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[netCDF #CXR-134834]: linking netCDF library with program written in Fortran

Hi Ana,

Sorry to have taken so long to respond to your question ...
> I have installed the following libraries on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.8.2) 
> using MacPorts:
> - netcdf @
> - netcdf-cxx @4.2
> - netcdf-fortran @4.2
> I need to pass the information about the netcdf interface to JULES
> program written in Fortran and in the user manual the following option
> is suggested:
> make COMPILER=gfortran BUILD=run CDF_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib \
> CDF_MOD_PATH=/opt/local/include
> The values for these options are the directories in which the pre-compiled
> netCDF library (libnc.a) and Fortran 90 module files (those with .mod
> extension) are located respectively. However, in my lib directory I don't
> have libnc.a library, only libnetcdf_c++.a and libnetcdf.a libraries. 

NetCDF doesn't install any library named "libnc.a", only libnetcdff.a (for 
libnetcdf.a (for C), and libnetcdf_c++.a, for C++.  You generally don't need the
C++ library, unless JULES requires it for some reason.  The Fortran netCDF 
calls the C library, so you generally need to link Fortran applications with 
as your output from nc-config --flibs shows.  The Makefile also must know where 
netcdf.h, netcdf.inc, and netcdf.MOD files are, usually all in the same 

> ... In
> my include directory I have NETCDF.mod and TYPESIZES.mod files. Now, when
> I run the above given command in my Terminal, I get the following error:
> ….
> ….
> gfortran -c -fbounds-check rwerr_mod.f90 -J/Users/Nana/JULES/jules_v2.2/MODS 
> -I/Users/Nana/JULES/jules_v2.2/MODS -I/Users/Nana/netcdf/include 
> -I/Users/Nana/JULES/jules_v2.2/UTILS/drhook_dummy
> Fatal Error: Reading module netcdf at line 25 column 2: Expected string
> make[1]: *** [/Users/Nana/JULES/jules_v2.2/libjules.a(rwerr_mod.o)] Error 1
> make: *** [make_SOURCE/MODULES/CONTROL] Error 2

The format of .mod module files is compiler-specific, so if you used a 
different Fortran
compiler than gfortran (or even an earlier version) when you built the netCDF 
library from source, it might generate such an error.  Also if you just copied 
the .MOD
file into the /Users/Nana/netcdf/include directory from a different directory 
where it was
built for a different platform or compiler, you would see such an error.

Otherwise, I don't know what would cause this.

> When I run nc-config --flibs, I get the following information:
> -L/opt/local/lib -lnetcdff -L/opt/local/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdf
> and for nc-config --includedir
> /opt/local/include
> Do you have an idea what I could do to fix this?

I suspect you would might better advice asking the JULES help-desk or 
support about this problem, since it may be related to something in
the JULES Makefile.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CXR-134834
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: High
Status: Closed