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Re: 19991209: netcdf-3.4: Linux pgf90 ftest segmentation fault


> To: address@hidden
> From: Samir Mehta <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf-3.4 installation problem..
> Organization: Jackson State University
> Keywords: 199912072242.PAA00404 netCDF 3.4 Linux

In the above message, you described a problem with building netCDF 3.4
under Linux using pgf90 as the Fortran compiler.

Dean Williams is having the same problem.  He found some information
from one of our system administrators to be very helpful.  I've enclosed
his email response to us regarding the information (which includes the
original information itself).

I hope this helps.

Steve Emmerson

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Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 00:50:20 +0000
From: "Dean N. Williams" <address@hidden>
Organization: PCMDI
To: Sandy Whitesel <address@hidden>
CC: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>, address@hidden,
Subject: Re: 19991207: "make nf_test/test" failure: Red Hat Linux 6.1: fort77

Hi Sandy and Steve:

    Thanks for the help! I finally got two-thirds of the problem
    working. That is, I can compile netCDF with g77 and fort77 on Red
    Hat Linux 6.1. I am now currently working on getting it to work with
    pgf90. Because of the below message, I now have a clearer picture of
    what the problem might be.

    I'll keep you posted on the pgf90 progress.

    Thanks again for your help.

Best Regards,

P.S. "I used the later versions of f2c and fort77. (i.e.,
f2c-19990728-1.src.rpm and fort77-1.18-2.src.rpm)"

> i might be able to clear up some evident confusion here.
> firstly, we (unidata) have a couple linux systems: two (including
> sunshine.unidata.ucar.edu which the uname was run on) are running
> redhat6.1 and one running redhat5.2. all systmes have all the latest
> patches and also the latest linux kernel (2.2.13) installed. kernels
> do not generally affect non-operating system type operations,
> compiling included. redhat6.1 was distributed with kernel version
> 2.2.12-20.
> secondly, and more importantly, although i haven't been privy to this
> conversation, i gather that you, dean, are having trouble compiling a
> program using fort77 and/or pgf90. i don't know anything about pgf90,
> but it appears that you are using a redhat6.1 system that was updated
> from a redhat5.x system, so i have some clues for you concerning
> fort77 and glibc.
> here's the scoop: redhat moved to glibc2.1 with redhat6.x, whereas
> redhat5.x used glibc2.0. there are some strong incompatibilities
> between the two, mostly (that i've heard about) concerning the symbols
> stdin, stderr,...,_IO_stderr,etc. stdin, stderr,...were changed from
> constants to variables, which can cause compiling issues.  _IO_stderr
> is the symbol referring to the constant definition of stderr. there
> is also a linking issue with object files/libraries compiled with
> glibc2.0 headers linked on a glibc2.1 system concerning the _IO_stderr
> symbol. obviously the details here are confusing (to me anyway), so if
> you are dealing with this stuff, then seek them out.
> another interesting tidbit is that redhat did not include the f2c or
> fort77 packages with redhat6.x. so if you have these packages on your
> redhat6.1 system, then they are probably left over from the redhat5.x
> install (or some other install), and thus were compiled using the
> older glibc2.0. this is a problem on your redhat6.x system! to resolve
> these problems here at unidata, i deleted these packages off our
> redhat6.x systems, and recompiled the redhat5.2 source rpms (with no
> modifications) on the 6.x systems. i recommend that you do this also.
> (the specific source package names are fort77-1.14a-4.src.rpm and
> f2c-19970805-3.src.rpm). contact me if you need more detail on the
> procedure; it's not very tricky, and there are a couple shortcuts by
> using rpm -b (or see the man page).
> -sandy
> a sysadmin at unidata

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