF #DMM-591072]: [netcdfgroup] help compling c++ code with Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDF #VGI-905197]: Fortran runtime library Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #ADN-620245]: UnResolved External Problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #OHV-990519]: large file support problems in 4.0.1-beta3? Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #EDP-282307]: installation of netcdf4 not working? Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2009
21:11 [netCDF #QBV-178230]: netcdf.h file Unidata netCDF Support
21:07 [netCDF #MZI-587321]: compiled netCDF-4 dlls for Windows XP/Visual Unidata netCDF Support
14:31 [netCDF #MZI-587321]: compiled netCDF-4 dlls for Windows XP/Visual Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #VMZ-274435]: netCDF 4 windows binaries Unidata netCDF Support
14:27 [netCDF #EPG-484530]: netcdf 4.0 windows binaries Unidata netCDF Support
14:26 [netCDF #SPH-462797]: NetCDF-4 for Windows XP Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2009
14:10 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #DQA-136247]: globalattributes Unidata netCDF Support
March 27, 2009
15:14 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
12:02 [netCDFJava #GHG-344470]: GridAsPointDataset Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 26, 2009
13:20 [netCDF #OHV-990519]: large file support problems in 4.0.1-beta3? Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #SVP-473926]: netCDF-3.6.3 tests failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #YMX-454913]: netcdf4 test failure Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #UAK-415090]: Building netcdf on BlueGene/P system Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2009
18:49 [netCDF #RMU-757531]: Intel 10.1 netcdf 3.6.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Support
17:07 [netCDF #RMU-757531]: Intel 10.1 netcdf 3.6.3 build problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #OHV-990519]: large file support problems in 4.0.1-beta3? Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #OHV-990519]: large file support problems in 4.0.1-beta3? Unidata netCDF Support
March 20, 2009
13:26 [netCDF #MFJ-124252]: NetCDF4 2 HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
12:56 [netCDF #MFJ-124252]: NetCDF4 2 HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #WTI-367756]: netCDF with Intel v. 11 Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #MQV-638321]: ncdump bug question Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2009
20:47 [netCDF #MBZ-895191]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
16:10 [netCDF #TSF-919053]: NetCDF test error Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 [netCDF #MBZ-895191]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #MQV-638321]: ncdump bug question Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #MBZ-895191]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #MQV-638321]: ncdump bug question Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2009
19:08 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
13:31 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #OPE-214050]: Netcdf problem via intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [netCDF #GUB-826624]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2009
13:25 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #ATE-927500]: netcdf-3.6.3 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2009
15:20 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #ATE-927500]: netcdf-3.6.3 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #HMP-779532]: In R, how to read a netCDF file...? Unidata netCDF Support
11:16 [netCDF #ATE-927500]: netcdf-3.6.3 installation error Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #OKO-208503]: Adding Labview packages that support netCDF page Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2009
07:18 [netCDF #ZXL-616448]: Reading netcdf in matlab Unidata netCDF Support
06:58 [netCDF #QGA-343211]: about combining nc files together Unidata netCDF Support
05:52 [netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64 Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2009
12:11 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
11:57 [netCDF #UOD-815952]: MPI & NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
11:50 [netCDF #EDP-282307]: installation of netcdf4 not working? Unidata netCDF Support
11:48 [netCDFJava #DTR-787283]: Hirlam grib files Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:28 [netCDF #RRO-567751]: Patches for netcdf-3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2009
13:44 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #MAJ-811866]: scientific Unidata netCDF Support
March 10, 2009
12:04 Re: VisAD to netCDF CF John Caron
11:58 [IDV #ERN-936668]: Adapting IDV to KNMI data Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:33 [netCDF #KCT-418837]: building netcdf 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2009
13:52 [netCDF #STJ-180044]: Small documentation omission? Unidata netCDF Support
12:23 [netCDF #MSV-188900]: C++ API for NETCDF version 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #FCG-620617]: netcdf installation issue Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2009
08:56 [netCDF #XQM-563196]: NetCDF 4 download page Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #XXW-396304]: Vectorization patch for NEC SX Unidata netCDF Support
08:36 [netCDF #UZM-707371]: Possible problem with zlib on OS X Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2009
16:15 [netCDF #VWX-699877]: Problem with NetCDF 3.6.3 and PyNIO Unidata netCDF Support
March 02, 2009
14:03 [netCDF #YZQ-382018]: Variable naming convention in netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2009
10:15 [netCDF #WYI-343499]: binary to netcdf for 4-d variables Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 [netCDF #ICD-747272]: Make Test Fail on Solaris Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2009
09:34 [THREDDS #MAR-352049]: THREDDS problem Unidata THREDDS Support
February 26, 2009
21:00 [THREDDS #MAR-352049]: THREDDS problem Unidata THREDDS Support
February 25, 2009
18:38 Re: old versions John Caron
18:15 Re: [Fwd: Documentation for backslash encoding of String metadata] Bob Simons
13:48 Re: [Fwd: Documentation for backslash encoding of String metadata] John Caron
12:27 Re: [Fwd: Documentation for backslash encoding of String metadata] Russ Rew
12:10 Re: Another netcdf-java 4.0 difference John Caron
February 24, 2009
20:53 [netCDF #ENM-966454]: NF90_Char and Character Vectors Unidata netCDF Support
20:43 [netCDF #SKD-481794]: Trying to build netcdf with Absoft 10.1 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
20:05 [netCDF #NXD-306525]: netCdf Question. Unidata netCDF Support
10:25 [netCDF #EDP-282307]: installation of netcdf4 not working? Unidata netCDF Support
February 23, 2009
15:12 [netCDF #SKD-481794]: Trying to build netcdf with Absoft 10.1 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #EDP-282307]: installation of netcdf4 not working? Unidata netCDF Support
08:48 [netCDFJava #MAO-189374]: Reading HDF5 files containing 'hdf5 external Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 21, 2009
05:03 [netCDF #UOD-815952]: MPI & NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2009
13:34 [netCDF #JZT-264094]: netcdf problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:30 [netCDF #QHQ-208449]: netcdf-4.0 help Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #EDP-282307]: installation of netcdf4 not working? Unidata netCDF Support
February 19, 2009
15:47 [netCDF #YEI-331115]: make_check failure with netcdf-3.6.3 build on Unidata netCDF Support
15:38 [netCDF #KNK-821650]: Problems compiling linux 64-bit with dynamic Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #VJZ-896968]: incorrect description on download. Unidata netCDF Support
15:25 [netCDF #UHC-711126]: Error loading shared libraries and broken link Unidata netCDF Support
15:19 [netCDF #WFI-103980]: build failure: netcdf-4 beta3 on os x 10.5.6 Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #BSX-623473]: Trying to build netcdf with Absoft 10.1 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #SKD-481794]: Trying to build netcdf with Absoft 10.1 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
February 18, 2009
19:35 Re: WP21B: Conventions tag in OPERA datamodel John Caron
18:34 [netCDFJava #FVN-286383]: Bugs in subset method of the GeoGrid class Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:28 [THREDDS #DHA-774094]: NetCDF Help - direction?? Unidata THREDDS Support
February 17, 2009
16:48 [Support #WTN-189414]: Threading around netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
16:23 [IDV #JDY-583836]: reading grib2 into idv? Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:02 [netCDF #GPW-249255]: used pre-build binary, do I need to install hdf5 Unidata netCDF Support
13:46 [Support #WTN-189414]: Threading around netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2009
10:32 [Support #DBA-325332]: Re: [netcdf-java] announce: release candidate 2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
07:48 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2009
14:35 Re: netcdf-java post from address@hidden requires approval John Caron
08:36 [netCDF #GPS-461433]: netcdf-4: libsrc/v2i.c needs nc.h Unidata netCDF Support
08:34 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
08:12 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2009
16:39 Re: [IDV #GKC-227821]: CF Compliant Observation Data John Caron
10:09 [netCDF #IGD-438207]: degrees minutes and seconds Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #THR-976469]: netcdf4: make check - Unexpected result, Unidata netCDF Support
07:30 [netCDF #TSQ-821770]: netcdf 2.x download Unidata netCDF Support
February 10, 2009
20:37 [netCDF #LKB-522731]: netcdf4 isntall Unidata netCDF Support
17:37 Re: NCML aggregation woes John Caron
17:30 [netCDF #VVG-400588]: netcdf versions? Unidata netCDF Support
17:27 [netCDF #NOH-358244]: Netcdf 4.0.1-beta3: one make failure with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
17:23 [netCDF #QHQ-208449]: netcdf-4.0 help Unidata netCDF Support
17:18 [netCDF #QHJ-732078]: Help for NetCDF Install Unidata netCDF Support
17:17 [netCDF #NXU-210881]: problem with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
17:17 [netCDF #UKT-536985]: netcdf installation on mac system Unidata netCDF Support
17:16 [netCDF #SUQ-462223]: Large NetCDF files under IDL windows Unidata netCDF Support
17:14 [netCDF #IGD-438207]: degrees minutes and seconds Unidata netCDF Support
17:04 Re: [netcdf-java] announce: release candidate 2 for Netcdf-Java version 4.0 John Caron
16:32 [netCDF #LKB-522731]: netcdf4 isntall Unidata netCDF Support
16:28 [netCDFJava #TVY-105237]: Using NcML to read HDF5 files in IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:13 [netCDFJava #SYH-931648]: command line NcML ==> NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:50 FW: [netCDF #LKB-522731]: netcdf4 isntall Edin Insanic
11:24 [netCDF #CDR-382376]: NetCDF-4 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #UQA-442061]: NetCDF4.0 fails under IBM xlc compiler Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 Re: [netcdf-java] announce: release candidate 2 for Netcdf-Java version 4.0 John Caron
11:21 [netCDF #THR-976469]: netcdf4: make check - Unexpected result, Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 Re: European radar data standard John Caron
10:28 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
07:48 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
07:41 [netCDF #YLE-912828]: NETCDF: Memory/resource leak in nc4hdf.c, netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:40 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
05:10 [netCDF #NOH-358244]: Netcdf 4.0.1-beta3: one make failure with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2009
16:23 Re: Convention attribute wrong in netcdf sst file John Caron
15:51 Re: FW: Java Error John Caron
13:51 Re: FW: Java Error John Caron
13:49 Re: FW: Java Error John Caron
13:38 Re: Convention attribute wrong in netcdf sst file John Caron
12:30 [netCDFJava #KVU-414608]: Netcdf file wont open in 4.0...does in 2.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:17 [netCDFJava #KVU-414608]: Netcdf file wont open in 4.0...does in 2.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:16 [netCDFJava #KVU-414608]: Netcdf file wont open in 4.0...does in 2.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:11 [netCDF #LKB-522731]: netcdf4 isntall Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 Convention attribute wrong in netcdf sst file John Caron
08:55 [netCDF #LKB-522731]: netcdf4 isntall Unidata netCDF Support
02:53 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
February 08, 2009
16:52 [netCDFJava #FFP-649276]: BUFR support: what types are supported? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:29 [netCDF #LKB-522731]: netcdf4 isntall Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2009
10:46 [netCDFJava #KVU-414608]: Netcdf file wont open in 4.0...does in 2.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:35 [netCDFJava #FFP-649276]: BUFR support: what types are supported? Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:59 Re: NCML questions John Caron
February 06, 2009
08:16 [netCDFJava #FFP-649276]: BUFR support: what types are supported? Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:00 [netCDFJava #KVU-414608]: Netcdf file wont open in 4.0...does in 2.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 05, 2009
14:25 [netCDFJava #FFP-649276]: BUFR support: what types are supported? Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:21 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:58 [netCDF #MNK-974179]: Netcdf 3.6.2 c++ bug Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #WWQ-664381]: netcdf 4.0 filesize for large arrays Unidata netCDF Support
09:00 [netCDF #CNW-900337]: Manipulation of data netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
February 04, 2009
15:42 [netCDFJava #KVU-414608]: Netcdf file wont open in 4.0...does in 2.2 Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:48 [netCDFJava #SYH-931648]: command line NcML ==> NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:20 Re: FW: Java Error John Caron
February 03, 2009
14:19 [netCDF #QBV-178230]: netcdf.h file Unidata netCDF Support
14:16 [netCDF #NNL-656958]: [netcdfgroup] Using NetCDF under Visual Studio Unidata netCDF Support
14:07 [netCDF #SGM-411225]: Is there a version of netcdf which I can use Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #RHR-194792]: Problems using NetCDF with Compaq Visual Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:03 [netCDF #KGK-511965]: porting netCDF to dotNet Unidata netCDF Support
14:01 [netCDF #JLD-457210]: compiling with Windows Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #FVG-449578]: binaries for windows Unidata netCDF Support
February 02, 2009
22:02 [netCDF #KVY-259447]: Memory error writing chunks of large variable in Unidata netCDF Support
21:54 [netCDF #CLD-454258]: writing to variable length array of type double Unidata netCDF Support
17:41 [netCDFJava #SYH-931648]: command line NcML ==> NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:29 [netCDF #YYM-734195]: 64 bit SunStudio cc/f90 netcfd 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
13:36 [netCDFJava #SYH-931648]: command line NcML ==> NetCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:09 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #ZZQ-918505]: Holiday beta (netcdf-4.0.1-beta2) failure Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #CLD-454258]: writing to variable length array of type double Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #CLD-454258]: writing to variable length array of type double Unidata netCDF Support
January 30, 2009
19:34 [netCDF #XNR-979092]: Problems building Netcdf 4.0 or 3.6.3 on 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
19:21 [netCDF #ZZQ-918505]: Holiday beta (netcdf-4.0.1-beta2) failure Unidata netCDF Support
11:02 [netCDF #QBV-178230]: netcdf.h file Unidata netCDF Support
10:54 [netCDF #KVY-259447]: Memory error writing chunks of large variable in Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #JIL-655966]: compile netcdf with pgi Unidata netCDF Support
January 29, 2009
16:30 Re: Help by using IDV to display 2D lat/long grid file John Caron
15:44 [netCDF #WPP-278298]: Glimmer build problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:09 [netCDF #KVY-259447]: Memory error writing chunks of large variable in Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #KVY-259447]: Memory error writing chunks of large variable in Unidata netCDF Support
11:36 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [netCDF #YYM-734195]: 64 bit SunStudio cc/f90 netcfd 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
07:02 [netCDF #WWQ-664381]: netcdf 4.0 filesize for large arrays Unidata netCDF Support
05:52 [netCDF #WWQ-664381]: netcdf 4.0 filesize for large arrays Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2009
16:57 [netCDF #YYM-734195]: 64 bit SunStudio cc/f90 netcfd 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
11:29 [netCDF #UAK-415090]: Building netcdf on BlueGene/P system Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #LEU-202957]: Hi, help netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #XNR-979092]: Problems building Netcdf 4.0 or 3.6.3 on 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #JZT-264094]: netcdf problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [Support #ZJP-355506]: Re: netcdf4 ncendf problem Unidata netCDF Support
January 26, 2009
20:02 [netCDF #YYM-734195]: 64 bit SunStudio cc/f90 netcfd 4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
19:56 [netCDF #UAK-415090]: Building netcdf on BlueGene/P system Unidata netCDF Support
19:51 [netCDF #XNR-979092]: Problems building Netcdf 4.0 or 3.6.3 on 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
19:35 [netCDF #XNR-979092]: Problems building Netcdf 4.0 or 3.6.3 on 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #KRR-618779]: Multiple string attribute values in netcdf 3 Unidata netCDF Support
05:46 [netCDF #SMJ-933189]: netCDF fails make check on RHEL 5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
04:19 [netCDF #SKD-481794]: Trying to build netcdf with Absoft 10.1 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
03:57 [netCDF #KTW-159470]: make check problem Unidata netCDF Support
03:40 [netCDF #VLE-656568]: Documentation for parallel I/O with f90 Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2009
07:21 [netCDF #WWQ-664381]: netcdf 4.0 filesize for large arrays Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2009
11:19 [netCDF #WWQ-664381]: netcdf 4.0 filesize for large arrays Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [netCDF #KTW-159470]: make check problem Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #VLE-656568]: Documentation for parallel I/O with f90 Unidata netCDF Support
08:29 Re: FW: rotated lat/lon projection John Caron
05:29 [netCDF #QHJ-732078]: Help for NetCDF Install Unidata netCDF Support
05:24 [netCDF #NVT-996784]: variable with only one unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
05:17 [netCDF #FNE-418494]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
04:27 [netCDF #KRD-878925]: Building netcdf on 64 bit Linux machine Unidata netCDF Support
January 20, 2009
11:16 [netCDFJava #TQD-749737]: remove coordinateAxis "altitude" Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:33 [netCDF #YUI-809780]: CF proposed point obs convention Unidata netCDF Support
January 18, 2009
20:41 [netCDF #YUI-809780]: CF proposed point obs convention Unidata netCDF Support
20:26 [netCDF #ITM-891458]: Conversion into netcdf using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #WTI-367756]: netCDF with Intel v. 11 Unidata netCDF Support
12:48 [netCDF #SGM-411225]: Is there a version of netcdf which I can use Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #JQR-116130]: questions on netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [netCDF #XZT-732796]: Building netcdf4 using hdf5-1.6 Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #COA-518203]: Help with CDL files Unidata netCDF Support
January 17, 2009
21:08 [netCDFJava #XGJ-464529]: PointCollection Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 16, 2009
15:15 [netCDFJava #TQD-749737]: remove coordinateAxis "altitude" Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:47 Re: List of file formats supported by NetCDF java library? John Caron
14:26 [netCDF #RRO-567751]: Patches for netcdf-3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #RRO-567751]: Patches for netcdf-3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDFJava #TQD-749737]: remove coordinateAxis "altitude" Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 14, 2009
17:40 Re: [thredds] help in aggregating files John Caron
January 08, 2009
17:56 Re: phone message -- sample XML to follow (here it is) John Caron
10:14 [netCDF #LJW-262807]: netCDF to text Unidata netCDF Support
January 07, 2009
16:56 [netCDFPerl #AZE-820808]: netcdf-perl install fails test Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:34 [netCDFPerl #AZE-820808]: netcdf-perl install fails test Unidata netCDF Perl Support
14:45 [netCDF #XLI-953526]: Problems compiling for R Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:37 [netCDF #KQW-622959]: error to reopen netcdf file with fortran Unidata netCDF Support
14:31 [netCDF #NXU-210881]: problem with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #ZZQ-918505]: Holiday beta (netcdf-4.0.1-beta2) failure Unidata netCDF Support
14:24 [netCDF #DCR-102401]: ncdump question Unidata netCDF Support
13:42 [netCDF #ZKH-109656]: Question about writing strings to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 06, 2009
10:24 Re: phone message -- sample XML to follow (here it is) John Caron
January 05, 2009
15:52 [netCDF #XQJ-446811]: netcdf 4.0 record size question Unidata netCDF Support
January 02, 2009
15:12 [netCDF #IXV-748713]: need Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDF #BUX-993575]: add_offset definition wrong Unidata netCDF Support
December 30, 2008
18:39 Re: phone message -- sample XML to follow (here it is) John Caron
09:57 Re: java-netcdf 4.0 John Caron
December 29, 2008
17:49 Re: NJ4 -- Re: Panoply netCDF viewer version 2.6.5 released John Caron
December 28, 2008
11:27 [netCDF #HZF-400644]: Re: Sorry, there has been an XML parser error: Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDF #VXU-862317]: netcdf4.0.1 beta2 Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
December 26, 2008
09:51 [netCDF #BUX-993575]: add_offset definition wrong Unidata netCDF Support
December 24, 2008
13:23 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #CDR-382376]: NetCDF-4 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #MTT-516772]: netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
12:17 [netCDF #OHC-957718]: netCDF installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
12:13 [netCDF #ZFS-239722]: code 404 Unidata netCDF Support
12:10 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
December 23, 2008
18:41 [netCDFJava #TVY-105237]: Using NcML to read HDF5 files in IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 20, 2008
06:03 [netCDF #VVG-400588]: netcdf versions? Unidata netCDF Support
05:59 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2008
08:52 Re: Point data netCDF example & description John Caron
December 16, 2008
16:55 Re: grb2 John Caron
December 14, 2008
20:51 [netCDF #UKT-536985]: netcdf installation on mac system Unidata netCDF Support
20:45 [netCDF #KTW-159470]: make check problem Unidata netCDF Support
20:41 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
December 12, 2008
15:09 [IDV #IEL-395619]: Conan mailman dropoff and relay: Re: [netcdfgroup] Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:26 [netCDF #FBX-960308]: Building F90 under CYGWIN with Intel Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
December 11, 2008
12:36 [netCDF #PKZ-139807]: question netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:22 [netCDF #FBX-960308]: Building F90 under CYGWIN with Intel Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #HZF-400644]: Re: Sorry, there has been an XML parser error: Unidata netCDF Support
December 08, 2008
10:12 Re: netcdf file Russ Rew
December 05, 2008
15:35 [netCDF #MUE-775681]: ncdump fails to open wrf output after switch Unidata netCDF Support
14:02 [netCDFPerl #WPX-694218]: make test failure for PDL::netcdf 0.93 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:20 [netCDF #QLD-285503]: Two netCDF v4.0 Questions Unidata netCDF Support
10:35 [netCDF #QLD-285503]: Two netCDF v4.0 Questions Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #CGM-188292]: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #QLD-285503]: Two netCDF v4.0 Questions Unidata netCDF Support
December 04, 2008
17:19 [netCDFPerl #AZE-820808]: netcdf-perl install fails test Unidata netCDF Perl Support
16:24 [netCDFPerl #AZE-820808]: netcdf-perl install fails test Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:40 [netCDF #QLD-285503]: Two netCDF v4.0 Questions Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 Re: netcdf file Russ Rew
13:57 Re: netcdf file Russ Rew
09:15 Re: help with netcdf file, please Russ Rew
December 03, 2008
16:07 Re: help with netcdf file, please Russ Rew
09:05 [netCDF #VRF-491011]: Malloc and nc_put_var___ Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #THR-976469]: netcdf4: make check - Unexpected result, Unidata netCDF Support
08:29 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #IGD-438207]: degrees minutes and seconds Unidata netCDF Support
08:18 [netCDF #RCJ-205439]: undefiend reffrence Unidata netCDF Support
08:08 [netCDF #KVR-965537]: Building netcdf-4.0 on mac os x - make check Unidata netCDF Support
08:03 [netCDF #NPX-510705]: problem in installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2008
16:18 [IDV #TDW-710891]: Re: Time serial plots Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 30, 2008
06:50 Re: searching for netcdf 3.4 Russ Rew
November 28, 2008
21:02 [netCDF #NXK-841799]: PLotgrids.exe Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2008
12:51 [netCDF #ZLI-209409]: Still need help with installing netcdf on APPLE Unidata netCDF Support
November 25, 2008
21:27 [netCDF #GTZ-104460]: problem with ncdump with NetCDF 4 Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 Re: NetCDF Java Read API John Caron
11:18 [netCDF #SUQ-462223]: Large NetCDF files under IDL windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #GPS-461433]: netcdf-4: libsrc/v2i.c needs nc.h Unidata netCDF Support
November 24, 2008
15:35 [netCDF #YLE-912828]: NETCDF: Memory/resource leak in nc4hdf.c, netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #KGK-511965]: porting netCDF to dotNet Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #UQA-442061]: NetCDF4.0 fails under IBM xlc compiler Unidata netCDF Support
November 21, 2008
10:12 [netCDF #VCQ-846449]: Re: NetCDF Java Read API Unidata netCDF Support
November 20, 2008
21:32 [netCDF #NAY-396401]: Netcdf file output Unidata netCDF Support
21:27 [netCDF #HGE-810541]: Sorry it is not working Unidata netCDF Support
21:20 [netCDF #EPB-692876]: Help with Netcdf4.0 build error Unidata netCDF Support
20:47 [netCDF #VCQ-846449]: Re: NetCDF Java Read API Unidata netCDF Support
18:21 [netCDFJava #PJI-127309]: logging errors Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:50 [netCDF #KKQ-924013]: Error while installing GMT Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2008
21:03 [netCDFJava #ZJY-819696]: Server not supporting byte ranges Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 18, 2008
13:25 [netCDF #WGB-384669]: Abosft f77/f90 compiler with NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:54 [netCDF #SKK-804109]: Re: NetCDF Class Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [Support #CVH-600179]: make check fails with "Error: Integer too big Unidata netCDF Support
November 17, 2008
10:39 Re: NetCDF Java Read API John Caron
November 14, 2008
16:56 Re: NetCDF Java Read API John Caron
07:16 [netCDF #JLD-457210]: compiling with Windows Unidata netCDF Support
07:14 [netCDF #MTT-516772]: netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
07:09 [netCDF #NAY-396401]: Netcdf file output Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2008
15:19 [netCDFPerl #JMN-162963]: CLM netcdf error Unidata netCDF Perl Support
12:35 [netCDFPerl #JMN-162963]: CLM netcdf error Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:48 [netCDF #CDR-382376]: NetCDF-4 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
09:47 [netCDF #MTT-516772]: netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [netCDF #CGC-382838]: netcdf-4 on Mac OSX 10.5 with NAG compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #RWW-909377]: 64 bit Unidata netCDF Support
08:53 [Support #FRX-709060]: Netcdf with 64-bit offset for Windows 32-bit Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #KGK-511965]: porting netCDF to dotNet Unidata netCDF Support
08:45 [netCDF #RWW-909377]: 64 bit Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #NAY-396401]: Netcdf file output Unidata netCDF Support
November 10, 2008
19:14 Re: EOL created netcdf files John Caron
01:58 [netCDF #CDR-382376]: NetCDF-4 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
01:50 [Support #OKV-182846]: After resolved NETCDF problems with Intel Unidata netCDF Support
01:48 [netCDF #MXU-426658]: Setting the default behavior to NetCDF-4 in Unidata netCDF Support
November 07, 2008
10:56 [Support #ZCX-900406]: Re: Netcdf 3.6.2 compile problem by Intel Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #FKZ-491479]: netCDF to ArcGIS raster (or similar) Unidata netCDF Support
07:46 [netCDF #ZGB-547931]: netCDF 4.0 'make check' failed on AIX machine Unidata netCDF Support
07:44 [netCDF #JLD-457210]: compiling with Windows Unidata netCDF Support
07:42 [netCDF #YTF-576813]: Netcdf 3.6.2 compile problem by Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
06:10 [Support #ZCX-900406]: Re: Netcdf 3.6.2 compile problem by Intel Unidata netCDF Support
06:08 [netCDF #TWG-423355]: ifort as an F90 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
06:07 [netCDF #QDP-507363]: Using Netcdf in c++ on windows Unidata netCDF Support
05:48 [Support #OKV-182846]: After resolved NETCDF problems with Intel Unidata netCDF Support
05:35 [netCDF #CDR-382376]: NetCDF-4 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
05:32 [netCDF #GVV-239750]: compiling netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2008
11:13 [netCDF #WVN-277991]: netCDF combinations Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #KUQ-913565]: Re: Netcdf usage on Macpowerbook pro with OSX Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #WVN-277991]: netCDF combinations Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2008
08:24 [netCDF #APX-192536]: netCDF 3.6.3 and filenames starting with a Unidata netCDF Support
04:36 Re: Netcdf usage on Macpowerbook pro with OSX Leopard Ed Hartnett
October 30, 2008
09:20 [netCDF #AYT-822283]: Question about nc_get_vara_double Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2008
10:05 [netCDF #AYT-822283]: Question about nc_get_vara_double Unidata netCDF Support
07:53 [netCDF #MUN-148710]: gabriel BARAJAS, question about netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 28, 2008
05:06 [netCDF #KZF-231574]: question about downloading NetCDF 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
04:57 [netCDF #KKQ-924013]: Error while installing GMT Unidata netCDF Support
04:55 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
04:54 [netCDF #GPS-461433]: netcdf-4: libsrc/v2i.c needs nc.h Unidata netCDF Support
04:51 [netCDF #CEW-552469]: netcdf-4 snapshot: filenames, ticket status Unidata netCDF Support
04:48 [netCDF #QDP-507363]: Using Netcdf in c++ on windows Unidata netCDF Support
October 27, 2008
14:34 [netCDF #AYT-822283]: Question about nc_get_vara_double Unidata netCDF Support
October 24, 2008
13:46 [netCDF #HOB-657565]: building netcdf 3.6.3 on powerpc mac with 64-bit Unidata netCDF Support
October 23, 2008
09:39 [netCDF #KZX-525042]: MD5 checksums for gzipped tar files? Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #KZX-525042]: MD5 checksums for gzipped tar files? Unidata netCDF Support
October 22, 2008
14:51 [netCDF #YGR-578319]: Question about NetCDF-4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2008
19:46 [netCDF #UFN-957034]: Netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
05:14 [netCDF #SSR-639172]: need help Unidata netCDF Support
04:49 [netCDF #UFN-957034]: Netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
October 19, 2008
16:39 [netCDF #UFN-957034]: Netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
16:24 [netCDF #WQQ-808975]: make check 1 test failed Unidata netCDF Support
15:58 [netCDF #SSR-639172]: need help Unidata netCDF Support
October 17, 2008
15:23 [LDM #DCZ-830103]: decoding the raw GTS datasets Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
09:40 Re: EOL created netcdf files John Caron
October 16, 2008
11:15 [netCDF #THR-976469]: netcdf4: make check - Unexpected result, Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #AHU-967658]: netcdf-4 snapshots: typo in, Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #UQA-442061]: NetCDF4.0 fails under IBM xlc compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #TXD-183019]: hdf5 shared libraries when installing netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
October 13, 2008
15:34 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
14:54 [netCDF #THR-976469]: netcdf4: make check - Unexpected result, Unidata netCDF Support
08:13 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2008
10:05 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
October 10, 2008
10:24 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #PKR-454084]: netcdf-4.0: make NCIO_MINBLOCKSIZE settable at Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 [netCDF #XJP-840947]: Netcdf compiles but make check fails for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2008
17:59 Re: [netcdf-java] "Too many open files" for NcML aggregation in 4.0 John Caron
12:42 [netCDF #LMQ-446031]: netcdf-4.0: cross-compilation Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #GPS-461433]: netcdf-4: libsrc/v2i.c needs nc.h Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:35 [netCDF #PKR-454084]: netcdf-4.0: make NCIO_MINBLOCKSIZE settable at Unidata netCDF Support
10:22 [netCDF #MTT-516772]: netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
10:21 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #EBD-881732]: kill_trailing problem(?) when running Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #XJP-840947]: Netcdf compiles but make check fails for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #ZGB-547931]: netCDF 4.0 'make check' failed on AIX machine Unidata netCDF Support
October 07, 2008
14:47 [netCDF #JCG-945642]: Help with netCDF 4 on Linux using Intel Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:10 Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc. Dave Allured
12:56 Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc. Paul van Delst
12:21 Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc. Dave Allured
10:59 [netCDF #QVT-485828]: netCDF4 make check on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc. Dave Allured
10:25 Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc. Dave Allured
10:18 [netCDF #FST-907593]: netcdf-4.0 snapshot 2008100702: Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #ZBS-432143]: NcFile memory leak (?) Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 Re: [thredds] NetCDF Subset Service - allow only 'as point dataset' John Caron
05:51 Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc. Ed Hartnett
October 06, 2008
04:00 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
03:58 [netCDF #CTN-440954]: netCDF4 C documentation Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2008
07:06 [netCDF #YHC-662367]: nc_inq_grpname documentation bugs Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2008
11:50 [netCDF #ZAF-225845]: problem Unidata netCDF Support
October 03, 2008
16:04 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
15:58 [netCDF #DNU-747889]: NetCDF memory problem? Unidata netCDF Support
15:53 [netCDF #RSF-874840]: NetCDF/ioapi Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #FBZ-193414]: netcdf 4 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #YLE-912828]: NETCDF: Memory/resource leak in nc4hdf.c, netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:23 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
15:08 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #PBA-273168]: netCDF-4 questions Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #MTT-516772]: netcdf installation failure Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #TSP-882898]: compile netCDF in Cygwin with Microsoft Visual Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #GBQ-783024]: How to install netcdf-4 with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #YRL-141737]: NetCDF-4.0 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2008
05:39 [netCDF #YHC-662367]: nc_inq_grpname documentation bugs Unidata netCDF Support
05:05 [netCDF #FBZ-193414]: netcdf 4 make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
October 01, 2008
16:51 Re: long variable name problem inside IDV John Caron
September 29, 2008
14:59 [netCDF #REF-194673]: Buggy ncdump? Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #EBD-881732]: kill_trailing problem(?) when running Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #UIE-956852]: netCDF 4.0 Visual Studio 2005 Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #CQG-818179]: space or control-character problem ... Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #LKL-794821]: NetCDF - FAN library for Linux 64 bit Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2008
16:32 [netCDF #REF-194673]: Buggy ncdump? Unidata netCDF Support
September 26, 2008
12:22 Re: long variable name problem inside IDV John Caron
11:19 [netCDFJava #VKB-103067]: when to remove GBX files Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 25, 2008
18:52 [netCDF #LKL-794821]: NetCDF - FAN library for Linux 64 bit Unidata netCDF Support
13:17 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 [netCDF #REF-194673]: Buggy ncdump? Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #WAD-188926]: Problems compiling netcdf on Mac OS X with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #VCU-545218]: NCDUMP Unidata netCDF Support
13:06 [netCDF #RSF-874840]: NetCDF/ioapi Unidata netCDF Support
September 23, 2008
14:51 [netCDF #BYG-802466]: Cofiguring and building netCDF on Red HAt Linux Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #ZAF-225845]: problem Unidata netCDF Support
14:46 [netCDF #PBA-273168]: netCDF-4 questions Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2008
12:45 [netCDF #APZ-193913]: NetCDF installation errors Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
September 15, 2008
12:12 [netCDF #LCX-170369]: latest NCO for Mac OS 10.4? Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2008
06:27 [netCDF #WUO-556974]: ncfortran.h:26:42: error: NF_INT_IS_C_... Unidata netCDF Support
September 13, 2008
06:03 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2008
05:46 [netCDF #XJP-840947]: Netcdf compiles but make check fails for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
05:43 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2008
11:16 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #XJP-840947]: Netcdf compiles but make check fails for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2008
09:13 [Support #PDB-169956]: ncvalues.cpp Unidata netCDF Support
September 09, 2008
14:28 [netCDF #FOQ-804098]: Distribution of netCDF with other software. Unidata netCDF Support
06:19 [netCDF #KMY-638599]: Problem building netcdf-4 on SuSE 10.3 / Intel Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2008
16:44 [netCDF #KMY-638599]: Problem building netcdf-4 on SuSE 10.3 / Intel Unidata netCDF Support
16:24 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
13:49 [netCDF #BXU-183002]: problem with file Unidata netCDF Support
13:31 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #RMC-938024]: error occured when install netcdf in make check Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #KMY-638599]: Problem building netcdf-4 on SuSE 10.3 / Intel Unidata netCDF Support
10:44 [netCDF #WJT-604051]: Installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:33 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [netCDF #MPL-618419]: Problem building in cygwin. Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2008
15:01 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #OYQ-545004]: build problem netcdf-4.0-snapshot2008090210 Unidata netCDF Support
08:54 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
September 02, 2008
12:15 [netCDF #YBW-623076]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2008
19:37 [netCDF #XXT-557209]: problem when building/testing shared libraries Unidata netCDF Support
19:30 [netCDF #WJT-604051]: Installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
19:28 [netCDF #GWV-442084]: Extent/Quality GDAL support for NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
19:21 [netCDF #KMY-638599]: Problem building netcdf-4 on SuSE 10.3 / Intel Unidata netCDF Support
19:10 [netCDF #UIE-956852]: netCDF 4.0 Visual Studio 2005 Unidata netCDF Support
18:50 [netCDF #WMI-196413]: About cdf2asc utility Unidata netCDF Support
August 26, 2008
12:39 [netCDF #KJN-301947]: Writing a Subset of a 3-D Array to a NetCDF File Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [netCDF #KJN-301947]: Writing a Subset of a 3-D Array to a NetCDF File Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #KJN-301947]: Writing a Subset of a 3-D Array to a NetCDF File Unidata netCDF Support
August 25, 2008
21:07 [netCDFPerl #PFB-485083]: netcdf-perl for perl 5.10 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:24 [netCDF #ATL-117997]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2008
14:51 [Support #PAD-341482]: Failed test in netCDF build Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #KJN-301947]: Writing a Subset of a 3-D Array to a NetCDF File Unidata netCDF Support
August 21, 2008
14:50 Re: Matlab --> NetCDF Russ Rew
12:47 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:45 [netCDF #QVT-485828]: netCDF4 make check on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
12:42 [netCDF #SKS-197537]: sporadic missing headers in netcdf output Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #RMC-938024]: error occured when install netcdf in make check Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [Support #EQS-325710]: Minor error in fortran 77 interface netcdf info Unidata netCDF Support
12:22 [Support #ZGQ-235327]: Installing netCDF problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #KJN-301947]: Writing a Subset of a 3-D Array to a NetCDF File Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #KJN-301947]: Writing a Subset of a 3-D Array to a NetCDF File Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2008
15:50 [netCDF #DHP-215318]: GDAL and netCDF conflicts Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2008
13:56 [netCDF #QVT-485828]: netCDF4 make check on AIX Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [netCDF #KKC-996483]: cannot find -lnetcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2008
10:31 [netCDF #VSY-899389]: Missing Header Files ~ Unidata netCDF Support
August 07, 2008
10:37 [netCDF #ZVW-166214]: convert grib file to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #ZVW-166214]: convert grib file to netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:20 [netCDF #MEU-519242]: How to configure Xcode, C++, netCDF together. Unidata netCDF Support
10:05 [netCDF #ISA-945290]: download netcdf utilities question Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #PGZ-436102]: integer conversion when compiling netcdf.cpp Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2008
09:49 [netCDF #LVQ-699548]: Installation Error Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #GBN-103891]: nmake & msoft.mak error in installing netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2008
14:06 [netCDF #YEU-451918]: ncdump command in idl Unidata netCDF Support
07:12 Re: HDF 4 > ncml? John Caron
August 03, 2008
17:28 Re: HDF 4 > ncml? John Caron
August 02, 2008
07:57 [netCDF #QHS-804263]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2008
12:59 [netCDF #QHS-804263]: netcdf make check error Unidata netCDF Support
08:23 [netCDF #GWX-519513]: NCVDEF netcdf Name error Unidata netCDF Support
July 31, 2008
14:03 [netCDF #MON-411847]: [netcdfgroup] NCVDEF netcdf Name error Unidata netCDF Support
12:28 [netCDFJava #MYQ-535816]: NetCDF 4 files for GeoGrid Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:12 [netCDFJava #MYQ-535816]: NetCDF 4 files for GeoGrid Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 30, 2008
14:52 [netCDF #PHH-929360]: Import to Mathematica Unidata netCDF Support
14:22 [netCDF #MZX-901611]: netcdf-3.6.2, putget.c array out of bound? Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #QZG-762179]: [netcdfgroup] Compiling, NetCDF 3.6.2 with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
04:54 [netCDF #YLE-912828]: NETCDF: Memory/resource leak in nc4hdf.c, netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
04:48 [netCDF #UCS-450316]: NetCDF 4 on Mac OS X Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
July 29, 2008
14:10 [netCDF #NQR-841821]: linking to NetCDF library when compiling Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDFPerl #GUU-870609]: undefined symbol: PL_stack_max Unidata netCDF Perl Support
08:39 [netCDF #DNU-747889]: NetCDF memory problem? Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #ZRA-798136]: netcdf example on web site Unidata netCDF Support
06:58 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
July 28, 2008
17:22 [netCDFPerl #GUU-870609]: undefined symbol: PL_stack_max Unidata netCDF Perl Support
16:03 [netCDFPerl #GUU-870609]: undefined symbol: PL_stack_max Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:32 [netCDF #NDB-695522]: netcdf 4.0 build problem Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDFPerl #GUU-870609]: undefined symbol: PL_stack_max Unidata netCDF Perl Support
10:17 [netCDF #NWV-460827]: Installation Problems netcdf-4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #UCS-450316]: NetCDF 4 on Mac OS X Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #ZGB-547931]: netCDF 4.0 'make check' failed on AIX machine Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #QZG-762179]: [netcdfgroup] Compiling, NetCDF 3.6.2 with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2008
22:31 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
17:20 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
14:44 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
13:07 [netCDF #NWV-460827]: Installation Problems netcdf-4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
July 23, 2008
08:20 [netCDF #TYX-942858]: NetCDF 4.0, gfortran,Cygwin, undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
08:17 [netCDF #UCS-450316]: NetCDF 4 on Mac OS X Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
07:00 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
06:58 [netCDF #XZO-926332]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
06:50 [netCDF #LEW-476569]: Problem building netcdf-3.6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2008
16:42 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #TYX-942858]: NetCDF 4.0, gfortran,Cygwin, undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #YSI-369373]: Problems with 2D-Coords with netCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
07:21 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
07:16 [netCDF #UCS-450316]: NetCDF 4 on Mac OS X Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
07:10 [netCDF #XZO-926332]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
07:08 [netCDF #TYX-942858]: NetCDF 4.0, gfortran,Cygwin, undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
06:52 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2008
15:20 [netCDF #TOQ-874116]: Can NetCDF Work with HDF Within One Application Unidata netCDF Support
12:40 [netCDF #TOQ-874116]: Can NetCDF Work with HDF Within One Application Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #VFS-516826]: Number of netcdf file into one single Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDF #UCS-450316]: NetCDF 4 on Mac OS X Leopard Unidata netCDF Support
10:59 [Support #SPQ-770598]: problem in reading "short" typed data Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [IDV #CAX-370281]: netcdf-4.0 make check failures Unidata netCDF Support
10:40 [netCDF #TOQ-874116]: Can NetCDF Work with HDF Within One Application Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #CPF-820887]: about the version of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2008
10:06 [netCDF #GQK-400775]: netCDF C++ API question - is_valid() Unidata netCDF Support
July 17, 2008
10:20 [netCDF #JCI-302421]: Darwin Kernel Version 9.4.0 Unidata netCDF Support
July 16, 2008
12:41 [Support #NTO-725658]: I have a problem with NetCDFPerl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
July 15, 2008
10:00 [netCDF #XZO-926332]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
10:00 [Support #NTO-725658]: I have a problem with NetCDFPerl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
07:27 [netCDF #OHK-862152]: netcdf precompiled binaries for Win64 Unidata netCDF Support
03:42 [netCDF #PUM-976132]: Compile problems with NetCDF 3.6.3 and gcc's Unidata netCDF Support
03:27 [netCDF #CTQ-919794]: Error in installation of netcdf4.0 using PGI Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2008
16:30 [netCDF #ZBS-432143]: NcFile memory leak (?) Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #ZBS-432143]: NcFile memory leak (?) Unidata netCDF Support
13:38 [netCDF #ZBS-432143]: NcFile memory leak (?) Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #ZBS-432143]: NcFile memory leak (?) Unidata netCDF Support
13:20 [netCDF #ZBS-432143]: NcFile memory leak (?) Unidata netCDF Support
13:09 [netCDF #UHW-173309]: Downloading Issue Unidata netCDF Support
13:05 [netCDF #GMX-551614]: [netcdfgroup] Cygwin and 3.6.3 Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2008
08:51 [netCDF #NJG-578265]: Netcdf4 and multi-unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
08:36 [netCDF #UXO-652363]: netcdf 4.0 + Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2008
16:02 [netCDF #NJG-578265]: Netcdf4 and multi-unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCDF #KIK-224505]: netcdf 4.0 intel compilers Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #ALJ-597135]: netCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
July 08, 2008
09:10 [netCDF #XDD-271000]: nf90_put_att with LOGICAL attribute Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #NJG-578265]: Netcdf4 and multi-unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2008
21:01 [netCDF #XDD-271000]: nf90_put_att with LOGICAL attribute Unidata netCDF Support
16:26 [netCDF #XDD-271000]: nf90_put_att with LOGICAL attribute Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #GGP-512905]: netcdf 3.6 usage problem Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #NJG-578265]: Netcdf4 and multi-unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
July 04, 2008
13:00 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
July 02, 2008
15:59 [netCDF #KHU-664468]: netCDF 4 windows binaries Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2008
14:36 [netCDF #YFU-289009]: NetCDF intel APple (darwin 9.3 i386) Unidata netCDF Support
June 30, 2008
14:50 [netCDF #EYT-771069]: problem library Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #DPN-329691]: extract ascii data from netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
June 29, 2008
20:48 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
20:39 [netCDF #PHJ-738041]: wrong link netcdf 3.6.3 -> netcdf 4 Unidata netCDF Support
19:20 [netCDF #YFU-289009]: NetCDF intel APple (darwin 9.3 i386) Unidata netCDF Support
June 28, 2008
08:35 [LDM #DCZ-830103]: decoding the raw GTS datasets Unidata LDM Support
June 27, 2008
14:18 [netCDF #DXD-376053]: [netcdfgroup] Very strange problem with Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #DXD-376053]: [netcdfgroup] Very strange problem with Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #DXD-376053]: [netcdfgroup] Very strange problem with Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2008
16:40 [netCDF #YFU-289009]: NetCDF intel APple (darwin 9.3 i386) Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #PLL-565444]: NetCDF-3.6.3 not available Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 Re: opendap headers John Caron
12:28 [netCDF #YFU-289009]: NetCDF intel APple (darwin 9.3 i386) Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDF #KOT-304711]: netcdf on 64-bit machine Unidata netCDF Support
06:37 [netCDF #NBE-303162]: NetCDF 4 beta link broken Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2008
13:33 [netCDF #KOT-304711]: netcdf on 64-bit machine Unidata netCDF Support
June 24, 2008
17:05 [netCDF #YFU-289009]: NetCDF intel APple (darwin 9.3 i386) Unidata netCDF Support
15:08 [netCDFJava #SSK-311219]: Slicing in multiple dimensions Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:29 Re: THREDDS performance [was Re: THREDDS and grib] John Caron
06:56 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:52 [netCDF #KXZ-269891]: Linker error using sample program Unidata netCDF Support
06:50 [netCDF #IHB-612791]: Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2008
09:07 Re: [netcdfgroup] legal NetCDF variable names Russ Rew
07:33 [netCDF #RIN-798614]: NetCDF C++ Tests Fail Unidata netCDF Support
07:29 [netCDF #RIN-798614]: NetCDF C++ Tests Fail Unidata netCDF Support
07:09 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:54 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
June 22, 2008
16:51 [netCDF #KAB-833199]: NetCDF fails to compile with HDF5 Unidata netCDF Support
16:48 [netCDF #DNU-887183]: NCO Unidata netCDF Support
16:36 [netCDF #GLZ-655716]: File nc4hdf.o and libnetcdf.a Unidata netCDF Support
16:32 [netCDF #IHB-612791]: Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
16:30 [netCDF #FRL-611318]: Building/Installing netCFD Unidata netCDF Support
16:25 [netCDF #NIF-423613]: Question regarding compilation of NETCDF v4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:35 [netCDF #RIN-798614]: NetCDF C++ Tests Fail Unidata netCDF Support
14:32 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
14:13 [netCDF #DNU-747889]: NetCDF memory problem? Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2008
16:38 Re: THREDDS performance [was Re: THREDDS and grib] John Caron
15:36 Re: THREDDS performance [was Re: THREDDS and grib] John Caron
14:36 [netCDF #JXB-378158]: Re: [netcdfgroup] legal NetCDF variable names Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #JXB-378158]: Re: [netcdfgroup] legal NetCDF variable names Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2008
16:53 Re: THREDDS performance [was Re: THREDDS and grib] John Caron
13:05 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 Re: [netcdf-java] Writing a 2 Gb NetCDF File John Caron
June 18, 2008
13:04 [netCDF #XIC-520836]: legal NetCDF variable names Unidata netCDF Support
11:34 Re: [netcdfgroup] legal NetCDF variable names Ed Hartnett
06:29 [netCDF #YDH-858665]: NetCDF variable name convention Unidata netCDF Support
June 17, 2008
21:31 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
15:47 [netCDF #DZA-901582]: Reading a character variable from a netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDFJava #SSK-311219]: Slicing in multiple dimensions Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:24 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
07:11 [IDV #KYT-374288]: IDV - scale_factor not applied to Point Data Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:44 [netCDFJava #SSK-311219]: Slicing in multiple dimensions Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:30 [netCDFJava #SSK-311219]: Slicing in multiple dimensions Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 16, 2008
21:42 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
17:41 [netCDFJava #SSK-311219]: Slicing in multiple dimensions Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:39 [netCDF #UFH-899721]: message error: Library not loaded: Unidata netCDF Support
11:38 [Support #OBQ-298845]: FYI: incorrect link. Unidata netCDF Support
June 14, 2008
18:24 [netCDF #GWV-937005]: configure doesn't use my compiler options Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
June 13, 2008
14:56 [netCDF #ODF-774270]: parallel file open segmentation fault Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #TVB-444273]: HELP Unidata netCDF Support
07:54 [netCDF #ZJO-577290]: AIX linking error Unidata netCDF Support
07:20 [netCDF #LPJ-211978]: New issue: Syntax-Error in posixio.c line 217, Unidata netCDF Support
07:17 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
07:10 [netCDF #UCX-847770]: NetCDF libraries for fortran g77 Unidata netCDF Support
06:59 [netCDF #QTJ-204110]: Using NetCDF libraries with the LCC compiler in Unidata netCDF Support
06:27 [netCDF #ZJO-577290]: AIX linking error Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2008
15:39 [netCDF #ASH-735831]: GRD file Unidata netCDF Support
06:42 [netCDF #CTW-339617]: netcdf version check Unidata netCDF Support
06:30 [netCDF #ZJO-577290]: AIX linking error Unidata netCDF Support
June 11, 2008
16:52 [netCDF #CTW-339617]: netcdf version check Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #LSZ-331741]: Problem during the compilation with netcdf under Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #XJZ-985507]: make check failure for version 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
10:11 [netCDF #JAG-657160]: Contribution to the netcdf-Software Unidata netCDF Support
08:52 [Workshop #BMN-204596]: NetCDF event at AGU Unidata netCDF Support
June 10, 2008
16:07 [netCDF #OKF-439434]: Error -31 Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #LDU-807497]: How to cite NetCDF in a scientific publication Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2008
21:09 [netCDF #DTZ-193910]: putting integer value in netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2008
17:23 [netCDF #QWM-598512]: Putting global attributes Unidata netCDF Support
16:52 [netCDF #CTW-339617]: netcdf version check Unidata netCDF Support
15:53 [netCDF #CTW-339617]: netcdf version check Unidata netCDF Support
June 04, 2008
14:47 [netCDF #KGG-304772]: Installing netcdf using ifort+gcc Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [Support #MWB-826938]: NetCDF .cdl to .nc conversion using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #NDG-347287]: netCDF porting problems Unidata netCDF Support
14:38 [netCDF #TDD-135020]: make error Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #UCX-847770]: NetCDF libraries for fortran g77 Unidata netCDF Support
14:19 [netCDF #GHV-935598]: Make check error on SunOS Unidata netCDF Support
11:15 Re: EDC and netcdf-java libraries John Caron
June 02, 2008
19:13 [netCDF #JAG-657160]: Contribution to the netcdf-Software Unidata netCDF Support
16:40 [Datastream #ZGC-104678]: need help Unidata Datastream Support
08:00 [Datastream #ZGC-104678]: need help Unidata Datastream Support
May 30, 2008
06:45 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:15 [netCDF #NCU-160205]: Reason for unlinkability of Windows binaries Unidata netCDF Support
06:10 [Support #BZB-415610]: NCDF data files ... Unidata netCDF Support
00:18 [IDV #GBB-964494]: IDV - reading .nc file Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 29, 2008
10:23 Re: CF support in netcdf-java John Caron
May 28, 2008
16:55 [netCDF #MWT-709934]: Manipulating GRIB data Unidata netCDF Support
16:45 [netCDF #KSN-678838]: Adding of New Variable in netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
13:45 [Support #MWB-826938]: NetCDF .cdl to .nc conversion using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #UUI-966940]: Inastallation of netCDF3.6.2 on a Mac using Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [Support #MWB-826938]: NetCDF .cdl to .nc conversion using ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDF #QHK-534643]: make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #GAW-821062]: netcdf on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
May 27, 2008
11:43 Re: THREDDS performance [was Re: THREDDS and grib] John Caron
May 26, 2008
12:35 [netCDF #VLA-298051]: netcdf make install error Unidata netCDF Support
12:23 [netCDF #GAW-821062]: netcdf on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
06:19 [netCDF #GAW-821062]: netcdf on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
May 21, 2008
08:54 [netCDF #LPJ-211978]: New issue: Syntax-Error in posixio.c line 217, Unidata netCDF Support
May 19, 2008
02:37 [netCDF #AVQ-927685]: Ticket ID: KRG-285946 Unidata netCDF Support
02:36 [netCDF #KRG-285946]: nc_evarsize Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2008
08:46 [netCDF #TWZ-216539]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #TWZ-216539]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2008
08:28 [Support #DKO-246585]: make check fails f90 tests when built with 64 Unidata netCDF Support
05:54 [Support #LTL-314639]: netcdf cofigure error Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2008
20:38 [netCDF #HJG-499978]: Compiling a netCDF library using Intel Visual Unidata netCDF Support
08:54 [netCDF #BDF-181549]: security vulnerability checking Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCDF #AUD-213411]: bug fix for netcdf under gcc-4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:38 [netCDF #BDF-181549]: security vulnerability checking Unidata netCDF Support
May 13, 2008
16:37 [netCDF #GRX-894298]: problem in installing netcdf in linux Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #ABX-366174]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2008
09:31 Re: [netcdfgroup] netCDF operators NCO version 3.9.5 are ready Ed Hartnett
May 11, 2008
06:15 [netCDF #QHK-534643]: make check failure Unidata netCDF Support
06:11 [netCDF #WWH-847975]: 64 bit build on AIX does not honour ARFLAGS Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2008
21:37 [netCDF #KMB-390308]: NetCDF 3.6.2 on 64bit Linux with gfortran: Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2008
09:00 [Support #ZTO-391659]: Invalid dimension id or name Unidata netCDF Support
May 08, 2008
11:24 [netCDF #NTZ-230023]: NetCDF build problems Unidata netCDF Support
May 06, 2008
05:51 [netCDF #ABX-366174]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2008
15:20 [Support #ZTO-391659]: Invalid dimension id or name Unidata netCDF Support
May 02, 2008
14:41 Re: NetCDF & Matlab Rich Signell
14:20 [netCDF #RVY-465828]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
14:06 Re: NetCDF & Matlab Russ Rew
09:50 [netCDF #NRQ-166824]: compiling issue __divdi3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:57 [netCDF #RVY-465828]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
07:55 [netCDF #KPS-257863]: compiling/ linking netcdf4 example (cpp) on Unidata netCDF Support
May 01, 2008
15:35 [netCDF #NRQ-166824]: compiling issue __divdi3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 Re: [netcdf-porting] avoiding MSC_EXTRA definition Ed Hartnett
15:14 [Support #ZTO-391659]: Invalid dimension id or name Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2008
16:39 [netCDF #UCS-286775]: NetCDF install problems - errors when Unidata netCDF Support
11:10 [netCDF #CQM-787807]: netCDF4 f90 interface - problem with Unidata netCDF Support
11:03 [netCDF #UCS-286775]: NetCDF install problems - errors when Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #LJI-411152]: netcdf-3.6.2 install failure on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [Support #ZTO-391659]: Invalid dimension id or name Unidata netCDF Support
08:09 [netCDF #CQM-787807]: netCDF4 f90 interface - problem with Unidata netCDF Support
April 29, 2008
12:19 [netCDF #DIO-979577]: failure compiling netcdf libraries Unidata netCDF Support
12:16 [netCDF #LJI-411152]: netcdf-3.6.2 install failure on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
12:11 [netCDF #AGE-229844]: netCDF-4 problems Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [Support #OJC-520563]: successful netcdf build info Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [Support #SNM-376214]: netcdf 4 precompiled binaries for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #VKT-714862]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [netCDF #VKT-714862]: netcdf configure error Unidata netCDF Support
10:57 [netCDF #LJI-411152]: netcdf-3.6.2 install failure on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #LJI-411152]: netcdf-3.6.2 install failure on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #NVK-272087]: NetCDF linking issues on Mac OSX 10.5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #KSI-813516]: Downloading ncdump or ncbrowse Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #AVY-866390]: Netcdf-3.6.2 error Unidata netCDF Support
08:32 [netCDF #YUZ-849018]: NetCDF float vs double in attribute Unidata netCDF Support
April 28, 2008
16:35 [netCDF #CWQ-443437]: ncgen problem Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2008
15:27 [netCDF #AVY-866390]: Netcdf-3.6.2 error Unidata netCDF Support
08:04 [netCDF #EDF-829500]: installation problem Unidata netCDF Support
07:55 [netCDF #AGE-229844]: netCDF-4 problems Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2008
17:00 [netCDF #DIO-979577]: failure compiling netcdf libraries Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #DIO-979577]: failure compiling netcdf libraries Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 Re: THREDDS and grib John Caron
11:48 [netCDF #OBB-868168]: creating netCDF4 datasets Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 Re: Problem handling NULL bytes in TDS John Caron
10:27 [netCDF #OBB-868168]: creating netCDF4 datasets Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [Support #ZTO-391659]: Invalid dimension id or name Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 Re: THREDDS and grib John Caron
06:29 [Support #IJK-126633]: Compilation problem Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2008
18:52 [netCDF #XMF-745403]: ncecat help Unidata netCDF Support
18:49 [Support #TIB-359748]: "make check" fails in NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #KCT-214126]: NetCDF on a MAC Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [Support #TIB-359748]: "make check" fails in NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
12:47 [netCDF #KCT-214126]: NetCDF on a MAC Unidata netCDF Support
10:36 [netCDF #VMQ-421954]: netcdf4 build problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [Support #IJK-126633]: Compilation problem Unidata netCDF Support
April 22, 2008
20:18 [netCDF #KCT-214126]: NetCDF on a MAC Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2008
10:57 [netCDF #XJS-638504]: hi Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2008
19:37 [netCDF #GFG-507049]: ncdump and ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2008
14:45 [netCDF #GSP-822763]: NETCDF DATA FILES Unidata netCDF Support
13:52 [netCDF #GFG-507049]: ncdump and ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2008
19:40 Uncaught bounce notification mailman-bounces
10:44 Re: [netcdfgroup] nf_put_var_int problems Ed Hartnett
10:26 [netCDF #GFG-507049]: ncdump and ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2008
18:48 [netCDF #XQV-656680]: make check one test failed Unidata netCDF Support
15:55 [netCDF #XQV-656680]: make check one test failed Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [SupportPlaza #LKY-425172]: Help on netCDF file conversion to ASCII Unidata netCDF Support
08:12 [netCDF #XQV-656680]: make check one test failed Unidata netCDF Support
07:37 [netCDF #XVY-916374]: problem with sequential NF_OPEN in netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
April 15, 2008
10:39 [netCDF #FJH-116834]: questions regarding udunits Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2008
15:36 [UDUNITS #NOX-908949]: trouble with toolsUI-4.0 & Grib2Netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:09 [netCDF #HQY-107548]: NetCDF : 1 error with make check Unidata netCDF Support
06:16 [Support #TIB-359748]: "make check" fails in NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2008
11:15 [netCDF #QEA-741463]: NetCDF4 Structural Overhead Unidata netCDF Support
April 08, 2008
21:45 [netCDF #QEA-741463]: NetCDF4 Structural Overhead Unidata netCDF Support
21:32 [netCDF #QEA-741463]: NetCDF4 Structural Overhead Unidata netCDF Support
11:00 [SupportPlaza #LTW-733179]: website feedback Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #RAN-492926]: Re: [Fwd: Fwd: [Support] opendap netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 07, 2008
08:59 [netCDF #OEB-334875]: Problem when retrieving dimensions of x Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDF #QLW-566018]: Problems running configure to build netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:04 [netCDF #OEB-334875]: Problem when retrieving dimensions of x Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2008
12:54 [netCDF #GCD-783086]: Need some help when opening a netcdf file via Unidata netCDF Support
12:46 [netCDF #QLW-566018]: Problems running configure to build netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:34 [Support #TML-886129]: [report] make test error Unidata netCDF Support
April 03, 2008
10:59 [netCDF #SRQ-176890]: Is this the correct mailing list? Unidata netCDF Support
10:52 [netCDF #YEC-124697]: NetCDF Data Types Unidata netCDF Support
09:40 [netCDF #YEC-124697]: NetCDF Data Types Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCDF #SRQ-176890]: Is this the correct mailing list? Unidata netCDF Support
08:17 [netCDF #CKK-939679]: Building netcdf-4 programs with F90 Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2008
10:31 Re: [netcdfgroup] Building netcdf-4 programs with F90 Russ Rew
April 01, 2008
16:12 [netCDF #XVY-916374]: problem with sequential NF_OPEN in netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
March 31, 2008
15:59 [netCDF #YEC-124697]: NetCDF Data Types Unidata netCDF Support
11:31 [netCDF #YEC-124697]: NetCDF Data Types Unidata netCDF Support
March 28, 2008
11:58 [Staging #WUJ-483847]: Re: Support multidimensional arrays in Jython Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 21, 2008
15:40 [netCDF #IWF-312871]: issue with link to both NetCDF and HDF libraries Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #TKB-394818]: Make errors on SPARC hardware Unidata netCDF Support
March 20, 2008
21:38 [netCDF #PAW-153847]: problem with make check Unidata netCDF Support
15:10 [netCDF #VCJ-482195]: Linking NF_OPEN into fortran? Unidata netCDF Support
14:45 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #YFV-140332]: netCDF Error Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 [netCDF #PAW-153847]: problem with make check Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 [netCDF #PAW-153847]: problem with make check Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCDF #YFV-140332]: netCDF Error Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #IQL-963023]: Building netcdf on BlueGene/P system Unidata netCDF Support
08:51 [netCDF #ENL-488817]: Corrupted netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2008
12:32 [netCDF #SQO-256869]: netCDF test FAILURES Unidata netCDF Support
12:25 [netCDF #LBK-990361]: test failed during make check: netcdf 3.6.2 on Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #IQL-963023]: Building netcdf on BlueGene/P system Unidata netCDF Support
March 18, 2008
15:02 [netCDF #IQL-963023]: Building netcdf on BlueGene/P system Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #TYC-568521]: netcdf build fails with illegal instruction Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #TYC-568521]: netcdf build fails with illegal instruction Unidata netCDF Support
10:41 [netCDF #CKR-624572]: Make Check Error Unidata netCDF Support
10:26 [netCDF #DTV-588329]: cant compile correctly - g95, x64, ubuntu Unidata netCDF Support
05:34 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2008
08:53 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2008
08:48 [netCDF #AYZ-922961]: netcdf and vb6 / vbnet Unidata netCDF Support
March 12, 2008
20:51 [netCDF #XBL-623715]: NetCDF Error -57 Unidata netCDF Support
16:25 [SupportPlaza #NPF-597217]: broken netcdf4 link Unidata netCDF Support
16:09 [netCDF #XBL-623715]: NetCDF Error -57 Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #WIM-758846]: Manipulating NetCDF Data in Excel with VBA Unidata netCDF Support
11:58 Re: Mercator Projection John Caron
11:00 [netCDF #CZY-968168]: netcdf build fails with gcc 4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
10:56 [netCDF #TIA-260609]: netCDF error on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:14 [netCDF #WIM-758846]: Manipulating NetCDF Data in Excel with VBA Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [netCDF #WIM-758846]: Manipulating NetCDF Data in Excel with VBA Unidata netCDF Support
08:48 [netCDF #IMT-385711]: [netcdfgroup] Can't find include file Unidata netCDF Support
00:29 [netCDF #CZY-968168]: netcdf build fails with gcc 4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2008
13:32 [netCDF #QDV-157849]: C# - nc_put_vara_text error #57 Unidata netCDF Support
13:27 [netCDF #ZKM-468316]: ncvarget: ncid 4; varid 5: NetCDF: Start+count Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 Fwd: Problem when installing netcdf Sandy Gregorio
March 10, 2008
17:13 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
15:59 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
13:28 [Support #TSL-357793]: Re: HDF 4 and HDF-EOS in Java netcdf 4.0! Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:23 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2008
21:29 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2008
20:04 [netCDF #DTX-704143]: netCDF 3.6.2 on mac OSX 10.5 with intel Unidata netCDF Support
March 07, 2008
13:41 [netCDF #OCO-277064]: netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #WLD-888937]: can I suppress printing of the variables block Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #MMJ-142224]: netcdf configure on Windows Computer Cluster Unidata netCDF Support
March 06, 2008
13:37 [netCDF #HSP-129967]: [netcdfgroup] possible bug in 3.6.2 with Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2008
12:44 [netCDF #WNT-817039]: reqest Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #CXM-365657]: possible build bug with gcc 4.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #YPJ-546994]: netcdf-4 daily snapshot bug ... Unidata netCDF Support
09:07 [netCDF #JVE-114902]: Re: netcdf & fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 03, 2008
13:44 [netCDF #GBB-400841]: NCVGT: : Start+count exceeds dimension bound Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDF #RAN-492926]: Re: [Fwd: Fwd: [Support] opendap netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #UUT-620101]: ARM float format Unidata netCDF Support
February 29, 2008
15:43 [Support #ZLJ-116321]: Problems_on_Installation_wgrib2 Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [netCDF #DXE-206516]: Help building sharedlib netCDF-3.6.2 using PGI Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #GBB-400841]: NCVGT: : Start+count exceeds dimension bound Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2008
17:39 Re: HDF4 Reader John Caron
15:07 Re: HDF4 Reader John Caron
14:43 [netCDF #NGK-146672]: PGI compilers are installed but not seen by Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 [netCDF #UUT-620101]: ARM float format Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 Re: IOSP error John Caron
08:52 [netCDF #MTV-227513]: problem with netcdf.dll Unidata netCDF Support
05:51 [netCDF #UUT-620101]: ARM float format Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2008
15:42 [netCDF #RUP-593503]: Help with precompiled *.dll Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #HSP-129967]: [netcdfgroup] possible bug in 3.6.2 with Unidata netCDF Support
15:21 [netCDF #MTV-227513]: problem with netcdf.dll Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 [netCDF #NGK-146672]: PGI compilers are installed but not seen by Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 Re: IOSP error John Caron
08:42 Re: IOSP error John Caron
February 26, 2008
16:17 [netCDF #BGF-473127]: netcdf & gmt Unidata netCDF Support
16:00 [netCDF #YKE-495629]: about using gfortran to complie netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:53 [netCDF #KVA-176810]: problems with ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
15:36 [netCDF #CSW-380765]: netcdf Sun make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDFPerl #ITS-697598]: I have a question about NetCDFPerl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
February 25, 2008
21:41 [netCDF #BGF-473127]: netcdf & gmt Unidata netCDF Support
05:59 [Support #TIB-359748]: "make check" fails in NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
05:51 [netCDF #NGK-146672]: PGI compilers are installed but not seen by Unidata netCDF Support
05:49 [netCDF #ACX-170149]: about the netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2008
09:09 [netCDFPerl #ITS-697598]: I have a question about NetCDFPerl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:09 [netCDF #AKP-154384]: Installation of Netcdf for Linux Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2008
15:13 [netCDF #UUT-620101]: ARM float format Unidata netCDF Support
13:39 [netCDFPerl #HVD-259571]: Netcdf-perl install help Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:33 [netCDFPerl #HVD-259571]: Netcdf-perl install help Unidata netCDF Perl Support
05:06 [netCDF #CSW-380765]: netcdf Sun make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
February 19, 2008
16:35 [netCDFPerl #HVD-259571]: Netcdf-perl install help Unidata netCDF Perl Support
14:12 [netCDF #CSW-380765]: netcdf Sun make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
13:12 [netCDFPerl #HVD-259571]: Netcdf-perl install help Unidata netCDF Perl Support
12:52 [netCDFPerl #HVD-259571]: Netcdf-perl install help Unidata netCDF Perl Support
February 18, 2008
11:33 Re: HDF 4 and HDF-EOS in Java netcdf 4.0! John Caron
February 14, 2008
16:41 [netCDF #TUN-607147]: The NetCDF problem Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [Support #UZA-204445]: NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [netCDF #CSW-380765]: netcdf Sun make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
February 13, 2008
16:51 [netCDF #CSW-380765]: netcdf Sun make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #AQT-176214]: UNLIMITED dimension for F90/95 Unidata netCDF Support
09:38 [netCDF #XLE-835004]: Spoke to soon [netCDF #DZZ-360644 Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2008
15:45 [netCDF #CSW-380765]: netcdf Sun make check fails Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #DZZ-360644]: Missing C header file Unidata netCDF Support
11:41 [netCDF #DZZ-360644]: Missing C header file Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2008
15:33 [Support #UZA-204445]: NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
14:56 [netCDF #FLF-123299]: convert to binary Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #UUT-620101]: ARM float format Unidata netCDF Support
February 10, 2008
15:09 Re: ncgen? John Caron
February 08, 2008
12:17 Re: Remote access to netCDF files through HTTP John Caron
10:32 Re: Remote access to netCDF files through HTTP John Caron
09:43 [netCDF #MXO-545754]: read .nc file using the example f90 program Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #VJU-279565]: use NetCDF library on Windows XP with Compaq Unidata netCDF Support
08:48 [netCDF #SNB-841615]: windows help with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #HMZ-881589]: I need something like a module list of NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #EBU-760405]: problem compiling netcdf-4.0-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:35 [netCDF #NON-647286]: netcdf4 make check fail Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCDF #QCW-950425]: Using NetCDF on Windows XP Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDF #VJU-279565]: use NetCDF library on Windows XP with Compaq Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2008
19:57 [netCDF #UAA-745818]: fortran compilation ERROR: Undefined symbol: Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #AQT-176214]: UNLIMITED dimension for F90/95 Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #SEZ-677429]: what minimum files are needed to build C++ Unidata netCDF Support
09:00 [netCDFPerl #PLH-985408]: I need a some kind of manual for netCDF Perl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
08:58 [netCDF #SEZ-677429]: what minimum files are needed to build C++ Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2008
14:26 [netCDF #AQT-176214]: UNLIMITED dimension for F90/95 Unidata netCDF Support
February 05, 2008
22:14 [netCDF #SEZ-677429]: what minimum files are needed to build C++ Unidata netCDF Support
07:45 [netCDF #IAH-919319]: Feature Request Unidata netCDF Support
07:42 [Support #DPQ-378783]: Re: netcdf & fortran Unidata netCDF Support
07:40 [netCDF #SEZ-677429]: what minimum files are needed to build C++ Unidata netCDF Support
06:35 [THREDDS #ICY-921665]: Error generated using NetcdfFile.openInMemory Unidata THREDDS Support
February 02, 2008
09:26 [netCDF #FDV-951529]: pb with installing netcdf library Unidata UDUNITS Support
February 01, 2008
13:09 [netCDF #HXZ-124728]: Install Issues Unidata netCDF Support
January 31, 2008
12:20 [netCDF #ZAF-660869]: NetCDF 4 compilation difficulties Unidata netCDF Support
10:47 [netCDF #AXH-705906]: netcdf 3.6.2 does not cross compile fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #BUW-233723]: Help with netcdf under Windows! Unidata netCDF Support
10:32 [Support #KXL-102687]: using NetCDF files in Fortran 90 Unidata netCDF Support
10:31 [netCDF #OPC-662231]: netCDF 'make check' failed on AIX machine Unidata netCDF Support
10:28 [netCDF #AXH-705906]: netcdf 3.6.2 does not cross compile fortran Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [Support #ZRS-101988]: netcdf problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:19 [netCDF #SNB-841615]: windows help with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [Support #ZZD-609494]: netCDF 3.6.2 build on Ubuntu 7.10 Unidata netCDF Support
January 30, 2008
14:18 Re: Netcdf Observation Dataset Conventions John Caron
January 29, 2008
15:38 [netCDF #BAX-878832]: net cdf help needed Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #GMY-926494]: Fortran links missing in libnetcdf.a Unidata netCDF Support
10:09 [netCDF #CAN-447656]: netcdf question Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [Support #RIZ-285869]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
09:56 [netCDF #ART-274155]: Unidata opinion on proposed NetCDF format. Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #SNB-841615]: windows help with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #UUS-802975]: netCDF on SunStudio10 Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #AXH-705906]: netcdf 3.6.2 does not cross compile fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #JUX-761560]: netcdf question 2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #OSF-271820]: variable sizes violate format constraints Unidata netCDF Support
09:24 [netCDF #AXH-705906]: netcdf 3.6.2 does not cross compile fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #KRJ-634869]: NetCDF C++ build error Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #AFY-127755]: NetCDF 4 build failure with HDF5 1.8.0 RC1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:34 [netCDF #BAX-878832]: net cdf help needed Unidata netCDF Support
08:14 [netCDF #QRY-923032]: netcdf library question Unidata netCDF Support
January 25, 2008
12:55 [netCDFPerl #IHB-309481]: sporadic errors reading MADIS maritime Unidata netCDF Perl Support
January 24, 2008
17:02 [netCDFPerl #JOQ-768263]: 'make test' failing on '' Unidata netCDF Perl Support
16:54 [netCDFPerl #IHB-309481]: sporadic errors reading MADIS maritime Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:30 [netCDF #AEU-447947]: C++ API documentation for NetCDF4 Unidata netCDF Support
14:55 [netCDF #TGV-418636]: Quick question about the NetCDF API Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDFPerl #JOQ-768263]: 'make test' failing on '' Unidata netCDF Perl Support
January 23, 2008
16:21 [netCDFPerl #JOQ-768263]: 'make test' failing on '' Unidata netCDF Perl Support
12:44 [netCDFPerl #NOS-863856]: compile problems netcdfperl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
January 21, 2008
12:23 [netCDF #FDV-951529]: pb with installing netcdf library Unidata UDUNITS Support
January 20, 2008
05:27 [netCDF #OHL-649176]: Converting NetCDF to Volume Data format Unidata netCDF Support
January 19, 2008
10:59 [netCDFJava #GWY-813796]: 404 message Unidata netCDF Java Support
January 17, 2008
16:06 [netCDF #FDV-951529]: pb with installing netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
15:22 [netCDF #OHL-649176]: Converting NetCDF to Volume Data format Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #NCK-918929]: Minor updates to your "Software for Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #OHL-649176]: Converting NetCDF to Volume Data format Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 [netCDF #FDV-951529]: pb with installing netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
January 16, 2008
16:01 [netCDF #VKW-248002]: netCDF-4 snapshots error (fwd) Unidata netCDF Support
13:18 [netCDF #RGU-954809]: Assertion `value != ((void *)0)' failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #RPS-814462]: Build Problems Using g95 On Windows Unidata netCDF Support
13:11 [netCDF #SNB-841615]: windows help with netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2008
12:32 [netCDF #WPL-722887]: one question regarding NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
12:28 [netCDF #RIT-216945]: netCDF-4 question Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2008
16:34 [netCDF #FDV-951529]: pb with installing netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2008
15:22 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
14:31 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
13:22 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
January 10, 2008
10:18 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #EWS-470503]: Read NETCDF from user input Unidata netCDF Support
January 09, 2008
07:25 Re: [netCDFJava #UUN-799950]: "Unable to find center point variables" problem Don Murray
January 08, 2008
22:58 [netCDF #NNS-961385]: nf90_put_var slows down erratically Unidata netCDF Support
January 07, 2008
15:59 Re: "Unable to find center point variables" problem Don Murray
December 28, 2007
12:44 Re: [netcdfgroup] Netcdf 4 examples Ed Hartnett
10:21 Re: Compound data types and Vlens Ed Hartnett
December 27, 2007
17:22 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Roy Mendelssohn
16:52 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Roy Mendelssohn
16:26 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Russ Rew
11:40 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Roy Mendelssohn
11:18 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Roy Mendelssohn
11:16 Re: [netcdfgroup] Netcdf 4 examples Roy Mendelssohn
11:15 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Russ Rew
11:09 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Ed Hartnett
11:00 Re: [netcdfgroup] Netcdf 4 examples Russ Rew
10:51 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Ed Hartnett
10:43 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Roy Mendelssohn
10:20 Re: Netcdf4 Compound types and Examples Russ Rew
December 24, 2007
14:52 [netCDF #GDW-647798]: Question on ifort 32 bit installation and F90 Unidata netCDF Support
14:45 [netCDF #GDW-647798]: Question on ifort 32 bit installation and F90 Unidata netCDF Support
December 20, 2007
20:28 [netCDF #UYT-548774]: Windows 64 bit binaries Unidata netCDF Support
15:49 [netCDF #UKR-102320]: windows netcdf f90 interface for intel 9.1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:44 [netCDF #ORI-166216]: Netcdf4 test error Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [netCDF #ASI-768248]: installation problems Unidata netCDF Support
15:37 [netCDF #BBS-138713]: prebuilt Fortran90 interface of NetCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:19 [netCDF #IKB-287505]: netCDF problem on Ubuntu 7.10 and ifort 10.1 Unidata netCDF Support
15:16 [netCDF #QQT-210180]: help for NetCDf to Tecplot Unidata netCDF Support
December 19, 2007
12:18 [netCDFJava #PNU-111382]: Entire directory tree missing from Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:52 [netCDFJava #PNU-111382]: Entire directory tree missing from Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 14, 2007
11:28 [netCDF #GTC-452873]: netcdf installation Unidata netCDF Support
December 10, 2007
15:37 [netCDFJava #UIT-326023]: Problem with DataType long Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:30 [Support #KTC-439068]: writing netCDF files using netCDF java Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 08, 2007
15:05 Re: Point data CDF format John Caron
December 05, 2007
09:29 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
December 03, 2007
13:36 Re: examples of rotated pole and British National Grid data John Caron
08:40 [Miscellaneous #RPI-761418]: want some help Unidata netCDF Support
08:15 [netCDF #POL-477919]: ncdump ncml attribute bug? Unidata netCDF Support
November 29, 2007
08:55 Re: NetCDF Java IOSPs John Caron
November 27, 2007
15:48 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
November 26, 2007
18:23 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
16:47 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
13:55 [netCDF #ZUA-489202]: build failure with netcdf4-beta (VERSION = Unidata netCDF Support
November 25, 2007
10:51 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
November 24, 2007
14:54 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
11:48 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
November 22, 2007
09:46 [netCDF #POL-477919]: ncdump ncml attribute bug? Unidata netCDF Support
November 21, 2007
13:38 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
12:59 [netCDF #RFM-852616]: cdm validator Unidata THREDDS Support
11:16 [netCDF #UYT-548774]: Windows 64 bit binaries Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDF #OON-349097]: adapting netCDF for ROOT from CERN Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [Support #KXL-102687]: using NetCDF files in Fortran 90 Unidata netCDF Support
November 19, 2007
10:28 [netCDF #RVV-140469]: Building NetCDF libraries (C/C++) Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #NLA-464967]: Problems with installation of netcdf library on Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #XCE-832540]: Netcdf help Unidata netCDF Support
November 18, 2007
07:38 [netCDF #YWN-562827]: configuring netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
07:19 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
November 16, 2007
05:47 [netCDF #YWN-562827]: configuring netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 15, 2007
11:51 [netCDF #YWN-562827]: configuring netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 13, 2007
09:46 [netCDFJava #ABJ-407885]: Add global attributes to a netcdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
November 12, 2007
10:37 [netCDF #NAJ-856829]: Problem with NC.CHAR attribute lengths > 296 Unidata netCDF Support
10:37 [netCDF #NAJ-856829]: Problem with NC.CHAR attribute lengths > 296 Unidata netCDF Support
November 08, 2007
14:01 [netCDF #GCB-810427]: netCDF 3.6.2 PGI Fortran DLL Unidata netCDF Support
13:30 [netCDF #NLA-464967]: Problems with installation of netcdf library on Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #NLA-464967]: Problems with installation of netcdf library on Unidata netCDF Support
09:59 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
08:26 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2007
11:29 [netCDF #JHN-364385]: Request to add Origin and OriginPro (from Unidata netCDF Support
11:14 [netCDF #VPG-926646]: I have problems with netcdf !!!! Unidata netCDF Support
November 05, 2007
13:11 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2007
14:31 Re: Fwd: [thredds] looking for users of netcdf4/hdf5 files to test netcdf-java 4.0 John Caron
November 02, 2007
08:36 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
November 01, 2007
15:02 [netCDF #NZG-568138]: problem with NetCDF FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
14:47 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
12:43 [netCDF #FTD-335729]: netcdf F90 - trouble linking Unidata netCDF Support
October 31, 2007
14:57 [netCDF #TBM-165009]: NetCDF-4 support in Java NetCDF API Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:21 [netCDFPerl #WPU-615012]: PDL-NetCDF-0.93 make problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:21 [Support #TZL-284586]: Ticket ID: BME-322830 Fwd: [GISS csr #7952] Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [Support #TZL-284586]: Ticket ID: BME-322830 Fwd: [GISS csr #7952] Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #RVV-140469]: Building NetCDF libraries (C/C++) Unidata netCDF Support
October 30, 2007
15:52 [netCDFPerl #WPU-615012]: PDL-NetCDF-0.93 make problem Unidata netCDF Perl Support
15:22 [netCDF #XAS-504138]: NcFile Netcdf4 Memory Leak Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [Support #TZL-284586]: Ticket ID: BME-322830 Fwd: [GISS csr #7952] Unidata netCDF Support
October 29, 2007
16:38 [netCDF #GRE-251795]: netcdf make check - undefined references Unidata netCDF Support
16:33 [netCDF #FUW-594270]: how to compile netcdf 3.6.2 on IBM Power5 Linux Unidata netCDF Support
16:25 [netCDF #GCB-810427]: netCDF 3.6.2 PGI Fortran DLL Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2007
08:59 [netCDF #RQJ-625597]: cannot read or write netcdf files (Linux) Unidata netCDF Support
October 25, 2007
13:12 Re: IOSP question (fwd) John Caron
10:19 [netCDF #OAZ-263489]: NcVar class get method Unidata netCDF Support
10:17 [netCDF #RQJ-625597]: cannot read or write netcdf files (Linux) Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #OAZ-263489]: NcVar class get method Unidata netCDF Support
October 24, 2007
18:31 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:34 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:23 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:28 [netCDF #XAS-504138]: NcFile Netcdf4 Memory Leak Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #RQJ-625597]: cannot read or write netcdf files (Linux) Unidata netCDF Support
07:56 [netCDF #FKS-962224]: netcdf-4, mac ox tiger, intel compile problem.. Unidata netCDF Support
October 23, 2007
20:44 Re: [thredds] THREDDS & WCS John Caron
13:40 [netCDF #RQJ-625597]: cannot read or write netcdf files (Linux) Unidata netCDF Support
13:21 [netCDF #RQJ-625597]: cannot read or write netcdf files (Linux) Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #CVD-838629]: make check failures with netcdf library version Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 22, 2007
19:02 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:07 [netCDF #XAS-504138]: NcFile Netcdf4 Memory Leak Unidata netCDF Support
October 20, 2007
21:26 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
October 19, 2007
15:41 [netCDF #XAS-504138]: NcFile Netcdf4 Memory Leak Unidata netCDF Support
October 18, 2007
17:12 Re: [thredds] THREDDS & WCS John Caron
12:53 Re: attached file Ben Domenico
10:22 Re: Fwd: Polar stereo projection parameter name problem Robb Kambic
10:13 Re: Fwd: Polar stereo projection parameter name problem Robb Kambic
08:57 Fwd: Polar stereo projection parameter name problem Ben Domenico
October 17, 2007
13:08 Re: attached file John Caron
08:41 [netCDF #NCN-231156]: C++ vector of NcFile Unidata netCDF Support
October 15, 2007
08:45 [netCDF #DAA-411320]: Problem with large arrays and pgf95 Unidata netCDF Support
08:34 [Support #OAF-514866]: using netcdf in c++ Unidata User Support
October 10, 2007
14:59 [netCDF #NIJ-477630]: Ticket ID: XXC-119083 or MEY-748110 Unidata netCDF Support
14:55 [netCDF #MEY-748110]: netcdf C++ interface Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 [netCDF #XXC-119083]: C++ netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:50 [netCDF #XXC-119083]: C++ netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
October 09, 2007
20:04 [IDV #NYD-231379]: IDV - new data source error Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:14 [netCDF #KCB-778033]: trouble shooting while installing NCO Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #KCB-778033]: trouble shooting while installing NCO Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2007
16:31 [netCDF #KCB-778033]: trouble shooting while installing NCO Unidata netCDF Support
15:43 [netCDF #KCB-778033]: trouble shooting while installing NCO Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #KCB-778033]: trouble shooting while installing NCO Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2007
13:38 [netCDF #POG-667960]: Support on ncdump and ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #OKA-269860]: NetCDF for Intel Fortran 10 under Win32 Unidata netCDF Support
September 28, 2007
09:38 [netCDF #QUY-433308]: netcdf link Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #BGM-104794]: building statically linked netCDF exes Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #QUY-433308]: netcdf link Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #XJA-436814]: PGI Compilation Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #QUY-433308]: netcdf link Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #NPQ-519958]: netCDF General - netCDF on windows Unidata netCDF Support
08:47 [netCDF #VQZ-726653]: data packing Unidata netCDF Support
September 27, 2007
14:56 [netCDF #VQZ-726653]: data packing Unidata netCDF Support
14:28 [netCDF #LWE-305695]: Netcdf 4 ... Parallel access Unidata netCDF Support
13:47 [netCDF #VQZ-726653]: data packing Unidata netCDF Support
11:17 [netCDF #VQZ-726653]: data packing Unidata netCDF Support
10:38 [netCDF #VQZ-726653]: data packing Unidata netCDF Support
September 26, 2007
16:09 [netCDF #VQZ-726653]: data packing Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2007
14:57 [netcdf #AOJ-128968]: netCDF 3.6.2 make test errors Russ Rew
14:20 [netCDF #NEH-711758]: error in make check! Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #NHQ-197170]: Page not found Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 [netCDF #NZA-172884]: netcdf-3.6.2 for Darwin Unidata netCDF Support
11:11 [netCDF #NZA-172884]: netcdf-3.6.2 for Darwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:29 [netCDF #NFX-771785]: [netcdfgroup] Problem with default fill values Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #JEC-146672]: Fwd: NetCDF C++ interface bug? Unidata netCDF Support
September 20, 2007
16:00 Re: Bug in GeoGrid.subset Don Murray
15:14 [IDV #IEP-379201]: IDV - trouble loading netcdf point data file from Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 19, 2007
07:39 [netCDF #RLD-473689]: Install directions for Mac OS 10.4.10 Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2007
17:03 [netCDF #RLD-473689]: Install directions for Mac OS 10.4.10 Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #AOJ-128968]: netCDF 3.6.2 make test errors Unidata netCDF Support
14:17 [Staging #IDV-177271]: Old CPAN namespace registration for NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:15 [netCDF #RLD-473689]: Install directions for Mac OS 10.4.10 Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2007
09:13 [netCDF #QSZ-798961]: I need help Unidata netCDF Support
September 12, 2007
12:36 [netCDF #GAW-821062]: netcdf on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #GAW-821062]: netcdf on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
September 11, 2007
10:59 [netCDF #MWX-946487]: problem in ./configure Unidata netCDF Support
September 10, 2007
14:05 [netCDFJava #ZTS-930267]: [netCDF-Java #FNP-784202] netCDF Java - Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:34 [netCDFJava #ZTS-930267]: [netCDF-Java #FNP-784202] netCDF Java - Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:11 [netCDF #GUD-694571]: problem: build 64-bit netcdf lib using ifort and Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 [netCDFJava #ZTS-930267]: [netCDF-Java #FNP-784202] netCDF Java - Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:28 Re: netcdf lookup tables John Caron
09:54 Re: netCDF and WRF grids John Caron
September 08, 2007
13:21 [netCDF #GUD-694571]: problem: build 64-bit netcdf lib using ifort and Unidata netCDF Support
September 04, 2007
21:19 [netCDF #PUY-491456]: netcdf question Unidata netCDF Support
17:23 Re: netCDF and WRF grids John Caron
09:43 Re: [netcdf-java] [Fwd: NcML and "values" support clarification?] Russ Rew
August 31, 2007
13:08 [netCDF #MWX-946487]: problem in ./configure Unidata netCDF Support
11:57 [Staging #UWQ-633083]: [netcdfgroup] Static netcdf libraries compiled Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #HXY-319608]: Problems with Netcdf and NCAR CAM3.1 on AIX5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [netCDF #OPC-662231]: netCDF 'make check' failed on AIX machine Unidata netCDF Support
11:20 [netCDF #MWX-946487]: problem in ./configure Unidata netCDF Support
09:54 [netCDF #KFB-787515]: netcdf f90 code Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2007
10:17 [netCDF #KFB-787515]: netcdf f90 code Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2007
14:08 [netCDFJava #ZTS-930267]: [netCDF-Java #FNP-784202] netCDF Java - Unidata netCDF Java Support
August 28, 2007
16:06 [Staging #UWQ-633083]: [netcdfgroup] Static netcdf libraries compiled Unidata netCDF Support
12:53 Re: [netcdfgroup] Static netcdf libraries compiled for Russ Rew
August 24, 2007
12:19 [netCDFPerl #ZVB-855062]: problems compiling netcdf-perl on SLES 10 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
August 23, 2007
20:13 [netCDF #GJL-921650]: nctest, tst_failure Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 Re: netcdf conventions for EOL profiler data John Caron
12:28 [netCDFPerl #FVE-872783]: problems compiling netcdf-perl in open suse Unidata netCDF Perl Support
07:22 [netCDF #GJL-921650]: nctest, tst_failure Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2007
14:53 Re: netcdf conventions for EOL profiler data John Caron
09:52 [netCDF #TTJ-726105]: Ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
August 21, 2007
17:30 [netCDFJava #GGI-373709]: Question about using EnhanceScaleMissing Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:08 [netCDF #HLH-716928]: NetCDF download Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #TTJ-726105]: Ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
August 20, 2007
14:49 [netCDF #WEF-163229]: nco on Mac Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2007
20:08 [netCDF #NOJ-562667]: NetCDF Performance Unidata netCDF Support
05:50 [netCDF #ORG-563735]: netCDF General - Problems compiling examples Unidata netCDF Support
05:48 [netCDF #AFW-910872]: Difficulty Compiling netcdf (with make check) Unidata netCDF Support
05:38 [netCDF #EJR-389580]: I can not compile NetCDF with PGI Unidata netCDF Support
05:36 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
August 17, 2007
13:01 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
12:32 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #HLH-716928]: NetCDF download Unidata netCDF Support
August 16, 2007
15:04 Russ Rew: Re: C# NetCDF Libraries Russ Rew
14:46 [netCDF #HLH-716928]: NetCDF download Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 [netCDF #PAB-223364]: HOW COMPILER NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:46 [netCDF #PAB-223364]: HOW COMPILER NETCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [Support #WCM-111191]: [netcdfgroup] Problem reading version 3.x 64 Unidata User Support
August 14, 2007
10:40 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #OIL-716255]: netCDF General - Error linking pre-compiled Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #UIK-833360]: NetCDF 4 test failure with HDF5 1.8.0 beta 3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [netCDF #HXY-319608]: Problems with Netcdf and NCAR CAM3.1 on AIX5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #APS-657517]: Re: 20070725: Fortran 90 in digital Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:07 [netCDF #YKZ-923534]: failed configure for Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #CUY-381116]: netcdf on mac os x Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
07:53 [netCDF #KWP-826242]: undefined symbol: ?0_memcopyA Unidata netCDF Support
07:50 [netCDF #GUD-694571]: problem: build 64-bit netcdf lib using ifort and Unidata netCDF Support
07:47 [netCDF #NJE-241293]: NetCDF 3.6.1 Beta version of win32 for IVF and Unidata netCDF Support
07:43 [netCDF #RJB-698501]: Problems compiling netcdf-4 with pathscale Unidata netCDF Support
07:33 [netCDF #LPR-530788]: Undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
07:29 [netCDF #XIZ-386452]: netCDF v4 beta fails to build on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
07:21 [netCDF #JJE-781466]: NetCDF 3.6.2, gfortran, cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
07:07 [netCDF #DCV-561351]: netcdf visual studio project files? Unidata netCDF Support
06:54 [netCDF #IID-757285]: problem building netcdf-90 interface with ifort Unidata netCDF Support
06:47 [netCDF #FDG-185394]: install problems with netcdf 3.6.2 on RHEL4 with Unidata netCDF Support
06:29 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
06:26 [netCDF #HJG-499978]: Compiling a netCDF library using Intel Visual Unidata netCDF Support
06:24 [netCDF #NBD-805910]: Netcdf-4 beta: configure Unidata netCDF Support
06:17 [netCDF #QDS-417756]: build flags - ifort,linux,x86,3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
06:12 [netCDF #ORG-563735]: netCDF General - Problems compiling examples Unidata netCDF Support
04:27 [netCDF #JKT-429930]: NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
August 13, 2007
20:43 [netCDFJava #GGI-373709]: Question about using EnhanceScaleMissing Unidata netCDF Java Support
15:37 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2007
10:34 [netCDF #LFX-930679]: Unusual "undefined reference to" errors using Unidata netCDF Support
August 09, 2007
09:11 Re: C: in ncml Don Murray
08:56 Re: C: in ncml John Caron
August 08, 2007
13:40 [netCDF #IBC-304850]: FW: UNIDATA Free NetCDF Software Submission Unidata netCDF Support
12:23 Re: IOSP file request John Caron
10:45 [netCDF #IBC-304850]: FW: UNIDATA Free NetCDF Software Submission Unidata netCDF Support
10:15 [netCDF #OIL-716255]: netCDF General - Error linking pre-compiled Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #RBB-301521]: netCDF General - bug in ncdump -x string Unidata netCDF Support
August 07, 2007
09:05 [netCDF #UIK-833360]: NetCDF 4 test failure with HDF5 1.8.0 beta 3 Unidata netCDF Support
August 06, 2007
14:08 [netCDF #RBB-301521]: netCDF General - bug in ncdump -x string Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #RBB-301521]: netCDF General - bug in ncdump -x string Unidata netCDF Support
10:24 [netCDF #PNJ-836397]: Time Stamp in Netcdf output Unidata netCDF Support
August 03, 2007
14:25 [Support #RCB-771991]: Netcdf 3.6.2 install Unidata netCDF Support
14:21 [netCDF #AGB-212437]: netcdf for MS-Windows Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDF #TSK-113516]: Using netcdf in digitial visual fortran using Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #YLD-656446]: Specifying time in NETCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2007
13:59 [netCDF #MKE-784841]: How to specify compliers when running configure Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDFJava #SCH-111122]: Problem casting Array Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:25 [netCDFJava #SCH-111122]: Problem casting Array Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 28, 2007
15:50 [netCDF #DMJ-216367]: Reading a dynamic 2d array. Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #ASY-838949]: correction on website Unidata netCDF Support
July 27, 2007
11:37 [netCDF #HXY-319608]: Problems with Netcdf and NCAR CAM3.1 on AIX5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
11:32 [netCDF #NPM-805269]: NetCDF 3.6.2 For Absoft UNIX Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDF #APS-657517]: Re: 20070725: Fortran 90 in digital Fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:12 [netCDF #LNL-451975]: Current application information needed for Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #YCL-827910]: seg fault in nf_test for 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
July 25, 2007
20:31 Re: NetCDF Workshop on Friday, 20 July 2007 Russ Rew
07:16 [netCDF #CUY-381116]: netcdf on mac os x Unidata netCDF Support
06:49 [netCDF #YKZ-923534]: failed configure for Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:27 [netCDF #YKZ-923534]: failed configure for Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
06:16 [netCDF #CUY-381116]: netcdf on mac os x Unidata netCDF Support
06:00 [netCDF #HXY-319608]: Problems with Netcdf and NCAR CAM3.1 on AIX5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
05:57 [netCDF #OPC-662231]: netCDF 'make check' failed on AIX machine Unidata netCDF Support
05:50 [netCDF #GLR-853070]: Problems installing netcdf 3.6.2 on AIX 5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
05:40 [netCDF #LSO-390955]: NetCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
05:24 [netCDF #XWA-538608]: nco and netcdf installing help Unidata netCDF Support
July 24, 2007
16:52 Re: TDS John Caron
10:09 [IDV #FOS-898337]: IDV - netcdf CF1.0 - vertical grid system Unidata IDV Support
July 23, 2007
14:29 [netCDF #HXY-319608]: Problems with Netcdf and NCAR CAM3.1 on AIX5.3 Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [SupportPlaza #WDV-364419]: bad link on website Unidata netCDF Support
July 22, 2007
09:26 [netCDF #LPR-530788]: Undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 [netCDF #TPM-155384]: netcdf installtion in AIX 5.2 Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #VGJ-382894]: NetCDF reading Unidata netCDF Support
09:21 [netCDF #RJB-698501]: Problems compiling netcdf-4 with pathscale Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #YKZ-923534]: failed configure for Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #CUY-381116]: netcdf on mac os x Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #XWA-538608]: nco and netcdf installing help Unidata netCDF Support
09:10 [netCDF #CLI-751938]: broken urls Unidata netCDF Support
July 21, 2007
07:18 [netCDF #EFD-983918]: Updates to Software for Manipulating or Unidata netCDF Support
July 18, 2007
21:37 [netCDF #QMC-939658]: NetCDF library naming conventions Unidata netCDF Support
13:35 [netCDF #OQJ-918316]: cdf2fortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:25 [netCDFJava #YKB-361614]: NetCDF Java - Javadoc download? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:23 [netCDFJava #ODL-867050]: NetcdfFileWriteable to OutputStream? Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 13, 2007
13:39 [netCDF #BUB-278306]: nc_eedge error Unidata netCDF Support
05:17 [netCDF #AFH-985814]: netcdf configure script fails to allow -Bstatic Unidata netCDF Support
July 12, 2007
22:17 [netCDF #BUB-278306]: nc_eedge error Unidata netCDF Support
11:48 [netCDF #JJE-781466]: NetCDF 3.6.2, gfortran, cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #XIZ-386452]: netCDF v4 beta fails to build on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #DRB-862049]: Build of netCDF-4 on x86_64 system? Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #LPR-530788]: Undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #QHR-199964]: netCDF question Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #LPR-530788]: Undefined reference Unidata netCDF Support
05:56 [netCDF #DCV-561351]: netcdf visual studio project files? Unidata netCDF Support
05:54 [netCDF #RWK-638692]: Building shared libraries under SuSE Linux 64bit Unidata netCDF Support
05:48 [Support #TYN-980459]: netcdf4: nco_[put/get]_att_string(), Unidata netCDF Support
05:24 [netCDF #QHR-199964]: netCDF question Unidata netCDF Support
July 11, 2007
15:49 [netCDF #VVZ-317713]: Which binary works on Intel-Apple machines? Unidata netCDF Support
14:25 [netCDF #VVZ-317713]: Which binary works on Intel-Apple machines? Unidata netCDF Support
06:27 [netCDF #YHU-955675]: Error in test Unidata netCDF Support
July 10, 2007
20:31 [netCDF #JJE-781466]: NetCDF 3.6.2, gfortran, cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
20:28 [netCDF #XAB-948325]: NETCDF: libnetcdf.a on Solaris does not contain Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [IDV #FOS-898337]: IDV - netcdf CF1.0 - vertical grid system Unidata IDV Support
13:36 [netCDF #JGD-817199]: Issue with netcdf classic format Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #ZKG-804086]: netcdf4 netcdf.h missing (?) NC_FILL_STRING Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #YCK-274847]: Probelms reading ARGO data Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #YCK-274847]: Probelms reading ARGO data Unidata netCDF Support
July 09, 2007
17:03 [Support #HOT-460560]: netcdf-3.6.2 check abort Unidata netCDF Support
16:59 [netCDF #WHC-106218]: [Windows] problem with netcdf.a building NCO Unidata netCDF Support
16:55 [netCDF #GUD-694571]: problem: build 64-bit netcdf lib using ifort and icc on MAC OS X Unidata netCDF Support
16:53 [netCDF #BBC-202504]: netCDF General - Compiling Small C++ program Unidata netCDF Support
16:48 [netCDF #KIS-873279]: netCDF General - ncerr link error Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #SBJ-107651]: netCDF 3.6.2 on Mac OSX (Darwin) w/ gFortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #WGF-743894]: g95 windows use of netcdf dll Unidata netCDF Support
09:06 [netCDF #UPN-998968]: netcdf support Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #QNK-443937]: Missing .NET project file *.sln Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #NPM-805269]: NetCDF 3.6.2 For Absoft UNIX Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #WZA-173703]: Question about NetCDF install Unidata netCDF Support
08:57 [netCDF #JHG-774373]: Download and install netCDF package. Unidata netCDF Support
08:56 [netCDF #RND-134504]: Support for fortran compiler flags in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
08:52 [netCDF #BUC-827037]: Where are the Visual Studio 7.1 project files? Unidata netCDF Support
08:49 [netCDF #TQR-168864]: netCDF General - Compiling with 3.6.1 Windows binary Unidata netCDF Support
08:48 [netCDF #HIS-408233]: Configure problem on Mac OS X with Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
08:46 [netCDF #GUD-694571]: problem: build 64-bit netcdf lib using ifort and icc on MAC OS X Unidata netCDF Support
08:43 [netCDF #DRB-862049]: Build of netCDF-4 on x86_64 system? Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #KIS-873279]: netCDF General - ncerr link error Unidata netCDF Support
08:30 [netCDF #BBC-202504]: netCDF General - Compiling Small C++ program Unidata netCDF Support
08:27 [netCDF #BNK-726522]: netCDF General - Netcdf under Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Unidata netCDF Support
July 05, 2007
16:50 [netCDF #GUD-694571]: problem: build 64-bit netcdf lib using ifort and icc on MAC OS X Unidata netCDF Support
10:16 [netCDF #JJE-781466]: NetCDF 3.6.2, gfortran, cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #AFH-985814]: netcdf configure script fails to allow -Bstatic functionality with local NCAR pgi compilers Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #AJD-911069]: NetCDF implementation with Intel Windows Fortran compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:48 [netCDF #HIS-408233]: Configure problem on Mac OS X with Intel compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #HFE-924360]: error in netcdf documentation Unidata netCDF Support
July 04, 2007
18:27 [IDV #FOS-898337]: IDV - netcdf CF1.0 - vertical grid system Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:25 [netCDF #WGH-559494]: software that manipulates nc file Unidata netCDF Support
July 03, 2007
15:23 [netCDF #OPY-353926]: Make with Intel compilers on Mac Pro ... Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #OCE-469376]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 [Support #HOT-460560]: netcdf-3.6.2 check abort Unidata netCDF Support
13:58 [netCDF #WGH-559494]: software that manipulates nc file Unidata netCDF Support
12:58 [netCDF #OCE-469376]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
July 01, 2007
14:07 Re: NetCDF4 and Fortran95 Russ Rew
June 29, 2007
08:40 Re: [Fwd: Re: ESG sub setting]] John Caron
June 28, 2007
16:40 Re: [Fwd: Re: ESG sub setting]] John Caron
16:30 Re: Vertical dimension in NJ John Caron
09:29 Re: Linking probelm with gfortran 4.2 and netcdf-3.6.2 Ed Hartnett
June 27, 2007
09:05 [netCDF #QTX-782575]: linking satellite data with info in a netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
June 26, 2007
13:03 [netCDF #OCE-469376]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
12:23 [netCDF #QTX-782575]: linking satellite data with info in a netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #MTN-238901]: netcdf for windows Unidata netCDF Support
11:05 [netCDF #JJE-781466]: NetCDF 3.6.2, gfortran, cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
09:53 [netCDF #EGA-907172]: netCDF General - compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
June 25, 2007
15:46 [netCDF #RBZ-573287]: error message installing netcdf under linux Unidata netCDF Support
15:44 [netCDF #MQU-221186]: Problems with Opening netCDF file using ncBrowse Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [Support #TYN-980459]: netcdf4: nco_[put/get]_att_string(), NC_FILL_STRING, nc_var_def_deflate() Unidata netCDF Support
15:31 [netCDF #EGA-907172]: netCDF General - compiling netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:29 [netCDF #QTX-782575]: linking satellite data with info in a netCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [netCDF #TQR-168864]: netCDF General - Compiling with 3.6.1 Windows binary Unidata netCDF Support
15:26 [netCDF #KTV-334270]: Building static 32/64-bit libraries for Windows Unidata netCDF Support
15:25 [netCDF #ISX-621843]: Projecting a lot of netCDF files Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 [netCDF #IID-757285]: problem building netcdf-90 interface with ifort under cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
13:02 [netCDF #IKQ-879398]: caluclating wind direction from U and V components Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 23, 2007
10:19 [Support #LSN-611722]: netCDF Unix Build - netcdf-perl-1.2.3 errors Unidata User Support
June 22, 2007
12:20 [netCDFPerl #DKR-119346]: netCDF Perl Interface - can't get netCDF Perl to make with Perl 5.8.8 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
11:13 [netCDFPerl #DKR-119346]: netCDF Perl Interface - can't get netCDF Perl to make with Perl 5.8.8 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
08:52 [netCDFPerl #DKR-119346]: netCDF Perl Interface - can't get netCDF Perl to make with Perl 5.8.8 Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 21, 2007
13:34 Re: [IDV #ACX-204031]: IDV - IDV fails to open radar agg dataset Don Murray
June 20, 2007
16:53 Re: NetCDF conventions for mobile stations John Caron
13:02 Re: NetCDF conventions for mobile stations John Caron
09:00 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
06:55 [netCDF #WPJ-389421]: netcfd for Mac OS X with intel dual core Unidata netCDF Support
06:49 [netCDF #YHU-955675]: Error in test Unidata netCDF Support
06:43 [netCDF #RWK-638692]: Building shared libraries under SuSE Linux 64bit Unidata netCDF Support
June 19, 2007
10:10 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 18, 2007
15:14 Re: File Formats John Caron
June 16, 2007
11:16 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:15 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 15, 2007
10:50 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 14, 2007
13:33 [IDV #FOS-898337]: IDV - netcdf CF1.0 - vertical grid system Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:29 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 13, 2007
18:00 [IDV #YAU-304523]: IDV - Error when loading a netCDF bziped SST image from Thredds catalog using OpenDAP Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 12, 2007
16:58 [netCDFJava #VEH-254368]: Read and cache Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:55 Re: Time list bug John Caron
June 11, 2007
08:30 Re: NJ22 and WRF data John Caron
05:35 [netCDF #DCV-561351]: netcdf visual studio project files? Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2007
15:30 [THREDDS #KDR-409211]: projected bug fix for NetcdfServer Unidata THREDDS Support
15:16 [netCDFJava #VEH-254368]: Read and cache Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 07, 2007
14:57 [netCDF #YCK-274847]: Probelms reading ARGO data Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [Support #NJK-825861]: the best software to make dowload Unidata Miscellaneous Support
09:35 [netCDF #SBJ-107651]: netCDF 3.6.2 on Mac OSX (Darwin) w/ gFortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:34 [netCDF #PAJ-722670]: netCDF General - netCDF 4 beta ready for release? Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #XMQ-403517]: NetCDF-4.0-beta1 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [netCDF #XIZ-386452]: netCDF v4 beta fails to build on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #YJV-895463]: Problems using netccdf Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [netCDF #YCK-274847]: Probelms reading ARGO data Unidata netCDF Support
June 06, 2007
22:10 [netCDF #JGD-817199]: Issue with netcdf classic format Unidata netCDF Support
16:30 [netCDF #JGD-817199]: Issue with netcdf classic format Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2007
16:27 [netCDFJava #ECJ-813609]: questions regarding ncDump Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:29 [netCDF #ENF-209346]: Question about Unidata's 2007 netCDF for Developers workshop Unidata netCDF Support
12:05 [netCDF #VOX-741888]: installation of netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
11:18 [netCDFJava #ECJ-813609]: questions regarding ncDump Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:13 [netCDFJava #ECJ-813609]: questions regarding ncDump Unidata netCDF Java Support
June 04, 2007
09:56 Re: NJ22 and WRF data John Caron
June 01, 2007
15:53 Re: NJ22 and WRF data John Caron
10:53 Re: Java netCDF-4 API John Caron
10:36 Re: Java netCDF-4 API John Caron
May 31, 2007
16:24 Re: Java netCDF-4 API John Caron
15:43 [IDV #FOS-898337]: IDV - netcdf CF1.0 - vertical grid system Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:32 [netCDF #EWI-844789]: netCDF 3.6.2 Windows Solution files Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #JDD-277985]: CDF software Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #JDD-277985]: CDF software Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #SBJ-107651]: netCDF 3.6.2 on Mac OSX (Darwin) w/ gFortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #PAJ-722670]: netCDF General - netCDF 4 beta ready for release? Unidata netCDF Support
09:18 [netCDF #QBM-450894]: Re: requesting netcdf support - ifort 32 bit installation is failing Unidata netCDF Support
May 29, 2007
16:29 [netCDF #QBM-450894]: Re: requesting netcdf support - ifort 32 bit installation is failing Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 Re: Bug in DataSource John Caron
15:10 [netCDF #QBM-450894]: Re: requesting netcdf support - ifort 32 bit installation is failing Unidata netCDF Support
12:29 [netCDF #JDD-277985]: CDF software Unidata netCDF Support
May 28, 2007
22:30 [netCDF #QBM-450894]: Re: requesting netcdf support - ifort 32 bit installation is failing Unidata netCDF Support
11:13 Re: Use of http proxy? John Caron
10:19 Re: Bug in DataSource John Caron
May 25, 2007
10:28 [netCDF #WXJ-388822]: documentation error for nc_inq_var()? Unidata netCDF Support
May 24, 2007
10:30 [Support #TQM-415337]: NetCDF in Matlab 7? Unidata User Support
10:23 [netCDFPerl #YBC-888791]: netcdf perl module Unidata netCDF Perl Support
May 23, 2007
14:25 [netCDF #QBM-450894]: Re: requesting netcdf support - ifort 32 bit installation is failing Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [netCDFPerl #YBC-888791]: netcdf perl module Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:37 [netCDF #XOU-657119]: Need help for reading NetCDF file about the "netcdf.mod",thank you! Unidata netCDF Support
May 21, 2007
20:39 [Support #LLZ-149914]: Matlab netcdf toolbox Unidata netCDF Support
14:29 [netCDF #SOP-272405]: support NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
07:47 [netCDF #XMQ-403517]: NetCDF-4.0-beta1 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
05:42 [netCDF #XMQ-403517]: NetCDF-4.0-beta1 make check error Unidata netCDF Support
05:18 [netCDF #VVS-754933]: Another netcdf question in cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
May 18, 2007
12:43 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #WGF-743894]: g95 windows use of netcdf dll Unidata netCDF Support
08:34 [netCDF #VVS-754933]: Another netcdf question in cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
08:19 [netCDF #VJY-955413]: Please confirm me if all is ok.. Unidata netCDF Support
08:12 [netCDF #UPN-998968]: netcdf support Unidata netCDF Support
08:07 [netCDF #YTY-788071]: netcdf 4 GB variable size questions Unidata netCDF Support
May 17, 2007
14:11 [#UQO-756644]: ncview Unidata netCDF Support
14:03 [netCDF #ZKG-804086]: netcdf4 netcdf.h missing (?) NC_FILL_STRING Unidata netCDF Support
May 16, 2007
08:21 [netCDF #SOP-272405]: support NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2007
10:44 [netCDF #NKS-464622]: netcdf4 netcdf.h missing put/get att_ubyte() Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #DYC-474911]: netcdf4 netcdf.h missing _string() prototypes Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2007
14:49 [netCDF #ZHH-706736]: 'make check' error Unidata netCDF Support
May 11, 2007
15:05 [netCDF #ZRZ-463007]: compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDF #YUZ-640378]: Associative Lookup Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2007
21:53 [netCDF #QGZ-865866]: NC output Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #UEP-102961]: data information in detail Unidata netCDF Support
09:31 [netCDF #UEP-102961]: data information in detail Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #RRZ-588619]: FAN Language and Utilities, trouble compiling on linux Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 [netCDF #PMS-860672]: HDF5 dataset chunking in fortran/f90 Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [netCDF #YSY-473903]: make check fails with HDF5/netCDF4-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:48 [netCDF #PTR-825935]: netCDF4 renaming regression Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #UEP-102961]: data information in detail Unidata netCDF Support
May 09, 2007
10:16 [netCDF #YSY-473903]: make check fails with HDF5/netCDF4-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:04 [netCDF #PMS-860672]: HDF5 dataset chunking in fortran/f90 Unidata netCDF Support
May 08, 2007
07:57 [netCDF #RRZ-588619]: FAN Language and Utilities, trouble compiling on linux Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2007
08:35 [netCDF #YSY-473903]: make check fails with HDF5/netCDF4-beta1 Unidata netCDF Support
May 04, 2007
14:11 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:21 [netCDF #YTQ-675016]: about netcdf format Unidata netCDF Support
12:30 [netCDF #YTQ-675016]: about netcdf format Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2007
17:08 [netCDF #PMS-860672]: HDF5 dataset chunking in fortran/f90 Unidata netCDF Support
10:10 [netCDF #XID-711290]: How to joins together netCDF files??? Unidata netCDF Support
May 02, 2007
09:59 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 01, 2007
08:29 [netCDF #PMS-860672]: HDF5 dataset chunking in fortran/f90 Unidata netCDF Support
April 30, 2007
16:42 [netCDF #AEX-164658]: compilation error Unidata netCDF Support
April 27, 2007
14:01 [netCDF #FDG-185394]: install problems with netcdf 3.6.2 on RHEL4 with f95 (nag) Unidata netCDF Support
14:00 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
13:17 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 26, 2007
16:58 Re: ToolsUI.jar - Grib and radar to netcdf John Caron
16:12 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
14:04 [netCdfJava #IYP-809445]: possible HDF5 reading problem... Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:39 [netCDF #KVT-980429]: netCDF General - compiling Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #GCF-527136]: netCDF General - ncdump dumps exactly what? Unidata netCDF Support
April 25, 2007
17:45 Re: Java NetCDF problem... John Caron
16:18 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
16:08 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
15:35 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
15:28 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDF #WZA-173703]: Question about NetCDF install Unidata netCDF Support
10:02 [netCDF #FDG-185394]: install problems with netcdf 3.6.2 on RHEL4 with f95 (nag) Unidata netCDF Support
09:43 [netCDF #UHW-723819]: NetCDF doesn't compile Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
09:05 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
April 24, 2007
08:56 [netCDF #LJK-384152]: Error in Using CDO Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #HZY-948117]: netCDF File Not Found link Unidata netCDF Support
April 23, 2007
11:04 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
10:03 [netCDF #RNK-564883]: NetCDF libraries threadsafe? Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #UHW-723819]: NetCDF doesn't compile Unidata netCDF Support
09:36 [netCDF #OJP-212167]: netCDF General - How can I install netCDF with my Mac Pro desktop? Unidata netCDF Support
09:35 [netCDF #RNK-564883]: NetCDF libraries threadsafe? Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [netCDF #QQR-586335]: NetCDF in intel-based Mac Pro. Unidata netCDF Support
09:23 [netCDF #QNK-443937]: Missing .NET project file *.sln Unidata netCDF Support
09:12 [netCDF #EWI-844789]: netCDF 3.6.2 Windows Solution files Unidata netCDF Support
09:09 [netCDF #CEQ-298154]: i have question about ncview Unidata netCDF Support
April 21, 2007
15:00 [netCDF #KVT-980429]: netCDF General - compiling Unidata netCDF Support
April 20, 2007
12:50 [netCDF #LWP-238867]: NCDUMP - where to find? Unidata netCDF Support
April 19, 2007
11:03 [netCdfJava #HEM-237554]: netCDF Java - toolsUI bug: crashes because of icon Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:02 [netCdfJava #JFV-235665]: NetcdfFileWriteable fill options Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:20 [netCDF #TAL-431883]: Error compiling Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #FDG-185394]: install problems with netcdf 3.6.2 on RHEL4 with f95 (nag) Unidata netCDF Support
April 18, 2007
16:15 Re: Java NetCDF problem... John Caron
10:14 [netCDF #FDG-185394]: install problems with netcdf 3.6.2 on RHEL4 with f95 (nag) Unidata netCDF Support
10:12 [netCDF #XFP-419275]: configure/build problem Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCdfJava #SFA-732859]: Problem with NetcdfFile.makeUncompressed Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:13 [netCDF #XFP-419275]: configure/build problem Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #FDG-185394]: install problems with netcdf 3.6.2 on RHEL4 with f95 (nag) Unidata netCDF Support
08:06 [netCDF #TAL-431883]: Error compiling Unidata netCDF Support
07:58 [netCDF #NXH-317779]: broken links on netcdf download pages Unidata netCDF Support
April 17, 2007
11:29 [netCDF #IWD-582006]: NetCDF 3.0 binary for LINUX x86 Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #IWD-582006]: NetCDF 3.0 binary for LINUX x86 Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #DCZ-463317]: Query regarding netcdf download Unidata netCDF Support
April 16, 2007
14:03 [netCDF #JHG-774373]: Download and install netCDF package. Unidata netCDF Support
April 13, 2007
08:28 [netCDF #RND-134504]: Support for fortran compiler flags in netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2007
21:22 [Support #YDJ-965223]: XML Schema for Common Data Model? Unidata netCDF Java Support
21:07 [Support #CPD-142623]: lost indices in opendap request Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:07 [IDV #YDE-125438]: IDV - Opening NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:43 [netCDF #QLC-865146]: Netcdf on RH 64 bits Unidata netCDF Support
12:55 Re: IDV auto map projections John Caron
10:03 [netCDF #CFJ-446395]: RE: netCDF file (GTA-125251) Unidata netCDF Support
April 10, 2007
14:10 [netCDF #NOJ-562667]: NetCDF Performance Unidata netCDF Support
13:56 [netCDF #QLC-865146]: Netcdf on RH 64 bits Unidata netCDF Support
11:08 [netCDF #CFJ-446395]: RE: netCDF file (GTA-125251) Unidata netCDF Support
10:58 [netCDF #EMS-161050]: support for netcdf 3.6.2 and gfortran? Unidata netCDF Support
10:48 [netCDF #CFJ-446395]: RE: netCDF file (GTA-125251) Unidata netCDF Support
April 09, 2007
20:07 [netCdfJava #FNR-286136]: netCDF Java - Data types Unidata netCDF Java Support
20:06 [IDV #WRN-878637]: IDV - error opening netcdf file Unidata netCDF Java Support
19:45 [netCDF #EMS-161050]: support for netcdf 3.6.2 and gfortran? Unidata netCDF Support
18:31 [netCDF #AYW-100659]: NetCDF Java ver.2 port for .NET Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:11 [netCDF #NOJ-562667]: NetCDF Performance Unidata netCDF Support
15:49 [netCDF #NOJ-562667]: NetCDF Performance Unidata netCDF Support
15:39 [netCDF #SYD-350857]: Best binary for Intel Macs -- Netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:31 [netCDF #GTA-125251]: Needed support Unidata netCDF Support
April 06, 2007
10:46 [netCdfJava #WZC-910618]: Projection not resized on subset Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:18 [netCDF #PHO-300654]: compiling netCDF-3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
April 05, 2007
19:54 [netCDF #KVT-980429]: netCDF General - compiling Unidata netCDF Support
14:33 [netCDF #KVT-980429]: netCDF General - compiling Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #NOJ-562667]: NetCDF Performance Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #TIL-287016]: Re: question about packaging for Debian Unidata netCDF Support
April 04, 2007
20:59 [netCDF #TKL-257790]: NetCDF Fortran Compiler Unidata netCDF Support
20:38 Re: Negative seek offset error message while writing output - follow up John Caron
19:15 [netCdfJava #WZC-910618]: Projection not resized on subset Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:07 [netCdfJava #SWP-443797]: RandomAccessFile woes Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 03, 2007
16:56 [netCDF #GKA-285302]: netCDF General - nc_get_var_type or nc_get_varm_type Unidata netCDF Support
15:52 [netCDF #GKA-285302]: netCDF General - nc_get_var_type or nc_get_varm_type Unidata netCDF Support
11:41 [netCDF #LZA-847031]: way to access NetCDF server from a program? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:24 [netCdfJava #SWP-443797]: RandomAccessFile woes Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:11 [netCDF #GKA-285302]: netCDF General - nc_get_var_type or nc_get_varm_type Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #NXW-491534]: vs2005 Unidata netCDF Support
09:44 [netCDF #NXW-491534]: vs2005 Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2007
15:16 [netCDF #MWG-262894]: NetCDF 3.6.1 build help on Linux 64 bit PowerPC Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [netCDF #AJQ-779035]: forgot to attach files Unidata netCDF Support
15:13 [netCDF #CDY-638973]: Bug in NetCDF library Unidata netCDF Support
14:48 [netCDF #FRN-191073]: Netcdf 4.0 Snapshot 2007030502 check failed Unidata netCDF Support
11:28 [Support #WVO-908993]: make check has undefined references with gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:26 [Support #HTJ-447749]: Question Unidata netCDF Support
09:33 [netCDF #GKA-285302]: netCDF General - nc_get_var_type or nc_get_varm_type Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #GMM-276241]: Choice of compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:14 [Support #LXJ-482685]: to read time dimension Unidata netCDF Support
09:11 [netCDF #BZN-739950]: Minor patches to NetCDF 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 30, 2007
09:32 RE: Displaying WRF output in IDV Tom Baltzer
March 29, 2007
17:36 Re: Displaying WRF output in IDV John Caron
15:11 [netCDF #NOE-559508]: problem with installing netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
15:07 [netCDF #TKL-257790]: NetCDF Fortran Compiler Unidata netCDF Support
15:05 [netCDF #YCL-827910]: seg fault in nf_test for 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 Re: quick question about map projections John Caron
13:07 Re: Error in time dimension John Caron
March 28, 2007
05:39 [netCDF #QTF-641875]: Regarding problem with NETCDF (.nc to binary file conversion) Unidata netCDF Support
05:36 [netCDF #FQR-194289]: netCDF General - value too large for defined data type Unidata netCDF Support
05:31 [netCDF #ACN-385459]: NetCDF Format Unidata netCDF Support
05:25 [netCDF #TZL-450905]: Configure failed Unidata netCDF Support
March 24, 2007
05:58 [netCDF #PHO-300654]: compiling netCDF-3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 23, 2007
16:14 [Support #CDV-696422]: NetCDF Conventions Unidata netCDF Support
15:51 [netCDF #ACN-385459]: NetCDF Format Unidata netCDF Support
15:40 [netCDF #VMY-113616]: possible variable size limit/error in netCDF 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
15:32 [netCDF #PHO-300654]: compiling netCDF-3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 [Support #ZKN-398771]: Re: Memory leak in RadialDataset? Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:48 [netCDF #PNY-110761]: netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [netCDF #OPQ-508225]: netCDF General - Record data with two unlimited records Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 [Support #NHI-804360]: aggregation server in THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
14:28 [Support #DTL-932631]: UAM Format For IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:07 [netCDF #ZHX-166092]: INTEL 9.1.036 - netcdf-6.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
11:01 [netCDF #LZA-847031]: way to access NetCDF server from a program? Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:27 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #VMY-113616]: possible variable size limit/error in netCDF 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 22, 2007
22:47 [netCDF #VMY-113616]: possible variable size limit/error in netCDF 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
22:24 [netCDF #TFX-662860]: Handling netCDF files within Mac Pro (intel chips). Unidata netCDF Support
20:39 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
16:36 [netCDF #OAL-252466]: netcdf-4 Unidata netCDF Support
16:34 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
16:17 [Support #NHI-804360]: aggregation server in THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
16:09 [netCDF #NBE-283591]: Netcdf 3.6.2: Building on Windows with VC++ .NET Unidata netCDF Support
16:02 [netCDF #AFN-904658]: netCDF C# interface Unidata netCDF Support
15:45 [netCDF #NBE-283591]: Netcdf 3.6.2: Building on Windows with VC++ .NET Unidata netCDF Support
15:37 [netCDF #TZL-450905]: Configure failed Unidata netCDF Support
13:54 [Support #NHI-804360]: aggregation server in THREDDS Unidata THREDDS Support
March 21, 2007
12:40 [netCDF #ZPH-410959]: Problem with "make check" netcdf version 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
10:53 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
March 20, 2007
15:55 [Support #KTF-319726]: Nectdf Installation and Building Problems Unidata netCDF Support
15:27 [Support #BPJ-806970]: netcdf-3.6.2 faild on ia64 Unidata netCDF Support
15:14 [Support #KWG-836879]: NetCDF Installation on Windows Unidata netCDF Support
09:49 Re: Memory leak in RadialDataset? Don Murray
09:35 Re: Memory leak in RadialDataset? John Caron
09:33 Forecast Model Run Datasets; was: More comlicated data structure John Caron
09:32 [Support #ENZ-452123]: Trouble with netdf-3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 19, 2007
10:56 [netCDF #CXW-877910]: installation version 3.6.2 on IBM AIX 5.3 make check failed for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #ZBH-836160]: FAIL: Unidata netCDF Support
09:30 [netCDF #XPX-494461]: question about fortran Unidata netCDF Support
09:16 [netCDF #EXA-386504]: netCDF Version to Download Unidata netCDF Support
09:02 [netCDF #CXW-877910]: installation version 3.6.2 on IBM AIX 5.3 make check failed for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 17, 2007
16:28 [netCDF #LZA-847031]: way to access NetCDF server from a program? Unidata netCDF Java Support
09:44 [netCDF #PRZ-859052]: failure to build netCDF with pgi compilers Unidata netCDF Support
March 16, 2007
18:17 [IDV #JOO-817007]: IDV - re: time series of point data Unidata netCDF Java Support
18:06 Re: nj22 in NetBeans John Caron
15:55 [netCDF #XPX-494461]: question about fortran Unidata netCDF Support
15:40 [netCDF #EXA-386504]: netCDF Version to Download Unidata netCDF Support
15:33 [netCDF #CXW-877910]: installation version 3.6.2 on IBM AIX 5.3 make check failed for fortran Unidata netCDF Support
March 15, 2007
11:19 [netCDF #RST-674955]: minor bugs in netCDF version 3.5 for C Unidata netCDF Support
10:08 [netCDF #HJG-499978]: Compiling a netCDF library using Intel Visual Fortran v9.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #NPM-805269]: NetCDF 3.6.2 For Absoft UNIX Unidata netCDF Support
00:59 [netCDF #FII-920021]: application to convert GCM data in .nc files to ASCII Unidata netCDF Support
March 13, 2007
10:48 [IDV #EVR-865808]: IDV - Access Canadian Meteorologic Centre GRIB data Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:41 [netCdfJava #RWN-817998]: problems running development ToolsUI Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:26 [Support #DTL-932631]: UAM Format For IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 12, 2007
08:14 [netCDF #QIT-797928]: Notes on netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
08:11 [netCDF #WVT-197251]: netcdf check failure 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 11, 2007
10:30 [netCDF #KKK-748443]: netCDF General - prebuild DLL does not contain any nf_ exports Unidata netCDF Support
March 09, 2007
11:27 [netCDF #WVT-197251]: netcdf check failure 3.6.2 Unidata netCDF Support
March 08, 2007
20:40 Re: Quick question, i hope... John Caron
March 07, 2007
15:41 [netCDF #ZKX-685122]: NetCDF-3.6.1 SEGV. Unidata netCDF Support
14:45 [netCDF #WGU-681298]: Help with installation Unidata netCDF Support
March 06, 2007
20:03 [netCDF #ZKX-685122]: NetCDF-3.6.1 SEGV. Unidata netCDF Support
20:00 [netCDF #WGU-681298]: Help with installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 Re: NetCDF Help Ed Hartnett
08:04 [netCDF #AJQ-779035]: forgot to attach files Unidata netCDF Support
08:01 [netCDF #MWG-262894]: NetCDF 3.6.1 build help on Linux 64 bit PowerPC Unidata netCDF Support
March 05, 2007
15:31 [netCDF #ZKX-685122]: NetCDF-3.6.1 SEGV. Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #FRN-191073]: Netcdf 4.0 Snapshot 2007030502 check failed Unidata netCDF Support
March 04, 2007
14:50 [netCdfJava #JFV-235665]: NetcdfFileWriteable fill options Unidata netCDF Java Support
March 02, 2007
11:06 [netCDF #CAX-144000]: About ncdump. Possible BUG Unidata netCDF Support
10:39 [netCDF #HUZ-904606]: library linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
March 01, 2007
12:25 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
08:22 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDF #HUZ-904606]: library linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
08:19 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
February 28, 2007
18:59 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
13:33 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
13:29 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #AJQ-779035]: forgot to attach files Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [netCDF #QIT-797928]: Notes on netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #QTF-641875]: Regarding problem with NETCDF (.nc to binary file conversion) Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #OCI-248391]: netCDF General - Data compression FAQ Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #HUZ-904606]: library linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
February 27, 2007
17:52 Re: example THREDDS dataset John Caron
14:21 [netCDF #KKK-748443]: netCDF General - prebuild DLL does not contain any nf_ exports Unidata netCDF Support
13:14 Re: example THREDDS dataset John Caron
08:11 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #KKK-748443]: netCDF General - prebuild DLL does not contain any nf_ exports Unidata netCDF Support
08:08 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
08:04 [netCDF #HUZ-904606]: library linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
07:46 Re: example THREDDS dataset John Caron
February 26, 2007
17:10 [IDV #GLU-909903]: aircraft observations Unidata netCDF Java Support
14:58 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
14:39 [netCDF #PNQ-750270]: About warning message to link with libray libnetcdf.a. Unidata netCDF Support
14:36 [netCDF #UUG-739716]: Compiling NETCDF-3.6.1 on IBM AIX platform Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 [netCDF #QIT-797928]: Notes on netCDF installation Unidata netCDF Support
11:07 [netCDF #SWV-560841]: Linking problem to pgf90 (Fortran90, Portland compiler) Unidata netCDF Support
11:04 [netCDF #HUZ-904606]: library linking problem Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 Re: woce.ncml John Caron
10:09 Re: A bug with Lat/Lon grids... John Caron
05:02 [netCDF #UUG-739716]: Compiling NETCDF-3.6.1 on IBM AIX platform Unidata netCDF Support
February 24, 2007
17:07 Re: woce.ncml John Caron
February 23, 2007
16:04 [IDV #IXR-143564]: IDV - Directory Files Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:30 [netCDF #UUG-739716]: Compiling NETCDF-3.6.1 on IBM AIX platform Unidata netCDF Support
February 22, 2007
19:25 [netCDF #MVE-325018]: reading netcdf file with fortran 77 Unidata netCDF Support
February 21, 2007
08:41 [netCDF #FHN-325826]: netCDF General - science Unidata netCDF Support
February 20, 2007
14:57 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
10:51 [netCDF #IZU-330541]: netcdf-support Unidata netCDF Support
09:55 [netCDF #FHN-325826]: netCDF General - science Unidata netCDF Support
February 16, 2007
16:56 Re: GeoGrid stride doesnt seem to work ? John Caron
14:57 [netCDF #YNF-841048]: reading variables with fortran 77 Unidata netCDF Support
14:40 [Support #KDO-667000]: nc.h (2) Unidata netCDF Support
09:27 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
02:45 Re: Question about netCDF perl examples Heiko Klein
February 15, 2007
15:21 [netCDF #FEZ-604468]: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
14:43 Question about netCDF perl examples Russ Rew
14:07 [netCDF #IKS-582359]: netCDF example programs in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
14:05 [netCDF #AEY-440212]: Unknown error reading an unlimited dimension Unidata netCDF Support
13:59 [netCDF #JLF-228519]: AiX/IBM P-575 compile problem Unidata netCDF Support
February 14, 2007
12:32 Re: Meeting about improving the GRD API. John Caron
10:07 [netCDF #FEZ-604468]: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 [THREDDS #DSB-107820]: projected bug fix for NetcdfServer Unidata THREDDS Support
February 13, 2007
18:21 [IDV #NYY-367135]: updates - netCDF / CF / IDV Unidata netCDF Java Support
17:56 [netCdfJava #BET-382781]: Error Downloading Netcdf-java documentation Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:40 [netCDF #IKS-582359]: netCDF example programs in IDL Unidata netCDF Support
February 12, 2007
19:34 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
19:30 [netCDF #FEZ-604468]: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
17:40 Re: missing pages on NetCdf Russ Rew
16:25 Re: Meeting about improving the GRD API. John Caron
15:05 [netCDF #TLK-216952]: netcdf large file support Unidata netCDF Support
14:13 [netCDF #BUY-976453]: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Unidata netCDF Support
14:02 [UDUNITS #QTI-488101]: About output of "make check" for installing netcdf-3.6.1.tar.gz Unidata netCDF Support
13:57 [netCDF #ACN-385459]: NetCDF Format Unidata netCDF Support
13:41 [netCDF #JRU-949107]: NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
13:37 [netCDF #NSQ-984450]: failure with netcdf-4.0-alpha17 Unidata netCDF Support
13:34 [netCDF #KKK-748443]: netCDF General - prebuild DLL does not contain any nf_ exports Unidata netCDF Support
February 11, 2007
14:12 [netCDF #HFT-267495]: install netcdf in visual fortran Unidata netCDF Support
February 09, 2007
17:27 [netCDF #NNQ-721206]: Projections for NAM12k Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:40 Re: Meeting about improving the GRD API. John Caron
15:27 [netCDF #AJQ-779035]: forgot to attach files Unidata netCDF Support
14:34 [THREDDS #DSB-107820]: projected bug fix for NetcdfServer Unidata THREDDS Support
14:29 [netCDF #AJQ-779035]: forgot to attach files Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 [netCDF #UUG-739716]: Compiling NETCDF-3.6.1 on IBM AIX platform Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 [netCDF #NZB-147938]: 2 questions about netcdf applications Unidata netCDF Support
09:13 Re: Meeting about improving the GRD API. John Caron
February 08, 2007
08:36 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
February 07, 2007
18:47 Re: Writing a NetCDF file John Caron
16:17 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
15:17 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
February 06, 2007
16:18 [netCDF #KYG-107203]: NETCDF error Unidata netCDF Support
16:13 [netCDF #BNX-159405]: NetCDF and gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:16 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
12:27 [netCDF #IPE-411197]: Problem compiling netcdf on a mac os x intel machine Unidata netCDF Support
11:21 Re: netCDF and language to access? John Caron
February 05, 2007
15:26 [netCDF #SQZ-374232]: Building an ncdump for the login node of bluegene Unidata netCDF Support
15:06 [netCDF #GDB-514857]: RE: using netCDF for storing data from realtime source Unidata netCDF Support
14:42 Re: Announcement of resources for learning about netCDF Russ Rew
12:54 [netCDF #GDB-514857]: RE: using netCDF for storing data from realtime source Unidata netCDF Support
10:55 [netCDF #GDB-514857]: RE: using netCDF for storing data from realtime source Unidata netCDF Support
10:43 [netCDF #GDB-514857]: RE: using netCDF for storing data from realtime source Unidata netCDF Support
06:42 [netCDF #SQZ-374232]: Building an ncdump for the login node of bluegene Unidata netCDF Support
February 02, 2007
11:26 [netCDF #SQZ-374232]: Building an ncdump for the login node of bluegene Unidata netCDF Support
08:55 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
February 01, 2007
12:17 [netCDF #BNX-159405]: NetCDF and gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
11:06 Re: netCDF3.6.2 windows dll Russ Rew
January 31, 2007
13:34 [netCDF #SET-499655]: NetCDF 3.6.1 install problem Unidata netCDF Support
13:32 [netCDF #WTC-567829]: netCDF General - NetCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
13:26 [netCDF #NSQ-984450]: failure with netcdf-4.0-alpha17 Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #NSQ-984450]: failure with netcdf-4.0-alpha17 Unidata netCDF Support
13:24 [netCDF #BNX-159405]: NetCDF and gfortran Unidata netCDF Support
January 30, 2007
17:27 Re: Problem with nj22-18 John Caron
16:49 Re: Problem with nj22-18 John Caron
16:05 Re: How to work with this example? John Caron
January 29, 2007
16:12 Re: Arrays with null entries? John Caron
13:23 [UDUNITS #QTI-488101]: About output of "make check" for installing netcdf-3.6.1.tar.gz Unidata netCDF Support
12:20 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
January 28, 2007
15:40 [netCDF #FXV-620431]: bug report Unidata netCDF Support
15:34 [netCDF #ZSJ-783149]: Question about building netCDF libs on RHEL4 Unidata netCDF Support
13:25 [netCDF #ZSJ-783149]: Question about building netCDF libs on RHEL4 Unidata netCDF Support
13:15 [netCDF #MLP-485355]: How to read a NetCDF data set with Fortran 77... Unidata netCDF Support
January 26, 2007
16:24 [netCDF #MOB-465267]: Increasing maximum record size Unidata netCDF Support
16:13 [netCDF #MLP-485355]: How to read a NetCDF data set with Fortran 77... Unidata netCDF Support
January 25, 2007
09:37 [netCDF #HEK-584636]: netcdf.dll and C#.Net Unidata netCDF Support
09:32 [netCDF #RZR-916616]: netcdf beta not configuring on cygwin Unidata netCDF Support
07:56 [netCDF #MLP-485355]: How to read a NetCDF data set with Fortran 77... Unidata netCDF Support
January 24, 2007
15:49 [netCDF #JZN-499252]: netCDF General - make uninstall not working for beta Unidata netCDF Support
14:10 [netCDF #JZN-499252]: netCDF General - make uninstall not working for beta Unidata netCDF Support
13:23 [netCDF #JZN-499252]: netCDF General - make uninstall not working for beta Unidata netCDF Support
10:30 [netCDF #FEZ-604468]: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
January 23, 2007
21:32 Re: questions about data formats John Caron
15:35 [netCDF #LNB-396427]: Help in the netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
09:39 [netCDF #OJR-230295]: Out of memory error Unidata netCDF Support
January 22, 2007
14:32 [netCDF #ISL-204287]: problem installing netcdf with pgi compiler Unidata netCDF Support
14:18 [netCDF #CNY-738623]: Problems installing Netcdf-3.6.1 on MacOSX Unidata netCDF Support
14:11 [netCDF #EHH-752159]: Error in configure in netcdf 3.6.2 beta5 Unidata netCDF Support
14:09 [netCDF #LNB-396427]: Help in the netcdf library Unidata netCDF Support
January 14, 2007
10:34 [#XJU-559475]: Re: Fwd: netcdf4 vs. netcdf3 Unidata netCDF Support
January 12, 2007
16:01 [netCDF #OMF-580812]: how to compile netcdf with "fPIC" options? Unidata netCDF Support
15:56 [netCDF #ISL-204287]: problem installing netcdf with pgi compiler Unidata netCDF Support
15:42 [netCDF #CNY-738623]: Problems installing Netcdf-3.6.1 on MacOSX Unidata netCDF Support
15:20 [#XJU-559475]: Re: Fwd: netcdf4 vs. netcdf3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:12 [netCDF #FEZ-604468]: cputype error Unidata netCDF Support
15:01 [netCDF #DVM-516594]: netCDF V3.6.1 & NF_UNLIMITED Unidata netCDF Support
January 11, 2007
15:48 [netCDF #PYM-337601]: link rot Unidata netCDF Support
15:29 [#XJU-559475]: Re: Fwd: netcdf4 vs. netcdf3 Unidata netCDF Support
15:04 [netCDF #YMF-333401]: ncdump Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #DGR-483032]: I need some help Unidata netCDF Support
January 08, 2007
15:08 [netCDF #JUR-653450]: netCDF General - plotter for simple netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
14:53 Re: Fwd: netcdf4 vs. netcdf3 Russ Rew
13:48 [netCDF #MLP-485355]: How to read a NetCDF data set with Fortran 77... Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [SupportPlaza #DIZ-772077]: Software using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
January 06, 2007
10:17 [netCDF #ZXK-290965]: Quick Documentation Error Report Unidata netCDF Support
10:07 [SupportPlaza #DIZ-772077]: Software using NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
January 05, 2007
18:11 [netCDF #KFL-508723]: Reporting error message as requested by make Unidata netCDF Support
January 04, 2007
13:54 [netCDF #MLP-485355]: How to read a NetCDF data set with Fortran 77... Unidata netCDF Support
January 02, 2007
08:35 [netCDF #VUK-280941]: How to use nco in redhat in a simple way? Unidata netCDF Support
05:09 [netCDF #RBY-219136]: netcdf-3.6.2-beta4 build problem Unidata netCDF Support
December 28, 2006
09:38 [netCDFPerl #PLU-903665]: netCDF Perl Interface - make test failure due to "Error: in routine alloca() " Unidata netCDF Perl Support
December 26, 2006
06:20 [SupportPlaza #GWI-817849]: broken link on netcdf-4 page Unidata netCDF Support
December 20, 2006
11:03 [netCdfJava #EHW-490188]: Instantiation exception Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:50 [netCdfJava #EHW-490188]: Instantiation exception Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 19, 2006
13:19 [SupportPlaza #GWI-817849]: broken link on netcdf-4 page Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 [Support #XEX-904945]: [Fwd: reading netcdf] Unidata netCDF Support
December 18, 2006
13:12 [Support #XEX-904945]: [Fwd: reading netcdf] Unidata User Support
10:19 [netCdfJava #AET-804071]: [Fwd: Problems reading Stereographic data in CF convention] Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:13 [IDV #FQS-577426]: IDV - Unable to load PointData via dods Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 16, 2006
10:43 [netCDF #QBR-903817]: Building universal binary on Intel Mac Unidata netCDF Support
00:03 [IDV #BSD-546165]: Accessing non OpenDAP urls Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 15, 2006
15:35 Re: CDM grid example John Caron
10:46 [IDV #XEZ-245214]: IDV - Error opening example netCDF Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:40 [netCDF #BYQ-417160]: Trying to use netcdf pre-built libraries with fortran under windows Unidata netCDF Support
10:01 [IDV #KYT-374288]: IDV - scale_factor not applied to Point Data Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 14, 2006
18:00 [IDV #BSD-546165]: Accessing non OpenDAP urls Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 12, 2006
17:05 [IDV #BSD-546165]: Accessing non OpenDAP urls Unidata netCDF Java Support
December 11, 2006
06:26 [netCDF #BYQ-417160]: Trying to use netcdf pre-built libraries with fortran under windows Unidata netCDF Support
December 08, 2006
12:06 [netCDF #NYE-925598]: Fortran access to NetCDF under Windows Unidata netCDF Support
12:03 [netCDF #BYQ-417160]: Trying to use netcdf pre-built libraries with fortran under windows Unidata netCDF Support
December 07, 2006
09:32 [netCDF #SCT-388171]: FW: Data extraction Unidata netCDF Support
December 05, 2006
11:14 [netCDF #SCT-388171]: FW: Data extraction Unidata netCDF Support
December 04, 2006
10:52 [netCDF #RXZ-619984]: big size of netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
10:13 [netCDF #RXZ-619984]: big size of netcdf file Unidata netCDF Support
December 02, 2006
10:38 [netCDF #OYZ-686921]: netcdf - patch for nofileargs handling Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #SCT-388171]: FW: Data extraction Unidata netCDF Support
December 01, 2006
16:39 Re: NetCDF dual-Polametric radar data format specification John Caron
16:26 Re: "promotion" of global attributes during aggregation John Caron
15:21 [netCDF #HHS-894678]: informations about netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 [netCDF #SCT-388171]: FW: Data extraction Unidata netCDF Support
12:35 [netCDF #OVY-322528]: problems "make test" Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 Re: question about output from ncdump -p option Russ Rew
November 30, 2006
14:11 [netCDF #TSL-702032]: PGF90-F-0004-Corrupt or Old Module file ./typesizes.mod Unidata netCDF Support
09:26 [netCDF #KMU-404361]: netCDF General - NetCDF representation of a "structured grid" Unidata netCDF Support
November 29, 2006
16:20 [netCDF #KEK-710535]: netcdf-beta.tar.gz (latest) make extra_check target missing Unidata netCDF Support
08:59 Re: Funny problem with virtual method Russ Rew
06:58 [netCDF #KEK-710535]: netcdf-beta.tar.gz (latest) make extra_check target missing Unidata netCDF Support
November 28, 2006
09:13 [netCDF #KJU-947913]: nf90_get_att (nf_get_att_text): null characters Unidata netCDF Support
06:49 [netCDF #OVY-322528]: problems "make test" Unidata netCDF Support
November 27, 2006
13:44 [netCDF #KJU-947913]: nf90_get_att (nf_get_att_text): null characters Unidata netCDF Support
13:00 [SupportPlaza #DOJ-143856]: Broken link Unidata netCDF Support
10:42 [netCDF #MNX-138856]: ncdump bug Unidata netCDF Support
09:51 [netCDF #SOV-293816]: error report for netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:20 [netCDF #CNY-738623]: Problems installing Netcdf-3.6.1 on MacOSX Unidata netCDF Support
09:15 [netCDF #EBO-131170]: gfortran4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:04 [netCDF #SOV-293816]: error report for netcdf4 Unidata netCDF Support
09:00 [netCDF #KJU-947913]: nf90_get_att (nf_get_att_text): null characters Unidata netCDF Support
08:44 [netCDF #OVY-322528]: problems "make test" Unidata netCDF Support
08:40 [netCDF #MNX-138856]: ncdump bug Unidata netCDF Support
November 22, 2006
11:18 Re: nc_test and floating point equality Russ Rew
November 16, 2006
15:58 Re: f90 code to read netcdf file Russ Rew
November 15, 2006
09:13 [Support #YKQ-365067]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data Unidata netCDF Support
08:03 [netCDF #BSI-973163]: soft that can be used with netCDF Unidata netCDF Support
November 14, 2006
17:47 [Support #XZX-274428]: using new runtimeConfig with toolsUI Unidata THREDDS Support
17:36 [netCdfJava #BBD-665015]: netCDF Java - Bug with Unidata netCDF Java Support
16:57 Re: NullPointerException during aggregation John Caron
16:45 Re: netCDF Class John Caron
November 13, 2006
10:20 [netCDF #OHK-891602]: implementation of netcdf in WRF Unidata netCDF Support
10:18 [netCDF #EBO-131170]: gfortran4.1.1 Unidata netCDF Support
09:28 [Support #YKQ-365067]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data Unidata netCDF Support
November 06, 2006
08:37 [netCDF #VRB-949421]: NCO File Unidata netCDF Support
November 03, 2006
11:33 Re: nextInt and finalize John Caron
10:59 Re: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Roy Mendelssohn
04:45 Re: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90) Ed Hartnett
October 29, 2006
07:03 [netCDF #CNY-738623]: Problems installing Netcdf-3.6.1 on MacOSX Unidata netCDF Support
05:04 [Support #WMA-502095]: NetCDF install on Power5 (IBM - with SLEX 9.0) Unidata netCDF Support
October 28, 2006
06:29 [netCDF #CQZ-629413]: (No Subject) Unidata netCDF Support
06:25 [netCDF #SET-499655]: NetCDF 3.6.1 install problem Unidata netCDF Support
06:19 [Support #WMA-502095]: NetCDF install on Power5 (IBM - with SLEX 9.0) Unidata netCDF Support
October 27, 2006
12:15 [netCDF #SET-499655]: NetCDF 3.6.1 install problem Unidata netCDF Support
08:50 [SupportPlaza #JTG-463677]: broken link Unidata netCDF Support
06:43 [netCDF #ATF-493877]: c compiler Unidata netCDF Support
October 26, 2006
13:35 Re: reading raw (packed) data from NetCDF files and avoiding missing-value check John Caron
October 24, 2006
14:02 [Workshop #XFI-750389]: Information on netCDF for developers Unidata netCDF Support
October 19, 2006
17:34 Re: Problems reading NetCDF data - get NaNs John Caron
16:12 [netCDF #AAG-266617]: On building netCDF3.6.1 on AMD opteron using PGI compilers Unidata netCDF Support
04:59 [netCDF #TKX-314530]: help with installing netCDF on 32-bit Linux using Nagf95 Fortran compiler Unidata netCDF Support
04:57 [netCDF #WTC-567829]: netCDF General - NetCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
October 16, 2006
05:31 [netCDF #WTC-567829]: netCDF General - NetCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
October 13, 2006
08:12 [netCDF #WTC-567829]: netCDF General - NetCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
October 12, 2006
14:43 [netCDF #DAY-124483]: netCDF General - building netCDF w/ intel fortran Unidata netCDF Support
13:49 [netCDF #WBN-504488]: Netcdf 3.6.1 on HP x9300 64bit-AMD-Operton workstation Unidata netCDF Support
10:50 [netCDF #WQX-372472]: trouble with the VB.Net port Unidata netCDF Support
10:49 [netCDF #WTC-567829]: netCDF General - NetCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
October 08, 2006
08:37 Re: Matlab, NetCDF-C and NetCDF Java? John Caron
October 06, 2006
10:02 [netCDF #TTY-768959]: Pyngl Unidata netCDF Support
October 05, 2006
16:53 [netCDF #ZBY-935486]: netCDF API for Python Unidata netCDF Support
16:45 [netCDF #TTY-768959]: Pyngl Unidata netCDF Support
October 04, 2006
16:51 Re: Matlab, NetCDF-C and NetCDF Java? John Caron
16:38 Re: aggregating NAM model output John Caron
October 03, 2006
20:52 [netCDF #DKO-629995]: ccsm failure related to netcdf problem??? Unidata netCDF Support
20:43 [netCDF #DKO-629995]: ccsm failure related to netcdf problem??? Unidata netCDF Support
20:20 [netCDF #ZBY-935486]: netCDF API for Python Unidata netCDF Support
October 02, 2006
10:53 [netCDF #UAX-105900]: bug: netCDF 3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
September 29, 2006
14:12 [netCDF #KGU-334499]: Is netCDF compatible with SunFire 4100 platform (AMD64 chipset)? Unidata netCDF Support
13:55 [netCDF #KGU-334499]: Is netCDF compatible with SunFire 4100 platform (AMD64 chipset)? Unidata netCDF Support
12:49 [netCDF #KGU-334499]: Is netCDF compatible with SunFire 4100 platform (AMD64 chipset)? Unidata netCDF Support
September 27, 2006
09:36 [netCDF #SFB-153535]: fundimental question about ncgen Unidata netCDF Support
09:22 [netCDF #VEC-179053]: What should we do to distribute our system developed by using NetCDF Liblary ? Unidata netCDF Support
September 26, 2006
20:40 [netCDF #JPF-155108]: nc_put_var1_float() and nc_put_vara_short() return EAGAIN Unidata netCDF Support
September 25, 2006
09:06 Re: Question about strings Ed Hartnett
September 21, 2006
09:31 [netCDF #BLC-191114]: error in NetCDF F90 documentation Unidata netCDF Support
08:19 Re: fortran question... Russ Rew
03:23 [netCDF #SMP-626991]: make check getting errors? Unidata netCDF Support
03:20 [netCDF #ATH-750680]: installing NetCDF on osx10.4 G5dual Unidata netCDF Support
September 19, 2006
08:33 [netCDF #AWG-347121]: fedora4-error Unidata netCDF Support
08:31 [netCdfJava #WCC-197892]: New problem with Grib12Netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
08:24 [netCDF #ATH-750680]: installing NetCDF on osx10.4 G5dual Unidata netCDF Support
September 18, 2006
07:32 [netCDF #SMP-626991]: make check getting errors? Unidata netCDF Support
September 17, 2006
22:02 Re: Apparent filesize limit? Russ Rew
September 16, 2006
10:33 [netCDF #OWQ-161180]: Netcdf configure problems with lf95 Unidata netCDF Support
September 15, 2006
15:19 [netCDF #EIA-757303]: netCDF General - Writing sequentially a 1d array with the f90 interface Unidata netCDF Support
07:40 [netCDF #RCY-208998]: F90 compiler issue Unidata netCDF Support
07:16 [netCDF #GCL-221817]: Seeking help Unidata netCDF Support
07:07 [netCDF #RQB-269954]: Just for your Software list, GXSM uses NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
September 14, 2006
15:18 [netCdfJava #WCC-197892]: New problem with Grib12Netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
12:30 [netCdfJava #WCC-197892]: New problem with Grib12Netcdf Unidata netCDF Java Support
September 11, 2006
08:14 [netCDF #AWG-347121]: fedora4-error Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #SMP-626991]: make check getting errors? Unidata netCDF Support
08:08 [netCDF #GSR-922703]: netCDF General - Corrupt or Old Module file netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
08:06 [Support #SJK-712924]: netcdf help Unidata netCDF Support
08:03 [netCDF #MOS-338331]: NetCDF 3.6.2-beta4 failure with Gfortran on Linux Unidata netCDF Support
06:57 [netCDF #ATH-750680]: installing NetCDF on osx10.4 G5dual Unidata netCDF Support
06:50 [netCDF #GSR-922703]: netCDF General - Corrupt or Old Module file netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
06:43 [Support #JQF-464335]: netCDF and PathScale Unidata netCDF Support
06:39 [netCDF #OWQ-161180]: Netcdf configure problems with lf95 Unidata netCDF Support
September 08, 2006
17:18 Re: Few questions... John Caron
07:55 [netCDF #ATH-750680]: installing NetCDF on osx10.4 G5dual Unidata netCDF Support
07:52 [netCDF #GSR-922703]: netCDF General - Corrupt or Old Module file netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
07:51 [Support #JQF-464335]: netCDF and PathScale Unidata netCDF Support
September 06, 2006
19:16 [netCDF #GSR-922703]: netCDF General - Corrupt or Old Module file netcdf.mod Unidata netCDF Support
15:11 [netCDF #NON-857268]: NetCDF nf_test failure Unidata netCDF Support
September 05, 2006
10:26 [netCDF #EIA-757303]: netCDF General - Writing sequentially a 1d array with the f90 interface Unidata netCDF Support
09:57 [netCDFPerl #YNF-283034]: Help on instalation of perl module PDL-NetCDF Unidata netCDF Perl Support
09:16 [netCDF #SMP-626991]: make check getting errors? Unidata netCDF Support
09:08 [netCDF #ATH-750680]: installing NetCDF on osx10.4 G5dual Unidata netCDF Support
09:01 [netCDF #WVL-288144]: NetCDF Fortran 90 Interface Unidata netCDF Support
08:57 [netCDF #MOS-338331]: NetCDF 3.6.2-beta4 failure with Gfortran on Linux Unidata netCDF Support
September 04, 2006
17:52 [netCDF #NON-857268]: NetCDF nf_test failure Unidata netCDF Support
16:21 [netCDF #EZD-873215]: netcdf on linux 2.6 Unidata netCDF Support
12:52 [netCDF #NON-857268]: NetCDF nf_test failure Unidata netCDF Support
10:06 [netCDF #EZD-873215]: netcdf on linux 2.6 Unidata netCDF Support
September 03, 2006
17:26 [netCDF #EZD-873215]: netcdf on linux 2.6 Unidata netCDF Support
September 01, 2006
14:09 [netCDF #EZD-873215]: netcdf on linux 2.6 Unidata netCDF Support
August 31, 2006
17:30 [netCDF #AWG-347121]: fedora4-error Unidata netCDF Support
August 30, 2006
17:53 [netCDF #EZD-873215]: netcdf on linux 2.6 Unidata netCDF Support
17:48 [netCDF #EZD-873215]: netcdf on linux 2.6 Unidata netCDF Support
August 29, 2006
12:17 Re: geogrid performance with ArrayFloat conversions John Caron
09:44 [netCDF #SMP-626991]: make check getting errors? Unidata netCDF Support
August 28, 2006
13:05 [Support #KES-115113]: Existing convention for secondary GC-MS data Unidata netCDF Support
11:23 [Support #KES-115113]: Existing convention for secondary GC-MS data Unidata netCDF Support
11:09 [Support #DVB-160103]: NetCDF and Image Sequences with varying image sizes Unidata netCDF Support
August 24, 2006
09:24 [netCDF #YDV-157575]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 23, 2006
11:20 [Support #ECC-435970]: NetCDF-4 Unidata netCDF Support
04:45 [netCDF #YDV-157575]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
August 22, 2006
16:35 Re: finalize() John Caron
August 21, 2006
13:11 Re: new beta release: netcdf-3.6.2-beta4 now available on Unidata FTP site... Ed Hartnett
09:30 Re: read Opendap dataset with java John Caron
07:25 [netCDF #YDV-157575]: netcdf Unidata netCDF Support
07:20 [netCDF #ALM-600097]: netcdf for linux 64 bit platform Unidata netCDF Support
07:17 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
August 19, 2006
08:16 Re: new beta release: netcdf-3.6.2-beta4 now available on Unidata FTP site... Ed Hartnett
August 18, 2006
13:26 Re: finalize John Caron
10:47 Re: dependency problem still in netcdf-2.2.16.jar John Caron
August 17, 2006
19:53 [netCDF #TDV-994339]: using the f90 module interface? Unidata netCDF Support
19:48 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
August 15, 2006
10:16 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
August 14, 2006
14:35 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
12:44 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
08:45 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
August 12, 2006
06:19 [netCDF #RDJ-800749]: compiling error Unidata netCDF Support
06:11 [netCDF #ZIF-495944]: netCDF 3.6.1 on NEC SX-8 Unidata netCDF Support
05:30 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
August 11, 2006
14:18 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
09:46 [netCDF #THW-751713]: NetCDF-3.6.2 beta Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #IQO-210917]: Fortran 90 manpages missing in netcdf 3.6.2 beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
08:58 [netCDF #MCC-203712]: NetCDF 3.6.2-beta3: Libtool uses -version-info in stead of -version-number Unidata netCDF Support
08:24 [netCDF #WYZ-403685]: old info Unidata netCDF Support
August 10, 2006
16:57 Re: One more thing... John Caron
August 09, 2006
11:19 Re: nc_inq_varndims Ed Hartnett
08:05 [netCDF #SGO-526632]: how to create .nc file Unidata netCDF Support
August 04, 2006
16:53 Re: grib data Robb Kambic
15:29 Re: grib data Robb Kambic
August 02, 2006
16:39 Re: netcdf file John Caron
09:17 Re: netCDF library John Caron
08:44 [netCDF #RCY-208998]: F90 compiler issue Unidata netCDF Support
07:56 [netCDF #KFA-687781]: CDF to ascii Unidata netCDF Support
August 01, 2006
18:06 [Support #VZK-428847]: Which decoders use!? LDM Distribution Tom Yoksas
July 31, 2006
17:58 grib data Robb Kambic
10:59 Re: NCML John Caron
08:15 Re: New Client Reply - [netCdfJava !SQV-653371]: Grib2 to Grib1? Robb Kambic
July 28, 2006
17:07 Re: NetCDF-Java 2.2 John Caron
09:16 Re: buffer size and performance Don Murray
08:42 Re: buffer size and performance John Caron
08:02 Re: Level II error messages John Caron
07:54 Re: Array question John Caron
July 27, 2006
17:38 [netCdfJava #BGS-389097]: Request MD5 checksum for NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:54 [netCDF #RVZ-934876]: Examples Unidata netCDF Java Support
10:53 [netCdfJava #SQV-653371]: Grib2 to Grib1? Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 25, 2006
14:48 Re: Notes from last Friday John Caron
July 24, 2006
14:44 Re: FW: Error Calling Java from MATLAB John Caron
09:18 Re: netcdf question John Caron
09:10 [netCdfJava #BGS-389097]: Request MD5 checksum for NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 21, 2006
15:53 Re: FFLAGS in compiling Netcdf3.6.1 Russ Rew
July 17, 2006
15:35 [netCDF #IRF-709042]: netcdf-3.6.2-beta3 failures on HP XC Opteron platform Unidata netCDF Support
July 14, 2006
14:38 [netCdfJava #BGS-389097]: Request MD5 checksum for NetCDF files Unidata netCDF Java Support
July 13, 2006
21:38 [netCDF #WND-618827]: how to downgrade a netcdf file to classic Unidata netCDF Support
18:21 [netCDF #IRF-709042]: netcdf-3.6.2-beta3 failures on HP XC Opteron platform Unidata netCDF Support
14:20 Re: NetCDF Java Lib John Caron
14:16 Re: One more question John Caron
10:25 [netCDF #NYE-925598]: Fortran access to NetCDF under Windows Unidata netCDF Support
08:37 [netCDF #SPP-891072]: configure error netcdf-3.6.1 Unidata netCDF Support
08:26 [netCDF #LPQ-141100]: c++ class for reading netcdf file, Unidata netCDF Support
July 07, 2006
09:48 Re: [Fwd: New Client Reply - [IDV !XNA-384239]: IDV - Data from MM5 netCDF to IDV supported netCDF] Don Murray
09:44 Re: [Fwd: New Client Reply - [IDV !XNA-384239]: IDV - Data from MM5 netCDF to IDV supported netCDF] John Caron
July 06, 2006
13:24 Re: Memory problems with UnidataStationObsDataset John Caron
July 05, 2006
09:46 [netCDF #UZA-429567]: netCDF 3.6.1, how to build the C++ API under AIX Unidata netCDF Support
09:37 [netCDF #JGY-850875]: netCDF General - compiling netCDF on Sun OS for NAG f95 compiler Unidata netCDF Support
09:25 [netCDF #TGA-744224]: netCDF General - nc_get_varm_float Unidata netCDF Support
July 04, 2006
17:11 Re: Memory problems with UnidataStationObsDataset John Caron
June 28, 2006
17:25 [netCDFPerl #RPN-585546]: help with installation of netCDFPerl Unidata netCDF Perl Support
June 26, 2006
08:50 [netCDF #MZT-798445]: Wind Data Set Unidata netCDF Support
June 23, 2006
17:42 Re: getDataIterator methods in PointObsDataset John Caron
17:30 Logging John Caron
June 22, 2006
17:12 Re: announce netcdf-java 2.2.16 John Caron
June 21, 2006
13:37 [netCDF #TDV-994339]: using the f90 module interface? Unidata netCDF Support
June 20, 2006
07:55 [Support #JPH-820450]: Comparing wind datasets in netCDF and MS Excel formats Tom Yoksas
June 19, 2006
08:01 [netCDF #ILL-574008]: information Unidata netCDF Support
08:01 [netCDF #ILL-574008]: information Unidata netCDF Support
08:01 [netCDF #ILL-574008]: information Unidata netCDF Support
June 16, 2006
19:50 [netCDF #ILL-574008]: information Unidata netCDF Support
13:13 [netCDF #TVR-349102]: netcdf - nf90_get_var Unidata netCDF Support
11:24 [netCDF #CZF-138501]: NetCDF FILL_CHAR and FILL_BYTE switched? Unidata netCDF Support
10:45 [netCDF #IAB-641123]: Minor issues in netcdf-3.6.1-beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
05:29 [netCDF #GCL-221817]: Seeking help Unidata netCDF Support
05:26 [netCDF #PRO-546143]: netcdf -fPIC Unidata netCDF Support
05:19 [netCDF #CZF-138501]: NetCDF FILL_CHAR and FILL_BYTE switched? Unidata netCDF Support
04:51 [netCDF #PPS-643841]: Comment regarding NcVar->get_rec(long rec) Unidata netCDF Support
04:05 [SupportPlaza #XNX-149533]: Error on page: Unidata netCDF Support
02:55 [netCDF #VMV-398330]: netCDF on Mac Intel Unidata netCDF Support
02:50 [netCDF #WAI-600439]: Query: How to write a char data to a NetCDF file Unidata netCDF Support
June 12, 2006
10:36 Re: ucar.bufr.BufrInput? John Caron
June 09, 2006
06:58 [netCDF #BYQ-417160]: Trying to use netcdf pre-built libraries with fortran under windows Unidata netCDF Support
06:54 [netCDF #OCT-923848]: Netcdf/gcc warning Unidata netCDF Support
06:50 [netCDF #YIR-389758]: NetCDF build using Cygwin and Windows native compilers Unidata netCDF Support
06:30 [netCDF #TBC-890652]: Native NetCDF 4 build on a PC? Unidata netCDF Support
June 08, 2006
10:19 Re: netcdf Makefile for ecomsed Russ Rew
June 07, 2006
16:34 Re: NetCDF Java version 2.2: release time? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:20 Re: NetCDF Java version 2.2: release time? John Caron
June 06, 2006
15:47 Re: Thanks for the help Russ Rew
08:32 [netCDF #RJN-519248]: Problem with writing to NetCDF files using perl Unidata netCDF Support
June 05, 2006
08:12 [netCDF #XNK-385048]: Prebuilt DLL Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #AWX-340724]: pre-built netCDF.DLL link broken Unidata netCDF Support
June 02, 2006
06:13 [netCDF #AWX-340724]: pre-built netCDF.DLL link broken Unidata netCDF Support
May 31, 2006
21:55 Re: compiling with pgCC Russ Rew
14:35 Re: compiling with pgCC Russ Rew
12:58 Re: NCDC interest in swath CDM John Caron
10:07 Re: NetCDF and SRB John Caron
08:38 [netCDF #OQP-121988]: netCDF Import to Mathematica, perhaps via HDF or HDF5 file Unidata netCDF Support
08:25 [netCDF #PPS-643841]: Comment regarding NcVar->get_rec(long rec) Unidata netCDF Support
08:10 [netCDF #DDV-848034]: netCDF General - NetCDF documentation Unidata netCDF Support
08:05 [netCDF #IAB-641123]: Minor issues in netcdf-3.6.1-beta3 Unidata netCDF Support
07:20 [netCDF #JWJ-461169]: ZOZ-911993 Unidata netCDF Support
May 30, 2006
16:16 Re: [IDV #FAV-932592]: IDV install John Caron
May 26, 2006
09:53 [netCDF #CZF-138501]: NetCDF FILL_CHAR and FILL_BYTE switched? Unidata netCDF Support
09:42 [netCDF #GCL-221817]: Seeking help Unidata netCDF Support
May 23, 2006
18:06 Re: suggestions for CF conventions John Caron
15:08 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
09:59 Re: Uniform data indexing and querying John Caron
09:48 Re: Netcdf Russ Rew
09:32 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
09:10 Re: Fortran 2003 netCDF interfaces redux Russ Rew
May 22, 2006
15:49 Re: Fortran 2003 netCDF interfaces redux Russ Rew
May 18, 2006
14:23 Re: Fortran 2003 compliant replacements for Netcdf FORTRAN interfaces Ed Hartnett
14:13 Re: Fortran 2003 compliant replacements for Netcdf FORTRAN interfaces Russ Rew
May 17, 2006
15:24 Re: Point data in IDV John Caron
13:14 Re: NetCDF Windows build Russ Rew
May 16, 2006
10:10 Re: password protection John Caron
06:41 [netCDF #PRO-546143]: netcdf -fPIC Unidata netCDF Support
May 15, 2006
09:52 [netCDF #GCL-221817]: Seeking help Unidata netCDF Support
08:23 [netCDF #PRO-546143]: netcdf -fPIC Unidata netCDF Support
08:20 [netCDF #UEV-830997]: configure Unidata netCDF Support
07:18 [netCDF #GCL-221817]: Seeking help Unidata netCDF Support
May 14, 2006
13:05 [netCDF #GCL-221817]: Seeking help Unidata netCDF Support
May 12, 2006
14:48 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
14:27 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
13:38 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
May 11, 2006
17:22 [netCDF #PRO-546143]: netcdf -fPIC Unidata netCDF Support
16:37 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
14:52 [THREDDS #NCD-931813]: How to add GLOBAL attributes to an Aggregation Unidata THREDDS Support
10:33 Re: Question about strings Ed Hartnett
08:23 [netCDF #QGU-910017]: error makeing NetCDF Unidata netCDF Support
08:08 [netCDF #UEV-830997]: configure Unidata netCDF Support
May 10, 2006
18:25 [netCDF #PRO-546143]: netcdf -fPIC Unidata netCDF Support
17:34 [IDV #CTI-404702]: Unix compress/uncompress for Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
May 09, 2006
20:03 [netCDF #GDW-937911]: Problem building netCDF F90 interface on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
20:02 [netCDF #PRO-546143]: netcdf -fPIC Unidata netCDF Support
12:38 [IDV #CTI-404702]: Unix compress/uncompress for Java Unidata netCDF Java Support
04:47 Re: Question about your wrapper Ed Hartnett
May 08, 2006
16:28 [netCDF #QOO-203677]: compiling fortran 90 interface on Linux Unidata netCDF Support
07:51 [netCDF #FTM-873482]: Problem building GMT/netcdf on macintel? Unidata netCDF Support
May 07, 2006
20:17 [netCDF #FTM-873482]: Problem building GMT/netcdf on macintel? Unidata netCDF Support
May 05, 2006
13:44 [netCDF #MRU-886571]: test Unidata netCDF Support
May 03, 2006
15:18 Re: Observation Dataset Conventions Russ Rew
14:35 Re: GDAL NetCDF driver and projection. John Caron
13:45 Re: Observation Dataset Conventions John Caron
May 01, 2006
08:28 metting you Sandy
April 30, 2006
21:47 Re: 20050330: NetCDF and Intel Compilers Ed Hartnett
April 26, 2006
14:21 Re: opening from an applet John Caron
April 25, 2006
12:03 Re: opening from an applet John Caron
08:02 Re: opening from an applet John Caron
08:00 Re: opening from an applet John Caron
April 24, 2006
11:25 Re: opening from an applet John Caron
April 20, 2006
09:33 Re: A netcdf suggestion Russ Rew
April 19, 2006
17:44 Re: Auxiliary coordinate variable John Caron
17:36 Re: IDV John Caron
17:25 Re: A netcdf suggestion (fwd) John Caron
April 18, 2006
17:05 [netCDF #CWX-707496]: What happened? Unidata netCDF Support
16:46 Re: packing netcdf dataset - offset & scaling factor utilization Ed Hartnett
April 17, 2006
12:51 Re: Auxiliary coordinate variable John Caron
April 14, 2006
14:21 Re: thredds access service elements Ethan Davis
April 13, 2006
16:54 Re: thredds access service elements John Caron
16:08 Re: PointObsDatasetFactory John Caron
16:02 [netCdfJava #GHS-962005]: Geoloc functions Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 12, 2006
07:51 [netCDF #GDW-937911]: Problem building netCDF F90 interface on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
April 11, 2006
09:26 Re: [netCDFPerl #(QIH-224625)] Support: NetCDF/Perl interface question Robb Kambic
April 10, 2006
19:14 Re: some netcdf contributions you may be interested in Stephen Leak
11:26 [netCdfJava #FDZ-419409]: write problems Unidata netCDF Java Support
April 09, 2006
22:03 Re: some netcdf contributions you may be interested in Russ Rew
April 07, 2006
16:01 Re: some netcdf contributions you may be interested in Russ Rew
12:33 Re: ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.* questions John Caron
April 05, 2006
23:15 [netCDF #CWX-707496]: What happened? Unidata netCDF Support
21:29 [netCDF #CWX-707496]: What happened? Unidata netCDF Support
12:24 Re: Point data in NetCDF for the the IDV John Caron
April 04, 2006
12:49 Re: re Unidata Observation Dataset Conventions John Caron
06:35 [netCDF #GDW-937911]: Problem building netCDF F90 interface on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
April 02, 2006
14:50 [netCDF #CUF-626439]: Ncdump data loss... Unidata netCDF Support
April 01, 2006
06:54 Re: Updates on netCDF releases and plans Russ Rew
March 31, 2006
15:11 Re: NetCDF 3.6.1 warnings Ed Hartnett
10:59 Re: Lat/Lon from an Image John Caron
March 30, 2006
14:46 Re: Web service for Total Precipitation John Caron
13:21 Re: Need more source code John Caron
March 29, 2006
21:08 Re: Web service for Total Precipitation John Caron
March 28, 2006
10:43 Re: NetCDF CF convention & lat - lon range John Caron
March 27, 2006
08:33 [netCDF #KZB-260196]: converting netCDF data to text Unidata netCDF Support
March 25, 2006
19:21 Re: Web service for Total Precipitation John Caron
March 24, 2006
18:25 [netCDF #GDW-937911]: Problem building netCDF F90 interface on Mac OS X Unidata netCDF Support
March 21, 2006
16:31 [Support #IWD-747852]: Software to Analyze NLDN data Unidata netCDF Support
09:19 Re: problem with John Caron
08:48 Re: problem with John Caron
08:35 [Support #IWD-747852]: Software to Analyze NLDN data Tom Yoksas
March 19, 2006
14:32 Re: strange ncdump error in 3.6.1 Russ Rew
March 16, 2006
14:28 Re: Extracting the vertical levels from Netcdf John Caron
March 10, 2006
12:33 [netCDFPerl #ACD-185130]: netCDFPerl for MaC OS X Unidata netCDF Perl Support
March 08, 2006
11:09 Re: Writing a Java client for browsing and download data from THREDDS John Caron
March 07, 2006
14:04 Re: Help with using "get( )" function needed please Russ Rew
13:33 Re: CoordinateAxis.getBoundaryRef John Caron
March 06, 2006
18:44 Re: CoordinateAxis.getBoundaryRef John Caron
16:26 Re: Creating a GeoGrid John Caron
March 03, 2006
11:02 Re: NcFile and its non-virtual member functions Russ Rew
February 28, 2006
10:24 Re: 20050922:DODS/THREDDS confusion John Caron
09:00 Re: AMBER netcdf convention Russ Rew
February 27, 2006
18:25 Re: 20050922:DODS/THREDDS confusion John Caron
16:21 Re: GeoX and GeoY units John Caron
15:18 Re: Using the Scientific data type package John Caron
15:10 Re: CF2 convention John Caron
14:47 Re: Java netCDF 2.2 / Structures John Caron
12:59 [netCdfJava #WVX-463093]: How to write to NetCDF from ASCII file without using temporary arrays in java code? Unidata netCDF Java Support
11:05 Re: writing netcdf file along unlimited dimension John Caron
February 23, 2006
07:02 Re: 20050922:DODS/THREDDS confusion Ethan Davis
February 22, 2006
21:52 [netCdfJava #WVX-463093]: How to write to NetCDF from ASCII file without using temporary arrays in java code? Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 21, 2006
11:29 20060221: BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from ["Jed O. Kaplan" <address@hidden>] Unidata Support
February 20, 2006
16:32 Re: 20050922:DODS/THREDDS confusion John Caron
11:25 Re: g95 compilation of netcdf Ed Hartnett
11:16 Re: VariableDS.getCoordinateSystems question John Caron
08:56 [Support #NNZ-242583]: Convert ASCII file to CDF Unidata User Support
08:36 Re: 20040324: ncdump dates (fwd) Rick Danielson
February 19, 2006
13:18 Re: VariableDS.getCoordinateSystems question John Caron
February 16, 2006
10:34 Re: CF convention John Caron
February 15, 2006
13:00 [netCdfJava #LVZ-157790]: Netcdf Java API Questions Unidata netCDF Java Support
February 13, 2006
16:17 Re: Announce: CDM Validator improvements John Caron
10:12 [Fwd: Re: bug in CF conventions for "Hurrell SST climatology" files] John Caron
February 10, 2006
12:16 Re: TIEGCM history files John Caron
February 09, 2006
07:54 Re: TIEGCM history files Don Murray
February 08, 2006
19:01 Re: TIEGCM history files John Caron
February 07, 2006
18:20 Re: Announce: Common Data Model Coordinate System validation John Caron
18:03 Re: [CF-metadata] Announce: Common Data Model Coordinate System validation John Caron
15:03 Re: geotiff help Yuan Ho
February 04, 2006
11:45 Re: data vs define modes Russ Rew
February 03, 2006
15:05 Re: netcdf 4 python module Russ Rew
09:02 Re: AMBER netcdf convention Russ Rew
February 01, 2006
16:33 Re: Unidata Observation Dataset Conventions John Caron
13:04 Re: Unidata Observation Dataset Conventions John Caron
13:03 Re: Code to produce opendap sequence John Caron
January 30, 2006
15:06 Re: netCDF to GeoTIFF John Caron
15:01 Re: Code to produce opendap sequence John Caron
January 27, 2006
15:13 Re: Code to produce opendap sequence John Caron
January 23, 2006
10:01 RE: WRF & ARPS on Opteron 64-bit Tom Baltzer
January 20, 2006
13:35 Re: Questions Russ Rew
January 18, 2006
18:17 Re: [Fwd: Re: Other_Issues: java path priority [THREAD ID:1-21F268]] John Caron
January 17, 2006
20:57 Re: IO Service Providers John Caron
14:02 Re: netCDF Java - Java Ncgen John Caron
13:50 Re: OK, more questions... John Caron
12:20 Re: Questions John Caron
10:17 Re: Questions John Caron
09:30 Re: Questions John Caron
January 13, 2006
13:47 Re: Thredds Aggregation of HDF files John Caron
12:24 Re: (fwd) Russ Rew
10:22 Re: (fwd) Russ Rew
January 12, 2006
14:58 Re: 20051220: NcML Aggregation in THREDDS John Caron
14:05 Re: 20060110:Mac netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - can not run 'make' during installation Ed Hartnett
09:16 Re: 20060110:Mac netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - can not run 'make' during installation Ed Hartnett
January 11, 2006
09:35 Re: 20060110:ncview software Ed Hartnett
09:18 [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: FW: handling the leap year attribute]] John Caron
January 10, 2006
19:16 Re: 20051223: netCDF Java - The fill flag does not work in NetcdfFileWriteable(java.lang.String location, boolean fill) John Caron
15:36 Re: standard_parallel - There may be 1 or 2 values. John Caron
13:01 Re: 20060110:grid editor: netcdf Ed Hartnett
11:13 Re: 20060110:Mac netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - can not run 'make' during installation Ed Hartnett
January 09, 2006
10:53 Re: [Fwd: nj22 and conventions] John Caron
10:24 Re: nj22 and conventions John Caron
January 08, 2006
05:39 Re: 20060103:netCDF installation error mac os 10.4 tiger Ed Hartnett
January 07, 2006
07:07 Re: 20060103:netCDF installation error mac os 10.4 tiger Ed Hartnett
January 06, 2006
15:16 Re: netCDF Perl Interface - Dynamic load fail Steve Emmerson
15:11 Re: 20060103:netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Problem with option +ppu on HP-UX64bit Ed Hartnett
14:21 Re: netCDF Perl Interface - Dynamic load fail Steve Emmerson
08:43 Re: 20060105: compiling netcdf3.6.0-p1 with gfortran 4.0.2 Ed Hartnett
January 05, 2006
09:58 Re: IDV - NetCDF format for xyz data grid mapping to transverse Mercator] John Caron
January 04, 2006
13:00 Re: 20060103:netCDF installation error mac os 10.4 tiger Ed Hartnett
12:58 Re: 20060103:netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Problem with option +ppu on HP-UX64bit Ed Hartnett
January 03, 2006
15:39 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Undefined references Ed Hartnett
13:48 Re: netCDF Java - NetCdf java "ncgen" method John Caron
13:34 Re: 20051223: netCDF Java - The fill flag does not work in NetcdfFileWriteable(java.lang.String location, boolean fill) John Caron
13:32 Re: 20051220: NcML Aggregation in THREDDS John Caron
13:17 Re: 20051208: netcdf-3.6.0-p1, 32-bit compile on x86_64 system -- Assertion failure in odo1 Russ Rew
December 22, 2005
15:18 Re: [Fwd: IDV - NetCDF format for xyz data grid mapping to transverse Mercator] John Caron
13:58 Re: netcdf 4 python module Russ Rew
12:36 Re: NEXRAD level IV? John Caron
10:54 20051222: Extracting data (in ASCII format) from Netcdf format. (cont.) Unidata Support
December 21, 2005
17:54 Re: Seeking .nc advice for sequence data John Caron
13:04 Index subsetting on OPeNDAP sequences. John Caron
December 20, 2005
18:18 Re: 20051219: IDV - NetCDF data files with curvilinear coordinates / CF convention John Caron
14:17 20051220: netCDF Unix Build - Extracting data (in ASCII format) from Netcdf Unidata Support
December 19, 2005
16:54 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Unresolved reference to netcdf objects Ed Hartnett
09:26 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Unresolved reference to netcdf objects Ed Hartnett
December 16, 2005
16:11 Re: announce stable release THREDDS Data Server version 3.4 John Caron
15:00 Re: Aggregation John Caron
13:40 Re: 20051216:NetcdfTool John Caron
December 15, 2005
17:52 Re: nj22 and conventions John Caron
14:26 Re: The significance of trailing blanks in attributes... John Caron
14:24 Announce: new stable release version 2.2.12 John Caron
08:58 Re: 20051214: netCDF Java - Failed to load resource John Caron
08:14 Re: Reading GINI images Don Murray
December 14, 2005
18:59 Re: Small documentation request John Caron
15:47 Re: nj22 and conventions John Caron
15:27 Re: Registering convention handlers John Caron
15:23 Re: Reading GINI images John Caron
15:17 Re: 20051214: netCDF Java - Failed to load resource John Caron
10:50 Re: Netcdf question Ed Hartnett
December 13, 2005
19:15 Re: NetCDF and ESRI Russ Rew
13:48 Re: Netcdf question Ed Hartnett
December 09, 2005
16:29 Re: netcdf file returns corrupt byte data if using fill John Caron
15:49 Re: netcdf-java 2.2.10 problem John Caron
09:25 Re: 20051201: netCDF C - ncgen Ed Hartnett
04:36 Re: 20051202: problem with NETCDF library Ed Hartnett
04:33 Re: 20051201: netCDF C - ncgen Ed Hartnett
04:31 Re: 20051203: netCDF - FLAGS and NC_FILL_BYTE Ed Hartnett
December 08, 2005
14:02 Re: [Fwd: Re: display of metadata html] John Caron
12:42 Re: 20051203: netCDF - FLAGS and NC_FILL_BYTE Ed Hartnett
12:19 Re: 20051201: netCDF C - ncgen Ed Hartnett
12:04 Re: using netcdf API in fortran Ed Hartnett
December 07, 2005
11:08 Re: netcdf-java 2.2.10 problem John Caron
10:51 Re: netcdf-java 2.2.10 problem John Caron
December 05, 2005
13:51 Re: [Fwd: Re: 20050923: netcdf java problem] Ed Hartnett
December 02, 2005
17:58 Re: NetCDF-java, OpenDAP & Matlab John Caron
17:57 Re: Reading OpenDAP data into Matlab using NetCDF-JAVA John Caron
December 01, 2005
17:42 Re: netCDF Unix Build - failure of "make test" Ed Hartnett
November 30, 2005
18:37 Re: MAMath.copyDouble John Caron
November 29, 2005
15:45 Re: [Fwd: Re: 20050923: netcdf java problem] Ed Hartnett
09:21 Re: info gennet.f Ed Hartnett
November 28, 2005
15:15 Re: new netcdf-4 alpha release... Russ Rew
10:47 Re: [Fwd: Re: 20050923: netcdf java problem] Ed Hartnett
10:44 Re: netCDF General - installation problems Ed Hartnett
November 23, 2005
11:04 Re: netcdf and Absoft 9.2 Russ Rew
10:22 Re: netcdf and Absoft 9.2 Russ Rew
08:27 Re: 20051122: Installation error on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 6) ..... Ed Hartnett
08:25 Re: 20051117: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - why...??????????? Ed Hartnett
08:23 Re: netCDF General - ld:undefined symbols Ed Hartnett
November 18, 2005
14:08 Re: Staggered Grids John Caron
12:35 Re: 20051116:Install on Mac OX 10.2.8 Russ Rew
12:22 Re: NetCDF java libraries: versions 1 and 2 John Caron
10:56 Re: NetCDF java libraries: versions 1 and 2 John Caron
10:19 Re: NetCDF java libraries: versions 1 and 2 John Caron
November 16, 2005
21:13 Re: 20051116:Install on Mac OX 10.2.8 Russ Rew
13:05 Re: NPOESS Sample Files Russ Rew
09:46 Re: NPOESS Sample Files Russ Rew
08:08 Re: How to open and create a .nc extension file? Ed Hartnett
November 15, 2005
19:33 RE: Scale factor in netCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
08:38 Re: 20051114: netcdf-perl-1.2.3 Steve Emmerson
08:02 Re: NETCDF trouble Ed Hartnett
November 14, 2005
09:47 Re: 20051113: information on converting HDF format data to CDF Ed Hartnett
November 10, 2005
03:20 Re: 20051109: COM Interface and NetCDF Ed Hartnett
November 09, 2005
20:17 Re: NPOESS Sample Files Russ Rew
09:25 Re: The significance of trailing blanks in attributes... John Caron
09:09 Re: The significance of trailing blanks in attributes... John Caron
November 08, 2005
12:40 Re: Convert ASCII file to CDF format (fwd) Ed Hartnett
November 07, 2005
17:04 Re: Multiarray Java package John Caron
November 02, 2005
10:22 Re: 20051101: netCDF Perl Interface - problem using netcdf-perl: __buitin__alloca Steve Emmerson
09:47 Re: NetCDF java lib John Caron
08:58 Re: 20051101: netCDF Perl Interface - problem using netcdf-perl: __buitin__alloca Steve Emmerson
November 01, 2005
14:53 Re: 20051101: HDF5 file with java netcdf2.2 John Caron
14:31 Re: 20051101:hdf5 file structure Ed Hartnett
14:23 Re: netCDF Unix Build - netcdf build with intel 9.0 Ed Hartnett
11:30 Re: 20051028:Is there a .nc <-> .xml tool available? John Caron
09:23 Re: 20051031: Please, help me with netCDF.. Ed Hartnett
09:21 Re: 20051029: linking netCDF Ed Hartnett
09:20 Re: 20051025:problem installing NetCDF 3.6.0-p1 library Ed Hartnett
06:13 Re: 20051028:Is there a .nc <-> .xml tool available? Russ Rew
October 31, 2005
13:51 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Failed to find lahey fortran/failed build 3.6.1 Ed Hartnett
13:47 Re: 20051025:ncdump produced unreadable file ("#UNB" instead of number) Ed Hartnett
13:41 Re: netCDF General - Help to build netcdf with intel fortran 9.0 Ed Hartnett
08:52 Re: 20051028:Install Netcdf on Windows XP Ed Hartnett
08:52 Re: 20051028:netCDF Windows - netcdf file read Ed Hartnett
08:50 Re: 20051028:Is there a .nc <-> .xml tool available? Ed Hartnett
08:48 Re: 20051029: linking netCDF Ed Hartnett
08:46 Re: 20051028: netCDF make test Ed Hartnett
07:25 Re: netCDF General - Help to build netcdf with intel fortran 9.0 Ed Hartnett
October 28, 2005
11:01 Re: 20051025:ncdump produced unreadable file ("#UNB" instead of number) Ed Hartnett
08:16 Re: 20051025: netCDF Unix Build - netcdf.mod Ed Hartnett
07:24 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Failed to find lahey fortran/failed build 3.6.1 Ed Hartnett
October 26, 2005
15:52 Re: Alternate direction for netCDF-4 Russ Rew
October 24, 2005
13:49 Re: NetCDF, Objective-C, Apple's Spotlight Russ Rew
10:30 Re: NetCDF, Objective-C, Apple's Spotlight Russ Rew
October 19, 2005
12:25 Re: 20051019: netCDF Windows Ed Hartnett
October 13, 2005
19:56 Re: NetCDF build Ed Hartnett
October 12, 2005
05:04 Re: 20051011: Netcdf on Xeon hyperthreaded Ed Hartnett
October 11, 2005
10:25 Re: Reading remote files through authenticating proxy John Caron
08:05 Re: 20051010:netCDF General - IDL pointers and netCDF files Ed Hartnett
October 10, 2005
14:50 Re: CDL file problems for NCEP gribs Russ Rew
10:43 Re: Reading remote files through authenticating proxy John Caron
09:59 Re: 20051010: Update for NCL blurb on website Russ Rew
October 09, 2005
10:16 Re: I need help ! Ed Hartnett
October 06, 2005
15:12 Re: problems with netcdf/Perl (-fPIC?) Steve Emmerson
October 05, 2005
09:52 Re: netcdf for Matlab 7 on Mac OSX Russ Rew
October 04, 2005
16:42 Re: netCDF-Java 2.2.10 John Caron
15:36 Re: NetCDF Java "ncgen" method? John Caron
14:44 Re: 20051004:netCDF General - Broken links to netCFD downloads Russ Rew
14:07 Re: newtCDF-Java 2.2.10 John Caron
October 03, 2005
10:54 Re: 20051003: creating dynamic shared library version of netcdf Ed Hartnett
September 27, 2005
10:52 Re: Read netcdf John Caron
September 26, 2005
10:32 Re: problem with newest netcdf java library when retrieving netcdf file from JOSS (fwd) John Caron
10:09 Re: 20050926: Read netcdf files John Caron
10:03 Re: problem with newest netcdf java library when retrieving netcdf file from JOSS (fwd) John Caron
September 23, 2005
13:27 Re: 20050923: netcdf java problem John Caron
10:10 Re: netcdf-3.6.0-beta6 (fwd) Russ Rew
September 22, 2005
15:26 Re: 20050922:DODS/THREDDS confusion John Caron
September 19, 2005
17:35 Re: 20050919: netCDF for cell-oriented data Russ Rew
17:05 Re: compiling with 64 bit problem Russ Rew
10:58 Re: missing method in library John Caron
September 16, 2005
09:59 Re: [Fwd: Problem using GeotiffWriter] Yuan Ho
09:12 Re: NetCDF-4 Russ Rew
September 15, 2005
17:21 Re: [Fwd: Problem using GeotiffWriter] Yuan Ho
September 14, 2005
15:19 Re: [Fwd: Problem using GeotiffWriter] Yuan Ho
08:47 Re: 20050914: ncvtk, exploring planetary data stored in a netCDF file Russ Rew
September 13, 2005
09:55 [Fwd: AW: netCDF Java - missing unused dimension in cdf file] John Caron
September 12, 2005
19:01 Re: netCDF Java - missing unused dimension in cdf file John Caron
17:03 Re: 20050707: netCDF Perl Interface - Netcdf Perl Build Error Steve Emmerson
16:55 Re: 20050826:netcdf build Ed Hartnett
September 06, 2005
14:00 Re: help on compiling NetCDF Ed Hartnett
11:39 Re: [Fwd: man netcdf for C (pdf) not have page] Ed Hartnett
08:55 Re: NetCDF should round, not truncate! (fwd) Ed Hartnett
September 02, 2005
16:13 Re: help on compiling NetCDF Ed Hartnett
September 01, 2005
08:37 Re: netCDF Java - define variables without a dimension John Caron
August 31, 2005
11:29 Re: netCDF General - Variable not found Ed Hartnett
07:49 Re: 20050818: HP/NAG Fortran NetCDF 3.6.0 Compiler Problems Ed Hartnett
August 29, 2005
16:36 Re: Absoft9.2 and netcdf Russ Rew
09:07 Re: Absoft9.2 and netcdf Russ Rew
August 27, 2005
06:35 Re: 20050826: netcdf build Ed Hartnett
August 26, 2005
08:50 Re: 20050826: netcdf build Ed Hartnett
August 25, 2005
06:14 Re: 20050824: netcdf 3.6.0-p1 and IRIX, continued Ed Hartnett
August 24, 2005
12:25 Re: 20050824: NetCDF4 Ed Hartnett
10:29 Re: 20050824: netcdf 3.6.0-p1 and IRIX, continued Ed Hartnett
10:22 Re: 20050824: Building on IRIX Ed Hartnett
10:08 Re: netCDF General - Transform nc into ASCII Ed Hartnett
09:18 Re: [Fwd: Re: XYT and XYZT grid with only 1 X and 1 Y point in axis] John Caron
August 22, 2005
10:55 Re: 20050822:netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - configure does not support .obj files Ed Hartnett
August 21, 2005
08:13 Re: 20050817: Question about 'ncvgt' Ed Hartnett
07:53 Re: 20050817:netcdf fortran precision Ed Hartnett
August 20, 2005
16:12 Re: Question about 'ncvgt' Russ Rew
August 18, 2005
17:50 Re: representing multiple nests John Caron
07:55 Re: NetCDF & perl Steve Emmerson
August 17, 2005
18:41 Re: NetCDF Java buglets? John Caron
August 16, 2005
21:22 Re: Fw: 20050725: cgywin and netcdf-3.6.1-beta Ed Hartnett
21:17 Re: 20050815:netCDF C++ - compilation error with Visual.Net Ed Hartnett
21:14 Re: 20050815: help with netcdf compilation Ed Hartnett
17:26 Re: 20050815: netCDF Java - I need example code John Caron
16:10 Re: 20050815: netCDF Java - I need example code John Caron
August 11, 2005
15:12 Re: 20050811: netCDF General - IBM DX import and visualization Ed Hartnett
August 10, 2005
15:30 Re: availablility of alpha version of netcdf-4 Russ Rew
11:37 Re: netcdf4.0 alpha passes nco regression tests & benchmarks Ed Hartnett
August 09, 2005
09:13 Re: ncdigest V1 #893 Russ Rew
August 05, 2005
17:14 Re: Problems with Java NetCDF examples John Caron
16:36 Re: Problems with Java NetCDF examples John Caron
09:49 Re: 20050805:Netcdf configure error Ed Hartnett
07:25 Re: Fw: 20050725: cgywin and netcdf-3.6.1-beta Ed Hartnett
07:19 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Using F90 interface to read character variables ... Ed Hartnett
07:10 Re: 20050617: netCDF Windows - Need help on installation of netcdf under windows/cygwin Ed Hartnett
07:08 Re: 20050802: Reading a NetCDF data Ed Hartnett
07:05 Re: 20050707:netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - dll in windows fortran Ed Hartnett
August 04, 2005
16:20 Re: NetCDF 4.0 release (fwd) Russ Rew
August 02, 2005
17:08 Re: NetCDF 4.0 release (fwd) Russ Rew
14:56 Re: NetCDF version? John Caron
13:05 Re: Bug with nc_inq_varid() in C interface? (fwd) Russ Rew
12:18 Re: NetCDF structures and Profile/in situ data John Caron
10:52 Re: java-netcdf2.2v10, offset on reading nc files John Caron
10:49 Re: 20050802:GeoTIFF max/min values Yuan Ho
10:03 Re: CF1.0 compliant .nc file problems John Caron
09:46 Bug with nc_inq_varid() in C interface? Russ Rew
09:31 Re: GeoTIFF max/min values John Caron
08:38 Re: java-netcdf2.2v10, offset on reading nc files John Caron
August 01, 2005
21:07 Re: netCDF, GMT and Mac OS X Paul Wessel
20:50 Re: netCDF, GMT and Mac OS X Russ Rew
20:36 Re: netCDF, GMT and Mac OS X Russ Rew
16:03 Re: GeoTIFF max/min values Yuan Ho
15:26 Re: GeoTIFF max/min values Yuan Ho
13:29 Re: GeoTIFF max/min values Yuan Ho
July 29, 2005
13:39 Re: Mac OS 10.4 with Absoft Pro 9.2: make test failure Russ Rew
July 28, 2005
18:23 Re: NIDS decompression error John Caron
10:52 Re: java-netcdf2.2v9, grib vs netcdf John Caron
July 27, 2005
14:13 20050727: netCDF C - Trying to find netcdf 3.5.1 Unidata Support
10:20 Re: problems while writing Structure John Caron
01:01 Re: 20050726: latest netCDF source distribution Svetlana Bicarova
July 24, 2005
18:25 Re: Andi format Russ Rew
July 22, 2005
08:58 Re: Andi format Russ Rew
07:50 Re: NIDS decompression error John Caron
July 20, 2005
13:02 Re: 20050720: Netcdf 3.6.0 on Cygwin Russ Rew
12:54 Re: my test NetCDF file (CF metadata) John Caron
10:11 Re: One or more variable sizes violate format contraints Russ Rew
09:03 Re: Please update the Python pycdf description in http://my.unidata. (fwd) Russ Rew
08:51 Re: my test NetCDF file (CF metadata) John Caron
July 19, 2005
12:41 Re: 20050719: Question about coordinate variables Ed Hartnett
12:13 Re: ***UNCHECKED*** Fwd: need help verifying CF conventions John Caron
12:01 Re: 20050719: building a shared netcdf library Ed Hartnett
11:00 Re: C manual (fwd) Russ Rew
July 18, 2005
15:45 Re: Status (fwd) Russ Rew
14:57 Re: Status (fwd) Russ Rew
14:28 Re: C manual (fwd) Russ Rew
12:57 Re: 20050718: Typo in netcdf-c.html Russ Rew
12:46 Re: C manual (fwd) Russ Rew
July 17, 2005
22:12 Re: 20050715: netCDF General - Binary installation Ed Hartnett
July 15, 2005
10:05 Re: 20050715: NetCDF libraries generated but unable to link to th em (4 TXT file attached) Ed Hartnett
07:51 Re: 20050715: NetCDF libraries generated but unable to link to them Ed Hartnett
July 14, 2005
22:03 Re: 20050713: netCDF General - Segmentation fault Russ Rew
21:49 Re: 20050713: netCDF General - Segmentation fault Russ Rew
July 11, 2005
08:40 Re: 20050710: 20050710: error downloadin netCDF distribution from my.unidata (fwd) Russ Rew
July 07, 2005
12:56 Re: 20050705: 20041008: how to handle staggered U & V in IDV? John Caron
11:31 Re: netcdfTools don't install with jdk1.5 (fwd) John Caron
July 06, 2005
20:48 Re: 20050706:linking WRF to NETCDF Ed Hartnett
07:38 Re: 20050705: netCDF General - problems running make test Ed Hartnett
07:27 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - ld failure for Ed Hartnett
06:52 Re: 20050705: netCDF General - problems running make test Ed Hartnett
06:37 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - ld failure for Ed Hartnett
July 05, 2005
20:15 Re: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - ld failure for Ed Hartnett
17:10 Re: Basic NetCDF questions... Ethan Davis
July 01, 2005
11:24 Re: Basic NetCDF questions... Russ Rew
June 30, 2005
15:17 Re: Fwd: Basic NetCDF questions... Russ Rew
June 28, 2005
12:33 Re: hdf conversion Russ Rew
08:57 Re: 20050628: netCDF constants Ed Hartnett
June 27, 2005
18:14 [Fwd: Re: Problems w NetcdfFile.openInMemory] John Caron
16:21 Re: 20050627: NetCDF to ascii table Ed Hartnett
June 23, 2005
07:40 Re: Compiling netcdf on win32 using visual studio NET & intel fortran compilers Ed Hartnett
June 22, 2005
16:33 Re: netCDF build problems Ed Hartnett
13:20 Re: [CF-metadata] CF convention for time variable dimension (fwd) Russ Rew
07:03 Re: f90 nf_test.F fails on HP machine Ed Hartnett
June 21, 2005
13:18 Re: 20050621:NetCDF header conventions John Caron
11:21 Re: 20050613:netcdf 4 HDF5 1.8.0 Ed Hartnett
09:26 Re: broken link to javadoc (fwd) John Caron
08:59 Re: 20050621: netCDF General - Unable to download to Russ Rew
07:58 Re: GFDL Agg Server John Caron
June 20, 2005
17:24 Re: requesting your expertise John Caron
12:25 Re: netcdf 3, java, combining with John Caron
08:50 Re: 20050620: patch file of netcdf-3.6.0-p1 for NEC SX series Russ Rew
June 17, 2005
07:09 Re: 20050617: netCDF Windows - Need help on installation of netcdf under windows/cygwin Ed Hartnett
June 16, 2005
09:35 GEMPACK install problem (was: Re: 20050520: pathscale compiler for netCDF) Ed Hartnett
09:30 Re: Compiling hes code on AMD 64 bit processor ( HP Proliant DL 585 platform).. Ed Hartnett
05:39 Re: 20050616: netcdf 64 bit binary Ed Hartnett
June 15, 2005
05:20 Re: 20050614: netCDF on PC Ed Hartnett
June 14, 2005
08:41 Re: Proposal for Piped NetCDF Ed Hartnett
07:38 Re: Proposal for Piped NetCDF Russ Rew
June 13, 2005
14:01 Re: c++ program use netcdf-3.5.1 on windows os or msdos Russ Rew
13:49 Re: 20050613:netcdf 4 HDF5 1.8.0 Ed Hartnett
13:17 Re: I'm away from my email Russ Rew
June 12, 2005
07:48 Re: netCDF on Cygwin Ed Hartnett
June 10, 2005
13:07 Re: unresolved external symbol _ncerr James Garnett
June 08, 2005
20:06 Re: 20050608: Make error for NetCDF install under Cygwin Ed Hartnett
17:41 Re: 20050608:netCDF Java - Using probes data in NetCDF John Caron
11:24 Re: netcdf 3, java, combining with John Caron
June 06, 2005
13:20 Re: 20050603: Use of Java udunits package Steve Emmerson
12:41 20050603: Use of Java udunits package Steve Emmerson
10:30 Re: 20050604: Support NetCDF on .NET platform ? Ed Hartnett
June 03, 2005
15:50 Re: unix script for Java NetCDF John Caron
07:35 20050602: spammers got into Unidata's netcdfgroup list Unidata Support
June 02, 2005
12:47 Re: Station data/Trajectory and grid_mapping John Caron
May 27, 2005
10:23 Re: 20050527: Find example to use netcdf on windows OS Ed Hartnett
07:17 Re: Problems with NetCDF 2.2.09 John Caron
07:12 Re: Problems with NetCDF 2.2.09 John Caron
May 26, 2005
10:15 Re: 20050525: netcdf-3.6.0 : change of default file creation format Ed Hartnett
May 24, 2005
09:37 Re: 20050523: NETCDF configure problem on Fedora Linux Core 3 Ed Hartnett
May 23, 2005
09:32 Re: 20050513: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - FRUSTURATED Ed Hartnett
May 20, 2005
11:16 Re: 20050520: pathscale compiler for netCDF Ed Hartnett
May 18, 2005
14:25 Re: 20050518: netCDF Unix Build - compiling version in 32 or 64 bit Ed Hartnett
14:01 Re: 20050518: netCDF Unix Build - compiling version in 32 or 64 bit Ed Hartnett
13:43 Re: 20050518:Building and installing Netcdf-3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
08:59 Re: 20050518: netCDF Unix Build - compiling version in 32 or 64 bit Ed Hartnett
May 17, 2005
19:45 Re: netcdf.dll and VB 6 Russ Rew
07:49 Re: A question of compiling netcdf library (fwd) Russ Rew
May 16, 2005
14:06 Re: 20050512: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Compile using Pathscale Ed Hartnett
11:13 Re: 20050516: error message when trying to download netcdf data manipulation programme Ed Hartnett
10:57 Re: A question of compiling netcdf library (fwd) Ed Hartnett
May 13, 2005
14:21 Re: Mem leak in James Gallagher
13:24 20050513: netCDF Perl Interface - storing BYTE data in NetCDF using Perl interface Steve Emmerson
10:49 Re: 20050512: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Compile using Pathscale Ed Hartnett
May 12, 2005
18:19 Re: 20050512: netCDF file installation Russ Rew
14:29 Re: 20050505:netcdf cygwin build error, version 3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
08:43 Re: 20050512: netCDF Java - Converting netCDF files to HDF5 John Caron
08:34 Re: 20050511: Large file access time Ed Hartnett
May 11, 2005
11:46 Re: 20050511: netcdf in double precision? Russ Rew
09:50 Re: Galeon full of gold John Caron
May 08, 2005
11:13 20050507: netCDF Unix Build - download link fails to open Unidata Support
May 07, 2005
19:19 Re: .NET Wrapper for NetCDF Ed Hartnett
May 06, 2005
13:26 Re: Problem with GRIB files John Caron
13:20 Re: Problem with GRIB files John Caron
May 05, 2005
15:43 Re: 20050505:netcdf-4 Russ Rew
08:53 Re: Problem Reading GRIB Data John Caron
May 03, 2005
12:51 Re: 20050503:unistd.h Ed Hartnett
May 02, 2005
17:25 Re: 20050502: NetCDF support for the Intel Compilers Russ Rew
09:47 Re: 20050502:netcdf install problems Ed Hartnett
09:21 Re: 20050426:NetCDF 3.6.0_p1 on NEC SX Russ Rew
08:57 Re: simple question Russ Rew
April 29, 2005
15:53 Re: 20050429:netCDF Java - Error Reading NetCDF File using Java Library John Caron
April 28, 2005
10:49 Re: Exporting to netCDF Russ Rew
10:20 Oops, correction re netCDF-4 external data representation Russ Rew
10:19 Oops, correction re netCDF-4 external data representation Russ Rew
09:40 Re: 20050427:netcdf-4 status? Ed Hartnett
April 27, 2005
21:42 Re: 20050427: Is there a way to read data "raw" and skip the swap calls Russ Rew
16:19 Re: 20050427: Is there a way to read data "raw" and skip the swap calls Russ Rew
12:53 Re: 20050426:NetCDF 3.6.0_p1 on NEC SX Russ Rew
07:57 Re: 20050426:netCDF on windows Ed Hartnett
07:09 Re: 20050426:netCDF on windows Ed Hartnett
07:06 Re: 20050426: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Reading NetCDF files with F90 Ed Hartnett
07:01 Re: 20050426:netCDF on windows Ed Hartnett
April 26, 2005
14:14 Re: 20050426:NetCDF 3.6.0_p1 on NEC SX Ed Hartnett
10:34 Re: 20050426:netCDF binary package for the MacOS X Russ Rew
07:49 Re: 20050421: Installing Netcdf-3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
07:44 Re: 20050404: Poe problem with netcdf Ed Hartnett
April 25, 2005
12:32 Re: 20050421: Installing Netcdf-3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
09:30 20050425: Linux 32-bit Absoft & Intel "make nf_test/test" failure Steve Emmerson
April 24, 2005
08:20 Re: 20050424: netCDF web link Russ Rew
April 22, 2005
13:04 20050422: Linux 32-bit Absoft & Intel "make nf_test/test" failure Steve Emmerson
11:30 20050422: Linux 32-bit Absoft & Intel "make nf_test/test" failure Steve Emmerson
07:23 Re: 20050421: Installing Netcdf-3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
05:23 Re: 20050419: NF90 error during netCDF 3.6.0-p1 compilation Ed Hartnett
April 21, 2005
15:57 20050421: more fortran tests with pnetcdf Steve Emmerson
09:42 Re: 20050420: installing netCDF 3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
April 20, 2005
14:42 Re: more fortran tests with pnetcdf Russ Rew
10:33 Re: New CHILL test file John Caron
April 19, 2005
21:53 Re: 20050415: netCDF software directory entry for Panoply Russ Rew
20:01 Re: question??? Russ Rew
10:35 Re: 20050419: NF90 error during netCDF 3.6.0-p1 compilation Ed Hartnett
09:29 Re: 20050411: nccatm Ed Hartnett
09:27 Re: 20050418: help to install netcdf Ed Hartnett
08:52 Re: 20050419: netCDF 4.0 parallel I/O Russ Rew
08:13 Re: [Fwd: multi band tiff from netCDF] John Caron
April 18, 2005
17:25 Re: Grib2 / Re: Supporting other data formats John Caron
10:47 Re: 20050418: when will HDF5 support Unicode? Ed Hartnett
10:26 Re: [Fwd: multi band tiff from netCDF] Yuan Ho
10:24 Re: 20050413:problems with netcdf/C++ on SGI/IRIX (fwd) Ed Hartnett
April 15, 2005
18:01 Re: Grib2 / Re: Supporting other data formats John Caron
17:35 Re: thredds primer John Caron
April 14, 2005
10:43 Re: 20050414: Netcdf - PHP Interface Ed Hartnett
April 13, 2005
09:04 Re: 20050413: cannot compile on scientific linux Ed Hartnett
09:02 Re: 20050412: "Installing" NetCDF files Ed Hartnett
April 11, 2005
12:36 Re: 20050408:splitting netcdf file into multiple files by date Ed Hartnett
April 06, 2005
09:28 Re: Thredds out of memory John Caron
08:04 Re: 20050406: Extreme difficulty in building a correct NetCDF for Pathscale Ed Hartnett
April 05, 2005
10:07 Re: 20050404: Poe problem with netcdf Ed Hartnett
April 02, 2005
09:57 Re: problem with writing netcdf file John Caron
April 01, 2005
11:19 Re: ncgen c-test trouble Russ Rew
11:17 Re: problem with writing netcdf file John Caron
10:23 Re: problem with writing netcdf file Russ Rew
10:01 Re: problem with writing netcdf file John Caron
March 31, 2005
08:24 Re: Thredds out of memory John Caron
March 30, 2005
16:13 Re: 20050330: error compiling SCRIP Ed Hartnett
16:11 Re: 20050330:Installing NETCDF on 64 bit IRIX platforms Ed Hartnett
10:17 Re: Thredds out of memory John Caron
09:57 [Fwd: Re: NetCDF] John Caron
09:53 Re: 20050329: netCDF Java - Out Of Memory Error John Caron
March 29, 2005
12:51 Re: 20050329: netCDF Java - Out Of Memory Error John Caron
12:49 Re: 20050329:Is it possible to archive streaming data using NetCDF? John Caron
12:14 Re: Thredds out of memory John Caron
09:09 Re: 20050329: netcdf 3.6.0p1 opteron cluster Ed Hartnett
March 28, 2005
14:37 Re: ncgen c-test trouble Russ Rew
04:53 Re: 20050323: Compiling the NetCDF for SonOS with parallelization option Ed Hartnett
March 23, 2005
10:55 Re: NetCDF data help Steve Emmerson
March 22, 2005
11:49 Re: 20050316:netCDF libraries and Lahey LF95 under Windows Ed Hartnett
March 21, 2005
12:59 Re: 20050321:LDM install question Steve Emmerson
March 18, 2005
09:06 Re: HDF5 and GRIB support John Caron
March 17, 2005
11:27 Re: RandomAccessFile missing John Caron
March 16, 2005
13:12 Re: Problems with netcdf-java version 2.2 John Caron
10:36 Re: Depracated warning message John Caron
March 15, 2005
17:16 Re: 20050314: IFPSConvention John Caron
March 14, 2005
18:49 Re: OS Porting Question Russ Rew
March 11, 2005
13:24 Re: 20050302: How to extract one variable from the whole Netcdf file Russ Rew
09:58 Re: 20050307:no excecutable is created Ed Hartnett
March 10, 2005
16:15 Re: 20050310: IDV - IDV not displaying CF-compliant files John Caron
11:19 Re: 20050310: Problems in installing netCDF on Linux (fwd) Russ Rew
10:55 Re: 20050308:netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - F77 to read netcdf Russ Rew
09:25 Re: 20050309: g95 switches for netCDF Ed Hartnett
08:58 Re: 20050308:Portlan Group pgf90 onto NetCDF 3.6.0-p1 Ed Hartnett
08:47 Re: 20050307:no excecutable is created Ed Hartnett
March 09, 2005
15:36 Re: 20050309:Unfamiliar code and error Russ Rew
March 08, 2005
17:01 Re: 20050308: comments about netCDF web documentation Russ Rew
15:16 Building 64-bit netCDF for SGI/Linux with ifort 8.1 and icc (fwd) Russ Rew
10:27 Re: Bug in NetCDF's John Caron
10:26 20050307: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Fortran code Unidata Support
09:52 Re: [CF-metadata] cf futures (long) Russ Rew
March 07, 2005
13:34 [Fwd: Re: DODSNetcdFile] John Caron
11:20 Re: DODSNetcdFile John Caron
11:04 Re: 20050304: netCDF installation on Linux using pgf90 Ed Hartnett
10:58 Re: 20050302: pgf90 and netcdf Ed Hartnett
10:53 Re: 20050303: netCDF problems in GMT installation Ed Hartnett
10:39 Re: 20050304: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Failure of prebuilt libraries (fwd) Ed Hartnett
09:18 Re: time conversion Steve Emmerson
March 04, 2005
20:37 [Fwd: Re: Bug in NetCDF's] John Caron
08:44 Re: cdf file Russ Rew
08:15 20050304: linking WRF executables using netCDF Unidata Support
March 03, 2005
17:26 Re: 20050303: New netcdf software available Russ Rew
16:42 Re: 20050302: netCDF General - Large file problem Russ Rew
11:26 Re: 20050302: netCDF General - Large file problem Russ Rew
10:04 Re: 20050302: netCDF General - Large file problem Russ Rew
09:23 Re: 20050302: netCDF General - Large file problem Russ Rew
09:14 Re: 20050218: restoring headers in large netcdf files Russ Rew
08:42 Re: 20050218: restoring headers in large netcdf files (fwd) Russ Rew
March 02, 2005
22:06 Re: 20050302: How to extract one variable from the whole Netcdf file Russ Rew
17:15 Re: starlink uncompress John Caron
17:13 Re: 20050302: netCDF General - Large file problem Russ Rew
15:12 Re: 20050218: restoring headers in large netcdf files Russ Rew
13:09 Re: Issues with DODS build procedure on Linux/Opteron (fwd) Russ Rew
10:01 Re: 20050302:Broken links Russ Rew
09:26 Re: 20050302:Broken links Ed Hartnett
March 01, 2005
16:23 Re: 20050301: Trouble in configuring NetCDF 3.6.0 Ed Hartnett
15:18 Re: 20050301:netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - RE: ncgen error Russ Rew
12:55 Re: netCDF construct for 24-bit RGB? Russ Rew
February 28, 2005
16:37 Re: 20050228: Questions about the multiarray John Caron
16:27 Re: 20050224:netCDF General - broken links to netCDF software Ed Hartnett
11:01 Re: netCDF source Russ Rew
February 23, 2005
16:48 Re: netcdf to ascii Russ Rew
February 22, 2005
19:29 Re: autoconf on Linux/opteron Ed Hartnett
17:02 Re: 20050218: restoring headers in large netcdf files Russ Rew
16:19 Re: 20050222: ./configure doesn't create any directories (e.g. ../bin) Ed Hartnett
14:17 Re: netCDF source Russ Rew
10:12 20050222: UdUnit library in JAVA Steve Emmerson
09:15 20050222: NCVPT: Edge+start exceeds dimension bound Steve Emmerson
February 19, 2005
16:10 Re: 20050218: restoring headers in large netcdf files Russ Rew
February 18, 2005
16:49 Re: help in netcdf installation Russ Rew
09:38 Re: 20050217: NETCDF Built Error on XEON Ed Hartnett
07:17 Re: 20050217: NETCDF Built Error on XEON Ed Hartnett
February 17, 2005
17:05 Re: 20050217: NETCDF Built Error on XEON Russ Rew
12:53 Re: 20050214:NetCDF 3.6.0 Bug Russ Rew
12:26 Re: netcdf 3, java, combining with John Caron
February 16, 2005
19:41 Re: 20050115:netCDF 64 bit 32 bit & HDF5->netCDF Russ Rew
09:51 Re: 20050215:netCDF Java - NetcdfFile open method does not work as suggested John Caron
February 15, 2005
15:42 Re: 20050214:NetCDF 3.6.0 Bug Russ Rew
15:21 Re: 20050214:NetCDF 3.6.0 Bug Russ Rew
14:10 Re: 20050214:NetCDF 3.6.0 Bug Russ Rew
09:50 Re: Version 2.2 (alpha) John Caron
February 14, 2005
16:48 Re: 20050214:NetCDF 3.6.0 Bug Russ Rew
15:50 Re: FW: contact person regarding MIT/LL study Russ Rew
February 10, 2005
12:40 Re: NetCDF vs netCDF Russ Rew
12:00 Re: 20050120: A question about the large files output associated with netcdf Ed Hartnett
11:55 Re: 20050204:netCDF source Ed Hartnett
11:14 Re: 20050209: problems with netCDF 3.6.0 configure Ed Hartnett
11:10 Re: 20050210: compiling netCDF 3.6.0 on HP-UX 10.2 Ed Hartnett
07:59 20050210: FTP of netcdf 3.6 Unidata Support
February 08, 2005
15:38 Re: 20050204:netCDF source Russ Rew
February 04, 2005
10:53 Re: 20050204:netCDF source Russ Rew
10:43 Re: nccatm (fwd) Russ Rew
February 03, 2005
15:04 Re: link for mexcdf (fwd) Russ Rew
10:46 Re: 20050202: How to write to the unlimited-dimension variable Russ Rew
February 02, 2005
18:07 Re: 20050202: netCDF C++ - Why is static valiable used in NcVar::put function? miyaki
11:27 Re: 20050202: How to write to the unlimited-dimension variable (fwd) Russ Rew
10:24 Re: 20050202: netCDF C++ - Why is static valiable used in NcVar::put function? Russ Rew
February 01, 2005
16:27 Re: 20050201:netCDF install fails on RedHat 9 using pgf90 Ed Hartnett
14:35 20050201: netCDF Perl Interface - Problem running my file Steve Emmerson
January 31, 2005
15:42 Re: 20050131: netcdf -3.6.0 problem Ed Hartnett
10:30 20050131: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - make test fails Steve Emmerson
09:01 Re: 20050113: netcdf 3.6.0 build problems Ed Hartnett
January 27, 2005
08:36 20050126: Problem whith nf90 parameters in libnetcdf Steve Emmerson
00:17 20050126: netCDF 3.6.0 source distribution (cont.) Unidata Support
January 26, 2005
13:42 Re: NetCDF: Looking for projected data (.nc file) Russ Rew
January 25, 2005
10:59 20050125: problems building netcdf-perl on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
10:41 Re: netcdf 3.6.1-beta2 for OpenVMS Russ Rew
10:41 20050125: problems building netcdf-perl on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
10:27 Re: 20050125: problems building netcdf-perl on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
10:15 20050125: problems building netcdf-perl on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
09:11 20050125: problems building netcdf-perl on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
January 24, 2005
10:07 20050124: installation of and execute permission Steve Emmerson
January 21, 2005
09:55 Re: NetCDF - Fortran77 Interface Question Russ Rew
08:46 Re: 20050118: NetCDF Fortran 90 Interface Ed Hartnett
January 20, 2005
15:02 Re: nccmp and ncdiff (fwd) Russ Rew
09:37 Re: 20050116: netCDF 2.x documentation link is 404. Russ Rew
09:29 20050120: ftp down? Unidata Support
January 19, 2005
09:29 Re: 20050114: About netcdf C++ interface Ed Hartnett
09:22 20050119: netCDF-Perl: perl not found Steve Emmerson
09:13 Re: 20050111: Performance problem with NetCDF-3.5 Russ Rew
January 18, 2005
16:57 Re: 20050111: Netcdf fortran 90 documentation bugs Russ Rew
09:49 Re: 20050118: NetCDF Fortran 90 Interface Ed Hartnett
09:31 Re: 20050107: Notes on building netcdf-3.6 on nec SX6 (fwd) Russ Rew
08:56 Re: netCDF API to generate NcML-cs John Caron
January 14, 2005
11:02 Re: 20050114: Bug? in NetCDF for Java John Caron
January 12, 2005
13:12 Re: 20050111: Netcdf fortran 90 documentation bugs Ed Hartnett
12:30 Re: 20050112: netCDF-Perl: pathname of perl(1) utility Steve Emmerson
January 11, 2005
07:13 Re: 20050110: netcdf 3.6.0 build on AIX - f90 modules not added to library? Ed Hartnett
January 10, 2005
14:23 Re: setting environment variables in compiler options Russ Rew
07:44 Re: building netcdf with Absoft... Ed Hartnett
January 09, 2005
17:38 Re: FFLAGS vs. FCFLAGS Russ Rew
January 08, 2005
10:46 Re: FFLAGS vs. FCFLAGS Russ Rew
January 07, 2005
12:55 20050106: LDM-hostname is not fully qualified Steve Emmerson
January 06, 2005
15:35 Re: 20050106: NetCDF and opencdis Russ Rew
15:05 Re: 20050105:installing NetCDF for Absoft ProFortran 9.0 on Mac OS X Russ Rew
09:53 [ #36] netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Intel Fortran 8.0 F90 Bindings C/Fortran type mismatch? Russell K. Rew via RT
January 04, 2005
14:36 Re: 20050104:netCDF C++ - Memory usage Russ Rew
January 03, 2005
10:06 Re: 20050103: Wrong platform files in precompiled 3.6.0 binaries for Linux_2.4-i686 Russ Rew
December 29, 2004
14:42 Re: NCVDEF Error Russ Rew
December 28, 2004
08:35 Re: Inquiry about undefined reference to __ctype_b error Russ Rew
December 22, 2004
12:41 Re: 20041222: Request for Help in Installation of NetCDF on OpenV MS Platform Russ Rew
12:41 Re: 20041222: Request for Help in Installation of NetCDF on OpenV MS Platform Russ Rew
09:48 Re: 20041222: Request for Help in Installation of NetCDF on OpenVMS Platform Russ Rew
December 21, 2004
10:25 Re: RUN_script Steve Emmerson
10:22 20041221: make install output Steve Emmerson
09:56 Re: 20041220: netcdf-3.6.0 Altix ifort/icc/icpc Ed Hartnett
09:55 Re: 20041221: netCDF Climate Data Operators (CDO) Russ Rew
09:46 20041221: make install output Steve Emmerson
09:36 20041221: make install output Steve Emmerson
09:21 20041221: netCDF General - netCDF header-module not found (Linux RH9) Steve Emmerson
09:04 20041221: netCDF General - netCDF header-module not found (Linux RH9) Steve Emmerson
December 20, 2004
14:16 Re: netcdf 3.6.0, FCFLAGS, and pathscale compiler Russ Rew
09:10 Re: Bug-fix release of NetCDF/L Russ Rew
December 18, 2004
14:22 Re: Announcement: netCDF version 3.6.0 now available Russ Rew
December 16, 2004
10:23 Re: 20041226: re 20041215 email from delire Russ Rew
December 15, 2004
14:34 Re: Agg Server config John Caron
10:55 Re: netcdf-java v 2.2.05 released John Caron
08:57 Re: 20041203: Bugs? for netcdf-3.5.0 and 3.6.0-beta Russ Rew
December 10, 2004
08:41 Re: Visualizing model output Russ Rew
December 09, 2004
14:50 Re: [macusers] OSX, Absoft fortran and netCDF Russ Rew
09:17 Re: Visualizing model output Russ Rew
09:12 Re: Visualizing model output Russ Rew
December 08, 2004
16:12 Re: NetCDF on Mac OS X Russ Rew
15:56 Re: [nco-announce] 64-bit offset file support in NCO Russ Rew
08:44 Re: 20041201: netCDF unlimited dimension (fwd) Russ Rew
December 06, 2004
15:06 Re: 20041203: Bugs? for netcdf-3.5.0 and 3.6.0-beta Russ Rew
11:04 Re: NetCDF on Mac OS X Russ Rew
December 03, 2004
11:20 Re: 20041124: ncdigest has problems with some types of mail? Russ Rew
December 02, 2004
16:19 Re: 20041130: NetCDF 3.6.0 Bugs Russ Rew
December 01, 2004
16:25 Re: 20041124: Ack! netcdf-3.6.0_beta6 fails on ordinary RedHat system w/PGI Ed Hartnett
15:55 20041201: Unneeded line in netcdf-3.5.1 library test program Steve Emmerson
13:42 Re: 20041130: NetCDF 3.6.0 Bugs Ed Hartnett
13:39 Re: 20041130: netcdf windows NT Ed Hartnett
13:37 20041201: Unneeded line in netcdf-3.5.1 library test program (fwd) Steve Emmerson
13:34 Re: 20041118: Installing NetCDF 3.6b6 on an Itanium64 Linux machine Ed Hartnett
08:44 Re: 20041201: netCDF unlimited dimension Russ Rew
08:36 Re: 20041130: NetCDF 3.6.0 Bugs Russ Rew
08:36 Re: 20041130: NetCDF 3.6.0 Bugs Russ Rew
November 30, 2004
08:35 Re: NetCDF and g95 Russ Rew
November 29, 2004
11:19 20041129: netcdf-3_6_0-beta6 question Steve Emmerson
11:11 Re: supporting additional file formats? John Caron
10:47 Re: supporting additional file formats? John Caron
November 24, 2004
13:42 Re: 20041118: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - array size limitation (fwd) Russ Rew
09:32 Re: 20041118: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - array size limitation Russ Rew
09:16 20041124: possible bug in NetCDF 3.6 beta6 on Itanium Linux Steve Emmerson
November 23, 2004
17:10 Re: 20041118: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - array size limitation Russ Rew
09:55 20041122: possible bug in NetCDF 3.6 beta6 on Itanium Linux Steve Emmerson
November 22, 2004
11:21 Re: 20041118: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - array size limitation Russ Rew
November 19, 2004
19:40 Re:Re: 20041118: Problems on installing netcdf-3.5.0 jinfengma
19:34 Re:Re: 20041118: Problems on installing netcdf-3.5.0 jinfengma
19:34 Re:Re: 20041118: Problems on installing netcdf-3.5.0 jinfengma
19:32 Re:Re: 20041118: Problems on installing netcdf-3.5.0 jinfengma
16:15 Re: 20041119: NetCDF Java library John Caron
14:06 Re: suggestions for formatting "station data" into NetCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
09:14 Re: suggestions for formatting "station data" into NetCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
08:56 Re: 20041118: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - array size limitation Russ Rew
November 18, 2004
10:28 Re: 20041118: Problems on installing netcdf-3.5.0 Ed Hartnett
08:39 Re: netcdf-3_6_0-beta6 question Steve Emmerson
November 17, 2004
14:51 Re: Netcdf-Java version 2.2 alpha release John Caron
13:52 Re: 20041115:cleanup for netcdf 3.6.0 beta 6 Russ Rew
13:29 Re: 20040429: patch for netCDF C++ support Russ Rew
11:13 Re: No rule to make target '../VERSION', needed by 'libvers.o'. Stop. Russ Rew
10:59 Re: 20041115:cleanup for netcdf 3.6.0 beta 6 Russ Rew
10:26 Re: NCML help John Caron
08:38 20041117: No rule to make target '../VERSION', needed by 'libvers.o'. Stop. Steve Emmerson
November 16, 2004
08:39 Re: No rule to make target '../VERSION', needed by 'libvers.o'. Stop. Russ Rew
November 15, 2004
13:17 Re: non-orthogonal grid Russ Rew
13:03 Re: 20041110: errors in User's guide for Fortran 77 Russ Rew
November 12, 2004
13:25 Re: 20041110: patch to modernise configure Russ Rew
10:22 Re: Fwd: [nco-announce] 64-bit offset file support in NCO Russ Rew
November 11, 2004
15:05 Re: 20041111:Reporting problems to install netCDF Russ Rew
14:42 [no subject] Russ Rew
November 10, 2004
19:19 Re: 20041109:conversion of x-axis Russ Rew
06:07 20041110: Error downloading netCDF Unidata Support
November 09, 2004
16:03 Re: 200041109:compiler options for netcdf 3.6.0 beta6 Russ Rew
15:28 Re: 200041109:patch for src/f90 (for netcdf 3.6.0 beta6) Russ Rew
15:26 Re: 200041109:copyright notice Russ Rew
15:25 Re: 200041109:copyright notice Russ Rew
15:16 Re: 20041027: error writing to NFS netCDF file on Linux cluster Russ Rew
November 08, 2004
15:11 20041101: bug in netCDF 3.6.0 ncfortran.h Steve Emmerson
November 07, 2004
09:26 Re: 20041105: netCDF Windows - Installing Net CDF Ed Hartnett
November 05, 2004
15:22 20041105: no data in netcdf file Steve Emmerson
10:22 Re: NetCDF 4.0 alpha Russ Rew
November 04, 2004
12:40 Re: Serving local netCDF files though DODS John Caron
November 03, 2004
08:19 20041103: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Compilation building problems Steve Emmerson
November 02, 2004
16:12 20041102: netcdf compilation error on linux using PGI Fortran Steve Emmerson
14:52 Re: 20041102: netcdf compilation error on linux using PGI Fortran Steve Emmerson
14:32 20041102: netcdf compilation error on linux using PGI Fortran Steve Emmerson
14:18 20041102: netcdf compilation error on linux using PGI Fortran Steve Emmerson
13:53 20041102: netcdf compilation error on linux using PGI Fortran Steve Emmerson
November 01, 2004
10:00 20041101: Problems with installing netcdf-perl-1.2.3 Steve Emmerson
09:24 20041101: Problems with installing netcdf-perl-1.2.3 Steve Emmerson
October 29, 2004
16:54 Re: ncgen Russ Rew
October 28, 2004
10:20 Re: Netcdf based web application and a question John Caron
08:33 20041027: netCDF build with g95 (fwd) Steve Emmerson
October 27, 2004
14:47 Re: FW: Re: NCEP North American Reanalysis (fwd) Russ Rew
10:40 20041027: error writing to NFS netCDF file on Linux cluster Steve Emmerson
October 26, 2004
08:34 20041026: Installation problems with netCDF 3.5.1 Steve Emmerson
08:32 20041026: installing UDUNITS on Linux 2.4.18 Steve Emmerson
October 25, 2004
17:01 Re: VariableStandarized John Caron
October 22, 2004
16:21 20041022: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - configure fails Steve Emmerson
15:09 20041022: Installation problems with netCDF 3.5.1 Steve Emmerson
15:02 20041022: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - configure fails Steve Emmerson
14:10 20041022: netcdf error Steve Emmerson
13:58 20041022: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - configure fails Steve Emmerson
13:55 20041022: Installation problems with netCDF 3.5.1 Steve Emmerson
11:52 Re: Thredds uses Yuan Ho
11:25 Re: Thredds uses John Caron
11:00 Re: Thredds uses Yuan Ho
10:28 Re: Comments promted by the release of netCDF 3.6.0-beta6 Russ Rew
October 21, 2004
19:04 Re: Thredds uses John Caron
09:48 Re: netcdf 3.5.1 with pgi 5.2-2 in 3é bits mode etienne gondet
09:08 Re: 20041020: netCDF C - linking with libnetcdf.a throws error with string.o (NC_check_ name routine) undefined ref to __ctype_b Russ Rew
07:40 Re: Thredds uses John Caron
October 19, 2004
10:25 Re: 20041019: netcdf-perl-1.2.2 Steve Emmerson
October 18, 2004
15:28 20041018: netCDF C - configure troubles Steve Emmerson
14:37 Re: netCDF 3.6.0-beta6 (almost) success on cygwin+g95 Russ Rew
14:37 Re: netCDF 3.6.0-beta6 (almost) success on cygwin+g95 Russ Rew
October 15, 2004
10:07 20041015: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Running COde Steve Emmerson
October 14, 2004
16:41 Re: 20041013: Patch for PathScale compilers Russ Rew
16:25 Re: 20041013: Patch for PathScale compilers Russ Rew
12:24 Re: 20041014: Use of "coordinates" attribute in IDV John Caron
October 13, 2004
15:20 Re: 20041013: Patch for PathScale compilers Russ Rew
14:14 20041002: ask for help to find the source of troubles in compiling Steve Emmerson
11:31 Re: netcdf/nco bug Russ Rew
10:39 Re: netcdf/nco bug Russ Rew
09:51 Re: netcdf/nco bug Russ Rew
October 12, 2004
16:24 Re: netcdf/nco bug Russ Rew
October 10, 2004
19:16 Re: netCDF3.6.0-beta3 Russ Rew
October 07, 2004
11:30 Re: 20041005: question of ncdump and ncgen in netcdf Russ Rew
11:03 20041007: Netcdf on linux RH9, with ifc Steve Emmerson
October 05, 2004
16:56 Re: netCDF3.6.0-beta3 Russ Rew
October 04, 2004
09:38 Re: netCDF3.6.0-beta3 Russ Rew
October 01, 2004
15:31 Re: On Largefile support in netCDF Russ Rew
September 30, 2004
13:51 Re: Grib to NetCDF Russ Rew
10:19 Re: netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
10:07 20040930: netCDF build under Linux using Intel icc & ifort Steve Emmerson
09:10 20040930: netCDF build under Linux using Intel icc & ifort Steve Emmerson
September 29, 2004
18:14 20040929: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - help with reading netcdf files (cont.) Unidata Support
09:25 20040929: Library for udunits for G5OSX cluster Steve Emmerson
September 28, 2004
13:55 20040928: building netCDF on OS-X 10.3 using NAGware f95 Steve Emmerson
13:52 20040927: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - help with reading netcdf files (cont.) Unidata Support
12:45 20040928: building netCDF on OS-X 10.3 using NAGware f95 Steve Emmerson
September 27, 2004
09:20 20040927: Library for udunits for G5OSX cluster Steve Emmerson
08:59 20040926: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - help with reading netcdf files Unidata Support
September 23, 2004
12:11 20040921: netCDF Installation Problems on Fedora Core 2 linux Unidata Support
11:57 20040921: How to store the value of the function's argument in netCDF? Unidata Support
September 22, 2004
22:59 Re: a few NetCDF questions Russ Rew
11:08 20040922: Compiler license Steve Emmerson
September 21, 2004
16:25 Re: 20040920: performance enhancement for NetCDF F90 Interface Russ Rew
September 20, 2004
17:02 20040920: errors report from installing NETCDF in alpha linux Steve Emmerson
15:43 20040920: errors report from installing NETCDF in alpha linux Steve Emmerson
08:58 20041020: NetCDF installation (IRIX 6.5) Steve Emmerson
September 19, 2004
11:10 NetCDF installation (IRIX 6.5) Steve Emmerson
September 17, 2004
13:01 Re: Index Mapping for VB6 Russ Rew
September 15, 2004
12:53 20040915: make test Steve Emmerson
11:10 20040915: make test Steve Emmerson
09:06 Re: 3.6? Russ Rew
September 14, 2004
15:12 20040910: Mac OS X 10.3.4, NetCDF 3.5.1, upper-case Absoft f90 Steve Emmerson
12:39 Re: 20040910: Mac OS X 10.3.4, NetCDF 3.5.1, upper-case Absoft f90 Steve Emmerson
September 13, 2004
16:54 20040913: netCDF Access Violation error in Fortran Steve Emmerson
15:23 20040910: environment variable for netcdf Unidata Support
14:36 20040910: Mac OS X 10.3.4, NetCDF 3.5.1 Steve Emmerson
13:17 Re: NetCDF installation problem: ssize_t definition Steve Emmerson
08:15 20040913: list activity Unidata Support
September 10, 2004
16:36 Re: 20040910: Mac OS X 10.3.4, NetCDF 3.5.1 Russ Rew
15:26 Re: NetCDF for OpenVMS Russ Rew
14:41 Re: 20040910: Mac OS X 10.3.4, NetCDF 3.5.1 Russ Rew
14:11 Re: 20040910: Mac OS X, NetCDF Russ Rew
13:46 Re: 20040910: Mac OS X 10.3.4, NetCDF 3.5.1 Russ Rew
September 09, 2004
08:45 Re: NetCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
September 07, 2004
15:59 20040907: problem of installing netcdf Steve Emmerson
09:59 Re: Efficient writing to a file Russ Rew
09:52 20040907: NetCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
September 03, 2004
14:32 Re: NetCDF Russ Rew
14:14 Re: [Fwd: 20040827: netCDF Java - How do I export a single variable to a GeoTiff file?] Yuan Ho
12:39 Re: NSF reviews NCO/SDO proposal Russ Rew
11:23 20040903: installing netCDF on RH Linux 9 using pgf90 5.1 Steve Emmerson
September 02, 2004
09:06 20040902: installing netCDF on RH Linux 9 using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
September 01, 2004
15:32 Re: 20040901: netCDF C - What writes faster netcdf files: netcdf for perl, c, or fortran? Russ Rew
13:00 20040901: netCDF installation error on Linux Steve Emmerson
11:29 20040901: netCDF installation error on Linux Steve Emmerson
09:01 Re: large netCDF data sets on AIX platforms Russ Rew
August 31, 2004
15:41 20040831:netCDF error on Linux Steve Emmerson
11:11 20040830 NetCDF installation failure Steve Emmerson
09:17 Re: large netCDF data sets on AIX platforms Russ Rew
August 30, 2004
16:46 Re: 20040830:32-bit versus 64-bit netCDF Russ Rew
15:52 Re: large netCDF data sets Russ Rew
10:37 20040830 NetCDF installation failure Steve Emmerson
10:30 20040830: installing netCDF on RH Linux 9 using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
09:43 Re: 20040838: netCDF, Windows XP, Compac Visual Fortran 6.6: please help! Ed Hartnett
August 26, 2004
14:29 Re: large netCDF data sets Russ Rew
August 25, 2004
16:42 20040826: netcdf3.5.1_make need help Unidata Support
August 24, 2004
15:20 Re: [Fwd: Error in NetCDF User's Guide for C (?)] Russ Rew
13:33 Re: large netCDF data sets Russ Rew
12:42 Re: large netCDF data sets Russ Rew
August 21, 2004
12:21 20040822: still the problem need help Unidata Support
August 20, 2004
15:11 Re: 20040816: netCDF exiting when att not found Russ Rew
14:54 Re: 20040816: netCDF exiting when att not found Russ Rew
07:11 Re: [Fwd: 20040819:netCDF Decoders - ncdump.exe source] Ed Hartnett
07:02 Re: 64 bit version of large data set netCDF libs Ed Hartnett
August 19, 2004
18:25 20040817: netcdf-3.5.1installation need help Unidata Support
17:09 20040819: netCDF Decoders - ncdump.exe source Unidata Support
15:40 Re: 20040812: recommendations for netCDF Fortran entry point conventions Russ Rew
14:04 Re: 20040806: NetCDF Software Additions Russ Rew
09:54 Re: large netCDF data sets Russ Rew
09:00 20040819: netcdf.mod missing from SuSE 9.0 RPM Steve Emmerson
August 18, 2004
14:45 Re: 20040818: Very large netCDF files Ed Hartnett
10:05 Re: 20040818: Very large netCDF files Russ Rew
09:29 Re: RNetCDF -- R Interface to NetCDF Datasets Russ Rew
08:34 Re: 20040818: Very large netCDF files Ed Hartnett
07:25 Re: 20040818: Very large netCDF files Ed Hartnett
August 17, 2004
14:27 20040817: help with netcdf installation (cont.) Unidata Support
13:26 Re: 20040818: Very large netCDF files Ed Hartnett
13:18 Re: 20040818: Very large netCDF files Russ Rew
08:56 20040817: NetCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
August 16, 2004
14:58 20040816: help with netcdf installation (cont.) Unidata Support
14:09 20040816: help with netcdf installation Unidata Support
12:31 20040815: NetCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
August 13, 2004
16:25 Re: Barry Schwartz's Fortran code to read NetCDF files Russ Rew
09:58 Re: "Remik Ziemlinski": NetCDF4 1.0 Ed Hartnett
09:05 20040813: install trouble netCDF w/ PGI on RHEL 3.0 Unidata Support
08:32 Re: large netCDF data sets Russ Rew
August 12, 2004
13:24 20040812: NetCDF: Reading undimensioned variable in netcdf-perl? Steve Emmerson
13:02 Re: "Remik Ziemlinski": NetCDF4 1.0 Ed Hartnett
08:42 20040812: netcdf library / ftp access Unidata Support
August 11, 2004
10:36 20040811: NetCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
August 10, 2004
14:33 20040810: mixed programming, C and Fortran and netcdf Steve Emmerson
14:07 20040810: Problem with "make test" of netCDF 3.5.1 on Redhat Linux 9 Steve Emmerson
13:48 Re: 20040802: netcdf on ia64 using Intel ifort v8.0 Steve Emmerson
13:35 20040804: SUSE 9.1 - configure script can not find compilers (cont.) Unidata Support
09:05 20040809: netCDF "make test" failure on Linux AMD Opteron using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
August 07, 2004
08:31 20040807: netCDF web page information Unidata Support
August 06, 2004
09:38 20040806: netCDF under Linux (cont.) Unidata Support
August 03, 2004
17:39 20040728: netCDF: solaris - mixed programming, C and Fortran Unidata Support
17:03 20040802: netCDF C - Red Hat linux 8/9 - tk_ncks Unidata Support
July 30, 2004
16:04 20040730: update: building netcdf 3.5.1 with NAG f95 v5.0 on OS X Steve Emmerson
15:26 20040730: update: building netcdf 3.5.1 with NAG f95 v5.0 on OS X Steve Emmerson
09:00 Re: mixed programming, C and Fortran and netcdf Russ Rew
July 29, 2004
08:59 Re: mixed programming, C and Fortran and netcdf Russ Rew
July 28, 2004
14:45 20040728: Problem with installing NetCDF-PERL Steve Emmerson
13:28 20040728: Trouble installing netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
11:11 20040728: Trouble installing netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
08:55 perl 5.8 and netCDF perl Steve Emmerson
July 27, 2004
18:03 20040727: Problem with installing NetCDF-PERL Steve Emmerson
17:11 20040727:Problem with installing NetCDF-PERL Steve Emmerson
16:41 20040727: Trouble installing netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
15:48 20040727: Trouble installing netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
14:55 20040727: text to netcdf Tom Yoksas
13:58 20040727: SUSE 9.1 - configure script can not find compilers (cont.) Unidata Support
12:00 20040727: Problems with building NetCDF Unidata Support
09:21 Re: question/problem... Russ Rew
08:52 : 20040727: udunits installation on Redhat linux Steve Emmerson
08:43 20040726: Problem with installing NetCDF-PERL Steve Emmerson
July 26, 2004
16:32 20040726: netCDF Unix Build - SuSE Linux 9.1, 2.6.5 kernel, gcc version 3.3.3 - Unresolved externals trying to run tests Steve Emmerson
12:57 20040726: Trouble installing netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
July 25, 2004
08:13 20040724: SUSE 9.1 - configure script can not find compilers (cont.) Unidata Support
July 24, 2004
09:29 20040723: netCDF General - SUSE 9.1 - I\'m new, please help with configure script can\'t find compilers Unidata Support
July 23, 2004
16:11 20040723: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - Mac OSX 10.3 and Linux redhat - Strang 2d array error Steve Emmerson
14:29 20040723: netCDF General - mac OS 10.3.4 - cant get netcdf to make Steve Emmerson
14:13 20040723: ifc error and solution - make test Steve Emmerson
13:53 Re: 20040723:ifc error and solution - make test Russ Rew
July 22, 2004
07:07 20040722: netCDF build on Solaris 9 Unidata Support
July 21, 2004
11:52 20040720: failure in test of ncgen on NEC SX6 Steve Emmerson
July 19, 2004
15:39 Re: 20040717: f90 suggestion: optional status code? Russ Rew
13:28 Re: 20040719: NetCDF files Ed Hartnett
July 16, 2004
10:19 20040716:installing NetCDF-3.5.1 on RedHat Linux 9 Steve Emmerson
July 15, 2004
14:14 20040715:installing NetCDF-3.5.1 on RedHat Linux 9 Steve Emmerson
July 14, 2004
10:34 Re: 20040713: easy TOOLS needed RE: nc file into xyz or ArcView Russ Rew
July 13, 2004
14:45 20040713: Netcdf 3.5.0 build problem Unidata Support
12:48 Re: Meeting at ESRIRuss Rew [address@hidden] -> direct acces s to netCDF and/or HDF5 data for their GIS tools John Caron
12:35 Re: Meeting at ESRIRuss Rew [address@hidden] -> direct acces s to netCDF and/or HDF5 data for their GIS tools Russ Rew
July 12, 2004
17:27 20040712: exporting MeRAF data in netCDF data Unidata Support
11:01 Re: 20040712: netCDF 3.5.1 install problems Ed Hartnett
10:27 Re: 20040703: Some NetCDF C interface doc issues (cont.) Russ Rew
10:11 Re: 20040703: Some NetCDF C interface doc issues (cont.) (fwd) Russ Rew
July 07, 2004
14:00 Re: DODS, netCDF and Large File Support Ethan Davis
09:06 Re: DODS, netCDF and Large File Support Russ Rew
July 06, 2004
17:29 Re: Hola, I have a DODS question for you John Caron
17:24 20040705: converting a given data to a netCDF file Unidata Support
12:39 Re: 20040706: Pb when installing an Aggregation Server John Caron
July 05, 2004
08:52 Re: 20040703: Some NetCDF C interface doc issues (cont.) Ed Hartnett
July 04, 2004
13:36 Re: 20040703: Some NetCDF C interface doc issues (cont.) Ed Hartnett
July 03, 2004
17:17 20040630: problem compiling netcdf Unidata Support
17:10 20040701: netCDF install problem with pgf90 compiler RH Enterprise 3 Unidata Support
July 01, 2004
12:46 Re: NetCDF library problems Robb Kambic
08:44 20040701: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris x86 Steve Emmerson
08:38 20040701: NOAA ENC charts are netCDF? Unidata Support
June 30, 2004
14:56 Re: 20040630: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris x86 Steve Emmerson
12:23 Re: 20040630: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris x86 Steve Emmerson
11:56 Re: NetCDF library problems Jason Thaxter
11:33 Re: 20040625: NetCDF installation on Mac OS X Russ Rew
11:19 20040630: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris x86 Steve Emmerson
10:46 Re: NetCDF library problems Jason Thaxter
09:56 Re: 20040630: adding another entry to unlimited dimension Russ Rew
June 29, 2004
16:37 Re: 20040629:nf_get_vara_real under Linux Russ Rew
16:00 Re: 20040629: netCDF doc suggestion Russ Rew
13:31 Re: 20040625: NetCDF installation on Mac OS X Russ Rew
12:28 20040625: netCDF reformatting question Unidata Support
June 28, 2004
18:39 Re: 20040628: netcdf installation minor issue (fwd) Russ Rew
10:23 Re: Errors reading attributes from variables John Caron
June 26, 2004
07:02 RE: NetCDF library problems (fwd) Philip Bogden
June 24, 2004
15:25 20040623: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - fortran - need file Unidata Support
13:27 20040624: netCDF for Window XP (cont.) Unidata Support
June 22, 2004
22:21 20040622: netCDF for Window XP Unidata Support
09:58 20040622: Installation Problem of netCDF package Steve Emmerson
June 21, 2004
08:19 Re: Fwd: Re: 20040614: dncdump client from a DODS server (cont.) John Caron
June 18, 2004
15:11 Re: 20040618: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris Steve Emmerson
14:17 20040618: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris Steve Emmerson
11:22 Re: netcdf-3.5.1 on Solaris Steve Emmerson
June 17, 2004
16:00 20040617: G95 netCDF support (cont.) Steve Emmerson
14:11 20040617: Installation Problem of netCDF package Steve Emmerson
June 15, 2004
09:27 Re: 20040614: netcdf build report on NetBSD/sparc Russ Rew
June 14, 2004
11:30 Re: Large file support (LFS) Russ Rew
09:47 20040611: Installation Problem of netCDF package Steve Emmerson
09:18 Re: slow write on large files Rob Ross
June 13, 2004
14:16 20040609: failed installations of NetCDF Unidata Support
June 11, 2004
16:02 Re: slow write on large files Russ Rew
09:28 Re: symbol table in netCDF file Russ Rew
June 10, 2004
08:52 Re: slow write on large files Russ Rew
June 09, 2004
13:31 20040609: _LARGE_FILES in netCDF Steve Emmerson
June 08, 2004
13:50 20040608: _LARGE_FILES in netCDF Steve Emmerson
June 07, 2004
16:02 20040520: How to install netcdf 3.5.1 Unidata Support
15:26 20040603: netcdf-3.5.1 built with the ifort Fortran compiler Unidata Support
15:10 20040602: netCDF question Unidata Support
June 03, 2004
18:59 Re: [Fwd: Example] Russ Rew
June 02, 2004
17:29 20040602: Unable to comple NetCDF-3.5.1 under Redhat 9.0 with Intel ifort 8.0 compiler Steve Emmerson
12:43 20040602: asynchronous read ahead and write behind on NetCDF Steve Emmerson
11:18 Re: 20040602: netCDF Java - XP - NetCDF to XML John Caron
June 01, 2004
16:10 Re: GFDL guide to netCDF utilities? Russ Rew
May 29, 2004
16:59 netcfd 3.4 in linux junia
May 28, 2004
14:22 20040528: netcdf-3.5.1 Unidata Support
10:42 Re: Question about Java NetCDF API usage Lyn Greenhill
07:35 20040528: Couldn't download netCDF source (cont.) Unidata Support
06:36 Re: Bugs(?) with ncgen Russ Rew
May 27, 2004
14:42 Re: 20040526: asynchronous read ahead and write behind on NetCDF Steve Emmerson
14:16 Re: 20040526:we support NetCDF Russ Rew
08:53 20040526: syntax of declaring dimensions in CDL Steve Emmerson
May 26, 2004
16:51 Re: 20040526:we support NetCDF Russ Rew
15:49 20040526: NetCDF Installation on Microway AMD Opteron Beowulf cluster Steve Emmerson
11:03 20040526: 32-bit netCDF build on AMD Opteron Fedora Linux system Steve Emmerson
10:01 20040526: asynchronous read ahead and write behind on NetCDF Steve Emmerson
09:29 20040526: 32-bit netCDF build on AMD Opteron Fedora Linux system Steve Emmerson
May 25, 2004
13:06 20040525: building netCDF package under Linux using gcc & ifort Steve Emmerson
09:44 20040525: building netCDF package under Linux using gcc & ifort Steve Emmerson
May 22, 2004
06:26 Re: 64-bit netCDF? Russ Rew
May 21, 2004
10:58 20040521: netCDF install under Cygwin_NT Steve Emmerson
May 18, 2004
09:09 20040518: netcdf_3.5.1 on Linux using Intel Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
May 17, 2004
11:42 20040517: netCDF 3.5.1 build on SuSE SLES Opteron usijng PathScale compiler Steve Emmerson
09:04 20040517: netCDF Perl Interface - SUNOS air-sea 5.8 Generic_108528 Steve Emmerson
09:00 20040517: netCDF cdl for irregular observation values Steve Emmerson
May 15, 2004
17:00 20040514: netCDF Perl Interface - SUNOS air-sea 5.8 Generic_108528 Steve Emmerson
May 14, 2004
16:26 20040514: netCDF Perl Interface - SUNOS air-sea 5.8 Generic_108528 Steve Emmerson
16:22 Re: 20040512: Reporting Problems : Installing NetCDF Steve Emmerson
16:00 20040511: NetCDF interface for Matlab Unidata Support
15:17 20040514: netCDF cdl for irregular observation values Steve Emmerson
11:31 20040513:netcdf.f routine Steve Emmerson
11:21 20040314: compiling netcdf-3.5.1 using Intel Fortran 95 Steve Emmerson
May 13, 2004
17:45 Re: ncdigest V1 #770 Russ Rew
14:22 Re: 20040513: Install on OSX with IBM XLF8.1 compiler Russ Rew
May 12, 2004
15:52 Re: Question about netcdf Russ Rew
13:23 20040512: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 under Cygwin on Windows 2000 Steve Emmerson
10:54 20040511: linking a C Unidata Support
10:48 20040512: Reporting Problems : Installing NetCDF Unidata Support
09:56 20040512: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 under Cygwin on Windows 2000 Steve Emmerson
May 11, 2004
08:19 Re: [Fwd: Re: netCDF file question] Russ Rew
May 10, 2004
11:21 20040510: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 under Cygwin on Windows 2000 Steve Emmerson
09:42 Re: [Fwd: Re: netCDF file question] Russ Rew
May 07, 2004
13:15 Re: Subscribing to the mailing list Russ Rew
May 06, 2004
14:36 Re: netCDF in HDF Explorer Russ Rew
12:26 Re: 20040504: libnetcdf.a for o2k's (sgi), 64 bit version! Russ Rew
09:39 Re: 20040504: libnetcdf.a for o2k's (sgi), 64 bit version! Russ Rew
May 05, 2004
17:11 20040505: error building 3.5.1 when using absoft Fortran compilers Steve Emmerson
12:29 20040505: Problem with reading data Unidata Support
May 04, 2004
15:59 Re: Problems with reading my data Russ Rew
08:17 20040423: Decoding time in netCDF - Urgent please Unidata Support
May 03, 2004
10:45 20040503: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 under Cygwin on Windows 2000 Steve Emmerson
May 01, 2004
17:48 20040429: ncdump behavior on IRIX is different than Linux (cont.) Unidata Support
April 30, 2004
16:37 Re: netCDF in HDF Explorer Russ Rew
April 29, 2004
11:53 Re: 20040429: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 under Cygwin on Windows 2000 Steve Emmerson
11:29 20040428: netCDF F90 question Steve Emmerson
April 28, 2004
17:19 20040427: ncdump Unidata Support
14:24 20040428: netCDF F90 question Steve Emmerson
09:46 20040428: NetCDF Install problem: missing nf_open Steve Emmerson
April 27, 2004
08:14 20040426: ncview? Unidata Support
April 25, 2004
15:51 Re: 20040420:NetCDF 3.5.1 fails to compile with pgf90 3.3 on RH Enterprise Russ Rew
15:17 Re: NetCDF Russ Rew
April 22, 2004
16:45 20040422: netcdf perl module issues: missing ncopts Steve Emmerson
11:13 Re: 20040414: Attribute modification in Java2.1 NetCDF API Russ Rew
April 21, 2004
17:23 20040421: installing NetCDF-3.5.1: few questions Unidata Support
13:28 Re: 20040421: help for installing netcdf Russ Rew
April 20, 2004
09:38 20040420: netcdf perl module issues: missing ncopts Steve Emmerson
08:34 20040420: netcdf perl module issues: missing ncopts Steve Emmerson
April 19, 2004
12:29 20040419: For your information - CMAQ with NAG fortran. Steve Emmerson
09:22 20040419: netcdf on opteron Unidata Support
April 16, 2004
13:50 Re: 20040415: netcdf-3.5.0.irix64-6.5-mips.tar.Z Bug Russ Rew
12:19 20040416: problem with netcdf installation Steve Emmerson
11:27 20040416: finding ncdump(1) for execution Steve Emmerson
10:27 20040416: problem with netcdf installation Steve Emmerson
09:52 Re: 20040414: Attribute modification in Java2.1 NetCDF API Russ Rew
09:22 Re: 20040414: Attribute modification in Java2.1 NetCDF API John Caron
April 15, 2004
18:15 20040415: netCDF install problem Unidata Support
18:01 20040415: NetCDF Unidata Support
12:40 Re: 20040414: Attribute modification in Java2.1 NetCDF API John Caron
09:01 20040415: netCDF on Linux with NAG fortran Steve Emmerson
April 14, 2004
16:54 20040414: compiling netcdf libs Unidata Support
15:11 20040414: netCDF on Linux with NAG fortran Steve Emmerson
April 13, 2004
14:51 Re: undefined ref to __ctype_b (fwd) Russ Rew
14:27 Re: undefined ref to __ctype_b (fwd) Russ Rew
08:51 RE: netCDF-3.5.1, CYGWIN and NAG f95 (fwd) Russ Rew
April 12, 2004
12:35 Re: netcdf file transfer Russ Rew
April 09, 2004
12:29 Re: Question on read.ncdump Russ Rew
10:50 Re: possible bug in pg 5.1 f90 compiler? Ed Hartnett
10:06 Re: netCDF-3.5.1, CYGWIN and NAG f95 Russ Rew
April 08, 2004
12:27 20040408: NetCDF Install problem Steve Emmerson
08:16 20040405: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 under Cygwin on Windows 2000 Steve Emmerson
April 07, 2004
20:28 Re: 20040402: netCDF help request Russ Rew
16:52 Re: 20040407: NetCDF I/O Problem Russ Rew
16:34 20040407: compiling netCDF library on Llinux Unidata Support
15:14 Re: netCDF: installed netcdf.mod and typesizes.mod Steve Emmerson
11:27 Re: 20040407: NetCDF I/O Problem Russ Rew
April 06, 2004
17:01 Re: NetCDF Editor and netcdf.framework Obj-C framework for MacOSX Russ Rew
10:00 Re: 20040406:netCDF windows download problem John Caron
09:29 20040406: netCDF 5.1 build on Linux using NAG Fortran-95 - UPDATE Steve Emmerson
April 05, 2004
16:50 20040405: netCDF 5.1 build on Linux using NAG Fortran-95 Steve Emmerson
13:06 Re: netCDF Mismatch in Naming Conventions Russ Rew
10:12 20040405: netCDF 5.1 build on Linux using NAG Fortran-95 Steve Emmerson
09:15 Re: 20040402: netCDF help request Russ Rew
April 02, 2004
14:34 20040402: netcdf on Linux+pgf90, f90/test failure Steve Emmerson
13:47 20040402: netcdf on Linux+pgf90, f90/test failure Steve Emmerson
13:23 RE: awips grid files question (fwd) Russ Rew
09:54 Re: HDF-netCDF conflicts (fwd) Russ Rew
April 01, 2004
14:08 Re: 20040330:unaligned access pid=##### va =0x Russ Rew
13:52 Re: 20040401:HDF-netCDF conflicts Russ Rew
11:16 Re: 20040330:unaligned access pid=##### va =0x Russ Rew
10:18 Re: version of NetCDF for NDFD? (fwd) Russ Rew
10:11 Re: 20040401:HDF-netCDF conflicts Russ Rew
March 30, 2004
13:16 Re: 20040330:unaligned access pid=##### va =0x Russ Rew
10:29 Re: 20040330:unaligned access pid=##### va =0x Russ Rew
March 27, 2004
08:20 20040327: error in mirroring netcdf resoureces Unidata Support
March 25, 2004
21:29 Re: Output CDF file John Caron
11:36 20040325: Attempting to install netcdf 3.5.1 lib on RH Enterprise WS 3. Unidata Support
10:27 Re: 20040324: ncdump dates (fwd) Russ Rew
09:32 Re: 20040301: additional commercial netcdf software Russ Rew
March 24, 2004
21:12 Re: Tool for NcML to netCDF? (fwd) Russ Rew
21:09 Re: netCDF for W2K Russ Rew
17:03 Re: awips grid files question Russ Rew
16:39 20040324: ncdump error - not a netCDF file Jeff Weber
16:15 Re: netCDF for W2K Russ Rew
14:15 Re: netCDF for W2K Russ Rew
March 22, 2004
16:59 Re: 20040322: Java NetCDF Newbie - Write/Read Array Of Strings John Caron
07:23 20040322: problems for configure and install netCDF on AMD64-turbolinux64 Unidata Support
March 19, 2004
14:20 20040316: netcdf installing error Unidata Support
March 18, 2004
17:14 Re: 20040316: compilation options for NetCDF on AMD Opteron Linux systems Russ Rew
March 16, 2004
15:53 20040316: Linux netCDF build using icc(1) 8.0 & ifort(1) 8.0 Steve Emmerson
10:37 20040316: Linux netCDF build using cc(1), pgf77(1), and pgf90(1) Steve Emmerson
10:12 20040316: Linux netCDF build using icc(1) 8.0 & ifort(1) 8.0 Steve Emmerson
08:48 20040316: Problem building netCDF library using intel ifort(1) Steve Emmerson
March 15, 2004
14:42 20040315: netCDF installation problems under Linux ia64 Steve Emmerson
08:44 Re: Regarding gennet.f Russ Rew
08:33 20040315: netCDF Perl Interface - Red Hat 7.3 kernel 2.4.7 SMP - error on building netCDF perl interface Steve Emmerson
March 13, 2004
17:09 Re: netCDF for W2K Russ Rew
March 12, 2004
16:22 Re: 20040312: Zero value variable Russ Rew
16:13 Re: 20040312:bug found in ncdump utility delivered with netCDF V3.5.0 Russ Rew
15:03 Re: netCDF for W2K Russ Rew
14:42 Re: netCDF for W2K Russ Rew
12:33 Re: regarding netcdf- very urgent please reply Russ Rew
11:23 20040312:netCDF download Jeff Weber
07:59 Re: 20040311: Russ Rew
March 11, 2004
09:03 20040311: problem with netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
March 10, 2004
12:24 20040310: building netCDF on 64-bit AMD Opteron Steve Emmerson
11:23 Re: 20040309:question regarding removing record from dataset Russ Rew
11:01 20040310: building netCDF on 64-bit AMD Opteron Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: 20040302: building netCDF using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
08:49 20040310: error in compiling netcdf Steve Emmerson
08:27 20040310:netcdf libraries for pgf90 compiler on a 64-bit processor Steve Emmerson
March 09, 2004
12:43 Re: 20040309:question regarding removing record from dataset Russ Rew
09:16 20040309: problem with netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
08:52 20040309: Fail to install netcdf3.5.1 on RedHat 9.0/PGI5.13 Steve Emmerson
March 08, 2004
15:46 Re: Java/NetCDF/Matlab John Caron
10:35 Re: 20040306: build netcdf 3.5.1 on my Mac running OS 10.3.2 (fwd) Russ Rew
09:02 20040308: netCDF: exprired compiler license Steve Emmerson
08:58 20040308: invoking NETCDF-3.5.1 configure script Steve Emmerson
08:54 20040308: netcdf installation error Steve Emmerson
08:01 Re: 20040306: build netcdf 3.5.1 on my Mac running OS 10.3.2 Russ Rew
March 05, 2004
08:44 20040305: UDUNITS problem: time varaibles: data types Steve Emmerson
March 04, 2004
08:05 Re: 20040222: Suitability of NetCDF to Telemetry Russ Rew
March 03, 2004
19:20 Re: 20040304: building netCDF library using Intel "ifort" 8.0 compiler (fwd) Russ Rew
16:59 Re: 20040222: Suitability of NetCDF to Telemetry Russ Rew
16:54 Re: 20040220: Netcdf optimizations for NEC's SX systems Russ Rew
15:46 Re: 20040301: ncview problems Russ Rew
13:16 Re: 20040301: ncview problems Russ Rew
13:13 Re: netcdf dods parsing help! :) John Caron
12:56 Re: netcdf for java versions 1/2 John Caron
12:46 20040304: building netCDF library using Intel "ifort" 8.0 compiler Steve Emmerson
11:17 Re: 20040301: ncview problems Russ Rew
10:27 20040304: building netCDF library using Intel "ifort" 8.0 compiler Steve Emmerson
09:54 Re: 20040301: ncview problems Russ Rew
07:31 20040303: NetCDF-3 compilation Unidata Support
March 02, 2004
22:47 Re: 20040301: ncview problems Russ Rew
22:28 Re: 20040301: additional commercial netcdf software Russ Rew
08:51 20040302: building netCDF using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
March 01, 2004
13:42 Re: 20040228: netCDF Fortran (77 + 90) - linux - How to read NetCDF and HDF files in one Fortran code? Russ Rew
09:04 20040301: NetCDF on x86_64 system using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
08:51 20040301: netcdf-perl-1.2.2 isntallation Steve Emmerson
February 27, 2004
08:33 20040227: Problem with f90 test for netCDF: pgf90 compiler Steve Emmerson
February 26, 2004
13:44 20040226: Problem with f90 test for netCDF: pgf90 compiler Steve Emmerson
09:19 20040225: Problem with f90 test for netCDF: pgf90 compiler Steve Emmerson
08:59 20040225: error in compiling netcdf Steve Emmerson
08:47 20040226: NetCDF 3.5 variable names Steve Emmerson
February 25, 2004
20:42 netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.0 are ready Charlie Zender
15:14 Re: 20040225: netCDFPerl install problem Steve Emmerson
14:54 20040225: Problem with f90 test for netCDF: pgf90 compiler Steve Emmerson
14:19 20040225: Problem with f90 test for netcdf Steve Emmerson
14:13 20040225: Hyperslab I/O of Varying Size: use of IMAP argument (was: Many Many Thanks!) Steve Emmerson
13:49 20040225: NetCDF Large File Support on Windows Unidata Support
10:33 20040225: Report Steve Emmerson
08:44 20040225: NetCDF 3.5 variable names Steve Emmerson
February 24, 2004
11:27 20040224: Hyperslab I/O of Varying Size: use of IMAP argument Steve Emmerson
10:52 Re: 20040224: Hyperslab I/O of Varying Size: use of IMAP argument Steve Emmerson
09:11 20040224: Hyperslab I/O of Varying Size: use of IMAP argument Steve Emmerson
08:56 Re: RPM for perl-netcdf 1.2.2 Steve Emmerson
08:35 20040224: error in compiling netcdf Steve Emmerson
February 23, 2004
14:40 20040220: Hyperslab I/O of Varying Size: use of IMAP argument Steve Emmerson
10:53 20040223: Compiling NetCDF on SGI Origin 2000 running IRIX 6.5.21 Steve Emmerson
08:57 20040217: problems building perl-netcdf Steve Emmerson
February 20, 2004
13:08 20040220: Hyperslab I/O of Varying Size Steve Emmerson
13:03 Re: 20040220: "make test" problem on Linux x86_64 system Steve Emmerson
10:13 20040220: netCDF problem? Steve Emmerson
February 19, 2004
17:13 20040219: problem installing netcdf 3.5.1 on Solaris 5.8 Steve Emmerson
17:03 Re: 20040219: failure to link to netcdfs.lib objects on Windows XP John Caron
08:54 Re: 20040218: netCDF problem? Steve Emmerson
08:36 20040219: OK - netCDF build (cont.) Steve Emmerson
February 18, 2004
14:09 20040218: error in 64-bit libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
12:58 20040218: error in 64-bit libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
11:22 20040218: error in 64-bit libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
10:58 20040218: netCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
10:28 20040218: netCDF problem? Steve Emmerson
09:04 20040218: error in 64-bit libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
February 17, 2004
15:58 20040217: error in 64-bit libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
14:00 20040217: problems building perl-netcdf Steve Emmerson
12:34 20040217: error in 64-bit libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
09:27 20040213: installation problem with netCDF Steve Emmerson
February 16, 2004
15:50 Re: NetCDF and HDF5 John Caron
February 14, 2004
16:01 Re: Announcement: netCDF version 3.5.1 now available Russ Rew
15:58 Re: 20040212: NFerror at nf_enddef Russ Rew
February 13, 2004
15:51 20040212: link problems Unidata Support
15:22 20040213: help on program reading NetCDF data Steve Emmerson
14:47 20040212: FAN version 2.0 - Linux compile Unidata Support
13:35 20040213: installation problem with netCDF Steve Emmerson
11:28 Re: 20040212: Problem with NetCDF on Mac OS X Russ Rew
February 12, 2004
14:50 20040211: Intel Fortran-90 Compiler Unidata Support
07:54 Re: 20031118: netcdf data problem (fwd) Russ Rew
05:57 Re: 20031118: netcdf data problem (fwd) Russ Rew
February 11, 2004
16:38 Re: Announcement: netCDF version 3.5.1 now available Russ Rew
February 10, 2004
10:11 Re: 20040210: netcdf install problems Steve Emmerson
10:08 20040210: installation problem with netCDF Steve Emmerson
08:56 20040206: netcdf install problems Steve Emmerson
February 09, 2004
10:00 Re: 20040116: Support for Unidata products on Cray systems Russ Rew
09:33 Re: 20040207: NETCDF-4 for Java ? Russ Rew
February 05, 2004
12:38 20040205: netcdf with intel compilers version8 ? Steve Emmerson
09:05 20040205: netcdf with intel compilers version8 ? Steve Emmerson
February 03, 2004
15:30 Re: 20031202: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
February 02, 2004
17:08 20040131: Installation Problem of netCDF package Unidata Support
16:07 Re: 20031202: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
14:27 Re: 20031118: netcdf data problem (fwd) Russ Rew
January 29, 2004
13:24 20040128: netCDF-3.5.0 on RH9 Unidata Support
January 26, 2004
14:34 Re: 20040126:netcdf within MS .NET framework (fwd) Ed Hartnett
11:23 20040126: building NetCDF on SGI Altix using efc(1) Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
11:06 20040126: building netCDF on Solaris 8 Steve Emmerson
09:13 20040126: Netcdf3.5 installation problem on HP-UX 11 Steve Emmerson
January 22, 2004
17:09 20040122: building GFDL's NetCDF Interface Routines Steve Emmerson
January 20, 2004
19:09 Re: 20040120: THREDDS Viewer John Caron
13:45 20040120: interface module installation - typesizes.mod Steve Emmerson
12:16 Re: Compiling netcdf2.1 (Java) John Caron
09:12 Re: environment settings used for netCDF installation on blackforest? (fwd) Russ Rew
January 19, 2004
08:46 20040119: NetCDF failed to build on redhat 8. Unidata Support
07:33 Re: 20040117: Release Date for NetCDF 3.5.1 Russ Rew
January 18, 2004
10:57 Re: Douglas Pase: Release Date for NetCDF 3.5.1? (fwd) Russ Rew
January 16, 2004
16:55 Re: 20040116: Support for Unidata products on Cray systems Russ Rew
January 15, 2004
11:17 20040115: interface module installation - typesizes.mod Steve Emmerson
January 13, 2004
10:49 20040113: udunits: ? support of calendar attribute ? Steve Emmerson
09:06 20040113: building netCDF on Linux 64-bit Itanium using ecc & efc Steve Emmerson
January 12, 2004
10:35 20040112: building netCDF on Linux 64-bit Itanium using ecc & efc Steve Emmerson
January 10, 2004
12:12 Re: 20040110: regarding netcdf-please reply Russ Rew
January 08, 2004
13:03 20040108: building netCDF on Linux 64-bit Itanium using ecc & efc Steve Emmerson
09:56 Re: 20040107: Problems installing netcdf on Mac OSX Steve Emmerson
08:20 20040106: netCDF installation errors Unidata Support
08:10 20040108: Build problems in netcdf 3.5.0 with gcc version 3.3.2 on SunOS 5.8 Unidata Support
January 07, 2004
16:27 Re: GDAL netCDF Support Russ Rew
15:00 20040107: Problems installing netcdf on Mac OSX Steve Emmerson
January 06, 2004
12:49 Re: Radar data in NetCDF Russ Rew
January 05, 2004
09:10 20040105: Problems installing netcdf on Mac OSX Steve Emmerson
January 02, 2004
08:30 20040102: netCDF for VMS (cont.) Unidata Support
January 01, 2004
08:52 20031231: netCDF for VMS Unidata Support
December 31, 2003
10:16 20031231: pgf90 5.1 & netcdf Steve Emmerson
09:19 20031231: compiles OK but doesn't link on OS X Steve Emmerson
December 30, 2003
09:03 20031230: compiles OK but doesn't link on OS X Steve Emmerson
December 29, 2003
15:17 20031229: netcdf and yacc Steve Emmerson
13:40 20031229: compiles OK but doesn't link on OS X Steve Emmerson
09:28 Re: 20031229: include issues for netCDF C++ build Russ Rew
09:04 20031229: Compiling NetCDF on SGI Altix Steve Emmerson
December 26, 2003
08:48 20031225: No directoires of bin, lib, include created Unidata Support
December 24, 2003
09:32 20031224: Compiling NetCDF on SGI Altix Steve Emmerson
December 23, 2003
13:44 Re: 20031222: configure error for g++ in netCDF Russ Rew
08:50 20031223: index bounds in dimension declaration: netCDF F90 Steve Emmerson
December 22, 2003
15:24 Re: 20031219: netcdf error on SGI Altrix Russ Rew
15:12 Re: 20031222: configure error for g++ in netCDF Russ Rew
13:12 20031221: netCDF array dimension limitations on PCs (cont.) Unidata Support
December 20, 2003
15:19 20031221: netCDF array dimension limitations on PCs Unidata Support
December 19, 2003
16:00 Re: 20031218: compiling net-cdf for MacOS-X Russ Rew
15:53 Re: 20031218: netcdf C++ Russ Rew
10:12 20031219: netcdf and Intel compilers Steve Emmerson
December 18, 2003
14:12 Re: Russ Rew
December 17, 2003
16:01 20031217: Fortran 90 interface to netCDF Steve Emmerson
14:18 20031217: Fortran 90 interface to netCDF Steve Emmerson
December 16, 2003
10:28 20031216: netCDF "make" errors Steve Emmerson
December 15, 2003
15:01 Re: pgf90, nf90_short Russ Rew
14:30 Re: netCDF for station data Russ Rew
11:12 20031215: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
10:27 20031215: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
09:48 Re: NetCDF files (fwd) Russ Rew
December 12, 2003
15:17 Re: 20031212: netCDF beta with ifc and icc Steve Emmerson
14:25 20031212: netCDF beta with ifc and icc Steve Emmerson
13:19 20031212: netCDF beta with ifc and icc Steve Emmerson
12:23 Re: 20031212: pgf90, nf90_short Steve Emmerson
11:29 20031212: pgf90, nf90_short Steve Emmerson
10:30 20031212: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
08:17 20031211: netCDF Copyright Permission Unidata Support
December 11, 2003
15:48 20031213: netcdf compiling error on Itanium2/Linux Steve Emmerson
15:25 20031213: netcdf compiling error on Itanium2/Linux Steve Emmerson
15:15 20031213: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
10:49 20031213: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
10:23 20031213: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
09:55 20031213: Pb installing Netcdf-3.5.0 on HP-UXB.11.11 Steve Emmerson
09:24 20031213: netcdf compiling error on Itanium2/Linux Steve Emmerson
December 10, 2003
15:18 20031210: netCDF "make" errors Steve Emmerson
09:14 20031210: netCDF "make" errors Steve Emmerson
December 09, 2003
17:38 20031201: IRIX compiler-version 7.4 build/test failure Unidata Support
13:06 20031209: problems compiling large file netCDF on Sun Ultra-60 Steve Emmerson
10:36 20031209: problems compiling large file netCDF on Sun Ultra-60 Steve Emmerson
09:59 20031209: incorrect binary? Unidata Support
December 08, 2003
16:51 20031208: problems compiling large file netCDF on Sun Ultra-60 Steve Emmerson
14:48 20031208: Installing NetCDF 3.5.1 beta13 failed with "make test" by using pgf90 and gcc, g++ on RedHat Enterprise 3 WS ( gcc version 3.2.3) Steve Emmerson
December 06, 2003
14:57 Re: netcdf-java v2.1 compilation error John Caron
December 05, 2003
15:04 Re: netcdf-java v2.1 compilation error John Caron
11:16 20031205: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
10:38 20031205: error in create netcdf file Steve Emmerson
09:49 Re: can not download netcdf for java John Caron
December 04, 2003
17:04 Re: netcdf platform question Russ Rew
09:44 20031204: error in create netcdf file Steve Emmerson
09:02 20031204: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
December 03, 2003
16:49 20031203: netCDF "make" errors Steve Emmerson
15:07 20031203: error in create netcdf file Steve Emmerson
11:19 20031203: How to create an array of string? Steve Emmerson
11:17 20031203: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
10:25 20031203: How to create an array of string? Steve Emmerson
09:00 20031203: How to create an array of string? Steve Emmerson
December 02, 2003
13:24 20031202: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
12:32 20031202: netCDF General - gentoo - Large files Steve Emmerson
09:39 20031202: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
09:34 20031202: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
December 01, 2003
17:10 20031201: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
15:55 Re: Searching for working example... John Caron
15:13 20031201:no in udunits 1.12.0 Steve Emmerson
13:12 Re: skip reading in java netcdf John Caron
11:17 20031201: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
November 25, 2003
16:02 20031125: Win2K, command line utilities to read/write netcdf (cont.) Unidata Support
15:56 20031124: Win2K, command line utilities to read/write netcdf Unidata Support
November 24, 2003
16:48 20031124: Additional questions Unidata Support
15:08 20031121: Using NCDF of windows 2000, Unidata Support
10:00 20031123: Help with netCDF Install on Windows Unidata Support
09:30 Re: netcdf write performance (fwd) Russ Rew
November 21, 2003
12:59 Re: netcdf write performance Russ Rew
10:20 20031121: problem compiling netcdf-3.5.0 on hpux ia64 (Itanium 2) machine Steve Emmerson
November 20, 2003
15:13 20031120: netcdf 3.5.0 installation using g++ as C++ compiler Steve Emmerson
12:39 20031120: netCDF Perl Interface - Mandrake Linux 9.1 - won't pass make test Steve Emmerson
11:36 20031115: query on BUFR to NetCDF conversion. Unidata Support
11:32 20031119: Looking for Information. Unidata Support
09:08 20031120: problem compiling netcdf-3.5.0 on hpux ia64 (Itanium 2) machine Steve Emmerson
November 19, 2003
16:23 20031119: problem compiling netcdf-3.5.0 on hpux ia64 (Itanium 2) machine Steve Emmerson
15:50 Re: proper netcdf creation practice Russ Rew
15:32 Re: 20031118: netcdf data problem (fwd) Russ Rew
November 18, 2003
15:21 Re: question about netCDF file size limits Russ Rew
10:29 Re: question about netCDF file size limits Russ Rew
08:43 20031118: netcdf data problem Steve Emmerson
November 17, 2003
11:27 20031117: Problem with Absoft8.0 on Mac OS Steve Emmerson
November 14, 2003
12:27 20031106: NCAGTC: : In Fortran, string too short Steve Emmerson
November 10, 2003
17:35 20031110: netcdf for SGI altrix (cont.) Unidata Support
10:44 Re: Newbite question about using NetCDF Java Library (Version 2) to add a java.lang.String scalar variable John Caron
November 08, 2003
15:29 Re: Newbie queation about using NetCDF Java Library (Version 2) creating a scalar variable John Caron
November 07, 2003
12:57 20031107: FTP site Unidata Support
10:48 20031107:problems compiling shared library on Itanium 2 Steve Emmerson
08:58 Re: 20031107: broken netcdf download link on my.unidata Russ Rew
07:23 20031106: netcdf for SGI altrix Unidata Support
November 06, 2003
16:33 Re: 20031106:necessary netcdf attributes Russ Rew
14:22 Re: 20030915:File Offset questions related to 2GB dataset sizes (patch attached) Russ Rew
14:18 Re: 20031106:necessary netcdf attributes Russ Rew
09:03 20031106: subset fortran Steve Emmerson
November 05, 2003
14:41 20031105: NetCDF 3.5.0 build problem Steve Emmerson
14:17 20031105: NetCDF 3.5.0 build problem Steve Emmerson
12:41 Re: subset fortran Russ Rew
10:14 20031105: NetCDF 3.5.0 build problem Steve Emmerson
November 04, 2003
15:22 Re: 20031104: NETCDF for Solaris 8 -SPARC Russ Rew
15:06 Re: 20031104: netcdf Russ Rew
08:20 (fwd) Russ Rew
08:12 20031104: Please help me! Unidata Support
November 03, 2003
16:03 Re: 20031021: THREDDS download Steve Emmerson
15:52 Re: 20031021: THREDDS download Robb Kambic
10:04 20031103: netcdf v3.5.1-beta12 build: FreeBSD (info) Steve Emmerson
October 30, 2003
16:44 Re: 20031030:64-bit netCDF library build Russ Rew
October 27, 2003
15:04 20031020: read netCDF data from fortran Unidata Support
14:49 20031023: netcdf installation problems logs Unidata Support
14:23 20031027: netCDF to BUFR s/w? Unidata Support
10:29 Re: Win32 libraries enclosed for Fortran 90 binding Russ Rew
October 25, 2003
10:20 Re: 20031021: netcdf 3.5.1-beta13 run time error (fwd) Russ Rew
October 24, 2003
12:28 Re: 20031021: netcdf 3.5.1-beta13 run time error Russ Rew
11:18 20031021: netcdf make install Unidata Support
October 23, 2003
11:21 Re: question for Russ - signed vs. unsigned char and NC_BYTE Ed Hartnett
10:43 Re: question for Russ - signed vs. unsigned char and NC_BYTE Russ Rew
October 22, 2003
10:03 Re: text files to Netcdf format... Russ Rew
09:16 Re: 20031020: To compile with Code Warrior (fwd) Russ Rew
October 21, 2003
16:01 Re: 20031020: To compile with Code Warrior Russ Rew
08:39 20031021: THREDDS download Steve Emmerson
08:36 20031021: make-test-error-on-AIX Steve Emmerson
October 20, 2003
13:43 Re: THREDDS download (fwd) Steve Emmerson
13:41 Re: perl interface problem, plus ncdump oddity Russ Rew
October 17, 2003
14:41 Re: skip, stride reading... John Caron
10:11 20031016: make-test-error-on-AIX Steve Emmerson
October 16, 2003
11:20 20031016: make-test-error-on-AIX Steve Emmerson
09:10 20031016: a simpler way to build netCDF using the Intel Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
October 15, 2003
15:15 20031015: a simpler way to build netCDF using the Intel Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
09:43 20031015: netCDF 3.5.1beta13 on Red Hat 9.0 with pgi compiler Steve Emmerson
09:39 20031015: NetCDF R install Steve Emmerson
08:53 20031015: Problem compiling NetCDF-3.5.0 on HP Steve Emmerson
08:43 20031015: netCDF 3.5.1beta13 on Red Hat 9.0 with pgi compiler Steve Emmerson
October 13, 2003
13:01 Re: 20030915:File Offset questions related to 2GB dataset sizes (patch attached) Russ Rew
10:41 Re: 20031009:read a 2.4 GB file ncdump: Invalid argument Russ Rew
October 12, 2003
21:18 Re: 20031010: ncendef (putget.c) Russ Rew
17:53 Re: converting netcdf to csv Russ Rew
October 09, 2003
14:17 Re: Is there Win32 obj lib available for netCDF Fortran 90 binding. (fwd) John Caron
11:20 20031009: problem with ifc and netcdf Unidata Support
October 07, 2003
13:35 20031007: ctype_b error Steve Emmerson
13:33 Re: 20031007: netCDF header-module install Russ Rew
10:29 20031007:'netcdf-3.5.0/lib/crtn.o' can not be found Steve Emmerson
08:47 20031007: netCDF header-module install Steve Emmerson
October 06, 2003
11:07 20031006: netCDF header-module install Steve Emmerson
10:24 Re: 20030915:File Offset questions related to 2GB dataset sizes Russ Rew
09:53 Re: 20030915:File Offset questions related to 2GB dataset sizes John Caron
09:10 Re: help with a NetcdfDataset John Caron
09:09 20031003: NetCDF on a debian Itanium 1 Machine Steve Emmerson
October 03, 2003
17:40 Re: help with a NetcdfDataset John Caron
16:23 20031003: NetCDF on a debian Itanium 1 Machine Steve Emmerson
14:45 20031003: NetCDF on a debian Itanium 1 Machine Steve Emmerson
13:23 20031003: SORRY, FORGOT THE ATTACHMENTs: NetCDF on a debian Itanium 1 Machine Steve Emmerson
13:16 20031003: Undefined symbol nf90_inq_libvers Steve Emmerson
October 01, 2003
17:45 Re: Questions about HttpClient library John Caron
13:53 Re: NetCDF configure Russ Rew
13:28 Re: Request Russ Rew
10:18 20031001: Undefined symbol nf90_inq_libvers Steve Emmerson
08:39 Re: EXTERNAL: Re: netcdf unlimited problem Russ Rew
September 30, 2003
21:50 Re: 20030926:aggregate different netCDF files Russ Rew
18:00 Re: 20030926:aggregate different netCDF files Charlie Zender
17:04 Re: 20030926:aggregate different netCDF files Russ Rew
08:52 20030930: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
September 29, 2003
10:28 20030929: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
09:31 20030929: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
09:00 20030929: NetCDF Perl usage [NetCDF::open] Steve Emmerson
September 26, 2003
16:25 Re: 20030923: question about Netcdf John Caron
15:09 20030926: NetCDF Perl usage [NetCDF::open] Steve Emmerson
14:40 [no subject] Russ Rew
11:28 20030926: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
11:07 20030926: Problem generate binary netCDF with ncgen Steve Emmerson
September 25, 2003
12:57 Re: Java UnitFormatManager exception John Caron
09:55 20030925: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
09:14 Re: 20030924: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
September 24, 2003
17:54 Re: NDBC buoy data aggregation John Caron
10:55 20030924: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
07:40 20030924: nercdf for Redhat Linux 9.0 Unidata Support
September 23, 2003
14:54 Re: 20030923: AGG Server clear cache John Caron
14:19 20030923: building netCDF on Linux using g77 Steve Emmerson
14:17 20030923: netcdf-perl build problem Steve Emmerson
13:44 20030923: netcdf-perl build problem Steve Emmerson
08:59 20030919: Problem with fortran on linux Steve Emmerson
08:57 20030923: building netCDF on Linux using g77 Steve Emmerson
September 22, 2003
17:02 20030922: Unable to Install Netcdf Steve Emmerson
September 19, 2003
15:52 Re: 20030916: memory leaks C++ interface and borland libraries Russ Rew
14:19 20030919: netcdf-perl build problem Steve Emmerson
13:11 Re: 20030919:LeoNetCDF windows software application for editing NetCDF files Russ Rew
11:10 20030919: netCDF installation problems Steve Emmerson
08:42 Re: NetCDF/HDF5 Proposal Approved Russ Rew
September 18, 2003
16:35 20030918: 64 bit netcdf install problem on Sun Solaris 5.8 Steve Emmerson
11:07 Re: NcML Aggregation John Caron
10:54 Re: 32 or 64 Russ Rew
September 17, 2003
08:38 20030917: netCDF linking problem using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
08:21 Re: perl interface problem, plus ncdump oddity Russ Rew
September 16, 2003
16:46 Re: 20030915:File Offset questions related to 2GB dataset sizes Russ Rew
09:58 20030916: netCDF linking problem using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
08:58 Re: Some question about netCDF Russ Rew
08:07 20030914: A netCDF problem Unidata Support
September 15, 2003
14:55 Re: 20030915:File Offset questions related to 2GB dataset sizes Russ Rew
14:49 Re: DODS AS on www.ferret John Caron
08:49 Re: Thank you! Russ Rew
September 12, 2003
10:41 20030912: 64 bit netcdf install problem on Sun Solaris 5.8 Steve Emmerson
September 11, 2003
21:51 Re: c compiler doesn't work Russ Rew
15:53 Re: Problem on SGI Russ Rew
14:51 Re: Problem on SGI Russ Rew
12:43 Re: how to set the path.Thanks! Russ Rew
12:31 Re: DODS AS John Caron
11:21 Re: how to set the path.Thanks! Russ Rew
08:41 20030911: netCDF linking problem using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
September 10, 2003
14:02 Re: 20030910: not finding src/ directory Russ Rew
10:39 20030910: netCDF linking problem using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
10:16 20030910: netCDF build on RH 7.2 using pgf90: #error "cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
September 09, 2003
17:55 Re: DODS AS John Caron
September 06, 2003
14:31 Re: 20030826: DODS Exception... John Caron
September 05, 2003
09:12 Re: 20030904:Compilation of netCDF 64-bit Russ Rew
September 04, 2003
15:05 Re: 20030904:Compilation of netCDF 64-bit Russ Rew
14:54 Re: Problem on SGI Russ Rew
10:55 Re: Problem on SGI Russ Rew
10:02 Re: Problem on SGI Russ Rew
09:50 20030904: netCDF linking problem using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
09:11 20030904: netCDF build under Linux 2.4.4 on Compaq Alpha Xp1000 Steve Emmerson
09:00 Re: 20030903: Successful build of netcdf with fortran 90 on OS X Russ Rew
September 03, 2003
16:22 20030903: CAM and linux x86-64 Steve Emmerson
15:38 Re: 20030903:NCL and NC_MAX_VARS Russ Rew
11:08 Re: Problem on SGI Russ Rew
10:15 Re: 20030903:NCL and NC_MAX_VARS Russ Rew
09:08 20030903: netCDF problem using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
September 02, 2003
12:53 20030902: Compiling netcdf on linuxx86-64 Steve Emmerson
09:35 20030902: Linux netCDF build using pgf77 Steve Emmerson
September 01, 2003
12:05 Re: DODS AS John Caron
August 29, 2003
13:51 Re: 20030826: DODS Exception... John Caron
13:10 Re: 20030829: memory leak in the netcdf C++ interface? Russ Rew
August 28, 2003
09:45 20030828: netcdf/udunits library problems Steve Emmerson
09:08 Re: netcdf3.5.1beta Russ Rew
09:00 Re: incompatible changes in NetCDF? Russ Rew
August 27, 2003
12:25 Re: Netcdf user's guide for Fortran90 (fwd) Russ Rew
08:44 Re: 20030826: compile netCDF using gfortran Steve Emmerson
08:06 20030827: A netCDF problem Unidata Support
August 26, 2003
09:48 20030826: compile netCDF using gfortran Steve Emmerson
August 25, 2003
13:08 20030825: Probelm with undunits Steve Emmerson
August 21, 2003
09:27 20030824: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta 11 & RedHat 9: environment variables Steve Emmerson
August 20, 2003
11:03 Re: class HTTPConnection not found question John Caron
August 18, 2003
13:01 Re: libnco_c++ and libnetcdf_c++ Russ Rew
12:47 Re: NCO, SDO, netCDF-HDF, libnco_c++ Russ Rew
August 15, 2003
11:31 20030815: netCDF build on RH 7.2 using pgf90: #error "cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
August 13, 2003
13:55 Re: user trying to locate netcdf.jar, NetcdfJavaUserManual.pdf John Caron
12:58 20030813: netCDF 3.5.0 build: config.status syntax error Steve Emmerson
12:28 20030813: netCDF 3.5.0 build: config.status syntax error Steve Emmerson
11:24 20030813: netCDF 3.5.0 build: config.status syntax error Steve Emmerson
09:43 Re: 20030812:Memory leak 3.5.1Beta12 Russ Rew
August 12, 2003
10:01 20030812: netcdf f90 64-bit module on HP UX 11 Steve Emmerson
09:05 20030812: netcdf f90 64-bit module on HP UX 11 Steve Emmerson
August 11, 2003
11:13 20030811: netCDF install problem: specifying compilers Steve Emmerson
August 08, 2003
14:22 Re: 20030808:netcdf error number -31 Russ Rew
August 06, 2003
12:56 Re: 20030806:netCDF .profile file to run netCDF? Russ Rew
August 05, 2003
09:25 20030805: NEC performance issues (cont.) Steve Emmerson
08:48 Re: 20030627: NEC performance issues (cont.) Russ Rew
August 04, 2003
10:35 20030804: Netcdf performance problem on NEC SX6 Steve Emmerson
August 01, 2003
16:47 Re: Help with ncML for aggregation John Caron
July 31, 2003
15:58 20030731: netCDF linking problem: undefined reference: `nf_open__' Steve Emmerson
July 30, 2003
16:15 Re: 20030730: Netcdf performance problem on NEC SX6 Russ Rew
15:21 Re: f90 netcdf Russ Rew
July 29, 2003
09:11 20030729: netCDF General - Linux - software download (cont.) Unidata Support
08:42 20030729: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta 11 & RedHat 9: environment variables Steve Emmerson
08:10 20030729: netCDF General - Linux - software download Unidata Support
July 28, 2003
10:33 20030728: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta 11 & RedHat 9: environment variables Steve Emmerson
09:05 20030728: netcdf f90 module on HP UX 11 Steve Emmerson
July 25, 2003
12:48 20030725: netCDF 3.5.1-beta10 "make test" failure: Linux & pgcc Steve Emmerson
10:37 Re: 20030722: missing file Russ Rew
10:33 Re: Problem to compile NetCDF 3.5 (fwd) Russ Rew
July 24, 2003
08:45 Re: 20030724: netCDF Russ Rew
July 23, 2003
11:53 20030722: netCDF General - Linux - Downloading the netCDF software Unidata Support
10:18 20030723: Downloading NetCDF Tar file Unidata Support
July 22, 2003
11:05 20030722: netCDF errors Unidata Support
10:32 Re: 20030721:netCDF C - RedHat Linux 9.0 _ctype_b error fix/workaround for RedH (fwd) Russ Rew
10:10 Re: 20030721:netCDF C - RedHat Linux 9.0 _ctype_b error fix/workaround for RedH (fwd) Russ Rew
10:00 Re: 20030722: missing file Russ Rew
09:59 20030722: problems installation netcdf Steve Emmerson
09:35 20030722: problems_installation_netcdf_3 Steve Emmerson
09:16 Re: 20030721:netCDF C - RedHat Linux 9.0 _ctype_b error fix/workaround for RedHat 9 Russ Rew
09:02 Re: 20030721:netCDF C - RedHat Linux 9.0 _ctype_b error fix/workaround for RedH (fwd) Russ Rew
08:54 Re: Problem with netcfd library and borland c++ builder 6 Russ Rew
July 21, 2003
20:58 Re: 20030719: hdf-eos to netcdf conversion Russ Rew
16:19 Re: 20030721:netCDF C - RedHat Linux 9.0 _ctype_b error fix/workaround for RedHat 9 Russ Rew
15:49 undefined reference to `__ctype_b' (fwd) Russ Rew
15:40 Re: 20030719: hdf-eos to netcdf conversion Russ Rew
14:10 Re: 20030721:netCDF C - RedHat Linux 9.0 _ctype_b error fix/workaround for RedHat 9 Russ Rew
13:52 20030721: problems installation netcdf 3.5.0 Steve Emmerson
13:15 Re: 20030721:F90 interface by Robert Pincus: Source available without install? Russ Rew
10:51 Re: 20030717:Changing date of nc file Russ Rew
09:38 Re: pycdf: new python interface to netCDF Russ Rew
09:36 20030719: netcdf f90 module on HP UX 11 Steve Emmerson
09:24 20030719: netcdf-3.5.1b+, Mac OS X, Absoft f95: assertion failure Steve Emmerson
09:13 Re: 20030719: hdf-eos to netcdf conversion Russ Rew
July 18, 2003
15:43 Re: 20030717: HP-UX 11.22 compiling problems for netCDF Russ Rew
14:52 20030718: netcdf f90 module on HP UX 11 Steve Emmerson
July 17, 2003
12:31 20030717: netcdf make test failures using Intel compilers on Linux Steve Emmerson
09:19 20030717: netcdf make test failures using Intel compilers on Linux Steve Emmerson
09:09 20030717: netcdf-3.5.1b+, Mac OS X, Absoft f95: assertion failure Steve Emmerson
08:56 20030717: netcdf-3.5.1b+, Mac OS X, Absoft f95: assertion failure Steve Emmerson
July 16, 2003
08:11 20030716: Réf. : 20030715: Réf. : 20030709: troublewith installation ofnetcdf 3.5.0 Unidata Support
July 15, 2003
13:37 Re: NcML and FGDC Russ Rew
11:55 20030715: Réf. : 20030709: trouble with installation ofnetcdf 3.5.0 Unidata Support
08:45 20030715: netcdf-3.5.1b+, Mac OS X, Absoft f95: assertion failure Steve Emmerson
July 13, 2003
19:15 Re: 20030626:HDF -> netCDF Russ Rew
July 11, 2003
12:37 20030709: problems installing netcdf (cont.) Unidata Support
12:23 20030709: 64-bit applicationof netcdf Unidata Support
11:36 20030709: trouble with installation of netcdf 3.5.0 Unidata Support
July 10, 2003
13:37 20030710: netCDF/Unidata credits Unidata Support
12:17 Re: 20030710: mingw32 and NetCDF under Windows John Caron
July 09, 2003
12:49 20030709: Install netcdf Unidata Support
12:44 20030708: 32-bit netCDF library for IRIX 6.5 Unidata Support
11:17 20030709: netCDF Windows - Windows 98 - netcdf file interpretation (cont.) Unidata Support
08:48 20030708: 64-bit netcdf on HP-UX 11.11 Steve Emmerson
July 08, 2003
12:09 20030708: 64-bit netcdf on HP-UX 11.11 Steve Emmerson
07:45 20030707: netCDF Windows - Windows 98 - netcdf file interpretation Unidata Support
July 07, 2003
09:20 20030707: building netcdf-3.5.1b+ under Mac OS X using Absoft f95 Steve Emmerson
July 04, 2003
11:51 20030704: problems installing netcdf Unidata Support
July 03, 2003
14:21 ncdump Q Chris Webster
08:58 Re: 20030701: installing netCDF on Linux 2.4.9: c99 Steve Emmerson
July 02, 2003
15:47 Re: 20030702:nc_inq functions in C++ interface? Russ Rew
15:17 Re: 20030702:nf_get_var - empty data Russ Rew
July 01, 2003
17:34 Re: nc2 John Caron
15:22 20030701: installing netCDF on Linux 2.4.9: c99 Steve Emmerson
13:33 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
11:19 Re: 20030618: NetCDF performance problems (fwd) Russ Rew
June 30, 2003
15:11 Re: 20030618: NetCDF performance problems Russ Rew
13:28 20030630: building netcdf-3.5.1b+ under Mac OS X using Absoft f95 Steve Emmerson
10:46 20030630: building netcdf-3.5.1b+ under Mac OS X using Absoft f95 Steve Emmerson
10:30 Re: 20030618: NetCDF performance problems Russ Rew
June 28, 2003
06:56 Re: 20030626:HDF -> netCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
06:40 Re: mpi & netcdf Russ Rew
June 27, 2003
16:18 Re: trouble with nc_put_vara_scar Russ Rew
12:54 20030627: Problem linking f90 netcdf program using pgf90 on Linux Steve Emmerson
10:24 20030627: Problem linking f90 netcdf program using pgf90 on Linux Steve Emmerson
June 24, 2003
11:15 Re: 20030623: Question about NcML Coordinate System and OpenGIS John Caron
June 23, 2003
21:15 Re: 20030619: NetCDF on Intel IA64 Russ Rew
June 20, 2003
12:40 Re: 20030618:undefined reference to `__ctype_b' Russ Rew
June 19, 2003
13:19 Re: 20030618:undefined reference to `__ctype_b' Russ Rew
June 18, 2003
11:26 20030618:netCDF 3.5.0 make error Steve Emmerson
10:03 Re: 20030618: NetCDF performance problems Russ Rew
08:46 Re: 20030617:netcdfcpp does not compile (fwd) Russ Rew
08:32 Re: 20030618: NetCDF performance problems Russ Rew
June 17, 2003
16:49 Re: 20030617:netcdfcpp does not compile Russ Rew
16:47 Re: 20030617:netcdfcpp does not compile Russ Rew
June 16, 2003
16:33 Re: 20030616:Netcdf for windows Jeff Weber
16:29 20030616: problem install netcdf 3.5.0 on intel P4 red hat linux Steve Emmerson
June 13, 2003
12:40 Re: broken link to NASA press release Russ Rew
11:11 20030613: Problems installing netcdf-perl on Red Hat Linux 8.0 Steve Emmerson
June 12, 2003
15:34 20030612: Problem with nf90_inquire_variable Steve Emmerson
June 11, 2003
14:21 Re: 20030521: Netcdf files appear corrupt when read through Bulk Data Service Russ Rew
June 10, 2003
10:01 Re: netCDF naming conventions Russ Rew
June 09, 2003
13:49 20030606: netCDF files larger than 2 GB Unidata Support
12:43 20030609: testing netCDF on OSX 10.2.6 Steve Emmerson
09:15 20030609: compiling netcdf without second underscore Steve Emmerson
June 06, 2003
14:45 20030606: compiling netcdf without second underscore Steve Emmerson
14:21 20030606: netCDF compile release 3.5.0 problems under RH Linux 9.0 Steve Emmerson
10:48 Re: 20030606: problem:netcdf_and_Windows_NT John Caron
10:03 Re: 20030606: problem:netcdf_and_Windows_NT John Caron
June 03, 2003
20:04 Re: 20030603:SIze limits with netcdf Russ Rew
June 02, 2003
17:54 Re: no coordinate systems/axis in netcdf file - help John Caron
11:16 Re: mpi & netcdf Russ Rew
09:41 20030602: FYI - NETCDF flags for IFC Steve Emmerson
09:16 20030602: FYI - NETCDF flags for IFC Steve Emmerson
08:42 20030602: FYI - NETCDF flags for IFC Steve Emmerson
May 31, 2003
14:21 Re: 20030530:netCDF MAIN Russ Rew
May 27, 2003
13:53 Re: "make test" fails with Cygwin... Russ Rew
09:31 20030527: RedHat 9.0 install: using g77 & pfg90 Steve Emmerson
May 24, 2003
19:04 Re: please give feedback on EPIC P-3 data in NetCDF Russ Rew
May 23, 2003
14:22 Re: statements to use netcdf data Russ Rew
May 22, 2003
14:23 20030522: About setup netcdf-3.5.0 Steve Emmerson
11:15 Re: 20030521: Netcdf files appear corrupt when read through Bulk Data Service (fwd) Russ Rew
09:43 Re: 20030521: Netcdf files appear corrupt when read through Bulk Data Service Russ Rew
May 21, 2003
18:43 Re: 20030521:netCDF and Windows John Caron
May 16, 2003
15:23 Re: no coordinate systems/axis in netcdf file - help John Caron
13:46 Re: JAVA API : getElementType() John Caron
11:28 20030516: building netCDF under RH 9.0 Steve Emmerson
11:10 20030516: netCDF 3.5.0 build problems under RH 9.0 Unidata Support
May 15, 2003
11:12 Re: no coordinate systems/axis in netcdf file - help John Caron
May 14, 2003
16:54 Re: 20030514:Getting ID of an open NetCDF file by its file name Russ Rew
15:48 Re: 20030514:NetCDF 3.5.0 Build Problem: C++ Language error in configure test Russ Rew
09:13 20030514: NetCDF 3.5.1-beta10 on a NEC SX6 Steve Emmerson
May 12, 2003
14:05 linking netcdf on Linux (fwd) Russ Rew
May 09, 2003
14:11 Re: 20030506:FreeBSD m4 netCDF-3.5.0 -B10000 Russ Rew
May 08, 2003
10:12 Re: no coordinate systems/axis in netcdf file - help John Caron
May 07, 2003
09:46 20030507: netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
08:43 20030507: netCDF 3.5.0 installation problem on Linux platform Steve Emmerson
May 06, 2003
15:05 20030506: netCDF 3.4.9 & RedHat 9.0: missing __ctype_b Steve Emmerson
10:40 20030506: compiling netCDF-using Fortran code Steve Emmerson
May 05, 2003
16:12 Re: 20030505: Problens with netcdf (fwd) Russ Rew
15:57 Re: 20030505: Bug assumed: netcdf-3.5.0/src/libsrc/netcdf.h - old version ?? Russ Rew
May 01, 2003
12:31 Re: NETCDF on Linux 8.0 (fwd) Russ Rew
10:31 20030501: netCDF 3.5.0 installation problem on Linux platform Steve Emmerson
10:00 Re: NETCDF on Linux 8.0 Russ Rew
09:30 20030501: netCDF 3.5.0 installation problem on Linux platform Steve Emmerson
08:51 20030501: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
April 30, 2003
16:05 20030430: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
15:40 20030430: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
15:21 20030430: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
15:04 20030430: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
14:49 20030430: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
14:01 20030430: netCDF build problem on Linux: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
13:55 20030430: Linux netCDF build Steve Emmerson
13:02 20030430: Linux netCDF build Steve Emmerson
12:53 20030430: netCDF build problem Steve Emmerson
April 29, 2003
13:37 20030429: netCDF install Red Hat 7.3: cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
April 28, 2003
09:10 20030428: GMT on RH9: pscoast core dump on nc_open() Steve Emmerson
08:51 20030428: GMT on RH9: pscoast core dump on nc_open() Steve Emmerson
April 25, 2003
16:19 20030425: GMT on RH9: pscoast core dump on nc_open() Steve Emmerson
April 24, 2003
13:58 20030424: problem with "-lnetcdf" Steve Emmerson
April 23, 2003
15:14 Re: 20030423:NetCDF 3.5 to HDF5 Russ Rew
14:11 Re: 20030423:Intel efc compiler and netcdf Russ Rew
13:59 Re: 20030423:NetCDF 3.5 to HDF5 Russ Rew
April 22, 2003
13:44 Re: 20030422: Missing files in netCDF-3.5.0 [4000_dev] Russ Rew
April 18, 2003
13:42 Re: 20030418:software for netCDF data (contribution) vGeo Russ Rew
13:07 20030418: problem building "netCDF" under TFLOPS O/S Steve Emmerson
11:13 20030418: problem building "netCDF" Steve Emmerson
April 16, 2003
12:29 20030416: building netCDF under RedHat 7.2 using ifc Steve Emmerson
10:37 20030416: building netCDF under RedHat 7.2 using ifc Steve Emmerson
08:50 20030416: building netCDF on Redhat 8.0 using gcc and pgf77 Steve Emmerson
April 15, 2003
10:08 20030415: building netCDF using Portland Group compilers Steve Emmerson
April 14, 2003
10:11 Re: 20030411: Intel 7.1 compiler and netCDF Russ Rew
08:49 Re: 20030411: Intel 7.1 compiler and netCDF Russ Rew
April 10, 2003
15:13 Re: 20030410: netCDF install problem Russ Rew
14:31 Re: 20030410: netCDF install problem Russ Rew
14:16 Re: 20030409:How to extract a slice from a netCDF file Russ Rew
April 09, 2003
15:55 Re: 20030409:How to extract a slice from a netCDF file Russ Rew
April 08, 2003
15:38 Re: 20030408: netCDF packing Russ Rew
12:47 Re: 20030408: netCDF packing Russ Rew
12:40 Re: 20030404: Question Russ Rew
10:12 and perl 5.8 Steve Emmerson
April 07, 2003
16:50 20030407: ncvarget "failure" under Linux pgcc Steve Emmerson
10:41 20030407: reading a multi-dimensional variable Steve Emmerson
April 03, 2003
16:22 Re: multiple open and close (fwd) Russ Rew
16:21 Re: 20030314: problems installing netcdf (fwd) Russ Rew
10:19 Re: 20030403:new linux env var settings to compile netcdf Russ Rew
09:30 Re: 20030403:netcdf, cfortran.h and lf95 Russ Rew
08:17 Re: Concurrent read/write from a file John Caron
07:52 Re: 20030402:dimension type for time series (fwd) John Caron
April 02, 2003
16:52 Re: netCDF4 announcement Russ Rew
16:28 Re: 20030402:successful build of netcdf Russ Rew
13:14 Re: Concurrent read/write from a file John Caron
April 01, 2003
09:22 Re: 20030328: some observations on netCDF API Russ Rew
March 27, 2003
12:29 Re: 20030327: netCDF 3.5.0, ncgen, and missing symbols Linus Kamb
10:50 20030327: netCDF 3.5.0, ncgen, and missing symbols Steve Emmerson
March 20, 2003
13:28 Re: 20030320: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
March 19, 2003
20:01 Re: netCDF naming conventions Russ Rew
March 17, 2003
10:12 Re: netcdf/hdf Russ Rew
09:33 Re: NetCDF/HDF5 Proposal Approved Russ Rew
09:16 Re: NetCDF/HDF5 Proposal Approved Russ Rew
March 12, 2003
13:30 Re: Progress with netCDF Russ Rew
13:21 20030308: using g++ 3.2 to build netCDF (cont.) Unidata Support
10:15 Re: 20030307: netCDF library Russ Rew
March 11, 2003
11:03 Re: 20030307: netCDF library Russ Rew
March 10, 2003
12:21 Re: 20030306: NetCDFperl INSTALL problem: RedHat Linux Steve Emmerson
March 08, 2003
10:02 20030305: using g++ 3.2 to build netCDF (cont.) Unidata Support
March 07, 2003
16:32 parallel netCDF library beta Russ Rew
15:16 parallel netCDF Russ Rew
14:02 20030306: NetCDFperl INSTALL problem Steve Emmerson
11:12 Re: 20030307: netCDF library Russ Rew
March 05, 2003
19:17 Re: 20020305: install netcdf-3.5.0 problem on HP-UX 11.11 Russ Rew
11:26 20030305: using g++ 3.2 to build netCDF Unidata Support
March 04, 2003
09:46 Re: 20030304:Question about get_var Russ Rew
March 03, 2003
09:09 Re: netCDF in CodeWarrior Russ Rew
February 28, 2003
16:52 Re: 20030226: Fortran 90 interface for NetCDF on Windows XP John Caron
February 26, 2003
08:57 20030225: problems building netCDF 3.5.0 on Linux using PGI compilers Steve Emmerson
February 25, 2003
10:23 20030225: Linux build using Portland Group Compilers Steve Emmerson
February 24, 2003
12:19 Re: 20030224: netCDF for Windows XP? John Caron
11:04 Re: status of netCDF proposal ... also, BestPractices.html Russ Rew
February 20, 2003
17:51 Re: 20030220: netCDF Windows - NT 4.0 - Interfacing Dyalog APL with netCDF John Caron
15:34 Re: 20030217: building netcdf C++ interface using pgCC Russ Rew
10:31 20030220:netCDF 3.5: friend declaration requires class-key Steve Emmerson
February 19, 2003
17:07 Re: 20030217: building netcdf C++ interface using pgCC Russ Rew
15:57 Re: 20030214: Problem with NF90_GET_ATT on an SGI Russ Rew
09:07 Re: reading netcdf Steve Emmerson
February 18, 2003
13:28 Re: NetCDF development Russ Rew
12:43 Re: NetCDF development Russ Rew
10:27 Re: 20030217: building netcdf C++ interface using pgCC Russ Rew
08:30 20030218: problems in compiling NetCDF package Unidata Support
08:13 Re: netCDF Java 2.1 changes John Caron
February 17, 2003
14:58 Re: netCDF and CodeWarrior Russ Rew
13:59 Re: 20030217: building netcdf C++ interface using pgfCC Russ Rew
February 14, 2003
11:02 20030214:read netCDF file - Fortran Steve Emmerson
February 07, 2003
14:42 Re: C++ interface and inq_var Russ Rew
10:27 20030207: make install problem Steve Emmerson
February 05, 2003
08:52 20030205: test file building perl-netcdf on standard RedHat 8 Steve Emmerson
February 04, 2003
13:43 Re: 20030129: Netcdf bug/feature: IEEE standard Russ Rew
07:58 Re: variable string in attribute and char variables Russ Rew
February 03, 2003
16:30 Re: variable string in attribute and char variables Russ Rew
14:21 20030203: Not a netCDF data type or _FillValue type mismatch Steve Emmerson
14:14 Re: variable string in attribute and char variables Russ Rew
14:05 Re: variable string in attribute and char variables Russ Rew
13:17 20030203:Not a netCDF data type or _FillValue type mismatch Steve Emmerson
13:07 Re: 20030203: An example of netCDF with Grace Russ Rew
January 31, 2003
10:23 20030131: make test error on NEC SX6: roundoff errors Steve Emmerson
January 30, 2003
13:22 Re: 20030130: Build problems with g++ 3.2.1 of netcdf 3.50 Russ Rew
09:06 20030130: ./configure not successful; redirecting standard error Steve Emmerson
January 29, 2003
14:23 Re: 20030129: Problems installing netcdf Russ Rew
13:30 Re: 20030129: NetCDF Fortran library Russ Rew
13:19 Re: 20030129: Problems installing netcdf Russ Rew
09:06 Re: 20030128: netcdf-perl install on Sun Steve Emmerson
January 28, 2003
14:00 20030128: netcdf-perl install on Sun Steve Emmerson
13:54 Re: ncx.jar Russ Rew
12:57 Re: 20030125: netCDF: question about global attributes? Russ Rew
January 27, 2003
10:07 20030127: NetCDF manpage glitch Steve Emmerson
08:27 Re: 20030125: netCDF: question about global attributes? Russ Rew
January 23, 2003
11:24 Re: 20030123: NCO download Russ Rew
08:44 Re: 20030123: netCDF and C++ Russ Rew
January 21, 2003
09:10 Re: a couple of questions (fwd) Russ Rew
08:46 Re: 20030120: installing NetCDF on AIX 5.1 Russ Rew
January 20, 2003
16:21 20030120: Download CDF libraries for Windows Unidata Support
January 16, 2003
13:09 20030116: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
January 13, 2003
15:35 Re: 20030113: netcdf library, gcc-3.2.1 Russ Rew
13:11 20030113: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
12:38 20030113: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
January 10, 2003
15:32 20030110: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
13:11 20030110: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
10:30 2003-01-10: make test error on NEC SX6: roundoff errors Steve Emmerson
January 09, 2003
15:57 20030109: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
09:33 20030109: Compile netcdf-perl-1.2.1 under RedHat Linux 8.0 Steve Emmerson
09:00 gcc/g77/g++ compilers on mort Russ Rew
January 08, 2003
15:25 20030108: netCDF library link problem: missing f77 interface Steve Emmerson
14:25 20030107:unresolved Netcdf symbols building POM2K Steve Emmerson
12:47 20030108: Problem linking against netCDF library Steve Emmerson
11:06 Re: 20030107: netCDF software listing for Panoply Russ Rew
January 07, 2003
16:09 Re: 20030107: NetCDF Linking problems Russ Rew
15:54 20030107:unresolved Netcdf symbols building POM2K Steve Emmerson
January 03, 2003
13:37 20030103: Compile netcdf-perl-1.2.1 under RedHat Linux 8.0 Steve Emmerson
January 02, 2003
12:52 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
December 30, 2002
16:30 Re: 20021220: Agilent lc/msd data Russ Rew
December 26, 2002
15:12 Re: 20021220: Problem with netcdf-3.5.0 Russ Rew
December 23, 2002
16:41 Re: 20021223: time conventions Russ Rew
December 20, 2002
14:00 Re: 20021220: Agilent lc/msd data Russ Rew
December 17, 2002
13:53 Re: 20021217: *.cdf file format Russ Rew
09:22 20021217: F90 netcdf errors on SGI Steve Emmerson
08:47 20021217: F90 netcdf errors on SGI Steve Emmerson
December 16, 2002
10:23 20021216: F90 netcdf errors on SGI Steve Emmerson
December 11, 2002
16:35 Re: 20021211: NetCDF CRAY SV1 computer Russ Rew
16:24 Re: 20021210: netcdf 3.5 Russ Rew
December 09, 2002
15:43 20021209: NetCDF 64-bit Solaris build w/Fortran support Steve Emmerson
14:45 Re: 20021209: NCVGT - where is it? Russ Rew
14:24 Re: 20021209: NetCDF 64-bit Solaris build w/Fortran support Russ Rew
12:50 Re: 20021209: Error message Russ Rew
12:30 Re: 20021209: error on install netcdf3.5 Russ Rew
December 06, 2002
13:56 Re: 20021206: Mac OS X Russ Rew
November 29, 2002
12:22 Re: netCDF and FORTRAN90 in a Windows environment Russ Rew
November 27, 2002
10:13 20021127: netcdf 3.5.1 beta5 and Linux 8.0 error Unidata Support
November 26, 2002
14:10 Re: 20021120: link error under Windows 2000 Russ Rew
10:50 Re: [Fwd: Re: NetCDF for platforms with 8-byte floats and doubles] Russ Rew
08:28 Re: Netcdf 3.5.0 problem Russ Rew
November 25, 2002
15:30 20021121: Problem Building on Sun Unidata Support
November 20, 2002
13:54 20021120: Compile problems with Lahey Fortran for Linux Steve Emmerson
11:20 20021120: Compile problems with Lahey Fortran for Linux Steve Emmerson
10:43 20021120: HOW TO GET A CHARACTER VARIABLE Steve Emmerson
08:43 Re: HDF and netCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
November 19, 2002
13:52 Russ Rew: Re: HDF and netCDF Russ Rew
November 18, 2002
19:17 Re: do me a favor&nbsp; Russ Rew
10:12 20021118: netCDF installation: mkdir: cannot create directory ... Steve Emmerson
08:49 20021111: NetCDF V3.5.1-beta(5) Fortran 90 compile errors: HP-UX 11 Steve Emmerson
November 14, 2002
16:20 Re: 20021211: updates to the NCL entry in netCDF page Russ Rew
10:24 Re: C++ Russ Rew
November 13, 2002
09:26 Re: 'read data' Russ Rew
November 11, 2002
10:49 Re: NetCDF for platforms with 8-byte floats and doubles Russ Rew
10:06 20021111: NetCDF V3.5.1-beta(5) Fortran 90 compile errors: HP-UX 11 Steve Emmerson
November 09, 2002
20:27 Re: Thinks for your help Russ Rew
20:26 Re: Thinks for your help Russ Rew
November 08, 2002
12:53 20021102: matlab and awips Tom Yoksas
10:44 Re: netCDF no attr Steve Emmerson
10:25 20021108: Installing netcdf on a Linux box running Red Hat 7.3 Unidata Support
November 06, 2002
08:38 Re: 20021101: netcdf-perl build failure with perl 5.8.0 Steve Emmerson
November 05, 2002
13:35 Re: 20021104:NETCDF installation Russ Rew
11:04 Re: 20021105: netcdf3.5 for fortran90 Russ Rew
10:19 20021101: netcdf-perl build failure with perl 5.8.0 Steve Emmerson
08:13 Re: 20021104:NETCDF installation Russ Rew
07:54 Re: ask you a question Russ Rew
November 04, 2002
17:05 Re: 20021104:NETCDF installation Russ Rew
14:05 Re: NetCDF for macosx Russ Rew
November 03, 2002
20:00 Re: 20021031: ADA-95 binding for netCDF Russ Rew
November 02, 2002
13:39 Re: matlab and awips Russ Rew
November 01, 2002
16:21 Re: 20021031: proposal to add an nc_fdopen() function to netCDF Russ Rew
16:02 20021101: netcdf-perl make fails: perl 5.8.0 & SunOS 5.7 Steve Emmerson
October 31, 2002
10:58 Re: 20021031: java netcdf error John Caron
October 30, 2002
09:01 20021030: netCDF on RH 8.0 (cont.) Unidata Support
October 29, 2002
16:19 Re: 20021029: question about ucar.netcdf.HtttpRandomAcessFile John Caron
13:54 Re: 20021028: netCDF build on Cygwin (NT) (fwd) Russ Rew
13:51 Re: 20021029:netCDF on RH 8.0 Russ Rew
October 28, 2002
14:08 Re: netcdf: cxx/ missing from netcdf-3.5.1-beta3.tar.Z Russ Rew
13:21 Re: 20021028: netCDF build on Cygwin (NT) (fwd) Russ Rew
08:39 20021028: netCDF build on Cygwin (NT) Steve Emmerson
October 25, 2002
19:43 Re: NetCDF Array to Java byte array, speed issue John Caron
October 24, 2002
17:00 Re: 20021024:NETCDF installation problems Russ Rew
October 22, 2002
19:41 Re: problems with building NetCDF Russ Rew
October 21, 2002
13:48 Re: vis5d to netcdf Russ Rew
October 17, 2002
08:32 Re: nc2 John Caron
October 16, 2002
12:50 20021016: building netcdf-3.5.1-beta3 with gcc-3.2: stdin not constant Steve Emmerson
10:30 20021016: building netcdf-3.5.1-beta3 with gcc-3.2: stdin not constant Steve Emmerson
October 14, 2002
11:10 20021014: netCDF 3.4 on redhat 7.1 with pgi fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
08:44 20021014: building netCDF with pgf90: undefined references Steve Emmerson
October 11, 2002
14:08 20021011: netCDF build: friend declaration requires class-key Steve Emmerson
13:59 20021011: building netCDF with pgf90: undefined references Steve Emmerson
12:43 20021011: building netCDF with pgf90: undefined references Steve Emmerson
11:20 20021011: building netCDF with pgf90: undefined references Steve Emmerson
09:24 Re: (No Subject) (fwd) Russ Rew
October 10, 2002
16:12 Re: Characters arrays with f90 Russ Rew
15:57 Re: (No Subject) Russ Rew
October 09, 2002
13:56 Re: NETCDF redistribution Russ Rew
08:46 Re: [Fwd: Bug?] John Caron
October 08, 2002
10:02 Re: 20020313: ncendef error Russ Rew
October 07, 2002
10:37 Re: Russ Rew
07:59 Re: 20021006: building applications using netCDF on Windows with Lahey Fortran John Caron
October 04, 2002
13:43 Re: examples Russ Rew
10:35 20020930: installing netcdf 3.5 on linux using GCC 3.0.3 Unidata Support
October 03, 2002
13:36 Re: examples Russ Rew
13:00 Re: examples Russ Rew
09:46 20021003: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta version on Cray T3E Steve Emmerson
08:47 Re: 20021002: NetCDF on IA64? Russ Rew
September 26, 2002
13:27 NetCDF 3.5.1 beta version on Cray T3E Steve Emmerson
September 25, 2002
11:10 20020925: netCDF utilities Unidata Support
10:25 20020925: HDF to NetCDF conversion Unidata Support
September 23, 2002
15:33 Re: Conversion tool from HDF-EOS to netCDF Russ Rew
08:58 Re: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta version on Cray T3E Steve Emmerson
September 22, 2002
09:53 Re: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta version on Cray T3E Russ Rew
September 20, 2002
08:54 Re: 20020617: NetCDF functionality Russ Rew
September 19, 2002
17:16 Re: 20020313: ncendef error Russ Rew
13:17 20020919: ncdump listing of NetCDF files (cont.) Unidata Support
12:49 Re: [Fwd: Re: Support for DODS and >2GB netCDF files in the same Ferret executable] Russ Rew
07:38 20020919: SV: 20020912: NetCDF files (cont.) Unidata Support
September 18, 2002
13:23 Re: Bug inside CHARACTER array example: (fwd) Russ Rew
September 17, 2002
14:15 Re: 20020916: UMR(Uninitialized Memory Read) in netcdf-3.5.0 Russ Rew
September 11, 2002
11:30 20020911: undef ref to 'nf_... (cont.) Unidata Support
09:53 20020910: undef ref to 'nf_... (cont.) Unidata Support
September 10, 2002
11:23 Re: netCDF-to-XML Dump Utility? Russ Rew
10:20 20020906: netCDF Windows binaries work on XP (cont.) Unidata Support
09:27 20020909: NetCDF via ftp Unidata Support
September 09, 2002
16:53 Re: 20020909: Live netCDF Files Russ Rew
16:00 Re: 20020909: UNLIMITED dimension question Russ Rew
15:41 Re: 20020909: Need Help with Compilation Russ Rew
15:11 Re: 20020909: netCDF on J90 Russ Rew
September 06, 2002
15:38 Re: 20020313: ncendef error Russ Rew
15:29 Re: transition from crays to ibm Russ Rew
September 03, 2002
15:46 20020903: undef ref to 'nf_... Unidata Support
10:39 20020903: Problem compiling netCDF source files on Unix Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: 20020903: Tools Russ Rew
08:24 20020902: spectral shallow water model Unidata Support
August 29, 2002
09:04 Re: Netcdf 3.5.0 on linux with intel fortran compiler ifc Russ Rew
08:18 Re: 20020827: Netcdf 3.5.0 fails with linux on FAT32 partition (fwd) Russ Rew
August 28, 2002
15:43 Re: 20020827: Netcdf 3.5.0 fails with linux on FAT32 partition Russ Rew
10:59 Re: 20020827: Netcdf 3.5.0 fails with linux on FAT32 partition Russ Rew
August 27, 2002
08:37 Re: 20020827: Netcdf 3.5.0 fails with linux on FAT32 partition Russ Rew
07:47 Re: Unidata Support: 20020822: netcdf2All -- HTTPClient package John Caron
August 26, 2002
15:29 Re: IllegalArgumentException with addVariableAttribute John Caron
12:56 Re: IllegalArgumentException with addVariableAttribute John Caron
11:05 Re: 20020823: Status of NetCDF-4 Russ Rew
August 23, 2002
11:07 20020822: building netCDF on Solaris/Intel using pgcc: ncx.c problem Steve Emmerson
August 22, 2002
12:38 20020822: Intel ifc Fortran compiler needs Steve Emmerson
11:31 20020822: Intel ifc Fortran compiler needs Steve Emmerson
August 21, 2002
11:20 Re: angular variable attributes? Russ Rew
11:04 Re: NetCDF data files Russ Rew
August 20, 2002
15:50 Re: NetCDF data files (fwd) Russ Rew
15:26 Re: 20020820: how to store different sets of attributes for each image of a collection of images in a netCDF file Russ Rew
14:11 Re: 20020820: NetCDF data files Russ Rew
10:10 Re: 20020820: XDR libary buffer overflow vulnerability Russ Rew
August 19, 2002
13:29 20020819: netcdf.mod for PC? Steve Emmerson
11:13 Re: 20020819: NetCDF values and attributes to dimensions Russ Rew
10:32 Re: 20020816: netCDF question Russ Rew
August 17, 2002
11:34 Re: argo netCDF data Russ Rew
09:24 20020816: netCDF Windows binaries work on XP Unidata Support
August 16, 2002
13:04 Re: argo netCDF data Russ Rew
09:45 20020816: help needed! (cont.) Unidata Support
07:59 Re: NetCDF 3.5.0 / gcc-3.2 (patch) Russ Rew
00:29 20020816: help needed! (cont.) Unidata Support
00:23 20020816: How can I convert a NCEP reanalyses data to netCDF data? (cont.) Unidata Support
August 15, 2002
07:59 20020815: How can I convert a NCEP reanalyses data to netCDF data? Unidata Support
August 14, 2002
15:19 20020814: help needed! Unidata Support
August 13, 2002
13:17 Re: seeking help from a student (fwd) Russ Rew
August 09, 2002
08:23 Re: 20020808: NetCDF Question Russ Rew
August 08, 2002
16:02 20020808: netCDF with Intel Fortran Compiler Steve Emmerson
August 06, 2002
10:27 Re: 20020805: Modifying netCDF headers Russ Rew
10:08 Re: 20020805: Sample C Programs for Reading and Writing a netCDF file? (fwd) Russ Rew
09:10 Re: 20020805: netCDF file I/O performance (actually, mostly O) Russ Rew
August 05, 2002
08:56 20020805: NetCDF Perl Installation Problem Steve Emmerson
July 30, 2002
08:51 20020730: netcdf-perl-1.2.1 "make" problem: "na" undefined Steve Emmerson
07:54 20020730: BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from [Jonathan Gregory <address@hidden>] Unidata Support
July 29, 2002
15:10 20020729: Structure of NetCdf Unidata Support
13:47 20020728: netCDF build using Intel ifc under Linux Steve Emmerson
July 26, 2002
14:44 20020726: netCDF perl documentation Steve Emmerson
July 24, 2002
14:08 Re: 20020724: Problem putting data to variables Russ Rew
July 23, 2002
09:44 Re: ncdigest V1 #651 John Caron
09:10 [no subject] Russ Rew
July 22, 2002
17:01 20020722: Perl NetCDF module Steve Emmerson
16:19 Re: Perl NetCDF module Steve Emmerson
10:51 generating CDL for variable declarations from Java Russ Rew
10:35 [no subject] Russ Rew
09:52 Re: 20020721: netcdf install problem Russ Rew
09:28 Re: ncdigest V1 #650 Russ Rew
08:27 20020722: problems with netCDF installation Unidata Support
July 19, 2002
10:38 Re: 20020718: ncopen Russ Rew
09:54 Re: Russ Rew
July 18, 2002
09:09 Re: 20020718: ncopen Russ Rew
July 17, 2002
16:44 Re: 20020717: NetCDF License Russ Rew
July 15, 2002
15:29 Re: 20020714: support-netcdf Coding Assistance C++ Russ Rew
15:01 Re: 20020712: NetCDF Perl - Testing for floating point fill values Russ Rew
July 11, 2002
09:33 Re: 20020911: Installing netcdf... Russ Rew
08:36 Re: 20020709: citation Russ Rew
July 10, 2002
09:50 Re: ncdigest V1 #644 Russ Rew
09:37 20020710: nf90_inquire_variable(...) and nf90_open(...) problems Steve Emmerson
July 09, 2002
11:18 Re: 20020709: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException John Caron
11:10 Re: Problems creating a large array John Caron
July 08, 2002
13:09 Writing Strings and arrays of strings John Caron
July 03, 2002
08:43 20020702: inefficiency of writing one value at a time Steve Emmerson
July 02, 2002
09:31 Re: request: package-private to protected John Caron
June 28, 2002
12:45 20020628: netCDF 3.5.0 bug found and fixed: nc_redef Steve Emmerson
12:33 20020628: netCDF 3.5.2-beta Fortran 90 bug Steve Emmerson
June 27, 2002
13:44 20020627: netCDF 3.5.0 build problems on FreeBSD Steve Emmerson
12:51 20020627: netCDF 3.5.0 build problems on FreeBSD Steve Emmerson
11:14 Re: 20020618: netCDF: Problem displaying array of values Russ Rew
08:40 Re: 20020627: netCDF 2 GB Size Limit Russ Rew
June 24, 2002
13:36 Re: 20020624: NetCDF link errors Russ Rew
10:06 Re: 20020621: Other Builds of the netCDF Package Russ Rew
June 21, 2002
18:03 Re: Netcdf Array -- Java Array John Caron
June 20, 2002
11:04 Re: 20020618: netCDF: Problem displaying array of values Russ Rew
10:00 20020619: ftp link to win software is dead Unidata Support
08:43 20020620: netCDF 3.5.0 bug found and fixed: NC_check_name Steve Emmerson
June 19, 2002
16:51 Re: 20020612: ncgen Error -- libc.2 not found (fwd) Russ Rew
09:16 RE: 20020618: netCDF: Problem displaying array of values (fwd) Russ Rew
June 18, 2002
16:10 Re: 20020618: NetCDF compatibility Russ Rew
14:53 Re: 20020618: netCDF: Problem displaying array of values Russ Rew
14:23 20020618: netCDF libraries for win32 (cont.) Unidata Support
13:12 20020618: question with netCDF fortran 77 interface on SGI Unidata Support
June 17, 2002
15:19 20020617: Installing NetCDFPerl: no permission Steve Emmerson
14:02 Re: 20020617: NetCDF functionality Russ Rew
June 14, 2002
12:22 Re: 20020613: netcdf installation problem Russ Rew
10:11 Re: writing doubles to netcdf Russ Rew
June 13, 2002
14:33 Re: 20020612: ncgen Error -- libc.2 not found Russ Rew
13:37 Re: 20020612: RE: 20020607: netCDF error -31 Russ Rew
11:12 20020613: netCDF libraries for win32 Unidata Support
08:33 Re: writing doubles to netcdf Russ Rew
June 12, 2002
08:49 20020611: Installing NetCDFPerl: no permission Steve Emmerson
June 11, 2002
13:39 20020611: netCDF make fails when using Portland Group Fortran Unidata Support
10:19 20020611: There is an input or output error Steve Emmerson
June 10, 2002
08:59 Re: 20020607: Java netCDF read error John Caron
08:50 Re: 20020607: There is an input or output error Steve Emmerson
June 07, 2002
16:28 20020607: netCDF error -31 Unidata Support
June 06, 2002
14:52 Re: 20020605: 2GB file size limit. Russ Rew
10:03 Re: 20020605: 2GB file size limit. Russ Rew
June 05, 2002
09:02 Re: Fortran 90 on Windows (fwd) Russ Rew
08:29 20020605: netcdf on UNICOS: Fortran-90 8-byte integers Steve Emmerson
June 04, 2002
10:21 Re: 20020603: NETcdf linking errors Russ Rew
09:24 Re: 20020603: help (netcdf, pgi compiler) Russ Rew
09:19 Re: netcdf for win32 John Caron
May 30, 2002
08:37 Re: 20020529: numeric conversion Russ Rew
May 29, 2002
14:54 Re: netCDF error messages? Russ Rew
14:42 20020529: installing netcdf lib in pom (windows PC) Tom Yoksas
13:35 Re: 20020529: error -- posixio.c:277: failed assertion `offset < X_INT_MAX' .. Abort trap Russ Rew
08:56 20020529: netCDF build on Linux using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
08:55 20020529: need some helps on compiling netcdf-3.5.0 Unidata Support
May 28, 2002
12:21 Re: negative value Russ Rew
08:42 20020528: netCDF g77 compilation and "-fno-second-underscore" Steve Emmerson
May 23, 2002
08:52 20020523: netcdf 3.3 binary release for Windows Steve Emmerson
May 22, 2002
15:49 Re: 20020522: RE: 20020315: Question about nc files Russ Rew
May 21, 2002
10:08 20020521: netcdf: wrong permissions Steve Emmerson
May 20, 2002
09:47 20020520: netCDF g77 compilation and "-fno-second-underscore" Steve Emmerson
May 17, 2002
13:58 Re: 20020517: Changing/redefining a dimension and/or variable Russ Rew
08:49 20020517: netcdf on UNICOS: Fortran-90 8-byte integers Steve Emmerson
May 16, 2002
13:14 20020515: Netcdf on a 32 bit dec alpha Unidata Support
09:16 20020516: netcdf on UNICOS: Fortran-90 8-byte integers Steve Emmerson
May 15, 2002
15:33 20020515: netcdf_perl: blib/arch/auto/NetCDF/ in use Steve Emmerson
14:16 20020515: netcdf_perl: blib/arch/auto/NetCDF/ in use Steve Emmerson
08:37 20020515: netcdf on UNICOS: Fortran-90 8-byte integers Steve Emmerson
May 14, 2002
14:33 20020514: Solaris 8 (sparc) netCDF 3.5 Build Issues Unidata Support
09:32 20020514: netcdf on UNICOS: non-support of primitive F90 types Steve Emmerson
May 13, 2002
10:48 Re: netcdf library for visual fortran5.0 on windows platform John Caron
08:59 Re: 20020508: netcdf 3.5.1 Beta 3: Intel Fortran patch needed Russ Rew
May 10, 2002
15:15 Re: 20020510: 2 Gig limit of netCDF files Russ Rew
May 09, 2002
18:49 20020509: netCDF installation trouble on SGI (cont.) Unidata Support
15:38 20020509: netCDF installation trouble on SGI (cont.) Unidata Support
14:36 20020508: netcdf 3.5.1 Beta 3: Intel Fortran patch needed Russ Rew
14:25 patch for netcdf/fortran/cfortran.h for Intel F95 compiler Russ Rew
08:19 20020509: Using netCDF v3.5 (f90 interface) and HDF4 together Steve Emmerson
01:51 20020509: netCDF 3.5 docs (HTML bug) Unidata Support
May 08, 2002
16:09 20020508: Using netCDF v3.5 (f90 interface) and HDF4 together Steve Emmerson
13:43 Re: 20020508: netcdf 3.5.0: Intel C++ problem (fwd) Russ Rew
08:36 20020508: netcdf on UNICOS: non-support of primitive types Steve Emmerson
May 07, 2002
16:30 20020507: NetCDF website bug Unidata Support
15:06 20020507: netCDF installation trouble on SGI (cont.) Unidata Support
13:34 20020507: netCDF installation trouble on SGI (cont.) Unidata Support
10:48 Re: 20020504: basics of using UNLIMITED records in netcdf Russ Rew
10:45 20020507: netcdf on UNICOS: non-support of primitive types Steve Emmerson
May 03, 2002
16:43 20020503: netCDF installation trouble on SGI (cont.) Unidata Support
May 02, 2002
13:40 20020501: netCDF installation trouble on SGI (cont.) Unidata Support
April 30, 2002
17:16 20020430: netCDF installation trouble on SGI Unidata Support
April 29, 2002
16:27 Re: 20020429: make test failure Russ Rew
08:52 20020429: NetCDF and Lahey Fortran PROv6.1: missing Steve Emmerson
April 26, 2002
12:44 Re: 20020425: netCDF contribution Russ Rew
12:36 20020426: netCDF Dimension data (cont.) Unidata Support
11:14 20020425: bug report (+fix) for netcdf f90 library Steve Emmerson
10:55 20020426: netCDF Dimension data (cont.) Unidata Support
08:55 20020426: netCDF Dimension data Unidata Support
08:29 Re: 20020425: virtual NetCDF data Russ Rew
01:03 Re: 20020425: bug report (+fix) for netcdf f90 library Rolf Sander
April 25, 2002
14:05 20020425: netcdf under UNICOS: non-support of primitive types Steve Emmerson
12:34 20020425: bug report (+fix) for netcdf f90 library Steve Emmerson
10:33 20020425: Request Unidata Support
April 24, 2002
15:56 20020424: netCDF and IDL Unidata Support
11:24 20020424: netCDF Installation problem (cont.) Unidata Support
April 23, 2002
14:32 20020422: writing a netcdf file (cont.) Unidata Support
April 22, 2002
17:29 20020422: netCDF Installation problem (cont.) Unidata Support
15:47 20020422: netcdf with win32, absoft profortran Unidata Support
10:32 20020422: netCDF Installation problem (cont.) Unidata Support
April 21, 2002
10:31 20020421: netCDF Installation problem! Unidata Support
April 18, 2002
11:20 Re: request: package-private to protected John Caron
09:35 Re: problem using build script on Sun Russ Rew
April 17, 2002
17:17 Re: netCDF Java API question John Caron
12:23 Re: A Port you don't have listed Russ Rew
April 16, 2002
15:34 20020416: PERL NetCDF problem: compiling NetCDF.c on HP-UX 10 system Steve Emmerson
15:19 20020416: PERL NetCDF problem: compiling NetCDF.c on HP-UX 10 system Steve Emmerson
13:51 20020416: PERL NetCDF problem: compiling NetCDF.c on HP-UX 10 system Steve Emmerson
13:48 20020416: netcdf-compiling-error Steve Emmerson
09:03 20020416: PERL NetCDF problem: compiling NetCDF.c on HP-UX 10 system Steve Emmerson
April 14, 2002
21:05 20020414: Converting netCDF to ASCII data format Unidata Support
April 12, 2002
11:21 Correction Re: 20020411: NUWG conventions Russ Rew
11:05 Re: 20020411: NUWG conventions Russ Rew
April 10, 2002
14:29 20020405: install netcdf on Solaris 5.8 using c89, f90, and g++ (cont.) Unidata Support
April 08, 2002
17:44 Re: in memory netcdf John Caron
April 05, 2002
15:30 20020405: getatt in netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
08:28 20020405: SunOS 5.7 netCDF build: Steve Emmerson
April 04, 2002
20:30 Re: 20020403: netCDF on MacOS X (fwd) Russ Rew
13:48 Re: 20020403: netCDF on MacOS X Russ Rew
April 03, 2002
08:43 20020402: need help installing NETCDF Unidata Support
08:26 20020403: install netcdf on Solaris 5.8 using c89, f90, and g++ (cont.) Unidata Support
April 02, 2002
14:29 20020402: NetCDF on a Fujitsu VPP5000 Steve Emmerson
13:30 20020402: install netcdf on Solaris 5.8 using c89, f90, and g++ Unidata Support
13:13 20020402: help running ncdumps and ncgens on Win32 Unidata Support
12:52 Re: 20020328: NetCDF file status Russ Rew
09:01 Re: repeated request about problem with []() in 3.5 version Russ Rew
April 01, 2002
15:47 Re: in memory netcdf Russ Rew
15:40 20020312: Translator/Importer to GIS (ESRI software)... Unidata Support
13:59 Re: ASCII to AIA ANDI Russ Rew
March 27, 2002
12:52 20020327: subsetting capabilities of netCDF Tom Yoksas
10:09 20020327: help on building the netCDF libraries Unidata Support
March 25, 2002
07:51 20020325: netCDF on NEC VPP5000 Unidata Support
March 24, 2002
12:38 Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
March 23, 2002
08:17 20020323: netCDF build on Linux Unidata Support
March 22, 2002
13:32 20020322: netcdf-perl build: 'POLLUTE' not known to MakeMaker Steve Emmerson
12:20 Re: 20020322: netcdf-perl build: 'POLLUTE' not known to MakeMaker Steve Emmerson
10:30 20020322: netcdf-perl build: 'POLLUTE' not known to MakeMaker Steve Emmerson
09:01 20020322: NetCDF on RedHat 7.2 system? Unidata Support
08:50 20020322: SunOS 5.7 netCDF build: Steve Emmerson
08:43 20020322: Linux netCDF build: make.log; setting environment variables Steve Emmerson
March 21, 2002
09:02 Re: 20020313: ncendef error (fwd) Russ Rew
07:54 Re: 20020318: netCDF V3.5.0 Russ Rew
March 20, 2002
17:03 Re: 20020320: HELP with CDF ver 2 Russ Rew
15:34 Re: 20020313: ncendef error Russ Rew
13:39 netCDF performance Russ Rew
13:04 Re: 20020320: netCDF FAQ - usage page update Russ Rew
08:44 20020320: request for help netcdf variable type conversion Steve Emmerson
March 19, 2002
09:03 20020319: netCDF Fortran-90 on UXP/V using "ftr": SIGFPE in nf_test Steve Emmerson
March 18, 2002
14:55 Re: 20020318: compile netcdf libraries under ms/dos John Caron
11:05 Re: 20020315: install netcdf3.5 on Mac OSx10.1.3 Russ Rew
08:49 20010318: netCDF build on Linux: f77 warning messages Steve Emmerson
08:43 Re: netCDF libraries cont. Russ Rew
08:39 20020218: FDESC3 array Steve Emmerson
08:26 Re: 20020305: BOUNCE address@hidden Russ Rew
March 16, 2002
14:45 20020314: Application Files of NetCDF (IRAN) (cont.) Unidata Support
March 15, 2002
09:49 20020315: Question about nc files Unidata Support
08:36 2020315: netCDF Linux build: no make.log file Steve Emmerson
March 14, 2002
08:53 20020314: AIX netCDF build with "xlf -qqutodbl=dbl4" Steve Emmerson
08:39 2020314: netCDF Linux build Steve Emmerson
08:16 20020312: netCDF installation help Unidata Support
March 13, 2002
16:57 Re: help Russ Rew
08:40 20020313: netCDF make test error on Linux Steve Emmerson
March 12, 2002
12:31 Re: 20020311: netcdf for Fortran 90 on Windows XP John caron
08:52 20020312: netCDF make test error on Linux Steve Emmerson
March 11, 2002
15:32 Re: 20020308: New Tcl-Interface for Netcdf available Russ Rew
09:22 Re: 20020311: netCDF-3.5.0 C++ bug report Russ Rew
08:59 20020310: netCDF make test error on Linux Steve Emmerson
March 10, 2002
15:06 Re: 20020307: rrors with netCDF compilation with gcc 3.0.2 (fwd) Russ Rew
March 09, 2002
13:43 Re: 20020307: rrors with netCDF compilation with gcc 3.0.2 Russ Rew
March 06, 2002
15:07 Re: netcdf structure (?) question (fwd) John Caron
09:18 Re: 20020207: Installing netCDF on Windows Platform Russ Rew
02:20 20020306: building netCDF under DOS Unidata Support
March 05, 2002
14:21 Re: NetCDF for macosx Russ Rew
13:41 Re: 20020207: Installing netCDF on Windows Platform Russ Rew
13:08 20020305: netcdf-perl Linux install Steve Emmerson
09:55 20020305: netCDF on Linux using lf95 Lahey fortran Steve Emmerson
08:56 20020305: netCDF on Linux using lf95 Lahey fortran Steve Emmerson
March 04, 2002
10:22 Re: 20020304: NCO operators Russ Rew
09:48 Re: 20020304: NCO operators Russ Rew
March 01, 2002
16:56 Re: 20020228: problems with 2 large double arrays Russ Rew
12:52 Re: 20020228: Netcdf-C library use (Trouble adding more dimensions to variables) Russ Rew
10:55 Re: 20020228: Netcdf-C library use (Trouble adding more dimensions to variables) Russ Rew
10:22 Re: 20020228: Netcdf-C library use (Trouble adding more dimensions to variables (fwd) Russ Rew
09:59 Re: 20020228: Netcdf-C library use (Trouble adding more dimensions to variables) Russ Rew
09:49 20020301: netCDF Fortran-90 on UXP/V using "ftr": SIGFPE in nf_test Steve Emmerson
09:33 Re: 20020228: problems with 2 large double arrays Russ Rew
08:04 Re: 20020228: Netcdf-C library use (Trouble adding more dimensions to variables) Russ Rew
February 28, 2002
14:18 20020228: netCDF Fortran-90 on UXP/V: typeSizes unavailable Steve Emmerson
08:32 Re: 20020228: netCDF C/C++ libraries for Win32 John caron
February 27, 2002
14:56 Re: 20020227: NetCDF 3.3 Russ Rew
February 26, 2002
15:04 20020226: Intel Fortran ifc test failure: missing getarg_, iargc_ Steve Emmerson
10:54 20020226: Intel Fortran ifc test failure: missing getarg_, iargc_ Steve Emmerson
10:39 20020226: problems to compile the fortran source Steve Emmerson
10:12 Re: netcdf-3.5.0 / xlf90 Steve Emmerson
February 25, 2002
09:39 20020225: building netcdf-3.5.0 on AIX 4.3 using gcc and xlf90 Steve Emmerson
February 19, 2002
21:54 Re: 20020218: Compiling netCDF without netCDF version 2 API Russ Rew
15:14 Re: 20020218: netCDF-3.5.1-beta on NEC SX-5 Russ Rew
09:32 Re: netcdf problem with the keyword unlimited Russ Rew
February 18, 2002
07:15 20020218: load to octave Unidata Support
February 15, 2002
14:02 Re: 20020214: Precompiled Windows NetCDF Libraries Russ Rew
12:21 Re: 20020215: netcdf 3.5.0 ncvarput failure - Cray SV1 Steve Emmerson
12:18 Re: 20020214: netcdf 3.5.0 ncvarput failure - Cray SV1 (fwd) Steve Emmerson
February 14, 2002
15:07 20020214: netcdf 3.5.0 ncvarput failure - Cray SV1 Steve Emmerson
09:23 Re: 20020214: netCDF 3.5 binaries for MacOS-X Russ Rew
08:56 20020214: Problems instaling netCDF on AIX 3 Steve Emmerson
08:07 20020214: netCDF 3.5 install on Suse 7.1 Unidata Support
February 12, 2002
14:36 20020212: netcdf 3.5.0 ncvarput failure - Cray SV1 Steve Emmerson
February 11, 2002
15:24 Re: 20020210: Bug report: Mistake in on-line netCDF-3 documentation Russ Rew
February 08, 2002
14:03 Re: 20020208: netCDF question Russ Rew
12:56 20020208: compiling netCDF on Linux with ifc f95 compiler Steve Emmerson
12:31 Re: compiling netCDF on Linux with ifc f95 compiler (fwd) Russ Rew
10:45 20020207: building netCDF on Linux using g77 with "-DpgiFortran" Steve Emmerson
February 07, 2002
09:35 compiling netCDF on Linux with ifc f95 compiler Russ Rew
09:27 Re: 20020207: Installing netCDF on Windows Platform Russ Rew
09:16 20020207: building netCDF on Linux using g77 with "-DpgiFortran" Steve Emmerson
February 05, 2002
16:07 20020205: NetCDFPerl build problem on Redhat Linux 7.1 Steve Emmerson
13:23 WOCE Conventions John Caron
February 01, 2002
16:24 20020201: Linux NetCDF installation: Fujitsu Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
14:24 20020201: Linux NetCDF installation: Fujitsu Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
11:20 20020201: Linux NetCDF installation: Fujitsu Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
January 31, 2002
15:14 20020131: Linux NetCDF installation: Fujitsu Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
January 30, 2002
17:16 20020130: Linux NetCDF installation: Fujitsu Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
16:46 Re: 20020130: netcdf 3.5 on solaris 8 with workshop pro Russ Rew
January 29, 2002
12:55 WOO HOO! NFS works... (fwd) Russ Rew
09:26 Re: test case for netCDF/NFS write Russ Rew
January 28, 2002
10:20 Re: 20020119: problems compiling netcdf for Fortran 90 Russ Rew
January 27, 2002
12:57 Re: 20020125: ncdump printing of multi-line global attributes Russ Rew
January 26, 2002
11:05 Re: 20020125: test version ncBrowse John Caron
January 25, 2002
13:19 Re: 20020125: ncdump printing of multi-line global attributes Russ Rew
11:29 Re: 20020125: problem reporting Russ Rew
08:44 20020125: Linux installation using lf95 Steve Emmerson
08:39 Re: 20020124: problem with installation of NetCDF Russ Rew
January 24, 2002
11:17 Re: 20020124: netcdf-3.5.1-beta3 on Cray J90 and NEC SX-5 Steve Emmerson
10:48 Re: 20020123: large files in NETCDF 3.4 under HPUX 11 Russ Rew
January 23, 2002
15:19 Re: 20020123: probable mistake in f90 NetCDF docs Russ Rew
13:18 Re: 20020123: large files in NETCDF 3.4 under HPUX 11 Russ Rew
January 22, 2002
11:17 20020121: where is Fortran routine "handle_err" Steve Emmerson
09:45 20020118: Feedback installation netcdf-3.5 on NEC-SX5 (fwd) Russ Rew
09:44 Re: 20020119: problems compiling netcdf for Fortran 90 Russ Rew
09:30 Re: 20020118: Installation problem: GMT/netCDF/C++? Russ Rew
09:20 Re: 20020121: netCDF install failure Russ Rew
January 21, 2002
08:29 Re: 20020109: ncdump issue Russ Rew
January 20, 2002
16:53 Re: 20020107: ncgen issue Russ Rew
January 17, 2002
12:11 Re: 回复: 20020116: installing on IRIX Steve Emmerson
January 16, 2002
10:56 20020116: installing on IRIX Steve Emmerson
09:33 20010116: Installing netCDF 3.5.0 on HP-UX 11.11 using f90 Steve Emmerson
January 15, 2002
09:13 Re: 20020111: read nc-files Russ Rew
08:50 Re: 20020114: problem in f90 (netcdf 'make') Russ Rew
08:35 Re: Do you know what these errors mean? Russ Rew
January 11, 2002
15:26 Re: 20020111: problems installing netcdf on Cray T3E Russ Rew
11:10 20010111: Installing netCDF 3.5 on HP-UX 11.11 Steve Emmerson
January 09, 2002
07:55 Re: Delphi/Kylix & NetCDF John Caron
January 08, 2002
10:52 Re: 20020107: ncgen issue Russ Rew
January 04, 2002
16:54 Re: 20010104: Use of NetCDF with Delphi/Kylix Russ Rew
15:22 Re: 20020104: netCDF software applications/utilities Russ Rew
14:24 Re: 20010103: multi-dimensional array writes in c++ Russ Rew
12:31 Re: 20010103: multi-dimensional array writes in c++ Russ Rew
10:03 Re: 20010103: multi-dimensional array writes in c++ Russ Rew
January 03, 2002
13:54 Re: 20010103: multi-dimensional array writes in c++ Russ Rew
January 02, 2002
16:03 Re: netCDF related Files for Mac OSX Russ Rew
12:56 20020102: Weather data in netCDF Unidata Support
08:41 Re: 20011231: netCDF C++ interface Russ Rew
08:25 Re: 20011231: netCDF C++ interface Russ Rew
December 26, 2001
16:03 Re: CCM3 to MM5 (fwd) Russ Rew
14:54 Re: 20011226: netCDF WITH OPENdx/CYGWIN..... Russ Rew
13:09 Re: CCM3 to MM5 (fwd) Russ Rew
10:40 Re: 20011226: RubyNetCDF ver.0.3.2 released Russ Rew
December 21, 2001
08:43 Re: 20011221: where is libnetcdf.a Russ Rew
December 20, 2001
13:03 Re: Do you know what these errors mean? Russ Rew
December 19, 2001
15:37 Re: NetCDF on Mac OS X Russ Rew
December 18, 2001
16:21 Re: NetCDF on Mac OS X Russ Rew
09:39 20011218: Problems building netCDF on SX-5 Steve Emmerson
09:07 Re: 20011216: NetCDF install problems on Mac OS 10 Russ Rew
08:59 20011218: Problems building netCDF on SX-5 Steve Emmerson
December 17, 2001
10:36 Re: 20011216: NetCDF install problems on Mac OS 10 Russ Rew
09:03 20011217: Linux install; ifc Fortran; missing nf_* library functions Steve Emmerson
December 14, 2001
09:44 Re: 20011213: gcc-2.96 assembler error compiling netcdf-3.5.0 Russ Rew
08:49 Re: Mac OS X-Absoft: back to original error in cfortran.h Russ Rew
December 13, 2001
10:22 Re: make finished.. make test failed Russ Rew
December 12, 2001
16:55 Re: Mac OS X-Absoft Russ Rew
16:35 Re: Mac OS X-Absoft Russ Rew
December 07, 2001
10:54 20011207: Linux installation; NAG Fortran: "getarg_" undefined Steve Emmerson
10:37 20011207: installing netCDf 3.5 on NEC-SX5: netcdf.f90 errors Steve Emmerson
December 06, 2001
10:15 20011206: installing netCDf 3.5 on NEC-SX5: netcdf.f90 errors Steve Emmerson
09:22 20011206: Linux installation; NAG Fortran Steve Emmerson
December 05, 2001
15:29 Re: 20011205: NF_PUT_ATT Russ Rew
14:47 Re: netCDF 5.0 F90 Error handling Russ Rew
14:31 Re: 20010906: netCDF3.5 on linux fortran fails Russ Rew
13:40 Re: 20010906: netCDF3.5 on linux fortran fails Russ Rew
December 04, 2001
08:53 Re: 20011203: Fortran90 and netCDF Russ Rew
08:41 20011204: using NetCDF 3.4 on NEC-SX5: "not a NetCDF-file" Steve Emmerson
December 03, 2001
10:57 20011203: using NetCDF 3.4 on NEC-SX5: "not a NetCDF-file" Steve Emmerson
09:50 Re: 20011116: MacOS X: FINK install of netcdf fails Russ Rew
November 30, 2001
14:48 Re: 20011130: NetCDF having failures on NERSC's IBM-SP!? Russ Rew
14:15 Re: 20011130: netcdf: file locking? Russ Rew
November 28, 2001
08:52 20011128: configure fails for netCDF on OSF/1 Steve Emmerson
November 27, 2001
17:42 20011122: reading and writing a netcdf file Unidata Support
11:02 20011127: installing problem: using NAG Fortran Steve Emmerson
10:52 Re: 20011124: NetCDF with PGI Fortran 90 Russ Rew
09:11 20011127: netCDF programming problem Unidata Support
November 21, 2001
11:20 BULENT YAGCI: Re: 20011114: building and installiation problem for sgi(Irix 6.4) Russ Rew
November 20, 2001
16:56 Re: 20011116: f90 on Cray T3E Russ Rew
15:07 Re: 20011116: f90 on Cray T3E Russ Rew
09:55 20011120: netCDF-group email-list Unidata Support
November 19, 2001
19:07 Unidata Support: 20011119: message from Mary Haley CCed to Paquita Zuidema Russ Rew
November 16, 2001
16:24 Re: 20011116: MacOS X: FINK install of netcdf fails Russ Rew
15:45 (fwd) Russ Rew
09:14 Re: 20011115: installing procedure of NETCDF Russ Rew
November 15, 2001
08:56 Re: 20011114: building and installiation problem for sgi(Irix 6.4) Russ Rew
November 14, 2001
14:26 Re: 20011114: building and installiation problem for sgi(Irix 6.4) Russ Rew
November 09, 2001
09:13 20011109: another problem Unidata Support
November 08, 2001
22:16 Re: Thanks Russ Rew
08:49 Re: request Russ Rew
07:40 20011108: using 9999 as a missing data value Unidata Support
November 06, 2001
17:10 20011102: netCDF Installation Problem Unidata Support
10:56 Re: 20011106: netCDF format Russ Rew
09:20 Re: NetCDF under Mac OsX.1 Russ Rew
November 05, 2001
13:05 Re: In-memory reading of NetCDF files John Caron
November 02, 2001
14:08 20011102: netCDF Installation Problem (cont.) Unidata Support
12:57 Re: COARDS time convention Steve Emmerson
09:51 20011101: netCDF Installation Problem Unidata Support
08:26 Re: COARDS time convention Russ Rew
November 01, 2001
14:26 Re: 20011031: Make Install err w/ netCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
10:10 Re: 20011031: Make Install err w/ netCDF Russ Rew
10:01 Re: 20011031: Make Install err w/ netCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
October 31, 2001
13:34 Re: 20011031: Make Install err w/ netCDF Russ Rew
October 29, 2001
12:49 Re: netCDF question (fwd) Russ Rew
October 25, 2001
13:59 Re: 20011025: Increasing the size of a variable in a re-opened file Russ Rew
October 21, 2001
10:31 Re: 20011019: NetCDF for OS X.. Russ Rew
October 19, 2001
10:20 Re: 20011019: new C++ interface to netCDF 3.X C library Russ Rew
09:50 Re: 20011019: Does netCDF interface with IDL ? Russ Rew
08:49 Re: netcdf solution for AIX (fwd) Russ Rew
October 18, 2001
12:57 Re: 20011018: netcdf library for LINUX Russ Rew
October 15, 2001
10:53 Re: netcdf c++ for windows John Caron
October 12, 2001
11:26 20011012: netcdf-perl install failure Steve Emmerson
October 09, 2001
16:02 Re: 20011009: COARDS and/or CF-1.0 Russ Rew
15:42 Re: 20010924: Network Common Data Format Russ Rew
14:35 Re: 20011009: COARDS and/or CF-1.0 Russ Rew
October 08, 2001
08:49 Re: 20011007: netCDF Windows Millennium/2000 Russ Rew
October 03, 2001
11:01 20011003: broken link to netCDF for Windows NT? Unidata Support
10:50 Re: netCDF and Finite Element models John Caron
October 02, 2001
14:38 20011002: install netcdf-perl Steve Emmerson
14:24 Re: 20011002: install netcdf-perl Russ Rew
October 01, 2001
01:10 20010930: old Netcdf version Unidata Support
September 25, 2001
13:44 netCDF browser applets? Russ Rew
08:43 20010918: Please help me (cont.) Unidata Support
September 20, 2001
16:14 Re: 20010920: netCDF installation problems Russ Rew
14:10 Re: cfortran.h for Mac OS X Russ Rew
13:16 20010920: building Fortran interface using sgif90 Steve Emmerson
12:56 20010920: netCDF Fortran-90 error code Steve Emmerson
12:37 20010920: building Fortran interface using sgif90 Steve Emmerson
10:56 20010920: building Fortran interface using sgif90 Steve Emmerson
September 19, 2001
13:50 Re: netCDF installation problems (fwd) Steve Emmerson
September 18, 2001
12:41 Re: netCDF f90 configure error Russ Rew
September 17, 2001
12:47 Re: Fw: netcdf and multiarray directories in Netcdf ver 2 .vs. Ver 1 Russ Rew
September 15, 2001
14:41 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
September 14, 2001
14:41 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
09:59 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
September 11, 2001
21:20 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
15:08 Russ Rew: Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
12:48 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
September 10, 2001
08:59 Re: netCDF f90 configure error Russ Rew
08:39 Re: NetCDF HELP Russ Rew
September 08, 2001
11:43 Re: netcdf help Russ Rew
September 07, 2001
09:55 Re: netcdf help Russ Rew
September 06, 2001
12:35 Re: 20010905: cygwin - compiling problem Russ Rew
11:09 Re: 20010906: Help! - NetCDF Russ Rew
10:14 Re: 20010829: FORMAT *.ers Russ Rew
September 04, 2001
11:27 Re: R: R: 20010830: installation of the netCDF cygwin version 20 Russ Rew
08:56 20010904: Please help me Unidata Support
August 31, 2001
08:51 Re: R: 20010830: installation of the netCDF cygwin version 20 Russ Rew
August 30, 2001
13:12 Re: netCDF Java question... Russ Rew
11:16 20010829: Out of memory in recget (NetCDF Perl) Steve Emmerson
11:09 Re: 20010830: installation of the netCDF cygwin version 20 Russ Rew
10:22 Re: netCDF Java question... Russ Rew
09:17 Re: netCDF Java question... (fwd) Russ Rew
09:04 Re: netCDF Java question... Russ Rew
August 29, 2001
16:58 Re: 20010808: netcdf 3.4 help Russ Rew
16:42 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
12:39 20010827: NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded (cont.) Unidata Support
August 28, 2001
14:15 Re: NetCDF Java questions John Caron
10:25 20010828: building netCDF 3.5 under Linux-PC Steve Emmerson
August 27, 2001
12:59 Re: 20010827: Add/Remove layer in netCDF Russ Rew
10:04 : 20010826: netCDF install rules Steve Emmerson
August 24, 2001
20:03 20010824: NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded (cont.) Unidata Support
August 23, 2001
17:23 20010823: NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded (cont.) Unidata Support
16:21 Re: 20010823: using attribute containing wide characters Russ Rew
14:19 Re: 20010823: netCDF compilation w/ gcc-3.0.1 Russ Rew
12:32 20010823: netCDF and VMS Unidata Support
12:28 20010822: NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded Unidata Support
August 21, 2001
17:08 Re: 20010821: building netCDF on 64-bit machines Russ Rew
August 20, 2001
17:08 Re: 20010820: Problem linking to libnetcdf_c++ on prospect/tru64 Russ Rew
15:41 Re: 20010820: Problem linking to libnetcdf_c++ on prospect/tru64 Russ Rew
August 19, 2001
10:53 Re: 20010817: netcdf to hdf conversion Russ Rew
August 17, 2001
10:53 Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese Steve Emmerson
10:40 Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
August 15, 2001
16:32 Re: 20010815: netCDF installation errors Russ Rew
14:48 Re: 20010808: netCDF on T3E Russ Rew
12:47 20010815: NetCDF precompiled binaries for IRIX64 Steve Emmerson
12:41 20010818: building "-i8" Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
August 14, 2001
16:49 20010814: netcdf-3.5.0 configure problem with gcc 3.0 Steve Emmerson
August 13, 2001
12:37 20010809: building "-i8" Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
08:45 Re: 20010809: building "-i8" Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
August 10, 2001
16:45 Re: 20010808: netcdf 3.4 help Russ Rew
11:25 20010809: netcdf-3.5.0 configure problem with gcc 3.0 Steve Emmerson
10:52 Re: 20010808: netcdf 3.4 help Russ Rew
August 09, 2001
16:48 Re: 20010808: netcdf 3.4 help Russ Rew
09:29 Re: netCDF 3.5.0 vs 3.5.1-beta Russ Rew
09:22 20010809: building "-i8" Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
August 08, 2001
16:25 Re: 20010808: netCDF on T3E Russ Rew
15:03 20010808: building "-i8" Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
14:54 Re: 20010808: getting started with netCDF Russ Rew
August 06, 2001
17:28 Re: problems running example 1 in documentation John Caron
14:29 Re: 20010806: netcdf 3.5.0 C++ interface warnings with AIX xlC Russ Rew
August 03, 2001
14:44 Re: 20010802: printable index for netCDF User's Guide for Fortran 90 Russ Rew
August 02, 2001
21:46 Re: 20010731: netCDF file size Russ Rew
11:21 Re: 20010731: netCDF file size Russ Rew
August 01, 2001
15:23 Re: 20010723: netcdf 3.5.0 and gcc 3.0 Russ Rew
July 31, 2001
14:36 20010731: NetCDFPerl Build Problem: `na' undeclared Steve Emmerson
10:42 20010731: Failed netcdf-3.5.0 installation: missing c89 Steve Emmerson
July 30, 2001
09:12 20010730: NetCDF and equidistant grids Steve Emmerson
July 26, 2001
15:58 20010726: F90 interface (typeSizes.mod)? Steve Emmerson
12:40 20010726: netcdf 3.5.0 and gcc-3.0 Steve Emmerson
09:04 20010726: installing on NEC SX5 Steve Emmerson
08:36 20010725: question related to nf_create: permission denied Steve Emmerson
July 25, 2001
16:44 20010725: build failure: C++ test program compilation failure Steve Emmerson
16:35 20010725: problems linking C++ netCDF on SunOS 5.7 Steve Emmerson
16:05 20010725: problems linking C++ netCDF on SunOS 5.7 Steve Emmerson
10:24 20010725: netcdf-3.5 mod file questions Steve Emmerson
09:36 Re: 20010725: Installing netCDF 3.5 on HP-UX 11.11: no Standard C Steve Emmerson
09:08 Re: 20010725: netcdf on DEC-alpha Steve Emmerson
08:49 20010725: question related to nf_create: permission denied Steve Emmerson
July 24, 2001
16:00 20010724: maybe install problem... Steve Emmerson
10:35 Re: 20010724: MPI and NetCDF Steve Emmerson
08:40 20010724: netcdf-3.5.0 installation error under Cygwin Steve Emmerson
July 23, 2001
14:45 Re: 20010723: netcdf 3.5.0 and gcc 3.0 Steve Emmerson
July 20, 2001
11:03 20010720: porting on NEC-SX5 Steve Emmerson
11:00 20010720: netCDFPerl documentation Steve Emmerson
July 19, 2001
12:33 20010719: maybe install problem... Unidata Support
July 17, 2001
16:02 20010717: NetCDF build problem: missing f77compat library Steve Emmerson
15:03 Re: 20010717: F90 interface (typeSizes.mod)? Steve Emmerson
15:02 20010717: F90 interface (typeSizes.mod)? Steve Emmerson
12:51 20010717: NetCDF build problem: missing f77compat library Steve Emmerson
08:48 20010717: NetCDF build problem: missing f77compat library Steve Emmerson
July 16, 2001
21:55 [address@hidden: Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese ] Masato Shiotani
12:29 20010716: building "-r8" Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
12:24 Re: 20010716: Installation Problem on CRAY C90: /opt/ctl/bin/cc failure Steve Emmerson
10:13 20010716: compiling netcdf readers: readncdf_hd.f: ncid 3: variable not found Steve Emmerson
10:05 20010716: netcdf on Linux using Pacific-Sierra vastf90 & f2c Steve Emmerson
10:03 20010716: Installation Problem on CRAY C90: /opt/ctl/bin/cc failure Steve Emmerson
08:48 20010716: netCDF 2.3.2 under RH 7.1: missing "linux.m4" Steve Emmerson
July 13, 2001
17:17 Re: netcdf java setGlobalAttribute John Caron
10:57 20010712: NetCDF Error report Steve Emmerson
09:21 Re: BUFR to netCDF Russ Rew
July 12, 2001
17:17 Re: 20010712: NetCDF Error report Russ Rew
15:21 Re: 20010712: NetCDF Error report Russ Rew
15:10 Re: 20010712: NetCDF Error report Russ Rew
13:50 Re: 20010712: NetCDF Error report Russ Rew
09:00 20010711: installing NETCDF.mod under UNICOS Steve Emmerson
July 11, 2001
12:44 Re: 20010711: netcdf java setGlobalAttribute John Caron
12:00 [Fwd: Re: 20010711: Netcdf Java problem] John Caron
10:30 Re: 20010711: Netcdf Java problem Russ Rew
10:23 20010711: installing NETCDF.mod under UNICOS Steve Emmerson
09:26 Re: 20010709: time as unlimited variable Russ Rew
July 10, 2001
14:09 Re: 20010709: time as unlimited variable Russ Rew
13:05 Re: 20010710: help Russ Rew
09:07 20010709: configuring NetCDF (linux pgf90/gcc) Steve Emmerson
July 09, 2001
16:42 20010709: configuring NetCDF (linux pgf90/gcc) Steve Emmerson
08:24 20010709: cdl files Unidata Support
July 06, 2001
11:19 20010706: size of netCDF Fortran real Steve Emmerson
July 05, 2001
10:09 Re: 20010703: UNICOS Russ Rew
09:52 20010705: size of netCDF Fortran real Steve Emmerson
09:52 Re: 20010703: netCDF parallel version for IBM SP plans Russ Rew
July 02, 2001
12:48 Re: Unidata Support: 20010702: netCDF C++ library on Windows John Caron
June 28, 2001
15:15 Re: 20010628: NetCDF help Russ Rew
11:12 20010626: problem with 8-byte reals and doubleprecisions: "pgf90 -r8" Steve Emmerson
10:37 20010628: "EEXIST" undefined under HP-UX B.10.20 Steve Emmerson
10:25 Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
June 27, 2001
16:26 Re: nfcreate error 5010 Russ Rew
13:49 Re: 20010627: ncgen Russ Rew
08:42 Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
June 26, 2001
16:23 Re: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
14:50 20010626: need help with ncvdef call Steve Emmerson
14:32 20010626: column (netcdf)? Steve Emmerson
12:43 Re: 20010626: conversion of netcdf data Steve Emmerson
12:30 20010626: need help with ncvdef call Steve Emmerson
10:14 Re: netcdf 3.5.0 on a Cray T3E Russ Rew
June 24, 2001
21:47 Re: 20010623: netCDF into ArcView GIS format Russ Rew
June 20, 2001
14:43 Re: [address@hidden: netCDF opinion] Russ Rew
14:23 Re: [address@hidden: netCDF opinion] Russ Rew
10:53 20010620: CDL Steve Emmerson
June 19, 2001
10:46 20010619: netcdf v3.5.0 build notes for RH Linux & Absoft f90 Steve Emmerson
10:06 Unidata Support: 20010619: netcdf v3.5.0 build notes for RH Linux & Absoft f90 Russ Rew
08:58 Re: error 5010 Russ Rew
June 18, 2001
09:10 20010618: problem compiling ftest.F from netcdf 3.5.0 Steve Emmerson
June 17, 2001
09:01 20010617: subscribe Unidata Support
June 15, 2001
14:57 Re: 20010611: netCDF CDL design question (cont.) Russ Rew
13:19 Re: 20010611: Cursor tracking Russ Rew
11:13 Re: 20010515: NetCDF in R Russ Rew
June 14, 2001
18:34 20010614: using code Unidata Support
June 12, 2001
16:19 Re: 20010611: netCDF CDL design question (cont.) Russ Rew
12:45 Re: 20010611: netCDF CDL design question (cont.) Russ Rew
June 11, 2001
11:31 Re: 20010606: question about Java netcdf reading performance John Caron
11:03 Re: 20010608: Finding the libnetcdf library Russ Rew
09:03 Re: 20010611: netCDF installation problems Russ Rew
June 08, 2001
15:02 Re: Python and netCDF Russ Rew
14:58 Re: 20010608: Finding the libnetcdf library Russ Rew
12:08 Re: 20010608: segmentation fault in netcdf_red.f on a dec alpha Steve Emmerson
09:47 Re: 20010608: segmentation fault in netcdf_red.f on a dec alpha Russ Rew
09:28 Re: 20010608: segmentation fault in netcdf_red.f on a dec alpha Russ Rew
June 07, 2001
09:42 20010607: question about obtaining netCDF library Unidata Support
June 06, 2001
15:48 Re: 20010606: install netcdf v3.5.0 (fwd) Russ Rew
15:06 Re: 20010606: question about Java netcdf reading performance Russ Rew
14:15 Re: 20010606: install netcdf v3.5.0 Russ Rew
11:03 Re: 20010606: install netcdf v3.5.0 Russ Rew
June 04, 2001
12:38 Re: 20010531: ncgen Error when using _FillValue Russ Rew
June 01, 2001
16:16 Re: 20010601: Configuration-failure for IRIX64 "-64" version of netCDF 3.5.0 Russ Rew
10:25 Re: query (fwd) Russ Rew
08:39 20010601: Shared Library version Steve Emmerson
May 31, 2001
17:01 Re: on number of continuation lines Russ Rew
16:47 Re: 20010531: ncgen Error when using _FillValue (fwd) Russ Rew
15:27 Re: 20010531: ncgen Error when using _FillValue Russ Rew
May 30, 2001
15:17 Re: 20010530: zip download link not working in IE Russ Rew
13:31 Re: on number of continuation lines Russ Rew
08:55 Re: Clarification on gennet Russ Rew
May 29, 2001
14:41 Re: Clarification on gennet Russ Rew
09:03 20010529: Linux netCDF build: can't compile fortran/fort-attio.c Steve Emmerson
09:00 20010529: NetCDF: cfortran.h: Can't find your environment ... Steve Emmerson
May 25, 2001
10:29 [Fwd: RE: 20010523: netcdf for Windows 98] John Caron
08:27 20010525: How to read arrays correctly Steve Emmerson
May 24, 2001
14:49 Re: NetCDF Java John Caron
09:24 20010524: Linux netCDF build: can't compile fortran/fort-attio.c Steve Emmerson
May 23, 2001
12:38 20010523: installation of unidata Steve Emmerson
12:32 Re: 20010523: netcdf for Windows 98 John caron
12:28 Re: 20010523: How to read arrays correctly Steve Emmerson
May 22, 2001
11:35 Re: error while install in win2k John Caron
May 21, 2001
13:11 Re: Fw: 20010520: Troubleshooting Netcdf-3.5.0 Russ Rew
10:29 Re: 20010520: Troubleshooting Netcdf-3.5.0 Russ Rew
May 19, 2001
16:14 Re: 20010519: netCDF to bsd based Mac OS X? Russ Rew
May 18, 2001
08:54 Re: 20010510: NC_MAX_VAR and netcdf 3.4 (fwd) Russ Rew
May 17, 2001
14:54 Re: netCDF files John Caron
10:58 20010516: NetCDF 3.5 on NEC SX-4 Steve Emmerson
May 16, 2001
16:16 Re: 20010516: ncopts, NC_FATAL and NC_VERBOSE Russ Rew
16:05 20010516: Modifying CIA database Steve Emmerson
13:52 Re: 20010516: ncopts, NC_FATAL and NC_VERBOSE Russ Rew
11:23 20010516: SX-4 port Steve Emmerson
10:57 20010516: Compiling NASA's One-Source netCDF v 3.4 on Alpha VMS Steve Emmerson
May 14, 2001
13:17 20010514: SX-4 port Steve Emmerson
12:23 Re: 20010514: Error compiling NetCDF3.5.0 Russ Rew
09:19 20010512: array element order Steve Emmerson
May 11, 2001
09:11 Re: 20010510: netCDF version 4 Russ Rew
May 10, 2001
15:20 20010510: netcdf error -31 Steve Emmerson
14:16 Re: 20010510: NC_MAX_VAR and netcdf 3.4 Russ Rew
May 09, 2001
21:25 Re: 20010327: netCDF and NC_MAX_VARS=2000 limitation Russ Rew
May 04, 2001
09:03 20010504: netcdf-3.5.0 installation errors under IRIX64 Steve Emmerson
May 03, 2001
12:55 20010503: NC_UNLIMITED Steve Emmerson
May 02, 2001
17:05 Re: 20010501: netCDF 3.5 tests fail on the Cray SV1 (fwd) Russ Rew
10:07 Re: 20010502: Problem with netcdf-3.5.0 under Cygwin/Windows98 Russ Rew
09:58 Re: 20010502: problem with netCDF 3.5.0 F90 subroutine nf90_put_att Russ Rew
May 01, 2001
14:25 Re: 20010501: netCDF 3.5 tests fail on the Cray SV1 Russ Rew
09:23 20010501: Linux install problems: can't find Fortran types in C Steve Emmerson
April 30, 2001
16:50 20010430: Linux install problems: Fortran Steve Emmerson
April 27, 2001
08:39 20010427: Linux install problems: Fortran Steve Emmerson
08:29 20010426: complilation of netcdf under HP-UX 11.0 Steve Emmerson
April 26, 2001
21:29 Re: 20010425: netcdf problems Russ Rew
11:18 Re: java netCDF and dods John Caron
06:04 Re: Read some elements of an array with NetCDF Russ Rew
April 25, 2001
13:48 Re: 200104125: Minor typo corrections to netcdf 3.5 Steve Emmerson
11:03 Re: netCDF DTD John Caron
10:53 Re: 200104125: Minor typo corrections to netcdf 3.5 Russ Rew
09:37 Re: 20010425: netcdf problems Steve Emmerson
09:37 Re: netCDF DTD Russ Rew
09:28 Re: 20010425: netcdf problems Russ Rew
April 24, 2001
16:34 Re: 20010424: Almost success on MAC OSX (10.0.1) and Absoft Fortran (beta) Russ Rew
16:03 20010424: irregular mesh questions Steve Emmerson
April 19, 2001
14:08 RE: netCDF3.5 test failure with Cygwin GNU gcc - nctest success (fwd) Russ Rew
13:01 Re: netCDF3.5 test failure with Cygwin GNU gcc - nctest success (fwd) Russ Rew
10:19 Re: 20010419: netCDF3.5 test failure with Cygwin GNU gcc Russ Rew
April 18, 2001
16:22 Re: 20010418: unsigned datatypes Russ Rew
15:54 Re: 20010418: a netCDF problem Russ Rew
15:18 Re: 20010418: a netCDF problem Russ Rew
14:45 20010418: Platforms for NETCDF Unidata Support
April 17, 2001
11:28 Re: 20010410: NetCDF: poor performance writing to an NFS volume Russ Rew
April 12, 2001
15:20 Re: 20010410: NetCDF: poor performance writing to an NFS volume Russ Rew
April 11, 2001
13:12 20010411: netcdf-to-wmo format utility Unidata Support
09:42 Re: 20010410: NetCDF: poor performance writing to an NFS volume Russ Rew
April 10, 2001
13:53 20010404: Netcdf-perl make errors: Invalid loader fixup ... Steve Emmerson
April 06, 2001
09:44 Re: 20010406: netcdf 3.4 question Russ Rew
April 05, 2001
12:28 20010405: netcdf-3.5.0 on hp-ux 10.20: Lack of -ldce linkage Steve Emmerson
10:28 20010405: netcdf-3.5.0 on hp-ux 10.20: bad g++ compiler Steve Emmerson
April 04, 2001
14:50 20010404: Netcdf-perl make errors: Invalid loader fixup ... Steve Emmerson
14:49 Re: NetCDF 3.5.0 available (fwd) Russ Rew
13:55 20010404: Netcdf-perl make errors: Invalid loader fixup ... Steve Emmerson
11:05 Re: 20010403: NetCDF C++ interface enhancement Russ Rew
April 03, 2001
08:37 20010403: asking about the installation of netCDF: config.log errors Steve Emmerson
06:44 20010403: BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from [address@hidden] Unidata Support
April 02, 2001
18:04 Re: [Fwd: 20010402: Java DODS error] John Caron
16:27 20010402: netcdf-3.5.0 on hp-ux 10.20 Steve Emmerson
16:03 20010402: netcdf-3.5.0 on hp-ux 10.20 Steve Emmerson
15:55 20010402: asking about the installation of netCDF Steve Emmerson
15:50 20010402: netcdf-3.5.0 on hp-ux 10.20 Steve Emmerson
15:12 20010402: installing netCDF using pgf90 Steve Emmerson
11:00 20010331: netcdf Unidata Support
March 30, 2001
10:45 [no subject] Unidata Support
March 29, 2001
16:50 Re: 20010327: building netCDF on Win32 John Caron
12:29 20010329: READback-a-netcdfmade-file Steve Emmerson
March 27, 2001
14:14 20010314: Solaris 2.6 large-file support Steve Emmerson
11:12 20010314: Solaris 2.6 large-file support Steve Emmerson
10:59 20010327: netCDF and NC_MAX_VARS=2000 limitation Steve Emmerson
10:39 Re: 20010327: building netCDF on Win32 John Caron
March 26, 2001
14:29 Re: 20010326: NF_MAX_VARS limit Steve Emmerson
March 23, 2001
12:45 20010322: netcdf question: NCEP reanalysis: precision loss Steve Emmerson
10:13 20010322: netcdf question: NCEP reanalysis: precision loss Steve Emmerson
March 22, 2001
14:52 20010322: netcdf question: NCEP reanalysis: precision loss Steve Emmerson
14:36 20010322: netcdf question: NCEP reanalysis: precision loss Steve Emmerson
12:19 Re: Java 2 Questions John Caron
10:45 Re: 20010320: DIICOE / JTA compliance Russ Rew
March 20, 2001
09:32 20010319: merging 3rd-party version 2 & 3 libraries Steve Emmerson
March 19, 2001
14:35 20010319: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
March 16, 2001
10:23 20010316: NetCDF for Redhat Linux 6.2: Portland Group Fortran Steve Emmerson
March 15, 2001
15:50 20010315: Problem with fortran on linux redhat Steve Emmerson
14:41 20010315: Problem with fortran on linux redhat Steve Emmerson
08:45 20010315: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
08:43 20010315: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
March 14, 2001
14:19 20010314: Solaris 2.6 large-file support (was: exit code ...) Steve Emmerson
13:18 20010314: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
12:22 20010314: exit code interpretation: -31 Steve Emmerson
10:38 script from Mattocks for building NetCDF on Mac OS X FC (fwd) Russ Rew
09:04 20010314: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
March 13, 2001
15:47 Re: 20010313: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
15:29 20010313: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
15:16 20010313: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
14:51 20010313: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
14:13 20010313: Problem with fortran on linux redhat Steve Emmerson
14:09 20010313: Installation of NetCDF-perl-1.2.1 Steve Emmerson
March 12, 2001
12:43 20010312: Includes and External files Steve Emmerson
09:19 20010312: Includes and External files Steve Emmerson
March 09, 2001
15:57 Re: target date for final netCDF 3.5? Russ Rew
15:34 20010309: netCDF 3.5 beta: Includes and External files Steve Emmerson
08:48 20010308: IEEE format dataset to NetCDF Steve Emmerson
March 08, 2001
09:54 Re: target date for final netCDF 3.5? Russ Rew
March 06, 2001
20:57 Re: 20010306: NetCDF 2.4.3 on VMS Russ Rew
March 05, 2001
12:50 Re: 20010305: portable use of NetCDF 3.x return values Russ Rew
March 02, 2001
14:13 Re: [Fwd: Re: 20010301: netCDF installation on Windows 2000] Russ Rew
March 01, 2001
07:14 Re: 20010301: netCDF installation on Windows 2000 John Caron
06:58 Re: Java 2 downloads John Caron
February 28, 2001
10:40 20010228: NetCDF fortran sample program (gennet.f) Steve Emmerson
February 27, 2001
17:31 [Fwd: Re: valid_min, valid_max, scaled, and missing values] John Caron
13:11 [Fwd: Re: valid_min, valid_max, scaled, and missing values] John Caron
13:10 [Fwd: Re: valid_min, valid_max, scaled, and missing values] John Caron
13:10 [Fwd: valid_min, valid_max, scaled, and missing values] John Caron
February 24, 2001
10:55 Re: valid_min, valid_max, scaled, and missing values Russ Rew
February 22, 2001
14:12 Re: 20010222: porting problems of netcdf-3 Russ Rew
February 21, 2001
15:04 20010221: FORTRAN 77 Unidata Support
13:53 Re: 20010221: failure to install netcdf Russ Rew
February 19, 2001
09:07 Re: revised cfortran.h file Russ Rew
February 14, 2001
11:17 Re: 20010212: variable attributes problems (cont.) Russ Rew
February 13, 2001
09:43 Re: 20010122: gribtonc and NCEP Renalysis data Russ Rew
February 12, 2001
14:02 Re: 20010212: variable attributes problems (cont.) Russ Rew
12:56 20010212: variable attributes problems (cont.) Steve Emmerson
10:17 20010212: variable attributes problems (cont.) Steve Emmerson
08:58 20010211: installing netcdf 3.5-beta8 under IRIX64: (ftest.f77): unrecognizable format Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: netcdf i/o on ibm vs cray Russ Rew
February 09, 2001
13:42 20010209: variable attributes problems Steve Emmerson
13:00 [Fwd: ncdigest V1 #574] John Caron
09:23 20010208: ncks, ncra, and ncrcat Steve Emmerson
08:48 20010208: ncks, ncra, ncrcat Steve Emmerson
February 08, 2001
16:31 Re: : 20010207: netcdf-3.5-beta5.win32b: nc_strerror() failure (fwd) John Caron
10:51 20010208: Writing out an integer array: dimensional ordering Steve Emmerson
February 07, 2001
13:21 20010207: netcdf-3.5-beta5.win32b: nc_strerror() failure Steve Emmerson
07:48 [Fwd: Re: 20010206: netCDF Java global attributes] John Caron
February 06, 2001
21:44 Re: 20010206: netCDF Java global attributes Russ Rew
15:18 Re: 20010202: HELP with netcdf.hh on redhat g++ Russ Rew
14:31 Re: 20010201: VERSION 3.4 C++ NcAtt* NcVar::get_att(NcToken) exit()s Russ Rew
February 05, 2001
15:58 Re: 20010205: C++ Interface (cont.) (fwd) Russ Rew
13:11 20010205: FTP access from .com addresses (cont.) Unidata Support
10:46 Re: 20010130: C++ Interface Russ Rew
08:21 20010205: FTP access from .com addresses Unidata Support
February 03, 2001
10:16 20010202: specifying which fortran 77 to use for netCDF Unidata Support
February 01, 2001
13:50 20010201: netcdf F90 problem/issue Steve Emmerson
January 31, 2001
08:52 20010131: Numeric conversion not representable? Steve Emmerson
January 30, 2001
15:49 20010130: Numeric conversion not representable? Steve Emmerson
January 29, 2001
09:45 Re: Benchmarking for netCDF Russ Rew
09:19 20010129: Perl on AIX: Reference miscount in sv_replace Steve Emmerson
January 25, 2001
13:50 Re: missing files netcdf 3.4 John Caron
08:59 20010125: nc-3.5 Fortran 90: nf90_get_var() on 2D character v ariable Steve Emmerson
January 24, 2001
15:05 20010124: typesizes.f90 - should it be part of libnetcdf.a? Steve Emmerson
January 23, 2001
16:29 20010123: nc-3.5 Fortran 90: nf90_get_var() on 2D character variable Steve Emmerson
10:05 RE: 20010123: nc-3.5 Fortran 90: nf90_get_var() on 2D character v ariable Bennett, David A
09:30 20010123: nc-3.5 Fortran 90: nf90_get_var() on 2D character variable Steve Emmerson
January 17, 2001
13:31 20010117: nc-3.5 Fortran 90: nf90_get_var() on 2D character variable Steve Emmerson
10:21 20010117: netcdf on a linux (redhat 6.2): don't need Fortran API Steve Emmerson
09:02 Re: 20010112: netcdf-3.5-beta6 and HP-UX 11 f90: missing ncainq_ Steve Emmerson
January 12, 2001
08:54 20010112: netcdf-3.5-beta6 and HP-UX 11 f90: missing ncainq_ Steve Emmerson
January 11, 2001
14:26 20010111: netcdf-3.5-beta6 Steve Emmerson
09:22 Re: 20010109: Ncvar::rec_size typo Russ Rew
January 10, 2001
12:50 Re: 20010110: netcdf 3.5-beta3 questions Russ Rew
January 05, 2001
10:01 Re: 20010103: netcdf 3.5b3 parallel library T3E version patch Russ Rew
January 03, 2001
16:43 Re: 20010103: netCDF and Labview Russ Rew
December 22, 2000
08:31 Re: 20001221: parallel netcdf (fwd) Russ Rew
08:04 Re: 20001221: NetCDF Documentation Russ Rew
December 21, 2000
10:30 20001221: Netcdf Installation: confdefs.h not found Steve Emmerson
December 20, 2000
14:00 20001220: Netcdf Installation: confdefs.h not found Steve Emmerson
08:50 Re: 20001219: netcdf for HP-UX 11.00 fortran90 Steve Emmerson
December 19, 2000
10:27 20001219: netcdf for HP-UX 11.00 fortran90 Steve Emmerson
09:32 20001219: netcdf for fortran90 Steve Emmerson
08:53 20001219: netcdf for fortran90 Steve Emmerson
08:35 Re: 20001218: Loader error messages while creating executable Steve Emmerson
December 15, 2000
13:36 20001215: netcdf for fortran90 Steve Emmerson
08:44 20001215: NetCDF and Udunits Steve Emmerson
December 13, 2000
08:49 Re: Re 20001212: Can't install netcdf-3.4 Russ Rew
December 12, 2000
08:33 Re 20001212: Can't install netcdf-3.4 (fwd) Russ Rew
December 11, 2000
08:45 Re: 20001211: software page Russ Rew
December 08, 2000
10:09 20001207: UW Wisconsin Lidar-> Netcdf Unidata Support
December 07, 2000
15:10 20001207: COARDS netCDF conventions (cont.) Unidata Support
08:11 20001206: COARDS netCDF conventions Unidata Support
December 06, 2000
13:00 Re: 20000802: netcdf 3.5-beta3 installation problem on IBM SP Russ Rew
December 01, 2000
10:14 Re: 20001129: netCDF offset limitations Russ Rew
November 29, 2000
16:40 [Fwd: Re: RMI with netCDF and java] John Caron
13:55 Re: RMI with netCDF and java John Caron
November 28, 2000
16:06 Re: RMI with netCDF and java Ethan Davis
13:16 Re: RMI with netCDF and java Steve Emmerson
09:38 Re: 20001128: netcdf3.4 on RedHat 6.2 Linux Russ Rew
November 27, 2000
11:13 20001127: netCDF installation problem: netcdf.o doesn't exist Steve Emmerson
10:58 20001127: netCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
10:25 20001127: netCDF installation problem: macro EEXIST undefined Steve Emmerson
November 23, 2000
17:37 Re: Can't install netcdf-3.4 Russ Rew
November 17, 2000
10:52 20001117: netCDF configure script problem/error Steve Emmerson
November 15, 2000
16:59 Re: NetCDF and Lahey(linux) Russ Rew
November 14, 2000
13:36 Re: 20001114: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
09:32 Re: 20001114: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
09:20 20001114: How to append data to a existing file? Steve Emmerson
November 13, 2000
16:45 20001113: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
16:30 20001113: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
11:13 Re: 20001113: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
10:53 20001113: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
10:02 20001113: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
08:44 20001113: error installing netCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
November 11, 2000
12:47 Re: 20001111: NetCDF & Visual Basic Russ Rew
12:17 Re: 20001110: How to append data to an existing netCDF file? Russ Rew
November 10, 2000
15:50 Re: 20001108: asking Install for WinNT John Caron
10:12 Dirk Slawinski: Re: 20001106 NetCDF and Lahey Russ Rew
November 08, 2000
09:35 20001108: 64-bit netCDF build for AIX Steve Emmerson
November 06, 2000
16:46 Re: sync problem? Russ Rew
10:28 Re: 20001106 NetCDF and Lahey Russ Rew
November 03, 2000
10:50 Re: 20001102: ncdump help Russ Rew
November 02, 2000
08:53 Re: 20001102: Transforming coordinates in Java netCDF John Caron
November 01, 2000
11:30 Re: 20001101: Transforming coordinates in Java netCDF John Caron
October 31, 2000
12:45 Re: net CDF for Mac (fwd) Russ Rew
08:42 Re: 20001031: netCDF file format Russ Rew
October 27, 2000
11:24 Re: 20001026: NetCDF-Perl-1.2.1 "make test" failure Steve Emmerson
10:27 20001026: NetCDF-Perl-1.2.1 "make test" failure Steve Emmerson
08:57 20001026: NetCDF-Perl-1.2.1 "make test" failure Steve Emmerson
08:33 Re: 20001026: netCDF 3.4 build problems on HP-UX B10.20 Russ Rew
October 26, 2000
15:09 20001026: NetCDF-Perl-1.2.1 "make test" failure Steve Emmerson
14:56 20001026: NetCDF-Perl-1.2.1 "make test" failure Steve Emmerson
13:56 Re: 20001026: netCDF 3.4 build problems on HP-UX B10.20 Russ Rew
13:10 20001026: NetCDF-Perl-1.2.1 "make test" failure Steve Emmerson
October 24, 2000
12:51 20001024: netCDF page down? Unidata Support
October 23, 2000
15:27 20001019: netCDFPerl "make test" fails Steve Emmerson
08:21 20001023: NetCDF errors on Mac OS X Steve Emmerson
October 18, 2000
11:27 Re: 20001017: attributes "friend" are not allowed Russ Rew
October 17, 2000
15:29 Re: 20001017: question Russ Rew
13:54 Re: netCDF v 3.5 - Win32 (?) John Caron
12:21 Re: 20001017: attributes "friend" are not allowed Russ Rew
08:41 Re: netCDF v 3.5 - Win32 (?) Russ Rew
October 16, 2000
17:08 Re: Netcdf for Java John Caron
14:18 Re: 20001015: Installation problems Russ Rew
13:04 Re: 20001015: Creation of large netCDF datasets using ncgen and CDL files Russ Rew
October 13, 2000
16:08 Re: java netCDF issue Russ Rew
10:35 Re: 20001013: netCDF variable, attribute and dimension limits Russ Rew
October 12, 2000
14:58 Re: 20001011: netcdf 3.4, f90, digital unix (cont.) Russ Rew
14:04 Re: 20001012: netCDF for FORTRAN 90 Russ Rew
October 11, 2000
13:46 20001011: installing file "netcdf.mod". Steve Emmerson
10:21 20001011: installing file "netcdf.mod". Steve Emmerson
04:17 20001011: netCDF for FORTRAN 90 Unidata Support
October 09, 2000
12:49 Re: 20001006: NetCDF errors on Mac OS X Steve Emmerson
08:42 20001006: NetCDF errors on Mac OS X Steve Emmerson
October 06, 2000
15:56 20001006: changing NCDUMP macro in f90/Makefile Steve Emmerson
02:16 netcdf 3.5beta3 f90 Henry LeRoy Miller, Jr.
October 05, 2000
12:34 20001006: NetCDF errors on Mac OS X Steve Emmerson
October 03, 2000
13:18 20001002: bug in java AbstractArray.setDouble Steve Emmerson
11:45 Re: 20000928: FYI: Virus check Mike Schmidt
08:47 20001002: bug in java AbstractArray.setDouble Steve Emmerson
October 02, 2000
14:51 Re: 20000928: FYI: Virus check Russ Rew
12:45 Re: how to read netcdf file using f77 prog. Russ Rew
September 29, 2000
12:50 Re: 20000921: java netCDF source, jar, javadoc will not download Russ Rew
September 28, 2000
15:37 Re: 20000928: Testing for exisiting dimensions (fwd) Russ Rew
15:05 20000928: Testing for exisiting dimensions (fwd) Steve Emmerson
08:46 20000927: getting netCDF data into MATLAB Steve Emmerson
September 27, 2000
17:11 Re: 20000927: CPP Friend problem on IBM AIX Russ Rew
September 22, 2000
13:21 20000922: problem installing netCDF under Linux: no "linux/errno.h" Steve Emmerson
09:53 20000922: subscribe Unidata Support
September 21, 2000
14:20 Re: 20000921: java netCDF source, jar, javadoc will not download Russ Rew
13:58 Re: 20000921: java netCDF source, jar, javadoc will not download Russ Rew
September 19, 2000
09:47 Re: 20000919: Final version of NetCDF 3.5 Russ Rew
September 18, 2000
08:49 Re: 20000918: ncdump Russ Rew
September 15, 2000
13:33 20000915: defining scalar variables Steve Emmerson
11:21 20000915: defining scalar variables Steve Emmerson
09:32 Re: 20000914: netcdf 3.4 compiled with MS VC++ V6 John Caron
September 14, 2000
15:30 Re: 20000914: netcdf 3.4 compiled with MS VC++ V6 John Caron
10:05 20000912: "make nc_test/test" failure on Fujitsu VPP Steve Emmerson
07:52 Re: Comiling WinNT netCDF C++ interface for version 3.5 beta3 linkerror John Caron
September 13, 2000
19:26 Re: Comiling WinNT netCDF C++ interface for version 3.5 beta3 link error John Caron
19:00 Re: 20000913: Calling NETCDF.DLL from Visual Basic under Windows95/98 John Caron
16:42 Re: 20000913: netcdf install problem Russ Rew
10:16 20000912: "make nc_test/test" failure on Fujitsu VPP Steve Emmerson
September 12, 2000
13:04 20000912: "make nctest/test" failure on Fujitsu VPP Steve Emmerson
September 11, 2000
11:22 Re: 20000911: netCDF question (fwd) Russ Rew
10:48 Re: 20000908: netcdf 3.4 and linux (fwd) Russ Rew
September 05, 2000
15:11 Re: release of 3.5 netcdf Russ Rew
13:02 20000905: Win32 support Unidata Support
11:30 20000905: ldm-mcidas make problems on AIX 4.2 (cont.) Unidata Support
August 30, 2000
16:56 Re: 20000830: problem with ncattinq Russ Rew
09:12 Re: Installation problems netcdf-3.4 (not as an attachment) Steve Emmerson
August 29, 2000
10:06 Re: 20000824: netCDF "packer" program Russ Rew
August 28, 2000
09:38 20000827: Installation problems Solaris 5.7, gcc, g77 Steve Emmerson
August 23, 2000
09:25 Re: 20000816: ncdump bug Russ Rew
August 22, 2000
13:21 20000821: Fortran support for Cygwin system Steve Emmerson
12:55 Re: 20000821: netcdf VERSION Russ Rew
10:43 Re: 20000821: netcdf VERSION Russ Rew
08:53 Re: 20000821: netcdf VERSION Russ Rew
August 21, 2000
14:59 20000821: about "ld fatal " errors in installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
August 17, 2000
10:00 20000817: NetCDF for Win95/DOS Steve Emmerson
08:55 20000817: varget problem: segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
August 16, 2000
13:57 20000816: varget problem: segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
12:44 20000816: varget problem: segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
11:02 20000816: building F90 interface on Cray T3E: f90/test fails Steve Emmerson
10:02 Re: 20000815: Java NETCDF RMI (fwd) John Caron
August 15, 2000
17:02 Re: 20000815: format converter? (fwd) Russ Rew
15:55 20000815: netcdf compilation on linux-alpha (fwd) Steve Emmerson
14:47 Re: 20000815: format converter? Russ Rew
14:20 Re: 20000815: netCDF manual for users Russ Rew
09:39 20000815: syntax for ncgen under OVMS Steve Emmerson
August 14, 2000
14:57 20000814: NetCDF::put_att_text not found Steve Emmerson
12:24 [no subject] Unidata Support
11:15 20000814: NetCDF::put_att_text not found Steve Emmerson
09:41 20000814: NetCDF release with libnetcdf.a Steve Emmerson
09:32 20000814: building F90 interface on Cray T3E: missing typeSizes module Steve Emmerson
August 10, 2000
13:24 Re: java netCDF issue Russ Rew
August 08, 2000
08:44 20000808: perl netCDF module on Win32 system Steve Emmerson
August 07, 2000
10:51 20000807: Import/Exprot from/to generic format types Steve Emmerson
09:14 Re: 200000806: Compressing netcdf files Russ Rew
August 04, 2000
13:29 20000804: netcdf-2_4_3.bck for alpha-vms Steve Emmerson
11:14 Re: 20000804: New IDL-based visualization tool for atmospheric science data Russ Rew
August 03, 2000
13:19 20000803: netCDF from Visual Basic Steve Emmerson
09:48 Re: 20000802: netcdf 3.5-beta3 installation problem on IBM SP Russ Rew
August 02, 2000
15:23 20000802: the newest version netCDF Unidata Support
11:15 Re: 20000802: Error on SunOS 4.1.4 Russ Rew
09:08 20000802: netCDF use on SGI Origin 2000 with -i8 -r8 Steve Emmerson
August 01, 2000
14:14 Re: 20000801: moving netCDF use from C to Java John Caron
July 31, 2000
17:12 20000731: config.cache file Unidata Support
12:40 Re: netCDF -> GRIB Russ Rew
10:35 20000731: Compiling netCDF 3.4 with NAG and Lahey/Fujitsu F95 Steve Emmerson
July 28, 2000
09:58 20000728: building netcdf-3.4 using gcc & g77 on Solaris 8 Steve Emmerson
July 27, 2000
14:27 20000727: building 32 $ 64 bin libraries Steve Emmerson
08:42 20000727: pgf90 code not finding "nf_open_" but "nf_open__" exists Steve Emmerson
July 26, 2000
16:55 20000726: Action prohibited on NC_GLOBAL varid Steve Emmerson
16:43 20000726: pgf90 code not finding "nf_open_" but "nf_open__" exists Steve Emmerson
July 25, 2000
09:46 20000725: netcdf-perl build problem using perl 5.6: `na' undeclared Steve Emmerson
09:16 20000725: netcdf-perl build problem using perl 5.6: `na' undeclared Steve Emmerson
July 21, 2000
14:11 Re: 20000721: NetCDF and Excel ? (fwd) Russ Rew
11:22 20000721: installing on RedHat6.0 Linux: cfortran.h environment Steve Emmerson
10:17 20000720: installing on RedHat6.0 Linux: cfortran.h environment Steve Emmerson
July 20, 2000
11:28 20000720: installing on RedHat 6.0 Linux: Steve Emmerson
07:41 Re: 20000719: usage.html for netCDF as relates to GMT Russ Rew
July 19, 2000
09:27 Re: 20000719: GRIB2NetCDF, filesize, offset and scaling Russ Rew
July 18, 2000
16:43 Re: 20000718: NetCDF Java Applet Capable? (fwd) John Caron
13:44 Re: 20000717: segmentation fault from gennet.f (fwd) Russ Rew
13:40 Re: 20000718: NetCDF Java Applet Capable? (fwd) John Caron
13:30 Re: 20000717: segmentation fault from gennet.f Edward Colon
12:54 Re: 20000713: NeNetCDF Utilities for NextStep Russ Rew
12:45 Re: 20000717: segmentation fault from gennet.f Russ Rew
09:20 20000718: Problem with NET CDF 3.4 Steve Emmerson
08:40 20000718: one variable in two places Steve Emmerson
July 14, 2000
10:02 20000714: ftp-site Unidata Support
July 13, 2000
13:18 Re: 20000712: linux f77 undefined references (fwd) Russ Rew
11:35 20000713: Run time array bounds error in netCDF3.5_beta: AIX 3 4 Steve Emmerson
09:37 20000713: Run time array bounds error in netCDF3.5_beta: AIX 3 4 Steve Emmerson
July 12, 2000
17:16 Re: 20000712: nc_sync in netCDF 3.4 Russ Rew
16:57 Re: 20000712: linux f77 undefined references Russ Rew
16:11 Re: 20000712: help netcdf asci Russ Rew
08:58 20000712: Errors while running "make test" Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: 20000711: Errors while running "make test" (fwd) Russ Rew
08:29 Re: 20000711: Installation Problem Russ Rew
08:21 Re: 20000711: netCDF on 64-bits machine Russ Rew
July 11, 2000
16:45 Re: 20000711: Errors while running "make test" Russ Rew
16:20 Re: 20000710: netCDF for BeOS Russ Rew
July 10, 2000
11:37 20000710: netcdf on my pc linux Unidata Support
10:57 20000710: binary ncdump for Unix Unidata Support
10:02 Re: Re[2]: 20000710: netcdf nc_put_att_text bug? Russ Rew
09:51 Re: HELP 2 John Caron
09:01 Re: 20000710: netcdf nc_put_att_text bug? Russ Rew
July 07, 2000
15:47 Re: 20000707: can't link with the library on a SGI 6.3 (or 6.5) Steve Emmerson
15:13 20000707: can't link with the library on a SGI 6.3 (or 6.5) Steve Emmerson
10:12 Re: HELP! John Caron
10:08 Re: 20000707: netcdf with a linux pc Steve Emmerson
10:05 Re: 20000707: HDF to NetCDF Russ Rew
July 06, 2000
16:42 Re: 20000706: netcdf woes Steve Emmerson
15:58 Re: 20000706: netcdf woes Steve Emmerson
11:10 20000706: installation on Windows NT system Steve Emmerson
July 05, 2000
08:37 20000705: need help! building on a Linux system using g77, cc, c++ Steve Emmerson
June 30, 2000
11:19 20000630: IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0: "na" undefined Steve Emmerson
08:42 20000630: IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0: "na" undefined Steve Emmerson
08:24 Re: 20000628: conversion of ECMWF to netCDF (fwd) Russ Rew
June 29, 2000
16:36 20000629: Perl-Netcdf Installation Problems: "na" undefined Steve Emmerson
15:25 Re: 20000628: conversion of ECMWF to netCDF Arlindo da Silva
13:34 20000629: building on IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0 Steve Emmerson
12:42 20000629: building on IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0 Steve Emmerson
11:21 20000629: need help! building on a Linux system using g77, cc, c++ Steve Emmerson
10:56 20000629: building on IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0 Steve Emmerson
10:44 20000629: building on IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0 Steve Emmerson
June 28, 2000
16:22 20000628: Help needed with _FillValue attribute in NetCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
16:16 20000628: building on IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0 Steve Emmerson
June 27, 2000
16:34 20000627: building on IRIX 6.5 system with perl 5.6.0 Steve Emmerson
15:58 20000627: netcdf3.5 beta with f90 interface AIX build Steve Emmerson
15:34 20000627: netcdf3.5 beta with f90 interface AIX build Steve Emmerson
10:15 20000627: netcdf3.5 beta with f90 interface AIX build Steve Emmerson
June 26, 2000
08:20 Re: FYI Russ Rew
June 23, 2000
14:40 20000623: netCDF-3 compatibility question ... Steve Emmerson
13:44 20000623: netCDF-3 compatibility question ... Steve Emmerson
13:43 20000623: Netcdf 3.4/Installation on Linux Steve Emmerson
13:33 20000623: comments in netCDF files. Steve Emmerson
June 22, 2000
11:16 20000622: subscribing to Unidata Mail lists Unidata Support
June 21, 2000
10:41 20000621: extracting pieces of data from a netCDF dataset Steve Emmerson
June 19, 2000
13:14 Re: 20000616: tip for netcdf and Visual C++ (fwd) John Caron
13:09 Re: unlimited time as 3rd dimension for 2d arrays John Caron
June 16, 2000
08:29 20000616: netCDF on Fujitsu VPP5000 using 64 address mode: coord_zero Steve Emmerson
June 15, 2000
12:22 20000615: build failure on Linux: missing VERSION Steve Emmerson
10:15 20000615: build failure on Linux: missing VERSION Steve Emmerson
09:21 20000615: netCDF on Fujitsu VPP5000 using 64 address mode: coord_zero Steve Emmerson
09:02 20000615: build failure on Linux: missing VERSION Steve Emmerson
08:55 20000615: netCDF on Fujitsu VPP5000 using 64 address mode Steve Emmerson
05:46 Re: 20000614: Problem with netcdf-3.3.1 Russ Rew
June 14, 2000
14:58 20000614: Small error in Makefile for netcdf f90 Steve Emmerson
09:40 20000614: build failure on Linux Steve Emmerson
09:27 20000614: build failure on Linux Steve Emmerson
09:07 20000614: netCDF on Fujitsu VPP5000 using 64 address mode Steve Emmerson
June 13, 2000
14:59 20000613: building NetCDF 3.4 under Linux Steve Emmerson
08:58 20000613: installing NETCDF on HP system Steve Emmerson
June 09, 2000
15:25 20000607: NCNOFILL and "NOT A NETCDF FILE" Steve Emmerson
07:25 20000614: netCDF FTP access Unidata Support
June 08, 2000
16:33 20000608: building netCDF version 3.4 under AIX 4.3 using xlC Steve Emmerson
10:03 20000608: Compiling NetCDF 3.4 under SunOS 5.8 (alias Solaris 8) Steve Emmerson
June 07, 2000
09:04 20000607: building on HP system: -O requires numeric argument Steve Emmerson
June 06, 2000
12:47 20000606: NCNOFILL and "NOT A NETCDF FILE" Steve Emmerson
11:18 20000606: NCNOFILL and "NOT A NETCDF FILE" Steve Emmerson
June 01, 2000
09:17 20000601: UDUNITS installation problem Steve Emmerson
08:45 Re: Portable netCDF-3.4 C library source Russ Rew
May 31, 2000
11:29 20000531: problem when compile netCDF 3.5 Steve Emmerson
09:41 20000531: NetCDF definitions Steve Emmerson
09:11 Re: netcdf-f90 Russ Rew
May 30, 2000
14:08 20000530: NetCDF definitions Steve Emmerson
May 29, 2000
20:38 Re: 20000530: Price Waterhouse SCHEMAS project questionnaire (reminder) Russ Rew
May 26, 2000
14:10 Re: 20000526: Win32 binaries of fan utilities Russ Rew
13:46 Re: 20000526: would you pls help me? Russ Rew
11:22 Re: 20000526: problem Russ Rew
May 24, 2000
14:43 20000524: DEC Alpha/OSF1 installation: bypassing C++ build Steve Emmerson
12:51 20000524: DEC Alpha/OSF1 installation: cxx/ subdirectory problem Steve Emmerson
11:24 20000524: DEC Alpha/OSF1 installation: cxx/ subdirectory problem Steve Emmerson
May 23, 2000
09:48 Re: 20000523: HDF to CDF Steve Emmerson
May 18, 2000
09:26 Re: 20000518: netcdf install error Russ Rew
May 17, 2000
08:19 20000517: How to connect to NetCDF sources Unidata Support
May 16, 2000
09:45 Re: 20000516: Netcdf on Alpha Russ Rew
May 15, 2000
08:23 Re: 20000512: Help Russ Rew
May 12, 2000
16:06 20000512: compile failure on J90 Steve Emmerson
14:46 20000512: putget.c compile failure on Cray J90 Steve Emmerson
May 11, 2000
16:04 Re: 20000511: config Russ Rew
14:27 Re: 20000511: gennet.f? Russ Rew
09:32 Re: 20000511: netCDF on BeOS Russ Rew
May 09, 2000
03:42 20000508: A question about the module Visualization hxd
May 08, 2000
13:39 [Fwd: Re: FORTRAN XTYPE] John Caron
13:39 [Fwd: Re: FORTRAN XTYPE] John Caron
13:38 [Fwd: FORTRAN XTYPE] John Caron
13:38 [Fwd: Re: 20000503: netCDF binaries on NT] John Caron
11:06 Re: netcdf library on Linux 6.2 Russ Rew
11:01 Re: 20000508: I have a problem. Russ Rew
May 05, 2000
09:32 20000505: packing- scale_factor and add_offset Steve Emmerson
May 04, 2000
15:28 20000504: experimental f90 build under Linux using NA FortranPlus Steve Emmerson
13:07 20000504: experimental f90 build under Linux using NA FortranPlus Steve Emmerson
May 03, 2000
13:15 20000504: f90 build problem: can't find f77 routines: Absoft, Linux Steve Emmerson
13:12 20000504: f90 build problem: can't find f77 routines: Absoft, Linux Steve Emmerson
12:47 Re: 20000503: NetcdfFile class in netcdf Java package Russ Rew
10:28 Re: 20000503: netCDF binaries on NT John Caron
May 02, 2000
15:34 20000504: f90 build problem: can't find f77 routines: Absoft, Linux Steve Emmerson
May 01, 2000
15:21 20000501: Fortran 90 build problem: can't find f77 routines Steve Emmerson
11:14 Re: 20000430; netCDF problem related to Python Russ Rew
April 29, 2000
09:48 20000429: FERRET error message? Unidata Support
April 28, 2000
15:50 20000428: freely available Fortran netCDF -> ASCII translator Steve Emmerson
15:49 20000428: A quick question on netCDF to ASCII conversion Unidata Support
15:18 20000428: I want to write files as netCDF...I think Steve Emmerson
April 27, 2000
17:07 Error in nf90_get_att Martin Dix
April 25, 2000
11:16 Re: a persistence problem Russ Rew
April 24, 2000
11:05 [no subject] Russ Rew
April 23, 2000
10:26 Re: 20000422: install problems Russ Rew
April 20, 2000
14:25 Re: 20000420: netCDF problem Russ Rew
11:38 Re: 20000420: netCDF on BeOS Russ Rew
April 19, 2000
10:47 20000419: NetCDF to GrADS raster Steve Emmerson
April 17, 2000
08:53 20000417: problem installing 3.4 under Linux Steve Emmerson
April 13, 2000
14:43 Re: 20000413: NF_PUT_VAR_REAL bug: no more Steve Emmerson
10:40 20000413: NetCDF 3.4: NF_PUT_VAR_REAL bug Steve Emmerson
April 11, 2000
09:59 Re: java netCDF issue Russ Rew
April 06, 2000
14:51 20000406: Fortran-90 compilation problem under Digital Unix Steve Emmerson
April 05, 2000
16:55 20000405: Fortran-90 compilation problem under Digital Unix Steve Emmerson
11:04 Re: 20000405: Parallel NetCDF for IBM SP? Russ Rew
08:22 Re: 20000405: 3.4 build problem: Slackware Linux 2.2.13 Steve Emmerson
April 04, 2000
12:31 Re: 20000404: 3.4 build problem: Slackware Linux 2.2.13 Steve Emmerson
April 03, 2000
16:12 Re: 20000303: Bug in F90 nf90_get_var Glenn Carver
15:12 Re: 20000403: NetCDF with Matlab Russ Rew
13:33 Re: 20000303: Bug in F90 nf90_get_var Russ Rew
08:35 Re: 20000221: Newest version of netCDF software Steve Emmerson
March 30, 2000
14:59 Re: 20000330: editing an existing netCDF file Steve Emmerson
13:14 Re: Re. NetCFR Russ Rew
March 29, 2000
15:45 Re: 20000329: netcdfperl 1.2 installation problem Steve Emmerson
14:18 Re: 20000329: netcdfperl 1.2 installation problem Steve Emmerson
12:48 Re: 20000329: netcdfperl 1.2 installation problem Steve Emmerson
10:21 Re: 20000329: NetCDF for mass spec Russ Rew
March 28, 2000
08:52 Re: 20000328: reason for NC_MAX_VAR ? Steve Emmerson
March 23, 2000
08:43 Re: 20000323: NetCDF libraries vor Open VMS operating systems Steve Emmerson
March 22, 2000
10:43 Re: 20000320: NetCDF libraries vor Open VMS operating systems Steve Emmerson
08:30 Re: 20000321: netcdf installation problems: o32 vs. n32 Steve Emmerson
08:29 Re: 20000321: Problems with integer kinds and the netcdf f90 interface Russ Rew
08:25 Re: 20000320: Getting attributes with the netCDF F90 interface Russ Rew
March 21, 2000
20:18 Re: 20000321: Problems with integer kinds and the netcdf f90 interface Russ Rew
17:49 Re: 20000310: trouble with unlimited dimensions in Java netCDF John Caron
16:13 Re: 20000321: netcdf installation problems: o32 vs. n32 Steve Emmerson
11:52 Re: 20000320: Getting attributes with the netCDF F90 interface Bill Gustafson
10:14 Re: XDR Russ Rew
10:00 Re: 20000320: Getting attributes with the netCDF F90 interface Russ Rew
March 20, 2000
14:57 Re: 20000320: Getting attributes with the netCDF F90 interface Russ Rew
09:12 Re: 20000320: Building f90 interface with VAST/f90 compiler... Russ Rew
March 15, 2000
06:04 20000315: NetCDF libraries vor Open VMS operating systems Unidata Support
March 14, 2000
14:15 Re: netCDF C++ Russ Rew
March 13, 2000
13:50 Re: 20000313: Shared Libraries Russ Rew
09:18 Re: 20000313: Unreadable CDF-file Russ Rew
March 10, 2000
17:33 Re: 20000310: trouble with unlimited dimensions in Java netCDF John Caron
14:17 Re: NetCDF on LinuxPPC Russ Rew
13:51 Re: NetCDF F90 interface test Russ Rew
09:15 Re: NetCDF on LinuxPPC Russ Rew
March 09, 2000
10:45 Re: 20000308: HP-UX 11.00 installation problem: fort77 "-O" option Steve Emmerson
09:37 Re: netcdf-java and visual studio John Caron
08:37 Re: 20000309: Another Cray problem with netcdf f90 module Steve Emmerson
March 08, 2000
08:29 Re: 20000308: Problem with netCDF Fortran 90 Interface Russ Rew
March 07, 2000
08:33 Re: 20000307: installing under Linux with Fujitsu f90: missing Steve Emmerson
March 06, 2000
13:35 Re: 20000306: netCDF 3.4 problem Russ Rew
March 02, 2000
16:51 Re: java netCDF issue John Caron
13:44 Re: netCDF DTD Russ Rew
08:57 Re: 20000302: LaHey Fortran Russ Rew
06:06 RE: 20000301: ncdump on DEC Alpha running Linux Hutchinson, Todd A.
March 01, 2000
11:19 Re: 20000301: ncdump on DEC Alpha running Linux Russ Rew
February 29, 2000
12:53 Re: 20000229: help building netcdf3-4 Russ Rew
09:04 Re: 20000229: "make test" failure: undefined reference to `nf_open__' Steve Emmerson
February 28, 2000
09:29 Re: question of char Russ Rew
08:29 Re: 20000228: building on SPARC ultra 4, SunOS 5.5.1: missing generic.h Steve Emmerson
February 25, 2000
08:29 Re: 20000225: building on SPARC ultra 4, SunOS 5.5.1: missing ar Steve Emmerson
February 24, 2000
08:25 Re: 20000224: missing m4 utility on SPARC ultra 4, SunOS 5.5.1 Steve Emmerson
February 23, 2000
11:14 Re: SGI C++ compilers and netcdf Stuart Wier
09:45 Re: 20000223: ncgen and assigning values to global attributes Steve Emmerson
February 22, 2000
16:24 SGI C++ compiler and netcdf reply Stuart Wier
09:46 Re: 20000221: Newest version of netCDF software Steve Emmerson
09:39 Re: 20000222: I have one Question about NetCDF... Steve Emmerson
February 18, 2000
17:03 Re: 20000218: C++ interface problems on SGI IRIX Russ Rew
13:48 Re: 20000218: problems installing netCDFPerl-1.2 Steve Emmerson
11:21 Re: netCDF to GRIB converter Russ Rew
10:55 Re: 20000218: Re: add CYGWIN to cfortran.h? Steve Emmerson
09:47 Re: 20000218: Re: add CYGWIN to cfortran.h? Steve Emmerson
09:34 20000218: Re: add CYGWIN to cfortran.h? Steve Emmerson
February 17, 2000
13:28 Re: 20000217: make in ncgen/ fails on ncgen.l Steve Emmerson
12:42 20000217: downloading of netcdf (cont.) Unidata Support
09:09 20000217: downloading of netcdf Unidata Support
February 15, 2000
08:30 Re: 20000214: netcdf build error Steve Emmerson
08:25 Re: 20000214: netcdf problems on a Fujitsu VPP 300 Steve Emmerson
February 14, 2000
15:25 Re: 20000214: netCDF and Java Russ Rew
February 11, 2000
09:23 Re: netCDF support note on alpha Linux Fortran interface Steve Emmerson
February 10, 2000
09:51 20000210: make in ncgen/ fails on ncgen.l Steve Emmerson
February 09, 2000
08:30 Re: Installing netcdf Russ Rew
February 07, 2000
09:20 Re: 20000207: Installing gmt Russ Rew
08:32 Re: update Russ Rew
February 02, 2000
11:03 Re: 20000202: Is it possible to open > 32 files Russ Rew
08:26 Re: dimension attributes? Russ Rew
February 01, 2000
09:21 Re: 20000201: netcdf software page correction Russ Rew
January 27, 2000
08:16 Re: 20000127: modify an existing file, JAVA NetCDF (2 parts) Russ Rew
07:54 Re: 20000126: NetCDF and XML Russ Rew
January 26, 2000
12:49 Re: 20000126: netCDF software listing... Russ Rew
12:41 Re: FW: missing values Russ Rew
10:55 netCDF software listing... Peter Gleckler
January 21, 2000
16:26 Re: 20000121: NcFile from handle Russ Rew
January 19, 2000
14:41 RE: 20000118: netCDF on WindowsNT using MS fortran 4.0? John Caron
13:51 Re: 20000119: Problems downloading and unzipping Russ Rew
January 18, 2000
10:57 RE: 20000111: netcdf-3_5_win32bin John Caron
January 14, 2000
10:31 200000114: corrupt netcdf.tar.Z file Unidata Support
January 11, 2000
14:03 Re: 20000111: Compiling problems with netcdf 3.4 and 3.5b on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
January 07, 2000
19:08 Re: 20000107: Compiling problems with netcdf 3.4 and 3.5b on IRIX 6.5 Steve Emmerson
19:01 Re: 20000106: general netCDF help Steve Emmerson
18:57 Re: 20000107: problems reading CDC NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data Steve Emmerson
08:33 Re: 20000107: Fortran build failure under Linux Steve Emmerson
January 06, 2000
20:59 Re: I have question!2' read first' Russ Rew
08:29 Re: 20000105: configure error: nm: not found Steve Emmerson
January 04, 2000
08:42 Re: 19991228: CRAY SV1 (UNICOS non-constant array size in ncx_cray.c Steve Emmerson
January 03, 2000
10:45 RE: 19991223: netCDF dll problems and questions. John Caron
December 31, 1999
07:31 Re: Problem again Russ Rew
December 30, 1999
15:47 Re: 19991230: Problem Russ Rew
December 28, 1999
09:58 Re: 19991228: CRAY SV1 (UNICOS non-constant array size in ncx_cray.c Steve Emmerson
08:55 Re: 19991220: CRAY SV1 (UNICOS non-constant array size in ncx_cray.c Steve Emmerson
08:31 Re: 19991228: Some question about install netcdf-3.4 Russ Rew
December 27, 1999
09:10 Re: 19991227: installing under Linux with Fujitsu f90: missing Steve Emmerson
December 22, 1999
14:53 Re: 991222: netcdf on O2K vs Cray j90 Russ Rew
14:01 Re: 991222: netcdf on O2K vs Cray j90 Russ Rew
December 21, 1999
09:15 Re: 991220: netcdf on Cray j90 Russ Rew
December 20, 1999
11:02 Re: 19991220: CRAY SV1 (UNICOS non-constant array size in ncx_cray.c Steve Emmerson
December 15, 1999
14:48 19991215: SX4 optimization proposal Steve Emmerson
13:54 Re: 19991215: HP-UX 10.20: libnetcdf.a HAS OVERFLOW SYMBOLS Steve Emmerson
December 13, 1999
12:23 Re: 19991209: netcdf-3.4: Linux pgf90 ftest segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: installing under Linux with Fujitsu f90: missing Steve Emmerson
December 10, 1999
13:35 Re: 19991209: netcdf-3.4: cfortran.h problem under Linux Steve Emmerson
11:08 Re: 19991209: netcdf-3.4: Linux pgf90 ftest segmentation fault Dean N. Williams
10:07 Re: 19991209: netcdf-3.4: Linux pgf90 ftest segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
December 09, 1999
18:36 Re: 19991207: "make nf_test/test" failure: Red Hat Linux 6.1: fort77 Sandy Whitesel
08:53 Re: 19991207: "make nf_test/test" failure: Red Hat Linux 6.1: fort77 Steve Emmerson
December 08, 1999
10:22 Re: Netcdf on Nec SX-5 Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: 19991207: pgf90 won't work! Steve Emmerson
08:50 Re: 19991207: netcdf-3.4: Linux pgf90 ftest segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
08:50 Re: 19991207: netcdf-3.4: Linux pgf90 ftest segmentation fault Steve Emmerson
December 07, 1999
17:00 Re: 19991207: pgf90 won't work! Steve Emmerson
16:33 Re: 19991207: using "pgf90" under Red Hat Linux 6.1 Steve Emmerson
12:30 Re: 19991207: using "pgf90" under Red Hat Linux 6.1 Steve Emmerson
10:46 Re: 19991207: using "pgf90" under Red Hat Linux 6.1 Steve Emmerson
10:40 Re: 19991207: "make nf_test/test" failure: Red Hat Linux 6.1: fort77 Steve Emmerson
10:00 Re: 19991207: "make nf_test/test" failure: Red Hat Linux 6.1: fort77 Steve Emmerson
December 06, 1999
08:43 Re: 19991202: Fortran interface failure on Nec SX5 Steve Emmerson
December 03, 1999
17:41 RE: 19991202: Java NetcdfFile.add John Caron
December 02, 1999
17:03 RE: 19991202: Java NetcdfFile.add John Caron
14:07 RE: 19991202: Java NetcdfFile.add John Caron
09:12 Re: 19991202: Html error Russ Rew
08:20 19991202: Html error on page Unidata Support
December 01, 1999
10:32 Re: 19991130: XML support for ncdump(1), netCDF and XML Russ Rew
November 30, 1999
14:45 Re: netCDF on a Compaq Steve Emmerson
10:17 Re: netCDF on a Compaq Steve Emmerson
November 24, 1999
08:29 Re: 19991124: IRIX build with SGI_ABI set to -n32 Steve Emmerson
November 23, 1999
14:19 Re: 19991123: 3.3.1 configure problem under Solaris 7 Steve Emmerson
13:46 Re: 19991123: 3.3.1 configure problem under Solaris 7 Steve Emmerson
November 22, 1999
09:48 Re: 19991122: netCDF Russ Rew
November 21, 1999
21:15 Re: NetCDF Perl documentation Russ Rew
November 18, 1999
14:23 Re: 19991115: Basic NetCDFperl question: character arrays Steve Emmerson
13:52 RE: 19991117: Install netcdf on windows John Caron
November 16, 1999
14:58 Re: 19991115: ncdump!! "" files Steve Emmerson
November 12, 1999
08:57 Re: problems with Perl/NetCDF Steve Emmerson
November 10, 1999
09:25 Re: Unofficial support for Cygwin Russ Rew
November 08, 1999
15:33 Re: NetCDF for 64-bit machines? Russ Rew
November 03, 1999
09:38 19991103: ncdump differences in output Unidata Support
09:24 Re: 19991103: ncdump differences in output Steve Emmerson
08:37 Re: 19991103: Win32 DLL nc_inq_libvers() returns wrong string Steve Emmerson
08:32 Re: 19991102: attribute limit length? Steve Emmerson
November 02, 1999
09:48 Re: 19991102: Win32 DLL nc_inq_libvers() returns wrong string Steve Emmerson
09:16 Re: 19991101: NetCDF for 64-bit machines? Steve Emmerson
October 29, 1999
12:35 19991029: ncdump differences in output Unidata Support
October 28, 1999
14:52 Re: 19991028: NetCDF 3.0 Russ Rew
13:24 Re: 19991028: NetCDF 3.0 Russ Rew
09:47 Re: 19991027: Solaris 7 Steve Emmerson
08:55 Re: 19991027: Solaris 7 Steve Emmerson
08:21 Re: 19991027: Solaris 7 Steve Emmerson
October 27, 1999
14:46 Re: 19991027: netcdf-3.4: memmove check needed Steve Emmerson
12:43 Re: 19991027: Solaris 7 Steve Emmerson
October 26, 1999
07:48 FW: 19991022: netCDF in microsoft visual studio (Macros) John Caron
October 25, 1999
17:08 RE: 19991022: netCDF in microsoft visual studio (Macros) John Caron
17:03 RE: 19991022: netCDF in microsoft visual studio (Macros) John Caron
October 22, 1999
10:30 Re: 19991021: linking netCDF library Russ Rew
09:10 Re: 19991022: installation under IRIX64 6.2 Steve Emmerson
October 18, 1999
11:05 Re: 19991015: ncstat error: alternative packages Steve Emmerson
October 15, 1999
15:48 Re: 19991015: ncstat error Steve Emmerson
08:16 Re: 19991015: Fortran 90 modules and 2 Gig limit Russ Rew
October 14, 1999
16:18 Re: 19991014: NetCDF v3.3.1 Russ Rew
October 13, 1999
14:23 Re: 19991013: Does NetCDF support record I/O? Steve Emmerson
12:35 Re: 19991013: Does NetCDF support record I/O? Steve Emmerson
10:27 Re: 19991013: building Netcdf 3.4: bad SunOS 5.5.1 build environment Steve Emmerson
October 11, 1999
18:14 Re: 19991011: Invalid netCDF link Russ Rew
October 08, 1999
08:49 Re: 19990924: nc_inq_var of netcdf Russ Rew
08:23 Re: 19990924: nc_inq_var of netcdf Russ Rew
October 07, 1999
15:39 RE: 19990929: Write/Read of 2D pages John Caron
September 30, 1999
14:18 Re: 19990930: Comment to message from 23/02/1999 Russ Rew
September 28, 1999
08:53 Re: 19990928: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
08:47 Re: (Fwd) Re: 19990928: NetCDF conversion problems on Crays Steve Emmerson
September 27, 1999
21:08 Re: 19990924: nc_inq_var of netcdf Russ Rew
14:55 Re: 19990927: netCDF users workshop/conference? Russ Rew
September 24, 1999
16:02 Re: 19990923: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
September 23, 1999
13:30 Re: 19990923: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
11:27 Re: 19990923: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
08:34 Re: 19990922: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
September 22, 1999
14:48 Re: 19990922: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
14:26 Re: 19990922: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
13:42 Re: 19990922: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
13:21 Re: 19990922: installing netcdf problem Steve Emmerson
11:19 Re: 19990922: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
10:09 Re: 19990922: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
September 21, 1999
16:30 Re: 19990921: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
15:33 Re: 19990921: NETCDF Build on C90 Steve Emmerson
September 19, 1999
20:42 Re: netCDF F90, first iteration Russ Rew
19:33 Re: 19990918: additional characters 3.5beta Russ Rew
September 17, 1999
13:15 Re: 19990917: netCDF software Russ Rew
09:54 Re: 19990916: Perl, Coordinate Variables Russ Rew
09:17 Re: 19990917: NetCDF fortran and SunOS Steve Emmerson
September 15, 1999
15:55 Re: 19990913: netCDF, Win32, suggestion (for readme 32/64 Bit) Russ Rew
10:51 Re: 19990913: Solaris 7 Russ Rew
September 14, 1999
10:06 Re: 19990914: NetCDF for Windows Steve Emmerson
September 13, 1999
15:21 Re: 19990913: NCDF_OPEN error (NC_ERROR = 13) ATTN: Paul Steve Emmerson
September 10, 1999
08:51 Re: 19990909: OpenVMS builds of netCDF 3.4 Russ Rew
September 09, 1999
09:51 Re: 19990909: NetCDF on Windows&NT Russ Rew
09:16 Re: 19990909: NetCDF limitations Russ Rew
September 07, 1999
14:23 netcdf c++ on WinNT John Caron
September 01, 1999
15:15 Re: 19990901: output to other graphics formats Russ Rew
15:14 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
08:39 Re: 19990830: trouble at configure Steve Emmerson
August 31, 1999
12:51 Re: 19990831: netcdf-3.4 installation make fails on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
11:04 Re: 19990831: netcdf-3.4 installation make fails on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
10:00 Re: 19990831: netcdf-3.4 installation make fails on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
09:17 Re: 19990830: netcdf-3.4 installation make fails on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
08:51 Re: 19990830: trouble at configure Steve Emmerson
August 30, 1999
16:49 Re: 19990830: netcdf-3.4 installation make fails on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
16:02 Re: 19990830: netcdf-3.4 installation make fails on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
09:57 Re: 19990823: installing netCDF-3.4 on Linux Steve Emmerson
09:22 Re: 19990823: installing netCDF-3.4 on Linux Steve Emmerson
08:57 Re: 19990823: installing netCDF-3.4 on Linux Steve Emmerson
08:49 Re: 19990830: trouble at configure Steve Emmerson
August 29, 1999
21:41 [no subject] Unidata Support
August 25, 1999
09:38 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
August 24, 1999
09:22 Re: 19990824: building netCDF 3.4 under IRIX: missing "ar" Steve Emmerson
August 23, 1999
15:17 Re: 19990823: installing netCDF-2.4.3 under linux Steve Emmerson
14:50 Re: 19990823: installing netCDF-2.4.3 under linux Steve Emmerson
12:30 Re: 19990823: NETCDF 3.4 under Linux using Portland Group Fortran Steve Emmerson
August 19, 1999
15:39 Re: 19990819: "configure" problem under SunOS/Sparc 5.7 Steve Emmerson
14:32 Re: 19990819: Compiling NETCDF 3.4 on HP-UX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
13:37 Re: 19990818: trouble installing netCDF 3.4 on RedHat Linux 6.0 Russ Rew
13:04 Re: 19990819: LabView support Russ Rew
09:46 Re: 19990819: netcdf-3.4 configure script failure on IBM RS/6000 Steve Emmerson
August 17, 1999
10:42 Re: 19990817: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
10:09 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
09:17 Re: 19990816: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
08:39 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
August 16, 1999
11:29 19990816: netCDF Unidata Support
August 13, 1999
12:49 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
11:09 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
11:00 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
09:54 Re: 19990813: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Steve Emmerson
August 11, 1999
13:27 Re: 19990810: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 -- re 3.5beta Russ Rew
August 10, 1999
14:08 Re: 19990810: NCSNC problem with netCDF v3.4 Russ Rew
August 04, 1999
09:31 Re: 19990803: download netSCF Russ Rew
August 03, 1999
08:50 Re: 19990803: netcdf, compiling nc.c, HP-UX 10.20 Russ Rew
July 28, 1999
15:47 Re: 19990728: NetCDF for Java on Sun JDK 1.1.4/Solaris Russ Rew
14:51 Re: 19990728: NetCDF problem with Absoft Pro Fortran under Linux Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: 19990728: NetCDF problem with Absoft Pro Fortran under Linux Steve Emmerson
08:36 Re: 19990728: netCDF 3.4 installation problem Russ Rew
07:59 Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: INDOEX C-130 data]] Russ Rew
July 26, 1999
16:12 FW: 19990724: netCDF performance in Java John Caron
14:17 Re: 19990726: NCPlot Software Russ Rew
11:19 Re: 19990726: netCDF 3.4 on IBM SP/AIX 4.3 system using 64-bit addressing Russ Rew
July 23, 1999
16:12 Re: 19990711: extra header space Russ Rew
14:19 Re: 19990723: NetCDF conversion problems on Crays Steve Emmerson
08:36 Re: 19990722: netCDF for Tru64 Unix? Russ Rew
July 22, 1999
17:28 19990722: netCDF for Tru64 Unix? Unidata Support
15:36 Re: 19990721: NetCDF for Java Russ Rew
11:08 Re: 19990711: extra header space Russ Rew
08:38 Re: 19990720: netCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
July 21, 1999
13:57 Re: 19990721: NetCDF: Calling nccreate - Error Russ Rew
11:29 Re: perl script fix. Steve Emmerson
10:08 Re: perl script fix. Steve Emmerson
08:58 19990721: Y2K Compliance Unidata Support
July 19, 1999
15:02 Re: perl netCDF problem: reading character variables Steve Emmerson
10:57 Re: 19990719: SunOS 4.1.3-JL with gcc: missing memmove() (was GMT-INSTALL) Steve Emmerson
10:10 Re: 19990719: perl netCDF problem: NetCDF::ncvarinq() Steve Emmerson
09:42 Re: 19990719: perl netCDF problem: NetCDF::ncvarinq() Steve Emmerson
July 16, 1999
15:38 Re: 19990711: extra header space Russ Rew
10:40 Re: Netcdf on red hat Linux Russ Rew
10:17 Re: Netcdf on red hat Linux Russ Rew
10:08 Re: 19990715: "Numeric conversion not representable" Steve Emmerson
09:09 Re: 19990715: "Numeric conversion not representable" Steve Emmerson
July 15, 1999
08:45 Re: 19990711: extra header space Russ Rew
July 13, 1999
10:52 Re: 19990713: "cfortran.h can't find environment under Linux Steve Emmerson
10:43 Re: 19990712: GrADS to netCDF convertion: temporal unit attribute Steve Emmerson
08:24 19990713: problem compiling fortran directory of netcdf-3.4 Unidata Support
July 12, 1999
08:45 Re: 19990712: grADS to netCDF convertion: temporal unit attribute Steve Emmerson
08:42 Re: 19990711: extra header space Russ Rew
July 07, 1999
10:43 Re: 19990707: binary ncdump for Windows Steve Emmerson
July 06, 1999
13:34 Re: 19990702: AIX 4.2 / xlC bug (low) Russ Rew
09:19 Re: 19990703: NetCDF under RedHat Linux 6.0 with g77 Steve Emmerson
July 01, 1999
16:19 Re: 19990701: C++ interface problems Russ Rew
11:15 Re: 19990701: 'bad type' error Russ Rew
June 29, 1999
13:57 Re: 19990629: netCDF header file wanted Russ Rew
June 23, 1999
14:22 Re: 19990623: NetCDF mime type Russ Rew
11:14 Re: 19990623: netCDF problems on Linux RH 6.0 Russ Rew
11:05 Re: netCDF on the Macintosh Russ Rew
09:40 Re: 19990623: netCDF problems on Linux RH 6.0 Russ Rew
09:21 Re: 19990623: Problem making netCDF Russ Rew
June 22, 1999
09:59 Re: 19990621: netCDF support for variable removal? Russ Rew
June 21, 1999
12:49 Re: netcdf c++ interface doc Russ Rew
10:53 Re: 19990621: netCDF support for variable removal? Russ Rew
10:43 19990621: binary netcdf availability for Solaris x86 Unidata Support
08:09 Re: How to compile the netcdf in linux with pgf77? Russ Rew
June 18, 1999
10:06 Re: 19990618: nmake /f msoft.mak test Steve Emmerson
June 17, 1999
16:26 Re: Character strings in NetCDF... Russ Rew
08:23 Re: 19990616: netCDF -3.4 Russ Rew
June 15, 1999
14:19 Re: 19990615: netCDF-3.4: what is nmake? Steve Emmerson
June 14, 1999
08:53 Re: 19990614: nf_test for netcdf-3.4 using g77 Steve Emmerson
June 11, 1999
12:54 Re: 19990611: netCDF problem Russ Rew
June 09, 1999
13:21 Re: 19990609: netcdf on linux with NAG Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
12:48 Re: 19990609: netcdf on linux with NAG Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
08:45 Re: 19990608: sparse grids Steve Emmerson
08:40 Re: 19990608: netcdf on linux with NAG Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
June 08, 1999
16:45 Re: 19990608: sparse grids Steve Emmerson
13:42 Re: 19990608: netcdf on linux with NAG compiler Steve Emmerson
12:31 Re: 19990607: _fxstat not found, Linux pgf90 Steve Emmerson
11:17 [no subject] Russ Rew
10:27 Re: 19990608: nf_test for netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
08:47 Re: 19990607: nf_test for netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
June 07, 1999
15:57 Re: 19990607: nf_test for netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
14:42 Re: 19990607: netcdf 3.4 Steve Emmerson
14:16 Re: 19990607: nf_test for netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
14:09 Re: 19990607: _fxstat not found, Linux pgf90 Steve Emmerson
12:39 Re: 19990603: building NETCDF 3.3.1 under HP-UX 11.0 Steve Emmerson
12:32 Re: 19990607: netcdf 3.4 Steve Emmerson
11:13 Re: 19990607: C++ and NetCDF Steve Emmerson
09:22 Re: 19990602: Hi... Question...... Russ Rew
09:20 Re: 19990602: Hi... Question...... Russ Rew
09:12 Re: 19990607: installing netcdf 2.3.2 under Solaris 2.5 Steve Emmerson
08:55 Re: 19990607: nf_test for netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
08:44 Re: 19990607: installing netcdf 2.3.2 under Solaris 2.5 Steve Emmerson
June 04, 1999
08:29 Re: 19990604: installing netcdf 2.3.2 under Solaris 2.5 Steve Emmerson
June 03, 1999
08:25 Re: 19990603: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
June 02, 1999
15:51 Re: 19990602: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
14:53 Re: 19990602: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
14:10 Re: 19990602: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
13:57 Re: 19990602: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
13:30 Re: 19990602: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
10:30 Re: 19990601: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
June 01, 1999
14:22 Re: 19990601: NcVar::name() Russ Rew
14:05 Re: 19990601: netcdf "make test" failure under Red Hat Linux 2.2.5 Steve Emmerson
13:36 Re: 19990601: building netCDF 3.4 under FreeBSD Steve Emmerson
May 27, 1999
14:02 Re: basic test Russ Rew
May 24, 1999
10:09 Re: 19990520: Incomplete file NetCDF Russ Rew
08:30 Re: 19990521: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Steve Emmerson
May 21, 1999
15:12 Re: NetCDF converters Russ Rew
14:43 Re: 19990521: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Steve Emmerson
14:13 Re: 19990521: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Steve Emmerson
13:52 Re: 19990521: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Steve Emmerson
10:17 Re: 19990521: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Steve Emmerson
May 20, 1999
12:20 Re: 19990520: Yacc parser required for Fan 2.0.2 Steve Emmerson
11:15 Re: 19990519: NetCDF query Russ Rew
10:31 Re: 19990519: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Russ Rew
May 19, 1999
17:17 Re: 19990519: problem with ncgen Russ Rew
16:29 Re: 19990519: Core Dumped on SGI machines? Russ Rew
May 18, 1999
14:36 19990518: Bad link to FAN tar file Unidata Support
09:17 Re: 19990516: Yacc parser required for Fan 2.0.2 Steve Emmerson
08:49 Re: 19990518: opening a 2.6 GB file using netCDF utilities Steve Emmerson
May 17, 1999
16:30 Re: 19990517: Error trying to build netcdf 3.4 Russ Rew
14:54 Re: 19990517: Error trying to build netcdf 3.4 Russ Rew
May 14, 1999
13:52 Re: 19990514: Red Hat Linux configure failure: sysv_signal Steve Emmerson
13:30 Re: 19990514: Red Hat Linux configure failure: sysv_signal Steve Emmerson
12:58 Re: 19990514: Red Hat Linux configure failure: sysv_signal Steve Emmerson
09:41 Re: 19990514: Red Hat Linux configure failure: sysv_signal Steve Emmerson
May 13, 1999
15:04 Re: Renaming netCDF item with longer name Russ Rew
May 12, 1999
10:52 Re: 19990511: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
May 11, 1999
13:30 Re: 19990511: NetCDF manual in Japanese Russ Rew
May 07, 1999
14:53 Re: 19990507: netCDF Library 3.4 for Cygwin Steve Emmerson
May 06, 1999
14:02 19990430: building NetCDF on HPUX Unidata Support
12:21 Re: 19990506: Java netCDF examples using RMI??? Russ Rew
10:56 Re: 19990506: conversion on DOS/Windows95 Russ Rew
May 05, 1999
09:38 Re: " conversion of NETCDF file" Dave Fulker
May 04, 1999
13:22 Re: 19990504: Installing NetCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
12:42 Re: 19990504: Installing NetCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
10:06 Re: 19990504: Installing NetCDFPerl Steve Emmerson
May 03, 1999
12:28 Re: 19990503: nc_put_varm_* usage Steve Emmerson
10:23 Re: 19990503: nc_put_varm_* usage Steve Emmerson
April 30, 1999
13:53 Re: 19990430: Trouble w/netcdf on HPUX Russ Rew
April 29, 1999
13:09 Re: 19990429: netCDF interface for TurboPascal? Russ Rew
April 28, 1999
16:25 Re: 19990428: Questions about the UNLIMITED dimension (records) Russ Rew
April 27, 1999
22:34 Re: Linux Glenn P. Davis
April 26, 1999
10:51 Russ Rew: Re: NEXRAD Level 2 data and display Russ Rew
April 25, 1999
13:38 Re: 19990105: Netcdf on Linux Russ Rew
April 23, 1999
18:03 Re: adding time-invariant variables to a netCDF file (RESEND) Glenn P. Davis
18:00 Netcdf data corruption after redef. (resend) address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
17:36 Re: adding time-invariant variables to a netCDF file Glenn P. Davis
17:29 Netcdf data corruption after redef. address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
09:04 Re: 19990423: ** NetCDF - simple question ** Russ Rew
April 22, 1999
16:57 Re: 19990422: Ascii to netCDF Russ Rew
April 20, 1999
08:02 Re: 19990419: help with installing NETCDF v2.4.3 Russ Rew
April 19, 1999
13:18 Re: 19990419: help with installing NETCDF v2.4.3 Russ Rew
13:09 Re: [Fwd: Re: 19990419: NetCDF Java Classes] Russ Rew
10:08 Re: 19990419: NetCDF Java Classes Russ Rew
April 16, 1999
15:17 Re: 19990416: netCDF source Russ Rew
April 09, 1999
11:07 Re: 19990409: IRIX64 6.4 MIPSpro/usr/bin/c89 can't build Steve Emmerson
08:23 Re: 19990409: storing and retrieving exact floating-point value Steve Emmerson
April 08, 1999
15:46 Re: 19990408: storing and retrieving exact floating-point value Steve Emmerson
14:55 Re: 19990408: storing and retrieving exact floating-point value Steve Emmerson
14:39 Re: Fill Value (fwd) Russ Rew
April 06, 1999
16:49 Re: netCDF to Ensight data translator Russ Rew
14:04 Re: 19990406: Time to perform nc_close, enddef... Steve Emmerson
April 05, 1999
11:23 Re: 19990405: netcdf runs on NetBSD! Russ Rew
10:08 Re: 19990403: NetCDF for Java question Russ Rew
09:51 [no subject] Russ Rew
April 03, 1999
12:34 Re: 19990403: NetCDF for Java question Glenn P. Davis
April 02, 1999
15:21 Re: 19990402: netcdf perl basic question Steve Emmerson
12:48 Re: 19990402: NetCDF demands eprintf. What is it? Steve Emmerson
March 31, 1999
09:59 19990331: Accessing Unidata Support
March 30, 1999
08:44 Re: 19990330: c++ interface bug? NcFile::get_var() Steve Emmerson
March 29, 1999
10:09 Re: 19990329: c++ interface bug? NcFile::get_var() Steve Emmerson
March 26, 1999
08:52 Re: 19990325: c++ interface bug? NcFile::get_var() Steve Emmerson
March 25, 1999
08:45 Re: 19990325: c++ interface bug? NcFile::get_var() Steve Emmerson
March 24, 1999
12:30 Re: 19990324: Alpha/Linux problem: Floating point exception Steve Emmerson
12:17 Re: 19990324: compilation problem: ptrdiff_t Steve Emmerson
09:42 [no subject] Russ Rew
09:00 Re: Rew, Davis, Emmerson, Davies citation Russ Rew
08:53 Re: 19990324: undefined reference to `nf_create__' Steve Emmerson
March 23, 1999
09:55 Re: 19990323: ncopers-1.2.1 installation Steve Emmerson
09:51 Re: 19990323: installation problem Steve Emmerson
March 22, 1999
15:48 Re: 19990322: Problem with netCDF fortran library Steve Emmerson
March 19, 1999
14:57 Re: 19990319: Listing Russ Rew
March 17, 1999
14:12 Re: 19990317: netCDF 3.4 for MachTen 4.x and RedHat Linux 5.2 Russ Rew
13:48 Re: 19990317: netcdf-3.4 and Kuck & Associates KAI C++ Russ Rew
12:52 Re: 19990317: Fan software Russ Rew
March 16, 1999
16:51 Re: User getting error from netCDF prog Russ Rew
08:40 Re: 19990315: "file too big" error message: IRIX64 & Fortran 90 7.2 Steve Emmerson
08:33 Re: 19990315: installing netcdf-3.4 using gcc & g77 Steve Emmerson
08:30 Re: 19990312: mangled doubles, 3.4, NC_UNLIMITED first dim? Steve Emmerson
March 15, 1999
15:20 Re: 19990315: trouble with installing netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
15:16 Re: 19990312: mangled doubles, 3.4, NC_UNLIMITED first dim? Steve Emmerson
12:27 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
11:18 Re: netCDF to XML Russ Rew
09:27 Re: 19990315: netcdf_onIRIX6.5 Steve Emmerson
09:18 NetCDF compile help Brett E. McDonald
09:14 Re: NetCDF compile help Steve Emmerson
09:12 Re: 19990315: NetCDF compile help Steve Emmerson
08:57 Re: 19990315: "file too big" error message: IRIX64 & Fortran 90 7.2 Steve Emmerson
March 12, 1999
16:07 Re: 19990312: mangled doubles, 3.4, NC_UNLIMITED first dim? Steve Emmerson
12:42 Re: 19990312: netCDF version information Steve Emmerson
12:33 Re: NetCDF compile help Steve Emmerson
09:31 Re: 19990305: converting from NetCDF to gempak grid files Steve Chiswell
08:39 Re: 19990311: NetCDF configure buglet: #include <iostream.h> Steve Emmerson
08:36 Re: 19990311: NetCDF 2.3.2 --> NetCDF 3.4 Steve Emmerson
March 11, 1999
11:00 Re: 19990310: "file too big" error message: IRIX64 & Fortran 90 7.2 Steve Emmerson
09:56 Re: 19990311: Trying to install NetCDF under Sun OS 5.6: nm Steve Emmerson
09:22 Re: 19990310: "file too big" error message: IRIX64 & Fortran 90 7.2 Steve Emmerson
08:21 Re: 19990310: ODBC Driver Steve Emmerson
March 10, 1999
15:23 Re: 19990310: Trying to install NetCDF under Sun OS 5.6 Steve Emmerson
12:29 Re: 19990310: Trying to install NetCDF under Sun OS 5.6 Steve Emmerson
12:23 Re: 19990310: "file too big" error message Steve Emmerson
07:59 19990310: ncdump utility Unidata Support
March 09, 1999
10:00 Re: 19990309: bug fix? "Endif" in fortran/cfortran.h Steve Emmerson
09:51 Re: 19990309: Building netCDF on HP-UX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
09:26 Re: 19990308: Delphi and F90 modules for NetCDF Russ Rew
March 08, 1999
10:02 Re: 19990308: Delphi and F90 modules for NetCDF Russ Rew
March 05, 1999
13:07 Re: 19990305: netCDF make failure on SGI system Russ Rew
10:53 19990305: converting from NetCDF to gempak grid files Steve Chiswell
09:28 Re: Odd behaviour -v3.4 3.3 DEC Alpha Russ Rew
March 04, 1999
19:35 Re: Odd behaviour -v3.4 3.3 DEC Alpha Glenn P. Davis
13:56 Re: 19990304: NetCDF 3.4 User's Guide for C Russ Rew
13:49 Re: 19990304: Future work on netCDF Russ Rew
09:48 Re: 19990304: netCDF 3.4 SunOS 5.5/Sparc configure problem: conftest.c Steve Emmerson
09:11 Re: 19990304: Reference for netCDF format Russ Rew
March 03, 1999
11:21 Re: 19990303: pb with install of GMT on Sun Ultra5 solaris 7 Russ Rew
09:52 Re: 19990303: Error Message Russ Rew
March 02, 1999
16:45 Re: 19981109: netcdf and GMT Russ Rew
March 01, 1999
08:29 Re: 19990223: Netcdf3.4 installation problem under SunOS 4.1 Steve Emmerson
February 26, 1999
14:01 Re: 19990215: redef() problem under AIX Glenn P. Davis
February 25, 1999
12:58 Re: 19990224: netCDF question Russ Rew
12:35 Re: 19990215: redef() problem under AIX Steve Emmerson
11:25 Re: 19990225: netcdf installation AIX 4.2 Russ Rew
February 24, 1999
11:01 Re: 19990223: netCDF on Unix and Windows Russ Rew
February 23, 1999
14:17 netCDF on Unix and Windows Russ Rew
13:17 Re: 19990223: netCDF on Unix and Windows Russ Rew
09:18 Re: 19990223: Getting started with netcdf Russ Rew
08:44 Re: 19990223: Netcdf3.4 installation problem under SunOS 4.1.1 Steve Emmerson
February 19, 1999
15:52 Re: 19990219: netcdf: Installation problems Russ Rew
12:00 Re: NetCDF under VMS... Glenn P. Davis
February 18, 1999
15:39 Re: NetCDF under VMS... Glenn P. Davis
09:39 Re: 19990218: netcdf_onIRIX6.5 Russ Rew
February 16, 1999
10:41 Re: question re: ucar.netcdf.NetcdfRemoteProxyImpl Glenn P. Davis
09:27 Re: 19990215: NetCDF documentation Russ Rew
09:00 Re: 19990105: Netcdf on Linux Russ Rew
February 15, 1999
01:01 Re: 19990105: Netcdf on Linux Bill McKie
February 11, 1999
12:54 Re: 19990211: Does netcdf run on IRIX64-6.5? Russ Rew
February 09, 1999
14:19 Re: 19990209: question about netcdf Russ Rew
February 08, 1999
13:01 Re: 19990208: netCDF problems with nmake and msoft.mak Russ Rew
08:08 Re: 19990207: netCDF on Linux Russ Rew
February 04, 1999
13:08 Re: 19990204: failure to compile netCDF in AIX3.2 Russ Rew
February 02, 1999
08:08 Re: 19990130: Bug report on NetCDF Guides Russ Rew
February 01, 1999
16:45 Re: 19990201: XML and netCDF Russ Rew
12:58 Re: 19990201: Help from China Russ Rew
09:10 Re: Trying to clip a multi-array Russ Rew
January 29, 1999
08:40 Re: 19990128: problems making netCDF 3.4 on Cray C90 Steve Emmerson
January 28, 1999
10:02 Re: Trying to clip a multi-array Russ Rew
January 27, 1999
14:59 Re: Greetings Russ Rew
13:23 Re: Greetings Russ Rew
January 26, 1999
13:22 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
09:34 Re: 19990126: Fortran 90 module for NetCDF 3.4 Russ Rew
January 25, 1999
14:51 Re: 19990121: Question in variable data structure Russ Rew
13:21 19990125: grib to netcdf Unidata Support
January 22, 1999
14:00 (Fwd) Re: T3D / T3E netcdf memory usage Glenn P. Davis
January 21, 1999
15:59 Re: 19990121: netcdf v3 and HDF Russ Rew
13:13 Re: 2GB limit and netcdf Glenn P. Davis
09:22 Re: 19990121: Urgent Russ Rew
January 20, 1999
11:27 Re: T3D / T3E netcdf memory usage Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>, address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
09:13 Re: 19990120: problem Russ Rew
09:04 Re: 19990120: Gcc ? Russ Rew
January 19, 1999
14:34 Re: Re[2]: 19990114: Bug in ldm 5.0.6 with Debian Intel linux (fwd) Glenn P. Davis
14:31 Re: netCDF performance on T3E Glenn P. Davis
12:51 Re: 19990119: NetCDF Russ Rew
12:38 Re: 19980119: T3-D build problem: libsrc/ comparison failure Steve Emmerson
11:00 Re: 19990107: Requesting AIA format interface library Russ Rew
10:43 Re: 19990118: NetCDF for Mass spectrometer Russ Rew
January 14, 1999
11:19 Re: 19990114: netcdf-3.4 problem using g77 Steve Emmerson
09:09 Re: 19990114: netcdf-3.4 problem using g77 Steve Emmerson
January 13, 1999
14:40 Re: 19990113: NetCDF 3.4 Linux Install Steve Emmerson
10:25 Re: 19980113: T3-D build problem: libsrc/ comparison failure Steve Emmerson
09:34 Re: 19980113: T3-D build problem: libsrc/ comparison failure Steve Emmerson
January 12, 1999
13:42 Re: 19980112: T3-D build problem: libsrc/ comparison failure Steve Emmerson
January 11, 1999
13:26 Re: 19990107: correction Russ Rew
January 07, 1999
14:28 Re: 19990107: correction Russ Rew
11:16 Re: 19990107: Information about NetCDF files Russ Rew
10:22 Re: 19990107: building under HP-UX B.10.20: size_t undefined Steve Emmerson
10:22 Re: 19990107: Requesting AIA format interface library Russ Rew
08:59 Re: 19990107: Re: ncvgt subroutines Steve Emmerson
08:47 Re: 19990107: building on Linux 5.1 using pgcc Steve Emmerson
08:38 Re: 19990107: building under HP-UX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
January 06, 1999
15:43 Re: 19990106: Re: ncvgt subroutines Steve Emmerson
13:54 Re: 19990106: Re: ncvgt subroutines Steve Emmerson
09:41 Re: C++ interface and efficient multi-dimensional arrays (compression?) Russ Rew
08:56 Re: NetCDF on Linux Russ Rew
January 05, 1999
14:58 Re: 19990105: Netcdf on Linux Russ Rew
09:38 Re: 19990105: Re: ncvgt subroutines Steve Emmerson
08:44 Re: 19990105: building on Linux 5.1 using pgcc Steve Emmerson
January 04, 1999
15:27 Re: 19990104: Udunits: building on Linux 5.1 using pgcc Steve Emmerson
12:40 Re: 19981231: Re: ncvgt subroutines Steve Emmerson
09:37 Re: 19981231: Re: ncvgt subr Steve Emmerson
December 31, 1998
12:39 19981231: Re: ncvgt subroutines Steve Emmerson
08:46 Re: 19981230: Integer*2 and NC_short Steve Emmerson
December 30, 1998
11:08 Re: 19981230: Integer*2 and NC_short Steve Emmerson
10:43 Re: 19981230: Integer*2 and NC_short Russ Rew
December 28, 1998
13:20 Re: C++ interface and efficient multi-dimensional arrays (compression?) Russ Rew
10:56 Re: 19981224: NetCDF 4 release schedule? Russ Rew
09:51 [no subject] Russ Rew
December 23, 1998
13:39 19981223: Re: installation problems: AIX 3.2: nc_test failure Steve Emmerson
13:32 19981223: Re: installation problems: AIX 3.2: nc_test failure Steve Emmerson
12:32 Parallel netcdf Glenn P. Davis
11:05 Re: Maximum number of open files on T3E Glenn P. Davis
December 22, 1998
10:09 Re: 19981222: NetCDF build under NT4.0 Russ Rew
10:03 Re: 19981222: problems with installation Russ Rew
December 21, 1998
10:47 Re: 19981221: problem with the installation Russ Rew
December 18, 1998
08:42 19981218: Re: building netCDF on Linux: environment variables Steve Emmerson
December 17, 1998
12:49 Re: 19981217: Loading GMT Russ Rew
December 16, 1998
10:49 19981216: Re: building netCDF on Linux: environment variables Steve Emmerson
08:18 Re: I have a question ... Russ Rew
December 15, 1998
12:43 Re: Need for AWIPS Enhancement Curve Utility (fwd) Russ Rew
December 14, 1998
15:16 19981214: Re: Simple NETCDF question: order of dimensions Steve Emmerson
14:47 19981214: Re: Simple NETCDF question: order of dimensions Steve Emmerson
13:23 Re: 19981214: problem building netcdf package on HP-UX 10.20 Russ Rew
12:40 19981214: Re: NetCDFperl and vargetg Steve Emmerson
11:20 Re: 19981213: netcdf v3.5a problem report (linux,pgi) Russ Rew
08:58 19981214: Re: netcdf-3.5a configure fails under Linux 2.1.130 Steve Emmerson
December 11, 1998
13:24 Re: 19981211: Linux support for netcdf Russ Rew
December 10, 1998
10:53 Re: 19981209: netcdf-3.5a configure fails under Linux 2.1.130 Steve Emmerson
10:15 Re: 19981209: problems compiling netcdf Russ Rew
08:17 Re: NetCDF and asynchronous data Russ Rew
December 07, 1998
21:30 Re: compiling netcdf3.4 using MIPS7.2.1 Russ Rew
15:39 Re: 19981207: netcdf use Russ Rew
December 03, 1998
10:23 Re: 19981203: netCDF binary Russ Rew
10:15 Re: 19981203: netCDF binary Russ Rew
09:54 Re: compiling netcdf3.4 using MIPS7.2.1 Russ Rew
09:10 Re: Running out of memory error Russ Rew
December 02, 1998
09:04 Re: 19981201: Trouble installing netcdf-3.4 on Linux using g77 Steve Emmerson
08:37 Re: deleting dimensions and variables Russ Rew
December 01, 1998
09:51 Re: 19981201: Trouble installing netcdf-3.4 on Linux using g77 Steve Emmerson
November 30, 1998
10:29 Re: 19981128: netCDF-3.4 on FreeBSD using gcc 2.8.1 Steve Emmerson
November 25, 1998
09:37 Re: thanks for your problem.... Russ Rew
November 24, 1998
15:13 Re: 19981124: Installing NetCDF under SOlaris Russ Rew
11:30 Re: 19981124: Variables/Parameters related to specific times ... Russ Rew
10:24 Re: 19981124: Variables/Parameters related to specific times ... Russ Rew
10:09 Re: 19981123: netCDF install help Russ Rew
09:18 Re: 19981123: netCDF install help Russ Rew
November 23, 1998
16:02 Re: 19981119: netcdf-3.4 on SunOS-4.1.3, gcc-2.8.1 Steve Emmerson
09:12 Re: 19981119: netcdf-3.4 on SunOS-4.1.3, gcc-2.8.1 Steve Emmerson
November 19, 1998
16:18 Re: 19981119: netcdf-3.4 on SunOS-4.1.3, gcc-2.8.1 Steve Emmerson
14:11 Re: 19981119: netcdf-3.4 on SunOS-4.1.3, gcc-2.8.1 Steve Emmerson
09:54 Re: 19981119: netcdf-3.4 on SunOS-4.1.3, gcc-2.8.1 Steve Emmerson
November 17, 1998
11:24 Re: NetCDF advice requested Russ Rew
10:22 Re: 19981112: HP-UX 10.2 Russ Rew
November 16, 1998
15:27 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Glenn P. Davis
10:02 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Glenn P. Davis
November 13, 1998
11:28 Re: 19981110: Indirect Access in netCDF-4 Russ Rew
November 12, 1998
16:50 Re: 19981111: netcdf3.4 on Irix Glenn P. Davis
09:16 Re: 19981112: HP-UX 10.2 Russ Rew
November 11, 1998
12:47 Re: 19981111: help Russ Rew
November 10, 1998
12:35 Re: 19981110: problems installing netcdf-3.4 on HP Russ Rew
10:19 Re: 19981110: netcdf for irix 4.0 Russ Rew
November 09, 1998
16:11 Re: NetCDF advice requested Russ Rew
10:15 Re: 19981109: netcdf and GMT Russ Rew
09:29 Re: Problems with configure on HP-UX: "-O" option needs argument Steve Emmerson
November 06, 1998
16:06 Re: 19981106: Y2K Certification of products Russ Rew
15:58 Re: my annual netCDF question ... Russ Rew
08:29 Re: configuring netCDF: environment variables Steve Emmerson
November 05, 1998
15:18 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Steve Emmerson
12:56 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Steve Emmerson
12:01 Re: 19981104: netCDF configure problem Russ Rew
November 04, 1998
09:29 Re: 19981104: netCDF configure problem Russ Rew
November 03, 1998
20:28 Re: netCDF Java Glenn P. Davis
08:57 Re: SOCRATES crashes calling NCVGT under SunOS 5.6 Steve Emmerson
October 30, 1998
16:12 Re: building 3.4 under VMS Steve Emmerson
15:29 Re: ncdigest V1 #473 (fwd) Steve Emmerson
15:19 Re: NetCDFPerl 1.2 under IRIX64 Steve Emmerson
15:00 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Steve Emmerson
13:42 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Steve Emmerson
12:58 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Steve Emmerson
11:25 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Steve Emmerson
October 29, 1998
10:24 Re: help installing netCDFPerl (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 27, 1998
10:12 Re: netCDF support for VMS?? Steve Emmerson
October 26, 1998
16:02 Re: 19981026: netCDF on T3D/E Russ Rew
October 23, 1998
13:16 Re: 19981023: netCDF Glenn P. Davis
October 22, 1998
09:11 Re: 19981022: deletes in C++ netcdf interface? Steve Emmerson
08:29 Re: building GMT: warnings and unresolved references: xdr_enum Steve Emmerson
October 21, 1998
08:37 Re: building GMT: warnings and unresolved references: xdr_enum Steve Emmerson
October 20, 1998
15:31 Re: netCDF Java Glenn P. Davis
09:36 Re: help: building under SunOS 5 using K&R-I compiler Steve Emmerson
09:05 Re: UDUNITS: Error building -o32 Steve Emmerson
08:52 Re: building GMT: warnings and unresolved references: xdr_enum Steve Emmerson
October 19, 1998
16:23 Re: 19981007: NetCDF java stuff Glenn P. Davis
16:19 Re: netCDF Java - unlimited dim problem (with fix) Glenn P. Davis
October 16, 1998
14:22 Re: 19981016: ?aaa temp netCDF Files Glenn P. Davis
October 15, 1998
18:57 Re: 19981007: NetCDF java stuff Glenn P. Davis
08:35 Re: 19981014: NetCDF Spanish installation problems Steve Emmerson
October 14, 1998
11:25 Fw: 19981014: netCDF usage in Visual Basic John Caron
10:59 19981014: attempted contact Unidata Support
10:54 Re: 19981014: NetCDF Spanish installation problems Steve Emmerson
10:00 19981013: Year 2000 Unidata Support
October 13, 1998
16:36 Re: 19981013: gettting documentation Russ Rew
October 09, 1998
12:39 Re: HP-UX 10.20 mexcdf53 linking: symbol "$00000003" Steve Emmerson
October 08, 1998
16:20 Re: 19981007: netCDF 3.4 compile warnings & C++ interface Russ Rew
16:13 Re: HP-UX 10.20 mexcdf53 linking: symbol "$00000003" Steve Emmerson
14:46 Re: 19981008: Testing netcdf 3.4 under Win 32 - fails at testing nc_open John Caron
09:42 Re: 19981007: netCDF compatible software Russ Rew
08:53 Re: netcdf under Interix (OpenNT) Russ Rew
October 06, 1998
15:20 Re: cdfnet (fwd) Russ Rew
09:23 Re: 19981005: netCDF compile error Steve Emmerson
09:17 Re: 19981006: Problems building netCDF Russ Rew
October 05, 1998
16:12 Re: 19981005: lahey fortran netcdf libraries Russ Rew
09:33 Re: 19981005: netcdf & POSIX Russ Rew
October 02, 1998
11:44 Re: netCDF "uninstall" target address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
11:43 Re: parallel netCDF 3.4 on T3Es address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
October 01, 1998
11:58 Re: toArray() problem Glenn P. Davis
11:52 Re: netCDF Java - unlimited dim problem (with fix) Glenn P. Davis
September 30, 1998
12:25 Re: Reading CDF Files Russ Rew
September 29, 1998
09:32 Re: Hi Russ Rew
September 28, 1998
11:09 Re: 19980928: Problem with floats in netCDF Russ Rew
September 25, 1998
15:52 Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt John Caron
14:15 Re: parallel netCDF 3.4 on T3Es Glenn P. Davis
09:57 Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt John Caron
September 24, 1998
16:27 Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt John Caron
16:19 1998921: 19980918: ncdump Unidata Support
September 23, 1998
11:10 Re: 19980915: netCDF: automatic type conversions Russ Rew
10:49 Re: WinNT netcdf.mod file for Netcdf 3.4 John Caron
10:27 Re: 19980923: Version 3.4 & CRAY T3E Russ Rew
10:16 Re: 19980923: netcdf in mpi2? Russ Rew
09:28 Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt John Caron
08:21 Re: 19980922: netCDF with pgf77 Steve Emmerson
September 22, 1998
15:38 Re: 19980922: netCDF with pgf77 Steve Emmerson
September 21, 1998
14:36 Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt John Caron
12:43 Re: 19980921: max_var_dims & max-dims ? Russ Rew
September 19, 1998
13:05 19980918: ncdump Unidata Support
September 17, 1998
07:57 Russ Rew: Re: 19980916: reference Russ Rew
September 16, 1998
15:48 Re: RemoteNetcdf problem with unlimited dim Russ Rew
September 15, 1998
16:12 Re: 19980915: netCDF: automatic type conversions Russ Rew
14:18 Re: installing on HP-UX B10.20: link problems Steve Emmerson
September 14, 1998
15:57 Re: perl Steve Emmerson
15:11 Re: 19980914: NetCDF-Perl Steve Emmerson
09:14 Re: 19980914: netCDF Russ Rew
08:51 Re: 19980914: netCDFPerl installation problem Steve Emmerson
08:37 Re: 980911: missing from netcdf-3.4 Steve Emmerson
September 11, 1998
15:50 Russ Rew: Re: 19980911: NetCDF FAQ and IDL Russ Rew
September 08, 1998
16:11 Re: 19980908: NetCDF www page update request Russ Rew
16:04 19980908: executable version of ncdump Unidata Support
09:57 Re: 19980907: netcdf and awips Russ Rew
September 03, 1998
17:52 Re: 19980903: netcdf-3.4 problem on IRIX 6.4 Glenn P. Davis
16:44 Re: 19980902: NetCDF Java package Glenn P. Davis
15:44 Re: 19980903: netcdf 3.4 on NCAR Crays Russ Rew
15:42 Unidata Support: 19980903: netcdf 3.4 on NCAR Crays Russ Rew
September 02, 1998
16:42 Re: 19980902: NetCDF Java package Glenn P. Davis
August 27, 1998
12:52 (Fwd) promised netCDF webpages Glenn P. Davis
August 25, 1998
09:55 Re: 19980825: netCDF on Hitachi SR2201 Russ Rew
August 21, 1998
15:35 Re: Parallel Netcdf at NERSC Glenn P. Davis
August 20, 1998
14:54 Russ Rew: Re: 19980820: netCDF on IRIX 6.5? Russ Rew
August 19, 1998
13:54 Re: 19980818: building netcdf on CRAY J90: ncvgt1 failure Steve Emmerson
11:35 Re: netCDF error returns Glenn P. Davis
08:47 Re: 19980818: building netcdf on J90 Steve Emmerson
August 18, 1998
15:08 Re: 19980818: building netcdf on CRAY J90: ncvgt1 failure Steve Emmerson
August 13, 1998
07:59 Re: 19980811: netCDF and JAVA Russ Rew
August 11, 1998
08:56 Russ Rew: Re: 19980811: netCDF and JAVA Russ Rew
August 10, 1998
15:08 Re: netCDFPerl installation Robb Kambic
August 07, 1998
14:56 Re: 19980807: INSTALL and WIN32_INSTALL files Steve Emmerson
11:33 Re: netCDFPerl installation on HP-UX: binary-only perl package Robb Kambic
09:17 Re: netCDFPerl installation on HP-UX: binary-only perl package Steve Emmerson
August 06, 1998
08:45 Russ Rew: Re: 19980805: About that zlib stuff Russ Rew
August 05, 1998
11:15 Re: 980805: netCDF/perl error Steve Emmerson
10:02 Re: 19980715: Fortran interface: NF_INT_IS_C_... not defined Steve Emmerson
08:32 Re: Unidata Support: 19980803: 2 Questions to netCDF 3.4 Steve Emmerson
August 04, 1998
09:27 Re: Cray J90 problem Russ Rew
09:12 netCDF files improperly closed Russ Rew
09:03 Re: 19980715: Fortran interface: NF_INT_IS_C_... not defined Steve Emmerson
08:43 Re: Unidata Support: 19980803: 2 Questions to netCDF 3.4 Steve Emmerson
August 03, 1998
13:46 [no subject] Glenn P. Davis
10:10 Re: 19980803: 2 Questions to netCDF 3.4 Russ Rew
10:09 Re: Unidata Support: 19980803: 2 Questions to netCDF 3.4 Steve Emmerson
July 31, 1998
15:54 Re: netcdf question Steve Emmerson
July 30, 1998
10:57 Re: 980728: netCDFPerl installation Steve Emmerson
10:31 Re: 19980730: ncdf_close Russ Rew
09:02 [no subject] Russ Rew
July 29, 1998
16:35 Re: 980728: netCDFPerl installation Steve Emmerson
15:59 Re: 980728: netCDFPerl installation Steve Emmerson
14:28 Re: 19980729: What is <generic.h> ? Russ Rew
09:21 Re: 19980729: problems with netcdf configure.. Russ Rew
July 28, 1998
15:29 Re: 980727: configure failure after checking for fort77 Steve Emmerson
10:04 Re: getting NetCDF to work in a 64 bit Steve Emmerson
08:45 Re: 980727: configure failure after checking for fort77 Steve Emmerson
08:39 Re: getting NetCDF to work in a 64 bit enviroment Steve Emmerson
July 27, 1998
14:55 Re: Y2k Status of NETcdf Russ Rew
July 24, 1998
10:16 Re: 980722: netCDF problem Russ Rew
08:33 Re: 19980724: European mirror sites Russ Rew
July 22, 1998
17:09 Re: 980722: netCDF problem Russ Rew
15:33 Re: 980722: netCDF problem Russ Rew
11:21 Re: Java NetCDF Glenn P. Davis
July 21, 1998
11:24 Re: perl decoder Robb Kambic
10:22 Re: 980717: Running make test: problem with netCDF f77 library routines Steve Emmerson
July 20, 1998
15:26 Re: 980720: Poor performance when reading across record dimension on Cray J90 Glenn P. Davis
13:41 Re: 980717: Running make test: problem with netCDF f77 library routines Steve Emmerson
July 16, 1998
12:28 Re: 19980716: netcdf for WinNT 4.0 John Caron
July 15, 1998
12:01 Re: Java NetCDF Glenn P. Davis
11:03 Re: 19980715: Fortran interface: NF_INT_IS_C_... not defined Steve Emmerson
10:05 Re: 19980715: Fortran interface: NF_INT_IS_C_... not defined Steve Emmerson
09:19 Re: GrIB to NetCDF Russ Rew
July 14, 1998
10:58 19980714: NCEP/NCAR sofware Unidata Support
July 13, 1998
16:58 19980713: NCEP/NCAR reanallysis support Unidata Support
09:15 Re: 19980709: netCDF analysis software Steve Emmerson
July 10, 1998
15:34 Re: 980710: Installation problems Steve Emmerson
14:33 Re: 980710: Error in compilation Steve Emmerson
08:40 Re: Re[4]: 980708: HPUX 10.2 install problem Steve Emmerson
July 09, 1998
16:34 Re: Re[2]: 980708: HPUX 10.2 install problem Steve Emmerson
08:35 Re: 980708: HPUX 10.2 install problem Steve Emmerson
July 08, 1998
14:29 Re: 980707: udunits-1.11.6 installation on T3E problem Steve Emmerson
July 06, 1998
10:37 Re: 19980701: Setting Environment Vriables for netcdf: where? Steve Emmerson
09:50 Re: 980706: Java package for graphing data Steve Emmerson
09:43 Re: 19980706: wrong link for F77 User Guide Steve Emmerson
09:02 Re: 980626: NetCDF Perl problem Steve Emmerson
08:33 Re: 19980701: Setting Environment Vriables for netcdf: where? Steve Emmerson
July 05, 1998
17:06 980702: NetCDF distribution Tom Yoksas
July 01, 1998
09:25 Re: 19980701: netCDF and Fortran90 question? Steve Emmerson
June 30, 1998
12:37 Re: 19980630: Error status on Cray computers Steve Emmerson
08:30 Re: 980629: compilation error; Linux: iostream.h not found Steve Emmerson
June 29, 1998
15:05 Re: 980629: compilation error; Linux: iostream.h not found Steve Emmerson
14:30 Re: 980629: compilation error; Linux: iostream.h not found Steve Emmerson
13:12 Re: 980629: compilation error; Linux: iostream.h not found Steve Emmerson
12:46 Re: 980629: compilation error; Linux: iostream.h not found Steve Emmerson
12:17 Re: 980626: NetCDF for Java Glenn P. Davis
June 26, 1998
14:39 Re: 980626: NetCDF for Java Glenn P. Davis
13:26 Re: use of assert() macro to check file problems Glenn P. Davis
13:23 Re: 19980626: ncdigest Robb Kambic
13:18 Returned mail: User unknown (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:32 Re: 980626: NetCDF Perl problem Steve Emmerson
June 25, 1998
13:49 (Fwd) Re: Problem with netCDF on HPUX 10.20 and cc Glenn P. Davis
09:57 Re: Problem with netCDF on HPUX 10.20 and cc Steve Emmerson
June 24, 1998
10:42 Re: Problem with netCDF on HPUX 10.20 and cc Glenn P. Davis
09:43 Re: Problem with netCDF on HPUX 10.20 and cc Steve Emmerson
June 19, 1998
14:46 Re: 980619: attribute trouble Russ Rew
14:09 Re: 980619: attribute trouble Russ Rew
June 17, 1998
13:00 Re: 980611: netCDFPerl Russ Rew
June 16, 1998
14:59 Re: 980616: netCDF Frequently Asked Questions Russ Rew
10:39 Fw: 19980616: lf90 compiler options John Caron
June 15, 1998
16:17 19980615: Converting netcdf to arcinfo Unidata Support
15:53 Re: 980615: Failed make of netcdf 3.4 on mklinux compile Russ Rew
14:48 [no subject] Tom Yoksas
12:46 Re: 980615: Installation of netCDF to MS-DOS Steve Emmerson
June 11, 1998
10:22 Re: 19980611: Inquiry about netCDF Russ Rew
June 09, 1998
13:55 Re: 980609: Y2K NetCDF and Udunits Steve Emmerson
June 08, 1998
22:21 Re: location of conventions Russ Rew
June 07, 1998
21:16 Re: Russ Rew: Re: [Fwd: problem with []() in 3.4 version] Russ Rew
June 05, 1998
08:45 Re: Problems with linking the netCDF library on an SGI R5000 Steve Emmerson
June 04, 1998
13:47 Re: WinNT makefiles and binaries available for Netcdf 3.4 John Caron
13:38 Re: 19980603: NT/95 makefile John Caron
June 03, 1998
13:46 Re: 19980603: NT/95 makefile John Caron
08:24 Re: configure problem: building under Linux powerwessel 2.0.28 Steve Emmerson
June 02, 1998
17:11 Re: netCDF and XML Russ Rew
June 01, 1998
12:27 Re: 980601: pgf77 support for cfortran.h 4.1 Steve Emmerson
08:53 Re: configure problem: building under Linux powerwessel 2.0.28 Steve Emmerson
May 29, 1998
15:12 Russ Rew: Re: 19980529: splitting netCDF files into smaller chunks? Russ Rew
14:08 Re: configure problem Steve Emmerson
13:50 Re: 19980529: splitting netCDF files into smaller chunks? Russ Rew
13:25 Re: 19980529: web link broken Russ Rew
May 28, 1998
09:38 Re: fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
08:45 MkLinux (Mac version of Linux) Steve Emmerson
May 26, 1998
12:47 Re: 19980526: netCDF 3.4 question Russ Rew
May 21, 1998
14:26 Re: 980521: Doubts about NetCDF Win32 John Caron
09:55 Re: 980521: kalyani Russ Rew
May 20, 1998
07:55 Re: Again:g77 netcdf problems. Russ Rew
May 19, 1998
09:00 Re: 980519: g77 netcdf problems. Russ Rew
May 18, 1998
15:32 Russ Rew: Re: 980518: article for Analtyical Chemistry Russ Rew
15:31 Russ Rew: Re: 980518: article for Analtyical Chemistry Russ Rew
08:39 Re: 980516: Installing on Redhat Russ Rew
May 15, 1998
12:42 Re: 980515: conversion from binary to ascii Steve Emmerson
May 14, 1998
12:34 Re: ucar.multiarry.IntMap tail() method Glenn P. Davis
May 13, 1998
16:43 numrecs isolation modifications Glenn P. Davis
14:33 Re: 980513: netcdf 3.3.1 Digital Unix 4.0d Glenn P. Davis
14:26 Re: 980513: netcdf 3.3.1 Digital Unix 4.0d Glenn P. Davis
May 12, 1998
16:16 Re: 980512: NetCDF Postscript Documentation Russ Rew
15:59 Re: 980512: HDF2NetCDF Russ Rew
May 11, 1998
09:06 Russ Rew: Re: problem with []() in 3.4 version Russ Rew
May 08, 1998
12:13 Re: 980507: bad netCDF 3.4 problems on winterpark Glenn P. Davis
09:19 Re: Always Zeros, was:Re: 980504: Non ANSI C++ and netCDF Russ Rew
May 07, 1998
19:36 Re: 980507: bad netCDF 3.4 problems on winterpark address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
16:47 Re: 980507: bad netCDF 3.4 problems on winterpark address@hidden, address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
12:53 Re: 980504: Non ANSI C++ and netCDF Russ Rew
May 06, 1998
16:44 Re: 980504: Non ANSI C++ and netCDF Russ Rew
May 05, 1998
11:07 Re: 980504: Non ANSI C++ and netCDF Russ Rew
May 04, 1998
14:45 980504: NetCDF binary file structure Russ Rew
11:29 Re: 980430: netcdf/Solaris Russ Rew
11:17 Re: 980430: NetCDF 3 compatiblity Russ Rew
11:00 EMA: JB ROBERTSON, Re: 980428: A bug with SUN F90 Russ Rew
May 01, 1998
09:48 Re: 980430: HDF vs netCDF Russ Rew
April 30, 1998
12:37 Re: 980428: netCDF 3.4 on a CRAY Steve Emmerson
April 29, 1998
15:05 Re: 980428: problems on netcdf: Linux signal handling Steve Emmerson
15:03 Re: 980428: netCDF 3.4 on a CRAY Steve Emmerson
13:03 Re: 980428: problems on netcdf: Linux signal handling Steve Emmerson
09:02 Re: 980428: problems on netcdf Steve Emmerson
April 28, 1998
17:16 Re: problem with []() in 3.4 version Russ Rew
09:28 Re: 980428: NetCDF, Re: 960111: Unidata Russ Rew
April 22, 1998
16:49 Re: 980422: just keeps on growing Russ Rew
11:14 Re: 980421: NetCDF for Java Russ Rew
April 21, 1998
16:43 Re: 980421: Installing vs 3.4 Russ Rew
13:58 Re: 980421: NetCDF for Java Russ Rew
10:43 Re: 980421: SunOS 5.5.1, nc_close() wild free()-ing? Russ Rew
09:58 Re: 980421: SunOS 5.5.1, nc_close() wild free()-ing? Russ Rew
April 20, 1998
09:59 Re: 980417: NetCDF with IDL Russ Rew
April 17, 1998
11:55 Re: 980417: Large file netCDF bug? Glenn P. Davis
April 15, 1998
16:15 Re: 980415: problems building netCDF 3.4 under HPUX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
15:04 Re: 980415: problems building netCDF 3.4 under HPUX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
14:31 Re: 980415: problems building netCDF 3.4 under HPUX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
12:25 Re: 980415: problems building netCDF 3.4 under HPUX 10.20 Steve Emmerson
09:31 Re: 980415: Problems w. O. Heudecker's "cray-patch", correction Russ Rew
April 13, 1998
10:44 Re: netCDF parallel on T3E Glenn P. Davis
April 08, 1998
16:38 Re: Compressed netcdf Russ Rew
April 07, 1998
14:53 Re: 980407: netcdf beginning Russ Rew
14:39 Re: 980406: NetCDF-3.3.1 compile problems on Cray UNICOS Russ Rew
08:21 Re: NetCDF 3.4 now available Russ Rew
April 06, 1998
12:41 Re: Compressed netCDF files noon
11:32 Re: NETCDF Glenn P. Davis
11:12 Re: 980403: NetCDF 3.3.1 Russ Rew
10:54 Re: Compressed netCDF files Russ Rew
April 03, 1998
12:01 Re: netCDF parallel on T3E Glenn P. Davis
April 02, 1998
15:31 Re: NetCDF 3.4 now available Russ Rew
March 31, 1998
15:59 Re: 980330: Help linking to C libraries Russ Rew
10:33 Re: netCDF 331 Makefiles Russ Rew
08:55 Re: 980330: netCDFPerl and CGI security Steve Emmerson
08:41 Re: 980330: netCDFPerl and CGI security Steve Emmerson
March 30, 1998
16:23 Re: netCDF question (maybe it's actually a C question) Glenn P. Davis
14:37 Re: netcdf for win32/borland John Caron
12:02 Re: 980327: netCDF , T3E and VPP Steve Luzmoor <address@hidden>, address@hidden (John Sheldon), address@hidden (Mark Reed), address@hidden, address@hidden (Venkatramani Balaji) Glenn P. Davis
08:21 Re: NetCDF 3.4 now available Russ Rew
March 26, 1998
15:12 Re: 980326: HELP: fan 2.0.2 testing fails Russ Rew
14:15 Re: 980326: Compatibility of New Win32 NetCDF with MS Fortran Russ Rew
March 25, 1998
12:14 Re: 980324: Solaris disks and netCDF Glenn P. Davis
March 24, 1998
18:15 Re: 980324: olaris disks Glenn P. Davis
16:59 Re: 980319: 'valid_min', 'valid_max', and 'valid_range' question Russ Rew
16:13 Re: Freud Russ Rew
09:50 Re: NetCDF for Java Glenn P. Davis
March 23, 1998
16:20 Re: Win32 Insructions for netcdf331 Russ Rew
09:35 Re: 980320: netCDF on Macintosh using MachTen Russ Rew
09:15 Re: 980323: C++/netcdf-3.4 Russ Rew
09:03 Re: 980323: ftp & http weirdness Russ Rew
March 20, 1998
13:01 Re: 980320: HDF to NetCDF conversion? Russ Rew
March 19, 1998
15:57 Re: thanks and comment Russ Rew
10:02 Re: 980319: 'valid_min', 'valid_max', and 'valid_range' question Russ Rew
March 18, 1998
12:30 Re: 980317: Again netcdf-3.4... Steve Emmerson
11:42 Re: 980317: C++ interfaces to netCDF Glenn P. Davis
09:51 Re: 980318: NETCDF.LIB Russ Rew
March 17, 1998
16:22 Re: 980317: C++ interfaces to netCDF Russ Rew
15:22 Re: 980317: problem compiling netcdf_3.3 and netcdf_3.4 on HP-UX 9.x Russ Rew
09:38 Re: 980317: Again netcdf-3.4... Steve Emmerson
March 16, 1998
14:37 Re: 980121: NetCDF-3.3.1 and fortran compiler option -U Steve Emmerson
14:31 Re: 980316: netcdf-perl-1.2 Steve Emmerson
14:27 Re: 980316: Fortran interface on win95 Glenn P. Davis
13:53 Re: 980205: Error message... configure fails on CONVEX Glenn P. Davis
13:48 Re: 980316: netcdf-3.4 installation: file "netcdf.m4" Steve Emmerson
12:09 Re: 980205: Error message... configure fails on CONVEX Glenn P. Davis
11:17 Re: Linux & netcdf-3.4 Russ Rew
March 13, 1998
08:38 980313: NetCDF on RedHat server Unidata Support
March 12, 1998
14:46 Re: 980312: netcdf-3.4 Russ Rew
09:56 Re: 980312: netcdf-3.4 RPM redistribution Russ Rew
March 11, 1998
13:33 Re: 980311: netCDF version 3.4 Russ Rew
11:54 Re: file converter... Glenn P. Davis
March 10, 1998
13:54 Re: 980310: netCDF Question Russ Rew
12:44 Re: 980310: netcdf vs. egcs Steve Emmerson
March 09, 1998
13:50 Re: 980309: netCDF question windows95 Russ Rew
11:11 Re: 980306: compile problem Russ Rew
10:25 Re: 980306: Ncdf2hdf Russ Rew
March 06, 1998
13:12 Re: 980306: compile problem Russ Rew
March 05, 1998
16:52 Re: 980305: netCDF to run on MkLinux Russ Rew
13:04 Re: 980304: netcdf Linux Installation problems Steve Emmerson
11:40 Re: 980304: Suggestion for netCDF3 ncpopt()-style routine Glenn P. Davis
08:54 Re: 980304: netcdf Linux Installation problems Steve Emmerson
March 04, 1998
15:33 Re: 980304: netcdf Linux Installation problems Steve Emmerson
March 03, 1998
11:15 MultiArray.getType() vs ((Type [])obj)[ii] Glenn P. Davis
06:34 Re: Has anyone tried netCDF for Java? Peter Lockey
March 02, 1998
14:34 Russ Rew: Re: 980302: netCDF dimension name problem Russ Rew
14:15 Re: 980302: netCDF dimension name problem Russ Rew
12:13 Fw: 980223: problem with nc_redef John Caron
11:07 Re: Has anyone tried netCDF for Java? Glenn P. Davis
February 27, 1998
14:08 Re: the new guy (Getting started with ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile) Glenn P. Davis
09:01 Re: Unidata Support: 980227: nc_test fails for alpha/linux Steve Emmerson
08:48 Re: Unidata Support: 980227: nc_test fails for alpha/linux Steve Emmerson
February 24, 1998
14:34 Re: 980224: netCDF installation Russ Rew
11:14 Re: Underflow problem on NEC SX-4 in Cray-compatible mode Glenn P. Davis
February 23, 1998
14:50 Re: 980223: problem with nc_redef Russ Rew
February 20, 1998
15:12 Re: 980219: netcdf-3.3: parameters not in identifier list Steve Emmerson
10:50 Re: 980219: netcdf-3.3: parameters not in identifier list Steve Emmerson
10:04 Re: 980219: netcdf-3.3: parameters not in identifier list Steve Emmerson
08:36 Re: 980219: netcdf-3.3: parameters not in identifier list Steve Emmerson
February 19, 1998
15:50 Re: 980218: FEED type abuse Glenn P. Davis
14:22 Re: 980219: netcdf-3.3: parameters not in identifier list Steve Emmerson
13:15 Re: 980218: netcdf-3.3.1 parallel version for T3E Glenn P. Davis
February 18, 1998
14:59 Re: 980218: NetCDF Russ Rew
14:49 Re: 980218: netCDF buffer pointer problems with large files Glenn P. Davis
14:11 Re: 980218: installation instructions for netcdf Russ Rew
13:56 Re: 980217: Incompatibility of netcdf 2.3.2 run on OSF3.2 41 and Russ Rew
13:13 Re: 980201: NetCDF problems w/Linux Russ Rew
09:22 Re: 980217: Incompatibility of netcdf 2.3.2 run on OSF3.2 41 and Russ Rew
February 17, 1998
13:16 Re: 980217: Incompatibility of netcdf 2.3.2 run on OSF3.2 41 and netcdf 3.3.1 on OSF4.0 464 Russ Rew
12:46 Re: More on netCDF232 Russ Rew
10:25 Re: 980214: netCDF under UNICOS/mk (Cray T3E) ? Russ Rew
February 13, 1998
10:28 Re: 980213: NCVPTG in version 3 Russ Rew
09:04 Re: 980213: "Headers" in memory? Russ Rew
February 12, 1998
16:12 Re: 980212: Year 2000 Compliance Russ Rew
14:41 Re: 980212: netCDF nccreate() problem on SGI architecture Russ Rew
10:16 Re: 980212: netCDF 3.4a Russ Rew
09:47 Re: 980212: Failure of make when building netcdf on a UNIX 10.2 platform Russ Rew
February 11, 1998
09:40 Re: 980211: Problem compiling netCDF Sources Russ Rew
February 08, 1998
12:59 Re: 980207: RH5 Linux netCDF build problem with gcc-2.8.0: can't find "generic.h" Russ Rew
February 07, 1998
15:29 Re: get a user name and password Russ Rew
February 06, 1998
11:14 Re: 980205: Error message... configure fails on CONVEX Glenn P. Davis
February 05, 1998
08:49 Re: 980203: NetCDF port to Exemplar X-Class -- help requested Russ Rew
08:07 Re: 980203: NetCDF port to Exemplar X-Class -- help requested Mahesh Rajan
08:00 Re: 980203: NetCDF port to Exemplar X-Class -- help requested Russ Rew
February 04, 1998
10:44 Re: Patch for netcdf-3.3.1 for use with g77 fortran compiler Russ Rew
February 03, 1998
17:39 Re: 980202: netcdf-3.3.1, IRIX 6.4 build problem Glenn P. Davis
12:28 Re: microsoft fortran compiler Glenn P. Davis
12:17 Re: 980202: netcdf-3.3.1, IRIX 6.4 build problem Glenn P. Davis
12:02 Re: NC_BYTE and NC_CHAR (signed and unsigned 8-bit integers) Glenn P. Davis
February 02, 1998
16:25 980201: Display netCDF data in PC with ncdump Unidata Support
08:26 Re: 980202: Troubling for installing netCDF Russ Rew
February 01, 1998
20:05 Re: 980201: NetCDF problems w/Linux Russ Rew
January 29, 1998
16:23 Re: 980129: Year 2000 Compliance part II Russ Rew
January 27, 1998
11:18 Re: 980109: netcdf3 interface (bug?) Steve Emmerson
08:11 Re: netCDF Russ Rew
January 26, 1998
09:21 Re: 980109: netcdf3 interface (bug?) Steve Emmerson
January 23, 1998
16:17 Re: 980109: netcdf3 interface (bug?) Steve Emmerson
January 22, 1998
09:46 Re: 980122: matlab/netcdf interface Russ Rew
January 21, 1998
13:29 Re: 980121: NetCDF-3.3.1 and fortran compiler option -U Steve Emmerson
11:26 Re: 980109: netcdf3 interface (bug?) Russ Rew
January 20, 1998
13:26 Re: 980120: ps users guide Russ Rew
10:26 Re: 980120: netCDF on IBM AIX Russ Rew
January 19, 1998
17:48 980119: netCDF Unidata Support
January 16, 1998
15:17 Re: 980116: building under SX-4 Russ Rew
14:51 19980114: netCDF 3.3.1 on NT with MS Fortran 5.1 Unidata Support
13:37 Re: 980115: reading/converting Cray binary data files Russ Rew
13:22 Re: 980113: netCDF application questions Russ Rew
12:46 Re: 980114: Is set_cur correct? Russ Rew
12:12 Re: SX-4 users needs help installing netCDF Glenn P. Davis
10:12 Re: 980112: netcdf help Russ Rew
January 14, 1998
12:02 1998114: ncdump program Unidata Support
January 09, 1998
15:38 980109: netCDFPerl-1.2 build problem: ncopts() not found Steve Emmerson
13:12 Re: 980109: Java netCDF interface Russ Rew
13:07 Re: 980109: netcdf3 interface (bug?) Russ Rew
10:49 Re: netcdf version 3.4a Glenn P. Davis
08:23 Re: netcdf version 3.4a Steve Emmerson
January 08, 1998
10:05 Re: Please add me to ucar.netcdf interested list Russ Rew
08:54 Re: New documentation for the ucar.netcdf Java package Russ Rew
January 07, 1998
10:59 Re: possible bug with nf_put_att_text Steve Emmerson
January 06, 1998
15:37 Re: 980106: Support for 64bit longs in netCDF 3.x? Russ Rew
12:51 Re: 980106: Support for 64bit longs in netCDF 3.x? Russ Rew
January 05, 1998
17:50 19980105: NCDUMP program Unidata Support
08:28 Re: 980105: Liquid data file conversion (netcdf) Russ Rew
December 30, 1997
15:27 Re: netcdf/solaris questions Steve Emmerson
15:15 Re: netcdf/solaris questions Steve Emmerson
12:41 Re: netcdf/solaris questions Steve Emmerson
December 29, 1997
15:59 Re: 971223: netcdf/solaris questions Steve Emmerson
13:42 Re: 971229: question about compiling netCDF on Crays Russ Rew
13:39 Re: 971223: netcdf/solaris questions Steve Emmerson
December 28, 1997
14:08 Re: 971223: netcdf/solaris questions Russ Rew
December 26, 1997
15:29 [no subject] Russ Rew
December 23, 1997
12:11 Cray CC bug and CXXFLAGS='-h char' Glenn P. Davis
08:54 Re: UNICOS problem: st_oblksize not in <ffio.h> Steve Emmerson
08:42 [no subject] Russ Rew
December 22, 1997
09:47 Russ Rew: Re: 971218: How to use netCDF on Windows95? Russ Rew
09:47 Russ Rew: Re: 971218: How to use netCDF on Windows95? Russ Rew
09:18 Re: 971222: netcdf 3.3.1 on UNICOS Steve Emmerson
December 19, 1997
15:33 Re: netCDF question follow up.... Glenn P. Davis
14:00 netCDF question follow up.... Leigh Angus
December 18, 1997
18:01 Re: netCDF question.... Glenn P. Davis
16:46 Re: netCDF question.... Russ Rew
10:01 Re: 971218: How to use netCDF on Windows95? Russ Rew
09:10 Re: Building NETCDF on VMS Steve Emmerson
08:50 Re: Building NETCDF on VMS Steve Emmerson
December 17, 1997
11:05 Re: Availability of NCAR software Glenn P. Davis
10:47 Re: 971208: Bug when creating float attribute Russ Rew
December 13, 1997
17:17 Re: 971209: netCDF on FreeBSD Glenn P. Davis
December 12, 1997
15:13 Re: netcdf using MSFPS Glenn P. Davis
09:55 Re: netCDF on the T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
08:35 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
08:33 Ferret vs. NCEP dates Steve Emmerson
December 11, 1997
14:32 Re: 971211: Problem with ncrecput Russ Rew
09:04 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
December 10, 1997
10:08 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
December 09, 1997
21:02 Re: Java Russ Rew
16:27 Re: 971209: Netcdf 3.3.1 and support for the 2.* interface Russ Rew
13:44 Re: 971209: Netcdf 3.3.1 and support for the 2.* interface Russ Rew
13:04 Re: unresolved: _Esignal Steve Emmerson
12:22 Re: NetCDF Java interface Russ Rew
12:10 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
11:38 Re: 971209: netCDF Glenn P. Davis
10:41 Re: unresolved: _Esignal Steve Emmerson
10:37 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Glenn P. Davis
10:03 Re: unresolved: _Esignal Steve Emmerson
08:58 unresolved: ncopn, ncinq, ncdinq, etc. Steve Emmerson
December 08, 1997
15:02 Re: netCDF on the T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
14:36 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
13:05 Re: 971208: 500MB file Russ Rew
12:26 Re: 971208: Bug when creating float attribute Russ Rew
11:11 Re: thank you for your messages Russ Rew
10:36 Re: netCDF for Win32 Glenn P. Davis
10:30 Re: netCDF for Win32 Glenn P. Davis
09:38 Re: Java NetCDF Interface Inquiry Russ Rew
08:27 Re: netCDF on the T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
December 06, 1997
11:14 Re: netCDF for Win32 Russ Rew
December 05, 1997
14:42 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
14:31 [no subject] Unidata Support
06:52 Re: 971204: netcdf.tar.Z Russ Rew
December 04, 1997
18:27 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Harvey DAVIES
13:44 Re: 971203: ncdump 3.3.1 core dump on pre-3.3.1 netCDFs Glenn P. Davis
12:54 Re: 971203: ncdump 3.3.1 core dump on pre-3.3.1 netCDFs Glenn P. Davis
12:41 Re: netCDF on the T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
12:31 Re: netCDF under MS-DOS Glenn P. Davis
11:32 Re: 971204: build problems on Cray T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
10:45 Re: 971204: build problems on Cray T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
10:39 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
09:00 971204: build problems on Cray T90: can't find Fortran compiler Steve Emmerson
December 03, 1997
19:20 Re: 971203: ncdump 3.3.1 core dump on pre-3.3.1 netCDFs Glenn P. Davis
13:23 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Steve Emmerson
December 02, 1997
13:28 Re: 971124: compiling netcdf on VPP 300 Glenn P. Davis
December 01, 1997
16:44 Re: 971119: inconsistency in netCDF-3.3.1 Russ Rew
08:11 971201: netCDF configure on Linux Steve Emmerson
November 28, 1997
16:40 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Glenn P. Davis
November 27, 1997
03:37 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Harvey DAVIES
November 26, 1997
16:29 Re: NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Glenn P. Davis
15:43 NEC SX-4 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Harvey DAVIES
14:47 Re: 971126: NetCDF & MPI-IO Russ Rew
14:08 Re: 971126: bug/incompatibility in emulation of version 2 netCDF call in version 3 lib Russ Rew
12:59 cdcncdump Russ Rew
12:54 Re: 971119: inconsistency in netCDF-3.3.1 Russ Rew
12:43 Re: cdcncdump Russ Rew
11:20 Re: 971125: NC type version 2 vs version 3 Russ Rew
11:18 Re: DJGPP Glenn P. Davis
November 25, 1997
12:46 Re: 971125: Problems compiling netcdf3.3.1 Russ Rew
09:05 971125: configure for netcdf 3.3.1 under sunos4 Steve Emmerson
November 24, 1997
18:26 Re: 971124: netcdf-3.3.1 Glenn P. Davis
18:08 Re: 64 bit IEEE Netcdf Glenn P. Davis
16:18 971124: configure for netcdf 3.3.1 under sunos4 Steve Emmerson
10:15 Re: Porting of C++ interface on Win95 using MSDV C++ 4.0 Russ Rew
09:12 Re: Porting of C++ interface on Win95 using MSDV C++ 4.0 Russ Rew
08:31 971124: compiling netcdf on VPP 300 Steve Emmerson
November 21, 1997
11:34 Re: 971117: compiling netcdf on VPP 300 Glenn P. Davis
10:37 Re: 971121: Compiling netCDF V3.3.1 on HP-UX 10.20 Russ Rew
08:57 971121: compiling netcdf on VPP 300 Steve Emmerson
08:44 Re: 971121: netCDF Resource Guide Russ Rew
07:33 971121: Installing decoder.tar.gz (cont.) Unidata Support
November 20, 1997
14:38 Re: 971120: Unsigned 2-byte data Russ Rew
07:33 971120: Installing decoder.tar.gz Unidata Support
November 19, 1997
11:08 Re: 971119: inconsistency in netCDF-3.3.1 Russ Rew
November 18, 1997
11:04 Re: 971117: netCDF-4 Russ Rew
November 17, 1997
16:15 Re: 971117: netCDF and HP-UX B.10.20 A 9000/730 Russ Rew
14:09 Re: 971117: compiling netcdf on VPP 300 Glenn P. Davis
13:52 Re: 971114: problems using netCDF 3.0 Glenn P. Davis
11:29 971117: compiling netcdf on VPP 300 Steve Emmerson
10:12 Re: 971114: netCDF and MATLAB Russ Rew
10:06 Re: Doc errors in C++ interface Russ Rew
November 16, 1997
15:24 971114: dowloading a decoder to France Unidata Support
November 14, 1997
13:11 Re: 971114: netCDF and MATLAB Russ Rew
12:38 Re: 971112: netCDF 3.3 Buffersizes Glenn P. Davis
09:41 Re: 971114: netCDF and MATLAB Russ Rew
November 13, 1997
09:23 Re: Re[2]: 971110: Memory leak question Russ Rew
November 12, 1997
11:13 Re: 971112: Installing netcdf Russ Rew
November 11, 1997
19:13 Re: SGI NFS problem with netCDF libsrc test? Glenn P. Davis
13:24 Re: 971110: Netcdf-3.3.1 gives 4 byte ncShort? Glenn P. Davis
13:04 971111: configure scripts thinks it's cross_compiling Steve Emmerson
11:32 Re: 971110: Memory leak question Russ Rew
11:06 971111: configure scripts thinks it's cross_compiling Steve Emmerson
10:37 971111: installing NetCDF 3.3.1 under Linux using g77(1) Steve Emmerson
10:35 971111: installing NetCDF 3.3.1 under Linux using fort77(1) Steve Emmerson
10:28 971111: configure scripts thinks it's cross_compiling Steve Emmerson
10:17 971111: installing NetCDF 3.3.1 under Linux using fort77(1) Steve Emmerson
09:40 971111: SunOS 4.1.3 installation: Undefined: _main ___ansi_fflush Steve Emmerson
November 10, 1997
17:33 Re: 971110: Netcdf-3.3.1 gives 4 byte ncShort? Glenn P. Davis
November 07, 1997
13:38 Re: Revised NetCDF module for f90 Russ Rew
08:47 971107: installing NetCDF 3.3.1 under Linux using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
November 06, 1997
13:50 971107: installing NetCDF 3.3.1 under Linux using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
November 05, 1997
13:47 Re: CIDS CDF2 utilities Russ Rew
09:55 971105: installing NetCDF 2.4.3 under Linux using f90 Steve Emmerson
08:38 971105: building under HP-UX A.09.03 using /usr/softbench/bin/c89 Steve Emmerson
November 04, 1997
12:58 Re: Java netCDF inquiry address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
09:02 971104: building under HP-UX A.09.03 using /usr/softbench/bin/c89 Steve Emmerson
October 31, 1997
12:38 Re: netcdf on a PC (fwd) Russ Rew
12:32 Re: Fortran 90 support in netCDF 3.3.1 Russ Rew
October 30, 1997
16:45 Re: Additional cdf2 utilities Russ Rew
14:49 Re: netcdf.f90 & 3.3.1 ? Russ Rew
October 29, 1997
10:37 Re: netcdf.f90 & 3.3.1 ? Russ Rew
October 28, 1997
16:36 Re: 971028: ATTN: Russ Rew Glenn P. Davis
October 27, 1997
10:56 Re: Porting netCDF on PC. Russ Rew
10:51 Re: Your paper comparing MOM heights to Topex/Poseidon data Russ Rew
October 24, 1997
11:49 971024: translating netCDF data into another format Steve Emmerson
09:37 971024: building under HP-UX A.09.05 using /usr/softbench/bin/c89 Steve Emmerson
09:31 971024: translating netCDF data into another format Steve Emmerson
09:18 Re: 971024: Problem installing NetCDF library Russ Rew
October 23, 1997
15:40 971023: building under HP-UX A.09.05 using /usr/softbench/bin/c89 Steve Emmerson
October 22, 1997
14:36 971022: translating netCDF data into another format Steve Emmerson
09:43 971022: Problem building netcdf library on CRAY C90 Steve Emmerson
October 21, 1997
16:30 971021: Problem building netcdf library on CRAY C90 Steve Emmerson
14:56 Re: 971021: Failure for UNICOS 9.3.0 Glenn P. Davis
13:04 Re: 971021: netcdf 3.3 and C++ Glenn P. Davis
12:48 971021: Problem building netcdf library on CRAY C90 Steve Emmerson
11:36 971020: Precision of DOUBLE address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
11:11 Re: 971021: Link Boken Russ Rew
09:44 Re: 971020: netcdf_t.Z Russ Rew
October 20, 1997
08:46 971020: Precision of DOUBLE Steve Emmerson
October 17, 1997
16:00 Re: FAN install problems Russ Rew
13:45 More improvements to the netcdf I/O subsystem address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
11:06 Re: NetCDF and fortran Glenn P. Davis
10:42 Re: netCDF 3.3 on cray t3e/cfortran.h Glenn P. Davis
October 16, 1997
16:29 Re: 971016: netcdf version 2.65???? Russ Rew
12:28 971016: netcdf on IRIX 6.2: c89(1) doesn't work Steve Emmerson
October 15, 1997
16:07 971015: netcdf on IRIX 6.2: c89(1) doesn't work Steve Emmerson
09:46 971015: PROMULA FORTRAN Steve Emmerson
October 14, 1997
09:03 Re: 971011: netCDF HPUX 10.2 Steve Emmerson
08:51 971014: netcdf 3.3.1: no unlimited dimension is 0 not -1? Steve Emmerson
08:15 Re: 971013: problem installing fan-2.0 Russ Rew
October 10, 1997
14:33 Re: man-cgi Russ Rew
12:11 971010: netCDFPerl documentation question Steve Emmerson
11:14 971010: netCDFPerl documentation question Steve Emmerson
October 08, 1997
14:57 Re: 971008: Speed of Data Access in NetCDF Russ Rew
09:42 Re: 971008: C++ Manual only online? Russ Rew
October 07, 1997
13:13 Re: quick mystery to sleuth Russ Rew
08:47 971007: NetCDF 3.3.1: Installing on CRAYC90 with CF77 Steve Emmerson
October 06, 1997
16:35 Re: quick mystery to sleuth Russ Rew
12:00 Re: 971005: hdf/netcdf at odds Glenn P. Davis
08:55 Re: 971006: Installing NetCDF3.3.1 Russ Rew
October 04, 1997
18:20 Re: 971002: netcdf 3 and GMT Russ Rew
October 03, 1997
08:54 Re: 971002: netcdf 3 and GMT Russ Rew
08:32 971003: netcdf-3: CRAY Y-MP/UNICOS make libsrc/test Steve Emmerson
October 02, 1997
13:24 971002: netcdf-3: CRAY Y-MP/UNICOS "st_oblksize" undefined Steve Emmerson
October 01, 1997
11:10 Re: 971001: strings in ncgen Russ Rew
September 30, 1997
16:42 Re: Compiling with netCDF ver.3-3 on HP 10.20 Russ Rew
09:37 Re: 970930: Need for a mapping software Russ Rew
September 29, 1997
16:38 Re: file descriptors... Russ Rew
11:22 Re: 970929: netCDF and HDF address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
September 28, 1997
19:59 Re: 970923: 3.3.1 sync() Glenn P. Davis
September 26, 1997
08:54 Re: Help calling C++ functions from Fortran Russ Rew
September 25, 1997
13:30 Re: 970925: Problem with Purify & netcdf C++ Russ Rew
September 24, 1997
11:23 (Fwd) Re: 970923: netcdf 3.3.1 fortran interface: HP-UX probs Glenn P. Davis
08:59 Russ Rew: Re: 970923: Java/NetCDF Info. Russ Rew
September 23, 1997
13:35 Re: 970923: netcdf memory leak and 3.3.1 sync() Russ Rew
12:57 970923: netcdf on new HP Exemplars? Steve Emmerson
12:37 Re: 970922: problem with nccreate on IRIX 6.2 using netcdf3.3.1 Glenn P. Davis
12:13 Re: 970923: netcdf 3.3.1 fortran interface: HP-UX probs address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
11:54 Re: 970922: problem with nccreate on IRIX 6.2 using netcdf3.3.1 Glenn P. Davis
September 22, 1997
16:53 970922: problem installing netcdf on Ultra II Steve Emmerson
13:37 Re: 970922: problem with nccreate on IRIX 6.2 using netcdf3.3.1 Glenn P. Davis
12:55 Re: 970922: problem with nccreate on IRIX 6.2 using netcdf3.3.1 Glenn P. Davis
12:55 Re: 970922: Problems finding interface descriptions on NetCDF-3 docs.... Russ Rew
08:33 970922: netCDF 3.3.1: integer problem on Alpha Steve Emmerson
September 19, 1997
09:45 970919: netCDF 3.3.1: integer problem on Alpha Steve Emmerson
09:10 970918: port of netCDF on Fujitsu VPP300 Steve Emmerson
08:58 970919: netCDF 3.3.1: integer problem on Alpha Steve Emmerson
08:57 970919: netCDF 3.3.1: integer problem on Alpha Steve Emmerson
08:29 970919: DEC Alpha, Linux, and netCDF-3.3.1 - floating point exception Steve Emmerson
September 18, 1997
10:46 970918: port of netCDF on Fujitsu VPP300 Steve Emmerson
10:40 970918: DEC Alpha, Linux, and netCDF-3.3.1 - floating point exception Steve Emmerson
September 17, 1997
15:15 970917: DEC Alpha, Linux, and netCDF-3.3.1 - floating point exception Steve Emmerson
12:18 970917: DEC Alpha, Linux, and netCDF-3.3.1 - floating point exception Steve Emmerson
10:38 970917: netCDF 3.3.1: Integer Problem? Steve Emmerson
10:06 970917: DEC Alpha, Linux, and netCDF-3.3.1 - compile failure Steve Emmerson
09:44 970917: NetCDF Perl Problem Steve Emmerson
September 16, 1997
13:50 Re: 970916: changing value of units attribute Russ Rew
September 10, 1997
11:55 Re: 970910: C++ interface used by win95 or winnt Glenn P. Davis
September 08, 1997
16:47 970908: netCDF 2.4.3: make problem: bad cpp(1) Steve Emmerson
15:41 970908: netCDF 2.4.3: make problem Steve Emmerson
08:40 Re: 970908: not compile by vc5.0 Russ Rew
08:27 970908: netCDF 2.4.3: make problem Steve Emmerson
September 05, 1997
16:20 Re: 970905: make problem Russ Rew
08:42 Re: 970905: make problem Russ Rew
07:58 Re: 970904: netCDF to be used in Ampac 6.0 Russ Rew
September 04, 1997
12:52 Russ Rew: Re: 970904: netcdf unlimited dim Russ Rew
12:13 Re: 970904: netcdf unlimited dim Russ Rew
09:11 Re: 970904: how to convert datas from netcdf format to ieee format or text format Russ Rew
September 03, 1997
09:41 970827: netCDF Installation Problem on Cray J932 Steve Emmerson
September 02, 1997
13:03 Re: NETCDF 3.3 incompatibility Glenn P. Davis
12:33 Re: 970811: NetCDF v2.4 on Linux (Empty netcdf names) Glenn P. Davis
08:51 Re: 970829: NetCDF 3.3.1 problem Russ Rew
August 28, 1997
16:04 Re: 970828: Help -- record variables Russ Rew
08:39 Re: 970828: netCDF 2.4 implementation Russ Rew
August 27, 1997
08:40 Re: 970827: netCDF Installation Problem on Cray J932 Russ Rew
August 25, 1997
14:56 Re: 970825: "Where Is NetCDF Used?" -- Proposed Addition Russ Rew
13:01 Re: 970821: new compilers on SCD Crays Glenn P. Davis
12:57 Re: 970825: "Where Is NetCDF Used?" -- Proposed Addition Russ Rew
August 22, 1997
09:05 [no subject] Russ Rew
August 21, 1997
11:15 Re: 970820: NetCDF file sizes Russ Rew
09:50 Russ Rew: Re: 970821: help Russ Rew
09:48 Re: 970821: help Russ Rew
09:00 Re: 970820: NetCDF file sizes Russ Rew
August 20, 1997
16:00 Re: IVE is finally ready for prime time Russ Rew
August 18, 1997
12:48 970818: netCDF3.3.1 on Cray:problem Steve Emmerson
09:53 Re: netCDF file reader for GrADS? Russ Rew
09:32 Re: 970811: NetCDF v2.4 on Linux Russ Rew
August 15, 1997
12:24 970815: NCCLOBBER and NCNOCLOBBER Steve Emmerson
09:04 970815: netCDF installation problem on Cray J90 Steve Emmerson
07:46 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
August 14, 1997
13:15 970814: WHOI NetCDF install on HP Steve Emmerson
13:08 970814: netCDF IRIX build problem: "make test" hangs Steve Emmerson
09:39 970814: NetCDF 3.3.1 build problem: HPUX Steve Emmerson
08:25 970814: netCDF IRIX build problem: "make test" hangs Steve Emmerson
August 13, 1997
11:07 970813: ncdump output order for fortran Steve Emmerson
10:42 970813: ncdump output order for fortran Steve Emmerson
09:24 970813: ncdump output order for fortran Steve Emmerson
August 12, 1997
14:54 970812: ncdump output order for fortran Steve Emmerson
August 11, 1997
08:56 970811: NetCDF: location and availability Steve Emmerson
08:51 970811: Help installation netCDF 3.3.1 Steve Emmerson
August 08, 1997
08:56 Re: netCDF-3 compatability issues Russ Rew
August 06, 1997
13:52 Re: 970806: netCDF compilation problem Russ Rew
12:33 Re: 970806: netCDF compilation problem Russ Rew
10:09 Re: 970806: netCDF compilation problem Russ Rew
August 05, 1997
15:09 Mark Borges: Re: netCDF-3 compatability issues Russ Rew
08:41 Re: 970805: help on netCDF installation Russ Rew
August 04, 1997
14:25 970804: netCDF-3 compatability issues Steve Emmerson
12:45 Re: netCDF-3 compatability issues Russ Rew
August 01, 1997
14:31 Re: netCDF-3 compatability issues Russ Rew
10:18 970801: Help Install, please. Steve Emmerson
July 31, 1997
14:32 Re: 970730: problem tu use a netCDF file with GMT Russ Rew
July 29, 1997
14:05 Re: 970729: netcdf 3.3 on Digital Unix Russ Rew
09:23 970729: SunOS 5.5 f77(1) not understanding Steve Emmerson
July 28, 1997
19:23 970728: c netCDF libraries (cont.) Unidata Support
18:36 970728: c netCDF libraries (cont.) Unidata Support
11:00 970728: problem installing netcdf on Ultra II Steve Emmerson
10:51 970728: problem installing netcdf on Ultra II Steve Emmerson
08:44 970728: problem installing netcdf on Ultra II Steve Emmerson
July 27, 1997
21:01 Re: Bug dedected ? Russ Rew
July 25, 1997
11:18 Re: 970725: Bug dedected Russ Rew
09:53 Re: 970725: handle_error ? Is it implemented ? Russ Rew
08:36 970725: problem installing netcdf on Ultra II Steve Emmerson
July 24, 1997
16:09 Russ Rew: Re: 970717: ncgen on cray Russ Rew
14:33 970724: UDUNITS installation problem under SunOS 5.5.1 Steve Emmerson
12:32 970723: c netCDF libraries (cont.) Unidata Support
10:32 Re: 970724: extracting multi-dimensional variables Russ Rew
07:58 Re: 970722: NetCDF open Russ Rew
July 23, 1997
13:51 970723: c netCDF libraries (cont.) Unidata Support
13:31 970723: netCDF 3.3 for VMS ? Steve Emmerson
12:45 970723: c netCDF libraries Unidata Support
09:30 Re: 970721: netCDF3.3.1 Russ Rew
July 22, 1997
15:21 Re: 970721: netCDF3.3.1 Russ Rew
10:48 Re: SGI ncdump-3.3.1 of >2GB Cray file Glenn P. Davis
08:53 Re: 970722: xdr trouble linking netcdf Russ Rew
08:36 970722: problem installing netcdf on Ultra II Steve Emmerson
July 21, 1997
13:40 Re: 970721: NetCDF Java Glenn P. Davis
11:25 Re: 970721: netCDF3.3.1 Russ Rew
09:22 970721: problems installing netcdf on sun ultra II Steve Emmerson
July 19, 1997
17:16 Use of mmap() for netcdf I/O - contributed source available Glenn P. Davis
July 18, 1997
15:42 Re: 970718: cross-compiling...yes Steve Emmerson
13:38 970718: cross-compiling...yes Steve Emmerson
12:30 970618: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
12:04 Re: Use of NcVar::Put method Glenn P. Davis
11:02 970718: problems installing netcdf on sun ultra II Steve Emmerson
09:21 970718: problems installing netcdf on sun ultra II Steve Emmerson
09:16 970718: problems installing netcdf on sun ultra II Steve Emmerson
09:01 Re: Use of NcVar::Put method Russ Rew
08:54 Re: some thing wrong about FPP Russ Rew
July 17, 1997
17:08 Re: 970717: ncgen on cray Russ Rew
16:18 970617: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
13:00 970617: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
11:22 Re: 970717: ncgen on cray Russ Rew
11:07 Re: 970717: ncgen on cray Russ Rew
10:24 970617: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
09:34 Russ Rew: Re: 970717: Problem in installing netcdf Russ Rew
09:18 970717: problems installing netcdf on sun ultra II Steve Emmerson
07:55 Re: Build error. (fwd) Russ Rew
July 16, 1997
14:13 Re: 970715: building netCDF 3.3.1 on NCAR's Crays Russ Rew
13:40 Re: 970716: Problem in installing netcdf on SGI workstatio Russ Rew
13:27 970616: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
12:57 970616: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
10:51 970716: problems installing netcdf on Sun Ultra-II Steve Emmerson
08:58 970616: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
July 15, 1997
19:32 Re: 970715: building netCDF 3.3.1 on NCAR's Crays Russ Rew
15:09 970617: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
13:00 Re: 970617: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
10:16 970617: building netCDF on an HP-UX <something> Steve Emmerson
09:23 Re: Problem with ncopen Russ Rew
08:54 970715: netcdf config problems with HP-UX 10.2 Steve Emmerson
July 14, 1997
12:22 Re: Problem with ncopen Russ Rew
10:43 Re: Problem with ncopen Russ Rew
09:30 Re: netcdf config problems with HP-UX 10.2 Steve Emmerson
July 10, 1997
13:37 Re: 970708: NC_SHORT error on WIN32 or NT? Glenn P. Davis
08:46 Re: 970709: Is netCDF a trademark? Russ Rew
July 09, 1997
21:48 Re: 970709: netCDF examples Russ Rew
11:13 Re: 970708: NC_SHORT error on WIN32 or NT? Glenn P. Davis
July 08, 1997
10:13 (Fwd) Re: 970624: Ask for help on nf_test with win32_install--jchiang Glenn P. Davis
10:07 Re: 970708: NC_SHORT error on WIN32 or NT? Glenn P. Davis
08:50 Re: 970708: Enquiry about utilities to manipulate netCDF data Russ Rew
08:41 Re: correct patch, please ignore previous version Russ Rew
08:40 970708: building under SunOS 5.5 using gcc and g77 Steve Emmerson
July 07, 1997
15:12 970707: building under SunOS 5.5 using gcc and g77 Steve Emmerson
13:52 Re: 970624: Restriction of variable name in ncgen? Russ Rew
09:56 970707: building under SunOS 5.5 using gcc and g77 Steve Emmerson
09:40 970707: netcdf problem Steve Emmerson
08:55 970707: Problems Compiling netcdf under HP-UX 10.2 Steve Emmerson
July 06, 1997
20:48 Re: 970704: NetCDF question Russ Rew
20:01 Re: 970703: Netcdf Upgrade Russ Rew
July 04, 1997
07:26 Re: netcdf install questions Russ Rew
July 02, 1997
09:12 (Fwd) Re: 970624: Ask for help on nf_test with win32_install--jchiang Glenn P. Davis
July 01, 1997
11:31 Re: 970624: Ask for help on nf_test with win32_install--jchiang Glenn P. Davis
June 30, 1997
13:15 Re: 970624: Ask for help on nf_test with win32_install--jchiang Glenn P. Davis
12:55 970630: netCDF and Slackware 3.2 Steve Emmerson
12:32 Re: 970624: www and ftp access Russ Rew
12:13 Re: 970624: building problem Russ Rew
11:57 Re: Question about netCDF3.3 on T3E Glenn P. Davis
June 27, 1997
10:53 970627: netCDF question on getting variable dimensions Steve Emmerson
08:54 970627: netCDF question on Steve Emmerson
June 26, 1997
15:43 Re: netcdf-3.3 on SX-4 address@hidden (Greg Neill) Glenn P. Davis
13:13 (Fwd) Re: Warnings during 3.3.1 T3E build Glenn P. Davis
12:41 Re: Warnings during 3.3.1 T3E build Glenn P. Davis
June 24, 1997
16:36 Re: 970624: Restriction of variable name in ncgen? Glenn P. Davis
16:21 Re: 970605: netcdf and ffio on Cray Glenn P. Davis
14:00 Re: 970624: Restriction of variable name in ncgen? Glenn P. Davis
13:47 Re: upperair sonding data Larry "The Weather Man" Riddle
13:09 Re: 970624: Problem with C++ install of netCDF with Linux Glenn P. Davis
08:04 970623: question on netCDF floating-point representation Steve Emmerson
June 23, 1997
11:02 (Fwd) Re: 970618: NetCDF Question. Please help me Glenn P. Davis
11:01 970623: question on netCDF Steve Emmerson
10:58 970623: Question on netCDF format Steve Emmerson
10:10 Re: 970613: GDBM files in LDM V5.0.3 Glenn P. Davis
June 21, 1997
06:54 Re: 970618: NetCDF Question. Please help me Russ Rew
June 20, 1997
09:12 Re: 970620: netCDF 2.4.3 installation Russ Rew
08:07 970520: building on a Paragon Steve Emmerson
June 19, 1997
16:04 Re: 970527: Parallel NetCDF... Russ Rew
15:59 Re: 970605: netcdf and ffio on Cray Russ Rew
15:35 Re: 970618: compiling netCDF on an sgi64 IRIX 6.2 Russ Rew
14:22 Re: 970618: Writing varaible size data Russ Rew
13:55 Re: 970619: netCDF docs Russ Rew
08:58 Re: 970618: compiling netCDF on an sgi64 IRIX 6.2 Russ Rew
June 18, 1997
17:13 Re: 970618: compiling netCDF on an sgi64 IRIX 6.2 Russ Rew
12:40 Re: Memory leak in netcdf_c++ version 3.3 Russ Rew
12:17 Re: 970618: NetCDF Question. Please help me Russ Rew
June 17, 1997
17:43 Re: 2 GB netCDF limit address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
17:22 Re: 970616: MS-DOS support for netCDF Glenn P. Davis
17:06 Re: DOS implementation of netCDF, cont. Glenn P. Davis
15:12 Re: 970617: netCDF Russ Rew
14:59 Re: 970617: update files loacated at Russ Rew
14:47 Re: netCDF with f90 and Solaris Russ Rew
09:04 Re: 970617: netCDF Russ Rew
08:00 970617: installing netcdf3.3.1 on CRAY J90 Steve Emmerson
June 16, 1997
19:28 Re: 2 GB netCDF limit Russ Rew
16:43 netCDF with f90 and Solaris Russ Rew
16:33 Re: 970616: netCDF on Cray Russ Rew
16:20 Re: 2 GB netCDF limit Russ Rew
15:25 Re: 970616: netCDF on Cray Russ Rew
14:49 970616: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
13:37 Re: 970616: Netcdf Version Russ Rew
12:12 Re: reply-to default Russ Rew
11:02 Re: Where is NetCDF Used? Russ Rew
10:53 970616: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
09:31 Re: Thanks, and a question Russ Rew
08:16 Re: ncdigest list Russ Rew
June 13, 1997
15:09 970613: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
14:15 970613: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
12:25 building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
10:04 Re: netCDF with f90 and Solaris Russ Rew
09:46 970613: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
08:44 970613: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
June 12, 1997
15:34 970612: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
15:12 Re: help Russ Rew
12:20 970612: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
12:16 Re: netCDF & f90 compiler - M6925 Steve Emmerson
11:12 Re: Re[2]: 970529: Digital Unix 4.0 problem with netcdf 3.3 Russ Rew
10:04 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
June 11, 1997
16:14 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
16:07 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
15:01 Re: Compiler test... Steve Emmerson
12:51 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
12:46 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
11:12 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
10:36 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
10:10 970611: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
10:04 970611: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
09:41 Re: 970611: netCDF and FORTRAN 90 Russ Rew
June 10, 1997
16:26 970610: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
15:08 Re: netCDF-3 ncdump bug Russ Rew
14:52 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
14:51 Re: 970610: Java interface release ? Russ Rew
14:46 Re: 970610: data concept NetCDF question (mime attatchments) Russ Rew
14:24 Re: 970609: netCDF question/bug? Russ Rew
13:07 970610: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
12:53 970610: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
11:30 970610: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
June 09, 1997
15:50 970609: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
15:10 970609: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
12:55 Re: 970609: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
12:43 970609: building using N Steve Emmerson
10:19 970609: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
09:49 970609: building using NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
08:23 Re: 970609: idl manipulation Russ Rew
June 07, 1997
12:23 Re: nco-1.0 is released: netCDF Operators Russ Rew
June 06, 1997
14:59 970606: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
13:29 Re: Problem with 3.3a lib (CRAY T90); What is a netCDF id? Glenn P. Davis
12:29 970606: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
June 05, 1997
12:24 Re: 970605: finding a past email Russ Rew
10:24 970605: configure script couldn't compile-and-link C source Steve Emmerson
09:31 (Fwd) netCDF3.3 on t3e Glenn P. Davis
08:28 Re: 970604: installation problems for netCDF (cont.) Steve Emmerson
June 04, 1997
16:23 Re: netCDF 3.3 on GFDL T90 Glenn P. Davis
15:21 (Fwd) Re[4]: Netcdf 3.3 under Digital Unix 3.2 (DEC Alpha) Glenn P. Davis
11:06 Re: 970604: Netcdf-3.3 (Digital Unix 3.2 ncx.c: value is outside range) Glenn P. Davis
09:24 Re: 970603: netCDF 3 problem Russ Rew
09:07 970603: installation problems for netCDF (cont.) Unidata Support
07:54 Re: 970603: netCDF 3 problem Russ Rew
June 03, 1997
20:38 970603: installation problems for netCDF Unidata Support
16:55 Re: netCDF 3 Russ Rew
15:37 Re: 970603: make error Russ Rew
15:15 Re: 970529: Version 3.3 documentation question Russ Rew
10:59 970603: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
10:33 970603: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
June 02, 1997
13:22 970602: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
12:15 970602: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
10:03 Re: Re[2]: Netcdf 3.3 under Digital Unix 3.2 (DEC Alpha) Glenn P. Davis
10:02 970602: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
08:55 970602: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
08:11 Re: 970530: (Solution) Problem compiling netCDF 3.3 on HP-UX 10.20 Russ Rew
May 30, 1997
16:34 Re: Netcdf 3.3 under Digital Unix 3.2 (VAX??) Glenn P. Davis
15:00 970530: compiling .F files with NAG f90 Steve Emmerson
11:14 970529: netcdf-3.3 and attached file Unidata Support
10:40 Re: 970529: netcdf-3.3 and attached file Russ Rew
10:33 Re: 970529: OFFICE MEMO net Russ Rew
10:20 3.3.1 release delayed until at least next week ... Russ Rew
10:13 Re: Unidata Support: 970529: Unable to build netcdf3.3 Glenn P. Davis
08:31 Re: 970529: Version 3.3 documentation question Russ Rew
May 29, 1997
15:35 Re: 970529: OFFICE MEMO netcdf install Russ Rew
14:59 Re: Unidata Support: 970529: Unable to build netcdf3.3 address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
14:38 970529: problem installing netcdf-3.3 Steve Emmerson
13:01 Re: 970529: Digital Unix 4.0 problem with netcdf 3.3 Russ Rew
10:37 970529: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
09:03 970528: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
08:52 970529: problem installing netcdf-3.3 Steve Emmerson
May 28, 1997
17:37 Re: which netCDF on T3E? Glenn P. Davis
14:50 Russ Rew: Re: new version of netcdf, 3.3.1? Russ Rew
12:13 Re: 970527: 3d netCDF data visualization Russ Rew
09:40 970528: g77 and netcdf3.3 Steve Emmerson
09:35 970528: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
09:16 970527: g77 and netcdf3.3 Steve Emmerson
May 27, 1997
14:15 Re: who has experience with netCDF 3.3 on cray t3e ? address@hidden, address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
14:09 970527: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
10:38 (Fwd) Re: MFHDF - netcdf-3 api Glenn P. Davis
09:23 Re: who has experience with netCDF 3.3 on cray t3e ? Russ Rew
09:15 970527: MS-DOS support for netCDF Steve Emmerson
08:32 Re: 970527: 3d netCDF data visualization Russ Rew
08:03 Re: 970526: Bugs in ncgen Russ Rew
May 23, 1997
14:13 970523: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
10:32 Re: possible problems compiling netcdf-3.3 on HP machine Glenn P. Davis
May 22, 1997
17:09 possible problems compiling netcdf-3.3 on HP machine Glenn P. Davis
13:16 Re: netCDF-3 ncdump bug Russ Rew
08:29 970522: Netcdf3.3 build trouble Steve Emmerson
May 21, 1997
14:47 Re: netCDF stuff Russ Rew
10:57 970521: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
08:58 970521: Netcdf3.3 build trouble Steve Emmerson
May 20, 1997
15:31 netcdf-3.3 C library Win32 DLL available Glenn P. Davis
09:30 970520: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
09:12 970520: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
08:48 970520: netcdf 3.3 with gcc Steve Emmerson
May 19, 1997
12:32 Re: cracking netCDF files on a Mac Russ Rew
09:16 Re: 970518: SAL Update (LINUX) Russ Rew
May 16, 1997
15:40 Re: netcdf-3.3 on SX-4 Glenn P. Davis
14:53 Re: netCDF-3 now available Russ Rew
12:46 Re: 2D coord variables Russ Rew
10:59 Re: MFHDF - netcdf-3 api address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
10:01 Re: 970516: netcdf-3.3 vs. AIX 3.5 Russ Rew
08:24 Re: netCDF-3 now available Russ Rew
May 14, 1997
16:01 Re: 970514: problems Compiling NetCDF 2.4.3 Russ Rew
15:17 Re: cfortran on Cray T3E Glenn P. Davis
11:22 Re: cfortran on Cray T3E (fwd) Glenn P. Davis
08:25 Re: 970514: v3.3a not found Russ Rew
May 13, 1997
09:46 Re: 970512: netcdf Digest Russ Rew
09:43 Re: 970512: writing problem Russ Rew
09:16 Re: 970512: ncvarid call Russ Rew
09:10 Re: 970512: netcdf Russ Rew
08:55 Re: (Fwd) Russ Rew
May 12, 1997
09:26 970511: bug in netcdf 3.3beta NCAINQ() Steve Emmerson
08:21 Re: 970512: Installing netCDF package Russ Rew
04:38 Re: Net CDF User's guide, postcript version Russ Rew
May 09, 1997
16:11 Re: 970509: Suggestion re netCDF Russ Rew
13:25 Re: 970509: Suggestion re netCDF Russ Rew
May 08, 1997
15:23 Russ Rew: Re: 970508: query Russ Rew
10:44 970508: can't find djgpp software for netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
May 07, 1997
22:08 Re: netCDF on T3E address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
13:23 Re: 970507: netCDF Russ Rew
09:20 970507: netCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
May 06, 1997
19:05 970506: Uncompress Z file Unidata Support
14:33 Re: 970506: NetCDF development Russ Rew
08:45 970506: netCDF-perl Steve Emmerson
May 05, 1997
08:04 SONGYONGJIA: Re: 970502: install error Russ Rew
May 02, 1997
11:32 9752: CDL line length limit Unidata Support
09:08 Re: 970502: install error Russ Rew
08:34 970502: get software of netCDF via FTP Unidata Support
May 01, 1997
15:13 Re: UNIDATA account on GFDL T3E Glenn P. Davis
15:12 Re: Perl5 vs Perl4 Robb Kambic
10:28 Re: More on netcdf C++ error handling Glenn P. Davis
April 30, 1997
11:30 Re: 970430: forwarded question about netcdf header files Russ Rew
09:10 Re: 970430: Small bug on aFTP-Server (netcdf.tar.Z) Russ Rew
April 29, 1997
15:50 More on netcdf C++ error handling Glenn P. Davis
13:36 Russ Rew: Re: netCDF Java Interface Russ Rew
April 28, 1997
15:54 netcdf C++ interface futures Glenn P. Davis
April 25, 1997
12:32 Russ Rew: Re: netCDF to ASCII conversion Russ Rew
09:33 970418: netCDF build on MSDOS using Microsoft Fortran 5.1 Tom Yoksas
April 23, 1997
15:17 Re: 970423: CDL files Russ Rew
14:54 Russ Rew: Re: netCDF to ASCII conversion Russ Rew
07:54 Re: NetCDF in fortran for hpux10 Russ Rew
April 22, 1997
12:46 Re: 970421: Good Morning... some good news Glenn P. Davis
09:19 Re: 970422: NetCDF on CRAY-T3D Russ Rew
April 21, 1997
16:42 Re: 970421: NCTEST JACKETS Glenn P. Davis
15:30 Re: 970421: Compiling and linking under MSDOS Glenn P. Davis
13:17 Re: 970421: Compiling and linking under MSDOS Glenn P. Davis
12:15 Re: 970421: Compiling and linking under MSDOS Glenn P. Davis
08:21 970421: netCDF-3 and the -R8 option to HP-UX's fort77(1) Steve Emmerson
April 18, 1997
14:27 Re: Need Microsoft Fortran Support Glenn P. Davis
13:38 Re: 970418: trouble linking Russ Rew
07:54 970418: INSTALLATIOn of netCDF Steve Emmerson
07:35 970418: fortran interface Steve Emmerson
April 17, 1997
14:24 Re: 970417: including the netcdf fortran library Russ Rew
April 16, 1997
16:14 970416: netCDF installation problems Steve Emmerson
08:26 970416: netCDF installation problems Steve Emmerson
April 15, 1997
11:12 Re: 970415: Maybe I spoke too soon about that alpha stuff Glenn P. Davis
April 14, 1997
02:27 My GRIB in HTML at Wolfgang Kouker
April 11, 1997
13:32 Re: 970311: Netcdf 3.3a on a Dec Alpha Running Linux Glenn P. Davis
09:08 970411: problem resolved Unidata Support
April 10, 1997
10:58 Re: mmaped netcdf files Glenn P. Davis
09:05 Re: 970410: A Guide to GRIB in HTML Russ Rew
08:16 Re: mmaped netcdf files Russ Rew
April 09, 1997
15:47 Re: netcdf/mfhdf Glenn P. Davis
11:05 [no subject] Glenn P. Davis
April 08, 1997
22:42 Re: Re[4]: 970328: netCDF with C++ on NT Russ Rew
17:31 patches to netcdf-2_4_3/cxx to build with netcdf-3 Glenn P. Davis
17:30 patches to netcdf-2_4_3/cxx to build with netcdf-3 Glenn P. Davis
16:11 Re: 970407: Looking for two fortran netdcf files Russ Rew
April 07, 1997
10:38 Re: 970407: NetCDF Conventions for Spectral Data Russ Rew
09:38 Re: 970407: netCDF for CRAY T3E Russ Rew
April 04, 1997
09:23 Re: 970404: netCDF library Russ Rew
09:06 Re: 970402: netcdf for use with explorer3.5 under irix6.2 Russ Rew
08:23 Re: 970404: netCDF library Russ Rew
08:16 Re: 970404: problem in compilation Russ Rew
April 02, 1997
15:16 Re: Re[2]: 970328: netCDF with C++ on NT Russ Rew
13:43 Re: 970401: Error compiling netcdf3.3a under HPUX10.20 Russ Rew
11:23 Re: 970402: netCDF and FORTRAN Russ Rew
09:53 Re: 970402: netcdf for use with explorer3.5 under irix6.2 Russ Rew
April 01, 1997
15:28 Re: 970328: netCDF with C++ on NT Russ Rew
March 31, 1997
14:15 970328: netCDF 2.3.2 Microsoft C++/C7.0 MSDOS problems Unidata Support
12:24 Re: 970331: netCDF Q Russ Rew
12:15 970331: netCDF and windowsNT 4.0 Steve Emmerson
09:42 Re: 970320: Var. dim. sizes in NetCDF Russ Rew
07:27 970331: Netcdf/Lahey Fortran90/Windows95 Steve Emmerson
March 28, 1997
15:54 970328: SAL beta testing Steve Emmerson
08:49 Re: SAL beta testing ncargfx
March 27, 1997
18:34 (Fwd) mexcdf for MATLAB 5.0 Glenn P. Davis
10:37 970326: netCDFPerl compilation (solaris) Steve Emmerson
10:07 970326: netCDFPerl compilation (solaris) Steve Emmerson
07:57 970326: netCDFPerl compilation (solaris) Steve Emmerson
07:51 970326: netCDF and windowsNT 4.0 Steve Emmerson
March 25, 1997
13:03 970325: NetCDF user guide Steve Emmerson
08:11 970325: RELEASE FOR PC PRO200 RUNNING LAHEY FORTRAN 90 UNDER WIN95 ? Steve Emmerson
March 24, 1997
18:07 Re: Visual C++ and netcdf Glenn P. Davis
11:07 970324: Unidata netCDF Unidata Support
07:58 970324: RELEASE FOR PC PRO200 RUNNING LAHEY FORTRAN 90 UNDER WIN95 ? Steve Emmerson
March 21, 1997
11:37 Re: 970321: cdf Russ Rew
07:47 970230: netCDF on Cray T3E Steve Emmerson
March 20, 1997
14:37 Re: 970320: netCDF on Cray T3D Russ Rew
March 19, 1997
10:53 Re: 970319: Enhanced NCCAT Russ Rew
09:46 Re: 970319: problem with installing netcdf Russ Rew
March 18, 1997
14:43 Re: NetCDF Toolbox For Matlab Russ Rew
08:45 Re: JAVA Interface to netCDF Russ Rew
March 14, 1997
09:47 Re: 970313: NetCDF under Mklinux Russ Rew
09:38 Re: 970213: [q] long character strings? Russ Rew
08:30 Russ Rew: Re: 970313: NetCDF docs Russ Rew
March 11, 1997
13:26 Re: 970311: NETCDF 2.3 Russ Rew
March 07, 1997
08:28 Re: 970307: printable version of user's guide of netCDF 2.4.3 Russ Rew
March 06, 1997
16:40 970306: NetCDF 3.3a Fortran interface bug? Steve Emmerson
08:37 970306: NetCDF 3.3a Fortran interface bug? Steve Emmerson
March 05, 1997
16:44 970305: NetCDF 3.3a Fortran interface bug? Steve Emmerson
15:14 Re: 970305: problems with installaing netCDF Russ Rew
08:03 970227: NetCDF 2.4.3 under Windows NT 4.0 Steve Emmerson
March 04, 1997
13:26 Re: 970226: netcdf-3.3a "make test" error (Cray T90) Glenn P. Davis
12:42 again, bad for loop last time Robb Kambic
10:36 Example of reading string from NetCDF with netcdf-perl Robb Kambic
10:02 Re: C++ interface to netCDF Russ Rew
March 03, 1997
15:02 Re: Proper Notice Russ Rew
14:36 Re: 970303: Resetting ncerr in NetCDF Russ Rew
13:53 Re: 970226: netcdf-3.3a "make test" error (Cray T90) Glenn P. Davis
10:00 Re: 970228: netcdf problem (MIPS R10000, IRIX 6.3) Russ Rew
09:36 Re: Java NetCDF Russ Rew
February 27, 1997
13:28 970227: NetCDF 2.4.3 under Windows NT 4.0 Steve Emmerson
12:54 Re: Java NetCDF Russ Rew
09:10 970227: Porting UDunits to PC Steve Emmerson
08:15 970227: netcdf-3.3a "make test" error Steve Emmerson
February 26, 1997
13:44 970226: netcdf-3.3a "make test" error Steve Emmerson
10:21 970226: Porting UDunits to PC Steve Emmerson
08:47 Re: 970226: Instal.-problem again Russ Rew
February 25, 1997
17:03 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
15:05 970225: NETCDF2_4R2 and R3 OSF problems Steve Emmerson
13:27 970225: NETCDF2_4R2 and R3 OSF problems Steve Emmerson
12:32 970225: NETCDF2_4R2 and R3 OSF problems Steve Emmerson
09:00 Re: 970225: Installation-problem Russ Rew
February 24, 1997
15:41 Re: NetCDF for MATLAB Russ Rew
07:47 970224: Porting UDunits to PC Steve Emmerson
February 21, 1997
20:31 970221: GRIB to netCDF converter? Steve Chiswell
14:32 970221: netcdf problems with HPUX10.10 Steve Emmerson
08:54 970220: some HPUX10 problems with netcdf Steve Emmerson
February 20, 1997
08:41 Re: 970219: OpenVMS Russ Rew
08:37 970220: NETCDF2_4R2 and R3 OSF problems Steve Emmerson
February 19, 1997
13:04 970219: OpenVMS Unidata Support
12:23 970219: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
10:30 970219: netcdf installation problem Steve Emmerson
February 18, 1997
08:59 Re: 970216: HDFNOW--distributed HDF for Network of Workstations Russ Rew
08:46 Re: 970214: documentation for NetCDF 3.3 Russ Rew
February 17, 1997
10:47 970217: user's guide Unidata Support
February 14, 1997
14:21 (Fwd) RE: netcdf-3.3a is available Glenn P. Davis
14:06 Re: netcdf-3.3a is available address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
13:41 970214: NetCDF make: Fatal error Steve Emmerson
13:28 Re: 970214: documentation for NetCDF 3.3 Russ Rew
13:13 970214: NetCDF make: Fatal error Steve Emmerson
12:58 970214: NetCDF make: Fatal error Steve Emmerson
09:07 Re: 970212: netcdf2.4.3 build errors on SGI Challenge Russ Rew
09:04 970214: NetCDF make: Fatal error Steve Emmerson
08:30 970214: NetCDF make: Fatal error Steve Emmerson
February 13, 1997
15:54 970213: F90 and netcdf (fwd) Steve Emmerson
10:56 Re: 970212: netcdf2.4.3 build errors on SGI Challenge Russ Rew
09:46 Re: 970212: ncvarinq Russ Rew
08:53 Re: 970212: netcdf2.4.3 build errors on SGI Challenge Russ Rew
February 11, 1997
11:02 970211: nctest failes, suggestions? Steve Emmerson
08:15 "C. NICANNA (GEOLOGY) PG": Re: 970210: netcdf installation Russ Rew
February 10, 1997
16:41 Re: 970210: netcdf installation Russ Rew
16:16 970210: netcdf ftest with PROMULA FORTRAN Steve Emmerson
15:53 Re: 970210: xdr lib for NetCDF under Solaris Russ Rew
15:29 Re: 970207: nctest failes, suggestions? Russ Rew
15:05 970210: netcdf ftest with PROMULA FORTRAN Steve Emmerson
13:26 970210: Promula Steve Emmerson
13:07 970210: Acquring NetCDF software Steve Emmerson
12:28 970210: Key not found??? Steve Emmerson
11:09 970210: netcdf jackets for linux absoft Fortran-77 Steve Emmerson
11:08 Re: Java netCDF Russ Rew
10:18 Re: 970203: FW: Mac support Russ Rew
10:13 Re: 970203: Problem with ncendef Russ Rew
09:52 Unidata Support: 970207: error in fan-2.0.2 Russ Rew
09:50 970210: Promula Steve Emmerson
09:17 970210: netcdf ftest with PROMULA FORTRAN Steve Emmerson
08:46 970210: Trouble untarrring netcdf-3.3a Steve Emmerson
February 07, 1997
10:57 970207: netCDF license Unidata Support
February 06, 1997
12:18 970208: Trouble untarrring netcdf-3.3a Steve Emmerson
09:41 Re: application of netcdf in LATS Russ Rew
February 05, 1997
10:45 199725: Acquring NetCDF software Unidata Support
February 04, 1997
10:53 970204: Netcdf under NeXTstep Steve Emmerson
February 03, 1997
14:27 Re: 970201: netcdf install problem Robb Kambic
January 31, 1997
12:19 Re: 970131: OpenVMS & HDF (netCDF) Russ Rew
11:05 Re: 970130: Netcdf under NeXTstep Russ Rew
08:58 970131: Netcdf under NeXTstep Steve Emmerson
08:49 [no subject] Russ Rew
08:34 970131: installing netcdf; thank you Steve Emmerson
January 30, 1997
10:37 970130: installing netcdf Steve Emmerson
08:09 Re: 970130: no subject Russ Rew
January 29, 1997
09:38 970128: netcdf 3 double--float conversion Steve Emmerson
08:28 Re: 970129: netcdf question, bad return address Russ Rew
07:51 Re: netcdf-3.3a dll for Windows NT and 95 Russ Rew
January 28, 1997
09:21 Re: bug in netcdf? Russ Rew
January 27, 1997
22:57 Re: 970127: Fail to compile nctest Russ Rew
16:44 Re: netcdf-3.3a dll for Windows NT and 95 Toshinobu Hondo
15:39 Re: netcdf-3.3a dll for Windows NT and 95 Russ Rew
10:25 Russ Rew: Re: 970127: records Russ Rew
10:00 Re: 970127: records Russ Rew
09:36 970127: Problem assigning fill values for NCSHORT varaibles Steve Emmerson
09:31 970127: Problem assigning fill values for NCSHORT varaibles Steve Emmerson
January 24, 1997
13:43 Re: 970123: C++ interface to NetCDF Russ Rew
10:54 970124: Problem assigning fill values for NCSHORT varaibles Steve Emmerson
07:43 Re: 970123: C++ interface to NetCDF Russ Rew
January 22, 1997
15:54 Re: 970122: comments on netCDF v3 Russ Rew
13:59 Re: 970122: NetCDF /Windows 95 Russ Rew
08:35 Re: 970120: Problem report: netcdf-3.3a Steve Emmerson
00:38 Re: 970120: Problem report: netcdf-3.3a Harvey DAVIES
January 21, 1997
17:02 Re: 970121: Cray J90 CC compiler error Russ Rew
12:23 Re: 970121: mirror URL Russ Rew
10:25 Re: 970121: Fusin fusion possible collaboration Russ Rew
09:56 970120: Problem report: netcdf-3.3a Steve Emmerson
08:15 Re: 970120: Problem report: netcdf-3.3a Russ Rew
08:05 Re: 970121: maximum number of dimensions 32 exceeded Russ Rew
January 17, 1997
12:32 970117: Question about NCOPN's behavior Steve Emmerson
January 16, 1997
16:08 970116: Question about NCOPN's behavior Steve Emmerson
15:32 Re: 970116: NetCDF for Win95 Russ Rew
07:50 Re: off the wall question Russ Rew
January 15, 1997
09:48 Re: 970115: netcdf3.3a Russ Rew
09:25 Re: Unidata Support: 970115: Problem report: netcdf-3.1a Glenn P. Davis
January 14, 1997
08:50 Re: netcdf - matlab Russ Rew
January 13, 1997
15:42 Re: off the wall question Russ Rew
14:34 Re: 970113: NetCDF problem Russ Rew
12:13 970113: netCDF Steve Emmerson
January 10, 1997
15:31 Re: 970110: ncgen problem report Russ Rew
15:23 970110: netCDF Steve Emmerson
10:48 970110: netCDF in DOS Steve Emmerson
January 08, 1997
14:18 970108: NCVGT returns all 0's on T90 Steve Emmerson
13:47 970108: NCVGT returns all 0's on T90 Steve Emmerson
11:19 Re: 970108: Bug in netCDF 2.4.3 Russ Rew
January 07, 1997
20:58 Re: nc var types (NC_UNSPEC) Glenn P. Davis
20:51 Re: t_ncxx - DOUBLE_MAX problem Glenn P. Davis
18:40 Re: netcdf3 - t_ncxx Glenn P. Davis
17:56 Re: netcdf3 update info Glenn P. Davis
12:58 Re: 970107: how to change data in a variable Russ Rew
09:05 Re: 970107: how to change data in a variable Russ Rew
08:48 Re: netcdf 3 update info ? Russ Rew
08:28 Re: 970107: how to change data in a variable Russ Rew
January 02, 1997
11:03 960102: Problems running under OSF1 version 4.0 on an Alpha station Steve Emmerson
December 30, 1996
09:03 961230: Fortran compile problem Steve Emmerson
December 27, 1996
16:01 961227: F90 standard "byte" (reprise) Steve Emmerson
14:15 961227: F90 standard "byte" (reprise) Steve Emmerson
13:11 961227: F90 standard "byte" (reprise) Steve Emmerson
December 26, 1996
12:03 961226: Known problem with PROMULA FORTRAN Steve Emmerson
December 20, 1996
11:02 Re: 961218: netCDF to ARC/INFO conversion Russ Rew
December 19, 1996
10:13 Re: Question about possible error in netCDF manual Russ Rew
December 18, 1996
12:26 Re: 961217: F90 standard "byte" Steve Emmerson
09:40 Re: 961217: C netCDF 2.4.3 problems Russ Rew
December 17, 1996
17:02 961217: netCDF Build, almost done! Steve Emmerson
14:23 961217: netCDF Build failure - thinks I'm cross-compiling Steve Emmerson
12:46 961217: netCDF Build failure - thinks I'm cross-compiling Steve Emmerson
09:03 961217: F90 standard "byte" Steve Emmerson
December 16, 1996
15:09 Re: 961213: building of stringarrays in netCDF Russ Rew
08:58 961216: Trouble read a netcdf file on the cray Steve Emmerson
December 13, 1996
09:35 961213: bug in Fortran with netcdf 3.2a Steve Emmerson
08:21 "Susan C. Cherniss": Re: 961211: Problem building netCDF 2.4.3 for UNICOS 8 Russ Rew
December 12, 1996
15:21 Re: 961212: Trouble read a netcdf file on the cray Steve Emmerson
14:50 961212: Darin Ernst's ftest problem Steve Emmerson
14:40 961212: Errors with xdrtest Steve Emmerson
14:31 961212: Trouble read a netcdf file on the cray Steve Emmerson
13:45 Re: 961212: Errors with xdrtest Russ Rew
11:09 Re: 961212: Errors when testing netcdf Russ Rew
10:30 961212: Trouble read a netcdf file on the cray Steve Emmerson
08:59 961212: Trouble read a netcdf file on the cray Steve Emmerson
08:47 Re: 961211: Problems install netcdf Russ Rew
08:38 Re: 961211: Problem building netCDF 2.4.3 for UNICOS 8 Russ Rew
December 11, 1996
16:14 Re: 961211: Problems install netcdf Russ Rew
09:38 961211: Trouble read a netcdf file on the cray Steve Emmerson
December 10, 1996
17:09 Re: Allocation of Space in NetCDF Russ Rew
09:55 Re: 961210: Problems making netcdf-2.4.3 for Windows NT 4.0 Russ Rew
08:47 Re: 961209: NetCDF listing not current Russ Rew
December 09, 1996
09:06 Problems installing netcdf Russ Rew
December 06, 1996
15:51 Re: 961206: Problems installing netcdf Russ Rew
14:00 Re: 961206: Problems installing netcdf Russ Rew
December 04, 1996
15:26 Re: netCDF 3.2a speed on Cray IEEE T90 Glenn P. Davis
December 03, 1996
16:19 Re: NetCDF and HDF V4.0r2 Russ Rew
December 02, 1996
09:02 961202: linking problem: unresolved symbols: xdr_* Steve Emmerson
November 27, 1996
14:30 Russ Rew: Re: 961127: NetCDF vs HDF Russ Rew
November 26, 1996
11:12 Re: netcdf-2.4.3 on SGI r10000 Glenn P. Davis
10:18 Re: 961126: netCDF reading software Russ Rew
09:11 Russ Rew: Re: 961125: not working on SGI r10000 Russ Rew
November 25, 1996
16:19 Re: 961125: not working on SGI r10000 Russ Rew
16:16 Re: 961125: not working on SGI r10000 Russ Rew
11:13 Re: Second attempt ncx.c, "_CRAY*" defines. Glenn P. Davis
11:12 Re: 961125: not working on SGI r10000 Russ Rew
09:21 Re: Use of NcVar::Put method Russ Rew
November 22, 1996
14:47 Russ Rew: Re: Various netcdf matters Russ Rew
November 21, 1996
16:10 Re: building netcdf-3 on CRAY T90 Glenn P. Davis
11:48 Building netcdf-2.4.3 on Cray T90, summary Glenn P. Davis
11:36 Re: Problems building netcdf-2.4.3 on CRAY T90 Glenn P. Davis
08:53 961121: Re: thank you Steve Emmerson
08:49 Re: 961119: Printing NetCDF Users Guide Russ Rew
November 20, 1996
14:28 Re: Problems building netcdf-2.4.3 on CRAY T90 Glenn P. Davis
12:55 Re: Problems building netcdf-2.4.3 on CRAY T90 Glenn P. Davis
10:28 Russ Rew: Re: 961120: question about netCDF data files Russ Rew
08:45 Re: 961120: netCDF WWW page Russ Rew
November 19, 1996
13:31 Re: netCDF and complex numbers Russ Rew
13:26 961119: netCDF build on Solaris 2.3 Steve Emmerson
11:18 Re: netCDF and complex numbers Russ Rew
10:59 Re: netCDF Russ Rew
November 18, 1996
14:27 Re: problems building netcdf-2.4.3 with the netcdf-3 C library. Glenn P. Davis
13:09 (Fwd) Re: netCDF 2.4.3 prefill on Cray Glenn P. Davis
12:00 Re: C++ version of netcdf Glenn P. Davis
11:46 Re: netCDF 2.4.3 prefill on Cray address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
09:24 961118: netCDF 2.4.3 prefill on Cray Steve Emmerson
November 14, 1996
09:23 Re: 961113: NETCDF bug (fwd) - still there Russ Rew
08:33 Re: 961113: data compression for netCDF variables Russ Rew
November 13, 1996
15:15 961113: NCDUMP for VMS Steve Emmerson
08:56 Re: 961112: NetCDF users' guide Russ Rew
07:48 Re: 961112: WWW update Russ Rew
November 11, 1996
17:07 Re: cdf2ascii Russ Rew
09:49 961111: NCDUMP for VMS Steve Emmerson
09:24 Re: 961108: CDL support in netCDF library Russ Rew
November 08, 1996
15:54 961108: netcdf problem Steve Emmerson
15:11 Re: 961108: CDL support in netCDF library Russ Rew
14:09 Re: 961108: netcdf I/O question Russ Rew
12:00 Re: netcdf 2.4.3 problem under Solaris 2.5.1 (SunOS 5.5.1) 199611011851.AA26718 Glenn P. Davis
November 07, 1996
13:29 961107: border line in the background Unidata Support
11:01 Re: SGI 64 bit options Glenn P. Davis
08:43 Re: 961107: question Russ Rew
November 06, 1996
16:48 Re: netcdf 2.4.3 problem under Solaris 2.5.1 (SunOS 5.5.1) 199611011851.AA26718 Glenn P. Davis
10:51 [no subject] Glenn P. Davis
10:29 Re: netcdf-3.1a Glenn P. Davis
November 05, 1996
10:54 Re: 961105: NetCDF documentation Russ Rew
November 04, 1996
14:32 Re: More help Russ Rew
09:30 Re: NetCDF help Russ Rew
09:04 961104: NCDUMP for VMS Steve Emmerson
October 31, 1996
22:40 Re: 961031: netCDF Fortran error question Russ Rew
14:09 Re: 961031: netCdf and Windwos Russ Rew
09:29 961031: "-r8" for netCDF on SGI's Steve Emmerson
October 30, 1996
16:21 961030: netcdf problem Steve Emmerson
15:55 961030: netcdf problem Steve Emmerson
14:21 Re: 961030: Makefile & Purify with NetCDF Russ Rew
12:21 961030: netCDF on Windows NT 4.0 Steve Emmerson
08:48 Re: 961028: ? Variable put/get for array of values > 64KB Russ Rew
October 28, 1996
16:54 Re: 961028: dx2ncdf converter Russ Rew
October 23, 1996
10:02 netCDF 3.1a DLL for Win32 Russ Rew
October 22, 1996
17:13 Re: 961022: extracting data from improperly closed netCDF Glenn P. Davis
16:29 Russ Rew: Re: 961022: extracting data from improperly closed netCDF Russ Rew
14:42 Re: nc_{put,get}_vara_*() start & edge arguments. address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
13:40 Re: ... Rounding Russ Rew
11:35 Re: ... Rounding address@hidden Glenn P. Davis
11:01 "Cindy Nevison": netcdf - probelm solved! Russ Rew
09:48 Re: 961022: netcdf errors (fwd) Russ Rew
October 18, 1996
14:34 Re: 961018: chromatography data in netCDF Russ Rew
October 17, 1996
17:00 Re: netcdf 3.1 build help Glenn P. Davis
12:17 Russ Rew: Re: 961017: make test fails Russ Rew
09:08 Re: 961017: netcdf instalation problem Russ Rew
October 16, 1996
10:57 Re: 961015: netcdf/udunits Russ Rew
October 11, 1996
11:13 Re: 961011: netCDF building problem Russ Rew
October 10, 1996
14:36 Russ Rew: Re: 961010: NetCDF storage question Russ Rew
October 09, 1996
15:03 961009: install questions Steve Emmerson
12:52 961009: install problem: /usr/ucb/cc not installed Steve Emmerson
12:27 961009: install problem: can't find Solaris XDR library in cxx/ Steve Emmerson
October 08, 1996
08:22 Re: Thanks for Your Reply. ( This is the correct e-mail ) Russ Rew
October 07, 1996
10:46 Re: continuous archiving with HDF Glenn P. Davis
09:03 Russ Rew: Re: 961002: problem with ncdump (fwd) Russ Rew
08:15 Russ Rew: Re: 961006: I Have Some Problems to Install netCDF-2.4.3. Russ Rew
October 04, 1996
13:04 961004: netcdf install on SGI Power Indigo-2 running IRIX 6.0.1 Steve Emmerson
11:11 Re: Problem with netcdf-3.1a Glenn P. Davis
09:57 Re: 961002: problem with ncdump (fwd) Russ Rew
08:34 961004: nctest segmentation violation (signal 11) in libsrc/xdrffio.c Steve Emmerson
October 03, 1996
10:43 Re: 961002: problem with ncdump (fwd) Russ Rew
October 02, 1996
21:49 : 961002: lf90 compiler Tom Yoksas
16:04 Re: 960926: netCDF bug: storing double in long attribute on Cray Glenn P. Davis
14:57 Re: 961002: problem with ncdump (fwd) Russ Rew
13:41 Re: 961002: problem with ncdump (fwd) Russ Rew
13:06 961002: building on MSDOS system using MSC5.1 C compiler Steve Emmerson
12:26 961002: How to write multplie strings using C++ interface Steve Emmerson
10:00 Re: 961002: problem with ncdump (fwd) Russ Rew
08:59 Re: 961002: problem with ncdump Russ Rew
08:57 961002: How to write multplie strings using C++ interface Steve Emmerson
October 01, 1996
17:02 Re: 961001: error when compiling netcdf v2.3.2 on Solaris 2.5 Russ Rew
15:14 960930: nctest segmentation violation (signal 11) in libsrc/xdrffio.c Steve Emmerson
14:09 960930: nctest segmentation violation (signal 11) in libsrc/xdrffio.c Steve Emmerson
11:01 960930: nctest segmentation violation (signal 11) in libsrc/xdrffio.c Steve Emmerson
September 30, 1996
08:47 960930: netcdf installation under SunOS 5.5.1 (Solaris 2.5.1) Steve Emmerson
September 26, 1996
16:27 960926: netCDF bug: storing double in long attribute on Cray Steve Emmerson
11:23 Re: 960926: Compiling FORTRAN programs Russ Rew
September 25, 1996
14:31 Re: 960925: 32- and 64- bit netCDF libraries Russ Rew
14:20 Re: Compatibility of NetCDF Russ Rew
September 24, 1996
09:16 960924: NetCDF library Unidata Support
September 23, 1996
09:10 Unidata Support: 960923: ncrob Russ Rew
08:49 19960923: netCDF installation under Linux Steve Emmerson
September 20, 1996
12:32 Re: UNICOS ncsync() question Glenn P. Davis
10:59 Re: Query re copying of netCDF files Glenn P. Davis
09:23 Re: Query re copying of netCDF files Russ Rew
08:50 Re: Query re copying of netCDF files Russ Rew
08:13 Re: netcdf installation Russ Rew
September 19, 1996
16:28 960919: Installation problem: Linux with MSDOS option Steve Emmerson
10:38 Re: A preliminary matlab interface for FAN Russ Rew
09:52 Re: rmicdf expiration Russ Rew
September 17, 1996
08:47 960916: using netCDFPerl to modify filenames in netCDF dataset Steve Emmerson
September 13, 1996
16:00 Re: Python bindings for the netcdf library. Russ Rew
15:34 Re: A preliminary matlab interface for FAN Russ Rew
14:38 Re: netCDF on T3D? Russ Rew
09:17 Re: 960913: netcdf alpha release Russ Rew
September 12, 1996
16:53 Re: 960912: illegal option -c Russ Rew
10:05 [no subject] Unidata Support
08:43 960912: installing NetCDF: configure -- Not a command Steve Emmerson
September 11, 1996
08:50 960911: installing NetCDF: configure -- Not a command Steve Emmerson
September 09, 1996
08:39 Russ Rew: Re: 960909: NetCDF vs. Raw IEEE I/O speed Russ Rew
September 06, 1996
10:00 960906: netcdf-3.1a "configure" problems Steve Emmerson
September 05, 1996
11:06 960905: netcdf-3.1a "configure" problems Steve Emmerson
10:51 960905: netcdf-3.1a "configure" problems Steve Emmerson
10:09 Re: 960905: netcdf-3.1a "configure" problems Russ Rew
September 04, 1996
16:58 [no subject] Unidata Support
September 03, 1996
14:48 Re: version numbering: was there a netcdf 3 in 1992? Russ Rew
August 30, 1996
12:36 Re: Deleting dimensions in NetCDF files Russ Rew
07:43 960830: Building netCDF on an Alpha running on Open VMS Steve Emmerson
August 28, 1996
15:46 960828: Building netCDF 2.4 on Open VMS Steve Emmerson
August 27, 1996
19:04 960827: XDR problems Unidata Support
09:12 Re: 960826: cdf&hdf Russ Rew
07:35 Re: 960826: Installation on CRAY Y-MP under UNICOS: FORTRAN problem Steve Emmerson
August 26, 1996
15:53 960826: Installation on CRAY Y-MP under UNICOS: FORTRAN problem Steve Emmerson
15:14 Re: rmicdf Russ Rew
13:03 Re: rmicdf Russ Rew
12:51 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
10:05 Re: HP 10 Upgrade Russ Rew
August 23, 1996
14:48 Re: Compressed netcdf and python module Russ Rew
13:13 Re: Problem with fortran interface under HP-UX Steve Emmerson
12:39 960823: problem building FORTRAN API under UNICOS: m4(1) Steve Emmerson
09:04 960823: installation problem: compilation on HP 9000/715 HP-UX A.09.07 Steve Emmerson
08:27 960823: installing on SunOS 4.1.4 system Steve Emmerson
08:13 960823: problem building FORTRAN API under UNICOS: m4(1) Steve Emmerson
August 22, 1996
13:01 960821: netcdf-perl-1.0.4 make failure on AIX 4.1 Steve Emmerson
10:19 960822: problem building FORTRAN API under UNICOS: m4(1) Steve Emmerson
08:19 960822: installing on SunOS 4.1.4 system Steve Emmerson
August 20, 1996
16:49 Re: netCDF xdr_ symbols Russ Rew
16:42 Re: Problems with RMI alpha2 Russ Rew
14:41 Re: Max length on attributes in cdl files? Russ Rew
08:48 Re: 960820: CDF-files Russ Rew
August 19, 1996
15:28 960819: xdr references in NetCDF Steve Emmerson
07:33 960816: netCDF xdr_ link Steve Emmerson
August 16, 1996
15:36 960816: netCDF xdr_ link Steve Emmerson
15:23 960816: NCDUMP Steve Emmerson
12:47 Re: 960814: Robb Kambic
08:24 960816: netcdf installation on PC using Watcom FORTRAN Steve Emmerson
08:18 960815: xdr references from NetCDF Steve Emmerson
August 12, 1996
12:59 960812: future plans for netCDF Glenn P. Davis
August 09, 1996
09:54 Re: Another netCDF problem on IEEE T90 Glenn P. Davis
August 08, 1996
14:15 Re: new rmicdf problem Russ Rew
10:39 Re: rmicdf problem Russ Rew
08:53 Re: 960807: C++ netCDF interface Russ Rew
August 07, 1996
15:02 Re: rmicdf problem Russ Rew
12:49 Re: Thank you for response! Russ Rew
09:37 960806: netCDF build on IRIX 6.2 Steve Emmerson
09:31 960806: netCDF build on IRIX 6.2 Steve Emmerson
August 06, 1996
10:03 Re: 960805: Web site example on NetCDF? Russ Rew
August 05, 1996
13:37 Re: netCDF and the HP platform 10 Russ Rew
August 02, 1996
09:09 Re: Error from building netCDF Russ Rew
August 01, 1996
07:46 960731: NetCDF and IRIX64 6.2 Steve Emmerson
July 31, 1996
15:41 Re: Update web information Russ Rew
14:54 960731: NetCDF 2.4.2: undefined XDR symbols on Solaris 2.5 Steve Emmerson
14:53 960731: Installation problem: bad /lib/cpp Steve Emmerson
12:58 960731: NetCDF and IRIX64 6.2 Steve Emmerson
12:54 960731: NetCDF 2.4.2: undefined XDR symbols on Solaris 2.5 Steve Emmerson
12:44 960731: Solaris installation: /usr/ucb/cc Steve Emmerson
12:29 960731: netCDF for Linux? Steve Emmerson
11:14 Unidata Support: 960725: Cray Optimization, T90 status Russ Rew
11:08 Unidata Support: 960731: netCDF for Linux? Success! Russ Rew
10:56 Re: 960731: netCDF for Linux? Russ Rew
09:12 Re: 960730: IRIX 64 answer Russ Rew
08:35 960731: Solaris installation: /usr/ucb/cc Steve Emmerson
08:15 960731: NetCDF 2.4.2: undefined XDR symbols Steve Emmerson
July 30, 1996
13:07 960730: NetCDF 2.4.2 installation problem: undefined XDR symbols Steve Emmerson
09:44 Re: 960720: netcdf build IRIX6.2 Russ Rew
09:41 Re: netcdf INSTALLATION Russ Rew
July 29, 1996
15:55 Unidata Support: 960725: Cray Optimization, T90 status Russ Rew
15:53 Re: 960729: Maps in NETCDF. Russ Rew
July 26, 1996
11:25 Re: 960726: netCDF installation on SunOS 5.5 Russ Rew
July 22, 1996
08:29 Re: 960720: netcdf guide hardcopies Russ Rew
July 19, 1996
09:22 Re: netCDF-2.4.1 for Win32 Russ Rew
July 18, 1996
13:54 Re: netcdf-2.4.2 nclong problem Russ Rew
July 17, 1996
12:15 960717: netcdf on SGI/PC: problem with ncattput() Steve Emmerson
09:38 Re: 960717: Installing NetCDF on PC Russ Rew
09:29 Re: netCDF 2.4.2 released Russ Rew
July 16, 1996
11:07 Re: Re[2]: 960716: extracting data from a netcdf file Russ Rew
08:47 960716: questions about installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
08:34 Re: 960716: extracting data from a netcdf file Russ Rew
July 15, 1996
13:24 960715: installing netCDF-2.4.2 on IRIX64 SGI/PC Steve Emmerson
11:02 960715: installing netCDF-2.4.2 on IRIX64 SGI/PC Steve Emmerson
07:53 950715: questions about installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
July 12, 1996
07:44 960711: questions about installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
07:39 960712: NetCDF::xxxx constants donn't work Steve Emmerson
July 11, 1996
22:50 Re: Thank you! Russ Rew
July 10, 1996
12:46 Re: Trouble with mexcdf Russ Rew
09:34 Re: netcdf under win95 Russ Rew
July 03, 1996
11:09 Re: Reference for NetCDF? Glenn P. Davis
10:52 [no subject] Russ Rew
08:32 Re: Problem with datatype UNLIMITED Russ Rew
July 02, 1996
13:42 960702: is NCCREDF a valid NetCDF FORTRAN routine Steve Emmerson
July 01, 1996
15:57 960701: make test problem: absurd arg to emalloc Steve Emmerson
13:02 960701: building netCDF-2.4.2 on SGI Power Challenge with `-n32' option Steve Emmerson
10:57 960701: building netCDF-2.4.2 on SGI Power Challenge with `-n32' option Steve Emmerson
08:29 960701: building netCDF-2.4.2 on SGI Power Challenge with `-n32' option Steve Emmerson
June 28, 1996
16:15 Re: 960627 Fortan-90 module Russ Rew
June 27, 1996
15:42 Re: problem Russ Rew
15:00 Re: 960627: Fortran-90 module for netCDF API Russ Rew
14:14 Re: 960627: Fortran-90 module for netCDF API Russ Rew
09:41 Re: problem Russ Rew
09:00 Re: 960627: ncview 1.38 Russ Rew
June 26, 1996
10:24 Re: NetCDF Java Interface Russ Rew
June 25, 1996
09:34 Re: netcdf under win95 Russ Rew
June 24, 1996
16:17 Re: 960624: installation of udunits.tar.Z Russ Rew
13:55 Re: 960624: netCDF to ascii or binary Russ Rew
June 20, 1996
16:01 Optimizations for Cray version of netCDF Russ Rew
15:55 Unidata Support: 960620: Optimizations for Cray version of netCDF Russ Rew
June 19, 1996
10:18 Re: 2.4.2 help Russ Rew
June 18, 1996
15:58 Re: NetCDF Performance Enhancement Russ Rew
June 17, 1996
09:12 Re: Netcdf Russ Rew
June 12, 1996
11:33 Re: 960612: ncgen Russ Rew
10:30 Re: 960612: ncgen Russ Rew
09:28 Re: NetCDF, shadow files, parallel I/O on T3D Russ Rew
08:36 Re: 960612: ncgen Russ Rew
June 11, 1996
08:56 Re: 960610: HTML correction Russ Rew
June 07, 1996
09:53 Re: 960607: Where can I get Promula Russ Rew
08:21 960607: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
June 06, 1996
14:08 Re: Installation Problem Solved Russ Rew
14:02 Re: Installation Problems Russ Rew
12:20 Re: Installation Problems Russ Rew
10:53 Re: 960605: need help Russ Rew
08:36 Re: netCDF Installation Russ Rew
June 05, 1996
10:24 960605: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
07:54 960605: installing netCDF on Ultrix DECStation Steve Emmerson
June 04, 1996
16:43 Re: 960604: Installation Problems Russ Rew
16:21 960604: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
09:16 960604: installing netCDF on Ultrix DECStation Steve Emmerson
May 31, 1996
16:17 960531: netCDF fortran test ok? Steve Emmerson
15:55 960531: xdrtest.c: 225: failed assertion `xdr_vector(xdrs, (char *)encounts, count, szof, (xdrproc_t)xdr_enum)' Steve Emmerson
11:16 960531: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
10:01 960531: xdrtest.c: 225: failed assertion `xdr_vector(xdrs, (char *)encounts, count, szof, (xdrproc_t)xdr_enum)' Steve Emmerson
09:29 960531: HDF/netCDF interface Steve Emmerson
08:28 960531: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
07:56 960531: xdrtest.c: 225: failed assertion `xdr_vector(xdrs, (char *)encounts, count, szof, (xdrproc_t)xdr_enum)' Steve Emmerson
May 30, 1996
15:40 960530: UNICOS netcdf fortran/ build fails: m4:-:581 can't open file Steve Emmerson
12:32 960530: xdrtest.c: 225: failed assertion `xdr_vector(xdrs, (char *)encounts, count, szof, (xdrproc_t)xdr_enum)' Steve Emmerson
May 29, 1996
09:08 960529: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
07:44 960529: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
May 28, 1996
13:15 960529: NetCDF installation, Linux Steve Emmerson
12:53 Re: 960528: netCDF2.4.2/SunOS4.1.4 make(1) problem: Badly formed macro assignment Steve Emmerson
12:47 960528: NetCDF under MachTen unix Steve Emmerson
11:02 960528: netCDF2.4.2/SunOS4.1.4 make(1) problem: Badly formed macro assignment Steve Emmerson
10:10 960528: netCDF2.4.2/SunOS4.1.4 make(1) problem: Badly formed macro assignment Steve Emmerson
09:27 Re: 960528: netcdf functinons Russ Rew
09:07 Re: 960526: NetCDF 2.4.2 for Linux 1.2.13 Russ Rew
09:03 Re: 960526: netCDF for Mac Russ Rew
08:52 Re: 960524: NetCDF installation Russ Rew
May 25, 1996
09:00 Re: 960522: transfer problems Russ Rew
May 24, 1996
11:23 Re: 960524: reading a netcdf file with unknown names Russ Rew
09:47 Re: 960524: NetCDF installation Russ Rew
08:38 960524: Solaris 2.5 /usr/ucb/cc compile problems Steve Emmerson
May 23, 1996
15:00 960523: NetCDF under MachTen unix Steve Emmerson
10:38 Re: 960523: A Character String Dimension Russ Rew
08:40 Re: 960523: A Character String Dimension Russ Rew
May 22, 1996
22:25 Re: netCDF 2.4.2 Russ Rew
17:14 Re: 960522: NetCDF C++ interface question Russ Rew
08:41 Re: 960522: transfer problems Russ Rew
May 21, 1996
15:51 960521: Troubles on Digital UNIX Steve Emmerson
12:50 960521: Troubles on Digital UNIX Steve Emmerson
May 17, 1996
13:31 960517: NetCDF under MachTen unix Steve Emmerson
11:28 Re: 960515: NetCDF under MachTen unix Russ Rew
10:26 Re: 960515: NetCDF under MachTen unix Dr. Craig A. Mattocks
10:10 Unidata Support: 960517: netCDF installation Russ Rew
09:37 960517: xdrposix_putlong() segmentation fault problems Steve Emmerson
May 15, 1996
16:39 Re: 960515: NetCDF under MachTen unix Russ Rew
09:27 Re: 960515: compatibility with previous release Russ Rew
May 13, 1996
09:07 Re: Malloc in FORTRAN? (reprise) Russ Rew
08:01 960513: xdrposix_putlong() segmentation fault problems Steve Emmerson
May 10, 1996
07:54 960510: xdrposix_putlong() segmentation fault problems Steve Emmerson
May 09, 1996
08:19 Re: segmentation fault in drposix_putlong Steve Emmerson
May 07, 1996
10:55 960507: try netcdf-2.4.2 under Linux Steve Emmerson
May 06, 1996
12:59 Re: 960504: Linux - netCDF 2.4.2 Russ Rew
11:27 960506: netCDF under IRIX 6.2? Steve Emmerson
11:20 Re: 960506: netCDF under IRIX 6.2? Russ Rew
10:21 Re: 960503: netcdf-2.4.2 and IRIX 6.2 compile problem... Russ Rew
10:17 Re: 960506: netCDF under IRIX 6.2? Russ Rew
May 05, 1996
10:38 Unidata Support: 960504: Linux - netCDF 2.4.2 Russ Rew
May 03, 1996
16:46 Re: 960503: netcdf-2.4.2 and IRIX 6.2 compile problem... Russ Rew
13:51 960430: #include<netcdf.h>: problem building on FreeBSD Steve Emmerson
11:12 960502: netCDF Problem building on Sparc 20 with GCC 2.7.2 Steve Emmerson
10:38 960502: netCDF Problem building on Sparc 20 with GCC 2.7.2 Steve Emmerson
09:52 960503: installing with no C++ support Steve Emmerson
08:50 Re: try netcdf-2.4.2 under Linux Russ Rew
07:56 960502: problem installing netCDF 2.4.1: missing xdr/depend Steve Emmerson
May 02, 1996
23:18 Re: 960502: COADS netCDF format Russ Rew
22:33 Re: 960501: netcdf-2.4.1 under Linux Russ Rew
15:30 Re: netCDF v3 Russ Rew
15:12 960502: netCDF Problem on a Sparc 20 with GCC 2.7.2 Steve Emmerson
14:41 Re: netCDF 3.0? Russ Rew
10:02 960502: netCDF Problem building on Sparc 20 with GCC 2.7.2 Steve Emmerson
09:34 Re: 960502: netCDF for Linux Russ Rew
08:08 960502: Netcdf precision problems.. Steve Emmerson
May 01, 1996
14:58 Re: 960501: netcdf-2.4.1 under Linux Russ Rew
April 30, 1996
08:00 960430: #include<netcdf.h> Steve Emmerson
April 26, 1996
15:17 960426: 2.3.2 vs. 2.4 netCDF question Steve Emmerson
13:39 Re: 2.3.2 vs. 2.4 netCDF question Russ Rew
April 25, 1996
16:29 Re: 2.3.2 vs. 2.4 netCDF question Russ Rew
April 23, 1996
10:56 Re: Unidata Support: 960421: fan Harvey DAVIES
08:45 Re: 2.3.2 vs. 2.4 netCDF question Russ Rew
April 22, 1996
15:38 960422: NetCDF build under OpenVMS6.1 Steve Emmerson
14:13 Re: Unidata Support: 960421: fan Harvey DAVIES
08:18 Unidata Support: 960421: fan Russ Rew
08:06 960422: help for netCDF build, OSF1 v2.1 Steve Emmerson
07:56 960422: NetCDF build under OpenVMS6.1 Steve Emmerson
April 19, 1996
10:10 960419: #include<netcdf.h> Steve Emmerson
08:28 Re: 960419: netcdf for mac Russ Rew
April 18, 1996
14:19 Re: netCDF generalized hyperslab feedback request Russ Rew
14:04 960417: Netcdf v2.4 memory useage under UNICOS Steve Emmerson
12:42 96418: netCDF library Unidata Support
April 17, 1996
15:39 960417: trouble compiling netCDF Steve Emmerson
15:36 Re: 960417: netCDF and nans Russ Rew
14:06 Re: 960417: netcdf installation Russ Rew
09:44 Re: 960417: Help Installing NETCFD Russ Rew
07:44 960417: trouble compiling netCDF Steve Emmerson
April 16, 1996
15:59 Re: 960416: netCDF comments Russ Rew
14:06 960416: Bad test result under Ultrix Steve Emmerson
09:52 Re: 960415: Bad test result under Ultrix Russ Rew
09:32 Unidata Support: 960415: mexcdf matrix form Russ Rew
09:29 Re: ncdigest V1 #326 Russ Rew
07:54 960416: Bad test result under Ultrix Steve Emmerson
April 15, 1996
17:03 Re: 960415: Bad test result under Ultrix Russ Rew
16:18 Re: [Q] for ADISS Toshinobu Hondo
12:22 Re: [Q] for ADISS Russ Rew
08:53 Re: 960414: netCDF conventions Russ Rew
April 14, 1996
09:09 Re: 960413: installing netCDF Russ Rew
09:07 Re: 960413: installing netCDF Russ Rew
April 12, 1996
13:42 Re: 960411: "ncvarput: xdr_NC_fill" Jeff Kuehn
12:57 960412: netcdf installation Steve Emmerson
April 11, 1996
16:56 Re: 960411: "ncvarput: xdr_NC_fill" Steve Emmerson
16:27 Re: Updated/improved version of "gennet" Russ Rew
15:38 Re: 960411: netcdf installation Steve Emmerson
14:35 Re: 960411: netcdf installation Steve Emmerson
13:38 960411: CRAY J90 installation problems Steve Emmerson
09:20 960411: "ncvarput: xdr_NC_fill" Steve Emmerson
April 10, 1996
09:21 "FRANK ANTOLASIC": RCPT: netcdf libraries for Watcom C/C++ Version 10. Russ Rew
April 09, 1996
18:55 Re: RCPT: netcdf libraries for Watcom C/C++ Version 10. Len Makin, CSIRO DIT Melbourne.
17:01 RCPT: netcdf libraries for Watcom C/C++ Version 10. FRANK ANTOLASIC
14:15 Re: 960409: MAC netcdf Russ Rew
11:45 960409: "ncvarput: xdr_NC_fill" Steve Emmerson
07:56 960409: netCDF 2.4.1 issues Steve Emmerson
April 08, 1996
12:47 960408: Compiling with DJGPP V2 Steve Emmerson
April 05, 1996
14:34 Re: 960322: Distribution terms for netCDF library Russ Rew
14:17 Re: 960405: ncgen 2.4 bug Russ Rew
April 03, 1996
15:39 Re: 960403: trouble using ln during netcdf install Russ Rew
April 02, 1996
08:45 Re: 960402: Problem building netcdf Russ Rew
April 01, 1996
08:21 Re: 960327- netdcf URL upda Russ Rew
March 31, 1996
08:35 Re: 960327: netdcf URL update Russ Rew
07:51 Re: 960326: link on the netcdf web page Russ Rew
March 29, 1996
09:24 Re: 960329: netCDF 2.4.1 ncsync/ffflush Steve Emmerson
08:35 960329: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
March 28, 1996
16:41 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
15:47 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6, NCOPERS Steve Emmerson
13:50 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
12:43 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
10:57 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
10:29 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
09:17 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
08:52 960328: netCDF 2.4.1 for Unicos 7.0.6 Steve Emmerson
March 27, 1996
17:06 960327: NCCRE returns negative file id? Steve Emmerson
09:08 960327: NCCRE returns negative file id? Steve Emmerson
March 26, 1996
09:28 Re: Update of netcdf-2.3.2pl2 applications Glenn P. Davis
09:18 960326: NCCRE returns negative file id? Steve Emmerson
March 22, 1996
14:53 960322: netcdf config problems Unidata Support
14:04 Russ Rew: Re: 960322: Distribution terms for netCDF library Russ Rew
09:03 960321: netCDF configuration problem Unidata Support
March 21, 1996
16:06 960321: net netCDF on old VMS: 3.4.1 works! Steve Emmerson
March 20, 1996
15:25 960320: help with install Unidata Support
March 19, 1996
15:02 new minor release of netCDF 2.4.1 Russ Rew
14:34 960319: new netCDF on old VMS: sorry, no DECC Steve Emmerson
14:33 Re: 960313: ncgen bug Russ Rew
08:20 Re: 960313: ncgen bug Russ Rew
March 18, 1996
15:24 For netcdfgroup mailing list, need a non-bitnet address Russ Rew
08:22 Re: 960317: NetCDF-2.4 on IRIX64 ... Russ Rew
March 15, 1996
13:00 960315: Building NETCDF on VMS Steve Emmerson
12:20 Re: 960314: problems installing new netCDF on VMS: VAXC in use Steve Emmerson
10:26 960315: Building NETCDF on VMS Steve Emmerson
10:01 960314: problems installing new netCDF on VMS Steve Emmerson
09:10 960314: problems installing new netCDF on VMS Steve Emmerson
March 11, 1996
11:09 Re: 960311: IBM Mainframe Russ Rew
March 08, 1996
19:11 Re: NetCDF/XDR on MacOS (compiling and running) Richard Signell
16:54 [no subject] Glenn P. Davis
16:22 960308: Aquiring the thinned AVN grids Steve Chiswell
14:16 NetCDF/XDR on MacOS (compiling and running) M. Parsi
13:18 NetCDF/XDR on MacOS (compiling and running) M. Parsi
March 06, 1996
16:20 Russ Rew: Re: 960306: netcdf 2.4 help on irix 5.3 Russ Rew
08:46 Re: 960306: NetCDF - measured and modelled data Russ Rew
08:26 960306: Trying to build netcdf library on OpenVMS 6.2 alpha Steve Emmerson
March 05, 1996
17:02 European mirror site for netCDF now available Russ Rew
16:31 Re: European mirror site needed Russ Rew
March 04, 1996
13:26 960304: Trying to build netcdf library on OpenVMS 6.2 alpha Steve Emmerson
12:25 Re: 960304: ftp-ing netcdf Russ Rew
08:40 Re: ncgen & ncdump Russ Rew
February 29, 1996
12:41 Re: is the C++ interface documented/stable? Russ Rew
10:30 Re: 960229: NETCDF 2.4 and Linux support Russ Rew
09:52 Re: is the C++ interface documented/stable? Russ Rew
09:07 Re: 960229: /sbin/install -c Russ Rew
February 28, 1996
08:25 Re: netCDF libraries Russ Rew
February 26, 1996
17:06 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
16:37 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
February 25, 1996
14:46 Re: Hello again Russ Rew
February 21, 1996
08:23 Andrew Mack: Re: makefile error in netcdf installation Russ Rew
February 20, 1996
16:59 Re: makefile error in netcdf installation Russ Rew
16:50 Re: 960213: netcdf 2.4-beta6 c++ interface Russ Rew
February 19, 1996
13:43 Re: 960219: Wrong Title Russ Rew
February 15, 1996
14:10 Re: 960214: NETCDF bug Russ Rew
February 14, 1996
16:02 Re: 960214: NETCDF bug Russ Rew
14:36 Re: netcdf 2.4 on vax (milton) Glenn P. Davis
10:54 Re: netcdf ncsync() Glenn P. Davis
08:06 Re: 960213: help installing netCDF Russ Rew
February 13, 1996
16:20 Re: 960213: Installing GMT on an SGI Indy Workstation Russ Rew
13:00 Re: netcdf ncsync() bug Glenn P. Davis
11:46 Re: Databases Russ Rew
09:53 Re: 960213: netcdf ncsync() bug Russ Rew
09:14 Re: netcdf ncsync() bug Gary Granger
February 12, 1996
14:46 960212: netcdf install problems Steve Emmerson
February 09, 1996
14:39 960209: GNU gcc on Sun Steve Emmerson
07:54 960209: netCDF on BSD Steve Emmerson
February 08, 1996
11:02 Re: netCDF 2.4 for the T3D Russ Rew
08:18 960118: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
08:02 960208: netCDF on BSD Steve Emmerson
February 07, 1996
14:42 Re: netcdf-2.4beta6 on IRIX6.1 Russ Rew
10:51 Re: netcdf on x86 Solaris (pc) Russ Rew
07:58 960207: netCDF on BSD Steve Emmerson
February 06, 1996
08:46 960206: [netCDFPerl-1.0.4] core dump Steve Emmerson
07:51 960206: netCDF on BSD Steve Emmerson
February 05, 1996
15:53 Re: netCDF version 3.0 Russ Rew
08:49 960205: netcdf-2.4-beta6 cross compiling error Irix5.3 Steve Emmerson
February 04, 1996
15:38 Netcdf++ and Fortran arrays Phil Austin
February 02, 1996
16:36 960202: netcdf-2.4-beta6 cross compiling error Irix5.3 Steve Emmerson
16:03 installing netcdf-2.4-beta6 Vincent Fournier-Sicre
14:38 [no subject] Russ Rew
10:42 netCDF and XDR Tim Weilkiens
08:25 960202: netCDF on BSD Steve Emmerson
February 01, 1996
16:40 Re: 960201: netCDF bugfix archive? Russ Rew
09:34 960201: netCDF on BSD Steve Emmerson
08:58 Re: 960131: IRIX64 xdr problem Russ Rew
January 31, 1996
19:57 960201: NETCDF question Unidata Support
January 30, 1996
16:50 960130: building netCDF applications on SunOS Steve Emmerson
10:41 960130: netCDF on IEEE Cray T90 Jeffery A. Kuehn
08:30 960130: netCDF and gcc Steve Emmerson
January 29, 1996
11:01 960129: Pb with netcdf on Cray T3D Unidata Support
10:53 960125: building netCDF applications on SunOS Unidata Support
08:48 Re: 960126: netCDF on PC or Mac Russ Rew
08:04 Re: 960126: shared netCDF library on Linux Russ Rew
January 28, 1996
13:32 960128: Install netcdf on linux PC Unidata Support
January 26, 1996
08:12 960126: netCDF perl.. Steve Emmerson
January 25, 1996
12:37 Re: netCDF and java Russ Rew
10:33 960125: netCDF perl.. Steve Emmerson
08:56 960125: netCDF perl.. Steve Emmerson
January 24, 1996
17:04 960124: netcdf/Borland Unidata Support
16:41 Re: writing data to netcdf file - need help Russ Rew
15:53 960124: building Fortran netCDF executables on MSDOS Unidata Support
15:46 960124: building netCDF applications on SunOS Unidata Support
January 23, 1996
08:09 960123: NetCDF Perl module Steve Emmerson
January 22, 1996
16:03 Re: 960105: netCDF contribution by Bear Giles Russ Rew
January 19, 1996
16:38 960119: NetCDF download Steve Emmerson
January 18, 1996
13:47 Re: 960112: 2 suggestions (NetCDF) Russ Rew
13:13 960118: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
12:57 960118: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
09:29 Re: MsWindows DLL question Russ Rew
09:19 Re: ncdigest V1 #306 Russ Rew
08:37 Re: 960116: netcdf 2.4b6 thread safe? Russ Rew
08:07 960118: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
January 17, 1996
15:54 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
14:34 Re: 960116: netcdf 2.4b6 thread safe? Russ Rew
14:02 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
13:02 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
13:00 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
12:12 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
10:56 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
10:02 960117: NETCDF fortran errors with linux Steve Emmerson
January 16, 1996
14:09 Re: netCDF V2.0 Russ Rew
January 14, 1996
19:03 960111: netCDF & OS/2 Unidata Support
January 12, 1996
13:48 2 suggestions (NetCDF) Bernhard Wagner
January 11, 1996
16:24 960111: netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
13:02 960111: netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
09:14 960111: major documentation problem with netCDFperl :-) Steve Emmerson
09:10 960111: netCDF installation Steve Emmerson
08:02 960111: SunOS-Problem with netcdf Steve Emmerson
January 09, 1996
16:35 951228: netCDF & OS/2 Tom Yoksas
January 08, 1996
15:42 Re: 960105: netCDF contribution by Bear Giles Russ Rew
January 07, 1996
16:55 960105: building netCDF applications on msdos Unidata Support
January 05, 1996
12:29 960105: visualization software Steve Emmerson
09:39 Re: SunOS-Problem with netcdf Russ Rew
January 04, 1996
20:00 9614: 960103: msdos-netCDF Unidata Support
09:41 960103: msdos-netCDF Unidata Support
08:43 Re: 950103: minor problems with make install, make all... Russ Rew
January 03, 1996
08:16 960102: netcdf with 64 bit integer & real for Digital UNIX ? Steve Emmerson
January 02, 1996
14:01 Re: OpenVMS AXP support in netCDF Russ Rew
08:15 960101: problems with build under linux Steve Emmerson
December 29, 1995
10:48 951229: NETCDF Performance Steve Emmerson
09:14 951229: netCDF question Steve Emmerson
December 27, 1995
09:06 951227: netCDF question Steve Emmerson
December 21, 1995
10:13 951221: netcdf-2.4-beta5.tar.Z Steve Emmerson
08:57 More information on netCDF Russ Rew
December 20, 1995
09:59 951220: netCDF-perl install problems Steve Emmerson
09:22 951220: netcdf-2.4-beta5.tar.Z Steve Emmerson
08:30 951220: netCDF question Steve Emmerson
December 19, 1995
15:30 951219: Bugs in netcdf-2.4-beta5 Steve Emmerson
13:22 951218: netCDF-perl install problems Steve Emmerson
11:11 951218: netCDF-perl install problems Steve Emmerson
10:57 951219: appending data Steve Emmerson
10:42 951219: netcdf-2.4-beta5.tar.Z Steve Emmerson
08:37 951219: netCDF question Steve Emmerson
December 18, 1995
09:27 951218: netCDF question Steve Emmerson
December 15, 1995
07:52 Re: 951213: netCDF strings, BUG: in ncdump Russ Rew
December 14, 1995
14:11 Re: 951213: netCDF strings, BUG: in ncdump Russ Rew
09:50 951214: netCDF on the Cray T3D Unidata Support
09:21 951214: Problems with your FTP server Unidata Support
09:19 951214: Oddball netcdf file (final) Unidata Support
December 13, 1995
16:32 951213: Oddball netcdf file ? Unidata Support
14:59 Re: 951213: netCDF install problems Russ Rew
13:51 Re: 951213: netCDF install problems Russ Rew
13:42 Re: NeXT NetCDF tools Russ Rew
13:18 Re: 951213: More netCDF-2.4-beta5 test results Russ Rew
10:20 Unidata Support: 951213: More netCDF-2.4-beta5 test results Russ Rew
09:29 [no subject] Unidata Support
08:55 Arlindo da Silva: Re: 951212: netcdf filesize on Alpha Russ Rew
December 12, 1995
16:06 Unidata Support: 951212: netCDF-2.4-beta5 test results from GFDL Russ Rew
12:34 Re: 951212: netcdf filesize on Alpha Russ Rew
10:56 Re: installing netcdf avs module: Log_Pacthes Russ Rew
10:06 951212: retreiving Paper on netCDF via Unidata Support
December 11, 1995
19:24 File too large on DEC/Alpha Arlindo da Silva
16:02 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
15:10 Re: 951210: netCDF irrational behavior? Russ Rew
15:03 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
11:21 [no subject] Russ Rew
11:00 Re: 951210: netCDF irrational behavior? Russ Rew
10:29 Re: 951211: gribtonc problems at FSL Russ Rew
09:59 Re: 951210: netCDF irrational behavior? Russ Rew
December 07, 1995
14:51 951206: netCDF 2.4 Steve Emmerson
13:27 Re: netcdf beta5 Russ Rew
13:19 951206: netCDF 2.4 Steve Emmerson
12:32 951206: netCDF 2.4 Steve Emmerson
10:21 951206: netCDF 2.4 Steve Emmerson
08:16 951206: netCDF 2.4 Steve Emmerson
December 06, 1995
16:37 Re: 951206: NetCDF build trouble on PC Russ Rew
15:19 951206: NetCDF build trouble on PC Unidata Support
09:17 New version of ncgen Russ Rew
08:43 951206: Bug report on netCDF2.4 Steve Emmerson
December 05, 1995
15:54 Re: compiling netcdf on SGI IRIX Release 6.0.1 Russ Rew
10:14 Re: 951205: netCDF on LINUX: help Steve Emmerson
08:36 951204: electronic transfer of netcdf files Steve Emmerson
December 04, 1995
08:33 Re: 951204: netCDF-2.4-beta4 comments Russ Rew
07:20 951204: netcdfgroup subscription req Steve Chiswell
December 01, 1995
14:31 Re: 951201: install NetCDF errors on HP workstation Russ Rew
11:17 951201: install NetCDF errors on HP workstation Unidata Support
November 30, 1995
08:59 Re: 951129: netCDF Steve Emmerson
08:56 Re: 951129: installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
November 29, 1995
08:35 951128: remade netCDF User's Guide in PostScript Unidata Support
November 28, 1995
13:14 951128: remade netCDF User's Guide in PostScript Unidata Support
10:14 951128: LDM5 Site Manager guide Unidata Support
10:10 951127: where to get information on upair and sao decoding instructions Steve Emmerson
November 27, 1995
18:05 951128: DOS and OS/2 s/w for netCDF? Unidata Support
November 21, 1995
15:42 951121: netCDF Steve Emmerson
15:16 951121: netCDF Steve Emmerson
13:56 951121: netCDF installation on Sun SPARC 5/Solaris 2.4 at ETH Zurich Steve Emmerson
12:50 Re: 951121: netCDF Steve Emmerson
08:26 951121: netCDF Steve Emmerson
November 20, 1995
12:54 951118: help with testing of our netCDF format? Unidata Support
08:24 951117: netCDF Steve Emmerson
November 17, 1995
08:34 951117: packing Steve Emmerson
November 16, 1995
14:32 Re: Re[2]: Windows NT netCDF question Russ Rew
13:57 Re: 951115- netCDF on NT Russ Rew
08:27 951116: fan-1.1.5 on SunOS 4.1.3_U1 Steve Emmerson
November 15, 1995
22:09 Re: 951115: netCDF on NT Russ Rew
13:12 make install problem on cray - unicos 8 Steve Emmerson
09:55 951114: netcdf-2.4-beta2 installation on cray Steve Emmerson
09:13 951114: netcdf-2.4-beta2 installation on cray Steve Emmerson
08:25 951114: netcdf-2.4-beta2 installation on cray Steve Emmerson
07:43 951114: official release date of netCDF 2.4? Steve Emmerson
November 13, 1995
14:59 Re: Re[2]: Windows NT netCDF question Russ Rew
November 10, 1995
16:27 Re: Windows NT netCDF question Russ Rew
November 09, 1995
09:28 951109: Any portability problems with NetCDF Steve Emmerson
09:15 951108: compiling netcdf with Borla Unidata Support
November 08, 1995
08:29 Re: 951108: install netcdf under linux Steve Emmerson
08:15 951108: fortran test errors in installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
November 07, 1995
16:13 951107: netCDF software enquiry Unidata Support
November 06, 1995
15:25 951106: fortran test errors in installing netCDF Steve Emmerson
12:47 951106: netCDF data files Unidata Support
October 30, 1995
16:47 Re: NetCDF contributions Russ Rew
08:29 Re: 951025: netCDF ragged array support Russ Rew
08:07 951025: netCDF ragged array support Steve Emmerson
October 27, 1995
14:27 951027: Netcdf 2.4 Beta 2 won't build under Irix 6.1 Steve Emmerson
13:53 951027: Netcdf 2.4 Beta 2 won't build under Irix 6.1 Steve Emmerson
October 25, 1995
09:08 Re: question about netCDF Russ Rew
October 24, 1995
08:04 951024: netcdf.tar.Z Steve Emmerson
October 19, 1995
16:06 951018: Netcdf 2.4 Beta 2 won't build under Irix 6.1 Steve Emmerson
16:02 951019: netCDF testing error Steve Emmerson
October 18, 1995
10:25 951018: Mirror sites? Steve Emmerson
10:22 951017: netCDF question Steve Emmerson
October 17, 1995
10:51 951017: NETCDF - weekly-mean SST's Unidata Support
09:13 Re: Thank you for note Russ Rew
October 16, 1995
16:13 netCDF library for Windows NT Russ Rew
12:39 Re: 951010: netcdf bug? Corrupted file Glenn P. Davis
08:42 Re: FORTRAN test program Russ Rew
08:29 Re: Bug fixes for netcdf-2.4 on NT Russ Rew
October 13, 1995
11:32 Re: Bug fixes for netcdf-2.4 on NT Russ Rew
October 12, 1995
08:37 Re: Bug not fixed in netcdf-2.4-beta1 Russ Rew
October 11, 1995
10:33 Re: more about the c++ interface Russ Rew
October 10, 1995
13:21 Re: 951010: netcdf bug? Steve Emmerson
07:58 951010: netcdf bug? Steve Emmerson
October 09, 1995
13:40 951009: netCDF distribution for MSDOS Unidata Support
10:07 netcdf 2.4 Glenn P. Davis
October 06, 1995
12:44 951006: netCDF on an SGI running IRIX 6.x? Steve Emmerson
09:38 Re: NCREF problem Glenn P. Davis
08:12 Re: 951005: netCDF on sun solaris Steve Emmerson
October 05, 1995
15:07 951005: netCDF on sun solaris Steve Emmerson
09:17 951005: Why don't this work? Steve Emmerson
October 04, 1995
15:26 Re: T3D NetCDF implementation at LLNL/NERSC Russ Rew
08:49 Re: 951004: netcdf Russ Rew
October 03, 1995
09:38 Re: netCDF NcVar::rename() Russ Rew
October 02, 1995
12:03 951002: netcdf on Cray Steve Emmerson
September 28, 1995
08:42 Re: 950927: questions about installing netCDF software Russ Rew
September 27, 1995
14:29 Re: 950927: netcdf build problem Russ Rew
10:14 Re: 950927: netcdf Russ Rew
September 26, 1995
14:57 Re: DLL-diffs, c++ leak Russ Rew
14:15 Re: 950926: netCDF: Writing to a tape? Russ Rew
09:46 Re: ncgen-style "reading" generator Russ Rew
September 25, 1995
10:03 Re: netCDF stuff... Russ Rew
08:42 Re: 950923: netCDF Ackpht!!! What's wrong... Russ Rew
September 22, 1995
15:33 Re: 950920: Problems With CDF on a Cray at ucar Russ Rew
September 21, 1995
12:30 950920: one more thing... Steve Emmerson
11:17 Re: 950920: Never mind Steve Emmerson
September 20, 1995
15:10 Stan Heckman: Re: 950920: netCDF (is this a bug?) Russ Rew
13:56 Re: 950920: netCDF (is this a bug?) Russ Rew
13:16 Re: 950920: C++ interface Russ Rew
September 19, 1995
18:59 Re: 950919: netCDF installation Russ Rew
September 18, 1995
12:39 Re: 950918: netCDF on a Mac Russ Rew
08:47 Re: 950918: netCDF on a Mac Russ Rew
September 16, 1995
07:55 "David Bailey": Re: 950915: netCDF and NC_UNLIMITED woes Russ Rew
September 15, 1995
16:17 Re: 950915: netCDF and NC_UNLIMITED woes Russ Rew
13:55 Re: 950915: netCDF and NC_UNLIMITED woes Russ Rew
September 14, 1995
10:31 Re: 950913: MAX_NC_VARS Russ Rew
10:23 Re: 950913: Query on behalf of a number of people re: CRI machines & beta NetCDF Russ Rew
09:13 Re: 950913: MAX_NC_VARS Russ Rew
September 13, 1995
15:57 Russ Rew: Re: C++/question Russ Rew
September 06, 1995
16:04 Re: C++ notes Russ Rew
09:31 950906: Convex installation Steve Emmerson
September 05, 1995
17:02 Re: 950904: GMT links in netcdf web pages Russ Rew
10:24 950905: netcdf Steve Emmerson
September 01, 1995
14:49 950901: NETCDF Unidata Support
08:54 Re: 950831: Multiple netcdf.tar.Z files on IRIX6.0.1 Russ Rew
August 31, 1995
14:42 Re: 950830: netCDF error Russ Rew
13:49 Re: 950830: netCDF build failure on Solaris 2.4 using gcc 2.7.0 Russ Rew
13:33 Re: 950831: Help with IRIX 5.2 Russ Rew
10:14 Re: 950830: netCDF & GMT - NEED HELP Russ Rew
10:03 Re: 950830: RPCSRC distribution location Russ Rew
August 30, 1995
16:58 Re: 950830: netCDF & GMT - NEED HELP Russ Rew
16:49 Re: 950830: netCDF error Russ Rew
16:38 Re: 950830: netCDF build failure on Solaris 2.4 using gcc 2.7.0 Russ Rew
13:19 Re: 950830: netCDF build failure on Solaris 2.4 using gcc 2.7.0 Russ Rew
12:40 Re: 950830: netCDF install on Convex C3280 Russ Rew
August 29, 1995
09:21 950829: netCDF Fortran interface (fwd) Unidata Support
08:36 Re: 950829: Installing netcdf on Linux Russ Rew
August 28, 1995
15:36 Re: netCDF Fortran interface Russ Rew
August 25, 1995
08:28 Re: 950824: XDR problem with ncopen Russ Rew
August 24, 1995
15:25 Re: 950824: XDR problem with ncopen Russ Rew
13:02 Re: signedness Russ Rew
09:09 Re: 950823: netCDF Questions (Windows support) Russ Rew
08:45 Re: 950823: can you help? Russ Rew
August 22, 1995
20:32 Re: 950822: Solaris 2.4 installation (netCDF) Russ Rew
16:59 Re: 950822: Solaris 2.4 installation (netCDF) Russ Rew
16:49 Re: 950822: netCDF on Alpha Russ Rew
August 17, 1995
16:41 Re: What happened to the NcFile destructor? Russ Rew
12:49 Re: 950816: netCDF info Russ Rew
12:48 Re: 950816: netCDF info Russ Rew
August 16, 1995
14:22 Re: 950815: AIA standards Russ Rew
08:40 Re: 950716: Test Failed Russ Rew
August 15, 1995
11:03 Re: packing Russ Rew
10:55 [no subject] Steve Emmerson
August 14, 1995
14:56 Re: Problems installing netcdf-2.3.2 Russ Rew
13:49 950814: Problems with NETCDF-232pl2 Steve Emmerson
August 11, 1995
12:09 950810: netcdf Steve Emmerson
August 08, 1995
14:35 950808: netcdf files Unidata Support
10:57 950808: netCDF on CRAY Steve Emmerson
August 07, 1995
15:25 950807: netCDF on CRAY Steve Emmerson
15:00 950807: UDUNITS conversion software Steve Emmerson
August 01, 1995
18:45 950801: specification of netCDF Unidata Support
09:08 Re: 950731: Installation of NetCDF at Australian Geological Survey Russ Rew
08:53 Re: header of netcdf Russ Rew
July 28, 1995
14:15 Re: 950728: Problems installing netcdf software Russ Rew
09:40 Re: help (netCDF) Russ Rew
July 26, 1995
17:02 Re: 950726: netCDF IRIX 5.3 Russ Rew
13:14 Re: 950725: help (netCDF) Russ Rew
July 24, 1995
22:17 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
July 21, 1995
11:12 Re: NetCDF user guide comments (minor) Russ Rew
July 20, 1995
16:56 Re: segment fault Russ Rew
13:39 Re: 950720: netCDF problem Russ Rew
08:38 Re: 950710: Netcdf c++ interface rename bug Russ Rew
July 19, 1995
16:29 Re: 950710: Netcdf c++ interface rename bug Russ Rew
13:33 Re: 950719: Question about netCDF Russ Rew
July 18, 1995
15:55 Re: ncrecput,ncrecget Russ Rew
15:24 Re: 950717: Multiple Observations; Structures Russ Rew
09:10 950714: MSDOS and ncgen Unidata Support
08:47 Re: 950717: appending to a netCDF using C++ interface Russ Rew
July 17, 1995
16:18 Re: 950717: appending to a netCDF using C++ interface Russ Rew
14:47 Re: 950717: netCDF installation error Russ Rew
July 16, 1995
16:07 Re: "David Borg-Breen (2052/x6816)": netCDF problem with Solaris 2.4 Glenn P. Davis
July 13, 1995
15:57 950712: MSDOS and ncgen Unidata Support
14:56 Re: netCDF subroutines Russ Rew
July 12, 1995
13:35 Re: 950712: Netcdf 2.3.2 Install Problem on Irix 5.3 Russ Rew
July 11, 1995
11:28 950711: netCDF ncdump Unidata Support
11:23 Re: 950711: NetCDF question Russ Rew
09:15 950711: NC_NOFILL crash problem on solaris Steve Emmerson
July 10, 1995
16:05 Re: Kepner's program Russ Rew
15:47 950710: NC_NOFILL crash problem on solaris Steve Emmerson
15:21 Re: 950710: sample netcdf program Russ Rew
13:36 950710: Running net CDF Unidata Support
09:51 Re: OS/2 Version of netCDF Russ Rew
09:28 Re: NetCDF::vardef for scalar variables Steve Emmerson
July 07, 1995
13:18 Re: 19950706: netCDF problem with Fortran interface Russ Rew
12:57 Re: ANNOUNCE: ncks -- netCDF Kitchen Sink version 3.3 Russ Rew
July 06, 1995
11:15 Re: 950704: netCDF on SGI Russ Rew
July 05, 1995
11:31 950704: use of ncdump.exe Unidata Support
July 03, 1995
13:40 950703: use of ncdump.exe Unidata Support
June 30, 1995
09:35 Re: 950630: netCDF for MAC Russ Rew
June 29, 1995
14:15 950629: netCDF information Unidata Support
10:37 950629: NetCDF:: Perl API Steve Emmerson
09:33 Re: NetCDF and DDI -- file format Russ Rew
08:53 950629: NetCDF:: Perl API Steve Emmerson
08:29 Re: NetCDF and DDI -- file format Russ Rew
June 28, 1995
16:43 Re: NetCDF and DDI -- file format Russ Rew
09:43 Re: 950628: bug in ncdump? Russ Rew
June 27, 1995
16:58 Re: NetCDF question Russ Rew
11:15 Re: example file Russ Rew
June 26, 1995
16:45 Re: Troubles in converting mrf grib file to netcdf with gribtonc Russ Rew
13:41 Paul Wessel: Re: ncshort etc Russ Rew
12:56 Re: NetCDF Digest - Vol 1 : Issue 264 Russ Rew
09:55 Re: 950623: DDI and NetCDF Russ Rew
09:36 Re: 950625: example files for using netCDF Russ Rew
09:22 950625: netcdf access Unidata Support
June 22, 1995
09:26 fyi - netcdf question revisited Mike Schmidt
June 21, 1995
17:18 950621: netCDF problem on Solaris 2.4 Mike Schmidt
11:23 950621: netCDF on a Cray Steve Emmerson
June 20, 1995
13:50 950620: Building netcdf under Solaris 2.4 Steve Emmerson
June 19, 1995
11:40 950619: trouble building netcdfperl Steve Emmerson
11:35 950619: trouble building netcdfperl Steve Emmerson
11:32 950619: trouble building netcdfperl Steve Emmerson
09:27 950619: trouble building netcdfperl Steve Emmerson
June 15, 1995
22:44 Re: 950615: HELP: big problem with NetCDF package under NeXTStep ! Russ Rew
22:38 Re: netCDF library routines Russ Rew
June 14, 1995
09:14 Re: 950612: multiple unlimited dimensions Russ Rew
June 13, 1995
08:46 950328: netCDF for 32-bit Compiled Code Tom Yoksas
June 12, 1995
09:01 Re: perl / netCDF Russ Rew
June 09, 1995
14:48 netCDFPerl version 1.0 now available (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:21 950609: netcdf-perl-1.0 install error Steve Emmerson
June 08, 1995
12:54 Re: 950608: netCDF on CRAY Russ Rew
June 07, 1995
16:17 Re: 950607: Suggested change to Fortran test routines in netCDF-232 Russ Rew
08:53 Re: 950602: ncattput: NC_new_array: Not enough space Russ Rew
June 06, 1995
10:36 Re: 950605: netCDF build on Irix 5.2.0 Russ Rew
05:59 Re: 950605: ncvarput Russ Rew
June 04, 1995
12:49 Re: 950603: Perl interface to netcdf? Russ Rew
June 02, 1995
08:28 Re: 950602: ncattput: NC_new_array: Not enough space Russ Rew
June 01, 1995
10:27 Re: Use of netCDF in GrADS Russ Rew
08:42 Re: 950531: ncrename performance Russ Rew
May 31, 1995
16:22 Re: DRS and CDMS information Russ Rew
13:36 Re: 950531: netCDF install on CRAY C916 Russ Rew
May 30, 1995
09:57 Re: C++/question Russ Rew
May 29, 1995
17:30 950529: netCDF display/analysis routines Unidata Support
17:20 950526: NetCDF Documentation Unidata Support
12:25 Re: Use of netCDF in GrADS Russ Rew
May 26, 1995
09:04 Re: 950526: netCDF installation problems Russ Rew
May 25, 1995
15:18 950525: netCDF installation bugs Steve Emmerson
10:42 Re: 950523: netcdf build problem on DEC Alpha 2100 Russ Rew
May 24, 1995
19:38 Re: problems using netCDF functions on SOLARIS Russ Rew
19:11 Re: 950523: netcdf build problem on DEC Alpha 2100 Russ Rew
16:14 Re: 950523: netcdf build problem on DEC Alpha 2100 Russ Rew
15:08 Re: 950523: netcdf build problem on DEC Alpha 2100 Russ Rew
15:00 950524: ncview ? Unidata Support
May 23, 1995
16:29 Re: 950523: netcdf build problem on DEC Alpha 2100 Russ Rew
May 22, 1995
09:15 Re: Netcdf and MS-Windows Russ Rew
May 21, 1995
12:18 Re: 950519: install netcdf IRIX 6 32 bit Russ Rew
May 19, 1995
08:24 950519: 64 bit netcdf Steve Emmerson
May 18, 1995
14:38 Re: Questions about netCDF 2.4 plans Russ Rew
12:54 950516: 64 bit netcdf Steve Emmerson
11:25 950516: 64 bit netcdf Steve Emmerson
08:20 950516: 64 bit netcdf Steve Emmerson
May 16, 1995
16:55 Re: 950516: NetCDF Called from C++ Russ Rew
16:08 Re: 959515: About NetCDF file size Russ Rew
May 15, 1995
21:07 Re: netCDF and NFS Russ Rew
15:39 Re: netCDF questions Russ Rew
May 13, 1995
06:13 Re: netCDF questions Russ Rew
May 12, 1995
08:13 Re: 950512: netCDF Russ Rew
05:58 Re: Many thanks Russ Rew
May 11, 1995
09:18 Re: 959511: mirror site for netCDF? Russ Rew
May 10, 1995
09:54 Re: programming problems Russ Rew
May 09, 1995
15:44 Re: 950509: question Russ Rew
14:36 Re: 950509: location of PostScript document Russ Rew
May 05, 1995
11:22 Re: 950505: install netcdf Russ Rew
08:18 Re: HRPT and CDR format for Ferret Russ Rew
May 04, 1995
09:34 Re: Use of netCDF under Windows Russ Rew
May 03, 1995
09:36 Re: 950502: Help on importing netCDF to SGI Explorer Russ Rew
09:17 Re: 950502: Netcdf Russ Rew
May 01, 1995
10:10 Re: Seaspace satellite formats Russ Rew
09:44 Re: FSL grid storage working group Russ Rew
April 30, 1995
21:25 Re: 950428: figuring out netcdf version Russ Rew
20:39 Re: 950428: SGI R8000 support Russ Rew
April 28, 1995
10:19 Russ Rew: Re: netCDF for Power Challenge Russ Rew
April 26, 1995
13:59 Re: In need of help Russ Rew
April 24, 1995
09:31 950424: NetCDF for IRIX6.0 Unidata Support
April 22, 1995
17:27 Re: 950418: Help Find Utility Russ Rew
April 19, 1995
08:31 Re: 950418: NC_NOFILL crash problem on solaris Russ Rew
April 18, 1995
13:57 Re: 950418: netCDF-to-GRIB? Russ Rew
09:52 Re: 950406: Problems installing netCDF on Cray YMP Russ Rew
April 13, 1995
10:18 Re: netcdf browser in idl Mitch Baltuch
08:41 Re: netCDF instalation on SGI Russ Rew
April 11, 1995
16:24 Re: 64 bit netcdf? Russ Rew
15:18 package for analysis and display of netCDF data Russ Rew
08:42 Re: 950410: Question concerning netcdf on SGI Russ Rew
April 10, 1995
16:59 Re: 950406: Problems installing netCDF Russ Rew
09:23 950406: netCDF User Guid Unidata Support
April 05, 1995
20:07 Re: netCDF Russ Rew
15:13 950405: netCDF string bug on AIX Unidata Support
April 04, 1995
09:32 Re: Simple plots, simple analysis on Solaris? Russ Rew
08:57 950403: binary Steve Emmerson
April 03, 1995
17:09 Re: C++ interface Russ Rew
17:04 Update to Scientific Data Format Information FAQ Russ Rew
16:38 Re: C++ interface Russ Rew
15:37 950403: ? about UNIX pipes and netCDF Unidata Support
15:03 [no subject] Russ Rew
10:17 Re: netCDF Russ Rew
09:45 Re: Simple plots, simple analysis on Solaris? Russ Rew
March 31, 1995
14:05 950331: netCDF Unidata Support
March 30, 1995
16:36 950330: MSDOS netCDF FTP problems Unidata Support
March 28, 1995
10:51 950328: data representation Steve Emmerson
March 24, 1995
10:53 Re: netCDF internal storage Russ Rew
March 22, 1995
08:07 Re: netCDF Russ Rew
March 21, 1995
16:32 Re: 950321: Solaris, nctest and C++, bleah Russ Rew
15:11 Re: 950321: Solaris, nctest and C++, bleah Russ Rew
09:45 access to netCDF fill values from Fortran Russ Rew
March 17, 1995
15:17 Re: netCDF internal storage Russ Rew
14:57 Re: NetCDF Packing Russ Rew
10:20 Re: 950316: netCDF for IRIX 6.0 Russ Rew
March 16, 1995
09:03 Re: 950315: GMT Russ Rew
08:59 Re: 950316: netCDF library Russ Rew
March 15, 1995
16:08 Re: 950315: NCREDF Russ Rew
13:53 Re: netCDF on the Cray J-90 Russ Rew
March 14, 1995
10:33 Re: (Fwd) Simple question WRT netCDF Russ Rew
09:38 Re: (Fwd) Simple question WRT netCDF Russ Rew
09:25 Re: 950314: Question about netCDF Russ Rew
March 13, 1995
17:09 Re: (Fwd) Simple question WRT netCDF Russ Rew
15:02 Re: (Fwd) Simple question WRT netCDF Russ Rew
09:44 Re: 950113: Installation of mfhdf part of delphi_1.3 software Russ Rew
09:25 Re: 950313: HDF & netCDF Russ Rew
March 10, 1995
10:28 Re: 950308: netCDF to Vis5D Russ Rew
March 09, 1995
16:49 Re: NetCDF Digest - Vol 1 : Issue 240 Russ Rew
15:28 Re: 950308: netCDF FORTRAN Jacket not made Russ Rew
14:17 Re: Change to netCDF mailing list management Russ Rew
13:52 Re: 950308: netCDF FORTRAN Jacket not made Russ Rew
11:41 Re: NetCDF Packing Russ Rew
March 08, 1995
16:58 Re: NetCDF Packing Russ Rew
16:09 Re: 950308: netCDF FORTRAN Jacket not made Russ Rew
15:43 Re: 950308: netCDF FORTRAN Jacket not made Russ Rew
14:58 Re: netcdf on R8000 Russ Rew
10:25 Re: 950308: netCDF to Vis5D Russ Rew
10:02 950307: netcdf link problem Unidata Support
09:27 Re: 950307: declaration-start-count questions Russ Rew
06:21 Re: netCDF and HDF Mike Folk
March 07, 1995
21:10 Re: netCDF and HDF Russ Rew
13:05 Re: netCDF help request (FWD) Russ Rew
March 06, 1995
16:56 Re: 950306: Memory allocation using the C++-interface Russ Rew
13:59 Re: 950304: is 0 valid value for count[]? Russ Rew
13:44 Re: Mathematica and netCDF Russ Rew
13:00 Re: Satellite Data Image Conventions Russ Rew
March 03, 1995
15:15 950303: netcdf build on MSDOS using MS Quick C Unidata Support
09:55 Re: netCDF and HDF Russ Rew
08:20 Re: 950302: netCDF Russ Rew
March 02, 1995
09:06 Re: 950302: Getting Informations about Attributes Russ Rew
08:00 Re: FAN Russ Rew
March 01, 1995
10:19 95228: mailing list Unidata Support
10:13 Re: c/c++-Interface Russ Rew
09:04 Re: 950224: netCDF Problems Russ Rew
February 27, 1995
14:58 Re: question about netcdf Russ Rew
14:10 Re: info on directory/filenaming conventions Russ Rew
13:56 Re: Vis5D Russ Rew
February 24, 1995
09:19 Re: 950224: netCDF Problems Russ Rew
08:47 Re: 950224: C++-Interface Russ Rew
February 22, 1995
14:40 Re: 950220: netCDF on R8000 Steve Emmerson
14:28 Re: 950220: netCDF on R8000 Russ Rew
February 21, 1995
16:57 Re: Reparing netCDF files Russ Rew
10:28 Re: 920521: netCDF FTP problem Russ Rew
February 17, 1995
15:45 Re: packing plans Russ Rew
11:18 950217: netcfd xdr mem_alloc mis-definition Steve Emmerson
09:52 Re: 950217: handling multidimensions Russ Rew
February 16, 1995
23:56 Re: FAN Russ Rew
February 15, 1995
21:37 Re: AT&T UNIX 3.2 netCDF Russ Rew
20:49 Re: 950215: ncdump - ncgen Russ Rew
20:34 Re: 950215: parameter too big? Russ Rew
09:32 950215: where are NetCDF Utilities? Steve Emmerson
February 14, 1995
11:32 Re: Gary Strand: netCDF, Solaris, and Sun's f77 v3.0 Russ Rew
10:40 Re: NOAA COOP profile for netCDF Russ Rew
10:10 Re: ncgen don't line "minus zero". Russ Rew
08:46 Gary Strand: netCDF, Solaris, and Sun's f77 v3.0 Russ Rew
February 10, 1995
16:14 Re: Use of netCDF under Windows Russ Rew
08:51 Re: 950210: NetCDF Russ Rew
08:31 Re: Low memory problem example Russ Rew
February 09, 1995
11:25 Re: 950209: netCDF on VAX/VMS cluster Russ Rew
February 08, 1995
09:13 950208: netCDF DLL for Microsoft Windows 3.1 Unidata Support
09:10 Steven Matheson: Re: 950207: tbl2cdf Russ Rew
09:06 Re: GRIB to netCDF Russ Rew
February 07, 1995
14:00 Re: NetCDF Interface for Wavefront Products Russ Rew
13:53 Re: 950207: tbl2cdf Russ Rew
13:37 Re: netcdf Memory leaks Russ Rew
11:05 Re: 950207: tbl2cdf Russ Rew
05:49 950207: c++ and patches John Huddleston
February 06, 1995
14:06 Re: 950206: Installation Problems Russ Rew
09:24 Re: 950202: problem patching c++/Makefile (netcdf 2.3.2pl4) Russ Rew
February 03, 1995
15:37 950203: netcdf.tar.Z Unidata Support
13:50 Re: change to program gennet.f Russ Rew
11:01 Re: netCDF installation problems on VAX/Alpha steve
06:10 Re: New version of Ncview is now available. Russ Rew
February 02, 1995
20:44 Re: 950202: Problem with ncredef with HP-UX A.09.01 Russ Rew
14:55 Re: Grid netCDF Conventions Jeff Pedigo
13:18 Re: 950202: netCDF HDF build problem Russ Rew
12:11 Re: 950202: problem patching c++/Makefile (netcdf 2.3.2pl4) Russ Rew
February 01, 1995
14:16 Re: 950201: netCDF NCVPT Russ Rew
12:38 Re: NetCDF Interface for Wavefront Products Russ Rew
11:33 Re: netCDF packing Russ Rew
10:33 Re: another c++ request Russ Rew
10:21 Re: netcdf c++ class Russ Rew
09:59 Dan Schmitt: Re: netcdf c++ class Russ Rew
January 31, 1995
12:14 Re: netcdf/2.3.2-patch4 Russ Rew
10:49 Re: netcdf/2.3.2-patch4 Russ Rew
09:20 Re: netcdf c++ class Russ Rew
January 30, 1995
10:52 950130: netCDF usage Unidata Support
January 26, 1995
15:42 950126: Status of compilatin of libnetcdf under IRIX6.0 steve
15:34 950126: NetCDF on 64-bit SGI Irix 6.1 (R8000)? steve
14:00 950126: NetCDF Support for the T3D Unidata Support
January 25, 1995
12:18 [no subject] steve
09:29 Re: 950125: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
08:34 Re: 950125: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
January 24, 1995
11:27 950124: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
09:48 950124: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
January 23, 1995
14:07 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
13:44 : 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
13:19 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
11:33 Re: 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
11:03 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
09:25 Re: 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
January 20, 1995
15:37 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
15:21 950120: compiling on CRAY C90 steve
13:51 950120: Status of compilatin of libnetcdf under IRIX6.0 steve
13:13 Re: 950120: problem in installing the netcdf in the CRAY-C90 machine Russ Rew
12:50 Re: 940119: compiling netcdf Russ Rew
12:45 950120: netCDF steve
12:37 Re: 950119: bad dimension id Russ Rew
09:36 Re: NetCDF on 64-bit SGI Irix 6.1 (R8000)? Russ Rew
January 19, 1995
10:52 Re: Problem with C++ set_cur function Russ Rew
January 13, 1995
16:14 Re: Problem with C++ set_cur function Russ Rew
January 12, 1995
11:34 950112: NetCDF - I do not want FORTRAN steve
10:19 Re: IDD startup Mitch Baltuch
January 11, 1995
05:55 Re: MATLAB file format support Russ Rew
January 10, 1995
16:49 Re: 941223: netCDF fortran to C Russ Rew
15:12 Re: 950110: netCDF possible bug Russ Rew
January 09, 1995
14:56 Re: 950109: make test failed Russ Rew
14:28 Re: 950109: make test failed Russ Rew
12:40 Re: 950109: running "configure" Russ Rew
08:52 Re: 940109: Errors with netCD compilation Russ Rew
January 05, 1995
14:06 Re: Description of CRDtools? Russ Rew
11:28 950105: help on T3D steve
10:02 Re: Envision and map backgrounds Russ Rew
08:34 Re: 950104: problems Russ Rew
06:00 [no subject] Russ Rew
04:50 Re: Envision and map backgrounds Russ Rew
January 03, 1995
14:30 Re: Netcdf digest Russ Rew
09:33 Russ Rew: Re: 941223: netCDF fortran to C Russ Rew
December 29, 1994
16:54 941229: VMS NetCDF distribution Unidata Support
December 28, 1994
06:39 [no subject] Russ Rew
December 21, 1994
14:01 Re: 941221: netCDF & file(1 Russ Rew
December 19, 1994
10:38 941219: 941215: netcdf user's guide Unidata Support
08:43 Re: 941219: Bug in netcdf2.3.2pl2 Russ Rew
December 18, 1994
19:53 Re: Error at (Fri Dec 16 17:20:19 PST 1994) Russ Rew
December 16, 1994
15:00 Re: 941215: netCDF build failure on IRIX 6.0 Russ Rew
13:48 Re: 941212: WATCOM compiler support for netCDF Russ Rew
December 15, 1994
17:35 941215: netcdf user's guide Unidata Support
16:54 Re: 941212: WATCOM compiler support for netCDF Russ Rew
09:12 Re: 941215: ncvarid don't give error message. Russ Rew
December 13, 1994
10:04 Re: NetCDF Library for Windows Russ Rew
December 12, 1994
14:27 Re: netcdf on a Stardent Titan Russ Rew
December 09, 1994
15:13 Re: netcdf on a Stardent Titan Russ Rew
09:07 [no subject] Russ Rew
December 07, 1994
14:18 Re: NetCDF portability and floating point translations Russ Rew
13:07 Re: NetCDF portability and floating point translations Russ Rew
December 04, 1994
21:41 Re: 941201: netCDF package under Solaris 2.3 Russ Rew
21:38 Re: changing type of a variable Russ Rew
December 02, 1994
10:51 Re: changing type of a variable Russ Rew
08:39 Re: 941201: netCDF package under Solaris 2.3 Russ Rew
December 01, 1994
22:52 Re: 941201: netCDF package under Solaris 2.3 Russ Rew
11:21 Re: 941201: install netCDF problem Russ Rew
November 30, 1994
09:08 Re: writing/reading scalars Russ Rew
November 28, 1994
15:53 Re: CDL limit ? Russ Rew
15:46 Re: NetCDF Russ Rew
09:46 Re: Trying the third possibility Russ Rew
09:28 Re: Trying to compile with gc Russ Rew
November 23, 1994
08:55 Re: NetCDF for Linux Russ Rew
November 22, 1994
17:05 Re: html document utility needed Russ Rew
08:41 Re: Request Russ Rew
November 18, 1994
14:56 Re: HDF/netcdf installation Russ Rew
November 16, 1994
14:42 Re: Problem with NcFile::add_var(NcToken, NcType, int, const NcDim*) Russ Rew
12:24 Re: IDD stats from Auburn Mitch Baltuch
November 15, 1994
10:19 Re: unable to access Jenter et al (1992) Russ Rew
November 11, 1994
09:40 Re: Sea Space Data Format (TDF) (fwd) Russ Rew
November 10, 1994
10:07 Re: NetCDF and Matlab Russ Rew
09:36 Re: Satellite Data in netCDF Russ Rew
November 09, 1994
14:05 Russ Rew: Re: NetCDF Subscription and More... Russ Rew
November 08, 1994
12:51 Re: CDC netCDF and netCDF WWW Russ Rew
November 07, 1994
11:04 netcdf and FAN Russ Rew
08:55 Re: Help me ! Russ Rew
November 02, 1994
14:14 Re: compiling shared object netcdf lib Russ Rew
10:42 netcdf c++ classes Russ Rew
October 28, 1994
12:44 Re: A little change for you're Who's Using NetCDF list... Russ Rew
October 25, 1994
08:52 Re: Problem with updating netCDF attribute values Mitch Baltuch
October 21, 1994
10:47 Re: Help with ncgen and _FillValue attribute Russ Rew
October 19, 1994
11:53 Re: Help for DEC implementation steve
11:21 Re: Help for DEC implementation steve
October 18, 1994
16:32 Re: NetCDF Usre's Guide Russ Rew
09:28 Re: gribtonc Mitch Baltuch
October 17, 1994
09:42 Re: netcdf (operators and c++ class) Russ Rew
October 14, 1994
10:43 Re: netcdf (operators and c++ class) Russ Rew
08:59 Re: Not-Really-a-Bug Fix Request Russ Rew
October 13, 1994
12:23 Re: Getting started with ncvptg Mitch Baltuch
October 12, 1994
10:37 Re: netcdf (operators and c++ class) Russ Rew
October 11, 1994
16:18 Re: subscribe Mitch Baltuch
16:10 Re: Mailing list Unidata User Support
15:37 Re: netcdf release on a data CDROM Mitch Baltuch
08:48 Re: hdf, netCDF, and perl5 Russ Rew
October 10, 1994
15:10 Re: netcdf (operators and c++ class) Russ Rew
October 06, 1994
14:51 Re: Trouble with netCDF build on IBM RISC-6000 Russ Rew
October 03, 1994
08:57 Re: ncgen, netcdf attributes ? Unidata User Support
September 30, 1994
13:49 Re: netcdf question Russ Rew
13:22 Re: RPC... Russ Rew
September 29, 1994
15:25 Re: netcdf (operators and c++ class) Russ Rew
10:39 netcdf (operators and c++ class) Unidata User Support
09:46 Re: Freud software Russ Rew
September 26, 1994
10:34 Re: netcdf ncsync() and Zeb Russ Rew
10:17 Re: netCDF problem on AIX 3.2.5 Russ Rew
September 23, 1994
15:16 Re: Problem with nccreate Russ Rew
15:06 Re: netCDF on OpenVMS AXP v6.1 Russ Rew
September 21, 1994
10:04 [no subject] Unidata User Support
09:32 Re: DEC Alphas under OpenVMSnetCDF for DEC Alphas under OpenVMS Unidata User Support
September 19, 1994
17:08 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
09:36 Re: xdr routines in netcdf library Russ Rew
September 17, 1994
16:40 Re: install on aix Russ Rew
September 16, 1994
08:54 Re: xdr routines in netcdf library Russ Rew
September 13, 1994
20:22 Re: netCDF on Apollo Domain Larry D. Oolman
16:13 Re: netcdf-hdf Russ Rew
16:06 Re: xdr routines in netcdf library Russ Rew
15:15 Re: netCDF on Apollo Domain Unidata User Support
12:57 Re: "fix" for NetCDF on HP/UX; also, new version of Ncview Russ Rew
11:01 Re: Borland C++ for netCDF? Russ Rew
September 06, 1994
13:05 Re: C++ and record variables Russ Rew
12:02 Re: Help for DEC implementation steve
10:15 Re: Unix time on a DOS or OS/2 computer Unidata User Support
September 03, 1994
15:32 Re: Unix time on a DOS or OS/2 computer Unidata User Support
September 01, 1994
16:56 Re: C++ and record variables Russ Rew
August 31, 1994
16:51 Re: netcdf install errors Russ Rew
15:28 Re: netCDF 2.3.2 on Solaris Russ Rew
14:54 Re: netcdf digest email list Unidata User Support
August 29, 1994
08:46 Re: netcdf and crays Russ Rew
August 27, 1994
11:48 Re: netCDF on a Windows 3.1 P... Unidata User Support
August 26, 1994
13:35 Re: Explorer Module for netCDF? Unidata User Support
August 25, 1994
16:32 Re: netCDF files and data access Unidata User Support
14:04 Re: netCDF files and data access Unidata User Support
August 24, 1994
14:15 Re: netcdf and fortran Unidata User Support
08:32 Re: Compiling netCDF on non-ANSI compilers Russ Rew
08:28 Re: netCDF on a Windows 3.1 Platform Unidata User Support
August 23, 1994
15:58 Re: netCDF files and data access Unidata User Support
11:08 Re: Problem with netcdf library on IRIX 4.0.5F Russ Rew
August 22, 1994
15:42 Re: netcdf install on SGI Russ Rew
15:39 Re: netCDF files and data access Unidata User Support
09:32 Re: Alpha bug?? steve
August 19, 1994
09:37 Re: Profiler Data Unidata User Support
August 18, 1994
13:44 Re: Ingrid and netCDF Russ Rew
10:20 Re: Carl Dierking - license requirements Russ Rew
August 17, 1994
15:09 Re: Ingrid and netCDF Russ Rew
09:10 Re: netCDF for the CM-5 Russ Rew
08:23 Re: netCDF 'make test' errors Russ Rew
August 16, 1994
09:10 Re: writing char string values Russ Rew
August 15, 1994
13:56 Re: a more intelligent question Unidata User Support
13:19 Re: a more intelligent question Unidata User Support
10:10 Re: Dynamic allocation of arrays Russ Rew
August 14, 1994
18:27 Re: make install on sgi Russ Rew
August 12, 1994
08:20 Re: Netcdf install probs. steve
August 06, 1994
11:54 Re: Dynamic allocation Unidata User Support
August 05, 1994
08:28 Re: Joining mailing list Unidata User Support
08:19 [no subject] Russ Rew
August 03, 1994
09:19 Re: Max # of variables allowed Russ Rew
08:55 Re: netCDF 2.32 patch 2; C++ Interface netCDF Russ Rew
08:06 Peter Lemmond: Re: netCDF on IRIX 5.2 Russ Rew
August 02, 1994
16:56 Re: netCDF on IRIX 5.2 Russ Rew
15:38 Re: address change Unidata User Support
July 29, 1994
10:00 Re: IDL netCDF bug Russ Rew
July 28, 1994
15:09 Re: netCDF installation failure steve
12:55 Re: netCDF installation failure steve
11:33 Russ Rew: Re: NetCDF versus HDF Russ Rew
July 27, 1994
15:40 Re: netCDF installation failure steve
July 22, 1994
13:35 Re: Subscription Unidata User Support
July 21, 1994
15:12 Re: LDM file protocols Russ Rew
July 19, 1994
12:20 Re: ncvarget and array reordering steve
10:12 Re: ncvarget and array reordering Russ Rew
08:40 Re: long's, short's and absence of int's Russ Rew
July 14, 1994
13:23 Re: NetCDF and remote archives Russ Rew
08:22 Re: ncgen from within c code Russ Rew
July 13, 1994
16:51 Re: anybody got c++ code working? Dan Kelley
16:10 Re: anybody got c++ code working? Russ Rew
13:37 Re: ncopers.tar.Z missing? Unidata User Support
July 11, 1994
14:30 Re: netcdf2.3.2 Test Error Russ Rew
09:05 Re: netcdf2.3.2 Test Error Russ Rew
July 08, 1994
11:02 Re: Netcdf installation problem on Convex C230 Russ Rew
July 07, 1994
13:08 Re: Pointer to netCDF FAQ? Russ Rew
July 06, 1994
09:16 Re: "make test" errors Russ Rew
08:28 Re: OS/2 2.11 , C-Set ++ Unidata User Support
July 05, 1994
14:47 Re: netCDF/HDF much slower than netCDF? Russ Rew
14:35 "Unidata User Support": Re: Error in netcdf 2.3.2 Russ Rew
14:09 Additional function to NetCDF Unidata User Support
13:41 netcdf on the Cray, once more... Arlindo da Silva
13:16 Re: netCDF software -- discussion initiation Russ Rew
12:50 Re: netCDF Russ Rew
11:29 Re: install on aix Russ Rew
08:35 Re: netcdf2.3.2 Test Error Unidata User Support
June 29, 1994
08:05 Re: bug in ncredef Unidata User Support
08:02 Re: I need help... Unidata User Support
07:57 Re: ncvarget and array reordering (fwd) Unidata User Support
June 28, 1994
11:02 Re: NetCDF interface to HDF; netCDF VERY slow on OSF/1? steve
08:21 Re: Error in netcdf 2.3.2 Unidata User Support
June 23, 1994
16:02 [no subject] Unidata User Support
June 22, 1994
11:08 netCDF questions... Unidata User Support
June 20, 1994
16:52 [no subject] Unidata User Support
16:46 netCDF questions... Unidata User Support
June 16, 1994
10:04 Re: NetCDF question (fwd) Russ Rew
June 09, 1994
11:35 Re: HDF Russ Rew
June 08, 1994
21:58 Re: netcdf and Borland c++ Russ Rew
13:35 [no subject] Unidata User Support
June 07, 1994
19:47 Re: netCDF / GRIB Russ Rew
June 02, 1994
16:21 Re: List of user-contributed software Russ Rew
10:00 Re: libraries Russ Rew
09:04 Re: linux port of netcdf Russ Rew
08:54 Re: libraries Russ Rew
June 01, 1994
16:44 Watcom and Lahey Fortran for netCDF in OS/2 2.1 Tom Yoksas
May 31, 1994
16:50 Re: Open file mode status Russ Rew
11:21 Re: multi-file interface Russ Rew
May 30, 1994
22:18 Recovering data from a corrupted netCDF file Russ Rew
May 26, 1994
12:23 Re: More about multiple simultaneously open netCDF files Russ Rew
May 20, 1994
08:53 Re: questions Unidata User Support
May 19, 1994
10:52 Re: ncrecput bug Russ Rew
May 17, 1994
14:45 Re: number of simultaneously open netCDFs Russ Rew
May 16, 1994
17:32 Re: NETCDF Unidata User Support
May 13, 1994
14:07 Re: better configure script Russ Rew
14:03 [no subject] steve
May 12, 1994
15:36 Re: help needed: netCDF in FORTRAN Russ Rew
11:33 Re: netcdf and compilers Unidata User Support
May 11, 1994
11:56 Re: information about NetCDF file structure Russ Rew
09:04 Re: Request for info Russ Rew
May 10, 1994
10:40 [Bob Wise: "bug" report] Russ Rew
09:40 Re: netcdf problem Russ Rew
May 09, 1994
14:50 Re: Request for info Russ Rew
May 06, 1994
15:17 Re: ftest fails in make test (netcdf) Russ Rew
14:41 Re: netcdf and hdf Russ Rew
13:59 Re: installing netcdf Russ Rew
May 05, 1994
16:26 Re: CD-ROM of Mac Source Code Russ Rew
16:18 Re: xdrstdio.c routines Russ Rew
16:01 Re: Job Announcement Russ Rew
15:50 Re: OK, I've uploaded the tarfile. Russ Rew
13:37 Re: netcdf - ncopers steve
May 04, 1994
11:01 Re: I would like to contribute a netCDF utility. Russ Rew
May 03, 1994
16:25 Re: parallel implementation of NetCDF ? Russ Rew
May 02, 1994
15:19 Re: float problem steve
15:18 Re: NetCDF & XDR on Cray Russ Rew
15:04 Re: Current status of netcdf naming conventions Russ Rew
14:11 Re: installing netCDF on Dec Alpha steve
April 29, 1994
15:06 Re: netCDF and DX Russ Rew
April 28, 1994
11:35 Re: [Jim Young: Re: netcdf and compilers ] Tom Yoksas
08:56 Re: Joining the mailing list. Unidata User Support
April 27, 1994
21:34 Re: UCAR Unidata Program Russ Rew
21:20 Re: Query on NetCDF Russ Rew
April 26, 1994
15:35 Re: many little files versus one big file Russ Rew
08:31 Re: many little files versus one big file Russ Rew
April 25, 1994
21:37 Re: Problems with NetCDF on Solaris Russ Rew
10:06 Re: Problem with NcFile::add_var Russ Rew
April 22, 1994
14:19 Re: Problems with NetCDF on Solaris Russ Rew
13:24 Re: Problem with NcFile::add_var Russ Rew
09:36 Re: usage.txt Russ Rew
April 21, 1994
16:54 Re: usage.txt Russ Rew
15:01 Re: MEXCDF Authorship Russ Rew
13:59 Re: netcdf and solaris Russ Rew
09:15 Re: netcdf and gempak Unidata User Support
09:02 Re: ncvarid return Russ Rew
08:52 Re: Use of patch. Where are ncstat, etc.? Russ Rew
April 20, 1994
12:38 Re: Question about possible error in netCDF manual Russ Rew
12:16 Re: netcdf 2.3.2 RS/6000 question Russ Rew
10:38 Re: netCDF: make test problems Russ Rew
10:22 Re: netCDF format Unidata User Support
09:07 Re: updated text for pub/netcdf/utilities.txt Russ Rew
April 18, 1994
10:13 Re: many little files versus one big file Russ Rew
08:33 Re: NetCDF/HDF question Russ Rew
April 15, 1994
16:47 Re: netcdf and compilers Russ Rew
April 14, 1994
14:05 Re: netcdf and compilers Russ Rew
13:17 netcdf and compilers Unidata User Support
09:03 Re: Wind Profiler Data/netCDF Unidata User Support
April 12, 1994
14:29 Re: netcdf and compilers Russ Rew
13:51 Re: netCDF image questions Unidata User Support
12:45 Re: NetCDF Operators and Utilities Russ Rew
April 11, 1994
16:40 Re: request license Unidata User Support
15:29 Re: netcdf install on Cray3 Tom Engel
15:13 Re: netcdf install on Cray3 Russ Rew
14:29 Re: netCDF problem using Borland C Russ Rew
April 08, 1994
16:38 Re: netCDF on Cray Y-MP test error Russ Rew
16:20 Re: pub/HDF-netCDF Unidata User Support
14:12 Re: bugs in ncdump/ncgen on DEC/ALPHA Russ Rew
13:59 Re: pub/HDF-netCDF Unidata User Support
09:17 Re: netCDF error:ncattput Russ Rew
08:31 Re: calculating space for ncrecget Russ Rew
April 07, 1994
11:24 Re: character data in cdl Russ Rew
10:32 Re: ncgen problem Russ Rew
April 06, 1994
14:00 Re: Netcdf 2.3.2 on the VMS Alpha steve
08:35 Re: compiling netCDF for Linux Unidata User Support
April 05, 1994
08:22 Re: netCDF under Windows Russ Rew
April 04, 1994
16:30 Re: netCDF under Windows Russ Rew
March 30, 1994
10:13 Re: netCDF conventions Russ Rew
March 29, 1994
16:49 Re: netCDF conventions Russ Rew
13:58 Re: netCDF Opers. Steve Emmerson
08:57 Re: Binary portability between VMS and Ultrix Steve Emmerson
March 28, 1994
18:12 Re: netcdf install problems Glenn P. Davis
16:19 Re: netcdf install problems Glenn P. Davis
12:23 Re: Binary portability between VMS and Ultrix Steve Emmerson
March 27, 1994
14:27 Re: HDF speed on netCDF API Russ Rew
March 25, 1994
08:38 Re: NCOPERATOR Utilities Steve Emmerson
March 24, 1994
16:08 Re: NetCDF Operators Steve Emmerson
March 21, 1994
10:59 Re: Netcdf for Solaris Steve Emmerson
10:29 Re: netCDF utility Steve Emmerson
09:16 Re: netCDF utility Steve Emmerson
March 18, 1994
09:34 Re: netCDF Operators Steve Emmerson
March 17, 1994
15:15 Re: Os/2 netCDF porting Russ Rew
14:54 Re: netcdf install problems Russ Rew
March 16, 1994
15:27 Alpha netCDF port Unidata User Support
15:18 matlab/netcdf Interface Unidata User Support
13:29 Re: Splus interface to hdf or netcdf Russ Rew
09:29 Re: netCDF on the Paragon Russ Rew
08:54 Re: netcdf, IDL and OSF Alpha port Russ Rew
08:11 Re:NETCDF ON LINUX 尾野 久二
March 15, 1994
11:18 Re: NetCDF and GIF Unidata User Support
10:58 Re: netcdf, OSF Alpha port Russ Rew
March 14, 1994
13:04 Re: Yes!! Russ Rew
March 11, 1994
16:08 Re: Yet, another question Russ Rew
11:25 Re: Possible NetCDF bugs... Russ Rew
08:40 Re: NetCdf access Russ Rew
March 09, 1994
16:48 Re: Another question Russ Rew
16:21 [no subject] Russ Rew
08:51 Re: font-lock (?) for lucid emacs for cdl files? Russ Rew
08:37 Re: subscribe Unidata User Support
March 08, 1994
11:18 netCDF problem on HPUX Russ Rew
March 07, 1994
13:48 Re: NetCDF under Windows NT Unidata User Support
March 04, 1994
12:52 Re: NetCDF file limit Russ Rew
08:58 [no subject] Unidata User Support
08:40 Re: netCDF routines Unidata User Support
March 01, 1994
16:20 netCDF citation Russ Rew
09:25 Re: netcdf under apple A/UX Steve Emmerson
08:26 Re: netCDF V2.3.2 kit Unidata User Support
February 28, 1994
15:18 Re: netcdf under apple A/UX Steve Emmerson
10:30 Re: netcdf under apple A/UX Steve Emmerson
10:16 Re: netcdf under apple A/UX Russ Rew
February 24, 1994
15:49 appending grids to a pre-existing netcdf file Cathy Smith
10:21 Re: A question Russ Rew
February 23, 1994
08:49 Re: NETCDF-MATLAB interface Unidata User Support
February 22, 1994
12:35 Re: netCDF C++ problems Russ Rew
11:09 [Russ Rew: netCDF bug in NcAtt::is_valid()] Russ Rew
10:57 another netCDF convert Unidata User Support
08:53 Re: netCDF C++ problems Russ Rew
08:35 Re: Conventions Russ Rew
February 21, 1994
11:34 Re: Trying to compile netcdf-matlab for HP Unidata User Support
February 18, 1994
16:56 Re: netCDF C++ problems Russ Rew
12:45 Re: Conventions Russ Rew
February 17, 1994
16:22 Re: errno behavior Russ Rew
10:37 Re: netCDF C++ problems Russ Rew
February 16, 1994
08:23 Re: netCDF C++ problems Russ Rew
February 15, 1994
13:42 Re: NETCDF installation problem Steve Emmerson
February 14, 1994
14:49 Re: How do you force usage of your source-code XDR library? Unidata User Support
10:57 Re: NMR standard... Unidata User Support
February 11, 1994
12:37 Re: Installation of netcdf software on IBM RISC 6000/AIX 3.2 Russ Rew
February 10, 1994
09:24 Re: problems with fortran netcdf Russ Rew
09:12 Re: ncdump source Unidata User Support
February 09, 1994
15:57 Re: NetCDF & HPUX Russ Rew
15:16 Re: NetCDF & HPUX Glenn P. Davis
14:34 Re: NetCDF & HPUX Russ Rew
14:20 Re: ncdiminq Unidata User Support
09:48 Re: netCDF stuff Russ Rew
09:36 Re: couple of things Unidata User Support
February 08, 1994
13:52 Re: Question Unidata User Support
February 07, 1994
14:41 Re: netcdf on NeXT Glenn P. Davis
12:53 Re: netcdf on NeXT Russ Rew
10:01 Re: netcdf and flint... Russ Rew
February 04, 1994
15:18 Re: netCDF DLL's? Russ Rew
10:54 use of netcdf in parallel environment Glenn P. Davis
09:47 Re: netcdf on cray Russ Rew
09:19 Re: netCDF and MS-Windows Russ Rew
08:25 Re: Info requested... Unidata User Support
08:21 Re: Info requested... Russ Rew
February 03, 1994
13:12 netCDF use at Sandia Russ Rew
10:50 Re: netCDF bug fixed? Russ Rew
10:45 Re: bug in netCDF install (jackets.c)? Russ Rew
02:29 Bug (???) in NetCDF Gregory D Lewis
February 02, 1994
09:56 Re: netcdf Fortran interface Russ Rew
February 01, 1994
22:08 Re: netCDF on CRAYs Russ Rew
08:26 Re: Thanks Russ Rew
January 31, 1994
15:43 Re: netcdf on parallel processors (livermore) Russ Rew
12:57 [no subject] Russ Rew
12:37 Re: netcdf / CRAY YMP rebuild? Russ Rew
12:34 [no subject] Russ Rew
12:20 Re: netCDF DLL's? Russ Rew
10:28 Re: nt and netcdf Russ Rew
09:56 Re: earth referencing data Russ Rew
January 28, 1994
09:57 Re: additional question Glenn P. Davis
January 27, 1994
16:26 Re: netcdf question Glenn P. Davis
January 26, 1994
15:59 Re: Borland and netCDF Russ Rew
January 19, 1994
16:29 Re: BUFR to netcdf format? Russ Rew
16:07 Re: ncdinq question Russ Rew
15:08 Re: NetCDF Libraries for Borland Russ Rew
14:02 Re: m4 problems building netCDF on LynxOS Russ Rew
13:36 Re: tbl2ncdf ? Russ Rew
12:30 Re: netcdf Unidata User Support
11:30 Re: ncdinq question Russ Rew
January 18, 1994
16:52 Re: netCDF 2.3.2 on Alpha Russ Rew
15:37 Re: netCDF on Linux Russ Rew
12:26 Re: netcdf Russ Rew
09:53 Re: netcdf on PCs Russ Rew
09:45 Re: Comments Russ Rew
January 14, 1994
15:00 Re: netcdf 2.0 Unidata User Support
14:28 Re: netcdf Glenn P. Davis
13:11 Re: netcdf Glenn P. Davis
09:26 Re: installing netcdf Steve Emmerson
07:13 Re: Comments Nalneesh Gaur
January 13, 1994
15:12 NaNs and netCDF Russ Rew
15:00 Re: Comments Russ Rew
11:24 Re: Oh No! Another bug report! Russ Rew
11:19 Re: Synchronizing and Open netCDF file Russ Rew
January 12, 1994
10:56 Re: netcdf on PCs Russ Rew
09:07 Re: netcdf on PCs Unidata User Support
January 10, 1994
15:09 HTML form of netCDF User's Guide available Russ Rew
15:02 Re: Hdf / netCDF Russ Rew
January 06, 1994
14:49 Re: netCDF byte vs. character type Russ Rew
January 04, 1994
16:43 Re: nclong Russ Rew
10:05 Re: NetCDF for OS/2 (32-bit)? Russ Rew
January 03, 1994
09:44 [address@hidden: continued ncgen problems on MS DOS] Russ Rew