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960111: netCDF & OS/2
- Subject: 960111: netCDF & OS/2
- Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 19:03:33 -0700
>Keywords: 199512282011.AA18429 netCDF OS/2 Watcom
>From: address@hidden (James Hannigan)
>Organization: NCAR/ACD
>Yes, I am still very interested in compiling netCDF on OS/2 using the
>WATCOM compilers. I downloaded the most recent beta version from the web site
>and took a first look at it, but have not as of yet put much time into it. I
>saw the msoft.mk makefiles from the earlier efforts and my first inclination
>was to hack these for WATCOM make. Though this may not be the best route. It
>might be better to use the UNIX make files.
Actually, someone already has. Grab the file:
and take a look. Here is the ZIP comment and listing that describes the
contents of the file:
[watcom.zip] comment:
# #
# #
# This group of makefiles is a modification of the group of makefiles #
# 'MSOFT.MK' provided with NetCDF-2.3.2. These specific makefiles are #
# set up for watcom C/C++ 10.0 generating code for 32-bit OS/2 but can be #
# easily modified to drive any C (and FORTRAN) compiler that generates #
# code for DOS or OS/2. #
# #
# The driver names and option strings for compilers, linkers, librarians, #
# touch and remove utilities, and file locations are specified only in #
# the parent makefile. While this necessitates using the parent makefile #
# for any update, it also elimiates the frustrating chore of making #
# identical changes in multiple makefiles. #
# #
# An "uninstall" target has been added to facilitate removal of the #
# NetCDF files from your system. #
# #
# These makefiles are for use with the NMAKE utility (Microsoft's, IBM's #
# or compatible). I didn't take the time to generate makefiles for #
# watcom's WMAKE utility for watcom purists. #
# #
# /---------------------------------+----------------------------------\ #
# | Michael D. Perryman | | #
# | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | address@hidden | #
# | Tulsa District | (918)669-7138 | #
# | Tulsa, OK USA | | #
# \---------------------------------+----------------------------------/ #
# #
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name ("^" ==> case
------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- conversion)
4583 Implode 1520 67% 12-12-94 09:54 a1c71bb9 ^watcom.mk
4854 Implode 1661 66% 12-12-94 09:43 2a497199 ^libsrc/watcom.mk
3652 Implode 1381 62% 12-12-94 09:45 f5addacc ^ncdump/watcom.mk
5964 Implode 1928 68% 12-12-94 09:45 4eaa8f3b ^ncgen/watcom.mk
6739 Implode 1940 71% 12-12-94 09:43 1498d9d3 ^nctest/watcom.mk
3468 Implode 1205 65% 12-12-94 09:43 93874dd8 ^xdr/watcom.mk
------ ------ --- -------
29260 9635 67% 6
>The scope of this may extend much futher than our group. We initially
>need to transfer data files from an instrument that runs in OS/2 to our
>workstations for processing.
Is this something from AIR?
>But needs always crop up where we want to transfer
>data back so similar i/o routines will need to be developed in both AIX and
>OS/2. Our project is part of an international program called the Network for
>the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC). In the infra-red group there are
>several (maybe 7 and probably more on the way) instruments that use OS/2 and we
>all need to intercompare data. So I foresee our successful use of netCDF to
>be extended throughout the IR group and then who knows? There is no current
>defined data format and a great need. Many of the other groups use Sun's,
>HP's and DEC's increasing the need for a platform independent format.
The netCDF would be very useful for this wide variety of platforms.
>I would be happy to get in contact with the group from Washington U.
>and any other groups you find who have done this.
You may want to contact the author of the watcom work at his email address
> Cheers, Jim
I hope that this helped...
> James W. Hannigan
> Research Scientist
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> Boulder, CO, USA 80307-3000
> address@hidden
> 303 497 1853 (voice)
> 303 497 1492 (fax)
Tom Yoksas