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[netCDF #DAM-293811]: (No Subject)


> i am a user of ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala. i am studying a
> field which requires me to run Princeton Ocean Model (POM). Hence i
> would have to use the netcdf that is provided. i downloaded a 4.0.1
> version from Unidata site and manage to have it installed into a
> desired directory using ./configure --prefix=/usr/netcdf-4.0.1_c1
> (After make install, i saw the "Congratulations, you have successfully
> installed netcdf..." notification in my command line interface).
> Now all i have to do is run my fortran program which has "include
> 'netcdf.inc'" in few of it's subroutines. i know i have to link it to
> some library or include in order to make it work. So i had searched for
> various ways to link it. i had tried ifort -o example example.f
> I/usr/netcdf-4.0.1/include(or lib) and other similar forms but it was
> to no avail. i am searching for ways to link it but this is taking too
> long.
> Can i get help on how to link this?

Check if the program "nc-config" was installed in the bin directory where the
other netCDF utlity programs ncdump and ncgen were installed.  If you run
"nc-config --fflags", it should tell you the flags needed for finding the
netcdf.inc include file, typically something like "-M/usr/local/include" or
"-I/usr/local/include".  Running "nc-config --flibs" will also show the library
flags needed to link your program.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DAM-293811
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed