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Re: quick mystery to sleuth

> From: address@hidden (Steve Hankin)
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 15:51:19 -0700
> To: Russ Rew <address@hidden>
> Subject: Re: quick mystery to sleuth


> Thanks for the very quick response.
> Yes, that was me there at Unidata 2 or 3 weeks ago. I bumped into Dave
> Fulker in the hall and after chatting with him (he gave me a short
> description of some cool work you are doing that sounded like Java
> bytecode embedded into NetCDF files so that they have "intelligence"!)
> I asked the way to your office.

Yes, and that work currently references your (co-authored) AMS-97 paper
"Improving Web Access to Gridded Data: Java Tools for Climate Data
Servers" and makes use of John Callahan's MapApplet with a simple new
MapTool subclass I wrote for demo purposes.  Ultimately I need to ask
one of you guys why I can't seem to get it to scale up to a larger size;
it has something to do with the image being loaded in a separate thread
and making sure the thread completes with a MediaTracker, but I don't
remember the details ...

> P.S. Am I likely to see incompatibilities arising trying to read new
> (version 3+) NetCDF files with software linked with older NetCDF
> libraries?

No, the file format hasn't changed.  And your old software should work
fine with our backward compatibility interface, but you need to
recompile old applications with the new header files, not merely
relink them against the new libraries ...
