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Re: dap in latest netcdf, still not success...

I believe I know what the problem is and am working on it.
First, the //UNDEFINED comes from ncdump when it get
back the NC_ENODATA error from the dap code in netcdf,
which means that the server did not provide data.

Currently, the reason that occurs has to do with some
recent changes made by opendap for their servers.
Bear with me.  It used to be that if you asked for a
member of a grid, a map M, say, then it returned a DATADDS
that just had the map variable. This leads to naming
ambiguities, so the official opendap server (HIRAX) now surrounds
the variable, M in this case, with a Structure that has
the same name as the the Grid containing M. This prevents
the ambiguities.

Unfortunately, I have to deal with both old and new servers.
When confronted with an old server, I have some transformation
code that attempts to insert Structure instances so that the returned DATADDS looks like it came from a new server.

So, It is probable that your server is an old style server
(if not, then we have a more serious unknown problem).
and more importantly, I am having great difficulty in getting
my transformation code to work correctly in the face of
ambiguous DATADDSs.

I am working on it now, so sorry for the inconvenience.

=Dennis Heimbigner

Charles سمير Doutriaux wrote:
Hi John,

I think this is where i want to email, but not sure.

Using the daily 4.1 snapshot dated: 2009102800

ncdump -v lat http://username:address@hidden/dap/ipcc4/20c3m/ncar_ccsm3_0/pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.xml
        float rsut(time, lat, lon) ;
rsut:comment = "Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on\n",
                        " machine mineral" ;
                rsut:original_name = "SOLIN,FSNTOA" ;
                rsut:cell_method = "time: mean" ;
                rsut:long_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
                rsut:standard_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
                rsut:original_units = "W m-2" ;
                rsut:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 1 month)" ;
                rsut:units = "W m-2" ;
                rsut:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
                rsut:history = "SOLIN-FSNTOA" ;
                :id = "pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo" ;
:history = "Created from CCSM3 case b30.030b.ES01 by address@hidden on Sun Nov 21 14:25:48 MST 2004 For all data, added IPCC requested metadata [2007-6-11 22:14:48] cdscan -x ./pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.xml -d pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo --exclude=plev --ignore-open-error --var-locate ps,ps_.* -f /tmp/scan/list.pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.txt" ;

 lat = ; // UNDEFINED

UNDEFINED ??? Is it even possible for a variable to be undefined? and its listed as a dimension for all variables..

Any idea what's going on here? it works fine with the "standard" opendap

Our file is served via pydap (a rahter old version i was told) if that helps in anyway.


PS: std dap result:
        float rsut(time, lat, lon) ;
rsut:comment = "Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on\n",
                        " machine mineral" ;
                rsut:original_name = "SOLIN,FSNTOA" ;
                rsut:cell_method = "time: mean" ;
                rsut:long_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
                rsut:standard_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
                rsut:original_units = "W m-2" ;
                rsut:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 1 month)" ;
                rsut:units = "W m-2" ;
                rsut:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
                rsut:history = "SOLIN-FSNTOA" ;
        float prsn(time, lat, lon) ;
prsn:comment = "Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl on\n",
                        " machine mineral" ;
                prsn:original_name = "PRECSC,PRECSL" ;
                prsn:cell_method = "time: mean" ;
                prsn:long_name = "snowfall_flux" ;
                prsn:standard_name = "snowfall_flux" ;
                prsn:original_units = "m-1 s-1" ;
                prsn:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 1 month)" ;
                prsn:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
                prsn:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
                prsn:history = "(PRECSC+PRECSL)*r[h2o]" ;

// global attributes:
:comment = "This simulation was initiated from year 380 of CCSM3 model run b30.020.ES01 and executed on hardware Earth Simulator Center, JAMSTEC. The input external forcings are ozone forcing : mozart.o3.128x64_L18_1870-2000_c040515.nc aerosol optics : AerosolOptics_c040105.nc aerosol MMR : AerosolMass_V_128x256_clim_c031022.nc carbon scaling : carbonscaling_1870-2000_c040225.nc solar forcing : scon_lean_1870-2100_c040123.nc GHGs : ghg_1870_2100_c040122.nc GHG loss rates : noaamisc.r8.nc volcanic forcing : VolcanicMass_1870-1999_64x1_L18_c040123.nc DMS emissions : DMS_emissions_128x256_clim_c040122.nc oxidants : oxid_128x256_L26_clim_c040112.nc SOx emissions : SOx_emissions_128x256_L2_1850-2000_c040321.nc Physical constants used for derived data: Lv (latent heat of evaporation): 2.501e6 J kg-1 Lf (latent heat of fusion ): 3.337e5 J kg-1 r[h2o] (density of water ): 1000 kg m-3 g2kg (grams to kilograms ): 1000 g kg-1 Integrations were performed by NCAR and CRIEPI with support and facilities provided by NSF, DOE, MEXT and ESC/JAMSTEC." ; :acknowledgment = "Any use of CCSM data should acknowledge the contribution\n", " of the CCSM project and CCSM sponsor agencies with the \n", " following citation:\'This research uses data provided by the Community Climate\n", " System Model project (www.ccsm.ucar.edu), supported by the\n", " Directorate for Geosciences of the National Science Foundation\n", " and the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of\n", " the U.S. Department of Energy.\'In addition, the words\'Community Climate System Model\'and\'CCSM\'should be included as metadata for webpages referencing\n", " work using CCSM data or as keywords provided to journal or book\n",
                        "publishers of your manuscripts.\n",
"Users of CCSM data accept the responsibility of emailing\n", " citations of publications of research using CCSM data to\n",
                        " address@hidden.\n",
"Any redistribution of CCSM data must include this data\n",
                        " acknowledgement statement." ;
                :title = "model output prepared for IPCC AR4" ;
:institution = "NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA)" ;
                :source = "CCSM3.0, version vector05 (2004): \n",
                        "atmosphere: CAM3.0, T85L26;\n",
                        "ocean     : POP1.4.3 (modified), gx1v3\n",
                        "sea ice   : CSIM5.0, T85;\n",
                        "land      : CLM3.0, gx1v3" ;
                :contact = "address@hidden" ;
                :references = "Collins, W.D., et al., 2005:\n",
                        " The Community Climate System Model, Version 3\n",
                        " Journal of Climate\n",
                        " \n",
                        " Main website: http://www.ccsm.ucar.edu"; ;
:experiment_id = "climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M)" ;
                :realization = 6 ;
                :directory = "/ipcc/20c3m/" ;
                :table_id = "Table A1" ;
                :calendar = "noleap" ;
                :project_id = "IPCC Fourth Assessment" ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
                :id = "pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo" ;
:history = "Created from CCSM3 case b30.030b.ES01 by address@hidden on Sun Nov 21 14:25:48 MST 2004 For all data, added IPCC requested metadata [2007-6-11 22:14:48] cdscan -x ./pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.xml -d pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo --exclude=plev --ignore-open-error --var-locate ps,ps_.* -f /tmp/scan/list.pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.txt" ;

 lat = -88.92773535, -87.53870521, -86.1414721, -84.74238559, -83.34259604,
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    -46.92560615, -45.5248501, -44.12409297, -42.72333486, -41.32257587,
    -39.92181607, -38.52105553, -37.12029431, -35.71953248, -34.31877008,
    -32.91800716, -31.51724377, -30.11647993, -28.7157157, -27.3149511,
    -25.91418615, -24.5134209, -23.11265536, -21.71188955, -20.31112351,
    -18.91035725, -17.50959079, -16.10882416, -14.70805736, -13.30729041,
    -11.90652333, -10.50575615, -9.10498886, -7.70422148, -6.30345404,
    -4.90268653, -3.50191898, -2.1011514, -0.7003838, 0.7003838, 2.1011514,
3.50191898, 4.90268653, 6.30345404, 7.70422148, 9.10498886, 10.50575615,
    11.90652333, 13.30729041, 14.70805736, 16.10882416, 17.50959079,
    18.91035725, 20.31112351, 21.71188955, 23.11265536, 24.5134209,
    25.91418615, 27.3149511, 28.7157157, 30.11647993, 31.51724377,
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    53.9293657, 55.33011226, 56.7308565, 58.13159812, 59.53233673,
    60.93307192, 62.33380314, 63.73452977, 65.13525103, 66.53596594,
    67.9366733, 69.33737157, 70.73805877, 72.13873229, 73.53938863,
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81.9424663, 83.34259604, 84.74238559, 86.1414721, 87.53870521, 88.92773535 ;