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Re: netCDF


> It appears that I will need to know something about the netCDF files. Can 
> you help?

If you have a WWW browser (such as Netscape or Mosaic), first check the
information on netCDF available from the URL:


especially the Frequently Asked Questions document.

If you still have questions and need a NetCDF User's Guide, you can request
one from address@hidden.

If you don't have a WWW browser but have Internet access and can FTP files,
you can get most of the same information (but in a less convenient and
readable form) via anonymous FTP from the directory:


If you have a specific netCDF question, you can send it to


Russ Rew                                                UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                          P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/                          Boulder, CO 80307-3000