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20010510: netcdf error -31
- Subject: 20010510: netcdf error -31
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 15:20:50 -0600
Xiaohong Xu,
For backward compatiblity reasons, the netCDF 2.4 error number of -31
could indicate either a problem with the underlying operating system
or that too many netCDF files are open. I suggest that you check the
system error code when you obtain the netCDF error.
Steve Emmerson <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>
> To: address@hidden
> From: Xiaohong Xu <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf error
> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> Keywords: 200105101836.f4AIaAp08380
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I ran into a netcdf I/O error lately when outputing results(fortran).
> There are 4 output files, each opened at begining of the simulation, then
> at the end of each hour, output data to these 4 data files. The largest one
> is for concentration, the dimension is 78x78x21x99. The other three files
> are much smaller in dimension. At the end of 42 hour, the simulation would
> crash when writing to the concentration file. The error code is -31, and
> according to netcdf.inc, have too many netcdf files open. I did some test
> to rule out the problem of the model itself. My calculation suggested that
> by the time the error occured, the models has called wrvars (NCVPT)more
> than 4100 times. I checked a few variables in netcdf.inc and list them below:
> nf-share = 2048
> nclink=32768
> MAXNCOP = 32, max. number of files
> However I don't know where to check the meaning of there variable.
> Can you help me on the possible reason of the problem and how to fix it,
> please. The related log file lines are listed for your reference too,
> >>> WARNING in subroutine WRVARS <<<
> Error writing variable NO2 to file CTM_CONC_1
> netCDF error number -31
> IOAPI file ID 4
> netCDF ID 7
> variable 2
> dims array 1 1 1 43 0
> delts array 78 78 21 1 0
> Error writing NO2 to CTM_CONC_1 for 2000164:180000
> Thanks a lot.
> Xiaohong Xu
> 734 936-0517 (phone)
> 734 764-5137 (fax)
> University of Michigan
> 1214 Space Research Bld.
> 2455 Hayward
> Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143
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