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[netCDF #VBL-754206]: netcdf check failled

Hi Yann,

> I'm the sys admin of a cluster and I need ton install netcdf.
> I did a simple configure:
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/netcdf/netcdf-c-
> make -j6; make install
> As it's suggested, I did a make check, I had 26 failed and two pass!

Did you use something like "make -j6 check"?  If so, that won't work.
There are tests that, if run in parallel, will interfere with each other. If
that's what happened, try "make check" without the -j argument.

If you didn't use make -j check, then please send us your config.log
and output from "make" and "make check.

> In the log, it's stated that I have a mismatch of hdf5. 

That would also cause test failures.

> ... Indeed, the the
> cluster I have two versions of hdf5. How can I specify which version I want
> to use at compile time?

Use the environment variables CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to specidy to
configure exactly which HDF5 library to use, e.g.

  CPPFLAGS=-I${H5DIR}/include LDFLAGS=-L${H5DIR}/lib ./configure --prefix=...

For more information, see



> Thanks
> --
> Yann SAGON
> Ingénieur système HPC
> 24 Rue du Général-Dufour
> 1211 Genève 4 - Suisse

Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VBL-754206
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed