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[netCDF #RWO-462242]: query: netcdf- installation with parallel support


You will need to install parallel-netcdf after installing netcdf-, not 
before.  NetCDF will look for parallel-netcdf when you configure it.   For 
reference, parallel-netcdf (pnetcdf) is not maintained here at Unidata, but is 
rather a product jointly developed by Northwestern University and Argonne 
National Laboratory. 

In regards to the Intel MPI compilers; I understand that they work with netCDF, 
but we do not have the capabilities to test against them, so I cannot say for 

I hope this helps,


> Dear Support
> I am trying to compile netcdf- library with parallel support for
> RegCM- I have some queries regarding this-
> 1. Do I need to configure the parallel-netcdf (from source:
> parallel-netcdf-1.6.1.tar.gz) library prior to the installation of the same
> ?
> 2. I have compilers wrapped in Intel MPI as mpiicc, mpiicpc, mpiifort
> installed in /opt/intel/impi/ ; so does it support the
> compilation of netcdf or I have to install the OpenMPI or MPICH libraries
> separately in order to use MPICC for pnetcdf and other dependencies(or
> any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks in anticipation
> Dhirendra
> --
> ========================================
> Dhirendra Kumar
> School of Environmental Sciences, JNU
> New Delhi (India)
> Contact: +91 9910778043
> Alternate email: address@hidden
> =========================================

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RWO-462242
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed