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[netCDF #FZM-456558]: Help on WRF 3.3.1

Hi Andi,

> I have started a project looking at wind noise affecting potential
> infrasound measurements on Mars's surface. I am thinking of using
> planetWRF (from Ashima Research, based on WRF 3.3.1) to obtain surface
> wind fields.
> Before starting with planetWRF, I am trying to set up a basic WRF run
> first, following the steps in the UCAR tutorial
> http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial
> However, I cannot generate the needed executables. I wonder if you could
> give me some pointers. (I admit I am a unix novice.)
> Here's what I have done so far:
> 1) Config/compile netCDF.
> -> tried -cxx-4.2, -cxx4-4.2.1, -, -fortran-4.4.2.
> -> set the NETCDF variable to /usr/local/netcdf (I unzip the tarball in
> /usr/local then rename the folder "netcdf").
> -> Questions:
> -> Q1: Which compiler version should I use (cxx, cxx4, c, fortran)?

You first need to install netCDF-C following these instructions:


You will also need netCDF-Fortran, which depends on first installing


You don't need the netCDF-C++ library, unless you have C++ software
that reuires it.

> -> Q2: Should I use an older version, to match the WRF?

The latest version of the software is compatible with WRF, although
older versions such as 3.6.3 may also work. I'd recommend just using
the latest version, as it has fixes for various bugs identified  in
earlier releases.

> 2) Config/compile WRF Version 3.3.1 (Sept 16, 2011). I figured this is
> the version on which planetWRFV3.3.1 is based.

Sorry, I don't know much about WRF versions or planetWRFV3.3.1, but we
can answer questions about building, testing, or installing netCDF.

> If you could help with me this, I would be extremely grateful. If you
> need me to give you the logfiles, let me know. (I don't want to clutter
> your inbox with long scrolls...)  Thanks a lot!
> Sincerely,
> -Andi Petculescu

You're welcome!  If you have problems building with configure, the
first thing we usually ask for is the config.log file generated by
configure, as well as the symptoms of the problem ...


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FZM-456558
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed