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[netCDF #YUT-304905]: [netCDF #GXP-330690 ] netcdf error query


> I am trying to get the output of a fortran code i have written, as
> Netcdf files. I have gone throughhte steps as explained in the
> documentation. When I do make i get the follwing type of messages
> Error: Function 'nf90_put_var' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
> I think this is because the path to the netcdf library is not spaefied
> properly. Do you think so. The part of the makefile htat specifies this
> is shown below:
> NCDF_LIB = /geog/home/research/jmcgovern/
> NetCDF/netcdf-4.0.1/lib
> NCDF_INC = /geog/home/research/jmcgovern/NetCDF/netcdf-4.0.1/include
> NCDFL = -lnetcdf
> e1fm:     e1fm.o  e1fm_mods.o                                  #
> target(e11fm): source files(e11fm.o e1fm_mods.o)
> ${FC} -o e1fm e1fm.o e1fm_mods.o  -L${NCDF_LIB} -L${NCDFL} # comm
> %.o: %.F90
> ${FC} -c -g $< #-I${NCDF_INC}  -I${NCDFL}    # -g displays errors
> Can you see anything wrong with the lines above? Are the flags placed
> right?  Any other clues?

The thing that looks wrong/unintended is the '#' mark just before -I${NCDF_INC}
since everything after the first '#' mark will be treated as a comment.  Do
you mean for the rule to be:

%.o: %.F90
${FC} -c -g $< -I${NCDF_INC} -I${NCDFL}    # -g displays errors

FYI: your original and follow-up inquiries were in the queue to be responded
to.  Sending the same inquiry multiple times does not bump up the priority
for response.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YUT-304905
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed