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Re: netCDF on the T90: can't find Fortran compiler


>Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 08:49:15 -0800 
>From: Curtis Williams <address@hidden>
>Organization: San Diego Supercomputer Center 
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: netCDF on the T90: can't find Fortran compiler 
>Keywords: 199712040119.SAA07244

In the above message, you wrote:

> Hey steve how ya doing?  Well with your help i've finally figured out
> what I needed to do the install netcdf on the our T90.


> After having to cast libsrc/ncx_cray.c, it all boiled down to compiler
> options, for the fortran portion of the build.
> All that needed to be added to the FFLAGS flag in the configure script
> was that -O needed an optimization level, also "-Wp-F", and -dp needed
> to be added.  The Wp directive is the preprocessor flag as you had
> instructed to me and -dp turns off double precision.  The T90 is already
> a 64 bit machine.  Double precision causes all kinds of grief when you
> attempt to go to 128.
> # From configure.in Id: configure.in
> FFLAGS=${FFLAGS--O 0 "-Wp-F" -dp} 
>                       ! I added these just to make f90 compile in make
> FC=f90 export FC              ! I added this line because of your hint

I hate to tell you this, but the file INSTALL contains an example for
the T90 with exactly those options.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>