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Re: netCDF version 3.0

Hi Mark,

> When we met last fall, you told us about your plans for netCDF version 3.0.
> The objectives included implementation of transparent data packing,large
> data sets, etc.  As I recall, the work was to be performed by a visiting
> scientist in 1996.  Do you have an update on what will be included in v.3
> and the schedule? Has anything changed since we last talked?  Also, you had
> a briefing on your netCDF plans on the Web. You gave us hardcopies of some
> of the slides, but I was unsuccessful in accessing it over the net. Could
> you send me the URL for that?

The visiting scientist is Harvey Davies, from CSIRO in Australia, and he's
here now working on data packing and other changes for netCDF 3.0.  He's
only here for another six months or so, which means we should have a netCDF
3.0 for release in August.

I'm trying to get the User's Guide revisions for netCDF 2.4 finished, so I
can make that release available with the bug fixes and optimizations it
includes.  I hope to be able to announce it by the end of the week.

The current plans are accessible at


Making the slides from the talk on plans available via the web didn't work
out very well, because for that presentation the fonts had to be tuned to
the presentation, and it turns out they don't work very well with web
browsers on other platforms.  However if you still want to look at them,
they're at:




Russ Rew                                           UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                              http://www.unidata.ucar.edu