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Re: netCDF for Win32

> Since you guys obviously did a lot of work on netCDF, I've thrown away my
> old 2.x code kludged for Windows 3.x and restarted anew, rather than
> attempting a 32 port of obsolete code.
> I have downloaded the sources for netCDF 3.3.1, applied the MAKS.ZIP
> patch for Win32, and started rebuilding the code.
> It's working quite well, with the following exceptions, that I have not
> seen documented on the netCDF Web site (Did I miss it?)
> 1)  Most (if not all) of the MSOFT.MAK make files have the same minor
> typo:
> LIB = ..\libsrc:LIB  should be LIB = ..\libsrc;LIB   (semicolon instead
> of colon)

Thanks for reporting this. I'll fix it.
I must have had an environment setup where it doesn't matter.
(I use mks toolkit, and it translates a lot of unix'isms automatically.)

> 2)  NCGEN can't be built because NCGENTAB,C refers to VALUES.H, which
> does not exist in MSVC 5.0 - as far as I can see. I removed the reference
> to values.h in NCGENTAB.C and it seems to compile and work just fine, so
> may be I don't need it at all ?  What do you think ?

I seem to remember running into this at one point as well.
It may have slipped my mind since ncgentab.c is machine generated, and
I may have generated it on another system.
