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Re: 20000628: conversion of ECMWF to netCDF (fwd)

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Date:    Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:24:35 -0400
From:    Arlindo da Silva <address@hidden>
To:      address@hidden
cc:      address@hidden
Subject: Re: 20000628: conversion of ECMWF to netCDF

> Please,
> Has any one converted an ECMWF (probably history format) output file into
> netcdf

Most likely this is in GRIB format. I have a command line
utility for converting GRIB files to netcdf:


Lats4d is written as a GrADS script. GrADS is freely available


In order to make the GRIB file GrADS redable you need the 
perl script


which creates a simple ASCII control file to assist grads
reading the GRIB file.

  Good Luck,


Arlindo da Silva

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