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Re: 19990901: output to other graphics formats

>To: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
>From: "Sherrington, Ryan" <address@hidden>
>Subject: output to other graphics formats
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199909011955.NAA22415

Hi Ryan,

> Do you know if anyone has released a program that'll output netcdf data to
> an animation file, such as an avi, mpeg, or quicktime?

There's a program named PAVE that reads netCDF data and outputs MPEG
files, but I don't know much about what, if any, restrictions there
are on the input data:


Another package, Plot Plus, reads netCDF data and creates MPEG files
of animations:


There may be others, but I don't know about them ...

It may also be fairly easy to generate a sequence of image files with
some of the netCDF visualization packages and use a separate utility
to convert the image files into MPEG, Quicktime, or AVI form with
separate utilities that come with those packages.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu