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[netCDF #OCE-469376]: netcdf


It looks like the cam_4D_rd_ncdf program just reads the variable values for the 
first time step over and over again in the 

  do rec = 1, NRECS

loop, because it never updates the "start" vector within the loop to specify 
that the next record should be read.  If you just uncomment the statement

!    start(4) = rec

so that the place where the read starts is the beginning of the appropriate 
time step (record) for each variable, the values for the rec-th time step will 
be read in the rec-th iteration of the loop.

In the cam_3D_rd program, it looks like you have this right, with 

     start(3) = rec

just before you read the variable slices from the file, so I expect the 3D 
variable values may be OK.

I couldn't verify this is the problem (or even compile the Fortran-90 programs 
you provided) because of various missing modules, but hopefully this will get 
you going ...


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OCE-469376
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed