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Re: 20051216:NetcdfTool

Hi LeiLei:

You need to get a new JNLP file, at:


Its better not to cache these, im unclear why that happens.

To: address@hidden
From: "leilei.wang" <address@hidden>
Subject: NetcdfTool
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200512161540.jBGFem7s009457

When I tried to launch NetcdfTool 2.2 with WebStart, it failed with the following message:
An error occurred while launching/running the application:

Title: NetCDF 2.2 Tools UI
Category: Download Error

Unable to load resource: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/v2.2/webstart/dods.jar

Have you moved this file somewhere else or what could be wrong?


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