Hi John,
I think this is where i want to email, but not sure.
Using the daily 4.1 snapshot dated: 2009102800
ncdump -v lat
float rsut(time, lat, lon) ;
rsut:comment = "Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl
" machine mineral" ;
rsut:original_name = "SOLIN,FSNTOA" ;
rsut:cell_method = "time: mean" ;
rsut:long_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
rsut:standard_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
rsut:original_units = "W m-2" ;
rsut:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 1 month)" ;
rsut:units = "W m-2" ;
rsut:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
rsut:history = "SOLIN-FSNTOA" ;
:id = "pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo" ;
:history = "Created from CCSM3 case b30.030b.ES01 by
address@hidden on Sun Nov 21 14:25:48 MST 2004 For all data,
added IPCC requested metadata [2007-6-11 22:14:48] cdscan -x
./pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.xml -d
pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo --exclude=plev
--ignore-open-error --var-locate ps,ps_.* -f
/tmp/scan/list.pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.txt" ;
lat = ; // UNDEFINED
UNDEFINED ??? Is it even possible for a variable to be undefined? and
its listed as a dimension for all variables..
Any idea what's going on here? it works fine with the "standard" opendap
Our file is served via pydap (a rahter old version i was told) if that
helps in anyway.
PS: std dap result:
float rsut(time, lat, lon) ;
rsut:comment = "Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl
" machine mineral" ;
rsut:original_name = "SOLIN,FSNTOA" ;
rsut:cell_method = "time: mean" ;
rsut:long_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
rsut:standard_name = "toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux" ;
rsut:original_units = "W m-2" ;
rsut:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 1 month)" ;
rsut:units = "W m-2" ;
rsut:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
rsut:history = "SOLIN-FSNTOA" ;
float prsn(time, lat, lon) ;
prsn:comment = "Created using NCL code CCSM_atmm_2cf.ncl
" machine mineral" ;
prsn:original_name = "PRECSC,PRECSL" ;
prsn:cell_method = "time: mean" ;
prsn:long_name = "snowfall_flux" ;
prsn:standard_name = "snowfall_flux" ;
prsn:original_units = "m-1 s-1" ;
prsn:cell_methods = "time: mean (interval: 1 month)" ;
prsn:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
prsn:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
prsn:history = "(PRECSC+PRECSL)*r[h2o]" ;
// global attributes:
:comment = "This simulation was initiated from year 380
of CCSM3 model run b30.020.ES01 and executed on hardware Earth
Simulator Center, JAMSTEC. The input external forcings are ozone
forcing : mozart.o3.128x64_L18_1870-2000_c040515.nc aerosol optics
: AerosolOptics_c040105.nc aerosol MMR :
AerosolMass_V_128x256_clim_c031022.nc carbon scaling :
carbonscaling_1870-2000_c040225.nc solar forcing :
scon_lean_1870-2100_c040123.nc GHGs :
ghg_1870_2100_c040122.nc GHG loss rates : noaamisc.r8.nc volcanic
forcing : VolcanicMass_1870-1999_64x1_L18_c040123.nc DMS emissions :
DMS_emissions_128x256_clim_c040122.nc oxidants :
oxid_128x256_L26_clim_c040112.nc SOx emissions :
SOx_emissions_128x256_L2_1850-2000_c040321.nc Physical constants used
for derived data: Lv (latent heat of evaporation): 2.501e6 J kg-1 Lf
(latent heat of fusion ): 3.337e5 J kg-1 r[h2o] (density of
water ): 1000 kg m-3 g2kg (grams to kilograms ): 1000 g
kg-1 Integrations were performed by NCAR and CRIEPI with support and
facilities provided by NSF, DOE, MEXT and ESC/JAMSTEC." ;
:acknowledgment = "Any use of CCSM data should
acknowledge the contribution\n",
" of the CCSM project and CCSM sponsor agencies
with the \n",
" following citation:\'This research uses data
provided by the Community Climate\n",
" System Model project (www.ccsm.ucar.edu),
supported by the\n",
" Directorate for Geosciences of the National
Science Foundation\n",
" and the Office of Biological and Environmental
Research of\n",
" the U.S. Department of Energy.\'In addition,
the words\'Community Climate System Model\'and\'CCSM\'should be included
as metadata for webpages referencing\n",
" work using CCSM data or as keywords provided
to journal or book\n",
"publishers of your manuscripts.\n",
"Users of CCSM data accept the responsibility of
" citations of publications of research using
CCSM data to\n",
" address@hidden.\n",
"Any redistribution of CCSM data must include
this data\n",
" acknowledgement statement." ;
:title = "model output prepared for IPCC AR4" ;
:institution = "NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, CO, USA)" ;
:source = "CCSM3.0, version vector05 (2004): \n",
"atmosphere: CAM3.0, T85L26;\n",
"ocean : POP1.4.3 (modified), gx1v3\n",
"sea ice : CSIM5.0, T85;\n",
"land : CLM3.0, gx1v3" ;
:contact = "address@hidden" ;
:references = "Collins, W.D., et al., 2005:\n",
" The Community Climate System Model, Version 3\n",
" Journal of Climate\n",
" \n",
" Main website: http://www.ccsm.ucar.edu" ;
:experiment_id = "climate of the 20th Century experiment
(20C3M)" ;
:realization = 6 ;
:directory = "/ipcc/20c3m/" ;
:table_id = "Table A1" ;
:calendar = "noleap" ;
:project_id = "IPCC Fourth Assessment" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:id = "pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo" ;
:history = "Created from CCSM3 case b30.030b.ES01 by
address@hidden on Sun Nov 21 14:25:48 MST 2004 For all data,
added IPCC requested metadata [2007-6-11 22:14:48] cdscan -x
./pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.xml -d
pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo --exclude=plev
--ignore-open-error --var-locate ps,ps_.* -f
/tmp/scan/list.pcmdi.ipcc4.ncar_ccsm3_0.20c3m.run6.atm.mo.txt" ;
lat = -88.92773535, -87.53870521, -86.1414721, -84.74238559, -83.34259604,
-81.9424663, -80.54214643, -79.14170965, -77.74119587, -76.3406287,
-74.94002302, -73.53938863, -72.13873229, -70.73805877, -69.33737157,
-67.9366733, -66.53596594, -65.13525103, -63.73452977, -62.33380314,
-60.93307192, -59.53233673, -58.13159812, -56.7308565, -55.33011226,
-53.9293657, -52.52861709, -51.12786664, -49.72711456, -48.32636102,
-46.92560615, -45.5248501, -44.12409297, -42.72333486, -41.32257587,
-39.92181607, -38.52105553, -37.12029431, -35.71953248, -34.31877008,
-32.91800716, -31.51724377, -30.11647993, -28.7157157, -27.3149511,
-25.91418615, -24.5134209, -23.11265536, -21.71188955, -20.31112351,
-18.91035725, -17.50959079, -16.10882416, -14.70805736, -13.30729041,
-11.90652333, -10.50575615, -9.10498886, -7.70422148, -6.30345404,
-4.90268653, -3.50191898, -2.1011514, -0.7003838, 0.7003838, 2.1011514,
3.50191898, 4.90268653, 6.30345404, 7.70422148, 9.10498886,
11.90652333, 13.30729041, 14.70805736, 16.10882416, 17.50959079,
18.91035725, 20.31112351, 21.71188955, 23.11265536, 24.5134209,
25.91418615, 27.3149511, 28.7157157, 30.11647993, 31.51724377,
32.91800716, 34.31877008, 35.71953248, 37.12029431, 38.52105553,
39.92181607, 41.32257587, 42.72333486, 44.12409297, 45.5248501,
46.92560615, 48.32636102, 49.72711456, 51.12786664, 52.52861709,
53.9293657, 55.33011226, 56.7308565, 58.13159812, 59.53233673,
60.93307192, 62.33380314, 63.73452977, 65.13525103, 66.53596594,
67.9366733, 69.33737157, 70.73805877, 72.13873229, 73.53938863,
74.94002302, 76.3406287, 77.74119587, 79.14170965, 80.54214643,
81.9424663, 83.34259604, 84.74238559, 86.1414721, 87.53870521,
88.92773535 ;