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20020327: help on building the netCDF libraries

>From: n0705605 <address@hidden>
>Organization: Newcastle University/Geomatics Department
>Keywords: 200203271503.g2RF3wa09193 netCDF


>Could you help me? I am a PhD student in Geomatics Department in Newcastle 
>University, UK.
>I have a data file archived in netCDF format offered by Civil Enigineer 
>Department in Washington university.
>This is my first time to use netcdf. My colleague have no idea about that as 
>well. So, I have to ask help from you.
>My question is how to build netCDF libraries. Now let me describe that in 

Please review the online documentation on building the netCDF:

Unidata netCDF HomePage
  Installation Instructions

These pages should get you going quickly.

>I wouldnot like to know all of netCDF interface. I just want to open that 
>file, and get the value of some variables. So I plan to build a netCDF library
>firstly. Next, I will use f77 -o ... -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf to link 
>with the netCDF libraries.

OK.  The installation instructions will lead you through the build and
install of netCDF so that you will have the appropriate library to link

>I am working on UNIX system, using fortran 77.
>So, I gunzip netcdf-3.5.0.tar.z
>and tar xvf netcdf-3.5.0.tar
>then I try to use Makefile in  driectory ..src/f90/ and ..src/fortran/
>to complie and bulid a netCDF library.

Makefile.in is a make file template that gets turned into a Makefile
when you run configure.

>Could you please help me? What is the easiest way to build the netCDF library?

The absolute easiest thing for you to do may be to download a binary
installation of the netCDF and unpack and use it.  In order to do this,
you will have to have a Unix system for which a binary distribution has
been built.  To check if your Unix system is one for which the netCDF
binary is available, please review:


If you have a system that is not on this list, you may be forced to
build the netCDF from source as per the instructions in the INSTALL.html
page listed above.

>Have a nice Easter Holiday!


Tom Yoksas

>From address@hidden Wed Mar 27 11:33:48 2002
>Subject: RE: 20020327: help on building the netCDF libraries

Dear Tom:

Thank you for your quick help.

Yes,now,I can link the netCDF libraries following the instruction on 

Many thanks!
