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[netCDF #NCK-918929]: Minor updates to your "Software for
- Subject: [netCDF #NCK-918929]: Minor updates to your "Software for
- Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 13:37:33 -0700
Hi Mary,
> Dennis Shea was on the page:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/utilities.html
> and saw some items under the NCL description that should be updated.
> When you have a chance, can you update the following (and there's no
> rush on this):
> 1. Change:
> It allows different datasets of different formats (netCDF, HDF4,
> HDF4-EOS, and GRIB-1)
> to include GRIB-2 and netCDF4 classic.
> 2. Change:
> Included with the software are "ncl_convert2nc" for converting
> GRIB files to netCDF files, and "ncl_filedump" which will dump the
> contents of a file format that NCL recognizes (netCDF, GRIB, etc).
> to:
> Included with the software are two command line tools:
> "ncl_convert2nc" for converting GRIB-1/2 or HDF files to netCDF
> files, and "ncl_filedump" which will dump the contents of a file
> format that NCL recognizes (netCDF, GRIB-1/2, HDF, etc).
I updated the page with your modifications. Please let us know the
description is now accurate.
> Thanks!
No worries.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NCK-918929
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed