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960422: NetCDF build under OpenVMS6.1


> To: address@hidden
> From: Steve Penton <address@hidden>
> Subject: VMS_compile_problem
> Organization: .
> Keywords: 199604192334.AA13327

In the above message you wrote:

>       I am  trying to compile netCDF 2.4.1 on OpenVMS6.1 with the following 
> problem in the xdr directory:
> @makevms.com
>     mode_t umask(mode_t __old_mask);
> ...........^
> %CC-E-DECLARATION, Invalid declaration.
> at line number 256 in module STDLIB of text library 
>         Any ideas on what the problem could be ?  Thanks.
>                                 Steve Penton (address@hidden)

I don't know why the above is happening.  It doesn't occur on the
OpenVMS 6.2 system to which I have access.  I note, however, that the
text library has a `DECC' prefix.  This might indicate that you're using
the `CC/DEC' compiler rather than the `CC/VAX' compiler.  If you change
the `makevms.com' file to use the later compiler explicitly, then do you
still get the problem?

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>