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Re: xdr routines in netcdf library

> Organization: .
> Keywords: 199409191519.AA16822


>    Thanx for you reply. Yes indeed the installation still goes on 
> fine as usual . But when i install the GMT package , the installation
> continues until that part which calls for some XDR mudules. Its the
> same error message that i had sent to you. The installation of netcdf
> went on fine and similar to what u mentioned in your previous
> mail but the coastmanager seems to be not able to get the XDR definitions
> from libnetcdf.a . It should not be some file location problem in GMT 
> because if i did not specify the paths right , the installation could not
> even go on until the coastmanager part. 

This sounds like a GMT problem, and I'm sorry to say I know nothing about
GMT.  If the netCDF tests programs like nctest link successfully to the
netCDF library and run successfully, then you should be able to use the same
link parameters to link other packages like GMT to the netCDF library.
Whether a separate library is needed or not for the system XDR library depends
on the platform, but evidently `configure' got that right for your platform.
Just try deleting nctest and remaking it to see how it is linked ...

Russ Rew                                                UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                          P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/                          Boulder, CO 80307-3000