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[netCDF #IBD-475265]: netcdf issue


I'm afraid I don't have much experience with WRF; if you can provide the netCDF 
file I will take a look at it and see if there are any obvious problems with 
it.  Otherwise, you might contact WRF support and see if they can provide 
guidance.  Given that you can convert and open the file as a netCDF-4 classic 
model format, it suggests that the issue might be with the WRF workflow.

Thanks; I'm sorry I can't provide a more immediately useful answer, but we 
should be able to work towards getting this figured out.

Have a good afternoon,


> Hi,
> I am using WRFV38 and during wrf execution, it supposes to open an
> additional input file (netCDF format) and read in the data. WRF did not
> crash but somehow all the input data is 0.0. The format of that input file
> is classic (bases on netCDF 4.3). I have also tried to have the input
> file in 64-bit offset format but it also returned all 0.0. When that
> input file converted to netCDF-4 classic model format, it returned non
> 0.0 values. Other wrf input files such as the wrfrst are also in 64-bit
> offset format but there were not issues.
> What could be the issue here?  Please advise.
> Cheers,
> David
> --
> David C. Wong Ph.D.
> Computational Exposure Division
> National Exposure Research Laboratory
> US Environmental Protection Agency
> Mail Drop E243-03
> 109 T. W. Alexander Dr.
> Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
> 919-541-3400 919-541-1379 (fax)

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IBD-475265
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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