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[netCDF #UAA-157619]: install netcdf on MacBook Pro OS 10.5.8 Intel

Hi Nancy,

> I am trying to install netcdf on a MacBook Pro OS 10.5.8, and I'm using
> g95 in bash shell.
> I saw this communication from another user:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/help/MailArchives/netcdf/msg09417.html
> I did the configuration and install like this person did. However,
> when I try to compile a fortran file that has 'include netcdf.inc', with
> this command:
> g95 -fno-second-underscore -O2 -fendian=big -cpp myprog.f
> -I/usr/local/netcdf-4.1.1/include -L/usr/local/> netcdf-4.1.1/lib -lnetcdf 
> -L/usr/lib -lm
> I get these errors:
> "_nf_get_vars_int_", referenced from:
> _U54.575 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U184.881 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U413.1677 in ccG067tQ.o
> "_nf_rename_att_", referenced from:
> _U120.707 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U249.1013 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U482.1815 in ccG067tQ.o
> "_nf_get_var1_int_", referenced from:
> _U27.521 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U160.832 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U395.1641 in ccG067tQ.o
> "_nf_create_", referenced from:
> _U17.501 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U146.803 in ccG067tQ.o
> _U386.1623 in ccG067tQ.o
> (...and lots more of the same...)
> ld: symbol(s) not found
> Any suggestions?

Yes, I don't think you need -fno-second-underscore or -fendian=big or

You installed netcdf-4.11, say "/usr/local".  Then you have some
utility programs in the "/usr/local/bin" directory, such as ncdump,
ncgen, and nc-config.  The nc-config utility will help with linking.
First run "nc-config --all", and you will see something like:

  $ /usr/local/bin/nc-config --all

  This netCDF 4.1.1 has been built with the following features: 

    --cc        -> cc
    --cflags    ->  -I/usr/local/include
    --libs      -> -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lcurl

    --cxx       -> c++
    --has-c++   -> yes

    --fc        -> g95
    --fflags    -> -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include
    --flibs     -> -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lcurl
    --has-f77   -> yes
    --has-f90   -> yes

    --has-dap   -> yes
    --has-nc2   -> yes
    --has-nc4   -> no
    --has-hdf5  -> no
    --has-hdf4  -> no
    --has-szlib -> no

    --prefix    -> /usr/local
    --includedir-> /usr/local/include
    --version   -> netCDF 4.1.1

You want to use the values for --fflags and --flibs (that you could
also get by just running "nc-config --fflags --flibs") when you
compile myprog.f.  For example, with the above output, I would use:

 $ g95 -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include myprog.f -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lcurl -o 

and "myprog" would be the resulting executable program.

Another way to do this without the cutting and pasting would be to use
the nc-config utility directly in the compile command, such as:

 $ g95 `nc-config --fflags` myprog.f `nc-config -fflibs` -o myprog


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UAA-157619
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed