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Re: 20030328: some observations on netCDF API

>To: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
>cc: "Cook, Mr. John (NRLMRY)" <address@hidden>
>From: "Mantri, Mr. Ramesh" <address@hidden>
>Subject: some observations on netCDF API
>Organization: Navy
>Keywords: 200303281619.h2SGJPB2009260

Hi Ramesh,

> very recently we decided on storing some of our data in netCDF format.
> This data is written inside of a C++ program and read from a Java
> program. We haven't yet tried out the Java API, but we have tried out
> the C++ API and we would like to share some of our observations with
> you. It is possible that some of these observations stem from our
> inexperience with netCDF API, but some might be useful to you in
> upgrading the software.
> 1) The C++ API is certainly easier to use than the C API, but there are
>    problems in making use of the C++ API.
> 2) Apparently some of the header files included in some of the C++ code
>    follow conventions that are no longer relevant. For e.g., the use of the
>    include files
>    #include <iostream.h>
>    #include <strstream.h>
> 3) We tried to edit the header files to fix the compilation errors. The
>    compiler no longer complained, but it resulted in unresolved references.
>     java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
> /d/USERS/local/mantri/swdir/resin-2.1.7/doc/webapps/evis/WEB-INF/lib/libTedsProxy.so:
> /d/USERS/local/mantri/swdir/resin-2.1.7/doc/webapps/evis/WEB-INF/lib/libTedsProxy.so:
>    undefined symbol: _ZN6NcFileC1EPKcNS_8FileModeEPjj
> 4) So next we tried to get a recent version of the netCDF software from your
>    web site and tried to configure it and build it (on a Linux RedHat 8.0
>    machine with gcc 3.2). It resulted in simply too many errrors. I ended
>    up removing the Fortran subdirectories (which we don't need anyway), but
>    sadly the C++ directory too.
> 5) In short, we have been able to use the C API successfully. We would like
>    to use the C++ API, if possible, because it is simpler to use. Hopefully,
>    some time in future, that might be possible.

Please try netCDF version 3.5.1-beta10, available from


It has improvements to the C++ interface and I think it addresses all
your concerns.  If you still have problems, please let us know.  Thanks.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://my.unidata.ucar.edu