Janine Goldstein
netcdf BAMEX_20030520 {
time = 28 ;
station = 284 ;
qc_len = 1 ;
network_id_len = 10 ;
station_id_len = 15 ;
date_len = 10 ;
time_len = 5 ;
gust_indicator_len = 1 ;
int time(time) ;
time:long_name = "Observation time" ;
time:units = "seconds since 2003-05-20 00:00:00" ;
char NominalDate(time, date_len) ;
NominalDate:long_name = "Date of Observation UTC Nominal" ;
NominalDate:format = "YYYY/MM/DD" ;
char NominalTime(time, time_len) ;
NominalTime:long_name = "Time of Observation UTC Nominal" ;
NominalTime:format = "HH:MM" ;
char ActualDate(time, station, date_len) ;
ActualDate:long_name = "Date of Observation UTC Actual" ;
ActualDate:format = "YYYY/MM/DD" ;
ActualDate:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ActualDate:_FillValue = "M" ;
char ActualTime(time, station, time_len) ;
ActualTime:long_name = "Time of Observation UTC Actual" ;
ActualTime:format = "HH:MM" ;
ActualTime:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ActualTime:_FillValue = "M" ;
char network_id(station, network_id_len) ;
network_id:long_name = "Network Identifier" ;
network_id:format = "Abbreviation of platform name" ;
network_id:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
network_id:_FillValue = "M" ;
char station_id(station, station_id_len) ;
station_id:long_name = "Station Identifier" ;
station_id:format = "Network Dependent" ;
station_id:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
station_id:_FillValue = "M" ;
float lat(station) ;
lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
lat:C_format = "%10.5f" ;
lat:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ;
lat:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
float lon(station) ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
lon:C_format = "%11.5f" ;
lon:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ;
lon:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
byte station_occurrence(station) ;
station_occurrence:long_name = "Station Occurrence
(incremented for colocated stations)" ;
station_occurrence:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
station_occurrence:C_format = "%3d" ;
station_occurrence:valid_range = 0b, 9b ;
station_occurrence:_FillValue = -127b ;
float station_elevation(station) ;
station_elevation:long_name = "Station Elevation" ;
station_elevation:units = "meters" ;
station_elevation:positive = "up" ;
station_elevation:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
station_elevation:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
station_elevation:valid_range = 0.f, 9999.99f ;
station_elevation:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
float station_pressure(time, station) ;
station_pressure:long_name = "Station Pressure" ;
station_pressure:units = "hPa" ;
station_pressure:standard_name = "surface_air_pressure" ;
station_pressure:ancillary_variables = "station_pressure_qc" ;
station_pressure:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
station_pressure:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
station_pressure:valid_range = 0.f, 1300.f ;
station_pressure:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char station_pressure_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
station_pressure_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
station_pressure_qc:long_name = "Station Pressure QC flag" ;
station_pressure_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
station_pressure_qc:standard_name = "surface_air_pressure
status_flag" ;
station_pressure_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
station_pressure_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
station_pressure_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float reported_sea_level_pressure(time, station) ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:long_name = "Reported Sea Level
Pressure" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:units = "hPa" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:standard_name =
"air_pressure_at_sea_level" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:ancillary_variables =
"reported_sea_level_pressure_qc" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:coordinates = "lat lon
station_elevation" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:valid_range = 0.f, 1300.f ;
reported_sea_level_pressure:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char reported_sea_level_pressure_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:long_name = "Reported Sea
Level Pressure QC flag" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked
good normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:standard_name =
"air_pressure_at_sea_level status_flag" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:coordinates = "lat lon
station_elevation" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
reported_sea_level_pressure_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float computed_sea_level_pressure(time, station) ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:long_name = "Computed Sea Level
Pressure" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:units = "hPa" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:standard_name =
"air_pressure_at_sea_level" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:ancillary_variables =
"computed_sea_level_pressure_qc" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:coordinates = "lat lon
station_elevation" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:valid_range = 0.f, 1300.f ;
computed_sea_level_pressure:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char computed_sea_level_pressure_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:long_name = "Computed Sea
Level Pressure QC flag" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked
good normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:standard_name =
"air_pressure_at_sea_level status_flag" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:coordinates = "lat lon
station_elevation" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
computed_sea_level_pressure_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float dry_bulb_temperature(time, station) ;
dry_bulb_temperature:long_name = "Dry Bulb Temperature" ;
dry_bulb_temperature:units = "celsius" ;
dry_bulb_temperature:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
dry_bulb_temperature:ancillary_variables =
"dry_bulb_temperature_qc" ;
dry_bulb_temperature:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
dry_bulb_temperature:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
dry_bulb_temperature:valid_range = -100.f, 100.f ;
dry_bulb_temperature:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char dry_bulb_temperature_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:long_name = "Dry Bulb Temperature QC
flag" ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:standard_name = "air_temperature
status_flag" ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:coordinates = "lat lon
station_elevation" ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
dry_bulb_temperature_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float dew_point(time, station) ;
dew_point:long_name = "Dew Point" ;
dew_point:units = "celsius" ;
dew_point:standard_name = "dew_point_temperature" ;
dew_point:ancillary_variables = "dew_point_qc" ;
dew_point:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
dew_point:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
dew_point:valid_range = -100.f, 100.f ;
dew_point:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char dew_point_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
dew_point_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
dew_point_qc:long_name = "Dew Point QC flag" ;
dew_point_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
dew_point_qc:standard_name = "dew_point_temperature
status_flag" ;
dew_point_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
dew_point_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
dew_point_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float wind_speed(time, station) ;
wind_speed:long_name = "Wind Speed" ;
wind_speed:units = "m/s" ;
wind_speed:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
wind_speed:ancillary_variables = "wind_speed_qc" ;
wind_speed:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
wind_speed:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
wind_speed:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
wind_speed:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char wind_speed_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
wind_speed_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
wind_speed_qc:long_name = "Wind Speed QC flag" ;
wind_speed_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
wind_speed_qc:standard_name = "wind_speed status_flag" ;
wind_speed_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
wind_speed_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
wind_speed_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float wind_direction(time, station) ;
wind_direction:long_name = "Wind Direction" ;
wind_direction:units = "degrees" ;
wind_direction:standard_name = "wind_from_direction" ;
wind_direction:ancillary_variables = "wind_direction_qc" ;
wind_direction:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
wind_direction:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
wind_direction:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ;
wind_direction:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char wind_direction_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
wind_direction_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
wind_direction_qc:long_name = "Wind Direction QC flag" ;
wind_direction_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
wind_direction_qc:standard_name = "wind_from_direction
status_flag" ;
wind_direction_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
wind_direction_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
wind_direction_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float total_precipitation(time, station) ;
total_precipitation:long_name = "Total Precipitation" ;
total_precipitation:units = "mm/hr" ;
total_precipitation:standard_name = "lwe_precipitation_rate" ;
total_precipitation:ancillary_variables =
"total_precipitation_qc" ;
total_precipitation:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
total_precipitation:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
total_precipitation:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
total_precipitation:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char total_precipitation_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
total_precipitation_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
total_precipitation_qc:long_name = "Total Precipitation QC
flag" ;
total_precipitation_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
total_precipitation_qc:standard_name =
"lwe_precipitation_rate status_flag" ;
total_precipitation_qc:coordinates = "lat lon
station_elevation" ;
total_precipitation_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
total_precipitation_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
char gust_indicator(time, station, gust_indicator_len) ;
gust_indicator:flag_values = "MSG" ;
gust_indicator:long_name = "Squall/Gust Indicator" ;
gust_indicator:flag_meanings = "no_squall_or_gust squall gust" ;
gust_indicator:ancillary_variables = "gust_value
gust_value_qc" ;
gust_indicator:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
gust_indicator:C_format = "%s" ;
gust_indicator:_FillValue = "M" ;
float gust_value(time, station) ;
gust_value:long_name = "Squall/Gust Value" ;
gust_value:units = "m/s" ;
gust_value:ancillary_variables = "gust_indicator
gust_value_qc" ;
gust_value:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
gust_value:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
gust_value:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
gust_value:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char gust_value_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
gust_value_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
gust_value_qc:long_name = "Squall/Gust Value QC flag" ;
gust_value_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
gust_value_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
gust_value_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
gust_value_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
short present_weather(time, station) ;
present_weather:flag_values = 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s,
8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s, 18s, 19s, 20s, 21s,
22s, 23s, 24s, 25s, 26s, 27s, 28s, 29s, 30s, 33s, 36s, 37s, 38s, 39s,
40s, 41s, 42s, 43s, 44s, 45s, 46s, 47s, 48s, 49s, 50s, 51s, 52s, 53s,
54s, 55s, 57s, 58s, 59s, 60s, 61s, 62s, 63s, 64s, 65s, 66s, 67s, 69s,
70s, 71s, 72s, 73s, 74s, 75s, 76s, 77s, 78s, 79s, 80s, 81s, 82s, 83s,
84s, 85s, 86s, 87s, 88s, 89s, 90s, 91s, 92s, 93s, 94s, 95s, 96s, 97s,
98s, 99s, 100s, 101s, 102s, 103s, 104s, 105s, 106s, 107s, 109s, 110s,
111s, 112s, 113s, 114s, 115s, 116s, 117s, 118s, 119s, 120s, 121s,
122s, 123s, 124s, 125s, 126s, 127s, 128s, 129s, 130s, 131s, 132s,
133s, 134s, 135s, 136s, 137s, 138s, 139s, 140s, 141s, 142s, 143s,
144s, 145s, 146s, 147s, 148s, 149s, 150s, 151s, 152s, 153s, 154s,
155s, 156s, 157s, 158s, 159s, 160s, 161s, 162s, 163s, 164s, 165s,
166s, 167s, 168s, 169s, 170s, 171s, 172s, 173s, 174s, 175s, 176s,
177s, 178s, 179s, 180s, 181s, 182s, 183
present_weather:ancillary_variables = "present_weather_qc" ;
present_weather:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
present_weather:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
present_weather:_FillValue = -32767s ;
char present_weather_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
present_weather_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
present_weather_qc:long_name = "Present Weather QC flag" ;
present_weather_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
present_weather_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
present_weather_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
present_weather_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float visibility(time, station) ;
visibility:long_name = "Visibility" ;
visibility:units = "meters" ;
visibility:standard_name = "visibility_in_air" ;
visibility:ancillary_variables = "visibility_qc" ;
visibility:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
visibility:C_format = "%8.2f" ;
visibility:valid_range = 0.f, 14000.f ;
visibility:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
char visibility_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
visibility_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
visibility_qc:long_name = "Visibility QC flag" ;
visibility_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
visibility_qc:standard_name = "visibility_in_air status_flag" ;
visibility_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
visibility_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
visibility_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float ceiling_height_1(time, station) ;
ceiling_height_1:long_name = "Ceiling Height (first layer)" ;
ceiling_height_1:units = "feet *100" ;
ceiling_height_1:ancillary_variables = "ceiling_flag_1
ceiling_flag_1_qc cloud_amount_1 cloud_amount_1_qc" ;
ceiling_height_1:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_height_1:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
ceiling_height_1:valid_range = 0.f, 9999.f ;
ceiling_height_1:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
byte ceiling_flag_1(time, station) ;
ceiling_flag_1:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b,
8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 15b ;
ceiling_flag_1:long_name = "Ceiling Flag (first layer)" ;
ceiling_flag_1:flag_meanings = "none thin
clear_below_12,000_feet estimated measured indefinite balloon
aircraft measured/variable clear_below_6,000_feet_(AUTOB)
estimated/variable indefinite/variable 12-14_reserved missing" ;
ceiling_flag_1:ancillary_variables = "ceiling_flag_1_qc" ;
ceiling_flag_1:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_flag_1:C_format = "%2d" ;
ceiling_flag_1:_FillValue = 15b ;
char ceiling_flag_1_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
ceiling_flag_1_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
ceiling_flag_1_qc:long_name = "Ceiling Flag (first layer) QC
flag" ;
ceiling_flag_1_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
ceiling_flag_1_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_flag_1_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
ceiling_flag_1_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
byte cloud_amount_1(time, station) ;
cloud_amount_1:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b,
8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 13b, 15b ;
cloud_amount_1:long_name = "Cloud Amount (first layer)" ;
cloud_amount_1:flag_meanings = "0_or_clear
2_oktas_or_2/10-3/10 3_oktas_or_4/10 4_oktas_or_5/10 5_oktas_or_6/10
scattered broken 13-14_reserved
cloud_amount_1:ancillary_variables = "cloud_amount_1_qc" ;
cloud_amount_1:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
cloud_amount_1:C_format = "%2d" ;
cloud_amount_1:_FillValue = 15b ;
char cloud_amount_1_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
cloud_amount_1_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
cloud_amount_1_qc:long_name = "Cloud Amount (first layer) QC
flag" ;
cloud_amount_1_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
cloud_amount_1_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float ceiling_height_2(time, station) ;
ceiling_height_2:long_name = "Ceiling Height (second layer)" ;
ceiling_height_2:units = "feet *100" ;
ceiling_height_2:ancillary_variables = "ceiling_flag_2
ceiling_flag_2_qc cloud_amount_2 cloud_amount_2_qc" ;
ceiling_height_2:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_height_2:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
ceiling_height_2:valid_range = 0.f, 9999.f ;
ceiling_height_2:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
byte ceiling_flag_2(time, station) ;
ceiling_flag_2:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b,
8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 15b ;
ceiling_flag_2:long_name = "Ceiling Flag (second layer)" ;
ceiling_flag_2:flag_meanings = "none thin
clear_below_12,000_feet estimated measured indefinite balloon
aircraft measured/variable clear_below_6,000_feet_(AUTOB)
estimated/variable indefinite/variable 12-14_reserved missing" ;
ceiling_flag_2:ancillary_variables = "ceiling_flag_2_qc" ;
ceiling_flag_2:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_flag_2:C_format = "%2d" ;
ceiling_flag_2:_FillValue = 15b ;
char ceiling_flag_2_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
ceiling_flag_2_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
ceiling_flag_2_qc:long_name = "Ceiling Flag (second layer) QC
flag" ;
ceiling_flag_2_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
ceiling_flag_2_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_flag_2_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
ceiling_flag_2_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
byte cloud_amount_2(time, station) ;
cloud_amount_2:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b,
8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 13b, 15b ;
cloud_amount_2:long_name = "Cloud Amount (second layer)" ;
cloud_amount_2:flag_meanings = "0_or_clear
2_oktas_or_2/10-3/10 3_oktas_or_4/10 4_oktas_or_5/10 5_oktas_or_6/10
scattered broken 13-14_reserved
cloud_amount_2:ancillary_variables = "cloud_amount_2_qc" ;
cloud_amount_2:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
cloud_amount_2:C_format = "%2d" ;
cloud_amount_2:_FillValue = 15b ;
char cloud_amount_2_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
cloud_amount_2_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
cloud_amount_2_qc:long_name = "Cloud Amount (second layer) QC
flag" ;
cloud_amount_2_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
cloud_amount_2_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
float ceiling_height_3(time, station) ;
ceiling_height_3:long_name = "Ceiling Height (third layer)" ;
ceiling_height_3:units = "feet *100" ;
ceiling_height_3:ancillary_variables = "ceiling_flag_3
ceiling_flag_3_qc cloud_amount_3 cloud_amount_3_qc" ;
ceiling_height_3:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_height_3:C_format = "%7.2f" ;
ceiling_height_3:valid_range = 0.f, 9999.f ;
ceiling_height_3:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
byte ceiling_flag_3(time, station) ;
ceiling_flag_3:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b,
8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 15b ;
ceiling_flag_3:long_name = "Ceiling Flag (third layer)" ;
ceiling_flag_3:flag_meanings = "none thin
clear_below_12,000_feet estimated measured indefinite balloon
aircraft measured/variable clear_below_6,000_feet_(AUTOB)
estimated/variable indefinite/variable 12-14_reserved missing" ;
ceiling_flag_3:ancillary_variables = "ceiling_flag_3_qc" ;
ceiling_flag_3:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_flag_3:C_format = "%2d" ;
ceiling_flag_3:_FillValue = 15b ;
char ceiling_flag_3_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
ceiling_flag_3_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
ceiling_flag_3_qc:long_name = "Ceiling Flag (third layer) QC
flag" ;
ceiling_flag_3_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
ceiling_flag_3_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
ceiling_flag_3_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
ceiling_flag_3_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
byte cloud_amount_3(time, station) ;
cloud_amount_3:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b,
8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 13b, 15b ;
cloud_amount_3:long_name = "Cloud Amount (third layer)" ;
cloud_amount_3:flag_meanings = "0_or_clear
2_oktas_or_2/10-3/10 3_oktas_or_4/10 4_oktas_or_5/10 5_oktas_or_6/10
scattered broken 13-14_reserved
cloud_amount_3:ancillary_variables = "cloud_amount_3_qc" ;
cloud_amount_3:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
cloud_amount_3:C_format = "%2d" ;
cloud_amount_3:_FillValue = 15b ;
char cloud_amount_3_qc(time, station, qc_len) ;
cloud_amount_3_qc:flag_values = "UGMDBNXECTI" ;
cloud_amount_3_qc:long_name = "Cloud Amount (third layer) QC
flag" ;
cloud_amount_3_qc:flag_meanings = "unchecked good
normally_recorded_but_missing questionable unlikely
not_available_or_not_observed glitch estimated
derived_parameter_cannot_be_computed_due_to_insufficient_data" ;
cloud_amount_3_qc:coordinates = "lat lon station_elevation" ;
cloud_amount_3_qc:C_format = "%s" ;
cloud_amount_3_qc:_FillValue = "M" ;
// global attributes:
:title = "1-Minute Surface Meteorological Composite" ;
:source = "surface observation" ;
:available_online_from =
""; ;
:supplemental_documentation_online_from =
""; ;
:institution = "UCAR Joint Office for Science Support" ;
:address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ;
:phone = "(303) 497-8987" ;
:email = "address@hidden" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:version = "1" ;
:projectName = "BAMEX" ;
:_dataType = "station" ;
:DateProcessed = "2005-06-15 18:18:21 UTC" ;
:start_time = "1053388800 = 2003-05-20 00:00:00" ;