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Re: [netcdf-porting] avoiding MSC_EXTRA definition

dennis neal <address@hidden> writes:

> Ed:
> Yes, I ran the configure script. I discovered that the easiest way
> to get the dictionary file was to run configure, then move config.h
> and the libsrc *.c files into the cxx directory. That contains then
> all files needed to compile the C++ interface.

What environment are you trying to build in?

> But I dont see where in config.h that the DLL is defined, so that I
> can make sure that it is turned off. I'm not a C programmer, but
> dont see it.

In config.h:

/* set this only when building a DLL under MinGW */
/* #undef DLL_NETCDF */

In netcdf.h:

/* Declaration modifiers for DLL support (MSC et al) */

#if defined(DLL_NETCDF) /* define when library is a DLL */
#  if defined(NC_DLL_EXPORT) /* define when building the library */
#   define MSC_EXTRA __declspec(dllexport)
#  else
#   define MSC_EXTRA __declspec(dllimport)
#  endif
#include <io.h>
#define lseek _lseeki64
#define off_t __int64
#define stat __stat64
#define fstat _fstat64
#define MSC_EXTRA
#endif  /* defined(DLL_NETCDF) */

# define EXTERNL extern MSC_EXTRA

/* When netCDF is built as a DLL, this will export ncerr and
 * ncopts. When it is used as a DLL, it will import them. */
#if defined(DLL_NETCDF)
MSC_EXTRA int ncerr;
MSC_EXTRA int ncopts;

> I need the V2 interface for AIA ANDI, so I must have it. I see some
> V2 stuff buried in the EXTERNL stuff, so dont want to just erase
> from MSC_EXTRA on down.
> The netcdf.so for ROOT can be created and loaded, but then when
> trying to load a C or C++ file to test it, the ROOT interpreter
> warns of the undefined MSC_EXTRA and stops.
> I need to know how to make sure that all MSC_EXTRA and EXTERNL
> things are not compiled.

In non-DLL builds, MSC_EXTRA is defined to nothing, and EXTERNL to

Good luck.

Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden