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[Support #IWD-747852]: Software to Analyze NLDN data

Hi Waylon,

> With respect to the original format of my NLDN data, I do not know.


> I am
> familar with the site you indicated below that has a listing of various
> software that inputs netCDF formatted data files, and I will peruse the
> list again.

I am confident that one of the packages listed can list/plot the NLDN
data you have so you can do your comparison.

> In the interim however, assuming that I can convert my data
> into a format recognized by GEMPAK,

GEMPAK does not have a utility to convert netCDF-formatted NLDN data to
GEMPAK point format, so you would have to write your own converter.

> what GEMPAK command-line (linux
> compatible) software/scripts will allow me to (1) input both the NLDN
> data file and the latitude/longitude values defining a box in horizontal
> space,

GEMPAK does not have a utility that would read the data when in netCDF
format.  It does have a routine, dcnldn, that is used to convert the
IDD-transmitted NLDN text bulletins into GEMPAK point format.

> and (2) output the lightning data (if any) only within that box?

After the data is in GEMPAK point format files, you would use sfmap to plot
the values and sflist to list the values.

> Are you aware of software that will convert netCDF-formatted data to a
> format recognized by the GEMPAK-related NLDN scripts that you provide
> support for?

No, sorry.  We never had a need for this since the Unidata community gets
its NLDN data in the IDD as text bulletins.  GEMPAK (from Unidata) includes
a decoder that converts these text bulletins into a GEMPAK point file.

One other option you might want to investigate is posting these questions
to the address@hidden email list that we maintain.  Please note
that you must first subscribe to this list before you will be allowed to
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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IWD-747852
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed