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971121: Installing decoder.tar.gz (cont.)

>From: BEAUBOUCHER Nathalie <address@hidden>
>Organization: Glaciology Laboratory
>Keywords: 199711140957.CAA01497 decoders link configure netCDF


>Tnakd for your answer. I've just tried this syntax :
>cc -g emalloc.o gbds.o gbytem.o gdes.o get_prod.o grib1.o gribtypes.o
>inetutil.o levels.o params.o product_data.o quasi.o timeunits.o ulog.o
>gribtonc.o mkdirs_open.o nc.o ncfloat.o nuwg.o recs.o units.o 
>-L/usr/local/netcdf/src/libsrc -lnetcdf  -L/usr/local/udunits/lib
>-ludunits -lm  -o gribtonc 
>But it doesn't work, an error message occured :
>ld: cannot open -lnetcdf: No such file or directory
>What does -it mean ld ??? It's normal that -lnetcdf is not
>found because it's not a file ! 

The decoders you are trying to build must be linked against our netCDF
and udunits libraries.  The specification '-L/usr/local/netcdf/src/libsrc
-lnetcdf -L/usr/local/udunits/lib -ludunits' is telling configure what
to put in the Makefile that it builds in order to locate these libraries.

>I don't understand. I've also tried -L/usr/local/netcdf/src/libsrc -l
>netcdf  -L/usr/local/udunits/lib -l udunits -lm  -o gribtonc 
>but : 
>cc: netcdf: No such file or directory
>cc: udunits: No such file or directory

If you don't have the netcdf and udunits libraries on your system, you will
need to grab and build the packages before you can successfully link
the decoders.  These packages can both be found on our anonymous
FTP server, ftp.unidata.ucar.edu:

netCDF:  pub/netcdf/netcdf.tar.Z
udunits: pub/udunits/udunits.tar.Z

>Thanks for your help.

You are welcome.

Tom Yoksas