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961009: install questions

Yun He,

>Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 16:54:45 -0400 
>From: address@hidden (Yun He)
>Organization: University of Delaware
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: Re: : 961009: install questions 
>Keywords: 199610091657.AA29515

In the above message you wrote:

> Yes, now I find out the /man /lib /include and /bin directories generated 
> by installing.  I do find a library netcdf file there.
> And I have put the path in my .cshrc file again. 
> but just compile a simplest code has problem: 
>       integer NCID
>       ncid=NCOPN('9211.01-15surf_kav.cdf', NCNOWRIT, RCODE)
>       stop
>       end
> {argo:141}f77 -I/home1/yunhe/netcdf-2.4.3/include readcdf.f
> readcdf.f:
>  MAIN:
> Undefined                     first referenced
>  symbol                           in file
> ncopn_                              readcdf.o
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out

You need to reference the netCDF library on your link-line, e.g.

    f77 -I/home1/yunhe/netcdf-2.4.3/include readcdf.f 
-L/home1/yunhe/netcdf-2.4.3/lib -lnetcdf 

See the manual pages for your f77(1) and ld(1) utilities for more

> and if I add a first line: include 'nercdf.inc', still says:
> "readcdf.f", line 1: Cannot open file netcdf.inc 

I don't understand this error.  If you give the f77(1) utility the
option that references the netCDF include directory, and if the file
`netcdf.inc' is in that directory, they the compiler should find it.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>