Attached are 5 .nc point files created by me (all use the various
"ragged array (contiguous) representations") and 1 file (epa) created
by the SURA group. All are intended to follow the proposed CF Point
Observations conventions at .
But since this is new to us, we may have made mistakes -- that could
certainly be the source of the problems below. But I see nothing wrong
with the 5 files created by me.
Basically, I couldn't read data from any file except a Point file (not
I'm using a very recent version of netcdf-java 4.2.
(Some) Problems
* For,,, (and
and are analogous), I see the same problem:
I use flatten() to get one PointFeatureCollection
(or the iterator to get each e.g., ProfileFeature, which is a
then I use the internal iterator to get the PointFeatures
and then pointFeature.getData().getMembers to get the members
then getArray to get the data.
But the size of each array varies.
For longitude, latitude, time, rowSize, (station), the size
is the number of (stations).
For all the actual data variables, the size is one.
I would have expected the sizes to all be 1.
* For (for a SectionFeatureCollection)
my code uses layers of iterators, but is roughly similar to
e.g, described above.
* The first problem described above (different sized arrays)
occurs here, too.
* There are no members for the actual data variables.
* member=bottle_posn getDataArray() always returns null!
(For one of the other files, member=altitude getDataArray()
always returns null.)
* The problems with are similar to the
problems with file.
* I never got flatten or subset to work with a dateRange
(even with a huge range, so it should catch all data).
Instead, using dateRange returns a null PointFeatureCollection.
So I always use dateRange=null.
* The JavaDocs say EarthLocation always uses longitude +/-180!
Does that mean that the underlying data always uses longitude +/-180?
Does that mean that when I create files with longitude 0 - 360, that I
should convert to +/-180?
What about trajectories that cross -180?
* For the file,
says "Must have a Station id variable with standard name station_id",
but I think it does.
* There is little guidance in the JavaDocs:
* I couldn't find any complete example for how to read (including
subset) data files. It took a long time to put all the pieces
together, especially since many of the important classes are
just interfaces (and so not referenced in other java docs).
* I open files with
Is that the recommended way?
* My way of going from FeatureCollection to a specific
...Collection interfaces is just to repeated test e.g.,
if (fc instance of ProfileFeatureCollection) {...}
then cast to that interface. Is there a better way?
* Somewhere it says it is imperative that I call
hasNext()/next() to the end (or finish()).
Is that true even if an exception if thrown?
So do I need to use try/catch around everything?
Won't things be garbage collected when they fall out of scope?
* What is efficient?
E.g., when is subset() or flatten() with a latLonRect or
timeRange efficient vs. not?
* Does resetIteration() for the internal iterator need to be
called before initial use of the internal iterators?
(I saw some sample code that showed this.)
I am probably making mistakes (either when creating the files or
reading them). Sorry. But I'm stuck. I can't get anything to work. So
any guidance you can provide is appreciated.
Thank you for looking into this.
P.S. If you have other test files for each of the cdm_data_types, can
you please send them to me since I only have "ragged array
(contiguous) representations" files? I want my code to be able to read
all of the possible representations (e.g., multidimensional, ragged
array (indexed), single, flattened, ...) of all of the feature types.
(E.g., I have no examples of Radial or StationRadial datafiles.)
Since flatten() doesn't work reliably, all of the cases don't just
resolve to a couple of uses of flatten(). I have to write a little
code for each feature type to iterate through various levels down to
PointFeatureCollections. It would be great if flatten (with
latLonRange and dateRange) worked reliably and efficiently.
Thank you very much.
On 2/1/2011 1:10 PM, John Caron wrote:
Hi Bob:
On 1/31/2011 10:26 AM, Bob Simons wrote:
Please ignore my previous email.
If I use
NestedPointFeatureCollection npfc =
PointFeatureCollection pfc = npfc.flatten(latLonRect, dateRange);
A call to pfc.resetIteration() throws
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
StationProfileFeatureCollection does not implement
Why not?
That seems to be the best (only?) way to specify a latLonRect and
dateRange, and I *want* flattened data.
Im not sure why thats failing, it may be the implementation is not
complete or something deeper. Can you send me a sample file?
Perhaps I'm making a mistake.
Just curious (I have to ask, because one time, for other code, the
answer was 'no'), is all of the Point Feature Collection code finished
and ready to be used?
Im thinking the iteration should work the first time through, ie without
calling resetIteration(), just start calling pfc.hasNext() / next() ??
Bob Simons
IT Specialist
Environmental Research Division
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2079
Phone: (831)658-3205
Fax: (831)648-8440
Email: address@hidden
The contents of this message are mine personally and
do not necessarily reflect any position of the
Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
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