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Re: netCDF Unix Build - failure of "make test"

"Neil Ganju" <address@hidden> writes:

> Institution: US Geological Survey
> Package Version: 3.6.0-p1
> Operating System: RedHat Linux WS 4
> Hardware Information: Dell 670n dual processor
> Inquiry: Running configure gives the same output as the successful build 
> shown on the website for the intel 9 compiler with Linux. But when I run 
> "make test" it looks like a whole section is skipped (below, from successful 
> build): 
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran t_nc.c
> make[2]: Warning: File `libnetcdf.a' has modification time 0.17 s in the 
> future
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran attr.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran dim.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran error.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran -DVERSION=`cat ../VERSION` libvers.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran nc.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran ncio.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran ncx.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran putget.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran string.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran v1hpg.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran v2i.c
> cc -c -g -I.  -DpgiFortran var.c
> Thanks for your help...

Do a "make distclean".

Then do a configure and make test, saving the output in a text file.

Then send that to me.


Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden