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[netCDF #VHI-280278]: Two simple questions on NetCDF
- Subject: [netCDF #VHI-280278]: Two simple questions on NetCDF
- Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 14:53:22 -0600
Hello Nicolás,
I'm afraid I don't have any experience using NASA Panoply so I can't say for
certain. It is possible to use netCDF data to define lat/lon boxes, but my
guess is that these lat/lon coordinates correspond to a point on the map. The
method by which this is drawn by the software will depend on the software
itself. It sounds like you haven't had any luck with the Panoply
documentation; have you tried contacting Panoply support? I'm sorry I can't
provide a better answer for this. Other software which may be used to
visualize netCDF data is listed here:
* http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html
The netCDF library does not provide a way to consolidate files in the way that
you describe. However, the NetCDF Operators package (NCO), maintained by
Charlie Zender and available here:
* http://nco.sourceforge.net/
offers a number of ways to manipulate files. Using NCO, it should be possible
to consolidate individual netCDF files. In terms of doing this in application
space via Panoply, I'm afraid I can't say and must refer you, once again, to
the Panoply maintainers/support folk.
I'm very sorry I can't provide a more immediate solution, but hopefully this
will help you get started.
> Dear Unidata support,
> My name is Nicolás Rojas I am an economist from Chile and I am working
> on a research project on a highly debated subject on school attendance
> in our country.
> For this purpose, I am learning to manipulate a NetCDF rainfall data
> set that I found on the web. I have spent many hours trying to solve
> two specific issues, that probably are very easy for you to solve ... I
> would truly appreciate if you could help me out.
> 1) When I open my rainfall data set on NASA Panoply I get something like
> this:
> [image: Imágenes integradas 1]
> The longitude and latitude corresponds to a point in the map, or are
> they, somehow, the limits of an area? If this information is assigned
> to a specific point in the map, how is it possible to continuously
> draw a map? If it delimits an area, then how is this done? I have
> spent several hours trying to find an answer to this ... but I still
> have not found anything convincing. Panoply's tutorial information
> seems to suggest that the info correspond to a point, in the same
> way as Ferret tutorial ... but is not very clear ...
> 2) I will be using 4 years daily data sets. The NetCDF data that I found is
> one separate file fore each day. I am exporting the data from Panoply
> to txt then to a statistical package. Which could be a simple and
> easiest what to append all the data sets before exporting them,
> in order to avoid opening and exporting thousands of files?
> Having the possibility to access all this information is amazing.
> Thank you so much for your help.
> Best wishes,
> Nicolás
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VHI-280278
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed