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[netCDF #STM-642199]: problem with netcdf fortran library


If I'm reading this correctly, the issues resolve when you turn off the dap 
tests.  This is to be expected with such an old version of libnetcdf.  Is there 
a corresponding libnetcdf.so file generated which you need to link against?  
Typically, `libnetcdff.so` is the fortran interface, and `libnetcdf.so` is the 
core C library.   Try adding '-lnetcdf' and see if this resolves the linker 
error being reported.



> Hi,    I have compiled netcdf-4.1.3 from source with the OPENMPI compiler 
> (v.3.0.0,which compiled by Intel compiler v15.0.1). Command to compile 
> netcdf:CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 F77=mpif77 
> CPPFLAGS+="-I/vol/home/sundifu14/local/packages_parallel/include -DgFortran" 
> LDFLAGS+=-L/vol/home/sundifu14/local/packages_parallel/lib 
> ./configure--prefix=/vol/home/sundifu14/local/packages_parallel 
> --enable-pnetcdf --disable-dap-remote-testsThe reason why I use -DgFortran is 
> if I don't use it, then I will come across the problem same with 
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/help/MailArchives/netcdf/msg11622.htmland
>  use --disable-dap-remote-tests to solve the problem mentioned in 
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/help/MailArchives/netcdf/msg12979.htmland
>  --enable-pnetcdf to enable parallel I/O which I need.Then make&make 
> check&make install all goes well.then I compiled a program using netcdf 
> library, 'esmf_lib', 'netcdf_lib', 'roms', 'wrf'are all defined correctly in 
> a shell, command is a l
 ittle complex, but most of the options are not related to my problem:mpif90 
-threads -L${esmf_lib} -L${netcdf_lib} -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -g -o ccpl.exe 
esmf_coupling_param.o roms_swan.o ${roms}/Build/mct_coupler_params.o 
${roms}/Build/ocean_control.o ${roms}/Build/ocean_coupler.o 
${roms}/Build/propregator.o ${roms}/Build/roms_export.o 
${roms}/Build/roms_import.o coupled.o wrf.o -lesmf -ldl -lnsl -lutil -limf 
-lsvml -lm -lipgo -ldecimal -liomp5 -lcilkrts -lstdc++ -lgcc_s -lgcc -lirc 
-lpthread -lgcc_s -lgcc -lirc_s -lrt -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias -fp-model 
precise -FR -convert big_endian -ip ${wrf}/main/module_wrf_top.o libwrflib.a 
${wrf}/external/io_int/libwrfio_int.a -L${wrf}/external/esmf_time_f90 
-lesmf_time ${wrf}/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lit.a 
${wrf}/frame/module_internal_header_util.o ${wrf}/frame/pack_utils.o 
kinds_mod.o constants.o ioun
 its.o netcdf.o grids.o timers.o remap_vars.o remap_read.o remap.o 
-L${wrf}/external/io_netcdf -lwrfio_nf -L${wrf}/external/io_pnetcdf -g -check 
uninit -ftrapuv -traceback -Vaxlib libNLM.a libMODS.a libNLM_bio.a libANA.a 
${libSWAN} -L${mct}/lib -lmct -lmpeuthe compiling goes correctly but when I run 
it, my program breaks with the following error: ./ccpl.exe: symbol lookup 
undefined symbol: ncopts    I checked the library libnetcdff.so and the symbol 
"ncopts" is undefined  (I also checked another account which can run it 
correctly on our cluster, "ncopts" in libnetcdff.so is also undefined, but 
didn't report this error).    I have tried to rebuild the netcdf libraries 
without any error -- still cannot run.    Is there any workaround?  Thank you 
in advance.
> ---------- Sun Difu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: STM-642199
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
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