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[netCDF #OSF-271820]: variable sizes violate format constraints

Hi Ping,

Sorry this reply has taken so long, we were at a meeting all last

You could check this FAQ and answer:


where it says:

  If you get the netCDF library error "One or more variable sizes
  violate format constraints", you are trying to define a variable
  larger than permitted for the file format variant. This error
  typically occurs when leaving "define mode" rather than when
  defining a variable. The error status cannot be returned when a
  variable is first defined, because the last fixed-size variable
  defined is permitted to be larger than other fixed-size variables
  (when there are no record variables).

  Similarly, the last record variable may be larger than other record
  variables. This means that subsequently adding a small variable to
  an existing file may be invalid, because it makes what was
  previously the last variable now in violation of the format size
  constraints. For details on the format size constraints, see the
  Users Guide sections NetCDF Classic Format Limitations and NetCDF
  64-bit Offset Format Limitations.

> By the way, I tried to compile using 64bit.
> But when I check the output, the netcdf file still uses the classic
> format not the new 64-bit offset format.

To use the new 64-bit offset format, you have to specify a flag to
the function that creates the netCDF file.  Depending on what language
API you are using, there are different ways of doing this.  See this


The format used is not related to whether the library is 32-bit or
64-bit.  You can write and read 64-bit offset netCDF files with either
a 32-bit or 64-bit library.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OSF-271820
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed