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950703: use of ncdump.exe

>From: Enrique Monton Chiva <address@hidden>
>Organization: Jaime I University
>Keywords: 199507031908.AA13520 netCDF ncdump


>Hello! My name is Enrique and I am sending this e-mail from Laboratory
>of Climatology of Jaime I University, at Castellon, Spain.

>We are studying the evolution of SST and by this, via Internet I have
>gotten the COADS dataset, cobcretely, the part with SST data. The file
>is netCDF format. In order to read it, I have gotten from your ftp area
>the ncdump.exe program, and so I can convert the file to ASCII format.


>But I am only interested in a point grid (40 N-2 E). With ncdump.exe,
>is it possible obtain a ASCII file with these data? Not the complete
>content of netCDF file.

ncdump is not designed to extract individual points from a data file.  You
can, however, list out values for individual variables.  For your
convenience, I have included the man page for ncdump at the end of this

>I expect you can help to me. It is very important for our investigation.

NCDUMP(1)               UNIDATA UTILITIES               NCDUMP(1)
     ncdump - Convert netCDF files to ASCII form (CDL)
     ncdump [-c] [-h] [-v var1,...] [-b lang] [-f lang] [-l  len]
          [-n name] [-d f_digits[,d_digits]] file
     ncdump generates an  ASCII  representation  of  a  specified
     netCDF file on standard output.  The ASCII representation is
     in a form called CDL (``network Common Data form Language'')
     that  can  be  viewed,  edited,  or serve as input to ncgen.
     ncgen is a companion program  that  can  generate  a  binary
     netCDF  file from a CDL file.  Hence ncgen and ncdump can be
     used  as  inverses  to  transform  the  data  representation
     between  binary  and ASCII representations.  See ncgen for a
     description of CDL and netCDF representations.
     ncdump defines a default format used for each type of netCDF
     data,  but  this can be changed if a `C_format' attribute is
     defined for a netCDF variable.  In this  case,  ncdump  will
     use  the `C_format' attribute to format each value.  For ex-
     ample, if floating-point data for the netCDF variable `Z' is
     known  to  be  accurate to only three significant digits, it
     would be appropriate to use the variable attribute
          Z:C_format = "%.3g"
     ncdump may also be used as a simple browser for netCDF  data
     files,  to  display  the dimension names and sizes; variable
     names, types, and shapes; attribute names  and  values;  and
     optionally, the values of data for all variables or selected
     variables in a netCDF file.
     -c   Show the values of coordinate variables (variables that
          are also dimensions) as well as the declarations of all
          dimensions,  variables,  and  attribute  values.   Data
          values  of non-coordinate variables are not included in
          the output.  This is the most suitable  option  to  use
          for  a  brief  look  at the structure and contents of a
          netCDF file.
     -h   Show only the header information in the output, that is
          the  declarations  of dimensions, variables, and attri-
          butes but no data values for any variables.  The output
          is  identical  to  using  the -c option except that the
          values of coordinate variables are not  included.   (At
          most one of -c or -h options may be present.)
     -v var1,...,varn
          The output will include data values for  the  specified
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NCDUMP(1)               UNIDATA UTILITIES               NCDUMP(1)
          variables,  in  addition to the declarations of all di-
          mensions, variables, and attributes.  One or more vari-
          ables  must be specified by name in the comma-delimited
          list following this option.  The list must be a  single
          argument to the command, hence cannot contain blanks or
          other white space characters.  The named variables must
          be  valid  netCDF variables in the input-file.  The de-
          fault, without this option and in the absence of the -c
          or  -h options, is to include data values for all vari-
          ables in the output.
     -b lang
          A brief annotation in the form of a CDL  comment  (text
          beginning  with the characters ``//'') will be included
          in the data section of the output  for  each  `row'  of
          data, to help identify data values for multidimensional
          variables.  If lang begins with  `C'  or  `c',  then  C
          language  conventions will be used (zero-based indices,
          last dimension varying fastest).  If lang  begins  with
          `F'  or  `f', then Fortran language conventions will be
          used  (one-based  indices,  first   dimension   varying
          fastest).   In  either case, the data will be presented
          in the same order; only the  annotations  will  differ.
          This  option  is  useful  for  browsing  through  large
          volumes of multidimensional data.
     -f lang
          Full annotations in the form of trailing  CDL  comments
          (text  beginning  with the characters ``//'') for every
          data value (except individual characters  in  character
          arrays)  will be included in the data section.  If lang
          begins with `C' or `c',  then  C  language  conventions
          will  be used (zero-based indices, last dimension vary-
          ing fastest).  If lang begins with  `F'  or  `f',  then
          Fortran  language  conventions  will be used (one-based
          indices, first dimension varying fastest).   In  either
          case,  the  data  will  be presented in the same order;
          only the annotations will differ.  This option  may  be
          useful  for  piping data into other filters, since each
          data value appears on a separate  line,  fully  identi-
     -l len
          Changes the default maximum line length  (80)  used  in
          formatting lists of non-character data values.
     -n name
          CDL requires a name for a netCDF data set, for  use  by
          ncgen  -b in generating a default netCDF file name.  By
          default, ncdump constructs this name from the last com-
          ponent  of  the  pathname  of  the input netCDF file by
          stripping off any extension it has.  Use the -n  option
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NCDUMP(1)               UNIDATA UTILITIES               NCDUMP(1)
          to  specify a different name.  Although the output file
          name used by ncgen -b can be specified, it may be  wise
          to  have  ncdump change the default name to avoid inad-
          vertantly overwriting a valuable netCDF file when using
          ncdump, editing the resulting CDL file, and using ncgen
          -b to generate a new netCDF file from  the  edited  CDL
     -d float_digits[,double_digits]
          Specifies default number of significant digits  to  use
          in  displaying  floating-point or double precision data
          values for variables that don't have a  `C_format'  at-
          tribute.   Floating-point  data  will be displayed with
          float_digits significant digits.  If  double_digits  is
          also   specified,   double-precision   values  will  be
          displayed with that  many  significant  digits.   If  a
          variable has a `C_format' attribute, that overrides any
          specified floating-point default.  In  the  absence  of
          any   -d  specifications,  floating-point  and  double-
          precision data are displayed with 7 and 15  significant
          digits  respectively.  CDL files can be made smaller if
          less precision is required.  If both floating-point and
          double-presision  precisions  are  specified,  the  two
          values must appear separated by a comma (no blanks)  as
          a  single  argument to the command.  If you really want
          every last  bit  of  precision  from  the  netCDF  file
          represented  in the CDL file for all possible floating-
          point values, you will have to  specify  this  with  -d
          9,17 (according to Theorem 15 of the paper listed under
     Look at the  structure  of  the  data  in  the  netCDF  file
          ncdump -c foo.nc
     Produce an annotated CDL version of the structure  and  data
     in  the netCDF file `foo.nc', using C-style indexing for the
          ncdump -b c foo.nc > foo.cdl
     Output data for only the variables `uwind' and `vwind'  from
     the  netCDF  file `foo.nc', and show the floating-point data
     with only three significant digits of precision:
          ncdump -v uwind,vwind -d 3 foo.nc
     Produce a fully-annotated (one data value per line)  listing
     of  the data for the variable `omega', using Fortran conven-
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NCDUMP(1)               UNIDATA UTILITIES               NCDUMP(1)
     tions for indices, and changing the netCDF dataset  name  in
     the resulting CDL file to `omega':
          ncdump -v omega -f fortran -n omega foo.nc > Z.cdl
      What Every Computer Scientist should Know  About  Floating-
     Point  Arithmetic, D.  Goldberg, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.
     23, No. 1, March 1991, pp. 5-48.
     ncgen(1), netcdf(3)
     Character arrays that contain a null-byte are treated like C
     strings,  so no characters after the null byte appear in the
     Multidimensional character string  arrays  are  not  handled
     well,  since  the  CDL  syntax for breaking a long character
     string into several shorter lines is weak.
     There should be a way to specify that  the  data  should  be
     displayed in `record' order, that is with the all the values
     for `record' variables together that have the same value  of
     the record dimension.
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Tom Yoksas