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Re: 20020827: Netcdf 3.5.0 fails with linux on FAT32 partition

>To: address@hidden
>From: Andreas Manschke <address@hidden>
>Subject: Netcdf 3.5.0 fails with linux on FAT32 partition
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200208270859.g7R8xDZ02976


> thanks for your quick answer. I'm sorry that I have been
> not clear enough. Will try to explain better now:
> Perhaps the easist way is using ncgen: I created foo.cdl
> as described by "man ncgen". Syntax check was ok:
> # ncgen foo.cdl
> #
> I copied foo.cdl to the FAT32 partition and to the ext2 partition.
> Then I tried
> ncgen -o x.nc foo.cdl
> on both partitions. 
> On ext2 I get:
> # ncgen -o x.nc foo.cdl
> #
> an a file x.nc with 740 bytes and looking reasonable when viewed with ncdump.
> On FAT32 I get:
> # ncgen -o x.nc foo.cdl
> ncgen: Operation not permitted
> ncgen: Not a netCDF id
> (last line repeated 22 times)
> #
> A file x.nc is created, but it is empty.
> I tried ncgen from netcdf-3.5.0-1RH72.i386.rpm
> and the version of 3.5.0 which I compiled myself. 
> Same behavior. I'm doing all this as root
> an have write access to all partitions
> (i.e. "echo asdf > x.nc"  works)

OK, thanks for the very clear explanation of the bug.  We built a
FAT32 partition on one of our Linux platforms and I can exactly
duplicate the problem as you've described.  I'll put it on my list of
bugs to investigate and fix for the next release.  In the meantime,

For now, I've added a description of the problem to our "Known
Problems with the Current Release" page at:


and if we find any workarounds or patches, I'll let you know and also
update the web page entry.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu