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Re: netcdf-3.3 on SX-4

On May 16, 12:54pm, Russ Rew wrote:

> Hi,
> We have an SX-4 user in Germany who is trying to use netcdf-3.3.
> However, he is trying to use it under SUPER-UX R6.1 and it was
> compiled for R6.2. He is not able to compile it successfully
> under R6.1. He will be upgrading SUPER-UX to R7.1 soon. So my
> question is: do you have a version working under SUPER-UX R7.1
> and do you know when it will be available?
> Best Regards,
> Susan
> - - --
> - - --------------------------------------------------------------
> Susan Kraus                    4200 Research Forest Drive, Suite 400
> NEC Systems Lab, Inc.          The Woodlands, TX 77381-4257
> Houston Supercomputer Center   (281) 465-1505 phone
> address@hidden          (281) 465-1599 fax

The most recent work I've done with the SX-4 is
on sx4.hstc.necsyl.com in /home/cust/ncar1/netcdf-3.3beta.

(There are no relevant differences between the "beta" there
and the release you find at our ftp site.)

This system is at 7.1 now, and I presume it was last week when
we did the build. I did not notice that there had been an upgrade,
the SX-4 information in our INSTALL document says 6.2 incorrectly.
Otherwise, we the info in the INSTALL document represents the current state
of affairs. There are some problems with the _new_ fortran interface
and perhaps 'ncgen -f'. Programs which use the netcdf-2 fortran interface
(eg, any existing netcdf FORTRAN programs) should work.

The objects in /home/cust/ncar1/netcdf-3.3a may be from SUPER-UX 6.2,
check the dates. For programs using the netcdf-2 interface, it is not
significantly different from the current release.

We have some open issues with your NEC engineering staff, particularly
a problem with the C preprocessor, which inhibit our ability to verify the
port to SX-4. Greg Neill (address@hidden) has be sheparding this through.

Hope this helps.
