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[netCDFPerl #URC-325321]: Net PDF under perl 5.14.2


You have my sympathies. Maintaining obsolete code is rarely fun.

The home-page of the netCDF-Perl package


has a hyperlink to the README file


The README file indicates that the netCDF-Perl package is based on version 2 of 
the netCDF package.

The netCDF-Perl package has a manual-page that describes how to use it in terms 
of the netCDF-2 API (certain names are, necessarily, changed but the API is 
functionally identical). The netCDF-2 package is obsolete but can be downloaded 


This package contains the manual-page for the netCDF-2 library, 
"netcdf-2.4.3/src/doc/netcdf.3". There is also a user's guide for the netCDF-2 
package, which can be downloaded at


You'll have to download the netCDF-2 package and read its manual-page or 
download the netCDF-2 user's guide in order to understand the netCDF-2 API.

Once you've done that, the netCDF-Perl manual-page will tell you how the 
netCDF-Perl API is trivially derived from the netCDF-2 API.

There is also a Perl script within the netCDF-Perl package that is used for 
testing the Perl API. The pathname of the script, relative to the top-level 
source-directory is "perl/test.pl".

For your convenience, I've attached the netCDF-Perl manual-page and test-script.

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: URC-325321
Department: Support netCDF Perl
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

Attachment: netCDFPerl.1
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test.pl
Description: Binary data