Hi John,
I have had a bit of a break from the netcdf project I had been working on, but
now I am back on the trail :)
My geoTiff writer needs a bit of work, but it uses JAI to create a tiff:
JAI.create("filestore", bufferedImage, filepath, "TIFF", null);
and then a write a text "world file" to match the tiff image.
The only problem I came across was that the numbers in the world file needed to
be in the following format:
DecimalFormat format=new DecimalFormat(".00000000000000");
The numbers in the world file (in order) needed to be:
In any case, when I tidy up the code into a neat little API, I will forward it
on to you.
I have a question or two about NcML.
I am using NcML to aggregate netcdf files that hold data for a particular
month. Below is a copy of my test NcML file.
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.ucar.edu/schemas/netcdf"
<dimension name="lat" length="2100" />
<dimension name="lon" length="1600" />
<dimension name="time" length="61"/>
<variable name="SST_AVE" type="float" shape="time lat lon"/>
<netcdf uri="file://\\moon\risdev\ferret\data\mar.nc">
<dimension name="time" length="31" />
<netcdf uri="file://\\moon\risdev\ferret\data\apr.nc">
<dimension name="time" length="30" />
I could get the java NetCDF API to read it and aggregate, using the following
code segment:
NetcdfFile ncfile = NetcdfDataset.factory("C:\\sst_ncml.xml",null);
NetcdfDataset nDataset = ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.Convention.factory(ncfile);
// find the coordinate system used in this netcdf file
List systems=nDataset.getCoordinateSystems();
Iterator iSys=systems.iterator();
while (iSys.hasNext()) {
CoordinateSystem sys=(CoordinateSystem)iSys.next();
GridCoordSys grid=new GridCoordSys(sys);
Date fromDate=aims.util.StringUtilities.convert2Date("11/03/2003");
Date thruDate=aims.util.StringUtilities.convert2Date("26/04/2003");
int minT=grid.findTimeCoordElement(fromDate);
int maxT=grid.findTimeCoordElement(thruDate);
System.out.println("date indexs:" + minT + " " + maxT);
However, there are zero coordinates systems, so the code within the while loop
never executes. I assume I must define a coordinate system within the NcML
file, which I have done and the XML is shown in the attachment. The code within
the while loop still does not execute. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your time,