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> To: address@hidden
> From: Xianglong Jin <address@hidden>
>Subject: help
>Keywords: 199708210746.BAA17110

Hi Fang,

>  I know the valule of the M_PI in the usr/include/values.h is about
>  3.1415...., But I want to know the value of the M_PI_2 and M_PI_4 in
>  the file of the Gmt_map.c.  
>  Thanks!
>  Fang Yinxia

Sorry, but Unidata doesn't develop or support GMT.  That means we don't
have a copy of the file Gmt_map.c here, and don't know the GMT
definitions of the constants M_PI_2 or M_PI_4.  You'll have to consult
the GMT sources or direct GMT-related questions such as this one to the
GMT mailing list or developers.  See


for access to more GMT information.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu