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Re: 20050926: Read netcdf files

After you open the Netcdf file, use NetcdfFile.getVariables() to find out what 
variables are present in the file. Similarly, call getAttributes(), 
getDimensions(), etc.

Unidata Support wrote:
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To: address@hidden
From: address@hidden
Subject: Read netcdf files
Organization: ?
Keywords: 200509261241.j8QCfIYJ026246 netCDF Java


I use the Netcdf librairy for java but I have some problems . I try with a
netcdf file but I have to specify the name of the variables. I need a program
which can read all the netcdf files without saying the name of the variables or
anything else. I don't know if it is possible . So if you can help me to read
netcdf files , it will be great.

Thank you very much


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