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971204: build problems on Cray T90: can't find Fortran compiler


> From: Curtis Williams <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf on the CRAY T90
> Organization: San Diego Supercomputer Center
> Keywords: 199712040119.SAA07244 netCDF 3.3.1 Cray T90

In the above message, you wrote:

> Hello i'm having problems building netcdf on a cray T90.  The problems
> begin and end with the fortran compilation steps.  The cc and CC portion
> build fine, but I get a can not find FORTRAN compiler error when I KNOW
> there is a fortran compiler.  I've tried everything.  What is it in the
> configure file for netcdf 3.3.1 that needs to be changed so that it will
> recognize the f90 compiler on the T90.
> Thanks for your assistance
> - -- 
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>  Curtis Williams, B.S.E.E.
>  HPC Consultant                       (619) 822-0017 (voice)
>  San Diego Supercomputer Center         (619) 534-5117 (fax)
>  P.O. Box 85608                         address@hidden
>  San Diego, CA 92186-5608             http://www.sdsc.edu/~cdub
>  ____________________________________________________________________

For the configure script to find and use the user-defined Fortran
compiler, all that needs to be done is to set the environment variable FC
to the pathname (relative or absolute) of the compiler, e.g.

    FC=f90 export FC
    ./configure >configure.log 2>&1

The above assumes that "f90" can be found somewhere in your PATH;
otherwise, an absolute pathname for the compiler can be used.

I note, however, that some Cray systems use a "modules" technology: the
user has to "load" things like a development environment module (usually
in their shell initialization file) before the relevant compilers can
be found.  Perhaps this is your problem.  If so, then I can't be of much
help to you because I rarely use Crays.  I think your best bet would be
to consult your system administrator.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>