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[netCDF #EGH-664485]: NetCDF-Python

Hi Mamun,

> I am working at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in dealing with
> netCDF files created by Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). I need to do
> additional operation on this .nc file format before I finally map it. I am
> trying to display those data using Python Numpy module. Using this site
> http://gfesuite.noaa.gov/developer/netCDFPythonInterface.html I am trying
> to install the required tools in my Ubuntu machine. But I am getting error
> saying 'no module named netCDF'. I hope you can help me fix installing
> netCDF Python interface in my Ubuntu machine. Thanks ahead.

That particular package is no longer developed or supported by NOAA.
Its status is described here:


There are several Python netCDF packages that are being actively maintained
and developed, as we list here:


We have been using and recommend Jeff Whitaker's netcdf4-python software:


but the other packages at the URL above may also be good and suit your 
purposes for use with GMT.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EGH-664485
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed