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[netCDF #LWG-946618]: Issues Installing NetCDF on Linux : "make install" failed


It looks like you do not have permission to create the directory '/netcdf'; 
this is a system path, and you will need to either invoke it with 'sudo', or 
change the target location you are trying to install to. You might talk with 
your local sysadmin, if this is not personal machine.

Thanks, have a good day,


> Package Version: 4.7.2
> Operating System: Linux
> Hardware:
> Description of problem: I'm trying to install NetCDF on university HPC, but 
> failed on "make install" step.
> Steps I have done:
> 1. Followed the online tutorial at :
> https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/compilation_tutorial.php
> 2. Have passed the system environment test
> 3. Failed at "make install" NetCDF in the Building Libraries section
> Could you please assist me on how to fix this issue? Thank you very much

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LWG-946618
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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