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19981214: Re: netcdf-3.5a configure fails under Linux 2.1.130


>Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 14:51:28 -0100 (GMT+1)
>From: Juergen Rose <address@hidden>
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 19981209: netcdf-3.5a configure fails under Linux 2.1.130
>Keywords: 199812090935.CAA04426

In the above message, you wrote:

> 1. I made the two changes in the configure script.
> 2. I made "make distclean". There was no config.cache.
> 3. I set the environment variables to the indicated values.
> tiger:/usr/src_remote/Libs/netcdf-3.5a/src(22)#echo CC=$CC CFLAGS=$CFLAGS
> CC=/usr/bin/gcc CFLAGS=-g
> tiger:/usr/src_remote/Libs/netcdf-3.5a/src(23)#echo FC=$FC
> FC=/usr/bin/g77 CPPFLAGS=-Df2cFortran
> tiger:/usr/src_remote/Libs/netcdf-3.5a/src(24)#echo CXX=$CXX
> CXX=/usr/bin/g++ FFLAGS=-g -Wno-globals
> 4. I excecuted the configure script.
> 5. tiger:/usr/src_remote/Libs/netcdf-3.5a/src(19)#/usr/bin/gcc -o conftest
> -g -Df2cFortran  conftest.c
> [1]+  Done                    emacs -i -geometry 81x61 -font 7x14 -name
> `basename $*` $*
> tiger:/usr/src_remote/Libs/netcdf-3.5a/src(20)#file conftest
> conftest: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, dynamically
> linked, not stripped
> That means there was no output from /usr/bin/gcc -o conftest -g
> -Df2cFortran  conftest.c
> 6. The files configure.log config.log conftest.c are in the attachment
>       config_results.tgz
> 7. If I execute "./conftest", I get
>       Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> I think this is a problem of the current version of my egcs or my runtime
> environment. I just realized, that I can compile several linux kernel and
> they are working, but the compiled hello_world.c gives me also
> Segmentation fault, when I execute it.

I suspect that when you fix your development environment so that you are
able to compile and execute C and Fortran code that you will be able to
build the netCDF package.

Remember to do a "make distclean" first.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>