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20030120: Download CDF libraries for Windows

>From: "Ruts Marcel" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Flemish Institute for Technological Research
>Keywords: 200301200811.h0K8B4x06337 netCDF Win32 FTP


>We can not download the pre-built netCDF 3.5.0 libraries for Win32
>systems and the 'Win32 readme.txt' file.
>We try to do this via :
>We receive the following message :
>HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) session was
>terminated. The connection was closed because of either a possible
>attempted security violation or a time out on the remote server.
>Can you help us.?

This appears to be a problem on a proxy server at your site.  I checked
the read permissions on the files that you are attempting to access,
and they permit FTP.  I then logged onto a machine at the University
of Virginia, and FTPed the files to it using anonymous FTP with
no problems.

If the problem was a timeout, please try again at a time when the
networks are less busy.  If you still have a problem, please try the
FTP from another machine at your site, preferably using FTP directly,
not using your web browser.

>Greetings ;
>Marcel Ruts
>VITO : Flemish Institute for Technological Research
>TAP   : Centre for Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Processes
>Boeretang 200 - B-2400 Mol - Belgium
>Tel: ++ 32 14 33 6842
>Fax ++ 32 14 32 2795
>Email: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>=20

Tom Yoksas