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Re: VisAD to netCDF CF

Don Murray wrote:
> Okay, I figured out that I have to call write.  Why are all the
> write methods based on the variable name instead of:
> write(Variable, Array)

probably no good reason

> Also, for the write method:
> public void write(java.lang.String varName,
>                   int[] origin,
>                   Array values)
> if I have:
> T(time, z, y, x)
> and I'm looping over time to write out the data, would my
> origins be:
> {0,0,0,0}
> {1,0,0,0}
> {2,0,0,0}
> ....
> {ntime, 0,0,0}
> for ntime times?

yes. Your values array must have shape (1, nz, ny, nx). If you need to, you can
reshape with
array.reshape(). But better to declare it that way.

> Thanks.
> Don
> Don Murray wrote:
>> John-
>> I've been working on the VisAD grids to netCDF CF, but
>> I can't seem to write out the values.  Here's what
>> I'm doing:
>> Create a NetcdfFileWriteable:
>>         NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile =
>> NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(filename,false);
>> Add the dimensions, coordinate variables and data variables.
>> Call:
>>         ncfile.create();
>> Fill in the values with:
>> v.setCachedData(Array, false)
>> for each coordinate and data variable.
>> Call ncfile.finish();
>> However, when I do a dump on the file, all the values are 0.
>> What am I missing?
>> Don
>> *************************************************************
>> Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
>> address@hidden                        P.O. Box 3000
>> (303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/donm
>> *************************************************************